Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts


Fusang Streets

After leaving the park behind, Suzuka managed to slow down just somewhat so she wouldn't kill Mana simply by walking. Overall, this morning was a total success as far as she counted it. No dumb weird servant so far, and a pretty legit normal day for highschool girls. She was totally looking forward to the Karaoke session too.

"Hey hey Master," Suzuka cheerfully grinned, turning to face Mana. "You're totes gonna love what I got planned. We can do soooo many fun things! I know a totes kickass Karaoke place." So many girl talking topics they could totes do! She just needed to get Mana out to it. "What sorta music you like anyways?"



The rest of the week for her had passed more or less the same as it always did. Studies, occasionally eating out and well, dealing with Castor and Pollux. The twins were quite...difficult at times. Especially Castor, but at least they had yet to drag her out of the house again so she could focus on her studies. Really, such troublesome heroic spirits. She wondered if she'd be better off dealing with someone like Yuriko had-

Charlotte let a long drawn out sigh escape her lips as she folded the fabric.

"Maybe some...violet? White?"

Maybe some fresh air would do her good. Ever since Yuriko had shown her around, she had found herself increasingly distracted. Not by her, but she had started becoming more aware of just how much she spent studying or just hanging around her own home. Well, not that she was overly bothered by it, but perhaps getting out could help with her creative process a bit, especially regarding her dresses.

"Pollux, just...hypothetically speaking, what do you think would look good on Castor?" She made a number of purchases thanks to Yuriko, and damn it if she wasn't going to use it.
~Claire Blackwood~


Zeal rushed towards the Steelix, punching and deflecting the rocks from the Steelix, but it was futile. With a mighty leap forwards, the Monferno pulled his fist back, putting as much force into it as he could. The blow connected with a loud, metallic clang as the Steelix was blasted backwards, crashing through computers and other tech as it was summarily knocked out.

"MOOOOON!~" Zeal, beat his chest with his fists before smirking in the direction of the Gyarados, already eager for more despite how much of a bad idea that would have been.

"Wahaahah! Get rekt noob!" Claire gave a victorious fist pump. Now that's what Teamwork can do! "Ahahah, man that was almost as fun as fighting Hector's Conkeldurr-eh? Her victory rant was cut short however, Ralia suddenly decided to congregate around her, all of her clones forming a little pyramid of Ralia's behind her. Was she...scared? Or wary? Claire cast a glance over her shoulder.

One of the big bads probably.

"Yeah yeah, that's right get good and then come back for round two! I'll beat ya even harder then!" Still, she couldn't deny that was an absolutely fun battle! Had too keep up appearances, too. Didn't wanna get cold feet in front of someone that could probably make her life incredibly miserable. As Cathia left, Ralia's clones dissipated, the small Ralts still hanging around on her shoulder while her other pokemon gave victorious cries and returned to their trainer.

Monferno leaped back towards her, a fiery high give between the pokemon and trainer. Laurel did a little victory jump, while Lure just hovered passively next to Tez, glad to have that whole thing over with with neither showing much in the way of emotion. Pip...proceeded to tackle Claire right in the stomach.

"Weh!? Chikorita? You evolved? Wahahaah!" Pip proceeded to snuggle, lick, and otherwise just generally behave like an overexcited puppy as Claire returned with headpats and a bear hug of her own. "Easy, easy girl...!" She laughed, soon managing to push the larger pokemon off her. As much as she liked taking a victory lap or two, now wasn't quite the time. Claire Turned to face the person who abruptly interrupted their battle. Might have even been for the best.

"...talk about serious Villainess Ohojousama vibes..." She muttered, rubbing the back of her neck. Should she use her real name here? Wait no, if she was a spy she totally needed a super awesome alias...actually, wait no, that might be suspicious in and of itself. Wait she was taking too long to respond here.

"Ahah, sorry, just uh, thinking. The names Claire. Hottest newest trainer in Isson, guarantee." She flashed a smug grin towards Isabella, though forgot she was still wearing the mask. "Price, huh..." She might as well play it safe. "Since I doubt a date with you is on the table," She responded jokingly with a light shrug. "Wasn't really looking for one. Battling someone fun like that is about as much of a payment I need."


Indeed, though it was less reckless courage and more of a will to survive, really. Whatever got them already proved hiding was likely to be ineffective if it could just pluck them out. So the only thing left was to grin, bear it, and bluff her hand if she could. Thankfully, though, it seemed as though their perilous trek would be coming to an end. And Lo and behold, Wu was waiting for them at the entrance.

"WU!" Zasada laughed brightly upon seeing the other operative. As soon as he walked over to give her a slap on the shoulder, her grin widened and gave him a light pat on the chest. "Exciting a word for it, haahah! Glad to see you didn't bite it, maybe the little birdie will stop crying, heheh!" She chuckled, offering a grin to Ibon, though turned her attention back towards the situation as she joined the others in Riventor.

The hostile glares of the inhabitants were not lost on her, though she did mostly ignore them. No reason to get in a tizzy about that just yet. Being suspicious of outsiders was something that was more or less human nature as far as she cared. She was, however, curious as to why Ibon mentioned something about a smell. She hadn't smelled anything whatsoever.

Odd. Judging from everyone elses' reactions, she was the only one who was unaffected.

While the others continued to attempt interacting with others, she kept her mouth shut and eyes on her surroundings, looking for any signs of danger. Eventually they reached someone willing to talk. Which, was honestly, suspicious in and of itself. In a town full of strangers unwilling to speak with them, then why was this one okay with it? Hm, perhaps she was just being suspicious.

"Privet, friend." Zasada replied with a grin. "We are simply some humble researchers from the Haynek Institute. Crash landed thanks to some bad weather and some of our operators missing." She kept her hands in her pockets as she spoke. "Mhm, and if I might inquire, my comrades here seem to smell something most foul! You wouldn't happen to know what that is would you?"

I'll get a post up here in the next day or two
Team Nippon
@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@Crimson Paladin

The Stone giant continued to scan for the trio, stomping around the open field, yet careful to avoid the black stone slabs that littered the place. It seemed to treat them almost with some sort of caution, or was it reverence? Either way, it was obviously avoiding them as much as it possibly could.

Suddenly, it however, stopped, eyes fixated in the direction that tower Novak had seen...and started barreling towards it. As soon as it got close, they could faintly make out the blue cloaked creature that had been climbing it, leap off, landing right on the things head before pushing off and leaping off the tower somewhere to the right.

The guardian turned, giving immediate chase, though it didn’t seem to go further than the tower, waving its sword in mild seeming frustration. Still, it left the area towards the Gatehouse free of its watch for the moment.

The Roma Mob

As they gathered their bearings, the three decided on different actions. Nicholas would find his search to take a few minutes. If there were fragments of those stones laying around, they were likely buried under the light snow, yet after a few moments of looking he’d find himself unfortunately falling short. Just when he was about to give up, however, he’d find something back towards the entrance of the door.

It was a black stone, but slightly different from the stone monuments. Where they were smooth, they were dull and felt very much like stone. This one however, was shiny and smooth, almost like touching glass. It was flat, roughly shaped like a diamond with a hole carved into the top of it and an odd letter carved into its surface. It was of the same letterings on the monuments, its smooth and flowing shapes chiseled into the surface perfectly.

It didn’t seem remarkable or like there was some otherworldly energy about it, but he felt oddly safe holding this in his hand.

Augusta made her way to the stone slab. As far as she could tell, the designs were all man made. The smooth, swirling patterns likely had just been for decoration...right? There didn’t seem much to them initially. As her hands traced over the patterns, she’d eventually notice more markings. Newer, carved over the old, but still ultimately foreign even if they seemed deliberate and intentional.

At first, nothing seemed to happen - nothing physical at least. As her fingers traced across the stone something she’d feel a faint ‘pull’ to the stone itself. Sort of like a piece of metal latching into a weak magnet...no, that wasn’t right. Rather it felt like it was pulling something inside of her towards it. A gentle tug, and if she happened to look, the swirling patterns on the stone were starting to fill with a blue colored radiance. She could still break off, if she wanted.

Isidore would content himself with vandalism. The pommel of the sword struck the stone, the thing cracking and taking only a few hits to break a piece off. As it fell from the large stone, the stone itself seemed to ‘spark’ from where it had broken off, as though blue colored electricity leaked from it alongside a thin blue gaseous substance.

With the stone in hand, it felt the same energy as it had when it was part of a whole, but far weaker. He’d need to actively touch it and feel for it.

Isidore would turn the corner just in time to see the massive stone giant Nobunaga, Novak, and Misaki saw bolt towards the tower. In fact he could see the three of them in the building across the plains and the same gatehouse not too far away from them.

Perhaps this could be both of their chances to get to it without much effort?

Team feet pics
@Cu Chulainn@Crusader Lord@Click This@Guy0fV4lor

Narkissa would find the tome fairly helpful in regarding what exactly ‘magic’ was. According to the book itself, ‘magic’ used to be a gift from the Gods in a previous Age in order to fight demons. It was only given to a select few people at birth and those often went on to become great heroes. However, when those gods vanished so too did ‘Magic’. In return it seemed by some trick of fate, that all humans now, with a bit of training, could form some mastery of magic by drawing out some form of inner strength based on their ‘soul’.

The tome explained that like a muscle, one could train to extend their will outwards from their body in order to create a supernatural phenomena. It said that most would take years of training to be able to begin even simple tasks, or a very powerful tutor to unlock such abilities for them yet Narkissa recalled that the Goddess had given them a head start in that regard. Perhaps she could attempt a small feat herself?

It further explained that it didn’t have to be used for outward purposes, either. If directed inwards, one could temporarily increase physical abilities and physical toughness.

That was unfortunately, all the time she had to read for now before she closed the book and engaged her fellow adventurers, but the next few pages likely went into more detail about how one could achieve optimal use.

The ramp Donovan had been working on was completed! The spectral workers easily finishing their task without issue. Using the spears to make legs for the ramp and sliding it snugly into place. As they finished that, Donovan himself began investigating the walls of the room, looking for any sort of secrets it might hold.

The wall itself didn’t seem to hold anything of note, no wires or electrical equipment. Perhaps the lack of them was interesting in and of itself, but alas, no, there were no secrets to be had in the walls of the place as far as Donovan could tell.

Leannah’s ears would flick towards one of the left wall of the building. It seemed like...something was making a small scratching noise very briefly outside, shortly followed by the ground shifting as whatever was making the ground shake moved closer.

The Lonely Pixie


So Alice left the room behind, exiting via the window. Immediately once outside, she could breathe a sigh of relief. Taking a moment to rest upon the small ledge of the window, she breathed in, allowing fresh, clean, crisp air to fill her lungs as she looked over the landscape before her.

A field, stained white with snow and littered with black stone rubble in the form of outlines of what could only have once been more buildings. From her vantage point she could almost see everything that wasn’t above her height or back towards the way the others had gone. In front of her was another large, rectangular building of at least three stories, with a steeple near the front that had fallen onto the ground in front of the building. The door of it hung open, gently swaying in the wind.

To her left, the ground gently sloped upwards until it reached a point, the cliff falling off into the oceans below. From where she stood she could see several stone structures - not made of the black stone that littered the area. They seemed to have been made from something like granite, or marble but it was difficult to tell from this distance. The only one made of that large black stone, was absolutely massive, easily dwarfing the others and was situated nearly at the very edge of the cliff. Perhaps she should investigate? It almost reminded her of stonehenge.

To her right was the same open field...huh? It too, visibly ended in a cliff. Actually...come to think of it, if she looked in either direction it seemed they were surrounded by cliffs. Towards the back of the building in front of her, the ground gave way to the watery tomb below as well.

Oddly, the book she was carrying was starting to feel somewhat warm.

A flash of blue would catch her attention as something ran across the field towards the larger building. She couldn’t get a good look at it - it was moving far too fast to have been a normal human. Yet, she could make out a distinctive feature upon its face.

A skull.

It was wearing a human skull on the upper part of its face...it was probably a mask, right? Its made a nimble leap upwards, climbing up the wall somehow before settling on the third floor, apparently deciding it was going to stop there and merely observe the inside of it for a moment.
@Lucius Cypher

Now that was a terrible roll

11, but as you said with the Silver Tongue ability we treat any roll of nine or lower as a ten, so that should be an 18.

unless I did a math wrong somewhere.
"That she is, sir Ranger." Lei said, tipping her hat to Gilgan. "Don't you worry sir, I'll have your daughter back...mostly safe and unharmed." She flashed a grin before taking off after Fera.

Ah, Paladros. Never she saw a more debauched den of scum and villainy. She had visited almost every gambling hall in the city, except for the most obscure or restricted by now. She had half a mind to take her time and simply play around a bit, but she doubted her teammates would appreciate that. The place after that, though? Lei pursed her lips. She didn't want to get involved, even if she had some connection to this place. Having grown up here before the troupe had taken her in...

She ignored the orphans for now, and didn't react much when they stumbled on men fighting over a pair of boots. She did however, flash a playful smile to people offering a good time. Not that they were probably legit, and doing so would probably get her in more than a little trouble, but she could play along if only a bit.

"Let me handle the talking, friend." Lei said with a smile and a thumbs up to the ranger. "And keep an eye on our Fera for me, hm?"

"Yes, my friend, we are indeed tourists! And I have to say someone looks like they've had a good time." She walked up to him, offering him a playful smirk. Ranger was right, of course. He was likely an informant of some sort, but as drunk as he was they could use that to their advantage. "A good time we may want to get in on. The sort of good times we can only get in this sort of place, if you catch my drift. And ya see," Lei wrapped an arm around the Orc, pulling out the chip and running it through her fingers. "I got a particular place in mind. I got a friend, who suggested a very particular place. Specifically, the place thats got this chip. I've been all over Paladros already and can't seem to find which upstanding drow establishment it belongs too. See, the spider is just a little to the left."
@Lucius Cypher
23 on that roll friendo



This has turned into a difficult situation.

Zasada sat upright, eyes wide as Ibon clung to her First something had snatched the unconscious operator from them, Rex had just vanished with Blizzard, walking off into nowhere and she had seemingly just...dropped without even noticing it. Originum arts messing with her head? Then who or what was the source? Or was she simply going crazy, here? Haaa, no, she was sane, probably more than most.

She barely registered Ibon pulling her to her feet.

"...Right, lets get going then." She said, taking the lead and grabbing Ibons' hand. With her other, she reached into her jacket. A small device with a bunch of wires and a small button on the side. A small, improvised IED. If there was one thing she disliked, it was having mind games played on her, and whatever or whoever this was seemed like they wanted to.


Next time she got a chance she was going to see how much it liked to have its face blown off. She hoped Riventor was indeed, a safe area. With whatever was going on in these woods it was making her think it might not be, but she couldn't bring that up to Ibon now of all times.

"I dunno what's going on, my little avian friend, but when we get to Riventor, we'll get a nice warm drink and maybe tell stories about how we escaped some big bad monster by relying on our wits, hm?"
Aighto I shall be getting a posty up tomorrow
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