Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Kaeru & Nyoko

"...nothing here but a little girl." Kaeru responded with a frown. Oh, this didn't sound good. She didn't like this. Maybe it was her feline instincts acting up now but something was causing the fur on her tail to stand on end. While she didn't think this girl was a demon at least, there was a good chance the demon maybe was -

Kaeru's eyes narrowed just slightly.

Did something...move? In the back of the girls tanktop? Well, she'd thank Nyoko for her feline eyes later.

"Weeeelll, if there's not a demon here that means we can all go home and call it a day and we can take a cat-nap?" She'd offer everyone an impish grin. "Maybe the girl can come with us? I need a new galpal to go shopping with. Her tanktop does look a little raggedy~"
Byjerlfal City, Camphor’s lab

@XxFellsingxX@Savo@Thayr@Pyromania99 @Crimson Flame@Theyra@Bartimaeus@VitaVitaAR@Crusader Lord

“Aha, seems like a handful…” Camphor responded with a mild bit of a tired sounding sigh before turning her attention to the others present. “I’m glad to see your partners are well taken care of, so while the others are getting to know theirs let me say a few things.” The small woman would take a moment to swipe a mug of coffee that Frieda had somehow managed to pull out of somewhere.

“I’ll be frank…once you guys leave here, I don’t care if you actually pursue the whole assistant or habitat discovery stuff.” She’d say, taking a long sip on her coffee. “Ideally you would. You’d get paid and you’d help me out but ultimately since I’ll be tracking all of your pokedex progress and handling your PC boxes between all of you I’ll likely get enough data so no pressure. Just do what you want.”

As Aster clamored up the tree, she could get a pretty good vantage point over most of the habitat. She could see a snivy, for example, fleeing from Richard.

Habitat Forest

Heading away from the rest of the group and into the habitat proper, Richard would find himself passing through a small grassy area and towards the Habitats south western end towards a the habitats forest. It seemed at least any other pokemon had been cleared out or ushered somewhere else. Had this place not been in a lab, the eerie quietness of the lack of any pokemon or cries would likely be a bit unsettling.

However, it’d also make finding his partner a bit easier.

Following the small cries of a pokemon he’d eventually find his way deeper into the forest, a bit of a secluded area away from everywhere else. Strangely though, as he got closer it fell silent, and all he could hear was something quietly, hurriedly moving away towards a nearby tree...that had a Snivy's tail just barely poking out from the other side of it. A half eaten berry had been discarded not far away.

It seemed as though the snivy was avoiding him...so what did Richard do?
Llobrokor Mountains

“Move!” Elnith shouted, sprinting out of the beasts immediate area as its body slammed onto the ground in front of it. A blade of light slammed into the side of the beast as it fell, leaving only a comparatively small cut in its hide. Fios blades, too, sunk into the underside of its flesh, but even so - The problem with such a large beast, is that perhaps while it didn’t have the best in terms of offensive power…is that killing it would still be quite the feat. The sheer size of it alone meant that small cuts basically proved almost entirely ineffective against it.

It slammed into the ground, kicking up dust and debris, completely unfazed by the assault from the three of them.

“Tch, that thing ain’t right!” Cecil shouted, having managed to scramble on top of one of the watchtowers the bandits had constructed when no one was looking. “Got it though, boss, its eyes are gonna be out! Just need an angle!”

Even as she spoke, the beast was already rearing back up, but instead of slamming itself back down, smoke billowed from its nostrils as its gullet engorged itself, heat building until it opened its maw, a plume of fire spewing from its maw and coating the area in fire.

They were all going to get burned at this rate, a wave of heat flowing over them and threatening to catch all of them in its wake if they didn’t have some sort of shield.

Elnith, on the other hand, didn’t seem fazed and merely ran towards the creature. A blood red flash of her blade as she grasped it in both hands, swinging it towards the creature. Space warped under its head, a large gash spewed blood from the wound.

Harzel Plains
@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise

The tail thrashed, lashing out. Branches from Luana’s spear breaking slowly losing the resistance she was giving them to its cursed claws. On its side, it could only do so much. Thrash and cry and growl as Ethelred approached, and then -

A sharp shriek as the lanced pierced the creatures skull.

It didn’t immediately die, thrashing harder and of all things, laughing as Ethelreds ice slowly started to work its way across the creature's head, but it noticeably slowed its thrashing. Even its cursed claws couldn’t seem to completely negate the ice from Ethelred, until ice had completely encased the dragons head.

“Hmph.” Before anyone could say anything else, Lonan approached, holding his blade high in the air, bringing it down on the dragon's neck, right above its chest. A clean cut right through it. “No chances with this thing.” He’d say simply, before holding a hand out to Luana. “You injured, Luana?”
~Claire Blackwood~


Honestly, she still wasn't sure how to process all of this.

On one hand, she had just found a Team Amethyst base, making them objectively the bad guys that she should be beating up. On the other hand, she had just been offered a prime opportunity for...sleuthing. Information gathering. She frowned, accepting the card and mulling over her options. Ooh, wait, she was like some undercover noir novel, and Isabella was the dangerous blond that she was getting involved with.

Yeah okay that made this a whole lot more fun sounding.

"Mammoth Squad, Steppingstone Street, ask for Onyx. Not sure how telling a pokemon about you is going to be helpful but sure." She pocketed the card, Ralia trying her best not to let her subtle fear of this woman get the better of her, clinging tightly to Claire's shoulder. She didn't have any more questions for now. She just needed to keep a level head and get out of here. She returned all her pokemon to their pokeballs before turning towards the Lass that brought her here. "Hey don't look so uncertain." Claire smiled, walking over and giving her a winning grin. "Now that I'll be part of your operations, everything will go a hundred percent smoothly."
Havershel Estate

@Click This@AzureKnight

“She’s having to fight her way through some lesser demons! ETA Is one Minute!” Viatrix responded over the coms. “The Clemantis is heading there full speed as well! A full complement of maids and Leoniya and I will be on sight in roughly ten!”

The explosion charged in her pistols was weaker than likely intended, but the ensuing blaze was enough to cause Camio to take a swift leap backwards, and give Lucrecia a small bit of distance, the two of them now standing on either side of the room. One of Camio’s wings flicked off some embers, and it seemed for the most part now, his visage had stopped changing.

He was easily standing at least eight feet tall now on a comparatively lanky body. His shoes had been ripped to shreds, avian talons replacing his legs, while similar claws now served as his hands. His body and torso were still very much human, though his hair had been replaced with a long mane of steel feathers similar to the ones that made up his wings and a now apparent tail.

“WEAK.” A deep, chirping laugh. “Is that the best you can do maid! You’re not making this any fun! You’re metal weapons are useless! And your magic is that of a childs, my SON could do better!” He charged towards Lucrecia again, closing the distance swiftly but instead of using the blade, one of his wings made a sharp cutting motion towards her, slicing through every piece of furniture cleanly in its way and aiming for her neck.

“You there, stand back!” Something, though, would catch Polina’s attention. It was the two members of the church from earlier. Cassandre and Madeline. Cassandre, of which, was carrying an unconscious boy in her arms. “We have a rough understanding of the situation, Madeline-”

Madeline didn’t wait for permission, already charging towards Camio with her halberd, the blessed aiming for the demons wing.

“Merde…I do wish she’d listen sometimes…ah...you are Lady Fiore's guest. Please, get to safety this is no place for you.”


“Eh? Lizzy you can’t just-weh!” Lyssa barely managed to take a few steps back out of the explosion range, ending up falling and holding onto Eliz’s leg as the time-distortion warped the area in front of them…and then the floor just fell. Fell into rubble and pieces as the intersection of time collapsed in the present, sending it to the floor.

Some of Katherine’s dolls ended up peeking over the edge of the sinkhole...and one promptly shoved the other in, earning it to flip the other one off as it fell to the ground, hitting the ground with a little 'squee' noise.

Below, the floor had collapsed, filling the hallway below with rubble. It seemed the floor below led to a stairway.

“Jeez, Liz.” Lyssa said, still holding onto Eliz’ leg…one of her hands definitely holding onto the demons butt. “I’m jealous. If I did something like that I’d get in suuuper trouble, eheheh~” Before Liz could really respond to where Lyssa’s hand definitely was groping, there was the sound of something crashing through the roof, slamming into the rubble below and causing the floor to further collapse. Lyssa’s eyes lit up instantly.

“Wah! My gauntlets!” Lyssa shouted, bounding down the hole and grabbing them. “Well…I can’t say these are strictly better than crepes…she could have sent some too…” The maid grumbled, suiting up and locking the implements of fisticuffs around her arms. “Buuuut I do love beating the absolute shit out of things, so…eheheh. It’ll do~! Come on move your cute soft butt Liz we gotta go!”

Without letting the demon have a rebuttal, Lyssa sped happily down the hallway

And soon the group would find themselves standing in what was an ostentatious art gallery. A number of displays had been knocked over, along with…the possessed lady of the house standing in front of a small display, off to the side.

Upon noticing them, she swiftly turned. A blade in her hand swiftly moved to her neck.

“Ah-ah. Another step forward and I kill this woman.” The demon sneered. An idol that seemed similar to the fodder demons they had fought were in her hand. “How about instead…we talk for a bit.”
I'll do a thing tomorrow
Byjerlfal City, Camphor’s lab, Habitat

@XxFellsingxX@Savo@PKMNB0Y@Thayr@Pyromania99 @Crimson Flame@Theyra@Bartimaeus@VitaVitaAR@Crusader Lord

“Ugh, really, Guinea pigs? Well if that’s what you think perhaps you are one.” The woman with the Sprigatito replied to Ripley, clicking her tongue in a mild statement of derision as Sprigtatito would suddenly find itself being accosted by Aster. The feline pokemon mewled lightly before quickly turning around and batting Aster in the face with one of its paws. “H-hey! Get your filthy mit off Verdue!”

Before Aster could retaliate the woman picked up the pokemon, apparently named Verdue, and put it in her lap.

“Wow, there’s a lot of unfriendly folks here, huh.” The second apparent trainer offered the group a somewhat perplexed smile. “Don’t mind her, she’s your typical Rossaden bougie snob.”

“Bougie snob that graduated top of her class at Rossaden Academy thank you very much, Mr. Forde.”

“Remi. Please.” The young man patted the Cottonee as he’d give everyone a friendly wave. “As you heard, I’m Remi. The mean one over there is Laurel, and the sleeping one is Nevine. Don’t worry about her uh, she’s-”

“-awake…” The dark skinned woman yawned, stretching having been woken from her nap by the commotion. “Nevine. You guys…are loud.” The Slakoth napping on top of her head seemed much in agreement, offering a yawn and a slow, languid wave towards everyone.

“Ahaha, and there ya have it. Anyways, we’re three trainers hired by Camphor ourselves. Due to let's say some…administrative pressure we got here and started early, but she insisted we at least meet everyone else before we leave.”

Before anyone else had much of a chance to greet or speak though, the set of doors behind the receptionist desk would slide open, and a very disheveled looking woman that couldn’t be taller than five feet walked out. Her Lab coat was hanging half off one of her shoulders, and her short red hair had been tied up in a loose, messy fashion.

“Alright, good everyone is here. I was starting to wonder if I was wasting my time.”

“Uhm, everyone, Professor Camphor. Professor Camphor, everyone.”

“Yeah yeah, I’ve already seen the applications. I’m a busy woman and don’t have time to play around…” A small pause. “...that said, it is good to finally meet you all in person. Come on, we don’t have all day. And don’t wander off or you’ll have to deal with Nix.”

Pix, chuckled atop Frieda’s head.

“Pix no seeing them getting beaten up would not be funny!”

“Imp.” The impdimp apparently refuted.

“...it would be kind of funny.”

“Professor, this is why he’s a troublemaker!”

“Follow me. Our first stop is the habitat. I’ve got all of your partners there. You other three wait there. I’ve something for everyone once we’re done.” Ignoring Frieda’s protests, Camphor simply started walking, leading the group back beyond the reception area and into the lab proper it seemed.

They’d immediately be met with a hallway that split off into two directions. Emblazoned on the wall in giant red letter was a big ‘Floor G. Next to that, a small sign read ‘Bio labs’, ‘Chemical Labs’, and ‘Generator/Storage’ was to the left. The Habitats, Simulation Room, and a Server room were to the right, the direction they were heading in. They'd pass an elevator that led underground somewhere, though it didn't say what facilities were below ground level.

“If anyone has any questions on the way there now’s the time. I won’t be answering them later.” Camphor gruffly replied, and regardless of any would be answered or not they’d be led down a series of hallways, past various labs. This place was much bigger than it looked on the outside, it seemed - but eventually they would see why. They’d soon come to what seemed to be some sort of observation deck.

And looking on within was a large, open green-house like area, though calling it a simple greenhouse was a disservice. It was more like a massive, indoor garden complete with trees. A large pond with a sandy beach, mock rivers, and even a small rocky area.

“Welcome to the Habitat.” Camphor said, pulling everyone into an elevator. “We use it to see how different pokemon adapt to different environments in real time and we have, well, an easy enough time making variations to it if we need to. Helps gather hands-on data the simulator doesn’t quite let us. Now, that aside…there’s something I’d like you all to do here.” She’d say, as the open elevator reached the bottom of the habitat. “Those of you that don’t have your partner already…well, they’re in here. Go find them.”

Frieda would hand everyone a pokeball.

“Don’t worry, they’re all fairly friendly, but I figured you’d all like to catch them properly yourselves. Frieda will help if you need it. Those of you who already have a pokemon,” She turned to Camilia. “Color me curious…but I want to see them. If you all don’t mind showing me?”
Harzel Plains
@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise

The trap sprung.

Lonan rode past, under the spiked block of ice.

The beast followed, either unaware or uncaring as it barreled right for Lonan.

Ice cracked and smashed, the sound of bones cracking as the drake was impaled on the block of ice, along with getting solidly knocked back just as Luana fell from the trees and impaled its neck on her spear. Tangled growths began growing around it in an effort to immobilize as it was knocked to the ground.


The beast was solidly immobilized, Lonan hopping off his steed, Ethelreds shield still in hand.

“You’ll be happy to know it helped.” He said with a nod towards the frozen knight, slowly approaching the downed drake Luana was still on top of. “Careful, Luana! It might have some other trick up its sleeve! Watch its tail!”

The flexible, long tail raised, whipping around and aiming to knock the durid off of the beast as it struggled to get free of the earthen bindings. Even with a gaping hole in its neck, it did not seem as though it was slowing down.
Havershel Estate

@Click This@AzureKnight

Unfortunately for Polina, red was all Camio was seeing now.

Her words fell on deaf ears as the demon lord’s vision was filled with nothing but fury as he beelined for Lucrecia.

The maid was barely able to avoid the lunge, the edge of his blade missing her neck by inches, a deep, guttural almost chirping like noise came from him in turn, his body continuing to lose more and more its human guise as more and more rage overcame the demon lord as he turned just in time to see the mattress being kicked towards him. Yet, just as before it proved to be nothing more than a distraction as it would be sliced in half - but not by his blade this time.


He screeched, as from his back now extended a set of two wings made of distinctly metallic feathers with more sprouting across his body just as the ball of fire was lobbed towards him, yet this time he made no effort to avoid, taking the blow and powering through, a clawed hand that was now as big as Lucrecia’s head, reaching to grab her.

“-Bzzzt. Viatrix to ground team, Viatrix to ground team. We’re bringing in the Clemantis! We’ll be there to provide backup and assistance soon! Lady Fiore has finished securing and dealing with the exhibition hall! She’ll be heading there soon!”


The squishy amphibious looking demons were little match for the maids. The dolls made their formation, a little doll that had a small commander hat would raise its hand and signal - waving its arm forward as the dolls firearms would loose a barrage of bullets towards the demons. The creatures though, were for the most part seemingly undeterred by it, the bullets ripping through their apparently gelatinous insides, their viscous clear blood pooling on the ground under them as they advanced…only for Eliz to take advantage of the brief stalling.

It was simple for her, really.

Rip and tear, until they were shredded into pieces. It was an odd sight, then, that Lyssa was only a few places over. She didn’t have her gauntlets but she still seemed just fine engaging in fisticuffs.

“Ehehe, aw man you guys are slooow~” The pink haired, blood spattered maid laughed, grabbing one of the creatures by the fronds on its face, proceeding to slam it into the floor and ripping it out of its face, earning a shriek before she slammed her foot onto its neck and proceeded to repeatedly slam its skull into the ground.

It was short work for the maids.

“-Bzzt! This is Bernadette.” The maids would be greeted by Bernadette’s sleepy voice, Viatrix complaining in the background about having the comms taken. “The Clemantis’ sensors are detecting something underground…a spike in magical activity. It's likely where our target is.”

“Thank you Detty.” There was a small huff as the comms were taken back from Bernadette. “If these scans are correct then there is likely a tunnel or vault under you. Oh and Lyssa, you may want to be prepared for a present.”

“Present…? Is it a mountain of crepes?“

"Fufu, even better, I think. You three will be on your own for a bit, so do your best!"
Lets see how well Svarok's throwing arm and spear-throwing skills are I reckon.
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