Alright here she be. Wrote everything on mobile so lemme know if I made a mistake anywheres.
Alright here she be. Wrote everything on mobile so lemme know if I made a mistake anywheres.
- Name:
Colleen Kurian - Age:
25 - Gender:
Female - Race: Medusa
- Appearance:
Clocking in at a five foot eleven, Colleen is not a small woman. Long, sturdy legs on a toned and athletic body. Her flawless, unblemished skin evokes a supernatural beauty (according to herself) and her bright, serpentine eyes are a vibrant coral color. As for her garments, well, it seems as though whatever caused this reincarnation has decided to give her some new ones since her old ones would be rather ill fitting and got soiled in the accident.
A long white tunic along wkth a strap holding it up at the waist with a fashionable red bow. Long black thigh highs adorn her legs while comfy looking shoes that look ill suited to any strenuous work. A long shoulder length glove adorns her right arm, and a simple glove and wrist bangles adorn her left. Ignore the fact it lacks underwear.
Oh, and her hair has been turned into a wiggling mass of Coral snakes. She has mixed feelings on this due to being mildly terrified of snakes in her past life. - Personality:
Colleen has been a go getter since the day she was born, and still is even now. Dying in a plane crash seems to have only motivated her to try even harder at everything and to carry on as she had been. Her successes in life have given her quite an arrogant and egotistical view of herself. Not to say she isn't friendly and can't get along with others. Working in a team for sports is something one learns, but at the same time one must remember she is the most important member. - History:
Colleen was born to a rather poor family in the American north west. Early life was nothing notable, save for one thing - an intense desire to get out of poverty and a love of stories and fairy tales, novels, and other things where people pushed their bodies to the limits, attaining superhuman feats. In school, she worked hard. She pulled herself up by the bootstraps and made excellent, flawless grades in her schooling. Alongside this, she'd become a track star and an avid practitioner of Taekwondo, becoming increasingly enthralled with the sport and martial art.
Her life until the crash went rather simply then. Athleticism carried her through college, getting a scholar ship and attaining a black belt at the age of 20 and 1st Dan at 24. It was only a year after this, where she'd step on a plane that fateful day, on her way to a competition... - Level: 1
- Stats:
- STR: 3
- DEX: 1
- MAG: 1
- DEF: 2
- RES: 1
- AGI: 3
- LCK: 1
- Skills:
- Skill Name: Mystic Veins
- Skill Description:
- Other: Anything else of note? Put it here.