Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

Okay I know Natty is here @Theyra, @DocTachyon and @King Kindred you still with us? I've been busy with work but I'm determined to keep you PD guys going and getting you to the bank.
I was thinking about contacting them, but the ECU is just kinda overloaded with interactions right now, trying to maintain the war, plus the convo with the Aurigans, plus the diplomatic meeting with the Zetans/Xandies, plus the first contact with the Matuvistans, plus the brewing internal conflicts I'm tryna squeeze in- it's a lot. But the Lorne seem cool. So I'll see if I can send over a diplomat whenever I next post

If you do play Stellaris again, (and you haven't played it since before the new update) don't skimp on the envoys. You need them to get anything done diplomatically now. The "Diplomatic Corps" civic is quickly becoming a new favorite.

Can always do a quick hello
Anyone else wanna meet some Miner Bois/Girls/Drones?

I'm probably gonna get something up Monday but if anyone wants Interaction I can do this before, nightshift solutions y'all.

Luke nodded at Captain Tagrate. "Your discretion, if you feel like you may reach a visual range then it is probably best you remove any markings. While you've been sent here by Leia, this mission hasn't exactly been sanctioned by the Galactic Alliance, but the fact that Master Bridgers Lightsaber has been found in First Order space and no Master Bridger... It's raising some concerns within Ranger Command and the Jedi Council."

Luke turned his attention to Alastrina "We've had nothing else reported to us, there could be signs but the Separatist Agent didn't want to dig too deep at risk of exposing themselves to the First Order."

He then turned to Percival "What little environmental data we have seems to indicate it's more of an arctic world, it has an incredibly slow rotation. The 'Day' appears to be stormy weather but, mostly arctic." The holo map came up again.

"Master Bridgers lightsaber was found here-" A dot was highlighted on the map. "-It appears to be a mostly mountainous region. From what we've been told there have been high levels of First Order activity in the area, but that mostly seems to be finished by this point. Still, there's the possibility of patrols in the area."

Luke pulled out a data chip from the table and handed it to the Captain. "This will have all the relevant information you need. I don't need to remind you that time is of the essence."


One droid went down as a blaster bolt struck it in the chest, Snoata hit another one in the head leaving them with only one droid standing. It kept pushing towards them, and he could hear more footsteps coming from outside the room. Gal'Tek signalled to the door that they had initially come into the room from. "Back out the back door. Quickly. Get me to your ship, and get me off-world."

Two more droids burst through the door, joined by an actual ranger wearing full armour. A stun grenade bounced over the desk but he grabbed it and threw it back over, it exploded in the thin air and Gal'Teks skin tingled with the edges of the effect.

The ranger spoke up. "Stop! You're under arrest for espionage! Come quietly or we'll put you down."
I love it. Haven't played Stellaris in ages, thus makes me want to install it again :)

I play it on console mostly. I miss the old PC version which was much simpler 😂
Well, we dead?

@DragonofTheWest if you have nothing to add to the briefing let me know and I'll just power through it with @Forsythe


The Assassin dropped into orbit from hyperspace, and she immediately went dark. The sensors on the ageing control room, X-Wings and Patrol Boats defending the planet unable to detect it. On the bridge officers of the first order went about their duty stations with silent efficiency. On the bridge, Commander Treer looked through the data that was being handed to him about the asset. He had been an Imperial spy back during its reign, and since its fall he took on work for the Bounty Hunting Guild. After the First Order was formed from the ashes of the Empire, and Daala movement, he had become an important intelligence asset to the First Order on the movements off Alliance Operatives in this sector of space ever since.

Sadly this was all coming to an end. Intel reported that he was about to be taken down, and hard, by a group of rangers. So their job was to extract him first. With as minimal collateral damage as possible, to prevent an all-out war. "Deploy the dropship to the capital city. Have them land as close to the asset as possible, and get him back on the ship."

Gal'Tak entered his office followed by the Wookiee. He was about to turn towards Snoata to offer him his payment when suddenly a door along the far wall opened. Three Ranger Droids stood in the doorway. Gal'Tak drew two blasters that were on his hip, firing towards the droids as he took cover. They raised their weapons, firing stun blasts into the room.

Groaning he raised the gun to the temple of the bounty, letting loose a blast killing him instantly. He then turned to Snoata. "I'll pay your bounty, and triple it if you get me out of here. Now."

The Meeting Place // Sol System

The Endurance docked without much trouble. Streaming in straight for the dock that was sent to them, slowing to a halt. The airlock adjusting and sealing with a hiss as it equalised the pressure to the station. A tall woman stood straightening her suit. Using a nearby panel to check her reflection she saw a stray hair out of place and neatly tucked it back into where it should be. While everyone on the Ring reserved the rights to go into any career path they chose, since their people had left to Delta-4, Mackenzies family had always been in Human Resources. Her father had been an aide to the previous CEO for many years before his death, she was the chosen representative and she was going to do her job professionally, and properly.

She lifted her tablet up from her hip and into view. Probably considering herself halfway through the process of 'Meeting new people, and establishing a timeline on events since the Gateway closed'. After that on the agenda was gauging interest on new contracts, and discovering rightful claim to Delta-4 and all the infrastructure that went with it. If what the Commander had relayed was accurate, and this was a station built by several different societies then establishing rightful claim could prove difficult.

Still. It was her job and she'd see it through.

Rolling her eyes as she heard the metallic thunk in the corridor behind her. She feigned a smile as five marines and their handler approached. "I thought I had told the Commander that I didn't need an escort."

The handlers helmet opened revealing his face. He looked like fun, from the blank expression he was wielding. "With all due respect Ma'am, the Commander has the capacity to overrule you in matters to ship security. Leaving you un-attended would compromise our security, which means we're going with you."

"Well. Let me do the talking then."

"I'd have it no other way Ma'am." With that, his helmet sealed up again. Mackenzie sighed as she turned back around to face the airlock as it opened.

Now they just had to wait for their host.
The Warren // Habitat 2-A // The Ring

Once upon a time, this pub had stunk of sweat and dirt. Now, people were no longer required to do their own manual labour. Instead, it just stunk of piss and vomit. Huddled in the corner of a room a group of friends of various ages, genders and backgrounds sat. Their pints sat untouched, the liquid approaching room temperature. In the same as every other crevice of the room, all people wanted to talk about was the gateway. [I]"I hear that there are apparently dozens of gateways that have re-opened. The probe sent to it apparently connected with it, whether by design or by accident it interfaces with our technology perfectly. Probably some piece of obscure code left over from the old days."

"Have the board sent anyone through it yet?"

The original speaker shook his head. "No. Though the Endurance is set to depart-" the man turned his head down to his watch "-within the hour."

An old woman who was sitting with them spoke up. "Then our job is finally done here."

"What do you mean old-timer?"

"Our people came here to do a job, and we've done it. Now people can come through the gateway, inhabit the planet and we can move on. Move elsewhere and do new jobs, and build new projects. If the gateways are truly open that's a wealth of opportunity for us."

"Why would you want to leave?"

She chuckled slightly. "Oh you young ones, you often forget where we come from. They used to call us Spacers back on Earth, my grandfather told me the stories. We travelled through the solar system in great convoys, we constructed facilities in the belt and on various moons and planets. Yet we've been stuck here for the last three hundred years. We'll have room to grow, and too prosper."

"I feel like we would have been better if the gateway had never reopened."

"Don't be foolish. You've read history books, about how revolution, famine and war used to be a staple of humanity. Why do you think we don't have that here? Everyone has a purpose and we all get what we need when we need it. This is becoming harder for the Ring to provide though, no. New places to go means more opportunities. This can only be a good thing for us."

The Endurance // The Gateway // Sol System

The ships hull groaned slightly as it settled back into real space at the other side of the gateway. All Commander McCrorie was concerned about was that if the myth was true that the gateway had some temporal properties, then there was every possibility he would never see his family again. All around him the command centre was a buzz of activity as people moved between stations, it wasn't as well organised as it should have been. Then again until recently, this ship had been left adrift in a graveyard with its sisters. With the reactivation of the gateways, the Board felt it safer to bring the ships they had back online, rather than wait for something new to be constructed.

The process had been mostly successful, even now drones scoured the hails repairing wiring but all the essential systems were fully operational and at the end of the day, that was the important thing. Even if he had little idea how to command a military vessel.

He spun around trying to remember what officer was the communications officer. The layout was all different than that which he was used to, with additional stations compared to the freighter he had worked on for thirty years. This wasn't as exciting as he thought it would have been when he applied. Giving up he just spoke up. "Communications. Broadcast on all frequencies."

"Ready for broadcast sir."

He nodded. "This is the Lorne Administration vessel Endurance. We come peacefully on behalf of the board in the hopes of reconnecting with our lost brothers and sisters, establishing trade and finding the heirs to the world that has been within our charge for three hundred years. We request to send a representative to the leader of the station we are picking up on our scanners so that such a dialogue can be-" he struggled to think of the word. Public speaking was never his thing. "-had. I await your response." He nodded to the officer who had identified themselves as the communications officer. She flashed him a reassuring smile.

Atleast they were all in the same boat.
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