Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

Okay sorry to say this but, I do not think I got it in me to continue. So I am out and good luck with the rp.

Sorry to hear that pal.
Y'all seem to still be going, I've finally had a bit of free time and put together my characters.@Sep Am I safe to assume you are still accepting?

Yeah go for it my friend.


The Arcadius was the pride of the Administration fleet. Over three kilometres long she maintained a fleet of drones ranging from small miners, construction vessels, transports and refineries. It was capable of completing mining operations in atmosphere, orbit or alternatively, it can clear an astroid belt all by itself. It was a recent build, her two sister ships were in production and were planned to be launched within a couple of months. On the command deck, Captain Anders looked over the various consoles below his command station. The men and women that worked aboard his ship worked diligently with purpose, they all had their place and role in the smooth operations and they all understood that. It was a thing of beauty.

Anders turned as he heard the footfall of Aide coming towards him. "Good evening Captain, I have taken logs from all my other Aides aboard and can report that efficiency is 25% over expected levels. I have logged this and sent the report on to the board. They're very happy." The robot gave him the thumbs up.

Which was exactly the moment Anders wished they hadn't insisted on this new A.I. Aide didn't live in any particular body, instead the programming ran from a central computer aboard the ship and he could interface with any system or drone connected to his network. The Aides were simply a way to allow 'him' to interact with the crew in a more human and personal way. Anders didn't mind, a ship with Aide was far better than one without.

"Good, it's always good to show off during our maiden voyage. I mean, have you heard the news from the Gateway? They're saying we might be getting new contracts to journey out of our system. Think of the challenges and this ship is going to be at the front and centre off it all." He chuckled slightly to himself. While this ship was the crown jewel of the fleet, he always just kind of assumed that being given the maiden voyage was the boards' way of giving him one last hoorah before shipping him off to the outer edges of the system to work his way through to retirement. Now it was an opportunity to do so much more, lead the way for his people to see grander things beyond the borders of their system.

Aides central light pinged red for a second just at the same time he noticed the tone in the room shift. "Sir. Drone #456772 has detected something anomalous." Anders walked forwards to the console table in the centre of his podium, a map showed him the ship and its surroundings. Various dots moving around the map, readouts on the ship, drones, refineries and various transports circled around her. One of the drones was pinging red. He highlighted it, flicking through the various camera views it had before he settled on the camera that showed what it was holding in its arms.

"What the hell is that?"


While the Undefeated representative had stayed aboard long enough to allow them to integrate with the systems of the station, Mackenzie had found herself quite perplexed at receiving a communication request from another power. The request to talk wasn't the surprising thing, what was surprising was the decorum, or lack thereof, from the diplomat. That could be forgiven however, everyone had those days, and different people had their different way of doing things.

She once worked with an HR representative who believed that the only good worker dispute mediation was one held in a boxing ring with copious amounts of alcohol, and they had a perfect track record. One of Mackenzies favourite people.

No, the most surprising thing was the nations name. Earth Cultural Union. Surely at this point in time Earth had no culture. They had ran comprehensive scans on the planet after they had docked and there was nothing down there, it was a dead world. Was this ECU the successor state? Did they hold most of the playing cards? The Undefeated made it seem as if they were joint allies in a war.

She sighed, this was only going to get more confusing. Her assistant Jeeves came wheeling into the room, trilling happily. "What have you got for me Jeeves?"

She looked down at her tablet as it pinged, making her smile as she did so. The Captain had approved her request to co-opt the pilot bar for her meeting with the ECU delegate, as well as her request to bring another delegate aboard. Until headquarters had approved construction and completed construction, of a branch here in the meeting place it wasn't exactly possible or comfortable for an Employee to work aboard the station. Sure they could probably withstand and survive the gravity for a period of time, but it would cut things short and it wouldn't be pleasant.

She sent Jeeves to the airlock to receive their visitor, through the makeshift military checkpoint that had been hastily constructed, while she headed to the bar. Doing her best to clean it, and make it look presentable, while she waited for her next guest.

Could never turn down someone who just read upwards of 100 posts.

Yeah I didn't even read anything before my application tbh.

I liked going in blind
@Ever Faithful we've yet to replace our missing member, but due to real life kicking several of us in the derrière we're not going to the waiting list just yet to fill in the space. We'd rather finish this mission and get back into our flow.

The Crusader stood in front of the briefing table. To others looking at him he could easily have been a droid beneath the armour. Only very occasionally did his chest move to show him breathing. He put a datacard into the holotable and, begrudgingly, a hologram appeared above the table. Flickering slightly.

“This is the planet Lola Sayu. It has been a prison that’s changed galactic hands almost as many times as Coruscant. It once again lies within Separatist space and there’s something buried beneath the surface of the planet that I need to recover in order to reclaim Mandalore, and build it into the strong nation it used to be. Before the New Mandalorians, or Death Watch. True Mandalore.”[/color]

Tamara Hycin gave a curious nod, motioning towards the projection. ”Getting you into Separatist Space… getting you here, even. That’s something we can do. We’re independent enough that getting you there isn’t going to cause an intergalactic incident. The thing is…”

One of the assembled foremen, a human scavenger, chuckled as he pointed towards the planet. “You want to bring a star destroyer to dig around in some dirt. That sounds like a great plan.”

Crusader turned to the scavenger. “Well I heard you people were scavengers and understood how to find and extract valuable material. Under battle conditions no less. If your reputation is merely an exaggeration then I can take the business of the First Order elsewhere.”[/color]

Jax Andarin stood with his arms folded, observing the holographic display of the planet with a stern expression. ”What is it you’re looking to dig up? And why is it valuable enough you’re expecting resistance to us hauling it?” He turned his gaze towards the Mandalorian. ”And, to address the Acklay in the room… Are we expecting a droid garrison or a Ranger fleet to try and stop us?”

Crusader turned to Jax. “What is my business, as is how valuable it is.” He tapped a few keys and the hologram shifted to the orbit of the planet. “The Separatists have been using it as a prison again, officially it’s for their most hardened criminals. Unofficially they’re using it as a black site for their special operation branches. We can expect to encounter one Providence, and two Munificents in orbit. We’ll have assistance when we get there.”

Tamara Hycin gave a look towards one of the flight officers standing next to her, who immediately stood more upright as he was being addressed. She whispered a few words to him, and he rushed out of the briefing area. ”The entire fleet will be prepared to assist, in the event there are any unnecessary complications. The last thing we want is our backs exposed if the Separatists catch wind of our salvage job.”

Jax shook his head slightly, eyeing the holographic display carefully as he ran the numbers in the back of his head. ”If we move quickly enough, we can blindside them before they have time to call for help. But if we’re going to be effective in helping, we need to know how big the objective we’re securing is.”

The mandalorian nodded to Tamara. “If you feel that is necessary so be it, though I have faith in this vessel and those already standing by to assist.” Turning his attention back to Jax. “We’re looking for a chamber that’s roughly the same size of a Consular-Class Cruiser, which this vessel has a bay specifically designed for and from what I’ve seen from the schematics this bay also should possess the tractor beam transmitters. Allowing the ship to move into position above the target and then haul the cargo aboard.”

”Should we be expecting heavy anti-air defenses planetside?” Jax’s gaze turned over towards a few pilots who were milling in the back of the small assembly attending this briefing, who gave him a nod in recognition that this too was on their minds.

The map zoomed in on the cracked part of the planet. “Not where we’re going. What we’re looking for is somewhere closer to the planet's centre. Interferes with electronics which makes targeting systems virtually useless. There won’t be any weapons down there capable of tracking a starfighter. Let alone successfully landing a shot on one. No, the Separatists probably don’t even know what we’re looking for is down there. It predates them. Our only issue with them is that they probably wouldn’t let us just walk in and take it.”

Tamara nodded, turning her gaze over those members of the Junkers Union assembled. ”For most of you, you understand your roles and positions. For those of you on salvage jobs, you have two hours to secure and store safely any of your current projects. We will be dumping what we do not need to accommodate this job. I do not need to stress to any of you how vital it is you are on your ‘A’ game, people.” Chief Hycin’s gaze fell on Jax, who gave a smirk and a nod in acknowledgement. ”Shuttles will be leaving in fifteen to take officers to their respective frigates. Be prepared to give those droid-fuckers what they deserve, boys.” A collective murmur and buzz began to fill the briefing room as most of the officers began to break off and relay orders to their subordinates. Tamara and Jax remained stationary, with Tamara turning her gaze back to Crusader. ”The trick will seem to be in identifying the chamber. If targeting systems and scanners are rendered inoperable, I take it you’ll need visual confirmation.”

“I’ll go down and tag the chamber personally. You don’t need to worry about that.”

”Very well. We can keep a shuttle on standby for you, unless you have a more specific transportation request.”

“I will have transportation available already once we arrive insystem. Now, you have a ship to prepare. Don’t allow me to get in your way, make your preparations to get us underway.” Without so much of a second thought, Crusader walked out of the open doors and moved away from the bridge.

As soon as the blast doors closed behind Crusader, Tamara lowered her head and let out a sigh. Jax took a step forward, only to be interrupted by his superior as she raised a finger in his direction. ”I don’t want to hear it.”

Jax shook his head, slowly circling the holotable to stand directly opposite Tamara. ”I’m excited to take down some clankers, Tamara, don’t get me wrong. But this isn’t just a normal contract to take down pirates. We’re making a move against the Separatists directly, and the Alliance is going to declare us pirates… or maybe even terrorists. And I think there are people here who aren’t comfortable with that.”

Tamara slowly lifted her head, her cold eyes meeting Jax’s with a look of quiet rage that almost made the pilot recoil. Her tone was low, and the pacing of her words ever so slow. ”This is my ship, Jax. This is my fleet, and do not make me remind you that I own your ship. I do not know where you got it through your thick skull that this was a democracy. If you don’t like that, you are free to walk away, Andarin. But you will be walking away with nothing.”

She held Jax’s gaze for a moment, before turning her gaze to the exit and leaving the briefing room. Jax stood there for a few minutes in absolute silence, his gaze on the dimmed holo-emitter of the table in front of him. He took a deep breath, and pulled his comlink up to his lips. ”Scavs… I want pre-flight checks and payloads ready within the hour. We’ve got some ships to scrap.”

I thanked a post I co-wrote.

That's the kind of guy I am.
With my schedule being busy, and [@hillans] we got a little bit of drag but... I'm here with my CPR and first aid skills to bring some life back.
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