Ash Holloway

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A
Air went in, air came out. Again. The again. Keep them deep and easy. Don't force it. It was a simple breathing exercise. Ash knew that he was going to have to deal with his feelings about losing someone. He just hated that it was so public here. The concept of privacy was a forgotten thing in this place, though he understood the reason why. They were quarantined, pure and simple. What that meant specifically could vary from organization to organization, but at its heart it meant isolation from a larger group and observation. As a side effect, Ash didn't have a spot he could go to and deal with his emotions away from everyone else. Well, what else was new? For the time being, just keep pushing air in and out. It was times like this that he hoped whomever was taking notes on them would slip on a stray crayon and clip their head on a table end on the way down. He didn't wish anything permanent, mind you, just a blunt reminder that they were still people who had been through a lot. Plus, it might be funny in a dark sort of way.
Being the center of attention was never his thing. This was doubled by the nature of why he was drawing to many stares. Tati actually was of amazing benefit in this matter; who wanted to stare at him when there was a giant, screeching bookcase to draw one's attention? The fact that it was headed in his direction notwithstanding, it seemed quite effective in breaking the overwhelming tension in the air. By the time the ballerina was done, Ash was sitting next to her on the floor, behind a bookcase, discussing the potential merits of building a pillow fort. There was a tense moment as Ash stared up as the bookcase, apparently someone had decided that
then was he best time for a reading selection - but otherwise it was a touching moment that drew a polite nod from Ash and a thankful nudge on his part.
"Thanks, Tati," he said quietly.
"This ain't something I'm getting over immediately. Even though I braced for it." He even managed a dry chuckle, even if it sounded a little forced,
"Wouldn't mind that fort, though."
Thalia Carmichael

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A
Thalia's eyes got a little wider with Tatiana's response about Ash and her cousin. She craned her neck over to give the Captain a glance, the glance turning into a nigh bug-eyed look of consideration. Before anyone noticed (she hoped), Thalia turned her eyes downward, processing the new information. She remembered that, in her agitation with the man's hesitation to speak with her, she made an offhand comment in Spanish about Ash being the kind of guy that her cousin would have "fucked for sport". The fact that he readily understood notwithstanding, Thalia finally realized why the man gave him a very reserved look that still managed to get across the basic message of "
Go to Hell". Maybe she owed him an apology. Or maybe he needed to stop being a dick about the whole thing and answer a few basic questions, seeing as he obviously knew Alicia well.
Well, like with most of the conversations that she
wanted to have these days, she was just going to have to wait for it. How long could be anyone's guess this time, though. No problem. They had time. And she had a way or two to spend that time, which sure as hell wasn't waiting around. Tatiana had asked if she wanted to practice more or play cards, and she had made her decision. Spoiler alert: It wasn't cards. Getting in as much physical therapy and brutal training was going to be paramount in her getting her shit together and walking out of this place stronger than when she came in.
There was just one tiny hitch - Tati had decided to postpone their training to help out Ash. Oookay... Well, the guy looked like he needed it. Unfortunately, part of that "help" involved a metallic screech that seemed to never end, setting her teeth on edge and causing her to cringe despite a valiant attempt to hang tough. Thalia always did hate loud noises. Until she figured out what she was going to do next, Thalia just kept looking at the home movie featuring the Martin Clan, including her lost friend Thana. It really sucked. Thalia had a hard enough time trusting people, let alone making actual friends. Good friends had a nasty habit of dying. It was not a great thought to get stuck on. Stuff like that might crack you. At that thought, Thalia glanced back at Ash once more before moving out of his line-of-sight. Remove the temptation to stare.
Luck was with her, in more ways than one. Atticus's appearance removed the video from the equation, gave her something to do, promised her a replacement limb, and got her out into the open air. Well, you go Preacher-Boy. She walked optimistically over to Atticus, though did raise an eyebrow at the man packing heat. A shrug and a mental
"Yahwhatevah" later, Thalia called over to Alexander,
"Hells yeah, Mugsy. Let's do this." She was more than ready to get an arm of some kind back. It meant that she could start getting some additional exercise in.
Hank Wright

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A
Hank kept a sharp eye on what was going on in the room, even if he was dead certain that he didn't give too much of an outward appearance of giving a rat's ass about it. There was an interesting sense of camaraderie with a lot of these people; some of it seemed like the ebb and flow of goodwill birthed of familial unity, while at other times a strange, trauma based reaction that looked like it had more in common with PTSD or Stockholm Syndrome, maybe. It was funny what brought people together in times of crisis. Even funnier what odd selection of people that otherwise would ever have looked at each other twice were suddenly all buddy-buddy in the face of common adversity.
Not that he really showed anything to the people around him aside from a derisive grin, especially when the legos made appearance. So it wasn't betting in the traditional sense.
"Yeahp, maybe when we're done, we can build a tower for height, see who won that way, huh?" Well, it was better than nothing. A few people trickled over to the table, including two more of his shaven head buddies from the other group.
"Hey hey, well there ladies... We get a few more of us baldies going over here, we won't have to spring for team shirts. So, what's the game? Five card, Hold'em, Blackjack? We going to pair off and get a Bridge tournament going? Hmm..." He leaned across the table a little, a mildly sarcastic smile playing on his face,
"Any of you ladies ever play '52 Pickup'?" He nodded boyishly, as if to intentionally telegraph a bad joke.
"Real character builder."