I hope this is okay.

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Fayvre Ralourhin
{{ FEMALE || 22 }}
Fay is a typical physical specimen of a Wrelmsman woman. She is tall, slender and fair-skinned, with a long pointed face to match her ears, often described better as handsome than pretty. Her eyes are a dull, dark green, and her hair is blonde, yet cut to shoulder height and kept away from her face with metal clips. She is often seen adorned in a long green tunic, with a hooded cloak around her.
Fayvre’s family was not particularly powerful, influential or important. Her mother was renowned in her city as a healer, and her father was a skilled, respected hunter. They lived in a borough called ‘Wood’s Edge’, located in the outer skirts of the Free City of Rialza. It was an area removed from the bustle of the city’s center, with more of a rustic, village feel despite still being part of the city.
Fay was raised to be a hunter, though, even from a young age, she couldn’t be dissuaded from taking an interest in her mother’s work. She loved the mental aspects of science and medicine. She would act as her mother’s assistant, learning the processes involved, observing her mom diagnose patients and prepare remedies, and soaking up as much knowledge as she could.
She took to Archery rather well, enjoying the practice, the challenge and the focus, and became a good shot from an early age. However, she was no hunter. She hated to kill, she cracked under pressure, her hands shook and turned sweaty. It took her far longer than usual for a Wrelmsman to grow and improve to a stage where she ‘graduated’ in a sense, and became a full-fledged hunter.
Not long after that, however, her life began to unravel, though at the time she did not truly know how far it was going to unravel. Her mother grew sick, and became too weak to be able to treat herself. Fay abandoned her duties as a hunter to her father and took up her mother’s mantle as a healer, hoping to learn by doing. Her experience as an assistant helped her reach close to her mother’s prowess in very little time at all, but unfortunately she could not possess the skill needed to diagnose her mother fast enough to save her mother’s life, and she passed away.
After the funeral, father grew only more insistent that Fay return to hunting and leave science and medicine behind, but Fae had changed somehow. She could not tolerate this. She would fight with her father almost daily, escalating it to screaming on a regular basis. Her young, angry mind devised a scheme, and at first she was vehemently against giving it any credence, but as time went on, she relented.
Over a gradual period of time, she slipped small amounts of poison into her father’s food. He naturally grew sick, whereupon she forcefully reopened the healing business and treated her father, thus hopefully showing him the importance of her medicinal knowledge, and of having a healer in general. But something went wrong. Her father became paralysed from the waist down as a result of the damage the poison did to his body.
Unable to hunt, Fay took on the mantle of hunting, but refused to give up the role of healer. The stress of working both jobs, and the constant guilt seeing her father in the pitiful state she cursed him with, was too much to bear, and without telling a soul, she ran away, shedding her old life and leaving her father to his fate. She moved into the city properly, where her work as a healer was in much higher demand, and there she currently resides.
Fay was raised to be a hunter, though, even from a young age, she couldn’t be dissuaded from taking an interest in her mother’s work. She loved the mental aspects of science and medicine. She would act as her mother’s assistant, learning the processes involved, observing her mom diagnose patients and prepare remedies, and soaking up as much knowledge as she could.
She took to Archery rather well, enjoying the practice, the challenge and the focus, and became a good shot from an early age. However, she was no hunter. She hated to kill, she cracked under pressure, her hands shook and turned sweaty. It took her far longer than usual for a Wrelmsman to grow and improve to a stage where she ‘graduated’ in a sense, and became a full-fledged hunter.
Not long after that, however, her life began to unravel, though at the time she did not truly know how far it was going to unravel. Her mother grew sick, and became too weak to be able to treat herself. Fay abandoned her duties as a hunter to her father and took up her mother’s mantle as a healer, hoping to learn by doing. Her experience as an assistant helped her reach close to her mother’s prowess in very little time at all, but unfortunately she could not possess the skill needed to diagnose her mother fast enough to save her mother’s life, and she passed away.
After the funeral, father grew only more insistent that Fay return to hunting and leave science and medicine behind, but Fae had changed somehow. She could not tolerate this. She would fight with her father almost daily, escalating it to screaming on a regular basis. Her young, angry mind devised a scheme, and at first she was vehemently against giving it any credence, but as time went on, she relented.
Over a gradual period of time, she slipped small amounts of poison into her father’s food. He naturally grew sick, whereupon she forcefully reopened the healing business and treated her father, thus hopefully showing him the importance of her medicinal knowledge, and of having a healer in general. But something went wrong. Her father became paralysed from the waist down as a result of the damage the poison did to his body.
Unable to hunt, Fay took on the mantle of hunting, but refused to give up the role of healer. The stress of working both jobs, and the constant guilt seeing her father in the pitiful state she cursed him with, was too much to bear, and without telling a soul, she ran away, shedding her old life and leaving her father to his fate. She moved into the city properly, where her work as a healer was in much higher demand, and there she currently resides.
-- Medicine
Fay’s training as a healer, and her own knowledge and study, have given her a good understanding and skill at diagnosing a sick man, choosing the right medicine, and creating it from raw ingredients.
-- Archery
Fay has also been well trained in the art of archery, and has grown to be a markswoman to be respected, even amongst Wrelmsmen.
—Oaken Bow
A present from Fay’s father after he deemed her a qualified huntress (eventually). It’s a bow of good quality and craftsmanship.
-- Dagger
A standard steel dagger, often used by Fay to finish off wounded game.
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A small vial, containing a very concentrated and very deadly poison. However, the vial itself is the totem. As the poison was created by Fay with Quoris’ instructions, it is instead kept as a metaphorical symbol of their partnership.
Quoris was utterly callous and without empathy. She did not delight in the suffering of her victims, but neither was she moved to guilt or remorse by them. That is not to say that she wasn’t cruel or sadistic on occasion. She always justified it as another loss in the war against ignorance. Quoris hated the devout, the faithful and the superstitious. She hated the demonization and ridicule of witchcraft and alchemy. She never strived for power, but for knowledge, and though she’d never admit it to even herself, for revenge against the anti-scientific masses.
—Toxic Thoughts
Quoris primary contribution to Fay’s life is less her powers and more her scientific knowledge and wisdom, the creation and usage of poisons and harmful substances, among other areas. All of this knowledge is forbidden, taken from the Gods Below in exchange for Quoris’ soul.
—Poison Cloud
Quoris only used the power of the Dark Aether for one purpose in her first life, and that was to spread a cloud of gas from her body, of numerous nasty qualities. Not only was this gas incredibly poisonous, killing those who remained in the cloud in mere seconds, but it was also flammable. One naked flame touching this gas could set entire villages on fire.