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Attire: Outfit
Date and Time: Sola 23rd, Late Morning
Location: The Castle Gardens: Tea Party
Mention(s): @Helo Leo, @JJ Doe Fritz, @Potter Sadie, @Lava Alckon Drake, @FunnyGuy Alexander
Interaction(s): @mantou Wystan, @Tae Mina and Count Sebastian, @Tpartywithzombi Violet
After his mystifying meeting with the ever-strange Count Hendrix earlier this morning, Wulfric spent some time in his office. He scoured the additional papers the count had lent him, comparing and contrasting the details of his business with that of Black Rose’s. Even with another point of reference, nothing about Delronzo’s company seemed amiss. So, either his legitimate fronts were actually legal, or else Marek was fully accustomed to making it seem as if his business was without issue. For a moment, he considered that the same might hold true for the count.

But no…

The prince frowned, because after their most recent meeting, he no longer thought it likely that Hendrix was some sort of Varian counterpart to Delronzo. The count was odd and secretive, certainly. Yet, it didn’t seem as if he was the type of man who would also deal heavily in the Black Market. Perhaps, he had contacts there, however. Either way, with how fixated Hendrix was on him as the heir apparent, the count’s motives and concerns struck him as rather political.

For another hour or so, the prince dealt with more paperwork.

Then, after standing, stretching, and getting changed into an appropriate outfit, he made his way to the Tea Party. He didn’t intend to delay there for long, but as the first prince, he should at the very least show up to greet the guests.

Since he made his way into the gardens through the castle, his entry point was different than most others’. Even so, Wystan was, as usual, a diligent presence one could not miss, stationed in the most optimal area to intercept the guests for a search.

As Wulfric strolled his way over to the guard, Count Blackwood and his niece made their appearance. As was her wont, Lady Mina promptly made herself into a nuisance as she attempted to flirt with the watchdog. So, she was up to her usual antics. How unfortunate.

“Good morning, Wystan,” he greeted the harried man as he approached.

“Lady Mina, please do not hassle our guard,” the prince rebuked her lightly, his smile polite, though he raised a pointed eyebrow at her. “Even overfriendliness,” his tone indicated he knew exactly what she was up to, “can hinder his duties. And indeed, we would not want any sneaking of weapons,” he retorted to the part of her comment he’d happened to overhear. He expected his words would be enough for her to stop bothering the royal retainer.

He gave an approving nod to her uncle, who had complied without issue. “Thank you, Count Blackwood. For one known to enjoy his solitude, I am certainly glad you have decided to attend. Welcome.” He gave the man a bow, and followed with one for his niece as well.

Having arrived just after the Blackwood pair, it was his turn to hand over his weapons. The prince removed them without fuss or ceremony. The sheathed sabre, the holstered pistol, and the dagger from within his jacket were all taken off and laid aside.

His gaze passed over the attendees. He caught the glances of several, and offered each a polite nod. To Lord Leo, who was frowning heavily at the violinist, apparently taking issue with the music. To Count Hendrix, who was – for some reason, now wearing a pair of glasses – familiar in his watchfulness. To Sadie, who had just waved enthusiastically to Lady Mina. She was seated with Lord Drake, while an unknown man stood nearby, conversing with the pair.

“I do believe Princess Sadie wishes to call you over,” Wulfric commented to Mina, a light note of fond amusement in his tone.

The suggestion that they make their way over was on the very tip of their tongue, when a carriage pulled up as close to the gardens as it could. Out of it emerged Lady Violet Damien. Even after learning that her murder had apparently not been of her, meeting her in person was startling.

The woman stumbled out of the carriage, her gait faltering even with assistance. The sun seemed to pose a problem to her downright deathly pallor. Her irises were a vibrant blood red, but wandered around aimless – sightless. She was expressionless and inert; if she were lying down, eyes closed, he would sooner believe her to be a corpse. Most conspicuous of all, there was a barely healed scar across her face. Just as if it had been left there by an axe lodged into her head.

The faintest thread of an unlikely possibility creeped into his mind.

“Lady Violet,” the prince greeted her with surprise. “So, it is true.” A cool smile formed as he tilted his head at her curiously. “That initial report of your death…was a mistake,” he murmured.

But had it been?

“Thankfully,” he added. Only those few in his immediate vicinity would have heard all he had said to her.

Though he appeared at ease, Wulfric remained subtly vigilant.

Because this…yes, this was something very peculiar indeed.

Date and Time: Sola 21st, Midnight
Location: Bedroom balcony
It was late into the night, but though the day had been thoroughly tiring, sleep had evaded the prince. He’d distracted himself with paperwork and planning. Eventually, he went into his room – but not yet to bed.

Wearing a luxurious dark blue nightgown, the thin silk of it caressing his skin, Wulfric retreated to the balcony attached to his bedroom. He brought along a glass with a drink he’d mixed, and a bottle of spirits.

He set the items on the railing. Then, leaning his hands on the rail, he jumped onto it in one swift, graceful movement. He settled himself on top; one leg folded at an angle, the other hung freely, swaying minutely. Not once did he glance down, unconcerned at the height. Instead, he tilted his head upwards, gazing at the starry night sky.

“To Midsummer,” he intoned. Any celebrations of such would be held in some three days, but astronomically, the solstice was on this very day.

His hand sought the chilled glass next to him. As his fingers made contact with the cold surface, he grasped it, and held it aloft. A strangely nostalgic smile formed as he lifted the drink, angling it this way and that. In the amber liquid within, he captured the image of the moon and the stars.

Wasn’t that the dream? To reach the stars?

An amused huff was issued as he suddenly remembered something. Is that why the moniker? He couldn’t help but wonder as he recalled the name ‘Starcatcher’.

“All the possibilities imaginable and not…” he murmured.

Perhaps it really was an indication of man’s unquenchable desire and ambition. To look up in awe, witness an amazing sight, and think, I want this.

Sometimes, Wulfric felt like his very spirit could get enflamed by such a fantastical notion. To have, and to conquer, to set forth a bright blazing trail–

But for what? Vengeance? Justice? Glory?

Just to see if he could?

Questions like that were what made him feel old. At least ten years too old. But no, even back then…

He shook his head to dismiss the notion, as confounding as it was melancholy.

“Longest day of the year, indeed,” he commented. With a dry chuckle, he took a sip of the cocktail. A long sigh left his lips, a note of pleasure colouring his tone. His eyes shut, lashes gently fluttering close, laying to a rest upon his cheeks.

When he opened them after a moment, his expression was tranquil. Yet his gaze was distant as he stared far, far beyond.

“What would you think of all this?” he queried quietly, the question seemingly directed at the sky.

What followed was a long period of silence. Though, interspersed with it was the occasional soundless movement of his lips. His expression remained largely blank with the exception of very minute changes here and there.

He reminisced on key events of the past several months, though largely focused on the present day. This was how these one-sided ‘chats’ tended to go, when he cared to have one.

Years ago, he had, from time to time, dared imagine what it would be like to hold a conversation if they were both right there, side by side. But now, he could barely recall the voice. It was the faintest whisper of a memory, faded with time, and lost to the past. He only had the vaguest ideas of the possible responses; how could he predict how a person might have been shaped by events they never had the chance to experience? Even that visage, as clear as it had once been, was now as ethereal as a phantom in a dream.

He finished his ponderings with a rare short prayer, barely heard. The soft utterance was entrusted to the winds to be carried onwards. “To the living and the dead; may our troubles be allayed, may your souls be ever at peace.” He concluded by finishing the last of his drink.

Wulfric rose, standing on the railing, and briefly closed his eyes. The breeze ruffled his hair, and susurrated against his silken outfit. He listened to the sounds of the night. The song woven by the wind blowing through the trees, rustling their leaves. The waters offering a pleasant background melody, the gentle lapping of the waves reaching even this far in the relative silence of the night, the rush of a distant waterfall heard as a soft hiss. The intermittent sounds of animals; crickets chirping, the bark of a dog, the hoot of an owl, the braying of a horse. The sounds of people; hushed and muted segments of conversations of those still awake, the clip-clop as a lone rider rode along the empty roads.

Opening his eyes, he watched the city for a moment longer, then hopped down. Before heading back inside, he poured another drink. From within a pocket, he withdrew a lighter and, carefully moving it close to the glass, lit the alcohol on fire. It blazed aflame; sudden, powerful, and eager. Wulfric stared at its playful, whimsical dance as it consumed his offering. In the end, he clinked the liquor bottle against the glass. “Cheers.”

Finally, he returned inside, leaving the flaming drink behind on the balcony.

Maybe it was pure sentimentality, but it was his way of sharing with someone who was gone.
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Port Vanarosa
Mention(s): Tanithil @Lava Alckon, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos
Interaction(s): Captain Drosis @Blizz, Amisra @Tae
“Got it, captain,” Arlen nodded at the response. The older elf was right, no need to worry about what ifs. They had better things to do.

“The child works,” Arlen smirked. “Our adopted little menace, hm?” he huffed, amused, continuing the impromptu massage. He could feel her tension dissipating, and a warm, happy smile formed. He was glad he’d been able to help her relax, even if just for a little bit.

“You’re welcome,” he returned quietly, tone brimming with the care he held for his friend. When she leaned into him, he offered her a gentle hug from behind. Then, feeling she was ready to get up, he let her go. Before she stood up, she glanced back, catching his gaze. Arlen held it, expression openly fond as he grinned at her.

He huffed a laugh at Amisra’s decision, backed up by the captain’s assertion. “You’re right, if they didn’t get into trouble by now, we should be asking if they’re still the people we know,” he joked.

The captain led the way out, and he followed Drosis alongside Amisra. When the dark elf princess looked at him, he gave her a firm nod. If Tanithil and Ismael were in a situation, they’d just help them out of it.

He scanned the alleyways as they traversed the city’s least reputable streets – and that was saying something.

Amisra was the first to notice their wayward allies. He had to press a fist against his mouth to stop a chuckle, smiling at her antics. He wasn’t concerned about the thugs; his group outnumbered, outskilled, and overpowered them easily. Unless the thugs had some backup somewhere, this wouldn’t be difficult.

Despite his confidence, Arlen retained a level of caution as he scaled a nearby building’s wall, unseen to the enemy. Once on the roof, he fired one of his pistols – intentionally missing, but nearly grazing the fairy.

Then, just in case any of the four thugs were smart enough to look up, he stealthily moved alongside the roof, changing his position. If the thugs left, good. If they were stupid enough to stay, the next bullet would be going through someone’s head. Arlen reloaded, waiting to see what happened.

Leo & Wulfric
1st part of skip day collab
Date: Sola 22nd
Time: Late afternoon

Earlier today, Lord Leo had sent him an invitation for an outing in the late afternoon, which Wulfric had responded to with an affirmative. He had wanted to meet with the man regardless, as they had only spoken to each other at the ball, and even then, very briefly. The Varian lord had suggested a companionable horse ride, a notion the prince was rather looking forward to. Any discussions could wait until after that. Especially after the hours spent with paperwork, organizing the investigation team, and planning for its approach, he was quite ready for a breath of fresh air. Both literally and figuratively. After so much sitting, standing, and pacing, he was in dire need of exercise. The hour or so he’d got in in the morning felt unreasonably long ago.

They’d arranged to meet at the stables south of the athletic arena. As for Wulfric, he’d arrived on horseback from the castle; they did have a smaller stable for personal use there. His steed was a gorgeous black Andalusian named Antioch, also called Tio. They’d traversed the short distance at an intermediate walk. There was quite some traffic at this time of the day, with various eateries, cafés, and tea houses beginning to fill out as people went out to enjoy early dinner. The food stalls were also the choice for many; despite their popularity, the prince personally did not see the appeal of such snacks.

Despite the moderate crowding, the way was made for him without any indication from the prince whatsoever. Admittedly, this was pleasing. Where appropriate, Wulfric offered a curt nod, or even casually raised his hand in greeting. Instead of bothering with guards, he was simply armed himself, and he was certain that did not go unnoticed either. Aside from his status, it was a good deterrent and warning to any fools.

When he caught sight of the Varian lord, Wulfric greeted him with a warmly polite tone. “Lord Leo,” he gave a respectful nod. “Thank you for your invitation.”

A not-so-distant whistle resounded, announcing the arrival of a train at the station. “Say…” Wulfric turned to his companion with a glimmer of challenge in his gaze. “How about a race? Let’s catch up to that train before it departs. Then whoever’s first to the outer boundary of the city wins?” he suggested.

“Prince Wulfric,” A respectful nod of his head as he directed his horse towards the other man. “Far too nice a day to be spent cooped up. Thank you for accepting.” His eyes lit up at Wulfric’s suggestion. He glanced at the train pulling in, the ears atop the chestnut horse’s head twitched toward the sound but showed little concern for it.

“A challenge? Accepted of course.” He patted Menace on the shoulder, “Think you can outrun a train?” He asked the horse who only snorted. Leo didn’t think the train would be much of a problem, the prince’s horse, however, looked like a fast one.

Menace was, at least in Leo’s mind, a good horse. Well-muscled and an ideal hunting companion; not easily spooked, confident enough to chase down nimble prey, and strong enough to carry said prey back. While Leo would simply describe Menace as fiercely loyal, anyone else who had dealt with the creature found Menace to be a fitting name.

The young lord took a deep breath as he lined up himself and Menace with Wulfric and his horse, waiting for the race to begin. “You know, I watched a similar-looking horse almost win a race the other day.” He added, it wasn’t true competition without a little taunting.

“I’ve definitely spent too much of today cooped up already,” he commented in agreement with Leo’s remark. He smirked at the man’s show of interest in the issued challenge, and glanced at his horse. It seemed like it’d make for decent competition to his.

He chuckled dryly at the barb. “Oh, you just keep on watching. You’ll be left in the dust,” he quipped back. Wulfric then raised a hand, and gave them the starting signal. “See you whenever you get there,” he called cheekily as he spurred on his horse.

Antioch was exceptionally trained, and they’d rode together so often, guiding him felt quite intuitive, with rider and steed both accustomed to each other’s tells. The horse worked up to a canter in no time as Wulfric led him onto a less-used path behind the education buildings. They sped along the forested path. There were some youths there, though they scattered to the side at their approach. They watched in clear fascination, and started to cheer - whether because they realized an impromptu race was occurring, or merely because it was him passing.

As they closed in on the intersection with the road to the west, the prince peered through the treeline carefully. With some calculated maneuvering, they managed to cross the more populated route safely even at their high speed. At his guidance, Tio skillfully weaved in between the buildings as well. A few hoofbeats later, and they freed themselves of those last few trees, emerging right by the railway. An easy powerful jump landed them on the other side of the tracks. Now, with no other obstacles in the way, Antioch could freely gallop.

The duo sped on the low-grassed area by the tracks. The train was still for now, but with the last passengers getting on, it would start up soon. The challenge was not to be overtaken either by machine or man. Wulfric kept entirely focused on the path ahead as they approached the train station.

The whistle resounded once again, signaling the train’s departure. It was easy enough to overtake it - for now. The mechanical noise drowned out all other sound, but the prince’s steed merely flicked its ears back in annoyance, otherwise not bothered. “Come on,” Wulfric urged him on. That train would accelerate, and inevitably, it would be able to overtake him eventually. It was just a matter of getting to the designated goal faster than either it or their rival Leo.

Prince Wulfric gave the signal, and with a shout and a snap of the reins, Leo and Menace were off. Everything else faded. There was Leo, his horse, and the path ahead, the rest was just background noise. Hooves smacked against the ground, the wind blew against his skin. Slight adjustments to the reigns directed Menace who matched Leo’s focus. Wulfric knew the terrain better and split off onto a side street just off the main road. By the time Leo noticed it was too late to follow.

So straight down the much busier Victorian avenue, he rode. The busier street slowed him down even as Menace avoided obstacles before Leo even needed to give direction. Chasing deer in the woods was not too different from this. Swerving around pedestrians who stood like confused trees, not quite bright enough to simply move out of the way. Behind him, an agitated cart pusher shouted about wares spilled into the street as a result of the disruption. It was barely audible over the sound of the train whistle which took precedence. When one enters a contest, even a friendly one, with a man like Wulfric, anything less than best efforts would be an insult.

Menace galloped forward, nearing the trees that aided in blocking the sounds of trains for the townspeople. Pounding hooves gave way to a moment of silence as the horse leapt across the train tracks. Wulfric and Antioch were already on the other side, galloping ahead with an impressive lead.

The two horses continued to gallop ahead of the train as it started to move. Antioch maintained a solid lead, a clear advantage had been earned by the man who chose the wiser path. Menace fought hard to close the lead, and while the chestnut steed did not tire easily, he could not outpace the swifter horse. Leo was not losing to a train, he kept his form aligned with the horse. His shouts were barely heard over the train whistle that encouraged the steed to move faster as the finish line was in sight.

The train chugged behind both riders, gradually beginning to accelerate. It was right on their tailends, and even with the advantage of their initial speed and the distance already gained it was slowly but surely catching up. It was a short distance behind them, just on their tail-end.

However, the goal was right there!

With the gained lead, Wulfric and his steed breezed past the city’s walls. There was no one in front of them, which meant–


The surge of exhilaration prompted him to continue, just to see how long they could hold against the train. But the machine was tireless, limited only by the fuel available and its design - and the latter proved beyond doubt that it was man’s inventive ingenuity which prevailed against any animal. In the next few meters, it accelerated past what any horse could possibly ever hope to achieve.

It clattered past them, the noise overwhelming for a moment, steam billowing above it as reverberations could be felt in one’s bones. As it passed them by, Wulfric had the momentarily insane idea of jumping onto the train for some reason. Smiling at the ridiculous whimsy, he commanded Antioch to slow down.

Mount and rider watched for a moment as the machine continued onwards, growing smaller and smaller until it finally disappeared beyond the horizon.

Then, the prince motioned for Tio to turn around, and the duo slowly approached their competitors. “Well, that was fun.” Despite the entirely casual statement, there was a clear wildness in his gaze. A sign of his thrill, and the unquenched desire for more. But the prince’s posture was so thoroughly relaxed and languid, it truly was questionable if he was simply unaware of it, or ignoring it.

As Wulfric continued past the finish line, Leo followed close behind him, until the train pulled ahead and continued out of the city. He watched the screaming hunk of metal barrel through the forest, impressive in its speed, obnoxious in its sound. He relaxed back into the saddle and Menace slowed his pace as they caught up to Wulfric. He offered Menace some congratulatory pats for having bested the train.

Leo took a deep breath and savored the air as Menace began to walk at a leisurely pace. “Far better way to travel, fresh air, proper appreciation for the scenery, and an active role.” When riding a horse, or even in a carriage, the rider had a measure of control over the journey. “A sorry day, when men lose appreciation for the journey and simply sit and wait for it to end.” He added.

“I can’t think of a more enjoyable way to travel than riding,” Wulfric agreed, stroking Tio’s neck appreciatively. “But if speed is of the essence, then a train is the better choice. Though, it does seem a matter of convenience and comfort for most,” he commented.

“That was a good showing, Lord Leo,” he then complimented. Because despite his home advantage, Leo and Menace had done well. “We should do this again sometime,” he suggested.

“A clever victory.” Leo complimented Wulfric’s careful navigation. “And a stunning horse.” He added, admiring the creature for a moment. A striking image the other horse and rider made, the fair-haired prince and midnight-coated steed. “I’d never turn down a challenge.”

“Thank you,” he smirked, allowing the other man to admire him and his trusty steed. “And I shall be looking forward to that.”
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Port Vanarosa
Mention(s): Tanithil @Lava Alckon, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos
Interaction(s): Captain Drosis @Blizz, Amisra @Tae
“Yeah, I know.” Arlen smiled softly, and returned the hand-squeeze as they made their way to The Seagull. Once there, both took their seats, and listened to what the captain had to say.

Arlen just nodded at what Captain Drosis said, seeing no issues with it. He drummed his leg as he listened to the conversation, feeling restless. “Spot guards acting unusual, got it,” he summarized. At Amisra’s question, he turned a questioning look on her. “Yup, ‘course, I am.”

He made to get up, leaning his hand on the table, but something occurred to him just then. “Uh, maybe we shouldn’t be saying what Ismael is though?” He was genuinely confused why they were saying out loud anything about a human. Even if only their mates were around, and it didn’t look like anyone was listening in. “Seems like a bad habit if we don’t wanna be the ones to give it up,” he commented with a wry smile.

He then settled back down, and hung around for a drink or two. “Think he could suspect sumthin’ without getting the word from us?” There was no need to say who ‘he’ was. The particular emphasis on it made it clear Arlen was referring to the so-called king of Avalia.

He’d thought so far the deal was not saying anything on their end, and making sure each group’s human didn’t stick out badly enough to arise suspicion. But if the other side could figure something’s up without that? It’d be a different sort of mission entirely. He hoped not, because secrecy was their best advantage…for now.

“Well, either way, we’ll be on the lookout,” he met Amisra’s gaze, nonverbally acknowledging and returning the trusting consideration.

“Speaking of…” he stood up and stretched. “Should we check up on those two already?” He walked to Amisra, and laid his hands on her shoulders. Noticing the tension – which was the usual for her when she got serious – he gave her an impromptu shoulder rub.

“Or take a walk ‘round the city, see if anything unusual’s happenin’?” He let her make the call, though obviously, if the captain had a say, they’d do that. While waiting for the answer, his fingers dug into the princess’ shoulders, doing some work to relieve that stress. Expertly, he found any muscle knots, and with careful yet accurate application of pressure, undid them. Being a wonderful masseuse was just one of many skills in his arsenal.

Amisra probably wouldn’t let him do it for long, what with being so gung-ho about any tasks, missions, and work in general. Still, even a little could help.

King Edin & Wulfric

“Wulfric.” King Edin set down his fork to look over. “I see you’ve returned… The cake was deemed safe if you would like some.” He offered and locked eyes with him, “So were the gifts. I believe you may actually enjoy yours. I had the others' gifts brought to their rooms.”

Wulfric didn’t shy away from his father’s gaze. He absolutely did not feel he had anything to be reproved for. “That is good,” he stated. At the offer of cake, he shook his head. “No, thank you,” he declined as he took his seat. However, he did have a cup of green tea brought to him. “What were the gifts?” he asked, mildly intrigued. Even though he had no intention whatsoever to lessen his distrust of Ezra, he was curious what the man had picked out for them.

“I won’t ruin the surprise. You’ll see when you get to your room.” Truthfully, King Edin just hadn’t paid attention to what they had been.

“Were you interested in a report from the Guild?” his son then asked, moving on from the previous topic. At the go-ahead, Wulfric gave it. His visit hadn’t been aimed at gathering an overview of the most recent economic happenings in Caesonia. However, he’d still learned some intriguing news from simple casual chats.

“The northern areas of Montague are remarkably thriving after that flood a few years back. It is clear the support we have provided to reinforce key bridges, re-pave the local roads, and build better embankments has paid dividends.” He kept each tid-bit brief and to the point, gauging his father’s reaction in the meanwhile.

“Lord Damien never fails to impress. I received word he handled a lot of the reconstruction with that ordeal.”

Wulfric thought that if he was so impressed, Edin could do more of the same himself. Sometimes, conversations like these were a good way to nudge the king in certain directions, or imprint on him certain ideas. Such as that ‘giving out money’, strengthening ‘the lesser of the two duchies’, or even ‘brownnosing to the damn Varians’ (as Edin termed cooperative efforts) were indeed advantageous.

“There are some concerns that heavy industrial areas are a slight against Aquena and Tempestes.” This was somewhat ridiculous, but he supposed Luddites would exist as long as technology did. “Meanwhile, production is in ever high demand.”

King Edin scoffed at that. “I did order that those damn factories be relocated where people cannot see them… Especially Duke Vikena. That Hartforth in Vermillion especially remains a town of smog. Duke Vikena ought to speak to Count Emil about it and have it sorted.”

Finally, Wulfric moved onto the topic of present interest. “Are you familiar with the company Black Rose? Or its leader, Marek Delronzo?” he questioned bluntly. “The company is the one renting the warehouse at which the party was held last night. Since drugs were involved, the company may very well be involved in the black market. I suspect Delronzo is making rather illegal profits. I don’t know if he intended last night to be so ruinous, but it is certainly suspicious and concerning.”

Edin's eyes darted around the room briefly before settling back on his son. His brows furrowed, and a faint hint of worry flashed across his face that was only noticeable for perhaps a split second. “I know of him.” He confirmed, “In that case, I’ll have some of our people sent over to investigate.”

His father’s nervousness did not by any means escape Wulfric. “May I lead the investigation on our end?” he requested. “I have already arranged for a few people to look into one of his establishments.” Those few who’d follow Anastasia with an additional mission.

As he continued gazing at his father, he mirrored his previous expression of concern. “But father,” he gentled his tone with understanding. “How do you know him?...Has he caused trouble before?” His expression was one which invited the sharing of worries. After all, he dearly wanted to know just what it was that Edin did.

“... Yes you may. Keep me updated on the results you obtain, Wulfric. I expect you to demonstrate your problem-solving skills. I am not getting any younger, and one day, this…” He tapped his crown with a grin, “Will be all yours.”

The grin was easy to mimic. May it be soon. But all he said was, “Of course, I will.”

King Edin rose and he began to approach his son. “He has not caused me any trouble before. I have heard of his name and his financial success over the last year… I’m sure you’ll be able to uncover more information.” His expression started to darken as he came to stand before him, glaring down at him, “Wulfric… There is no room for errors in your actions. He held his gaze with intensity, “I may have mentioned this before, but it's crucial that you understand it now more than ever. Your reputation must remain untarnished. Every decision you make holds immense importance, including the choice of your future wife…” He narrowed his eyes as he admitted, “I hope to hear that you've made progress in that regard.”

Wulfric stood up to face him, and folded his hands behind his back. This action was born largely of habit than of any true respect. “I know,” he intoned gravely. “I have been acquainting myself with ladies whom I have not known previously. It is the courting season, after all…I foresee no issues in picking one by the end of this summer.” He liked Mayet so far, though didn’t mention it as he was aware his father did not. Besides, there were still some others he’d prefer to meet and get to know better. He would rather not settle for someone; yet given his age, that was not a reason his father would accept.

More importantly, the king had evaded the previous issue. There had been that initial worry, so he had to know more than he was saying. “It is unfortunate some were involved in last night’s scandal. You know how fainthearted women can be, and how they love to gossip…” He was sure he owed more than one silent apology to womenfolk everywhere for that comment. However, he had to turn the topic back somehow. “It would be reassuring to all for this to be settled sooner rather than later. So, please, if there is any other concern regarding Delronzo, would you share it with me?” He tilted his head, and took a guess, “Does he know something he shouldn’t? Or are there perhaps strange rumours surrounding him?”

King Edin had not interrupted him, perhaps to Wulfric’s surprise, and let him finish speaking before he told him softly, “Make sure whichever woman you choose is attractive and has a smile that will enchant the people… People make most of their judgments off looks alone. Secondly, she must be submissive and obedient. You are right that women are very fainthearted and they cannot be trusted to make decisions. Be wary of women who overestimate their self-importance. If you long for the company of different women over time, it is perfectly fine for you to accumulate as many mistresses as you may like. Just make sure the one who stands at your side is one who knows her place.”

His thoughts moved far off for just a moment, “It does not matter in the end what happens behind closed doors as long as you keep them there, Wulfric. All that matters is what is seen.” The King looked down at his son once more and grinned, “As for I, what’s seen of my appearance is more than enough for most, however, you have a little of your mother in you so you might need to do a little more work.” His words were accompanied by a hearty laugh, revealing his smug amusement. Wulfric had merely nodded wherever appropriate thus far, not revealing any of his disagreement or distaste. His father’s ‘joke’ prompted an eyebrow to slowly creep up in disbelief at the old man’s conceit. However, he kept any comments to himself.

“Just kidding… Well, sort of. Anyway, Delronzo will pose no issue for us. He will be addressed and we will uncover the truth… It's rather perplexing, considering this is the first time I've heard of him being involved in any sort of trouble," he added, his irritation evident in the final statement.

“As you say,” he finally spoke. First fear, now anger…So, either Edin had truly not noticed any issues, or he hadn’t minded them as they’d been kept ‘behind closed doors’, as he’d put it. Either way, even if his father hadn’t considered there to be any, that did not mean there hadn’t been problems. It’s only that now, it was something obvious, undeniable, and apparent to them all. “Has the man ever worked for you - directly, that is?” he queried.

King Edin stared at his son. The question was an interesting one; however, he technically was not lying as he replied, “No.”

His son raised an eyebrow at the curt and swift answer. “Any dealings with him at all? You must have heard more about him than I have,” he asserted.

Edin looked like he wanted to sigh. Though he wanted him to be as prepared as possible, this was the heaviest burden of them all. “Wulfric. You won’t have to worry about him.” He rose up and told him with a rare display of some sympathy in his tone, “You’re not ready yet.”

Lines of frustration etched Wulfric’s expression. “Father, I can handle far more than you realize. I am ready,” he countered. “I can deal with it. Why won’t you trust me? Aren’t I your heir?” He clenched his hands behind his back, a thread of agitation making his temples pulse. What was it with this play at protectiveness? Now, of all times? Just why?

After a pause, he spoke again, “Let go of this obsession. I am still King and you are still the prince. I will handle the situation-” A staff member suddenly ran in and began whispering in his ear. “Oh… Oh... Gods.” King Edin commented in between whisperings. The man looked at Wulfric with a nervous expression and quickly ran back out.

The King looked at Prince Wulfric and told him, “Duke Vikena irritated one of the Sultan’s daughters enough to throw a knife at him…. Now the Sultan is leaving and bringing his daughter with him tomorrow.”

Wulfric frowned at the sudden interruption. What inopportune timing…Even so, the information was concerning. “I see,” he said, despite not at all seeing how it could have come to something like this. He then sighed. “Well, I already intended to get the details of this dinner from Auguste,” he stated.

“If I may?” he requested to take his leave. At the permission, he offered a curt bow. Just before departing, he had some final words for his father, however. “Please consider what I have said. I can handle whatever it is, but not without knowing.”

Edin gave his son a nod and averted his gaze as he considered his last statement, uncertain for once.

Attire: Business & dinner fit
Time: 6:00 pm -> 7:00 pm
Location: Office -> Castle Dining Room
Interaction(s): @princess Edin
After concluding his conversation with Anastasia, Wulfric briefly retreated to his office. There, he checked that the documents he’d retrieved from the Guild were still in order. He then considered which guards to have escort Anastasia, and which to have watching over her covertly.

This was easy enough to decide, as he knew most of their guards, and knew which ones he could trust to protect his sister.

The greater issue was Delronzo himself. Wulfric had no idea how the man would play this. One possibility was that he would simply act as if he was innocent, and convince Anastasia that he had done nothing amiss based on the trust he’d managed to gain from her. This could be problematic, but Wulfric felt he could deal with it.

If he tried harming her by mundane means – trying to kidnap her, for example – then the guards he’d set on her should be able to handle it.

But what if he used magic again? If he erased her memories? His guards’ memories? With how easily he’d disappeared the evidence from last night, it wasn’t difficult to imagine he still kept it concealed with a magical illusion or some such.

Even more harrowing were the possibilities he’d mentioned to Anastasia. Besides the usual manipulation, maybe he’d even use magical compulsion to make her talk, or deepen her trust or – who knew what else, really? There were simply too many unknowns. Since Wulfric didn’t have the means to counter magic, he largely only had to hope Delronzo didn’t think it necessary to use it.

It also occurred to him that Anastasia was meeting him in person. This was an opportunity to capture him, and bring him in for questioning–

If your friend was being accused of something, wouldn’t you want to at least talk to them yourself before just throwing them to the wolves?

Wulfric sighed, and a skewed smirk formed. Don’t you know I’m one of those proverbial wolves?

Even so…he couldn’t bring himself to break her trust like that. He supposed it was similar for Callum. Even knowing they were in the wrong to trust Delronzo, to disregard how very likely it was that he was the culprit…Even when he thought torture of a suspect like that was just fine, he knew actually doing it would hurt them.

So, he would try any and all other methods he could think of first. Finding material evidence, gathering rumours, questioning the host without torture, convincing his siblings that Delronzo wasn’t trustworthy…

A part of him even seriously considered using magic. But he didn’t know enough about it, and doing it himself as inexperienced as he was would be too much of a risk.

What a shame he didn’t have a group of magical experts on hand.

Even if he lacked that, he still had resources a plenty. Besides ensuring Anastasia’s safety – this was absolutely the priority – he could have a few agents sent alongside to watch Marek, trail him, and investigate his establishments or hideouts.

In fact…yes…Alongside the guards, he would send some others.

It took some time for Wulfric to organize all this, from selecting the people, to speaking to them, to ensuring they’d all know what to do.

However, by the time he went to check the Dining Room, his father was still there. Taking his time enjoying that damn cake, of course.

“Father,” he greeted politely as he made his entrance.
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Port Vanarosa
Mention(s): Tanithil @Lava Alckon
Interaction(s): Captain Drosis @Blizz, Amisra @Tae
Arlen grinned, clasping his hands together excitedly. “Both!” he exclaimed, clapping once. “Just imagine! Drinks in bed,” he sighed wistfully. “We could be like those super rich guys, all fancy silk, wine glasses in hand…then just get it on when we wanted!” He giggled. “We’d be the envy of all ‘round,” he smirked. Arlen nodded faux-sagely as Amisra agreed Tanithil might feel left out. “Yess, this would be perfect to rope Tani in. Then he’d finally see what’s fun in two is funner in three~” he winked at her.

When Amisra ran her finger down his arm, Arlen’s smirk turned noticeably sultry. When her hand completed its trail, he took a hold of it, and lightly brushed his fingers against hers. He shivered when he felt her breath against his ear, and let go. He leaned in to rub his cheek against hers in a friendly nuzzle. Then, he let her back off, still smiling.

Sometimes, their teasing did get awfully close to crossing the line, which was when Arlen had to remind himself they were strictly friends. It would be weird for them to become involved…probably.

He had no problem admitting it; he enjoyed playing around.

How that’d end up with someone he literally lived with, though? He wasn’t sure, but from what he’d heard, many folks preferred something serious in that kind of a situation. Amisra seemed like the type who would. Probably with Tanithil.

But those two were pretty damn oblivious about it. It was as if they were playing a convoluted, decades-long game of chicken. It was quite entertaining, actually; like his very own drama show. And as long as it was all in good fun, why not?

Arlen was distracted from the semi-serious line of thought by Amisra’s next suggestions. “Drinks sound good.” He sighed at the mention of their captain. “That man can be a real spoilsport, huh?” It wasn’t a serious complaint, though. He knew work needed doing, and they’d have a week in this place anyhow.

“Let’s go see what he wants,” he motioned in the direction of the tavern, clearly intending to go along with her. He didn’t think it needed saying, but obviously he’d help her out if it was something he could assist with.

They traversed the busy streets towards The Seagull. Vanarosa place was always so lively. It felt like second home; second to the one he’d had with the crew, of course. It was standard practice to rob strangers, and try not to be robbed by them, but that was just how it was here.

The tavern their captain favoured was a fairly humble building. Medium sized, with a slanted roof, built from uneven slats of wood. The white and blue paint was chipped. The sign – a painted seagull, of course – was faded till it was barely recognizable anymore. There actually were crowds of those food-stealing bastard birds flocking around, usually.

It wouldn’t look like anything special to strangers, but Arlen was fond of it too. It was a great place to unwind.

It was easy to find their captain once they entered, what with his presence, and the group of their mates he was surrounded by. Arlen casually strolled to the table, taking one of the vacant chairs from another table with him. For good measure, he helped himself to an unattended drink too.

If someone just left it there like that, they clearly didn’t want it anymore.

He sat himself with the group. “You wanted Amisra for something?” he asked, clearly curious about what Drosis would assign her with.

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Port Vanarosa
Mention(s): Tanithil @Lava Alckon, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos
Interaction(s): Captain Drosis @Blizz, Amisra @Tae
Ever since their crew had been left in charge of a human, Arlen was both thrilled and fascinated. A grand mission, a new adventure, unknown dangers! It was exhilarating.

Since a week ago, a fresh sparkle had entered his ruby eyes. He was even more high-energy than usual, pestering his captain, his crewmates, but especially their shiny new resident human.

They were supposed to prepare, protect, and hide him until he was fit enough to help them overthrow Zanithel.

Thankfully, their human Ismael seemed up to the task.

When the elf had first seen him, he was admittedly surprised.

He had had no idea that humans could grow so tall!

They tested him, and Ismael proved his size wasn’t just for looks. In physical combat, the human held up well against himself and even Amisra. Often, he and the dark elven princess teamed up. They kept Ismael in shape, and brushed up his skills. At least for Arlen, though, he felt he was able to learn from the human, too. Some of it was useful, like combat techniques. Some of it was for pure curiosity’s sake, like trivia about Earth.

Discovering that Ismael had been a soldier, and knew how to handle firearms was a treat. Though he was very possessive of his darlings, Arlen conceded to lending him one of his pistols for a few days, just so the man could get comfortable with the flintlock mechanism. Because apparently, on Earth that was practically considered antique.

Once or twice, he had dropped on the man’s magic lessons with Tanithil. It was intriguing to witness the mythical elemental magic first hand. That, and Tani was genuinely a good teacher. Seeing him in his element was always exciting.

Today, they were finally mooring Saltrunner at one of Port Vanarosa’s many docks.

As soon as they did, they assembled to receive their orders. Perched on a railing, legs swinging, Arlen pouted at his assignment. Sure, smuggling was right up his ally. But the inescapable inventorying part of it? Urgh.

Still, he gave a cheeky two-finger salute, touching his index and middle fingers to his forehead, then flicking them off. “Gotcha, cap’n~” he affirmed, and pushed himself off onto the deck, getting to work.

He already had his eyes on a few mates he knew would help him out with sorting the cargo and money in exchange for a little something.

When Amisra found him, he was at the treasure hold; a small office kept under lock and key, guarded, and with some other security measures to boot.

“Aw, miss me already? Knew ya couldn’t make it without me,” he joked, grinning when she made her appearance. He smirked at her flirtations; Amisra always obliged going along with him, just for the fun of it. “Wouldn’t be this sweltering if ya weren’t so hot, honey,” he countered.

At the offer for help, Arlen faux swooned. “My savior!” He gasped, laying a palm on his sternum. He swayed as if short of breath, but caught himself on a nearby table, and made eyes at Amisra. “Oooh, my,” he fanned himself. “Thy sin be temptation; my heart’s all a-flutter,” he fluttered his eyelashes as if to demonstrate.

But he quit the act as he couldn’t restrain the laughter anymore, and broke out in a light cackle at the silliness.

“Seriously, though, yeah,” he said when he’d calmed down. “I’ve got a few on the rest o’ the cargo.” He’d set them to catalogue and compile for sell-off their other spoils, such as silk, alcohol, and smoking goods. “But go through these with me?” he gestured at a couple of small wooden boxes where the more expensive (stolen) trinkets had been stashed.

He’d already counted up the gold; that was easy enough as the captain had excellent organizations. Various necklaces, pendants, rings, timetellers, memory glasses, and such always took longer to examine though. Couldn’t get a good price if you didn’t have an estimation of their value, after all.

When they were done, and had each picked the items they’d drop off in town, Arlen turned to Amisra with a renewed smirk. “So-o,” he prompted. “Drink…or bed, was it?” he gave her an appreciative look up and down. “Ya know I’m always up for some one-on-one time,” he purred. “Bu-ut, I think Tani’s gunna get lonely if we’re away too long, eh?” as he emphasized the other dark elf’s name, mischief shone in his gaze.

Attire: Business & dinner fit
Time: 6:00 pm
Location: Castle Dining Room
Interaction(s): @princess Edin, Anastasia
Wulfric restrained an eyeroll when his father missed the point. “Advertising is all fine and well but he needn’t have asked my brother to help with his work,” he grumbled quietly. But it was with the tone of one who knew this wouldn’t be convincing. In fact, none of the reasons he listed were the main one; namely that he had a ‘bad feeling’ about Ezra. He trusted his own instincts – and Wystan’s – but that was the kind of thing which was far too easily dismissed.

He narrowed his eyes as Edin went on to insult Leo. “He is still a lord and the future duke of Stravinsky,” his voice was clipped as he said this, though he kept his tone polite. How easily the king dismissed a nobleman due to an overblown sense of rivalry with their neighbouring country. And in favour of that baker, no less.


Or, it would be, if this weren’t Edin.

“Ezra has no business insulting him,” he stated matter-of-factly. And neither do you. But of course, his father continued listing Leo’s perceived faults.

Wulfric returned his attention to the food in front of him. Yet, a mere moment later, he was drawn to meet his father’s gaze.

"The apple never falls far from the tree, Wulfric…Trust me," the old man smirked.

To hell with that.

It had felt like a taunt, but there was no way Edin had the self-awareness prerequisite to turn that phrase on him with malicious intent.

The prince kept his expression neutral, unchanging. He directed a stare on his plate, lowering his lashes before the flare of indignation, offense, hatred could be seen in his eyes. With careful body language alone, he made a show of contrite acceptance.

Still, annoyance crossed his expression at the remark about his sister. “Men stare at her all the time,” he said, as if that was any excuse whatsoever.

Then maybe their eyes should rot off.

Aggressively, Wulfric stabbed a cherry tomato with his fork. The delicate skin broke apart, and the tines sunk into the meat with a soft plop. Once in his mouth, he chewed it till it was mush, then consumed the thing in one go.

With a huff, he expelled all extraneous emotions. Yes, father was upsetting. No, that was nothing new. What point in letting it get under his skin?

When Edin played the age card, he almost sighed. Yes, yes, you are nearly a senior citizen. Congratulations. Too bad old age hasn't granted you the wisdom you claim.

Outwardly, he affected an apologetic demeanour. “As you say, father…I should have known you would never make an oversight. Please forgive my impudence,” he made his tone low and compelling. Still, he knew it’d be better to wait before making serious conversation with Edin regarding the party.

Thus, he excused himself from the table, and approached Anastasia. She’d drawn closer to Ezra’s gifts and cakes. Wulfric laid a gently restraining hand on her shoulder. “Careful until it’s all inspected,” he murmured. He eyed the servants who’d been tasked with ensuring the items were safe to handle.
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