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Alora sighed as she watched Ergen disappear down the hallway, her heart beating fast against her chest from the previous confrontation. Historically it was hard to shake Alora’s constitution, but Ergen had proven himself to be proficient at such a task many times over. 'You're hopeless.' She thought, unsure if she was talking about herself or Ergen at that moment.
Shaking her head, she turned the other direction and entered into her own bedroom which was right on the other side of his. Closing the door behind her, Alora made her way to a makeshift wooden chest that she had carefully crafted herself with a few trial and errors. Carpentry did not turn out to be her strong suit, especially with proper materials being so difficult to find, but this had been her first and final work which she treasured. On its face was a large security ikon painted in dried blood, the deep crimson color having seeped into the wooden crevices years ago. Kneeling down, Alora gently swiped two fingers along the ikon in an intricate pattern only known to her. Without entering this pattern the wood would remain sealed. If someone tried to destroy the chest or happened to swipe two more incorrect patterns the ikon would detonate itself.
As she made one final downward swipe, the wood came to life and shifted with audible creaks and cracks before fully separating itself. Alora pushed open the top of the chest and reached inside to pull out a tattered black cloak. She dusted it off a few times before tying it around her shoulders and pulling the hood up over her ears, feeling a familiar sense of safety enveloping her. This cloak had been with her ever since she had parted from the second ring and had been useful more times than she could count; especially considering her acquired sensitivity to sunlight. It was nostalgic to her at this point and one of the items she had become most attached to.
Tapping the chest twice with the heel of her black boots, the wooden chest creaked and sealed itself off to the outside world once more. Walking over to a nearby desk, Alora grabbed a small glass bottle filled with clay and dropped it into the inner pocket lining of her cloak. It never hurt to walk around with something she could use at a moment's notice to create ikons, especially on a day like today. If the protection ikons already written on Ergen didn’t work, perhaps she could save him with more.
Exiting her room and locking the door behind her, Alora made her way down the decrepit hallway. She knew the general area that Ergen was headed to and she intended to be nearby if he needed her to be. Not too much further down the building walls began to deteriorate; wooden beams rested on the floor, windows shattered, and entire walls had caved in after years of neglect and becoming exposed to the elements of the storms. As the roof disappeared overhead, Alora looked up towards the sky. “Storm clouds.” She whispered to herself, taking in the sight of the gathering darkness. It seemed that Ergen had been right in his predictions after all.
Turning her attention back towards the streets, Alora noticed people gathering outside and marveling at the sky themselves; fear in their eyes. Seeing a couple standing nearby with a newborn baby in the mothers arms, Alora frowned and approached them. Laying a hand on the mothers shoulder, Alora met her with caring eyes. “It isn’t safe out here, please find cover somewhere soon.” She warned with a soft voice, giving the woman's shoulder a gentle squeeze before moving on.
Carefully climbing up a large pile of concrete rubble, Alora looked down at the gathering crowd. “Everyone!” Alora raised her voice for the crowd to hear her over the growing murmur of voices. “Please find cover. The storm approaches!” She looked over the crowd from beneath her hood, wishing she could take away their fear. There was no way to tell how bad this storm would be, especially since it had been a full moon cycle since that last one. “Be with your loved ones.” She sensed that some of the people in the streets did not fully believe her, but she felt no obligation to prove herself to them. She did what she could for the time being and it would have to be enough. Her healing expertise would likely be put to use for them after the storm - assuming the fourth ring wasn’t about to be consumed. Hopping down from the rubble, Alora continued on her way towards where she believed Ergen to be.