@Tortoise Adjusted character sheet for Siri.Siri
Race, Age, Time in the Caravan:
Human, 25, 1 year
This woman puts you in mind of a mysterious raven. She has narrow blue eyes that are like two windows on the afternoon sky. Her thick, straight, coffee-colored hair is worn in a handsome, exotic style. She is tall and has a wasp-waisted build. Her skin is white. She has hollow cheeks. Her wardrobe is sexy.Sireena grew up on the family farm with her mom, dad, three brothers, and an older sister, just outside of the tiny village of Upper Hythe. When she was twelve, she found a violin in a chest of an abandoned house, and spent a lot of time learning how to play it. Sireena would pop down to the village tavern The Old Wolf, begging for lessons from the wandering minstrels who'd visit.
When she was 14, Taryn the tavern keeper pointed out that Sireena was hanging around enough that he might as well offer her a job as one of the serving wenches, and she could play her violin for the crowd when they didn't have a minstrel.
The tavern keeper died a few years later, and his wife, jealous of the attention her husband had given Sireena, fired her on the spot. That night, one of the boys from the neighboring farm was a guest at the dinner table, sitting next to her. It didn't take her long to figure out that her parents were trying to set her up for marriage. She ran away the next day, disguising herself as a boy to avoid unwanted attention on the road.
A little over a week and three counties later she got robbed by some highway men. Angry at the meager coins in her purse, one of them grabbed up her violin, suggesting it might be worth a few coins. When Sireena tried to take it back, the gang jumped her.
She woke up in a feather bed in the house of Mother Lily, the local midwife, who had found her on the side of the road where the gang had left her. When she asked about her violin, Mother Lily sighed, shaking her head and told her the only thing that was left by the side of the road was her, and how like a musican to worry about their instrument before themselves. She then began listing Sireena's injuries, starting with the broken right arm and wrist.
Sireena spent the first week mourning her violin, but began to take an interest in Mother Lily's house with all the drying herbs, the massive medicine chest, her curious brewing apparatus, and her visitors. Noticing her interest, Mother Lily began sharing some of her work such as the making of medicines.
And then the highwaymen who'd robbed Sireena made the mistake of trying to burgle Mother Lily's house.
When it was over, Mother Lily guided a stunned Sireena to a wagon in the barn, hitched up her horse, then turned her attention to the cottage - which rapidly shrank until it was the size of a child's toy, which the then picked up and placed into a chest filled with straw. A toy-sized barn was careful place beside it, and more straw packed around them before closing the chest. Bare dirt showed where each had stood.
And so began her apprenticeship. Magic was alternated with lectures about plants, more details on the making of medicines, the brewing of ale, beer, the bandaging of wounds, lectures on the stars and the moon, suturing, winemaking and distilling, the telling of fortunes, brewing of potions, birthing babies, stitching of wounds, treating illnesses...
As well as readings from the Old Believers' bible Mother Lily kept hidden underneath a loose floor board, even though the last soldier of the empire had marched south long before Sireena was even born. Some of the stories were about the mischevious Lord Jester, a shapeshifting wolf who played pranks on foolish people to get them to mend their ways.
They'd also moved the cottage three times, changing their names and their looks each time to become new people so that the angry villagers whose cows had died or their crops had failed wouldn't find them.
One morning, returning to the cottage after a particularly difficult birthing to a farmer's wife of triplets (two sons, one daughter), she found Mother Lily sitting at the table, her body stiff and cold. There were also two glasses of last summer's wine on opposite sides of the table, but no sign who the visitor had been.
After she had buried Mother Lily after the rites of the Old Believers, Sireena decided to change her name to Siri and to join the pilgrimage.
Warm and caring, it is concerning when she suddenly starts laughing out of the blue. Sometimes she seems very distracted, as if she's listening to people who are not there. Or talking to animals like they having a conversation.
Knowing some of the things Siri collects in the woods and fields, one wonders if she might be sampling her own wares...?
Still, she's a good doctor, loves to play the violin and collects 'miniatures'.
Tired of moving constantly whenever the villagers would blame them for the family cow dying, the crops failing, or the odd bit of property that vanished one night in lieu of payment, Siri has decided to join the pilgrimage and to see some of the places mentioned in Mother Lily's books and minstrel songs.
Skills, Strengths and Weaknesses, and Tools:
Animal Handling - Has a way with animals
Cooking - a master of the kitchen
Fortune-telling - It's almost as if she has a direct line with Fate.
Herbology - knows many uses of many plants, always eager to examine new plants
Hermetic Magic - still a journeyman in the study of the Laws of Sacrifice
Medicine - a master at tending to illness and injury, can perform minor surgery.
Potion-making - A journeyman in the creation of potions, odd explosions still happen sometimes.
Shrinking - able to reduce objects and later restore them to their normal size (See Sympathetic Magic)
Singing - Fair singer, knows a lot of songs.
Sympathetic Magic - still a journeyman in the study of the Laws of Sympathy.
Violin - Very good musician with the violin.
- Clever
- Dedicated
- Caring
- Makes a lot of assumptions
- Fondness for alcohol and sweets
- Sense of duty
- quirky sense of humor
- Living wagon, home/workspace/surgery
- a small library of books.
- her shrunken collection of "miniatures"What They Most Want:
Knowledge and new horizons
If They Had a DnD Alignment, It Would Be:
Neutral Good
Three Likes:
- Books
- Music
- Alcohol
Three Dislikes:
- Tobacco smoke
- Needless violence
- Child abusers
Do They Follow Their Heart or Their Mind?:
Their heart.
Worst Fear:
To be trapped
Favorite Color:
Most Like The Animal:
A Swallow
Favorite Time of Day:
How They Dress:
- Wide brim hat, either black or white
- Red dress
- Black bodice
- White apron
- Knee-high black boots
- Colorful... sweaters and scarfs when it gets cold
- A red hooded cloak
- Plague mask
- Leather satchel that holds various items and her journal
- Necklace with a crystal ball pendant.
Favorite Season:
Spring, the renewal of the world
What Gods/Spirits/Whatevers They Worship (If Any):
An old believer of the ancient gods of Oscana, admirer of Lord Jester.
Excellent. A p p r o v e d.