Avatar of Tortoise


Recent Statuses

17 days ago
Current When it is time to write, I want to worldbuild. When it is time to worldbuild, I want to collab. When it is time to collab, I want to write. This is the cycle. These are the rules.
2 mos ago
Do not kill the part of you that is cringe. Kill the part that cringes.
1 yr ago
Sad to say I'm currently experiencing Writer's Block. Luckily I learned Writer's Kung Fu and I can chop the block in half with my hands like Bruce Lee
1 yr ago
Why is the sun like bread? It rises in the yeast, and sets in the waist. Haha! Isn't that so cute? Join my RP or more puns will come.
1 yr ago
What's the difference between a Hollywood actor and a piece of driftwood? One is Justin Timberlake. The other is timber, just in a lake. Hahathisiswhati'mdoinginsteadofwriting


Current RP I want you to join: roleplayerguild.com/topics/191461-car…

Hey y'all. I've been at this for about 12 years, and I've played a lot of kinds of RP. I like fantasy and sci-fi the most, just because they give me the most to worldbuild with, but I'm cool with almost anything. I just like writing.

Most Recent Posts

@Tortoise Adjusted character sheet for Siri.

Excellent. A p p r o v e d.
When I was creating Siri, I realized that there would be some additional characters who step in from time to time as a part of her world, and I didn't want to surprise anyone when they did. Dia would be a companion to Siri and seen in her cat form most of the time.

And yes, I know it won't fool the fairies.

The Witch

The Cat

These next two are just NPCs that Siri and Dia interact with. They have no power in the campaign against the caravan or its people. Jester can't cross over to this world unless a place has been prepared for him, and nobody except a few can see Death.

Also, Jester is offering their grand unified theory on magic and Shadow Realm relations.

The Patronus (NPC)

The Psycopomp (NPC) - Likes to show up when things get interesting. Or for parties. He's bored.

@Tortoise Okay, ready for your review.

Siri is approved!

That said- the use of Character Sheets for gods and god-like entities is a little awkward. I would prefer that you didn't try to fit the Lord Jester and Grim into sheets that were designed for caravanners; it just doesn't function well. Plus, it causes confusion over what is and isn't a player.

They could have both been explained in hiders in Siri's sheet, or just outlined here and given more detail IC.

Also, many of the claims in Lord Jester's "magic" section can't be accepted here. Such as:

Many assume that sacrifice requires the death of a living being, but it can also be giving up some of the magic within all living creatures through the use of repetitious rituals like prayer or dance, directed to an altar. It's why so many gods have temples constructed, giving them a source of power they may tap into away from the Celestial realm.

One must be very careful in old temples and stone circles, as sometimes the altars has been depleted and will draw away one's magic if they connect with it.

This has far too many implications for every other player whose character has a religion. It would force everyone's gods to follow these rules, and it removes all the mysteries of faith.

I'm all for worldbuilding here, but that's mostly meant to be done IC, not with sweeping exposition in a CS. Honestly? I think this would seriously damage players who want to be paladins or priests or wandering ministers or whatever; now they have to make sure their character's faith fits all that you wrote.

So I have to reject Lord Jester, Grim and Dia's sheets completely. I'd rather you just mention somewhere in Siri's sheet that she follows a god called Lord Jester, and maybe offer a few paragraphs of exposition regarding what she believes about that god. You can do the same with the cat. But all this definite exposition about gods and demons? It's just a bit too far. We're only building our characters at this stage.

Ooooh thanks @MagusDream. Idk if I'll use them long-term, but I'll make an effort to start off with it.

@Expendable I was discussing this with Tortoise in a PM haha. Cause Mergoux is a servant to Death as well, albeit a much different form of her. Sort of like your Death, she's not likely to do much other than maybe pass on a message or two or something, but just for kicks here's her quickie CS just for kicks. BTW, is your death based on Sir Terry Pratchett's death at all?

I have to reject this as well, for all the same reasons as above.

As a general rule: don't make a CS for gods or nations or concepts or whatnot. Those are just for our characters, and I don't really want to make definite rules about the metaphysical as this early stage.

Everybody, I'm officially starting the RP this coming Sunday, December 11th! I'll be making the first post and, though later Destinations will be created by players, I'll take the liberty of creating our first Destination myself. I want the chance to get to set the mood, try to show what we can do with a solid setting.

Now, if you haven't yet completed your CS, there's no cause for concern. (Neither have I, even.) You can join the Caravan at any point along its journey- if you're done tonight or in three weeks, so long as the RP is still going, your sheet will still be read and reviewed.

Thank you all for your patience. I look forward to both exploring and building this world with you all <3
@Tortoise, things ramped up on my end; I might not have the time for this, sorry.

Best of luck.

When I was creating Siri, I realized that there would be some additional characters who step in from time to time as a part of her world, and I didn't want to surprise anyone when they did. Dia would be a companion to Siri and seen in her cat form most of the time.

And yes, I know it won't fool the fairies.

The Witch

The Cat

These next two are just NPCs that Siri and Dia interact with. They have no power in the campaign against the caravan or its people. Jester can't cross over to this world unless a place has been prepared for him, and nobody except a few can see Death.

Also, Jester is offering their grand unified theory on magic and Shadow Realm relations.

The Patronus (NPC)

The Psycopomp (NPC) - He doesn't always show up, just when it's interesting. Or there's a party.

It was a busy day for me, work-wise, but remind me to check this one out upon the morrow.
At work atm, so I'm not able to respond to posts here, I just wanted to let you know that an update on when the RP is officially starting is coming tonight
@Lady Lascivious

Oh, a perfect sheet. Approved.

Understandable. I wasn't planning to make him just, like, some edgelord stabman type, definitely not blatant about it and possibly clever and charismatic enough to not get found out easily. I can fiddle with the specifics to more your liking, moreso wanting to feel out if you'd prefer characters with more scruples or not.

I got other character ideas in mind even if this one falls through, too!

I would just say- don't make him too out-rightly evil.

<Snipped quote by Crusader Lord>



Sorry! Sometimes questions just get lost in the sheets and all.

Yeah, your idea sounds acceptable. I was briefly into occult-y stuff IRL before being the super Christian boi that I am today, acthually :P
<Snipped quote by MagusDream>

I've been working on origin locations for my characters! I'm so excited to see what others are working on. Ehhh! Excitement overload.

Honestly, visiting the areas our various characters our from is one of the things I'm most looking forward to in this RP. Like, yes, lemme see y'all's weird hometowns.

here's my guy!

Your sheet made me laugh audibly, more than once. Accepted.
I'm afraid that your sheet will have to be one of the ones that I put on the back-burner. We can PM if you want to know the specifics, but at the moment I don't believe that I can accept Tiny Tim (despite his wonderful name) into the RP.

She's adorable, and I love her.

Approved. We can always use more knights and goblins. I like 'em both.

I decided to make a second character for fun. Probably won't use him as much, but I was really vibing with the look and got inspiration.


Y'know, my character is a human who comes from a place called the Old Marshland, and while it doesn't come into his story much, my idea for it is that it used to be a fey-land before humans migrated in and killed off most the native fey. Since your dude is already not fond of humans, there might be some tension there, if he knows that bit of history :P
<Snipped quote by Tortoise>

How's about my question? Is there like any kind of disposition you'd wanna avoid in characters?

Honestly, it's a tough one to answer, because I'd just have to see the sheet. My instinct is to say "No, killer-y characters are fine," but I would advise that I don't think the Caravan would actively shelter someone that they know is an (unjustified) murderer
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