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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Mine probably won't be up tomorrow morning, I have my last day of MCAS tomorrow and then I DONT HAVE TO DO IT EVER AGAIN FUCK YEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS

<Snipped quote by Vec>

I've been distracted by listening to legendary pokemon battle theme remix's all day.

Helps me get some ideas for stuffs~ xP

well, whatever floats your boat.
Ill think about the gym leader, altough i probably already know who he is going to be. he is pretty much hinted in my CS.
<Snipped quote by Nightmare Bunny>

...if its the organizational skills in this thread, then all credit goes to Bunny~ xP

man, it's late and apparently I can't brain right now xD

i should really go to sleep as well. I stayed late to finish that CS...
@SharyxeNigel felt the cool downpour, the water droplets raining down on his face. However, he didn't care. The small smile that had started forming on his lips was beginning to grow. The nanites had repaired sufficient part of his memory circuits and his most recent memories had started coming back to him. "The seed has been planted...now we can only wait..."

Suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching his location. "Hah..he came to finish me..." was the first thought that crossed his mind. He was wrong however; as it turned out, it was Aria that had come to his aid. She knelt next to his decapitated head. Although he couldn't make any facial expressions, he could see Aria. He could see how worried she was, her face betraying her voice.

A single nanite flew upwards and landed on top of Arias' nose. That was his way of saying he was okay, well, almost ok. He wasn't dead atleast, that much he was sure of it.
Yep, looks good to me if the incident with the steelix/Jynx happened more than ten years ago, sometime around when he was 8 or younger. Otherwise, the wild pokemon probably wouldn't be helping them.

that is correct ;P
posted it is then. go my dears, read!


NAME: Blake Winterhawk
AGE: 18
PERSONALITY: At first glance, Blake comes off as a serious, apathetic kind of guy. However, a pleasant surprice awaits you if you decide to get to know him better as he is actually very sociable and outgoing; if you get him to actually pay attention that is.

Yeah... concentration isn't his strong suite and he is often found daydreaming, caught in his own little world. That, nevertheless, doesn't hinder him when it comes to his achieving the goals he sets. Blake is an overachiever and always strives to be the best at everything he does, moreso when it comes to breeding and training pokemon. He will almost never turn down a battle and thrives in extreme environments due to the experience he has gained from the regular wild excursions he went with his brothers when they were younger.

Blake doesn't shy away from voicing his opinion when it matters. When faced with difficulty, he tries to deal with the problem at hand carefully and efficiently, making him a valuable asset to any team.

HISTORY: Blake hails from Blackthorn City. His family, the Winterhawks, are well known for producing accompliced Dragon Tamers and take pride in that fact. His childhood, well, if there was one adjective to describe it, that would be adventurous. His two older brothers, James and Bracken were always there for him through good and bad times. When they were little, the three would venture together to the outskirts of the city. They would often sneak inside the Ice Path, exploring it for hours before their father came looking for them, worried that they might have lost their way inside the cave. Their luck didn't last for long though and one day, their fathers' worst fears came true.

The three brothers had gone on their usual little expedition inside Ice Path. Having explored most of the cave near the entrance, they decided to go a little deeper, figuring that if something went wrong, they could always return back by following their footsteps in the snow. Well, they were mistaken. Before they had left for the expedition, their father, Joseph, had warned them not to venture too deep inside Ice Path because the wild Steelix that made their home there had entered their breeding period and they were very agrressive towards anyone who they thought invaded their territory. The three brothers ignored their fathers' warning and went deeper and deeper inside the cave, straying away from the main path with every step they took up.

After half an hour or so, they had gone so deep inside the cave that they could no longer find the path back to the entrance. What's more, their footsteps in the snow had been covered with a thin layer of ice, making them indiscernible to the boys novice tracking eyes. That is when the Steelix appeared. Apparently, they had entered one of the nests where the female Steelix would gather and lay their eggs and as a result, the Steelix thought they were there to steal the eggs and tried to protect them. They attacked the boys and would have been almost killed if it wasn't for two brave Jinx that protected them from the danger by driving away the Steelix.

Blake couldn't believe in his eyes. He couldn't believe it moreso when suddenly out of nowhere, Piloswine and Swinub approached the three lost boys and helped them. They carried them on their backs, guiding them safely back to the main path and to the outside world.

From that day, Blake became fascinated with Ice-type Pokemon and made it his goal to become one of the best Ice-type Pokemon breeders and trainers in the Johto Region, and why not, the world! As such, after spending a couple of years getting down the basics of breeding, he set out to get his first pokemon from Professor Elm.

  • He always gets mad with his old man because he never stops bickering about him choosing Ice-types over Dragon-types.
  • He is actually pretty good at managing money and as such, has very little expenses aside from the essentials.
  • Unknown to him, whenever he gets mad, a bulging vein appears on his forehead.
  • He has a mild case of germophobia. He never shares anything that has to do with food, drink etc with others. Other than that, he is perfectly fine with whatever your typical germophobe might be afraid of.

  • His trusty PokeGear.
  • A black coloured shoulder bag where he puts all his belongings.
  • Potions x3
  • Pokeballs x3
  • TM59 - Dragon Pulse x1 that his father gave to him as a last effort to make his son change his mind and follow the path of the Dragon Tamer. Needless to say, he failed.
  • A change of clothes for the road.
  • 100$


TL;DR: Read the CS you lazy bum!


NAME: Joseph Winterhawk
AGE: 53
PERSONALITY: As a young man, Joseph was incredibly hotheaded, impetuous, and confrontational. He was not very serious or focused and tended to fool around, but was known to be incredibly savvy. Now, as a fully grown up adult, Joseph is much the same, only as an irascible middle-aged man with a temper and the same mischievous spirit as in his younger days. Loud voice, big smile and a wide range of facial expressions are his trademark features.

His relationship with his family is as good, if not better, than anything a father would ever want. Although at first, he viewed his youngest sons' decision to become an Ice-type Pokemon trainer as an abandonment of the family traditions; given some time, he has grown to respect it. However, that doesn't mean it stopped him from bickering about it whenever the two meet.

HISTORY: Current head of the Winterhawk Family, Gym leader of Blackthorn City Gym and one of the leading people when it comes to Dragon types, Joseph Winterhawk is indeed a great man. Born and raised in Blackthorn City, in a time when Dragons were revered as guardians of the city and helped out everyone, Joseph can't help but to feel sad about the current situation. Nowadays, with the sudden change in the pokemons' behaviour, Dragon types are portrayed as the most dangerous of all the types, something that enrages Joseph. He practically grew up around Dragon types, heck, his best friend and longstanding companion, Salamence, has been with him for as long as he can remember and not even once had it attacked him or hurt him in any way or form....

As for how he became the Blackthorn City gym leader; well that came as a surprise to even him. Clair, the previous gym leader and cousin to the former Ingigo League Champion, Lance, approached him a couple of years earlier from the storys' current timeline and offered him the position. When he asked as to why she was giving it away like that, she just brushed off the question, giving him a simple "Because I want to travel the world" along with a playful smile. Joseph threw a fit at her, saying stuff like "You can't just leave the gym like that!" and "The pride of the Dragon Tamer!" etc.

After he had calmed down a bit and after hard negotiations, Clair managed to convince him to accept the offer on the condition that he would be only an "acting Gym Leader," filling in for her until she returned back from her journey.

  • Like his youngest son, Blake, a bulging vein appears on his forehead whenever he gets angry.
  • Has the bad habit of pulling pranks at the poor trainers who come to challenge his gym.

  • Full Restore x20
  • TM59 - Dragon Pulse x100
  • Scale Badge x100
  • Salamencite x1

Just so everyone knows, if they wanna make a Gym Leader too, they can~

you know what, i might actually make a gym leader myself. I call dibs on the Blackthorn City gym leader!
<Snipped quote by Rune_Alchemist>

Hm, better add this stuff to the info post at the beginning. Maybe under a new hider? "On Gym Leaders"?

ALSO: We now have five characters! We're missing @Vec, @Zoldyck and @DaDrummer676. Up your game, people! xD

i am about to sent it to you
<Snipped quote by Vec>

It's all good, Vec. We love you. You are the derpkingu after all.

<Snipped quote by Vec>

Yeah, Uncle Vec! We love you!

Who else would be our weird uncle? I mean, Weird Tales can try, but... WE NEED TWO, GODDAMMIT!

Aw, you cheered me up. Unlike someone....
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