Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Was planning on posting today but just did not get to it, I'll be fixing that tomorrow.
So she'd been summoned, then...?

It was time to show the world she'd always been worthy of the throne.

It was time to... time to...


Mordred paused for a few moments, furrowing her brow. What the hell was this? She'd been summoned, that was for sure. But this wasn't a Holy Grail War. Sure, she got all the knowledge she needed to know what was up with the current time period, but she had no clue why she was here in the first place.

On one hand... no way she was going to complain about being in the world again. After all, even if it wasn't a Grail War, the Red Knight could demonstrate just why she was worthy of being King.

But on the other hand...?

"... Oi oi oi," Mordred began, her helmet clanking as it slid apart and to the sides to reveal her face, her green eyes regarding the young man who currently shared the room she had appeared in, "You're my Master, right?"

For the moment, there was no time for formalities. Not that she had ever cared for them.

Blowing off everything he said, she buried Clarent's tip into the carpet.

"This is Tokyo, huh? The hell did you do, summoning a great knight like me when there's not even a Grail War?"

She placed her free hand against her chest, cocking her head as she did.

On one hand, the chance to show the world what she was made of again was great, but if this guy summoned her for something frivolous it'd piss her off.

"Nakano? What about Nakano? I'm still wondering what the hell's going on!"

Uncerimoniously, the blonde knight marched over and snatched the note out of the young man's hand, reading it over.

"... Tch, that's way too cryptic," Mordred let out a huff, having left a rather notable chunk of the floor gouged out with the tip of her sword.

Nobunaga clapped her hands together on Enli's words.

"I appreciate that you have chosen to put your faith in us," she replied, bowing her head slightly. Indeed, it was important to treat those you desired to rely upon you with respect, at least as long as they warranted it. This village's chieftan had proven himself to be, for the moment, quite worthy of that respect.

In life, Nobunaga would have asserted that respect was something to be earned, but given that her position here was still that of an outsider rather then a warlord she had little room to demand such things.

For now.

But Enli's acknowledgement of their potential assistance as well as his extension of hospitality was certainly respectable.

"For the moment, I agree with Misaki-san. As long as it places no great burden upon you, your hospitality would be welcomed. In the mean time, I believe I shall accompany her."

With a bow, the petite black-haired girl departed from the building, walking beside the fox. There was much to discuss, and certainly, Nobunaga wished to explore the town as well. The more knowledge, both that held by the fox and of this world, the better.

And then someone, someone who appeared out of place with the town's inhabitants, suddenly appeared to speak with her.

Without a moment's pause, she had already asked about Earth... so that was it.

For the briefest moment, Nobunaga considered deception. With no way of knowing what this woman's motives were, even if she did herald from the world they called home, perhaps it would have been best to deceive her. To claim no knowledge of Earth and meet her question with confusion.


Her outfit, no matter how she liked the fashion, made it abundantly clear she was not from around here. All it would take is a little questioning of the natives to reveal that Nobunaga, Misaki, and Novak had arrived from elsewhere.

Unless this woman was a fool, and given that she had recognized Misaki as a potential resurrected Earth human that was unlikely, she would be easily able to conclude the truth.

It was best to face this head on, in that case.

"Oh?" she began, "How curious, you mentioned Earth...? In that case, you must not be from around here, either. However..."

She gestured to Misaki.

"I'm afraid you will simply confuse my companion."

She could not claim herself a native, but Misaki...

@Rune_Alchemist@PKMNB0Y@Crimson Paladin@Click This
Ah, it was time.

Pyra placed one hand to her chest, stepping forward with a confident smile on her lips. This old man wasn't going to be able to ignore this! Whatever possible dangers faced this town, whatever commissions they may have...

She was going to blow through them like a gust of wind that was also on fire!

"I am the great Daughter of Sunlight, the Fiery Mage of Flames of Retribution!" she declared, twirling her staff in her free hand as she did, "The Child of Fire and Destruction who obliterates the darkness with justice! I am Pyra Kaos!"

She paused for a moment, to allow what was clearly a brilliant declaration of her awesome might to truly sink in.

"And I am here to take on any commissions this town may have! I'll wipe out any threat in the blink of an eye!"

She snapped her fingers on her right hand for emphasis, channeling magical energy into them as she did to make a tiny snap of flames. After all, she had to really make sure her introduction had impact! ... Not that she had any doubt that it would, but why not go all-out?

@Pyromania99@PKMNB0Y@Kiki is Anxious
I'll post tomorrow, sorry for the delay!

Her blue eyes slowly flickered open.

For a few moments her mind was swimming. She didn't know where she was, or what she was doing. She knew one thing for certain, and that was the fact she had been dead for hundreds of years.

The fact that she had been summoned as a Servant.

But beyond that...

For several moments there was simply nothing in her head but that one, simple fact. It was like she had awakened from extremely heavy sleep extremely suddenly, and been left with a head full of fog.

Slowly, however, gears in her mind began to turn. Her name. Her class. Her nature.

Just like waking up and being so groggy her mind didn't work, she had to catch up to herself.


One oversized sleeve rubbed at her eye as she sat up, body feeling considerably lighter as she did.

She brushed her blonde hair back as she drew herself completely into a sitting position.

The child known as Abigail Williams stretched her arms.


This was the city of Tokyo, in the nation of Japan... it was somewhere so far away from where she had lived that it was hard for her to even think about it. But now she was here.

A part of her thought it would be appropriate to pray, thanking God for the knowledge to make all of this less frightening, but the rest of her couldn't help but be curious. She was summoned as a Servant, but...

"... Hello? Um..."

There was no-one here. Wasn't there supposed to be a summoner...?

All she could see was steel and concrete around her. And lights beyond the edge of the surface she was standing upon... Oh, was she on top of a building...?

Unsteadily, she rose to her feet, picking up the teddy bear that had appeared alongside her with one hand and clutching it to her chest as she proceeded to the edge of the building.

Abigail's blue eyes widened.


A fantastical lightshow opened up before her. She had been granted knowledge, to be certain, but to see the glow of modern city, the lights spreading out in all directions around her, the vehicles moving far below...

It was so pretty...

... Not being able to share this view with someone was a shame, because it was pretty like a sunset over the ocean while the whales were out! In a different way, though.

It wasn't like anything she'd seen before in life.

After a few moments of awestruck staring, she peered over the edge of the building. She may not have known exactly why she had been summoned, but what she did know is that she had to get down.

"Hmmm... This building is so tall..."

But as a Servant, that wasn't an issue, was it?

Abigail stepped off the building.

The wind rushed past her, whipping her hair back. She clutched Yugo close to her chest with one hand, keeping her hat on with the other, as she descended.

She was a little jolted by her sudden landing, but it didn't hurt or anything like that.

The young blonde girl straightened.

"I hope I can figure out why I'm here..." she half murmured to herself, a small frown on her face as she did. As pretty as the lights were, she couldn't lose track of how strange this all was!

But there was something drawing her attention. Somehow, she felt compelled to head to the west of her location...

And so Abigail Williams went, seeking answers.
You know I have something else coming, but Mordred's ready.
The grotesque fluid lurched forward, rusty blades flashing as it brought a foul-smelling tendril firmly downwards. The blades buried in the ground where Fanilly once stood.

What... was this? This hideous blob, smelling like rotten, fermenting meat, surging forward to try and attack her. She knew of creatures that had bodies made of slime, but this thing was no natural living being.

It lurched forward again, swinging tendrils of foul-smelling fluid and snapped and rusty metal it tried to catch her again. She couldn't reach the necromancer like this! Vosahnn's sister was so close, but she was still in the grip of that man...

In spite of his boasting he could kill her at any time, however, it was clear that the man was well aware of the repercussions of doing so. After all, if he didn't care he would have done it by now.

And yet he was still holding onto her, masked face watching carefully as Fanilly evaded the thrashing tentacles of slime. He knew that, if he were to kill her, his leverage would be gone.

"Do you know what this is?" she heard him comment, as she leaped away from another lashing liquid tendril, "I'll tell you."

He cocked his head.

"It's an undead. A liquified corpse. The dead can be frail at times, but... well..." he chuckled, "It's far harder to combat something like this, isn't it?"


That sort of defacement of the dead... not only enslaving them, but converting their bodies into something like this...

Anger rose in Fanilly's heart. This couldn't be permitted. She couldn't let this continue! But how!? There didn't appear to be any vulnerabilities to the liquid undead...


Almost immediately as the axe began to swing down, the lightning mage drew back again. Moments later it became obvious why she had so quickly given up ground: The barrier she had put in place cracked, flashed, and then seemed to explode with enough force to knock a grown man off his feet, shattering like glass and scattering shards through the air that faded into nothingness.

"... Vorsik's axe, hm?" she commented, lightning crackling around her fingertips as she took another step back, "I hope his death was something he could be proud of, if nothing else."

She sighed.

"Damn that bastard," she said under her breath, eyes drifting to the necromancer for a moment before she raised one arm again, electricity surging from her shoulder to her palm as another circle of magical energy spread out ahead of her.

"Fine then. Let's do this," the mage grinned, but it seemed somehow hollow, "Let's put it to the test. The Lightning Magic of Elva Fraus against the Iron Rose Knights."

"My, such harsh spices... I suppose it makes sense, their lands are so cold, after all," commented the Princess as she considered Gillian's words. "We may sometimes see snow here, but I understand the lands of the Ingvarr see it almost all year round. It must be quite an experience for them, coming down to the south..."

Eliabelle considered this for a moment.

"It must be as surprising for them as it would be for us, if we were to go that far North," she concluded, nodding slightly to herself as she did.

But then...

"... Reon's... button...?"

@HereComesTheSnow@Asuras@jdh97@Animal@TheFake@Crimson Paladin@PaulHaynek@FlappyTheSpybot@Raineh Daze@ghastlyinc@Krayzikk@Heartfillia
@Tomotaxi: I guess that does work pretty well.
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