Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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The bullets fired by the scout mechs pinged off the barrier created by Derrick, scattering to the sides harmlessly as others careened past the barrier and missed their target entirely. The drones were not created for the purpose of raw power. Rather, the intent of their creation had always been lightweight combatants who were capable of exploration and attack. When encountering a barrier like this, there was little they could do to break through it quickly.

There was a shearing sound as Freyja's sword bit through solid metal and tore its way cleanly through the first of the machine's inner workings, devastating its functions and leaving both haves of the drone toppling to either side, smoke and sparks rising from its innards.

The machine struck by Cadenza let out a low-pitched whine as the joint of one of its legs bent backwards from the blow of her fist, metal twisting and tearing from the blow. It slid backwards on its wheels before toppling sideways, though its weaponry swiftly trained on the pugilist and prepared to open fire!

The other two machines seemed to figure out that their attacks had no impact on Freyja, and instead began to train on Cadenza instead...

With Corrine's light, the path into the cavern was illuminated. It was narrow, but not so narrow that even the largest of the adventurers would be unable to fit, with unlit torches haphazardly fixed to the right wall. It was likely the people who found the location in the first place had left the torches there but not yet replenished them. The cavern also went fairly deep, enough so that even with the bright illumination cast by the hundi mage it was only possible to make the faint outline of a hole in what was presumably the wall of the monastery.

The path, at least so far, appeared to be mostly clear. It wasn't a surprise there didn't appear to be any traps.

Thus it seemed safe to proceed inwards...

Until there was a strange creaking sound, and, faintly illuminated, the shape of a skeletal figure peaked out of the hole. A body devoid of flesh, with red pinpoints of light in its eyesockets, it was soon joined by eight more of its kind, some retaining dry and dessicated flesh on their ancient bones and others carrying rusted swords and shields.

@Raineh Daze@Rune_Alchemist@Darner@Crimson Paladin@Zoey Boey@Pyromania99
Now that everyone's posted, expect the update tomorrow!
@Darner: Glad to hear it!
Saber - Artoria Pendragon

The moment the strange, insect-like bombs began attempting to swarm all over the Lancer, Artoria immediately stepped forward. Both hands on her swords's hilt, the cloak of air around the blade began to seemingly vibrate, swelling, bursting outwards as she gathered power into Invisible Air. The Knight wasn't about to let her ally be defeated like that, no matter what the situation was. At the moment, the Lancer and her were united in their purpose!

An eruption of wind and light exploded from her weapon in the same moment that she swung it upwards. It rushed towards the sky, sweeping through the insectoid bombs and sending them careening into the air, hurtling higher and higher, some outright crushed by the blast of mystical wind as others simply hurtled far enough up that their explosions would be useless.

For the briefest moment, a golden light was visible, before the Saber's sword was coated with air once more, obscuring its length and shape entirely.


Mihama Nanako

Nanako's shoulders sagged the moment she heard that all too familiar jingle. She hesitated for a moment, but thankfully she had yet to actually start making breakfast... placing an egg aside, she slowly shuffled out of the kitchen, peering at the TV screen. The comments BB made weren't exactly lost on the brunette, a reminder that the AI seemed to have some voyeuristic tendencies and could be watching at any time...

But she wouldn't let that make her act any different!

She took a deep breath before speaking.

"... What do you need, BB-san?"

Even considering her usually upbeat attitude, it was hard not to sound a little bit strained after this.

@Darner: Just waiting on you!
Saber - Artoria Pendragon

With her Master's reassurance, the blonde Saber nodded. Given what the Lancer had said, and the abominable tactics used by their opponent given the sight of those bombs beneath the wounded civilians' skin. The best path for her was to leave the premises and locate the Servant responsible as quickly as possible. From there, it became a matter of doing the obvious. She had to kill the perpetrator.

As soon as they were dead, there was no way that they would be able to trigger the explosives planted in the bodies of the victims of the blast.

The King of Knights was going to do everything she could to prevent even a single one of them from dying.

As she left the wrecked restaurant, hands firmly on the hilt of her invisible blade, Artoria at first started following the tan-skinned Lancer, but rather then simply blindly pursuing her she instead attempted to discern if there were any strange sources of magical energy nearby. Certainly, it was more difficult to detect Servants in an entire city of Servants, but when they were so actively utilizing their own abilities then it wasn't impossible...


Mihama Nanako

"Well... well it's brunch, then!" Nanako declared. That's what having breakfast too late was called, wasn't it?

And this time she definitely wasn't going to break three eggs on the floor! Both of her arms were working, those eggs' self-destructive tendencies wouldn't get the better of her this time! No way!

With that, Nanako went about preparing breakfast. While she wasn't the best cook, she could handle following a recipe, and she remembered how much Melt had liked the crepes. So trying out something similar, one of those sweet western breakfast dishes, seemed like a great idea! Not only did she think Melt might like it, but it sounded pretty appealing to her as well.

As Freyja moved forward, she would be met with a sudden whirring sound. Immediately, emerging from the nearby tall grass, a quartet of machines emerged. Each was mounted on retractable wheels, two legs supporting a rectangular body. With a clicking sound, a pair of small turrets folding out from the upper surface of their main bodies. Almost immediately, they had already trained their weaponry on the Dark Knight, preparing to fire...!

It was easy to recognize the machines as a model of fairly cheap scout robot, but that didn't remove the potential threat of their weaponry!

Aaah, sorry for the crappy update. I was struggling with how far forward to move things.
"Six? Quite a crowd, then, I'm sure the clergy would be pleased," Diane commented as she stamped the guild seal on the sheet. With that, the job had been officially accepted.

All that was left now was to finish preparations.

A sheer rock wall was the sight that greeted the collected adventurers when they arrived at the rough location of the ruins. It would take a few moments before it became possible to locate the entrance to the buried monastery, moments that would likely be accompanied by considerable confusion over exactly how an entire building became buried like this. Regardless, speculation would do little good.

The entrance was a cavern, a gap in the stony wall leading the monastery itself. Or at least that was what could be discerned from outside, past a certain point it was simply too dark to see just how one could enter the ancient structure. Given the knowledge of the location provided, there had to be some way in.

Which meant the cavern was the best way forward for the moment.

@Raineh Daze@Rune_Alchemist@Darner@Crimson Paladin@Zoey Boey@Pyromania99
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