Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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@ActRaiserTheReturned: Afraid this is a little too skimpy and not quite what I'm looking for, sorry. ^^;
He still sought her attention did he?

Then, that was exactly the thing she wouldn't given him.

Nobunaga was quite aware of the type of person this was. Even if the deity's offer was genuine, there was no telling what else would be attached to it. This was the enemy general, and there was no denying the fact that he was a skilled manipulator.

So she would not grant him the opportunity to bait her into being manipulated. She would offer him nothing.

For Nobunaga did not truly intend to merely destroy his influence in this village. A reckless god had no place in the world. No matter how long it took, she would crush his influence and reduce him to nothing. Knowledge would be forged by discovery, by diplomacy, by interacting with the natural world.

Not by the whims of a reckless god.

But the first steps were much smaller ones.

The petite black-haired girl paused a moment. Ah, Novak? The man who had aided in killing the scaled beast that attacked the hunters. It appeared there were further pressing issues, and possibly quite tied to the matter at hand.

But first things first.

"Is something the matter, Enli-san?" she asked, as she approached, bowing politely after a moment's pause, "I certainly hope I find you well, but it seems there may be some matters worthy of concern afoot."

@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin

Ten thousand years ago, the gods died.

It was an event that shook the world. A catastrophe that seemed to herald the end of days. Some people truly believed they were facing the world's last sunset. And so they sat in their homes, holding their loved ones close as darkness crept in, knowing they would never awaken deep within their hearts.

And yet...

The sun rose once more. The world had not died. The end of everything had not come to pass.

People still existed.

And so, life went on.

As the sun rose and set over and over again, and years began to pass, civilizations grew. The gods who had died all those years ago began to sink into obscurity, to become nothing more then a distant memory. For some, other beliefs rose. And over time, science and technology began to propel the world to greater and greater heights. Vast cities rose. Machines were created to facilitate mass industry. The people of the world experienced an age unlike any other that had come to pass before, where knowledge dominated.

The world had changed so much, in what could be considered the blink of an eye.

The gods had been completely forgotten, still dead. Still gone.

The Age of Science and Technology flourished.

And yet it would not last.

Was it a conflict that could have been avoided? A catastrophe none had been able to foresee? An accident that had started a chain reaction through mere chance?

There are none today who can remember just what set the world ablaze.

Cities fell. Industries collapsed. Millions died.

There are some who said it was the end of days. That it would be the world's last sunset.

And yet, the sun rose again. There were still some who lived, though the population had fallen drastically over the course of the Great Calamity.

Those who remained behind were left to pick up the pieces as best they could. And in the thousands of years since the disaster, they did. In some places, cities have rose again, though they are not the same glittering metropolises that covered the world in the Age of Science and Technology. Machines have been recovered, and some nations have been able to engineer their own.

But the gods remained long forgotten. Even the Age of Science and Technology is shrouded in mystery now, so much knowledge lost.

The sun rises. Conflict breaks out. The people arm themselves.

The shadows grow long, and something lurks in the darkness.

Dead Gods Dream.

It is to this world of ten thousand years passed that the gods reawaken. Without their worshippers, they are severely weakened. And yet as gods, they still retain a spark of divinity.

It is into a unfamiliar world, with no knowledge of what has passed while they dreamed, that they are returned to life.

Something terrible is coming.

In this RP, the players will take the roles of the newly-revived forgotten gods, thrust into a world much changed from that which they once presided over. Severely weakened, they will have face this new world, and ultimately discover the threat lurking in the shadows.

Of course, as stated, they are severely weakened. While they will certainly appear powerful to the average human, it will require regaining the love and worship of the people to ascend back to true divinity. It is only by doing this that they can truly become gods once more.

The power level for gods to start with should be more within range of a fantasy adventurer to begin with, but they will grow in power as the RP progresses and they gain more admiration. As such, the level of power in the RP in general will escalate considerably as time goes on.

That being said, I would like to avoid gods with domains such as creation(for multiple reasons), or death.

The RP is intended for about six players, and thus I do not intend to be accepting more then that. Additionally, I would like to maintain a weekly posting schedule, no less then one post per person every week. While I will permit delays provided I'm given a reason, I would prefer to delay no longer then one additional week and will consider removing a player if they do not keep to this schedule.

In terms of the setting, many details will be omitted as players are intended to discover them in-game. However, I will state that magic is present, and while some cities are more technologically advanced the world is largely dominated by nature. In some locations, overgrown ruins from the Age of Science and Technology still remain.

  • Name:
  • Gender:
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
  • Domain:
  • Abilities:
  • Brief Backstory:
I'd like if everyone got a post up before I did, but I'll be updating in the next couple days otherwise.
@Darner: Sorry to see you go!

For everyone else, I'll update in the next couple days.
That theme that had sounded melodic the other day now sounded so very disconcerting. And the one playing it...

An elderly man in fine clothing, tinged with silver. There was little doubt in her mind over the nature of the one she faced. Nobunaga had guessed he may make some move. It wasn't unlikely he already knew of her intentions.

That did not, however, change anything.

She faced the enemy general. The Illuminator sought her attention. Just as all gods did, he wished to take a part of her time away from something far more immediately important.

And as such, the petite girl would instead respond with her opening move. A first attack, so to speak.

"Forgive me, but I have little time to spare," Nobunaga began, "Should you wish to speak with me, you must wait. Like anyone else."

Bowing politely, as she would to any ordinary person, she continued on her way without further delay.

I'm honestly still here for this I just didn't know anyone else was.
Needless to say, given the role she had in the plan ahead Lazhira's behavior was a cause for concern, combined with the news of the vanished temple. Be that as it may, that did not take away from the fact that ensuring negotiations between Enli and the Kyrinth proceeded smoothly was top priority. That meant that acting as as sort of bodyguard for the village elder was hardly a bad idea.

Besides, Nobunaga's designs had only grown more grand since she learned of the state of the land of Chagawa. She could hardly begin her plans if her first campaign ended in failure.

"I shall be accompanying Enli," she informed Misaki, taking note of the woman who had previously guessed at their origins. There was still no reason to reveal her own foreign nature unless pressed, and certainly not to expose her identity. Therefore, it was best to leave them to their devices. Papermaking would greatly assist in their goals, after all.

With a bow, she turned and departed.

Nobunaga's ambitions were clear in her mind, but she had to claim her first goal to continue with the others.

The God of Knowledge had to fall.

@PKMNB0Y@Rune_Alchemist@Click This
Tsugihara Runa

For a moment, Runa's heart leaped into her chest at the appearance of the clown-like Servant... but then the tension in her body eased when the blonde Saber cut him nearly in half, and the Lancer quickened his departure with her spear. For a brief moment afterwards, the room was almost entirely still.

Or perhaps it was merely her perception of things that slowed to a crawl for an instant in the aftermath of the sudden and far to close brush with destruction.

Regardless of what the explanation was, Runa placed a hand to her chest and took a deep breath. Now, they could focus on what came next.

Figuring out just what was going on and who was participating.

On taking a quick look at the pictures on the phone, the girl frowned for a moment. One of them was clearly Japanese, and had a pair of branching antlers much like a dragon.

It was a bit of a longshot, but her own Servant was deeply associated with Japanese myths. Runa herself had a few guesses, but if Benienma recognized her...

"Saber, do you recognize the horned girl?" she asked.

@Raineh Daze@PKMNB0Y

Saber - Artoria Pendragon

"I am fine, Master," Artoria insisted, brushing aside her Master's concern. Indeed, it did not seem that she had suffered any serious injury... but it seemed a piece of debris had indeed cut into her right shoulder, at some point.

It was not important.

"Master, are you unharmed?" she asked, glancing at the fading remains of the deceased Caster for a moment before returning her attention to her Master, as well as the departing figure of the rough-tempered Lancer. "If so, we should depart as swiftly as possible in order to pursue the others involved in this farce."

This foolishness, endangering the innocent people of Fusang... what were they thinking?!


Mihama Nanako

Nanako yelped as her Servant shoved her roughly behind a nearby counter, but it was hardly difficult to see why she'd done so. They'd just been greeted by a whole squad of heavily armed guards!

Peering out from behind the counter, she could see them, brandishing guns and other weaponry. Spears, swords, bows and arrows... were those mystic codes? If so, that was the only thing Meltryllis had to worry about.

Or any of these Servants had to worry about, for suddenly Meltryllis had been joined by two more Servants, who had into the hall and began helping to break through the guards! It was a tall girl in a wedding dress-like outfit with a huge mace, and a vicious girl using her bare hands.

It was... gruesome. Nanako still wasn't so used to violence, seeing the guards torn apart, holes blown through torsos, struck with enough force to collapse their chest cavities... but she reminded herself once more that they were trying to hurt her. Their entire goal was to kill anyone who entered.

The remaining guards were already retreating through the door they'd initially emerged from.

"Muuuu, and you're the best they had?" complained the disembodied voice. "Fiiiiiine, I guess I'll have to help out~!"

Hey, posting will be delayed, I'm dealing with the post-second-dose side effects of the vaccine right now and I'm not feeling up to it. ^^;
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