@shadowsaint007 Yeah, there was some buggery regarding that, but thankfully it's settled. Just use the CS provided in the tab. The flintlocks are mainly for balance purposes and fit better with the setting. Plus like Kazemitsu said, just carry multiple 😆. Though I admit that's gotta be heavy.
@shadowsaint007 Welcome! And yes we're still open. Pistols are acceptable as long as they are flintlock. Plus there's always room for a wisecracking rogue. Just post a CS and I'll give it a looksey
- The cursed children of the night, vampires are either born from a distinct bloodline, created via a ritual, or turned into one by another's bite, in the case of Corvin. They are commonly recognized by their key features: pale skin, snow-white hair, crimson eyes, and sharp fangs. They sustain themselves by drinking the blood of other living creatures but prefer human blood above all else. Vampires are masters of seduction and trickery, using their irresistible charm to lure their prey towards them. With just a simple glance, a vampire can take control of their victim's mind and subject them to their will, albeit temporarily.
As creatures born of darkness, vampires are resistant to nearly all forms of magic, however, they are incredibly weak to light or holy magics, such as those used by clerics and priests. Holy relics, silver weapons, and blessed water can also harm them. Vampires can see clearly in the dark, and at night, they gain a boost to their power. Alas, during the day, vampires grow weaker, and the longer they are exposed to sunlight, the more damage they take. A vampire must also feed regularly on blood, otherwise, they will wither away slowly and die eventually.
A vampire can be killed instantly either by a stake through the heart or decapitation.
Vampires also possess the inherent ability to shapeshift, commonly into a bat though some vampires can also take the form of a wolf or a cloud of mist, allowing them to seep through cracks in walls and under doorways.
Vampires cannot enter a person's home or residence without invitation. If they do so, they will receive the Curse of Forbiddance, suffering debilitating effects such as nausea, fatigue, and overwhelming anxiety.
Guild Rank: Bronze Class: Necroblade- The Necroblade class is a hybrid class between a Spellsword and a Necromancer. Similar to Spellswords, Necroblades utilize both martial and magical abilities in combat, however, Necroblades tap into the dark powers of necromancy to summon undead from the dreaded Abyss, curse their enemies with debilitating effects, and feed off their life energy to heal themselves.
Necroblades favor light armor and rely on quick footwork and dexterity in combat, nimbly dodging their enemies' attacks rather than tanking damage. They are not fond of heavy armor or weapons either, as like the Spellswords, they prefer to wield light, quick blades such as rapiers, sabers, estocs, and other dueling implements.
Special Abilities (3):
Summon Skeletal Warrior- Once per day, a necroblade can summon a skeletal warrior to aid them in combat. This skeletal warrior stays with them until either they are killed in battle or dismissed by the necroblade. As a necroblade becomes more experienced, they can summon a much stronger variant, the skeletal knight. When a necroblade has reached their full potential, however, they can call upon the most powerful of undead, the skeletal deathlord, who commands an army of skeletal warriors.
Curse of Debilitation- Necroblades channel their necromantic energies to cast curses upon their foes, weakening their defenses against both physical and magical attacks. Unless the curse is dispelled or outright negated by armor or abilities that protect from curses, the afflicted will suffer major penalties to their defense and other resistances.
Transformation: Bat Swarm- Self explanatory. Corvin can disappear and reappear in a swarm of bats to dodge attacks from enemies. As a swarm of bats, he can also reach high places and harry his enemies, allowing others in his party to inflict critical damage.
Vampiric Mail- Armor worn by vampires, supposedly made from mithril. It is light and flexible to move in yet durable enough to sustain damage. Perfect for a creature of the night.
Wide-Brimmed Hat Nothing special about this hat, other than it keeps the sun out of Corvin's eyes to help him see better during the day. It also doesn't hurt to look stylish while fighting monsters, does it?
Aquilion- The family heirloom blade of House de Leonhart, passed down through generations. It is a light, nimble silver sword, perfect for cutting and thrusting.
Sanguine Elixir- A red potion with an alchemical makeup similar to human blood. Though not as effective as the real thing, it temporarily staves off a vampire's hunger as well as gives them a boost to their strength and speed.
Twilight Cloak- A pitch black cloak with a crimson lining. Though it appears to be made of normal cloth, the cape is made from a magical material known only to vampires. The cape can harden to form a formidable shield around the wearer as well as turn into a set of bat wings to aid in flight.
Leatherbound Journal- Just a journal Corvin keeps on him at all times, either to record his adventures or just to jot down his current thoughts.
Personality: Charismatic, vain, arrogant, hedonistic, a bit of a flirt, closeted about his past, tormented by his existence as a vampire
Backstory: Corvin Lestraad de Leonhart was once a human nobleman, hailing from the southeastern country of Alestira. However, one night, while he was attending a ball at another nobleman's lavish estate, he met with a mysterious and undoubtedly striking young woman. She had long, snow-white hair that trailed down to her backside, a slender yet curvaceous figure, and a dazzling smile that seduced the young count immediately.
"Ah...my dear, you are certainly a goddess." Corvin swooned tenderly kissing her hand. "I have laid eyes on many a charming maiden here tonight, but none have struck my fancy such as you. Pray tell, what is your name, darling?"
The woman giggled, her voice ever so smooth and sultry, "Why don't I tell you...after we dance, Count Lestraad."
"Hmm, so you know me already I see.", Corvin laughed issuing a charming grin, gingerly taking her dainty hand in his and leading her onto the dancefloor. Gracefully, they swayed and twirled across the wooden floor, not once breaking eye contact.
Corvin found himself ensnared by her alluring beauty, her glowing porcelain skin, her full, luscious crimson lips. As they danced, she pressed her body closer to his, wrapping her arms tight around his muscular neck. She leaned in closer, whispering in his ear, "Why don't we go somewhere more...private...my dear count? The night is so young, and there is much more...pleasure to be had."
Corvin's face lit up red as a rose, a rather lurid smile curling his pale lips. How lucky was he, he thought with a quite lascivious intention, that he would be in the arms of such a ravishing beauty as her. Oh, indeed he would claim her this night.
While the party continued, the woman led him out into the gardens of the estate, pulling him hastily and excitedly by his arms into the thick foliage of a perfectly trimmed hedge maze. Corvin found himself lost in a sea of emerald soon, his head swimming with thoughts of pure ecstasy. It wasn't long before the woman was on him, attacking his lips with such ferocious passion it caught him off guard. Normally, he was the one who insinuated these steamy, late-night trysts, but now he found himself on the receiving end of such.
The woman grabbed him and pushed him up against a marble column in the center of the maze, pressing her hips and her breasts deeper into him, practically restraining him as she kissed him harder. She eventually pulled her lips away, breaking the long, fiery kiss.
Corvin watched as she dipped her head back, her eyes closed in rapture...but as they opened again...the young man noticed...a startling change.
The woman's eyes, once a soft rosy color, were glowing red...blood red.
His delight was quickly replaced by shock and terror. "By the gods! You're a...a VAMP-!"
Alas, he was too late to utter the dreaded name of the creature the woman had become...or rather was already. Two sharp fangs poked into his neck as she fell on him with a voracious hunger and sucked him nearly dry. When it was over, and the fiendish whore had her fill, she left him writhing in intense agony before succumbing to the pain and passing out.
The next day, the groundskeeper found Corvin lying unconscious. He was brought back to his family estate, deep in the Carthenwald Forest, where he lay bedridden for nearly eight weeks.
When he awoke, the change had already taken place, much to his dreadful dismay. His canines had grown long and sharp nearly passing his lips, his eyes...once a crystalline blue like his mother's, had turned into a sinister red, his skin was pale, almost like that of a dead man, and his raven black hair was now a stark white. He couldn't eat or drink anything either. Nothing would satisfy his appetite...nothing except...
"Oh gods help me....this is terrible!", Corvin lamented, staring into his bedroom mirror...only to find nothing but the wall behind him reflecting. Damn that she-devil, he thought gritting his teeth. She had lured him into her web, and now...he was this hideous creature. She had robbed him of more than just his humanity. Corvin had lost all dignity for himself. He was a fool for letting the bitch seduce him. If she were here now, he would drive a stake straight through her wicked heart and then cleave her pretty little head off with Aquilion.
He sighed, bowing his head in utter shame. If the story got out that he was a vampire, he would be ridiculed by his family and every other noble house, completely ostracized. Worse, the Church and every vampire hunter would be gunning for his head. He had to find a cure for this wretched disease somehow, somewhere.
And so he set off on his long, arduous adventure, taking nothing from his home but a hat and cloak to conceal his identity, or so he hoped, and his family's prized longsword. Corvin decided the best way to discover a cure for vampirism was to track down the source itself. He raided dark, haunting crypts and tombs and explored crumbling castles and ancient citadels. Along the way, he fought against the most terrifying and powerful vampires he'd ever faced, killing them all with the aid of his silver blade. Afterward, he plundered every resource he could from their frightening abodes, books, scrolls, magical artifacts, and potions.
He had learned a great deal about magic from these findings, especially necromancy, and earned quite a boon from the rare armor he unearthed. Still, his efforts had proved fruitless. Corvin was beginning to think there was no cure. He was cursed to be a vampire forever...
Or so he thought...
During one of his explorations to the cursed lands of Gransylva (hint-hint), Corvin discovered an old book in the study of a vampire's castle high in the Dragonteeth Mountains. The book, written by a scholar from the Scholia Arcana in Iftenreld many years ago, told of a mysterious tower, the Tower of Athena. It was said to be teeming with all sorts of monsters and deadly traps, but adventurers would find beyond its challenges treasures beyond their wildest dreams.
"Pfft! I bet." Corvin scoffed as he read. "A man like me doesn't need treasures." As he continued reading, however, his eyes came upon an interesting passage, the words practically jumping up from the page. Corvin read quietly, "Though it has not yet been confirmed, legends speak of an artifact known as the Ewer of Cleansing, sequestered within the Tower of Athena's highest level, untouched by man. It is said whoever drinks from the mystical ewer's endless water will be cured of all ailments, all diseases, curses, and afflictions."
Corvin's heart fluttered ecstatically in his chest. This was it! This was the cure he had been searching for nearly all his undead life! He snapped the book shut, tucking it under his arm, and began to leave the study. Unfortunately, as he turned around...his eyes locked with the burning red glare of the castle's malevolent lord: Matthias Von Drakovich.
"And just what in the six hells are you doing in my home?!" Matthias growled baring his sharp fangs. The two clashed in an epic battle, yet Corvin failed to slay the vampire. During the fight, Matthias unleashed a barrage of dark energy that threw Corvin out a window and sent him plummeting to the ground below. He landed painfully yet survived the fall, dragging his broken body away along with the book he had stolen. There were quite a few empty pages towards the back, which Corvin devoted to writing on as a personal journal.
Thankfully that was the last he saw of Gransylva's infamous Vampire King. He spent the remainder of his days healing in a nearby cavern before continuing his journey, leaving the black lands behind him.
In a matter of days, he had found the location of the tower. Much to his chagrin, however, Corvin discovered other enterprising adventurers who were there to raid the massive construct. He cared nothing for the treasures inside and only wanted the ewer. Alas, he would have no choice but to fall in with their ranks. He would have to be careful not to reveal himself as one of the creatures of the night. Who knew how these others would react knowing a vampire lurked among them?
You are entering the lair of an incredibly pissed-off vampire. You may be subject to the following:
-Vulgar language -Unbridled Rage -An over extensive use of ALL CAPS!!! -More vulgar language -References to the foodservice industry -And more vulgar language
Did we mention the vulgar language part already? No? Well fuck it!
So anyway, I was nearly killed at work because some meth-head wanted a pizza AFTER CLOSING.
Here's how the buggery went down. I work at a gas station/pizza joint as a cook and sometimes as a cashier. It was after nine o'clock when we turned the ovens off and stopped serving pizza. Well, around 10:30, as I was finishing up the last of the dishes, this dude walked in, and he was FLYING on drugs! Like seriously, this guy was probably carrying a Walgreens' worth in his system. He came up to the register and started asking if we were still making food. I politely responded, "No sir, we stop serving food after nine o' clock."
That is when the fecal refuse collided with oscillating blades...in other words...SHIT HIT THE FAN! The guy literally lunged at me bug-eyed,
I backed up, thinking at this point I had incensed the bastard into a murderous rage. How was I to tell he didn't have a gun or a knife on him?
Unfortunately, because my boss is a prick and an idiot, we don't have any signs saying we stop serving after nine. So, we have to just tell people. That works out about as well as trying to poke a bear with a toothpick and not expect to be plastered against the pines! I once again told the douche-pickle, "Sir, we stop serving pizzas after nine 'o clock. That is our rule. I am sorry for this inconvenience. If you want to order a pizza, you'll have to come back tomorrow at noon."
Truthfully, he was correct. Our menu board above the register was still on...because my dumbass manager forgot to turn it off at nine like she was supposed to. I hadn't realized it either because I was busy in the back cleaning up and prepping for the next day. Anywho...
Shit-heel resumed yelling at me, as if that was going to persuade me otherwise. I calmly explained that we had forgotten to turn the menu off and did so. That was when he fucking lunged at me again, "OH OH I SEE WHAT YOU'RE FUCKING DOING FATASS! YOU'RE MAKING THAT SHIT UP! SO NOW YOU TURN THE MENU OFF! HUH?! HUH?!" The prick of all pricks demanded I turn the menu back on....then uttered the dreaded words, "GO GET YOUR FUCKING MANAGER!"
Mind you, this whole time I was alone at the register. My manager, who we shall call Yesca out of grudging respect, was in the back office...halfway across the fucking store...doing "paperwork" watching netflix on her phone. I let out a brief sigh of anger, responding with, "Okay, sir, but I need you to calm down. If you escalate this any further, I will have to call the police." Mind you, I couldn't call the police, at least not until I called the boss first, which if you ask me *inhales*
So, I go and get Yesca off her ass and drag her out to meet Captain Dickwad. Luckily, she was able to de-escalate the situation, but the guy was still treating us like a bunch of dumbkuffs. Instead, he just bought some burritos out of the deli...which he could have done in the first fucking place... Then the asshat crumbles them up and throws them...THROWS THEM on the ground outside.
Needless to say, I had already had enough of the dillhole and wanted to skin his face for another Halloween mask. Screw the cops! I was gonna take him out myself! Alas, I relented and had a cigarette before it was time to "officially" close down for the night and go home.
The moral of the story, kiddos: Don't ever work nights in a gas station...EVER! And if you do, pack heat, because your boss is liable to just throw you to the wolves with a steak taped to your ass.
Castle Dracula - Observatory - Somewhere in Transylvania
"What a mess..." Alucard sighed as he surveyed the damage done to the observatory...his observatory now that he was the ruler of Castle Dracula, the prize...he supposed...for slaying the vampire in cold blood, a prospect that hadn't sat well with him ever since.
Nearly all of the castle was ransacked from their brutal battle. Not a single room was spared from the two as they tussled and smashed through every wall and every floor. Finally, the battle came to its bloody conclusion when Alucard...did the unthinkable...staking Dracula through the heart. In that brief moment, as the vampire...no...the man who was his father turned to dust, Alucard witnessed Dracula stumbling towards him, his arms outstretched. It was not in a threatening manner, at least that's what the dhampir assumed. Rather, it was as though the man was trying to embrace him one last time. Alucard recalled his last words,
"My boy... I'm killing our boy, Lisa... The greatest gift you have ever given me...and I'm killing him... I must already be dead..."
Alucard shook the memories from his head and resumed his inspection.
The great mirror that stood in the middle of the grand, circular room, which Dracula used to peer out into the world beyond the cold, stone walls, was shattered into a million pieces. Shards laid upon the ground, glistening like stars amidst the warm glow of the early morning sun pouring through the gaping hole above. Alucard gingerly picked up one of the shards and clutched it in his bare hand. A small trickle of blood seeped from his palm and fell, the dhampir closing his golden eyes for a second.
Why...he thought to himself, surrounded by nothing but the grim silence of the castle. Why did it have to come to this? His father was dead, so was his mother, and now...the only two souls he had for companionship, Trevor and Sypha,...had left him. Alucard was all alone.
With a gruff exhale, he cast the shard away and turned swiftly on his heels, his long black cloak billowing behind him. Alas, as he made his first strides out of the room, something caught his attention. Alucard paused, slowly rotating his head to peek over his broad shoulder. The shard he had cast down in angst, still wet with his viscous blood, had a peculiar glow to it. Alucard sauntered back into the room and picked up the shard again, this time observing it curiously.
The shard began to glow brighter at his touch. "What the...?" Alucard's eyebrow raised. Before the dhampir could react, the room was engulfed in a blinding white flash. Alucard felt his body pulled away, as if through some kind of portal. Just as quickly as it happened, it was over. Alucard felt his feet land on solid ground. He looked up and beheld his new, unfamiliar surroundings.
Ruined Church - Whereabouts Unknown
"What is this place?" Alucard pondered as he scanned about. His vision, slightly blurry from the quick flash, gradually adjusted, funny, abstract shapes coming together in crystal clarity. A large effigy of a cross towered over his head, suspended to a crumbling stone wall. Grand panes of what were once beautiful stained glass windows were left smashed and barren. The great, vaulted ceiling above his head had a wide gash through it, rain pouring down in thick drops upon his head.
Flanking Alucard on both sides were rows of pews that were splintered, hymnals and tomes of holy text left tarnished on the ground, their leatherbound covers weathered with age, a few loose pages here and there fluttering about.
"Hmm...some sort of church." Alucard gathered from his observations. Normally, a church or any holy ground would spell death for one of vampiric blood. Alas, Alucard was not affected in the least by humans and their silly superstitions. Still, he was troubled. Somehow, that one solitary shard of his father's mirror transported him here. What sort of magic was this?
As he stepped forward, his foot sloshed in a puddle of liquid. At first, Alucard thought it was just from the rain pouring down overhead, but a familiar scent caught his nostrils and made him pause. He glanced at the floor. "Blood?" His brow furrowed, his hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of his sword. The dhampir cast a weary glance around. There were no bodies, nothing really to indicate a struggle except for the damage done to the inner sanctuary by something...or someone for that matter. Alucard continued to investigate. That's when he noticed a trail of blood leaving from the bottom of the pulpit and out the wide open door. "There must be a survivor." Alucard thought to himself before resting his hand at ease, though he still kept up his guard. This place was alien to him at best.
Following the blood trail, he stepped out into the open air. The skies above were a dull cast of dismal grays, fat drops of rain pouring down heavily in sheets. Thunder rumbled in the distance as lightning crashed overhead illuminating briefly the surrounding wilderness. Alucard slowly trod forward, keeping a vigilant eye out for danger. Should whoever attacked this church return, he would be ready to strike them down.
A chilling wind diced through his flesh and tore at his black cloak. Alucard pulled the drawstring tighter and resumed his steady pace. Then, he saw it.
Black clouds of smoke billowed over the treetops, like a blot of ink splashed against the drab canvas of the tumultuous sky. Alucard's nostrils tinged with yet another familiar odor, the acrid stench causing the dhampir to grimace. It was a smell...of death.
Without another thought, he sprung off his heels in a dead sprint, tearing through the forest with a speed that far outmatched any mortal being. Trees had passed him in blurring shapes ever so rapidly until he broke through to the other side, gazing out over the wide expanse of land and unto the ruined village. "Oh no!" Alucard halted in his tracks. Bodies lied strewn about the ground, some picked on by carrion crows. All the houses and buildings were demolished, still smoldering from fires that had since died out due to the rain. Blood was spattered across their marred surfaces and pooled at the feet of the dhampir as he strode carefully through the front gate. A bell in a nearby chapel's belfry tolled mournfully, amidst the cackles and caws of the swarming crows and the subtle rumble of thunder in the distance.
"What happened to this place?" Said Alucard aloud, his eyes taking in every grisly detail of the horror surrounding him. He was no stranger at all to the sight of death, yet the whole place gave Alucard an unsettling vibe. There were women and children among the dead, a wholesale slaughter. Nothing of the sort had indicated a battle. There were no weapons left lying around, no signs of combat. This...was a massacre. "I doubt anyone could have survived this."
"Hello? Is anyone here? Where am I?"
"What?!" Alucard tensed as soon as he heard the girl crying out. So someone did survive after all, he thought. He wasted no time racing through the village, yet being careful not to step on the corpses, following the girl's voice as it echoed through the dead air.
"Who's there? Show yourself!" He called. His hand reached for his sword. What if this was a trap set by the enemy? What if they were using one of the survivors to draw him in for an ambush? Alucard couldn't afford to let his guard down once, not in a strange...and seemingly unforgiving place such as this. Tightening his grip on the hilt, he prepared himself to draw at the slightest instance of danger. "Come forth now, and I won't cut you down where you stand!" He growled.