Avatar of Zeroth


Recent Statuses

17 days ago
Current Say "thanks," when they compliment you and smile. Watch more of what's going on around you instead of staying inside your head. If eye contact's hard, stare at her forehead.
1 like
1 mo ago
@ColdAtlus: Cheems.
1 like
2 mos ago
If commissioning an artist isn't possible, could look into using AI and then editing what it puts out. Lots of ppl are salty about AI art so maybe use a disclaimer, but it's an option.
2 mos ago
1-liners become impossible if you actually write. What're your characters' 5 senses picking up? What emotions/thoughts do they have as they speak? What body language do they show? No bulli, just fact.
2 mos ago
In the AI era, you can only get ghosted if you choose to be.


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

Most Recent Posts

@Guy0fV4lor@King Cosmos@ReusableSword@Such A Birch@ERode@SubjectVision@Crusader Lord@Kazemitsu@Unkown58

I'm a little busier than I expected to be today but I should be able to get a GM update out this weekend. Please let me know if you'd like me to wait for your post, or if you need the update to address a specific action/question!
@Crusader Lord@ERode
But just because I am feeling magnanimous I shall go ahead and give you what I had planned:

Analyzing Creatures...
Elwet - [...] REPEAT BOOST: Most parts of an Elwet's body are quite resistant to heat and open flame, but it can be cooked--albeit tediously--once the protective feathers and outer skin has been removed.

Elwet Organs - TARGETED ANALYSIS: Elwet organs aren't much different from those of other birds. Sometimes stones in their gizzards are affected by their fire magic, however, and become like extremely dense, polished coals or flint. Their livers are EXTREMELY high in iron, making them quite unpleasant to most people's tastes. A gamey smell pervades the organs as well, so even those more commonly used in recipes have the tendency to ruin the whole meal with their pungency.
I'm guessing that Crusader's analysis of the organs would be left to a separate post?

Yes. I absolutely did not forget. NEVER QUESTION THE DEMON KING'S METHODS.
@ERode@Kazemitsu@King Cosmos

@Unkown58@Lucius Cypher
That said, @Zeroth was the tree containing the Tatzelwurm one of those similar to an oak tree, if yes about how big are the leaves? Sorry if this is a dumb question! ^-^;

My notes have the description "A short, leafy tree that usually doesn't grow higher than six or seven feet, but its trunk will put out many smaller branches that may reach up to nine or ten feet. The larger branches, usually near the bottom or middle of the tree, will produce round green nuts with thick shells." So I'll say yes, it's deciduous and has broad leaves somewhat like an oak or maple tree!

No worries! *puts on glasses and professor's cap, which is tilted to one side due to my demon king horns* The only dumb question, is the one that is never asked! *dramatically Gainax poses on top of the desk, but the "explosion" is drawn in chalk on the blackboard behind me*
@Lucius Cypher@Unkown58

@Crusader Lord
One of the Elwets had fired off a fireball, and presumably, since it didn't strike one of the kiddos, it must have struck the surrounding vegetation. Did that leave nothing they could've used for ignition?

Mostly asking cause I had Esfir vaguely point that out in a previous post.

The only fireball launched by one of the Elwets was blocked by Akeno in this post.

A post is up! And a RIBARU (TN Note: ribaru means rival) has appeared!?

As Gren went to chop the vine, the moment he brought the stone hatchet down the thing twitched! His blow falling off center as it moved, the hatchet didn’t cleave the thing in half but sank deep into the wood beneath it while tearing through scale and flesh. There was sharp hiss as the axe left behind a shallow wound, and with a noise like angry leather a Tatzelwurm whipped its head out from behind the tree! Digging its claws into the bark it flew, quick as a squirrel, up the trunk—but this tree wasn’t all that tall to begin with, and it was still within reach of the Orc Runts. From a perch above their heads it bristled with fangs and rage-filled eyes, its wounded tail curling up behind it in an attempt to make it look larger.

A moment later, it spat green, sizzling bile right at Gren’s face!

Vola had prepared for this moment, by scratching a “rune” into her weapon! But as she raised it, a dull throb in her head made her wince.

[Rune Scribe] has failed. Error: No [Magic] Skills Available for inscription yet.

Lazash and Grunthor would find no shortage of kindling materials on the forest floor. Though often hidden by scrubby brush, dead leaves from the recent winter seasons and branches brought down by winds and storms over the years covered the ground in a thick layer of detritus. Some particularly dry specimens could be reduced to dusty splinters just by breaking it up with one’s hands, or the leaves could be easily shredded. Both would produce soft starter materials.

However, just fuel and kindling did not a fire make. They needed some way to light their tinder. The sharp rocks they carried weren’t hard enough to produce sparks by striking them—though if they attempted it, they might be able to hone the edges of their impromptu weapons a bit more. Did either of them know how to do the ol’ “rub two sticks together” trick, or some other survival method? A piece of glass to use as a lens? Or…

The Elwets had been able to spit fire somehow, hadn’t they? Did magical skills have anything to do with biology? Should they risk eating one of their captures to attempt to learn such a Skill for themselves? Or further mangling their kills by trying to dissect it for examination?

Meanwhile, Esfir and Akeno pressed through the brush in pursuit of the one bird that had fled the fight. Even though the Elwets had often been described by other Orcs as “aggressive,” it seemed that like any wild creature it would put its own survival over any kind of pride in the face of a clearly insurmountable threat—four Orc Runts with weapons would be more than a match, as they had just proven for themselves.

They heard squawking and rustling up ahead not long after leaving the battleground, however, and as they emerged they saw another Runt from their tribe—the one called Rik, if they happened to have heard the name—facing off with the very same Elwet they were after! The bird had ruffled up its feathers and was spewing smoke from its nostrils. Rik had weapons in hand. Would he prove an ally? A competitor? No doubt Rik was thinking the very same thing about them—

“[Miasma Bolt!]”

But before this three way stand-off could go any further, a fourth intervened. From off to one side, a projectile made from black, hissing smoke so dark it seemed to eat its way through the air flew like a javelin! The solid vapor struck the Elwet in its meaty chest, spearing it all the way through! But in the same moment the three Runts turned to look for the magic’s source, or froze to process what they’d just seen, clawed feet pounded the dirt and a dark blur charged between them to seize the fallen bird.

It was another Runt. A male. But his skin was a darker, duller shade of green with what seemed like a mottled pattern to it, and his eyes were a fiery, ember orange. Black, almost blue hair with a greased sheen fell around his unusually mature face.

He grinned at them. Swinging the Elwet by its neck over his shoulder like a large sack of potatoes, he let out a cackle.

“Smell ya later, losers!” And he was off like a shot, quickly disappearing into the shadows of the trees, in the direction of the camp.

While Agar and Duram took in everything they’d observed—the life signs Agar had detected with his [Field Scan], the different sounds coming from the environment all around them, and, perhaps most notably, the double earthquake that had occurred in a ten foot circle in the exact same place—they would see Ushnekh hurrying away as if he had nothing to do with any of it.

As Ushnekh scurried, he would of course recognize the other two Runts from the Brood Pit. But as he cleared the forest and headed for the camp in the distance, mangled Tatzelwurm clutched in hand, he would also see another Runt emerge from the brush perhaps a hundred yards or so away from him. It was another male. But his skin was a darker, duller shade of green with what seemed like a mottled pattern to it, and his eyes were a fiery, ember orange. Black, almost blue hair with a greased sheen fell around his unusually mature face. This other Runt had a gleeful grin on his face, showing off a mouthful of sharp teeth, as he carried a large dead bird over his shoulder—one of those creatures called an Elwet, perhaps?

If Ushnekh continued back to camp, he and the other Runt would likely make it back around the same time. Would they be the first ones to report their kills? Also, while he got his breath back after a few moments in a seemingly normal fashion, he still felt "empty," somehow. It was like feeling hungry...in his soul? But he got the feeling that, with proper rest, he might regain what he had spent thus far.

The info below is relevant to anyone interested in Taming creatures.

I saw I had been pinged in this and for a split second thought this applied to Goh training the children.

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