Avatar of Zeroth


Recent Statuses

17 days ago
Current Say "thanks," when they compliment you and smile. Watch more of what's going on around you instead of staying inside your head. If eye contact's hard, stare at her forehead.
1 like
1 mo ago
@ColdAtlus: Cheems.
1 like
2 mos ago
If commissioning an artist isn't possible, could look into using AI and then editing what it puts out. Lots of ppl are salty about AI art so maybe use a disclaimer, but it's an option.
2 mos ago
1-liners become impossible if you actually write. What're your characters' 5 senses picking up? What emotions/thoughts do they have as they speak? What body language do they show? No bulli, just fact.
2 mos ago
In the AI era, you can only get ghosted if you choose to be.


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

Most Recent Posts

Sarvok/Sarena - "I'm here to save you!"

Some Poor Saps - "Oh thank goodness its the cleric and-"

Sarvok/Sarena - "FROM YOURSELVES!!!"

Some Poor Saps - "Oh no its Sarvok."

Don't worry, if worst comes to worst all we have to do to defeat her is find a mind-broken, hero-complex'd weirdo made outta swords.

...those are everywhere, right?

Mhm, all of those are some fun skills. I almost want the spirit ash summons lol.

and while Aid would be nice, what would I do if I couldn't perform pure unadulterated violence against the unbelievers.

I choose holy bolt.

Sounds good! Add it to your list as your isekai skill and drop her in the CS tab!
Welp, here she be. Instead of questionable science lizard, I instead went with ~religion~ this time.

Hopefully this is acceptable. I left it pretty open ended with the last bit, but I figured it'd make most sense if while she was around with the others she just went off and decided to pray.

Looks good to go! I can't wait to see her start a CRUSADE! Pick ONE skill!

*The Divine Spirit is oddly quiet. There is a faraway look in her eyes.*

...We all live our life as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying.

I hope that your Faith is well placed.

  • Summon Contract - Rank I - Create a magical contract with an intelligent being to temporarily borrow its power. At Rank I, only Tier 1 Creatures with fitting intelligence can be contracted. Upon Summoning, they will instantly perform 1 Skill/Attack before the Summon period ends. (For instance, a summoned Slime with no Skills would simply lunge at the opponent as if tackling them, and vanish immediately afterward.)
  • Resist Curse - Rank I - Passively increase one's resistance against magical debuffs, Cursed equipment, and negative status effects from Spells or physical attacks.
  • Aid - Rank I - Spend MP to heal small wounds and relieve non-threatening ailments.
  • Holy Bolt - Rank I - A basic elemental bolt of holy magic. Hurl or shoot a magical projectile roughly 30 feet in a straight line. It travels at roughly the same speed you could physically propel a small rock. If the target is undead, aligned with the Curse element, or a member of a True Demon species, it will take increased damage. This spell cannot harm Holy aligned creatures of a higher level than the caster.
Divine Spirit Jehanne


Interacting with: Nibiria @Enkryption
Garden || Conversation || Smug Amusement

Goh chuckled as he listened to Nibiria, before tapping out the ashes from his pipe---away from any of the plants, of course, and grinding them into the dirt with his heel to be sure no stray embers got away.

"You are too modest, young miss." he said as he closed his eyes and felt the breeze whispering through this well tended, peaceful garden. "I think all of those things you mentioned would be of interest. But even if you don't agree with me, I agree with you quite wholeheartedly." He placed the pipe back between his wrinkled lips and folded his arms into his sleeves. "Those little rapscallions are always getting into something---and they've been slacking off in their training. I'm always telling them, they'll get hurt if they don't pay attention!" He laughed again, though at the end he coughed politely into one fist.

Truthfully, his senses could pick up the children's energy even from here---totally fine and traipsing about without a care---but why mention it? He wanted the good doctor to come out among the townsfolk in any case. "Let us return, then!" He stepped aside to let Nibiria pass first, clearly willing to let her lead the way.

Update is up! Hopefully I didn't miss anything this time. Also, I'll try to get around to updating NPC/World tabs and whatnot at some point. @Crusader Lord I think I came up with a workable way to have the Runts sort of move on without Esfir, without straight up rocks-falling anybody or being too egregious with puppeteering.@Unkown58Sorry that I missed your question! Still need info?

@Rune_Alchemist@Timemaster@Kaga Classs@Ashh@Steel Legion
Since we've had a few dropouts, I wanted to drop you folks a notice if you still had interest in joining! Given the pace of things has been fairly manageable (a few blips on my part notwithstanding) I'll lift the original "10 players" restriction for you all so anyone who wants to throw a CS out here, feel free! Also, apologies--I think I missed replying to some of you when you originally posted, I didn't mean to be rude!
Orc Camp


Though the Runts weren’t familiar with all the faces of the Orc tribe, they would know the big players from simple observation during their time as babies—even if those memories now seemed subordinate to those from their human lives. Thus, Ushnekh was able to find his way to the Shaman’s home after his satisfying meal.

The orc camp, nestled between the mountains and cliffs, had a few dwellings in the form of natural caves carved into the rocky walls by time and elements. Usually only the stronger or more renown monsters lived in these, with the rest being forced to make do with tents and teepees—in the case of some poor Grunts, it was the best they could do to make an A-frame shelter with a bed of leaves. But the Shaman enjoyed a rather cozy home by comparison: the cave itself was set at an angle to a curved rock face, and the lean-to had been built as an extension of sorts. It was similar, perhaps, to a covered patio or porch built as an add-on to a human house. A few of the Shaman’s personal belongings and knicknacks could be seen around the corner of the stone entry, but the outer area seemed to serve as her “workshop,” or ritual area…maybe even a lab? It was hard to peg exactly what she was doing here at the moment.

Under the shade of several stretched out pelts between the support posts, Yambagorn stood in front of a small table made from stacking a long, flat rock on top of some timber sections. On this table, a small brazier full of fresh red coals seemed to be roasting a batch of nuts. And below the small, black-iron pot that held the nuts, a blackened wooden tube collected some kind of oil dripping out of the shells and through a series of small holes in the pot. A wooden cutting board held the finely-chopped remains of red-and-green capped mushrooms, and the shaman had just finished cleaning her knife as Ushnekh approached. Without looking at the Runt, she slammed it into one of the nearby wooden posts and let it hang there, quivering.

The female orc turned and retrieved a bowl of something from on top of a wooden barrel with her thin, leather-skinned arms. The wooden bowl seemed to hold some kind of grass or herb, which she began smashing to paste with a stone pestle between her gnarled fingers. Then she looked up at the approaching Ushnekh, her rheumy eyes taking his figure in before she snorted with what might have been amusement.

“So, ya furst hunt be goin’ well, den? Good, good.” She sat down on a seat made from a tree stump, and continued to grind the herbs. “Good ting ya ain’t be hurt, too. Medicine ain’t ready yet.” She gestured with her weak chin and wobbling neck towards another stump. “But ya lookin’ like ya got tings ta ask. Dat’s good, Runt.” She gave Ushnekh a gummy smile, before she snorted and hacked a big loogi between her feet.
The Forest


Fully Consumed: Slime Membrane
Current Ingestion: Slime - 75%
All Ingested Skills have been detected! Choose ONE:

  • [Blunt Damage Resistance]
  • [Danger Scan]
  • [Scavenge]

As he chewed, Agar quietly moved through the forest while trying to acclimate his new body to the same stealthy movements he had once been used to. As he left behind the other group of Runts, he now found himself alone…and as he pressed deeper into the trees, the sounds of the forest began to reach him. Indeed, if so many Runts had been stomping around until now, the local wildlife had probably been pretty wary. But now, since he was by himself and making far less noise, he could pick up the ambient signals all around him.

Leaves rustled. Birds called in the distance. Every so often, the trees groaned and sighed under the wind.

And then, something ahead and above of Agar made a sound. He probably wouldn’t have picked up on it if he hadn’t been walking so quietly himself—it was as subtle as a squirrel moving in the branches. But it wasn’t a squirrel. He only caught a glimpse of it, as it passed between a gap in the canopy, but it was enough that he could follow its movement further across two trees.

It was the same kind of snake-cat creature that the other Runt had been carrying, right after they made that big cracking noise in the other part of the forest. So that meant it was what they called a Tatzelwurm. However, this one had its back to Agar even as it lowered itself down from branch to branch. Its gaze was intensely focused on something in front of it…and soon, Agar could see exactly what the Tatzelwurm saw.

A corpse of some unlucky animal lay on the ground, already half consumed by whatever had killed it and now in the stages of decomposition. But right next to that corpse, another creature was hunched, tearing off strips of the rotted flesh with clawed limbs and bringing them to a gobbling mouth. It had leathery, batlike wings folded close to its body, and only two legs/arms/whatever one might call them. Maybe this was what some of the older Orcs had called…A Harpy?

Whatever it was, the Tatzelwurm was intensely focused on the creature. The harpy, for its part, was unaware it was being stalked. The tatzelwurm moved much like Agar now, slow and silent, its coils gripping the lowest branch that hung not too far over the harpy’s backside.

A scavenger, being ambushed, by an ambusher that was being tracked by an orc runt. Now, would Agar try to take his rightful place in the food chain, or…?

North Caves

As Vola munched on the leftovers of her shared kill with Gren, she also looked around the clearing for anything useful and tried to make use of the materials they already had. Before the group departed for the North Caves, she was able to find the same foul smelling, black colored plant that Esfir had and gather a few of the nasty looking leaves and seedpods from it. But she also found something else:

One particular tree at the edge of the clearing didn’t stand out much from the others, save for one thing. A branch had been broken off its trunk at some point, and seemed to have further broken down into multiple pieces on the ground where it landed. But something about these fragments of wood caught her eye, and when she picked it up, she found it was more like a piece of petrified wood than anything green or dried. Upon looking at the place where the wood had fallen off the original tree, she found that rather than splinters or peeling bark, the place where the branch had broken was also slightly petrified…as if rather than growing new bark over the wound, the parent tree had instead been covered with a layer of rock. The rock also blended almost imperceptibly with the still-growing trunk, its bark the same beige and gray mix of colors and of a similar roughness to plain stone.

But before she could investigate further, one of the other Runts called her. It was time to go.

Gren’s last crafting experiment, making a sling, didn’t work out quite as planned—though the Coilbone was quite flexible, it still had sections of harder bone or cartilage, whatever the stuff was made of, and thus it didn’t quite flex the way a normal rope would. He was able to get it into the shape of a sling well enough, and it even released his first test rock with some decent force. But the knots didn’t hold, and the whipping motion caused something in the fatty joints to pop loudly. The spinal cord might’ve worked better as a sort of chain, only moving along one axis of flexion, rather than a freely twisting rope. Or maybe it was just his clumsy knot tying. Given the damage he’d already incurred, though, it might be risky to try re-tying it. Besides, they had to go…

On their way, the group passed another Runt, who seemed to be chewing on something. So far, it looked like very few of them had managed to resist the urge to go ahead and eat their first kills, despite what the Head Warrior had told them about bringing their prey back in one piece. Then again, by the standards of Orc society, they were all still foolhardy youngsters, after all.

Or…if other Runts were like them, reincarnated humans, maybe everyone had the same idea about experimenting to find out what skills they could get?

In any case, though the other Runt had something unusual to say, he didn’t seem intent on joining their group and soon disappeared back into the brush. So they continued to the North Caves.

Once they had arrived in the valley, and taken in all its sights, the “leader” of their little group suddenly spoke up.

“There are many of us now. Split into teams, and search thoroughly.” Esfir said in that no-nonsense way of hers. “Remember, we fight from ambush. Retreat if outmatched; if you’re in danger…” She thought for a moment, then shrugged. “Scream loud.” Then, she pointed—not towards the incredibly obvious cave, but towards the rocky walls on the other side of the valley. “I’ll go this way. Don’t want something following behind us as soon as we enter that.”

And then suddenly, each of them received a message.

Apologies everyone but I've been dealing with some stuff and haven't been able to sit down and think on some updates. I'll get an extra day off because of the 4th so hopefully if I don't get anything done this weekend I can get a midweek update out instead.

Since we've lost a few members at this point I'm also considering getting in touch with some of the people who expressed interest after we'd reached our initial quota. Feel free to show hands if you'd be for or against that or have any other concerns about how the RP's currently going.
Just wanted to let folks know I'm still here, just been dealing with some stuff and haven't been able to get a post out. Apologies @Enkryption if I'm holding you or @Mae up.
No internet here for the last few days after power surge, probably no update this weekend.
*checking for a pulse*

I started to post a reply but thought I'd wait a bit since I didn't want to double-reply too often. If you'd like I'll go ahead and try to get something up between now and tomorrow.
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