Just finished the last 5 episodes of Cobra Kai. MAN. Every time Mr. Miyagi gets brought up I start thinking about my own sensei and martial arts journey. To me, Karate's always been the HYPEST shit!
5 days ago
Just finished the last 5 episodes of Cobra Kai. MAN. Every time Mr. Miyagi gets brought up I start thinking about my own sensei and martial arts journey. To me, Karate's always been the HYPEST shit!
12 days ago
Another new guy at work asked me "What year did you graduate high school?" I looked at him for a moment and said, "Son, I graduated college about 10 years ago." Apparently I am very well preserved. XD
14 days ago
@Cleveraptor: If you did the best you could with what you had, then you did well today. If you look back on the past and wish you'd done it better, it means you learned. Celebrate small wins!
22 days ago
TFW a "training session" turns into an 8 hour shift and the assistant manager quits so you automatically are now training for that position. This feels a little like being a Sith.
1 mo ago
Write for 1 hour every single day. If you miss, just add it to the next day! It's incredible! Tomorrow I'm writing for 7 years.
On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.
@RogueFox Maybe start off from the perspective of the planet being invaded? Like, show their cities panicking to evacuate as the FF ships appear in the sky, or their military scrambling to try and fight back? Maybe the ship fires a beam that decimates a few buildings, or our Attack Pods land right on top of their tanks?
"A... Doggy bag? ...Oh, you wanted to bring him leftovers." she finally said before glancing back towards where the elf had thrown up mere moments earlier. "...I don't think he'd be able to keep it down, to be honest. It'd be better to just let him drink water for now and let the healers—and maybe a chirurgeon—do what they need to. I'll treat him some other time."
"Oh, no, not him." Is calling it a doggy bag offensive to cat people? "I meant for "S," the other person in our shack..." Connor clarified. "They, uh, kinda have a hard time getting anything for themselves right now, if we can I'd like to get back as soon as possible..."
Miera led him out of the slums and through the gatehouse into the actual town, thankfully taking any suspicion off the otherworlder. As they walked and talked she explained more about this world's take on the usual Adventurers' Guild tropes.
Eight ranks that are "normal," and three that are "legendary," although she might've left off a few. Connor noted. Her plate's...I'd call that either copper or bronze. So Miera was either a third-level or fifth, and she was capable of swinging a sword nearly as big as she was fast enough to overwhelm a "rogue type" opponent. Connor didn't know much about martial arts or if magic in this world could enhance physical abilities, but he assumed that would put the catgirl in "peak human athlete" territory. If he were to highball that assessment, then... Peak human would be like Captain America, so if that's bronze level...maybe Iron is just someone who's a "properly trained professional," Copper could be someone with an intermediate level of training, Tin would be a rookie... So even someone like him could probably pass whatever test was needed to become a Wood-ranked adventurer, and maybe he wouldn't even be expected to fight monsters yet. Cruising by on the typical herb-gathering quests was perfectly fine by him.
When they entered the tavern, he felt his heart rate speeding up. The number of people talking, the clinking of dishes, the crackling of a fire pit... Focus, focus, don't get overstimulated, don't freak out, you can do this, you're a soon-to-be-OP isekai protagonist now...
"What?" he half shouted when the waitress asked them what they wanted to drink. He gulped nervously as she repeated herself, but he still wasn't sure exactly what she'd said. He only caught "water" and "beer," and then Meira asked for water so he was able to piece it together. It wasn't that he couldn't hear her, but rather that he couldn't seem to shut out everyone else. God, he hated crowds!
"Beer!" he said, nodding rapidly until the waitress left. He sighed and tried to focus on staring at Miera's forehead. "Does this place have a menu? Better yet, what do you recommend if I haven't eaten anything in like..." How long has it actually been since I got on the plane this morning? "...a day?"
Once orders were in and all they had to do was wait, Connor cupped one hand near his ear so he could better hear what Miera had to say to his next questions.
"S-so, uh, let's say I'm not familiar with flora and fauna in, um, this region...What kind of monsters does a fella have to look out for around here?" He would carefully sip his beer--he'd drank some in college, though usually only to unwind while gaming or take the edge off after tests--while also occasionally looking around the tavern to gauge what kind of people were around them. "And, um...aside from, folk like yourself and Cassius, what uh...w-what other non-human races are common in the city?" I hope "non-human" is a politically correct way to phrase that...
Update is go! @King Cosmos and @Kazemitsu, if you still want to do things before time jumping that's cool, just let me know if there's something specific you need and I can tell you so you can include it in your next posts.
Gain Skill: Dusk Vision - Rank I - Orc Inheritance. One's eyes need less light to see by, allowing them to see normally in dim light conditions and half as well in darkness so long as it is not completely black. Color perception is half as accurate in dim light, and in darkness the perception of color is lost. This Skill does not apply to other vision-related Skills.
All Skill Slots have been filled.
Esfir's Murderous Intent caused the runt she was facing to stop cold in his tracks--if the skill worked better on weaker opponents, then it seemed evident that the "normal" Orc Runts probably had not gotten as many levels or skills as Esfir and the others like her. After she drop kicked him, he lost his grip on the heavy shield while trying to get up.
If not for the leather pouch on the end of her wooden spear, even without a sharp point she might've actually gutted him.
Her vicious thrust with the practice weapon sank right into the other orcling's solar plexus, producing a spray of spittle as her opponent was driven back. Gasping for air, nonetheless the miserable cretin managed to bat her weapon away. With a clear killing intent of his own he charged straight at Esfir, whirling his wooden mace--just a shaft with a larger chunk of a log screwed onto its end, a bit like a stick grenade--in wild figure eights.
He didn't have the breath left in him to keep it up for long, but if Esfir wasn't careful one of those wild swings had more than enough power to hurt... @King Cosmos Day 1 > Day 2 "Survival? Strength?" Yambagorn chuckled as she considered Akeno's answers. "To an Orc, da two be da same." The shaman grunted as she shifted her weight, rising with all the non-agility of an old crone before she shuffled over to her little table. She turned a few things over and slid bowls and tools around, before finding whatever it was she'd been looking for. Then she turned and held it out to Akeno.
"Dis be a Red Cream mushroom. When ya cut da head, de ooze inside keeps wounds from gettin' infected and makes swellin' go down. Ya can eat it, too--very filling!" The white stalked, bulbous red mushroom had little green, almost gel like pustules on top of it. "But, when ya mix it wif otha tings, it makes good medicine. If ya want to be me apprentice, find de otha ingredient to make Healing Salve, and bring it back to me!" The Shaman waved her off, and turned back to go into her cave. "Or keep it and just eat it, Yambagorn dun care! Best not go back out tonight, though, will soon be dark and de dangerous critters be out!"
With a ding sound Akeno could only hear in her head, another Optional Quest appeared in the System just like it had with Shamar. But, it seemed her conversation with the Shaman was over--unless she intended to talk with other Orcs in the camp, or was determined enough to try going back out into the wilderness as evening fast approached, it might be time to focus on finding her shelter to spend the night...
Assuming she would at least not get herself killed during the night, the next morning would see her at the Training Circle with the others going through the same grueling, cruel exercises.
Eventually she would be given a choice of practice weapon, and be paired up with a runt who looked pretty big for his age. He actually had hair too, or at least enough of it to be pulled up into a topknot on his otherwise bald and stone-blue head. He'd chosen a longsword, and wielded it with two hands as he waited, silent and stoic, for her to make the first move... @Kazemitsu Day 1 > Day 2
You have chosen [Dusk Vision] and [Empty Skill Slot]. Your Skill Slots are currently full. Placing Dusk Vision into Empty Skill Slot. All Skill Slots are filled.
"An anthog? And the otha three was already dead?" Auguz looked the two Runts over again as he considered Grunthor's story. Finally, he grumbled something to himself and nodded. "Fine, then. What's yer name, Runt--?" He started to hold Grunthor's arm up and announce his acceptance into the tribe as he had all the other successful runts up to this point, but then the Runt produced his slime bag full of his other kills' remains. Auguz blinked for a moment, and then his face cycled between confusion, surprise, and annoyance. He genuinely seemed at a loss for what to do--and settled on the most orcish reaction.
"Ya wasn't s'posed to be out dere eatin' like a little pig!" He slapped Grunthor over the head with one meaty palm. "You woulda been back a long time afore Wompus Cats start prowlin', if you'd done like ya was told!" Then he backhanded him. "And ya don't get no Skills if ya eat every freakin' aminal at once! Ya gotta focus on one ting at da time!" Finally, he grabbed Grunthor by the forehead, palming his whole cranium like a basketball, and glared into the runt's eyes. "In da future, ya better listen to what I fuggin' tells ya, Runt!" Then he pushed him along, and tossed back the spider leg trophy. "Now, by sunrise tomorrer yer to be at the Training Circle! I dun give a damn what ya do til then--just don't be a lazy grukh!"
"Phew." said the greasy, still unnamed runt as the Head Warrior stormed off. "Well, better you than me, huh champ? If it makes ya feel any better, I think he was actually impressed by your spoils--these dunderheads just don't know how to handle the unexpected, and he didn't want you to get the idea you could question his authority." Then he chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. "Then again, I ain't no shrink. What're ya gonna do now?"
Now that Grunthor had received the next Quest--which mentioned that he already had 3/3 meals for the day, and only needed to find shelter for the night before reporting to the training circle--he could also choose to visit other Orcs around the Camp in search of Optional Quests. If he explored or asked around a little bit, he'd likely be able to make contact with Shamar the Head Hunter, Bowbh the Head Crafter, Yambagorn the Shaman, or maybe someone else if he looked especially hard. But given how exhausted he'd already become and how late in the day it was, whatever other tasks he acquired would need to wait until the next day.
Finding shelter would make passing the night easier, but at the very least it seemed he would be lucky enough to survive to the next morning regardless...And then, upon going to the training circle, he'd be subjected to the same vicious beatings and mockeries as all the other runts. When finally given a choice of practice weapon and another opponent, he would find himself facing a fat, ochre-bodied, but short runt with a squashed face and buck teeth. This runt had picked a wooden polearm, a little longer than some of the other spears--perhaps meant to emulate a halberd or pike.
As soon as the start signal was given, the tubby orcling released a gibberish warcry before swinging in a wide circle, his whole body spinning towards Grunthor... @ReusableSword
Quest Complete! MP Increased! Mental Points are expended when you manipulate and release Mana, when the ratio of cognitive load to stress hormone production rises above the basal rate, or when emotional and/or sensory information input surpasses processing ability. When Mental Points are spent, you will suffer from the Mental Breakdown condition.
Gain Skill: Slash - Rank I - Powerful bladed attack to enhance weapons, claws, etc. Uses SP.
All Skill Slots are filled.
New Equipment: Buckskin Pants - Armor/Clothing - Pants, complete with small pockets, made from tanned and scraped hides. Offers some small measure of defense and cover against the elements. Not a complete set.
Agar's opponent hadn't expected him to advance, probably because the orc's idea of using a "defensive weapon" like a shield was to cower down behind it. As a result, both charges met head on as Agar's round shield smashed into the other runt's chest and clacked against his chin. As he stumbled back, Agar's wooden axe began to crackle with red energy--the activation of Slash felt like his heartbeat had somehow run down his arm into the weapon as he swung.
Desperately, the other orc managed to get both of his swords in front of him. There was a loud CRACK as the wooden weapons collided, and Agar's opponent was thrown backwards. One of his weapons had broken, and he'd lost his grip on the other one. He landed hard on his back on the ground, and groaned as he tried to roll over to get up...
"What're ya waitin' for? Finish it!" Auguz shouted from the edge of the ring, looking at Agar with an expectant eye...
Alrighty! I'll put out an ad or two, and we can see about starting next week regardless? I'm just not sure how many more people we'll get. This is pretty niche haha
Usually the interest check is put up before the actual RP topic, but in this case it probably wouldn't hurt to make one after the fact. You could put it in both the Casual Interest Checks and the General Interest Checks with links back to this topic.
@RogueFox I wouldn't mind waiting a big longer for more players. Rhubari as squad leader is fine by me.
I guess if I had any questions at this point, maybe what kind of planet and inhabitants we're starting out on? Would we be visiting the DB-Earth at any point?
"Food would be good, yes." Connor said quickly, nervously eyeing the elf. He didn't appear maimed, but something was clearly wrong with the elf. "But, uh, we should probably make sure we get a...doggy bag? You know, for...S?" He looked meaningfully at Cassius, before he turned to Meira. He could only look the catwoman in the eyes for a moment before his anxiety, and his instincts, caused his eyes to drift elsewhere on her body...
Can she hear out of those ears? Does she have human ones under her hair? They have fur tufts on the inside, does she have to trim them? That seems like it'd be gross...
"Um, w-well, if it'd take a while...we, uh, we could p-probably just call it a day after eating, then." He shoved his hands in his pockets as he fidgeted on the heels of his feet. His eyes shifted back to Meira's face, but only for a moment before he glanced at the wall instead. "But, uh, can I poke your brain along the way?" He assumed they'd be walking somewhere, and probably sitting for a while wherever they went for food. "Like, you just talked about plates, which I'm assuming are ranks? Are we working with like... F through S? Copper-to-Platinum?" He stepped away from the door and gestured for her to lead the way. "And like...what power levels are we talking here? Is one S rank worth a whole army?"
While he let his brain's rambling babble take over his mouth, he noted the slime's latest message. If he could get several meals worth of food out of Meira, hopefully it would be enough to fuel the non-humanoid member of their party long enough for them to grow a full set of working faculties. Until the slime could be somewhat self-sufficient, Connor just wouldn't feel right exploring the city alone. The contact function allowed them to stay in touch with one another, but if something were to happen, he very much doubted his ability to run back to the shack before something killed, ate, or captured the slime.
"Oh, and, uh, Cassius? Are you gonna head back to...check on S?" he added just before they left, poking his head back through the doorway.
@RogueFox Thanks for the answers! This is what I've got so far, let me know if anything would need to be changed or clarified!
Name: Gezoto (Geh-zoh-toe; "Togezo" rearranged. Togezo being the Japanese name for Mario's "Spiny" enemy) Gender: Male Age: 58 (equivalent to mid-twenties humans) Race: Ssupaik-jin (non-canon race) Power Level: 1140
Special Techniques: Frag Out - A crackling sphere of Ki that doesn't explode immediately upon impact---some foes are surprised when it bounces off of them to harmlessly roll over their feet. Then it goes off in a shower of energy "shrapnel," potentially piercing multiple opponents within its AoE.
Knuckle Buster - Focusing a great deal of ki into his pyramid-like, pointed knuckle spikes, Gezoto lets loose an all-out punch. Its power and guard-breaking properties are great, but it's limited to close quarters and weakens his defenses due to the rest of his ki aura being thinned.
Spike Wall - Gezoto takes a defensive stance, turning all the spikes of his body toward an incoming attack. He hardens his skin and muscles like iron and prepares to take a hit. Even if his hardened body is overwhelmed, a physical attack is likely to leave his enemy damaged by the recoil. Against ki attacks it's less effective, but better than nothing.
Reassembly - The Ssupaik-jin don't have a true "regeneration" ability the way some species do; instead, their spiked skin and blocky bodies heal in one of two different ways. The first, and most common, is by regrowing new pieces to replace the old, more akin to most other species' healing factor. It's limited to what's already there--they can't grow new pieces of a limb if that limb's been taken off. However, in cases of dismemberment or severe damage taken in battle, if one acts quickly a Ssupaik-jin can literally "put themselves back together." Pieces that are damaged (chipped spikes, burns, smaller bits that were severed or cracked, etc) will remain so, but the process is near instant, like popping a child's model figure back together. This allows the Ssupaik-jin to keep fighting, or at least survive to run away. Bloodloss, infectious disease, and organ function cannot be healed in this fashion, however.
Kintsugi - A "sacred rite of battle" from Ssupaik-jin culture in the days before the planet became corrupted, this ability can ONLY be triggered with repeated uses of Reassembly that have been allowed to properly heal and a required ki threshold. Damaged pieces of a Ssupaik-jin that have been Reassembled will eventually begin to heal normally like the rest of the body, but the original shock of the wound causes a great deal of stress. If enough ki energy can be drawn to offset this, then the damaged pieces will not only stabilize, but grow stronger and harder like polished metal ore. Cracks fill, points are sharpened, and hard edges are smoothed out. Repeated damage to the same area, however, requires more and more ki. This "joinery" is often a different color from the rest of the body. The older members of Gezoto's old gang wore and even cultivated these scars like proud tattoos, often ripping off their expensive suits before climactic fights to show off their patterns.
Battle Armor - Gezoto wears the "basic" variant of Battle Armor which lacks the shoulder pads and faulds. The black body mesh beneath it is sleeveless with short leggings, while the armor itself is white with red plating on the abdomen and shoulder straps. Due to the spikes on his arms and legs he does not wear gloves, and his boots are of a low-top design.
Scouter, Blue-lens
Blaster, pistol model
Ht - 5ft 10in w/out horns, horns are 1ft each. Wt - 180 lbs Eyes - Ice blue Skin - Red w/black patterns Voice - Travis Willingham w/growl
Personality: Gezoto has all the mannerisms of an old school Yakuza, the kind of gangster that holds themselves on a pedastal of some misunderstood "nobility" while being just as arrogant, petty, and violent as any common street thug. As long as you're not stepping on his overinflated ego, he's an energetic drinking buddy, back-slapping pal, a joker and a gambler. But if you "disrespect" him, he's quick to get right in your face, and doesn't back down easily from a fight.
Surprisingly, however, he has an admirable sense of loyalty and debt. He's more willing to tolerate orders and grant favors to those who've done him some good turn in the past, he dislikes going back on his word, and he isn't usually too hasty to judge someone's strength. Acknowledging that someone is stronger than him, however, won't prevent him from making bad decisions in the heat of the moment--he's got too much pride for that.
Backstory: The planet Ssupaikii was once prosperous, thanks to rich ore and mineral veins rising like silver needles from the world's crust. However, harvesting and processing these resources required control over vast amounts of territory and destructive use of chemicals and machinery. Monopolies and oligarchies took shape, class disparity widened, and when the civilization reached the space-faring age they began to export the very things that gave their world its value. Other, greedier worlds latched onto these resources, and soon there was an influx of offworlders come hoping to strike gold--literally, in some cases.
Population increased unchecked, allowed by governments who cared only about short term profits, and resources dwindled. Soon enough, the Ssupaik-jin's economies were in absolute shambles. In pursuit of never-ending growth, they sold the one thing they had left: the planet itself. Ssupaikii is somewhat unique in that it is one of relatively few planets acquired by the Frieza Force without a drop of blood being shed. And after the tyrant bailed them out, those responsible for the planet's downfall immediately left for greener space to live in decadence, while he put the screws to their constituents.
Gezoto grew up in a ghetto ruled by killers and thieves, and only "protected" by organized gangs who were willing to start wars over the smallest slights. When the Frieza Force started to enforce "order" via even more bloodshed, the brawler knew this was real power. Why climb the ranks under some small time boss controlling a single rathole of a city, when he could make real money serving the king of a galaxy? He'd already lived his entire life fighting to survive, so doing it on other planets just made it less boring!
Potentially interested, but I have a few questions!
I'm assuming that Saiyans and Namekians being off limits is as much to avoid any one player from pulling too much of the "main character" spotlight to themselves as it is about the inevitable power-creep, right? But how fast should Players expect power creep within the RP to be, in general?
And what about non-typical abilities for different races, things that don't just come down to who can punch harder or who has more Ki? Such as Guldo and Hit's abilities to stop time, cellular regeneration, the ability to use magic, and other stuff? Are those things also off the table entirely or do they just need to be scaled down enough to be reasonable?
"Peter Parker; a little village up north, you probably haven't heard of it; vagrant, but I'm gonna be a Hero when I grow up, buh-leev it---"
"Whoa, whoa there!" The guard held up a hand as he looked at Connor with a raised eyebrow. The young man was clearly shaking like a leaf. "What are you talkin' about? We just want---"
"To ask me a few questions? Name? Where're you from? Occupation? What I'm doing in the city?" The blue haired man looked at the other guard who stood next to the door. The lawmen exchanged glances only known by those who have dealt with drug addicts, belligerent drunks, and stupid people far too many times. "I was squatting with the elf, he left, the guy in the hood barged in, I hit him---or, wait, I would've hit him, uh, unless you guys don't have stand your ground laws?"
"..." The first guard scribbled something with a stick of graphite in a leather bound notebook. Connor audibly gulped.
"Did you come into contact with the package?"
"What package?" Connor blinked in genuine confusion. Another scribble was added to the pad.
"Do you know the man who attacked you and your friend?"
"No---wait, Cassius got attacked too?" Again he looked towards the other guard, eyes wide. "Is, he okay?" Then he sucked air sharply through his nose. "H-how many of those guys were there?"
"Just the two, so far as we know. And this Cassius pal of yours is being treated now." the guard holding the notepad continued to scribble. He watched as Connor breathed a sigh of relief. "Is that for your friend, or because no one else is going into that shack?"
"Um, both. Yeah. But it's---I left our other friend back there, and they're...not much of a fighter, I guess?" The two guards exchanged another look, and the one in the doorway started to move, until the first shook his head. Connor gulped again---he'd almost said something like "they can't move right now," but that would've raised questions about whether the slime was hurt, or needed help, or to be moved. Or at least, he thought it would have.
"So you claim that your friend stepped out, then this hooded man entered the shack you were in. We know he was running from an adventurer---do you think he was after you, specifically?"
"Unless it was his shack, I don't suppose so." Connor shrugged, then blinked and hastily added, "Uh, it was empty when we got here and there weren't any signs of habitation. We weren't, ya know, intentionally trespassing..."
"Uh huh. So the adventurer cuts the guy up, and tells you to drag him to us? Do you know her?"
"And were those your knives?"
"They are if I can keep them. And the board too, please."
"...Why do you want them?"
"In case I get attacked by other guys in hoods and a catgirl with a claymore isn't around." The guard by the door actually snorted at that. "I mean, is beating up bandits and taking their stuff not what most adventurers do on a daily basis?"
"Mh." The first guard stood. "Okay then...Peter. You're going to stay in town for a while?"
"I guess?" Connor scratched his head. "I, uh, had planned on trying to find a decent inn and a local chapter of the Adventurer's Guild?" He looked towards the guard that had laughed at his half-intentional joke. "Would you guys know where that is? Oh, and Cassius?"
Whether they gave him the information or not, it seemed like the interrogation was over. Connor's items were returned to him, and he was given directions to the room they'd turned into a makeshift infirmary for Cassius. The two guards watched him go, like a newborn fawn with knocking knees.
"Must be some noble's kid tryin' to run away to 'live their dreams,' huh?" one muttered to the other. "You didn't ask him about his weird clothes?"
"Afraid he'd give me the damn threadcount. Seen a few like that before---they act shifty, but it's cause they ain't never been in real trouble before. He's pissin' his pants at the idea we'll tell his poncy daddy all about it." The guard with the notebook reviewed his scribbles, then snapped it shut. "I think it checks out. Noble kid and some friends or mercs or somethin' he met on the road drift into town, get picked as easy marks, end up slummin' it for a night or two. Meira happens along, they ask her for help, but then our perps show up. I'd be willin' to bet they had that particular shack eyed out as a rendezvous point or somethin'..."
They headed off to do whatever else it was they needed to do regarding the strange package and the mysterious men who wanted it so badly... Connor walked in just as Meira was asking the elf if he wanted anything. Of course, she's got to make his stay as comfortable as possible. The younger man micro-grimaced, then blanked out his expression before drawing the other two's attention.
"H-hey." he managed, with an awkward raise of his hand. "S-so, uh...Well I started to ask "anybody hungry," but we don't have any money, do we?" He looked at Cassius, then at Meira. "Um...any chance there's something easy like...gathering herbs or mushrooms or something, that we could get paid for before sunset?"
And possibly feed to a Slime to see if it could internally disassemble or purify valuable alchemical reagents...