“So I see the title caught your attention, well then welcome to 2034 in a dimension opposite of our own. The world has progressed much like our own, but things are much different. Humans were not the only race to become intelligent enough to create civilizations, and creatures we would consider only myth have flourished and lived alongside their human counterparts for thousands of years. Welcome to Houston, Texas where you can be anything you want. From a Elvish cowboy to a Orc Football player. You can even live out a rudimentary life as a dragon who owns a pawnshop. The sky is the limit and even then it’s not that much of a limit.
The RP will be rather open world though for the most part I’d like most events to take place within the main city, though this doesn’t mean there can’t be side plots in other places. This will be a RP with no character limits and lots of NPCS. Lots of experiences are to be had from corrupt politicians, gang wars, and even Terrorist activities, I’m not even mentioning the rigors of day to day life in this world. If you have any questions suggestions etc simply ask me. I am currently working on a OOC so don’t expect it to be to long before you will be able to create your character in a World where just about anything is possible.” Quote from the Interest Check
2034, The city of Houston
Ever since Texas seceded from the United states in 2029 things have been on a heavy change in the lone star state.
A recent bill has been brought up by the Governor he is trying furiously to push it through. This very bill would change the lives of thousands as it requires all Magic Users to register and be kept track of publicly. Recent Crackdowns in poverty areas have created friction between the lower class Citizens of Houston and it’s Law Enforcement. Companies buy up large areas of land and kick the occupants out of their home, riots happen daily in the streets as people rally to try and save their homes. Abductions of non Humans have increased in significant proportions, and Pro Human Purity Rallies have begun taking place frequently in the streets as well. To top this all off two Terrorist attacks have taken place, one of them a bombing of a Police Station, and the other a City Council Chambers that luckily no one was in. This has lead to a movement to have PMCs patrol the city streets with military grade weaponry alongside the police force.
All These Things coming together are creating a powder keg in the City of Houston that seems like it could explode at any moment. Is it all coincidence? Will the city Destroy itself? What will you do in your part in this story? Will you save the city, help destroy it, or will you simply stand by and watch. It’s your choice. You should make it quick though if you want to survive in Houston.
OOC Stuffs
Alright just to get it out of the way let’s start off with the rules.
1. Keep it Civil. I don’t care if someone’s dragon character is trying to eat your dwarf in the RP it’s in the RP don’t bring it into the OOC.
2. If I make a ruling on something or one of the GMs does then that’s the final ruling, no ifs ands or buts. I hate having to argue with people after I’ve made a decision.
3. Don’t Be OP I love you guys and I love creativity and I love to see you guys be SUPER creative, but don’t go around blowing up buildings and stuff with magic spells.
4. Post at least a paragraph per post. I don’t want to see a single line. There’s always at least enough for a paragraph.
5. Violence happens, sex happens, cussing happens. Only one of those can’t happen here. I don’t care if you RP sex. Just don’t do it in my RP. Insinuations of it having happened are fine. I just don’t want detailed RP of romance intimacy in the RP.
6. Have fun
7. Make as many characters as you want! As long as you are able to keep up with them!
8. Don’t hold everyone up. If you’re gonna be gone a few days. Let us know. This is a casual RP People RPing in this section usually post at least once every two days. Not saying YOU HAVE TO just saying let us know if you won’t be able to so we’re not sitting here waiting on you.
9. OBEY THE GMS! Just felt like I needed to reinforce that.
11. No Godmodding, Mary Sues, Or Gary Sues.

When it comes to races, the Sky is really the limit. If it’s something that exists in mythology or fantasy. I’ll more than likely allow it. As long as it’s not some weird feral creature. Also no aliens. Some examples are above in the picture, but you are not restricted to them. For instance dragons may not be in the picture, but dragons ARE allowed and can take a human form. Giants Sadly are not…

This map is subject to change PURELY as people create companies or organizations they will claim areas and I’ll have to edit it. It will be updated frequently. Let’s move on!

Companies and Organizations
Subject to Change are more are added or removed from play
Houston PD: The Houston Police department is half honorable and courageous men and half crooked and bribe taking criminals. These guys can either be your hero or your worst nightmare. You never know if they’re gonna stop the guy who’s mugging you or ask him for half of what he takes out of your pocket.
The Yakuza: One of the largest and most power crime syndicates in Houston they have really flourished in the past few years, their money paying for many of the suits local Law Enforcement has been wearing. They have the claim on the Drug and Prostitute trade in the city and really don’t like it when someone closes in on their Turf.
Algera Corp: A leading producer in Pharmaceuticals, firearms, and Bionics. They hire only the finest security firms in Texas and have plenty of money to throw around when they need to.
OPERATION FREEDOM: is a terrorist organization. No one knows where they are, who is in the group, or who leads it. It is only know that they seek to reclaim the city from it’s corrupt government and companies.
Character Made Organizations/Companies
RPCWhite: Aegius Security
Unlucky0013: Fun and Unique Computer Korp
Eisenhorn: Fine Print Investigative Services
kagethekiller: Underhill Motorcycle Club
deadpixel101: The Texas Times
Rensai: Operation Freedom
Krinos Solstice: The Dragon's Den
Clove: Houston Public Library
Shurikai: Lotuswich Shoppe

The Government: This is mostly filled with high class people who were born with a Silver Spoon in their mouth. These people are usually some of the most corrupt in the city their pockets lined with the cash of major Corporations. There are a few Knights in shining armor among them though.
The moment you’ve all been waiting for… The CS
Race: (Remember Races vary greatly! I’m giving a lot of options. Don’t abuse my love. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned)
Profession/Role/Position: What do you do? What rank are you?)
Appearance: (Pictures are very acceptable as is written, though you better go into some detail. A picture is worth a thousand words after all. And for those of you who just grab the first anime picture available… Don’t. Put some thought into the images you pick.)
Equipment: (Modern to a bit futuristic. No laser guns :P but shock swords are just fine! )
Implants: (Be sensible with this.. Don’t go implanting a cannon in your arm.. Cause you won’t have a arm anymore.)
Magic: (You can pick and choose magic as you see fit. Though you don’t learn magic in this world you are born with magic naturally. Though you can learn new magics from other magic users. I’m leaving what magic you have fairly open because I like to see people get creative. Just don’t go overboard if you start dropping meteors from the sky or raising the dead of the whole city I’ll drop a fat chocobo on you out of the blue si? Si. )
Bio: (This doesn’t really have any guidelines. It can be as vague or detailed as you want. It all depends on how much you want others to know about your characters.)
Company/Organization: (If you are going to own or run one I’d like details on it. What does it do? How big is it? How do they do business… Are they racist? DO THEY dislike other species?)
(So I have a IRC chat that’s open right now. It will be in the Foonetic Server with chatroom being #MagicStreets basically you pick the foonetic Server and then type /join #MagicStreets )