Character You Would Like to Play: Dylan Robertson a.k.a. "The Amazing Spider-Man"
Character Alignment (Hero, Villain, or Walking the Line): Hero (but sometimes Walks the Line)
Without Costume:
With Costume:
Origin/History of Your Character:Born and raised in Toronto, young Dylan Robertson grew up with a mother, sister, uncle and aunt.... but no father. Dylan barely knew his father because he was so young, but he remembers that he was kind and generous to everybody, no matter what they did. His mother was a lawyer and his father worked at the world famous OSCORP building in Manhattan, so Dylan never got a chance to see him most of the time. When his father did come home from work, however, he brought home gifts and souvenirs from NYC to his family. When Dylan was just turning 17, his father received a major promotion from his boss, Dr. Gilbert Sullivan to a place called "Sector B". Sector B was a genetic mutations lab where experiments to create the perfect Government-controlled super soldier were being held. A few weeks after his father's promotion, Dylan's family took a vacation to see Tom at his new job and announce the family's plans to move to New York. The decision had been made Dylan's aunt and uncle, who owned a small apartment located in Queens. It was done primarily so that the kids could spend more time with their father, and everything was set to go... Then, the problems began.
Upon arriving at Sector B and meeting with his father, Dylan a brief tour took a turn for the worst. Alarms were blaring and a voice warned the inhabitants of Sector B of some kind of break out. Dylan's father rushed over to begin typing something at the control panel, but it was too late. Before his eyes, thousands of mutated test subjects bashed down the doors into the room and swarmed the area, killing anything and everything that stood in the way. Dylan as fast as he could and took hold of his little sister's hand to help her escape the chaos. When they got to a safe hiding spot, his sister screamed for their parents and began crying. She noticed that during the run, she had dropped her favourite Lena Lucy doll. The fear and panic of losing another thing she cared about so dearly caused her to beg Dylan to rescue the doll. Dylan saw his parents run to safety from under the table and breathed heavily. He promised he would get his sister the doll, before he slowly crept through the rubble of rampage and carnage that had just taken place. He held his breath as he crept past the dead and mutilated bodies of his father's co-workers and carefully glanced around, seeing two mutants still in the room, devouring a man who was still alive. Dylan crept quietly towards the doll which he could now clearly see and extended his hand slowly, feeling with his fingers for the foot the the doll and grabbed it successfully, letting out a small cheer.
The mutant's advanced hearing allowed them to hear his muffled cheer and whipped their heads around to see Dylan holding the doll. The first mutant, who resembled something of a giant scorpion, rushed at Dylan and smacked his head with it's tail, wrapping the spiked appendage around the boy as it held him upside down. The second mutant, a massive hairy 8 eyed man with the lower torso of a spider crept towards him, saliva dripping from it's foul smelling mouth. Dylan screamed in fear as the creature closed in on him, but was immediately silenced by the scorpions grip tightening around his ribs, giving off a loud cracking sound as Dylan felt several sharp pains suddenly flow through his body, indicating his bones were being broken. The spider-beast readied it's fangs and jammed its mouth on the side of his neck, like some kind of fantasy vampire. Before it could tear the flesh off of his neck, a massive round of gunfire filled the room and the spider-beast collapsed with a high-pitched shriek of pain. The scorpion-creature roared at the several S.W.A.T. Officers that had shot down it's friend in cold blood and threw Dylan to the ground, who was losing large amounts of blood from the massive spider-bite on his neck. His vision slowly became blurred and everything seemed to begin fading to black, but he remembered hearing the scorpion let out a shriek as it was gunned down and a man rushing over to pick him up, followed by his sisters screams...
About four days later, Dylan awoke in a hospital with two gnarly scars on the side of his neck were he was bitten. He glanced around the room, seeing all kinds of "get well soon" balloons, cards and flowers laid across his room. While he observed the various things laying around his room, he was trying to piece information together as to what had happened, before his aunt and sister ran into the hospital room, hugging him and smothering him with love. The doctor arrived and informed Dylan that his vitals were normal and he seemed to be perfectly alright aside from some minor and non-lethal venom they couldn't fully extract from his body. The doctor explained to him that the hospital staff experimented on the venom and found its only use was to make the person affected by it weak for a few days so the host could feed on him, but it should've dried up and been rendered useless by the time he left the hospital. That day, Dylan had an unexpected visitor from Mr. Gordon Greene, the head of Sector B, sent by the CEO of OSCORP to personally apologize for the accident. When asked about what happened to Dylan's parents, Greene explained that they had been missing for days. However, a trail of blood belonging to his father was found, so the forensics team assumed they had been killed in the outbreak.
Dylan, already shocked at having survived a massive mutant breakout and almost being eaten by a giant spider, was on the verge of tears when informed about his folks. He had successfully managed to keep his sister safe, but he couldn't save his parents. Dr. Greene said they didn't know what had killed them, but they killed all the test subjects to ensure another breakout didn't happen. In the days that followed, Dylan began to feel strange and nauseous, his body felt limp and he didn't know what was happening. Doctors checked him out time and time again, all claiming that nothing was wrong with the boy. When he finally left the hospital, Dylan felt... Changed.
During his hospitalization, Dylan's Aunt Alexandra had already moved into the apartment and taken care of his sister, Lucy. Dylan and Lucy were orphans now and his aunt and uncle took them in as their god children. Dylan was enrolled in Middle Town High-School and things were quite un-eventful for quite some time, but the death of his parents sill lingered in his mind. During a free-track when Dylan decided to go to the school gym and play dodgeball with a few of the kids he met, Dylan discovered his reflexes were amazing and his speed was enhanced. He also felt this strange feeling in the back of his skull, almost like a tingle, which he discovered told him when he was about to get hit by something, or something was about to happen to him that might not be good. After a dodge that forced him into a wall, he opened his eyes to see the students staring at him with disbelief. He thought he had maybe hurt himself seriously or something because he was seeing things as if he were laying sideways, but glanced to the floor and saw that he was not standing, but he laid down, crawling on the wall. He quickly dropped off the walls, panicked, while the boys claimed that what he was doing was awesome and they all wanted him to teach them how to hold onto a flat surface like that. Throughout that day, Dylan curiously tested out what else he could do and discovered he could climb up walls and ceilings and stick to any type of surface. He also discovered his agility, strength, speed and reflexes had been enhanced greatly, giving him almost super-human abilities.
Once he was home, Dylan pondered in secret as to how he would've acquired such powers. He realized that the spider-beast had most likely been exposed to some type of radiation to increase its development, but the experiment went wrong and the original spider specimen managed to take over it's host's body. Somehow, Dylan had not only survived the venom, which he granted the credit of giving him the powers, but he had also survived the gene-mutation that should've let the spider take control of his body.
Immediately, Dylan had the idea to exploit his powers for money and personal gain. He went all over New York in search of jobs. Dylan spent the next 2 years of his life working at pizza shops, athletic gyms, coffee shops, and even as a paper boy (all of which he was aided by his powers). At night, he donned a
Black and Red wetsuit and fought against some of New York's best in the Thunder-Ring Wrestler's League under the alias of "The Spider". He was unbeatable and earned enough cash to get him into university for a degree in Photography. By this time, Dylan had been The Spider for around 5 months before he decided to hang up the suit. However, on the way home from his final fight, he saw a group of thugs pestering an attractive young woman. He went to go break it up, but got involved in a brawl. Thanks to his enhanced abilities, he won and subdued the criminals. The woman couldn't thank him enough and even gave him a kiss on the cheek for saving her. After the police showed up to survey the scene, Dylan was questioned and the truth of his identity came out. With a warning, he was let go on the promise he wouldn't go around doing anymore vigilante justice. However.. Something felt good about helping other people. It wasn't until an armed man entered Middle Town High School with an armed rifle, demanding all the men to leave the room while he gunned down the women, that Dylan decided to act. Before the man could even pull the trigger, The Spider was in the room and took him down. The cops once again showed up to the scene, but this time, Dylan was nowhere to be found. In his place, was a piece of paper with a note saying "You're welcome".
Rather then muck about with his powers like he had done before, Dylan decided to do something worthwhile with them, especially after new evidence in his parents murder case was discovered. As it turns out, they were killed by a test subject known as "L-64", who escaped the scene before it was captured. Until now, nobody had noticed it was missing, but the police were notified and a new investigation was launched. Dylan vowed a personal vengeance against the test subject and vowed he would find it with all his power. This, coupled with the stories of an increase in Super Heroes around the world, drove Dylan to a final decision: he was going to become a vigilante.
After tweaking and customizing his "The Spider" suit enough to fit a new style (he randomly chose "American Freedom"), Dylan began to work on a way to produce webs that wouldn't burn his skin whenever he fired them. Using an old tub of silly string as a base, Dylan synthesized a liquid that would produce webbing like he naturally could make. He placed these canisters inside of two devices codenamed "Web Shooters", which he wore on his wrists while out in his suit. With all the preparations done and a mission in his mind, he picked a name for himself.
From that day, Dylan Robertson became the masked vigilante known as "Spider-Man", determined to protect the city of New York from threats, and discover his parents true murderer (as long as he isn't late for dinner)
Powers and Abilities: Wall climbing, web slinging via web cartridges and web shooters, enhanced speed, agility, strength and eyesight. He also harnesses the "Spider-Sense" ability that allows him to detect whenever danger is near or something is wrong in his surroundings.
On top of being able to fire webs from his web shooters, his body can also produce natural webbing that is about 10X stronger then the artificial stuff, but he rarely uses it for two important reasons:
1. It requires him to squeeze down on his wrist with his other hand, applying pressure depending on how far he wants the webs to go. On top of the pressure, he needs to continuously press down in order to keep the webs coming.
2. The webs that are produced naturally come directly from an area in his wrists (like the way they were produced in the 1st Spider-Man movie) and as they are fired, they cause a massive burning and painful sensation in his wrist which usually drains him of energy.
He only uses his natural webs when needed (ex. Pinning down the Hulk so he can't lift his fist to squash the Spider, creating a temporary shield that will hold a falling building for an hour so he can try to get the passer's by away and try to rescue as many residents of the building as possible).
Supporting Cast (If Any): *THIS MAY BE UPDATED AS STORY PROGRESSES* Aunt Alexandra and Uncle Edward, Lucy Robertson (little sister).
Other: In a sheer act of Boredom, Dylan has invented his own theme song, which he has spread around the city thanks to his secret identity.
Spider-Man also may have some supporters across the city, but for the most part, people hate his guts. Even after he got a job taking photographs of Spider-Man for a newspaper called the Daily Bugle, he received more hard-on press coverage, calling Spidey a "menace to the city". Despite all the hate he gets, Dylan still finds reason (most of the time) to protect the people of New York and ensure their safety against super villains and criminals.
Speaking of Super Villains, Spidey has already got quite a rep and has managed to piss off some of the most dangerous psycho's known to New York. Thankfully, they're all behind bars at the Treskelion (for now..)
Dylan (as "Spider-Man) has a contact in the NYPD who provided him with a portable police radio. This contact is the Chief of the NYPD, Phil Atkinson. He maintains the illusion that he wants to capture Spider-Man, but he helps him out often whenever the boy needs it.
Sample Post (must be a minimum of 2 paragraphs with at least 2 lines of dialogue from your character):"Now then, are we gonna cause 'nother issue or is we gon' cooperate now?" The armoured thug asked as he held the shotgun at the bank manager.
"Whus the combination on da security system?" The terrified balding man shook with fear and began to cry.
"T-The c-combination I-is... 3..8..5...6...4...2...9.." he cried out in between terrified gasps.
"N-Now p-please... L-let us... G-g-go.."The armoured thug looked at his associates, who nodded and let out a laugh. The thug pointed his shotgun into the air and fired a warning shot, which was followed by the screams of many terrified citizens who were held hostage during the bank robbery.
"ALRIGHT!!" he yelled.
"AIN'T NOBODY TRY SOMETHING FUNNY, OTHERWISE YOU'S ALL GON' DIE!! GOTS IT?!?" The horrified crowd of bankers, customers and children nodded silently as the echoes of the shotgun still rung in the hollowed ceiling. The thug motioned for one of his companions to enter the combination into the keypad and with many loud clicking sounds, the massive metallic door swung open and exposed the approximate $79,000,000,000 in cash that rest inside the bank.
"We're rich, Scruff!!" one of the gangsters said with a cheer and a holler as she grabbed a gym bag they had brought, starting to fill it with money. A few others soon followed, while Scruff and three others stayed behind to watch the bank members and make sure none of them tried anything to stop them.
Suddenly, the joyous screams and cheers were cut off by angered yells and gunfire, which in turn were cut off by muffled yells and a few quiet "thwip" sounds. Scruff turned around and looked at the companions who had rushed into the vault, who were now strung up and muffled by what appeared to be webs.
"THE SPIDER TWERP'S HERE!!" Scruff yelled, aiming his gun at the roof.
"FIND 'IM AND KILL 'IM!!" the others nodded their heads as they went in search of the Web-Slinger.
Great.. Dylan thought as he looked down at the crime scene from the shadows of the roof. The 19 year old superhero shook his head in slight annoyance as he fired a web towards the thug directly below him and strung him up like the others, muffling him before he could scream.
Alright, the big one has a shotgun... He's obviously the leader and by far the most dangerous person in this room.. Aside from me. He's scared, so I can use that to my advantage. I'll take out his buddies, then get to him. If watching all those news reports about Batman has taught me anything, its that darkness combined with good stealth skills, makes a powerful weapon against criminals.Dylan nodded as he thought of his plan and slowly crept along the walls of the bank, moving closer to the next thug before he strung her up like her buddies. He continued this cycle, avoiding gunfire when somebody saw him or when Scruff fired his shotgun as a warning, but it was clear he did it because he was terrified. Finally, Scruff looked around and saw his friends had been abducted and immediately panicked.
"SPIDER!!! COME OUT!!! I KNOW YA HIDIN SOMEWHERES, SO WHY DON'TS YOU COME AN' FIGHTS ME FACE TO FACE?!!?!""Well now, if I did something like that, then where's the fun for me?" Dylan replied, hanging upside down from a single strand of web before he fired another strand and ripped the gun out of the thug's hands. He landed on the floor and charged the thug, kicking his legs in a lightning quick motion that forced the thug to fall over onto the ground. As he lay on his back, Dylan didn't hesitate and began spraying Scruff with webbing. The thug struggled to free himself from the webs holding him down onto the ground, but to no avail.
ME! THIS GUY'S NUTS!!" Scruff yelled as Dylan started to go around and check on the hostages. With a fake gasp of surprise, Dylan ran over to the criminal and began caressing his face. "Shhh, shhh. Don't cry baby.. Oh, here's your pacifier." Dylan whispered as he fired a web at the man's mouth, muffling his cries for help. "That takes care of that.."
Dylan looked towards the bank owner and nodded his head. "Well, I think that takes care of your problem then, sir. Go ahead and alert the authorities, the web's will hold these guys for about an hour." The bank manager slowly got up and walked towards Dylan, still shaking with fear from the events prior. He took the masked hero's hand and shook it vigorously, smiling.
"Thank you Spider-Man... If it weren't for you, those ruffians would've gotten away and we all might have been dead right now."Dylan shook his head and gave the man a pat on the back before he fired a web at the open window he had entered from. The man watched him before Dylan proudly chimed out "Think nothing of it, man. Just another good-deed from your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man". Tipping an imaginary hat, he tugged on the web and launched himself out of the window. As he swung into the afternoon air, he heard a roar out applause coming from the building. With a sigh, he smiled contently under his mask.
Another job well done, Spidey Dylan thought as he swung off into New York City, looking for more crimes to fight.