Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AsgardianLord19
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AsgardianLord19 bringer of thunder

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Seatus had no time to yell at Kyra to move out of the way. It was too late once he pushed the massive wave towards them. He was glad to see it was successful so far sending Amos and Iratze away from being together.

But Seatus saw Amos rise, and unleash his red aurora. Seatus shut his eyes, it was so bright. Seatus was standing his ground using his massive crablike legs planting them into the ground to gain balance. After the aurora passed him, he opened his eyes again and looked to see Amos.

The land looked dead all caused by the hateful Amos. Seatus lifted up his multiple arms forming fists ready to fight, when he saw Cerbanis come to his hands and ready to strike Kyra. Out of his shell back, one of his many hidden tentacles appeared, he used it as a whip trying to prevent Amos from striking Kyra.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Seatus successfully hit Amos in the nick of time. The tentacle hit Amos in the arm, sending Cerbanis flying away, he then looked at Seatus, before becoming aware of a new noise.

An explosion then sent Amos flying backwards before he could do anything as hail of bullets happened next, scratching at his body. It had seemed that the presence of Seatus, had painted a giant target on the Gods who were in the forest. Floodlights shown down upon them, the humans had called in helicopters, to Amos they were alien. He had never seen what humans were now capable of and the only thing it did was annoy him but at the same time it sent shivers down his spine. Such advancement was something he had anticipated but at the level of this, he was astonished. They had learn to fly, what else he thought, had they devoured in their evolution?

Another explosion detonated at his body, sending him falling forwards into the damp earth. He looked up to see Seatus being attacked as well, his form made it easy for the humans. How ironic, he chose to protect them but in the end the humans did not see it that way. Perhaps the only thing they saw, were a group of monsters that needed to be eradicated. Amos slowly got up, around him the soldiers kept firing, their bullets did nothing.

He spoke, "Come now, creations of my parents, how foolish to attack a God.." He waved his hand over the soldiers and one by one they stopped firing. Their facial expressions became twisted, they were under his influence now and with a snap of his fingers, they turned on each other.

Amos began to withdraw back into the forest, until the only thing that could be seen were those red eyes amidst the twilight, of a blood filled night.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 6 mos ago


The corrupted goddess ceased her search and turned abruptly as Amos was attacked once again, by Seatus, and then by hummans. She noticed too late, but, Amos was not harmed unduly by either. He began to retreat into the forest...

... She took flight. She spread her wings and shot toward Amos like a bolt. The wings were black, but shone with iridescent colors, like the wings of a starling.

She caught up to Amos, and grabbed him by the shoulders. With the power of her wings the two were able to retreat all the faster.
"Amos..." She spoke to him as she flew. "Where might you and I go now?" Her mind was still wide with the possibilities now lain before her. They could go anywhere... On Earth... She scowled a bit, reminded of her limitations. Yet, she was empowers now... Could she cross the worlds? She felt so angry that she might burn her way through heaven and hell and back again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 17 days ago

"War is a terrible thing, a horrible vile thing but it is my life!"

an ancient transcript...

Although deep within his heart Armarion knew he could not bring himself to go fight his brother he would never admit such a thing as that.

He had reverted to his normal shape for the moment he was sitting atop a building not far off from the battle raging on as he sat scratching his facial features which he enjoyed very much tears were rolling down his cheeks slowly and they shone brightly in the light he held Seatus's conch close to himself as he sat biting his lower lip and it started bleeding golden ichor.

He heard a familiar voice in his mind calling his name, it was Iratze he blinked away his tears and stood summoning his staff and preparing a spell to teleport him into the battle.

He felt ready to fight for the right cause because he was a mighty god and a proud god...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Cerbanis returned to him as he was being carried away by Iratze. He spoke to her then, "They will be only occupied for a short while. Our...friends, will either run away or subdue the humans. For now, follow me." Wings then sprouted from his body and he took flight apart from her.

Amos led Iratze to the city and upon a high building did they land. He looked down below, no one was on the streets anymore, not after that attack hours ago. He pondered for a moment, looking back at Iratze, then up at the night sky. Where had the others gone? Kyra, Seatus and Amare seemed to the the only ones that actually had cared about what he was doing. The last time he was Armarion was at that house, along with that God of Play and Ashthelic.

Jack Frost, Thalliana and others only eluded him. In the end, he would find them and deal with them as he pleased. Surely they stood no chance against even him. Now with Iratze at his side, well they were a challenge, that was for sure. Heaven would be his as well, once the damn gates were open. His angels would be all to eager to join him as well, coupled with the knowledge that he had found, the only thing safe to say was that Heaven would be unleashed upon Earth and the humans would suffer as he had.

"Iratze," He spoke in calm demeanor, "Call Armarion here. I very much wish to speak to my dear older brother."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AsgardianLord19
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AsgardianLord19 bringer of thunder

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Seatus turned around to see the humans with numerous helicopters. Seatus let out a roar in pain, and turned to see them rain more bullets on him. Seatus wasn't weak to the bullets but they could hurt no doubt if theres numerous hitting you at once. Seatus went into his shell. was being scratched and can feel the strike of the bullets bouncing off his thick shell. His tentacles were unleashed and he whipped them causing the copters to crash into one another. It wasn't over as more sounds of blades chopping in the distance could be heard.

Another wave of helicopters a larger number came back, ready to fire their bullets. Seatus took a deep breath then let out a massive noise which sounded like a Whale and Tyrannosaurus roar. The waves of his great roar was loud enough, the copters either exploded in mid air or lost control crashing onto the soldiers, whom were killing each other already by Amos. Seatus could see a few soldiers survived, so he slammed his tentacles to the ground sending them flying up in the air and crash to the ground.

It was over for now Seatus let back in his tentacles and looked around Amos and Iratze were both gone.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 6 mos ago


So, the fight was not over.

She muttered his name again, closing her eyes and feeling for his presence again in the infinite space around her.

"He is not far, Amos." Iratze confirmed with a smile. "He will be here soon..."

Iratze glanced over the edge of the building, everyone had fled... Except for those who could not...

She hopped off the edge of the building, gilding on her outstretched wings in a slow spiral. She landed by an overturned car. Inside was a woman, pinned, hanging upside down at an odd angle. She wasn't conscious anymore, her breath was shallow, moments from death...

She would cross into the underworld...

Iratze touched the side of the woman's head, rousing her to consciousness. "How unfair for you, what ill luck, that Brontes should return and the gods retaliate on this day. Yet, this is not the end for you. You will cross into the realm and into the arms of Brontes, the one who started all this madness. You should give him what for... I'm also going to give you a message, please deliver it to him." She leaned forward, ignoring the bewildered look in the woman's brown eyes, she whispered into her ear.

Her eyes softened and closed. Her spirit crossed the worlds and only her body was left.

Iratze drew back from the overturned car. She walked away, flapping her wings and taking flight. She returned to where Amos stood.

"The others will be here soon..." She predicted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 17 days ago

"It is time..."


In a bright flash of blue light he appeared he had heard the distant call of Iratze he appeared nearby although he was not at all pleased that he was being called although if she had decided to try and draw his attention to him for urgent reasons he would understand.

he saw her idly standing beside Amos Armarion snarled at the sight ogf his former brother he no longer considered Amos his brother rather he considered him a monster.

In his anger triggered him to revert back to his true form his staff appearing in hand glowing a bloody red and his aura shifting from a sky blue to a chromatic red.


"What is this ugly sight I see, why do I see you Iratze standing with this disgusting beast that should be banished to the eternal darkness that consumes all and traps even the most mighty of the gods!"

He roared his voice changed a little filled with bitter contempt and hatred, which was ironic in the case of his former brother.

Armarion sensed something not right about Iratze...something different in her but he could not place his finger exactly on it but he felt some corrution within her godly spirit.

@Eyeris@Lord Zee

"There is something not right about you Iratze I feel...corruption within you, Amos what have you done to her and tell me why she has called me here although I already know why, you seem to wish to speak with me I will listen but beware if you dare corrupt me you will regret such a deed for I will be more powerful than you can even imagine so speak and be forewarned!"

He slamed his staff into the ground and created a tremor in the earth cracking pavement and causing fragile things to break.

Armarion knew exactly what might take place and he was ready to do whatever he could to banish these two if they ever would harm him or anyone else he cared for because he hates the corrupt and detests the treacherous.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

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Amos twitched slightly. He listened to this angered Armarion, so close he was to going over the edge. It was quite the sight to behold.

"Iratze has finally embraced who she was meant to be all along. Free from restrictions of her former self, she is now..free." Amos stroked Cerbanis as he said this, the blade seemed to pulse in his hand.

"Your idle threats mean nothing to me Armarion. Your domain may be War, but you always held knowledge over battle. Something I always thought was useless." Amos paused, looking back at Iratze with a glint in his eye. He turned towards Armarion and said, "I will not corrupt you Armarion. That was never for me to choose, only look into your soul and realize that you could be so much more."

His voice entered Armarion's mind, as a subtle intoxication that only he could hear, "Even now you can feel it, just give in. Look at Iratze, doesn't she look..better?"

If Amos could smile, he would be doing so.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 4 days ago

Many hundreds of miles away from the conflict, deep below the crust, something stirred. It had smelt something interesting on the Northern wind. Something sweeter than fear, more nutritious than the bones of children. It had been many centuries since Shashous-Throth had tasted the flesh of a god. Through the blackness, into the night air. It was brisk up top, fresh and cool. There was a small, rocky hole in the ground, grown over with wild timothy grass. Nothing special. No dragon's lair. A man could fit through if he went in on his hands and knees. From that hole, something silently emerged. It slipped across the damp earth like black lightning, in the direction of the divine conflict. It desired no battle, only meat. Let the prey group together. Let them fight and argue and flex their power. It was only a matter of time until one got separated from the pack.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 17 days ago

"Corruption is a temptation that pertains to devour my heart and seduce my mind it ravages my soul and heart..."

Armarion in his younger years as a god.

Armarion felt and saw the changes Iratze, she did look better and he did know that she has entered her true and rightful form he himself understood that change was good because he saw the secrets in everything.

@Lord Zee

"I see and feel the change..."

Armarion said calmly regaining his composure just a little but still his voice had an edge of bitterness to the tone, he understood what Amos said when he mentioned the power and the potential of the change but still Armarion knew that he had once before entered his evil and bitter state when he became a wielder of the wild and dangerous pure energy of hatred and death he remembered clearly the form he took.

"Yes... I know my potential I have buried that Dark being behind yet you remind me that eventhough I was percieved as a grim dark god of chaotic death magic and there is a being chained beneath this interior why do you think I hide my face beneath cowls and robes there is a darker creature beneath this exterior it yearns for freedom...we...yearn for freedom..."

He sputtered a cloud of black air around himself then stumbled to the ground his mind fighting against itself because he feared that truly maybe his old form was evil but maybe it was a being of neutral intent there is always possiblity.

"Yessss...maybe we are good in some aspects yet if we want Armarion to stay proper maybe we should remain lawless but still respectful of gooddd!"

His form writhed upon the ground turning from glowing white with good to black then gray representing the lawless neutrality of himself, then his dark form consumed him in a flash.

"Yessss the transformation is complete"

He rose in his dark robes above Amos bradishing his scythe he had transformed into the Dark form of himself!
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Armarion arrived, and spoke words that pierced the heart of the rainbow: "What is this ugly sight I see, why do I see you Iratze standing with this disgusting beast that should be banished to the eternal darkness that consumes all and traps even the most mighty of the gods!"

"How quickly you turn against me now that I have taken a form that suits myself and not you or your pantheon..." She boiled with anger. Had he not said he loved her? It had meant nothing before, as he would never act upon it, and it meant less now that she displeased him. Now that she was ugly...

Iratze did not need to speak. She did not need to be the messenger. Amos spoke for her:

"Iratze has finally embraced who she was meant to be all along. Free from restrictions of her former self, she is now..free."

As much as Armarion hated his brother, calling him vile unpleasant things, disowning him... Amos still held sway over Armarion's heart. This proved true as Armarion changed before their very eyes.

"Armarion..." She floated toward him in the air, her wingspan wide and shimmering. "You have caused me great anguish... Yet, now you have changed your form, have you changed your ways or your heart? Your brother has freed me of my karma and now I can choose... Would you discard your own karma? For you have always had the power to do so but perhaps not the desire until now..."

She held out her hand toward him. "Will you join us and indulge in what you have denied yourself? Will you acquire all that has been held back from you by your parents, by Brontes, by coincidence and design... Beautiful Dark Armarion..." Her tone was smooth and affectionate, but sizzled on the consonants, bitterness on the edges. She extended her hand further waiting for his answer. "What does your dark-self desire above all?"
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 17 days ago

Armarion grasped Iratze's hand, his emotions were stronger in his new form he felt his lust and desire to be with Iratze and he realized how horrible he had been to her and Amos.

"Weee have discarded more than my karma, I have ridden myself of my personal restrictions and let go of my moralssss!"

Armarion cackled maniacally and caressed her hand in his, then he turned and directed his attention to Amos, feeling still a little bitter

"Weee shall join you both but we wonder what is your objectivessss?

He said inquisitively, wondering what these two were planning he understood that they were trying to draw the gods towards them but he initially did not understand their goal.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

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His plan was unfolding just the way he had intended. Several different twists had came up within the process but the objectives were still being met and because of that, his next phase could continue without pause. He had not realized that Iratze and Armarion had feelings for each other, quite so, he would have simply used Iratze to get to Armarion anyways, but their desire for one another already saw to it perfectly. Armarion was his, for the time being, it was abundantly clear.

Something gnawed at the back of his twisted mind however, and it would not leave him alone. The mere thought of them together was, a complicated ordeal. For one, when he had changed he became aware of certain principles of his nature, and one of those things was, love and it was his opposite. He was fearful of what it could do, for Amos would never be able to love, but the two in front of him had the potential to do anything. Iratze he was not so sure of, but Armarion was entirely different then them.

If this love between them got out of hand or affected them in anyway, Amos would be sure to deal with it. For now, he would put them to work, as his plan only required able bodies and here he had them.

Amos spoke thoughtfully,"My plan has always been a simple one, root out Brontes and force him to face me," He walked over to the edge of the building and looked down at the streets of the city and spoke again, "The method will always be...forceful. You see, I think it was time we unleashed our full power on this insignificant city, to truly draw him out."

He then backed up from the edge of the building and into the center, lifting his hands up into the air, a small glow began to form.

Malice filled his voice, "I shall burn this city to the ground and if Brontes and Amare do not reveal themselves, then I shall warp the very world with my hatred." and as he finished, the glow became a raging torrent of fire, that exploded across the rooftops and down into the streets, setting everything on fire.

"Kill them all." is the only thing he said, as he plunged the city into chaos.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by heroofhyrule50
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heroofhyrule50 Arthur

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

We walked out of that house and walked around the city, deep in thought about what we should do next. After walking for a long time we suddenly sense lots of hate and malice coming from three people, gods at that.
What the hell is causing that?
A few gods gone crooked it seems
I fear there is going to be a big bloodbath soon
Sounds like a fun party to me
hehe Skouro you may be right but I think we may have to jump in if it gets too bad
Well you know me, i'd never say no to a good bloodbath
I chuckled out loud and walked into a nearby forest, drew out my sword and swung it against a tree to get in a bit of practice.
I smile as I 'fight' with a tree, how we both miss the fun of a good battle, though soon we may get to have some fun in a fight. However until then we'll have to wait here and waste time 'till something exciting happens
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 17 days ago

@Lord Zee@Eyeris

"Oncessss this is complete and we have Brontesss in our grasp brother weeee want to take the death gods place because it was our rightful posssition!"

Armarion hoped that Amos would understand because the position of death had once been his eternal goal to reach that position but his parents held those wishes away from him in fear that he would be too powerful as a god of death, secrets, war and dark magic.

"It isss our rightful position and we wantss it we will grant you certain positions and we will grant one bit of hidden knowledge to the both of you yet beware such knowledge may harm even the greatest god or goddess!"

He sent flashes of images, elder gods that came to Armarion in search of dark knowledge and what became of them was maddened gods who were sent to the darkest depths of the universe and that they float there for all eternity.

"We only assk for the position brotherrr we shall do great thingss fot you!"

He explained to Amos and Iratze.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 6 mos ago


The images Armarion sent her swam through her consciousness. She had no idea such things had happened, it must have been very long ago... Who's secrets were these? Brontes? The Sun and Mooon? What did it all mean...

She dare not let go of Armarion's hand as he held it. She swayed and swelled with emotions, so many feelings overwhelmed her like the high of a drug. In her old form, as the messenger, she felt very little when she felt things she could watch them come and go with a passive acknowledgment. Now she was tossed about by her emotions like a leaf in a storm.

"Look not to Amos." Iratze was cross that Armarion was still paying more attention to his brother than herself. Amos flew into the killing fields... the city below... "You do not need to ask him, or anyone else, for anything at all. If it is hell you want, we will take it, we will overcome the curse of Brontes and find our way there I swear it. You are stronger and wiser than the old forgotten gods that you have shown us, and stronger now that you are without constraint, stronger now that you are with me..."

Iratze had never wanted anything for herself, not before, she had been relatively satisfied to be the messenger before all this happened. That is why she was one of the only gods who did not go mad at one point or another after the fall. She accepted her entrapment placidly. It wasn't until now that she thought differently, after Brontes had returned, after Amare had left her, Armarion rejected her, and Amos corrupted her... Now that the way of change had opened up to her she could never go back...

Her ambitions were different from Amos and Armarion. She didn't want to take over the underworld, or heaven, or earth, or any of that. She was equally selfish as they. She would give as much as then to get what she wanted. She was greedy. Her want burned in her so hot she thought she might combust.

In the past she was the messenger of all gods, she belonged to everyone, their objects. What she wanted was her freedom first, which Amos had granted her. Second she wanted... Someone to belong to her for a change... Armarion...

She grabbed him and pulled him toward her, much like she had in the dark alley when they had shared their first kiss. It had been a secret kiss... Now they stood above the city in full view for all to see, no secrets or constraints, no sides in a war to choose between, nothing to stop them, nothing between them, their time had come.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

He turned around to see them embrace each other and something snapped. The knowledge that Armarion forced upon him, hit him like an almighty wave. His voice broke and like a child he cried out,"N-No!" The fire from his body then began to dull down and he fell to his knees with a loud thud, with his hands clutched at the sides of his head. It looked like he could have been screaming but no sounds or expression could be seen.

The images were imprinted on his mind, with darker thoughts then he could have ever imagined. Something was happening that not even Iratze or Armarion could have predicted or himself for that matter. Amos was being forced to see the error of his ways because deep down, Valor still lived and it was asserting itself in this moment of weakness.

Armarion's words were true, the knowledge that he had given could warp even the strongest Gods and Goddesses but he was no longer as strong as he had been. He was weak. His mind had became corrupted when he had turned to hatred, and now those pieces were becoming engrossed with what he had just learned.

Amos had become a prisoner in his own mind.

As his body sat motionless, his mental activities were off the charts. Was he now like the elder gods? Would he become nothing more than a monster in the end? With no coherent thought but that of madness? Would he become trapped like them? So far below in the ground that he would never see... sunlight... the sun? The sun had always loved him but what had hurt the most was the denial, even more then his younger siblings. The knowledge he had been given shed light on this, their mother had power over the emotion spectrum and she had simply turned it off? He was his mother's son after all, is that why he felt empathy? He had come to an understanding that he could only feel hatred..

An image flashed again in his head, before him outstretched a star filled night, yet he was there among them. Off to his left stood Valor and off to his right stood Hatred.

"What is this?" his voice spoke, yet he did not know why it sounded so.. alien.

Valor spoke, his voice was like an old friend, A place inside that thick skull of yours. Do you not know your own brain? For four thousand years you slept and reflected, when you could have been doing so much more. What was it, the thought of not having heaven or living amongst the humans that drove you to this insanity?

Hatred rolled his eyes, and spoke in the voice he knew, Insanity? No, this is his reality, like it or not. I am what you are now, a hatred filled monster and it is beautiful, don't you think? You were right to change, it allowed you to become what you really felt like inside. Do not listen to Valor, he died remember?

"Why am I here then?" he questioned them.

Valor cleared his throat and began, You are here because of the knowledge that your now corrupted brother gave you. So pervasive is it not? Perhaps you had thought that it wouldn't be of consequence but, deep down I am still here and now, I speak to you because you can still come around from this mistake, Amos. You must not blame the humans for what they had no control over, don't you see that? Brontes had no right to kick you out but at the same time, he loves them. Perhaps the only thing he ever wanted, was for you to grow a heart and learn to love them like he did.

Bah. The humans were always the problem! They lived on as you suffered, like all of you suffered and where was Brontes to explain the situation? He was gone, Amos. Now he returns and for what you might ask, well I say revenge. Show him that you will not yield to his power, destroy him and retake heaven, the only place you love. The choice, is only yours to make. As Hatred finished this he held out his hand.

Amos became mortified, oh by the Gods, he had killed innocents. A wave of depression washed over him, he truly was a monster, as every face that he murdered flashed before him. This happened slowly and but he could still hear his aspects voices outside.

Amos, ask yourself this, will it be worth it in the end? Is heaven that important to you, that genocide is the answer on a race that are your siblings? Don't make the same mistake that the Elder Gods did, or you will only follow them down the path to a cold nothingness. All you have to do is open your eyes Amos, open yourself up and perhaps you will even learn to love them, to love others. Valor's cool voice washed over him as he placed his hand outwards.

His voice broke as cried out, "What have I become? I was noble once, so full of pride but it got me no where in the end. I freed Iratze, no, I corrupted her and in turn, we both made Armarion fall. I was a fool for disregarding my family, heaven was fine with or without me. It was only an excuse so that I wouldn't have to be reminded of my failure as a brother. For that, I can never be forgiven but perhaps, I can change." He looked at Valor, their eyes locked, "No, it won't be worth it."

Hatred screamed defiantly one last time, DON'T LISTEN TO HIM! DON'T DO THIS. GET YOUR REVENGE, TAKE MY HAND!"

He stepped forward, and then a white flash filled his eyes before he saw the horror that he had committed on the city. The fire was engulfing everything that it touched and who was to blame but him?

Amos looked back at Iratze and Armarion, his eyes were glowing golden. He stood up, taller then before and then a lightening rained down upon him. It only took a minute for the cocoon to shape him again and what emerged from the burning remains of hate, but Valor himself. Reborn and renewed, Amos was ready to put right to what he had wronged.

He whispered to them, "I'm so sorry.."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 17 days ago

"Who are we, what issss or purrpossse!"

Armarion, the Dark

Our brother? The little voice in his mind spoke, the good and just Armarion that he once was broke it's bonds just a little yet did not escape his confinements, Yessss our brother hasss returned! The hiss of the dark resounded inside him as he constantly conflicted with himself.

His form in the real world was in embrace with Iratze, he felt her overpower him with her dominance a kind of dominative aura exuded from her.

Amos had returned to the God of Valor, Armarion's ancient mind had picked up the inner conflict yet temporarily distracted by the kiss, Our brother has returned do you not realize? Armarion inquired Yess we have realized we are much better than him! The darkness scoffed back No we are no better than that petty Brontes we can be much better than them! Armarion replied to the darkness WE ARE SUPERIOR, YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A FIGMENT! The darkness roared back at Armarion No we are both one of the same, we are a team but your emotions betrays you we must be one with ourselves listen to me! Armarion struggled against the darkness shoving and fighting for dominance, NO YOUR EMOTIONS BETRAY YOU! The darkness, a pit of nothingness and lies although malevolent and accursed was speaking the truth.

Armarion and the darkness both were speaking the inevitable truth because they were in love, their feelings were one yet their minds and feelings were the same.

You know the only way we can make things right and balanced is to become one although I find it quite improper to do the same as our brother, it is the only way! Armarion explained to the darkness that was the shadow of himself, it was quite a while until the darkness replied Armarion you are correct as always we know because we are one of the same, we agree it is the only way we are not a contraption or a toy to be played with nor are we a lesser being to be controlled it is time that we become one with ourselves so the world will be in it's proper balance! They both understood that Iratze was somehow using their emotions against them and that they were not to be played with in that way.

And with that, seconds after their brother apologized they pulled himself away from Iratze and their body fell to the ground before Amos the God of Valor.

"Weeeeeee are..."

Their body transformed switching constantly between his forms screaming in pain for the joining of two different forms was a great feat.

And in the brightest flash of light then he was once again himself but dressed in dark robes carrying his staff like he had before and something was different about him as he stood up in his true form, Armarion looked directly at his brother with the eyes that he had never revealed they shone brightly with divine fire and as he looked upon Amos his eyes filled with golden tears he was overjoyed that he could finally be one with himself.

"We are one!"

He said proudly as he looked upon his brother Amos.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 6 mos ago


Iratze was lost in the embrace, she savored it, was made even more hungry by it--but then something changed.

First, it was Amos. His anger folded in on himself, he vanished in to a cocoon, then emerged... The god of Valor.

Then Armarion pulled away from her. The emptiness that she felt then was nearly more than she could stand... but unfortunately she did stand, and she watched Armarion change next...

Iratze stepped away from the two brothers, the looked at one another with... with...

"Amos... You set me free, made me as I am and now you... You become your old self again..."

"Armarion... You embrace me but now... You turn away from me... again..."

They hadn't said much to one another yet. They were sorry, and whole and... Their plans would change now... What they wanted was different now... "What does this mean?" She wondered aloud, but she knew, they wanted things to be as they were before...

Iratze could not accept that.
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