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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

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@Stormflyx Aww thankies! That really brightened my day. ^^
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 7 days ago

Congrats TWD Peeps!!

Two Years + Strong Today!!! This Rp has reached a huge milestone and not only that, it is a rather big victory for me. You see when I put up the interest check for this RP I got a lot of nay saying, even some from my closest. I heard a lot of the "There are plenty of TWD Rps out there, this will just fail like the rest of them." Not to mention the back lash from the rules. You see this was the first Rp I started in with the "Lady A Evil GM Overlord Rules". So needless to say it was not very well received in the beginning by some. My PM box became a "How dare you" box to put it nicely.

That was two years ago and while we have had many people come and many leave, some get kicked, and even one get bear loved to death... We are still trucking and the Rp just keeps getting better and better as each post goes up. Not to mention it paving the way for other Rps and being the test subject of many Gming tools used today. So congrats to each and every one of us for making this RP the success it has been.

And to all the naysayers... Well...

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

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ScreenAcne shit,Boo!

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@mae Is one of the real, motherfucking, comradery combatants that I liked to light show these spectrum glows with when it comes to brewing the brail of the stories and tales.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

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If there is anybody I owe a lot to after the week I've had, it's definitely @Melo. He's been patiently dealing with whatever life has been throwing my way and I could never ask for a better significant other. Thanks lovely.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

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...Then 1 Year Later...

I wanted to do this a month ago, but I lost track of time, and now I'm moving, and holy shit if I don't do it now, I'm never going to do it. So it might be getting late, I might be tired, but by golly, you've gotta stop and smell the roses every once in a while. Was that enough build up? Who cares.

Everyone, we did a Danganronpa RP for a full year. Not only that, but we managed to complete two full class trials in the court of carnage! Come on, let's give you guys a hand.

@addamas I still remember when you showed up with a character. I distinctly remember the embarrassingly lazy name. Fortunately, Felix Garfield turned out to be a pretty cool character. Max isn't half bad either. And this is your first forum RP? I mean hell, my first RP character was an angel/demon with two scythes. Felix Garfield, well, I can only really make fun of his name. You may go on a crazy number of hiatuses, but I'm glad to have you, and waiting for you to return is always worth it. And you'd better keep on returning! otherwise ima have to find and smack you.

@MyCatGinger You may not be in the RP anymore, but man you were a blast to have around! It's so hard to find people who are as mean/crazy/kinky/perverted/junko obsessed as I am. Well, okay, you probably topped me on a lot of those points, but you were always approachable and pleasant to have in discord. It's a shame more people aren't willing to make an exit like that. Usually when people leave an RP they just sort of ghost on me. Marianne and her player are both people we're going to remember for a very long time.

@Vocab You drive me crazy, and I don't mean in the good way. You start fights, you're gross, obnoxious, and your ability to theorize until you sound like a conspiracy nut is unparallelled. To say your my favorite anything would be heresy. Yet at the same time, I can't say things would be as interesting without you. Shaun's reveal was definitely one of the single most powerful moments of chapter two, even though you may have driven me and everyone in theorize chat half mad with your duplicitous acts. I do not believe you are a one trick pony, and look forward to (some) of your future antics.

@ThatCharacter I remember you rushing to the OOC thread like a school child who was almost late for class. I don't regret leaving the RP open to you when I closed it to all else. You were a nice guy, and your posts were enjoyable to read. You almost made it to the trial, and then you vanished, radio static. Was this because knight waifu died? I don't know why I kept your character around. Maybe part of me hoped one day you would return. It's nothing that's happened in the past, yet the improbable does happen from time to time. Thank you for having the courage to return.

@Mateotis You don't write as much as you use to, but everything you write is worth reading. You're one of the players I scouted via PM long before even drafting ToC. While I decided to hit you up via PM because of your Hajime avatar, I decided to invite you to the RP because of how polite and easy going you seemed in other OOC chats. But you're just as good in RP as you are in social circles. I don't think many people can even attempt to write a character like the infinite poet, who's verse and rhymes distinguishes him from the rest of the cast. Thanks for staying with us. But I'll never respect you as long as you enjoy Drv3's ending.

@Spriggs27 In the life of the RP, you've only been in it for the better part of four months. But there is something refreshing about how unashamed you are of anime cliches. Flash someone? You've done it. Make a milk tank? You've done it. And while you may not like to collab as much as the rest of us, you tolerate it. So while you may not choose to write about the most serious topics, it's fun to see how the other characters react to the strange shenanigans you come up with. Which is why you really should fully embrace collabs. But honestly, I think you secretly like them.

@AriamisMon mon, my buddy from across the pond. Mondatta was easily one of my favorite characters, and his dialog was all on point. It broke my heart to ask you to sacrifice him for the cause. He did make for a very interesting victim though, and I think everyone's love for the character made for an intense trial. You're a blast to have in discord too, even though you never seem to hang around very long. I also love what you've been doing with Mary, and the recently adopted Caora. I'm always excited when I see you've writen a post. Thanks for sticking with us.

@AimeChambers You're another oldie-but-goodie who came back after a long, unannounced hiatus. Though like with Calvin, I found myself actively keeping you characters relevant to the RP as it moved along in the event you were to return. Though upon your return, it seems like you're posting enough to make up for lost time. And while I do enjoy reading your posts, you are perhaps even better in discord. If only because Vocab seems to be a bit more stable when you are around. I'm sure I would have banned him from the discord already if you weren't here.

@Melo I think everyone enjoys Cyrus during the trials, and Noel's interviews make for some very interesting “fee time” segments. But I think something that goes unrealized by most is that you helped me with some of the rules for the infinite killing game. So thank you for sticking with us, even if life makes it hard sometimes. And now I'd like to use the rest of this paragraph to tell you to get your ego in check! Seriously, where did this Togami-level smugness come from? Just because your “babu” for life thinks your the smartest, cutest, bestiest best boy in all the lands doesn't make it true!

@FamishedPants You were a late joiner, but ever since we first met... I've been having very Miu Iruma thoughts about you. I mean I enjoy reading about Zach, and can still take him seriously with all the memeing he does. But I dunno. When you type to me on discord, you're like, totally perfect husbando material. We're in a few Rps together now and I... Wait, what was I typing? Anyway Pantsu, I enjoy our discussions just as much as I enjoy writing stories together. I hope we can continue doing those things moving folward.

@Warpcircuit When you first joined, I thought you were trying to look a little too smart. I suspected you were a meme crazy troll who was willing to turn everything upside down for the lulz. And now that you've been with us a bit, I can say I was 80% right about my initial assessment. But it turns out none of that is actually a bad thing. Thomas is a pretty interesting character to watch, and you keep discord entertaining as well. Honestly, I feel a special connection with you. It's not quite the same as the one I share with Pantsu. I feel like you might be... My Waifu?

@Majoras End You are technically the oldest member of the RP. Long before anyone saw the words “Tower of Carnage,” someone decided to leave a visitor message on my page asking me to GM a Danganronpa RP. I was pretty bitter about my last RP on another forum, but something about how you voiced your interest compelled me to start working on an interest check. I remember being heartbroken when you left the forum days before the first IC went up. I enjoy reading about your characters, but your biggest contribution to the RP was getting me to create it. Thank you.

@Aewin I don't think I need to be shy when I say out of everyone, you have contributed the most to the RP. You've been a blackened, you've punned enough to shame lame pun coon, You are not only active on discord, you've taken it upon yourself to manage its chaos. And let's not forget all the cool A S T H E T I C stuff you've done to make the RP look really pretty, from the character headers to the new ToC logo. And you do all this while managing your own hectic life style. You should feel a little proud of yourself, but not too proud. If I had to be critical of one thing, it's that you turned melo into a monster. You can chew him out every once in a while.

So thank you everyone for a year of epic RP memories. Let's see if we can have another. Let's see if we can end the infinite killing game.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

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When you get NTR'd by Warp:

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Majoraa yeh

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

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Shoutout to all my long-term RP partners, for sticking by me for so long and helping me to create some of the best RPs I've been in for a long time! For always making me laugh and smile with our characters antics, and giving me a little slice of happiness through our stories when I wasn't doing so great mentally. Here's to many more, hopefully1 :D

@freedomliveson with our Old Republic: Time Rewritten RP, which (unbelieveably!!) has been going for TWO YEARS NOW!!!! O___O We've come a loooong way with this one and it's safe to say it's one of my favourites of all time! From our tiny, 3 paragraph posts waaay back in "Act I" to the more substantial 1000 word+ posts we're churning out now, this story is turning out to be quite an epic, that I would TOTALLY get published if we could manage it without getting in trouble with copyright laws! LOL With "Act IV" coming up, I'm excited to keep it going with such an amazing writing partner. Thanks for sticking with it, and here's to many many more posts with our dynamic duo!

@Apollosarcher for our take on the original Star Wars trilogy, which has also been going for a year! :D For always making me laugh with the crazy shenanigans our secret Jedi gang get themselves into, and the creative ways they manage to get themselves out of it! This RP is easily up the top of the list of my favourites. Also a shoutout for you, for being my longest RP partner on the site, I believe! Counting the original KOTOR-era RP we started a few years ago, which we decided ran its course and moved on from, we've been RPing with these characters for 3 years! O_O that's quite something haha

@Aristocles for our fantasy Elf mage/dragon RP that I don't think we've named yet? XD which has been running for a whole year! For being suuuuuper patient with me for being SO out of practise with fantasy RPs, and sticking by me even when it took me like 2 months to come up with a post at some points! o.o I've grown quite fond of these two characters, here's hoping we keep them going in the year to come! :3
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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Well then. This is my first shout out and well... I have so many to name but I'm gonna break it down. So...ones that I RP with but you don't see your names on this list, do not fret, do not become upset. I shall make another list of people I appreciate :). So then...I guess I will start off with ladies first. More precise....my virtual/RP sisters that I constantly and currently talk to or RP with and have so for a good while.

Without further ado:

@DarkAngel Kena You were my very first 1x1 RP partner when I wanted to get my feet wet in that area. We are still going strong and I appreciate you allowing me to share my RP ideas with you (That usually just pops in my head right at that moment) and going along with them despite how ridiculous it sounds. Yet still very successful and popular to RP on. I appreciate you talking to me even outside the guild, happy, sad, upset, tired... etc. I know at times, I seem to disappear and take a while to respond but thank you for your patients. I look forward to have many more years of memories RPing with you and being your adopted bro.

@DemonMiyu You're one of my early 1x1 partners with multiple RPs. You've pretty much got me well versed in the fantasy and supernatural genres with the ideas you bring forth. I know at times I don't post for a while and I apologize for that but I want to acknowledge your patients and zeal of RPing with me even though I leave you waiting. I'm working on responding more promptly so that our awesome RPs don't cool down. You're a good friend and a sister I pretty much adopted. So with that being said.... lets continue the magic!

@Wick Your passion for writing encourages me to write better and to push my abilities to higher levels. I met you on my very first superhero RP I joined here that was ran by you. Since then, it's been history. I appreciate you taking the time to talk to me here, and outside the guild. You're an awesome friend and you seem to get my silly remarks and the way I say things. You don't even ridicule me when I make many mistakes and typos(A shit ton of them) but I do still appreciate the kind corrections. Have to admit, I have started learning to adapt better to unfamiliar RP settings and genres I usually don't get involved in but I'm grateful that you have enough faith in me to be apart of something I have barely any experience in. You're a kind and awesome writer, friend and sis and I look forward for futures RPs and discussions with you :).

@BoyMom035 It's almost been a year since we first met but it feels like 5 years lol. Every time we talk, it's a guaran-damn-tee that we will be laughing about something. Mama jokes, How fat and greasy we are, junk food, crazy ass sayings, borderline insults, the list goes on....but, on a serious note, a fun RP partner. The ideas you come up with are pretty down to earth, simple but yet abundant in potential. Even if we get tired of one RP, we always have a new idea to sprout another RP out of our asses. Even with personal issues in our lives going on, I still appreciate you taking the time to talk with me. I believe our fuckerys will never end. So with that, sis...I appreciate you.

@KatherinWinter I can say with confidence that you're one of the most persistent, enduring, strong minded RP partners I've met. You may not believe that you're strong but for someone to continue to bring back any RPs that may have died and to keep up with a lot of group RPs, my hat goes off to you. That's better than how I beat myself up when things fail. You're an awesome partner and friend/sis and I also want to show my appreciation for your patients with my disappearances and slow responses on RPs. I enjoy our conversations we have from time to time and I want to express that you're an encouragement to never give up!

That's it for now but the next edition of Kingles' Shout Out, I'll mention the ones I missed. For all the people that I mentioned here now, KT got luv for ya! Til next time.....deuces...
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DarkAngel Kena
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DarkAngel Kena •Quote collector•

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@King Tai

I love you, big brother! I know it’s hard sometimes but I’ll always be here whenever you return or have another idea. I like what you come up with and I look forward to everything we do in the future.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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@King Tai

I love you, big brother! I know it’s hard sometimes but I’ll always be here whenever you return or have another idea. I like what you come up with and I look forward to everything we do in the future.

I really appreciate that sis :D. Love ya too!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@King Tai

You rock bro! We'll be BFF's and partners for a long time. I'm glad to challenge you to do your best. That's a huge compliment and I appreciate it tons. I'm glad you are in my life too, Lovies!
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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@King Tai

You rock bro! We'll be BFF's and partners for a long time. I'm glad to challenge you to do your best. That's a huge compliment and I appreciate it tons. I'm glad you are in my life too, Lovies!

For sure sis! Much Luv :D
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 7 days ago

Oh my god. I have to gush about @Sigil and @Rivaan right now. We just completed a two week collab, titled The Show Must Go On, that was nothing like we had ever attempted in any of my Rps before. A three part collab done in very differently than before. A multiple act dance and song routine in a Circus with all our skills. It was a long and tedious process, having to push ourselves not only to go further than we had before but work together in ways that were far more trusting than before. It turned out better than I could have ever hoped and while it is only something to be reserved for very special occasions in RP, it was beautiful. Rivaan and Sigil made the entire process just one of those moments as a Gm you know will be something you remember forever.

So to Sigil and Rivaan - thank you both so much. You let me be me. Not only as a Gm but as an Rper. I was able to stretch muscles, ideas, everything in ways I haven't been able to in a while. You never questioned if it would work. You trusted me as your Gm and as your collab partner for us to be able to pull this off. Complete trust from all angles. Thank you. For being you, for allowing me to be me, for making this one of those posts that makes me tear up not only from reading it but from being a part of it. It is a perfect example of how my peeps are the best there is. This is by far my favorite post ever. ~hugs~ Thank you.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Joegreenbeen
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Joegreenbeen Head to the Sky

Member Seen 12 mos ago

This set Rockette made me is astounding!!!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 7 days ago

And coming around the corner is Deeper Than The Sands, coming in at the 2 year strong forum mark! Holy hell! So yeah, major kudos goes out to @Sigil @FantasyChic @ONL @Morose @Rivaan @Nallore for being the driving force in this RP and keeping it going. We might have just lost a PC (RIP Haakon) but he will live on in our minds and our hearts, even if it was a leg lamp that took him out - Fragile my ass.

But to all of you, I just want to say...
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Stormyx
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Stormyx Sponsored by Yorkshire Gold

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I wanted to give some jush to @Dervish and @DearTrickster on this day.

I haven't been part of the RPGuild for too long - but both Dervs and the lovely Tricky made me feel especially welcome, and not only that but are both incredibly patient individuals, with excellent writing skills. This week I have found myself laughing at Trick's work in Vengeance of the Deep and I admire how she makes her character so funny in such a subtle way. That's some skill right there. Not to mention she's just a pretty swell person all round and I feel lucky to get to... work(?) with her!

And Derrrrvvvvvvv, such an awesome fella! Never a bad word to say about anyone and his writing is pretty magic and I'm chuffed to work on two roleplays with him, and pretty honoured that when he's coming up with a new game he gives me a nudge to see if I'm interested.

Two of the rootin'est tootin'est people tbh.

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