“The name is Dismas, the Highwayman… make sure not to forget.”Age: 37 years old
Gender: Male
Main Thread or Sandbox:
Main ThreadPersonality: Dismas is a hardened man, due to some.... certain circumstances, rarely even talks to anyone due to his untrusting nature of others, always being wary of those he recently met or rarely interacts with, and would rather keep to himself or his close friends. While his personality is also dependent on whether he has a Virtue or Affliction, he rather speaks much of his skill, usually bragging about some of his deeds during battle, but knows when to keep his mouth shut and focus in battle. During times, he will sometimes break the mold, and tell a joke or two, or even encourage someone who is not even close friend of his, but sometimes, he would reflect upon the past sins he has done, it’s often something that would give him a reason to move on, and hopefully, his sins will be lifted in the end.
Motivation: “Heh… funny you say that. In all honesty, I don’t know what the hell im gonna do now… but I suppose grabbing some coin wouldn’t hurt right about now.”
Thunder and Lighting:Thunder being his flintlock pistol, and lighting being his dagger, Thunder is capable of creating, like the name implies, loud noises similar to that of thunder, while Lighting is a light weight dagger, and is easily able to make quick strikes in succession just like lighting.
The Uncatchable:His fully upgraded Bandit Overcoat, it doesn't do much to restrict his movement, allowing him to dodge attacks like they were nothing but slow and reckless swings towards him. But it also provides some defense in case he has been caught off guard and been struck by an opponent. A good mixture of both speed and armor.
Bloodied neckerchief:A blood red neckerchief with some traces of dried blood, while wearing it, Dismas gains increased speed and dodge. Even then… Dismas seems to cherish it greatly, and for someone else to hold it is rather rare and only allowed by the closest of friends.
Shameful Locket:A locket that reminds him of that dreaded day, one that reminds him of those two innocent lives he had taken, but it’s effects are that it increases his accuracy, crit chance, but at the cost of increasing the amount of stress he gains.
Set effect:When wearing the both of the trinkets on him, he has an increase virtue change, a 45% higher chance, and a quote for the set....:
“A reflex.... I didn’t…. mean to...”Attributes:
The Highwayman has 16 slots in order to store items in, and depending on what item it is, may only store one if it, or multiple of it. It does nothing to slow down Dismas when walking or in fights. If there are any other members within his party, Dismas will share his inventory with them, and wouldn’t change the size of it at all no matter how little or how much is in his party.
Having a small chance... he is capable of dealing a critical strike dealing double the damage he would normally do, as well as healing some stress away from his stress bar as well.
Him, like any other human being, can become stressed out that sometimes, ‘his resolve is tested’. this can lead to two things if his stress bar reaches 100/100, he will either be ‘Afflicted’, it being a bad personality effect that is generally harmful for both him and his team, or ‘Virtue’, it being a good personality effect that helps out in combat, with ‘Afflicted’ being the higher chance personality effect. But no matter which one is chosen, his personality will change to what personality effect he has gotten. If his stress reaches 200 while ‘Afflicted’, he will suffer a heart attack which instantly puts him on ‘Death’s Door’, while gaining 200 stress with a ‘virtue’ only removes it. He has a 70% chance of gaining a virtue and a 30% chance of gaining a affliction, and gaining stress or healing would depend on the events he witnesses with his own two eyes. The effects of the afflictions and virtues will be explained when gaining either one... and what’s to expect from them.
Virtues he can gain are:
“Many fall in the face of chaos.... but not this one... not today.”
“Adversity can foster hope, and resilience.”
“A moment of clarity in the eye of the storm.”
“Anger is power. Unleash it!”
“A moment of valor shines brightest against the backdrop of despair.”The
Afflictions being :
1. Fearful:
“Fear and frailty finally claim their due....”
2. Paranoid:
“The walls close in, the shadows whisper of conspiracy!”
3. Masochistic:
“Those who covert injury find it in no short supply.”
4. Abusive:
“Frustration and Fury, more destructive than a hundred cannons.”
5. Selfish:
“Self-preservation is paramount- at any cost!”
6. Hopeless:
“There can be no hope in this hell..... no hope at all.”
7. Irrational:
“Reeling, gasping, taken over the edge into madness!”Death’s Door:
If he loses all of his Hp, instead of immediately dying like many others, he will enter ‘Death’s Door’, a red skull appearing above him as his body glows red, if attacked in this state, no matter how strong or weak the attack may be, it will lead to his death, but he has a 67% ‘Death’s Door blow resist’ which allows him to survive blows in this state with no signs of damage, but not for long. If he recovers out of this state by healing at least 1 hp, he will exit ‘Death’s Door’ but will suffer penalties to his accuracy, damage, and speed while also gaining more stress.
Combat Skills:
Wicked slice:
A normal but powerful slice from his dagger, he is capable of dishing out a lot of normal physical damage by using this move.
Pistol Shot:
A long range option using his flintlock pistol, while slightly less powerful than a normal dagger slice, it is capable of dealing far more damage when attacking a marked target.
Point Blank shot:
The most powerful move in his arsenal by itself, when used in close range combat, would create a powerful shotgun like blast, pushing both the target and Dismas away with each other due to the knockback.
Grapeshot Blast:
A multi-hitting attack, while half as powerful as his normal attacks, it is capable of hitting multiple targets with one blow, and is capable of debuffing their speed and accuracy.
Tracking shot:
The lowest damaging move in his arsenal, and while it can only be used once, it is capable of both hitting hidden targets, and revealing them as well, removing their means of stealth, as well as buffing Dismas’s accuracy, crit chance, and damage for the rest of the battle.
Duelist’s advance:
An option in order to get to the frontlines faster, Dismas charges forward with a stab, and while it doesn’t do much, it activates risposte, allowing him to strike back at foes whenever an attack is aimed his way, no matter the distance between him and the opponent for a couple of turns (3) at decreased damage and slightly increased critical chance.
Open Vein:
Another slice from his dagger, this time, aimed in order to open the flesh of his opponent, having a chance to inflict bleed as well as debuffing their Bleed resist as well.
Camping Skills:
Gallows Humor:
A well placed joke in the right situation can make all the difference in the world, but for this kind of humor, while it heals 25 stress for Dismas, it has a chance to either remove stress by 20 for his allies, or add 15 stress instead.
Unparalleled finesse:
Reflecting upon his skill with his dagger, he becomes a force to be reckoned with, and for four battles, his dodge, speed, melee damage and accuracy all increase, making him a much deadlier force in melee.
Clean Gun:
Making sure your equipment is in tip-top condition can be the difference between life and death in some situations, and for this one, his ranged accuracy, ranged damage, and ranged crit all increase for four battles.
Bandit’s sense:
Having a key sense in order to hear danger before it arrives is crucial when out there, and for him, not only it prevents a nighttime ambush from happening, but also decreases the chance of the party being surprised by an ambush, and also increases the chances of them being the ambushers instead.
Encouraging an ally to never lose hope, he is able to relieve 15 stress to an ally he speaks to.
Wound Care:
Capable of healing some wounds, he can restore 15 health of an individual, as well as remove Bleeding and Blight from that person as well.
Pep Talk:
Pep talk to an individual is one way to keep them from becoming insane, reducing the amount of stress they would normally gain in combat.
(The non-move related attacks)
Rather high combat speed/reaction time:
Dismas is an trained combatant in striking hard and fast with his abilities and skills, capable of both hitting targets considered fast as well as dodging even point-blank gun fire heading his way. Highly useful against foes who use such. Paired in with his skill and trap disabling skills, can make for an powerful skill.
Lockpicking/Trap disabling skills:
He is good at disabling traps and getting past physical locks with little problem, a good skill to have if your an thief working to get into something that catches your eye.
-Unable to perform camping skills unless absolutely out of harm's way and in an ‘safe’ area for rest.
-His lower durability and reliance on dodging makes him a sort of glass cannon, usually staying behind an more durable and stronger individual to take blows for him.
Biography: (In order to tell a small story about himself, I’ll be using the backstory comic provided by the game)

Other: Taken after the events of Darkest Dungeon 1 but before Darkest Dungeon 2, with the Vestal and Crusader having died in the battle against the Heart of Darkness.