Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 19 days ago

Current Outfit: Formal princess gown
Interactions: None

Beatrice followed her parents along with her brother as their family made their entrance to the grand ball. She was dressed in a gorgeous tailored violet gown adorned with golden and silver accents. It was rare for a princess like Beatrice to wear such extravagant, tight-fitting ball gowns as she was always known to wear more comfortable-looking dresses which were perfect for a princess-on-the-go like her. The skirt of the gown was more free-flowing and voluminous and the midriff part gave her body shape without making it too tight for her comfort. Her accessories glinted in gold and silver as the light shone on them.

It was not like she was being boastful to say she was getting bored of grandiose events like these, but she was getting bored of grandiose events like these. Having fun with the children of her kingdom was far better than exchanging fake smiles with people that oozed hubris. Everyone was dressed in stuffy, uncomfortable clothes that were custom made for one specific night and then thrown away into their closet, never to be seen again. The real victims here were the servants; they were always hectic days before the main event to make sure everything went smoothly lest they felt the wrath of the people they served just because the curtains were a shade darker than expected or something similar to that.

As much as Beatrice was not a fan of these kinds of events, she had no choice but to come to them whenever their family was invited. It was, after all, a tradition of both royal families, the Camilia and the Danrose. For as long as she could remember, this was both the families' way of maintaining and fortifying the relationship of the two kingdoms, bringing forth prosperous years of peace and joy to their respective people. In a way, Caesonia had become Beatrice's second home whether she liked to admit it or not.

She was thinking that her uncle King Edin must have spent all the riches of Caesonia just for tonight while she looked around and continued to smile and wave at the other nobles, noting how everything was just exuding much more elegance and sophistication compared to the other balls the king held before. She also thought that the main purpose of this event was to welcome the people of Alidasht, not intimidate them with his extravagant richness. She could only wonder how they will react upon seeing all of this prepared just for them.

Personally, she would like to be anywhere else but here. There were so many things she thought she could be doing right now, like studying more about royal politics, tending to her pet horse Cloudmor, or even honing her dancing skills in secret. She guessed she would have to think of this ball as a meeting of some sorts, catching up with the current happenings in the noble houses and perhaps forming potential business relationships with the potential entrepreneurs. At least in that way, she could consider herself as working. Besides, the royals of Alidasht will be coming to Caesonia for the first time ever. As a princess, it was Beatrice's duty to form strong bonds with the children of royal blood as well.

As usual, Beatrice went around and interacted with the nobles, catching up with old colleagues that were mostly affiliated with her parents and even meeting new faces among the crowd. She saw several of the children of nobility, most if not all were close to Beatrice's age. She gave a customary nod to Prince Wulfric whenever they crossed paths, seeing as it was only fit due to the fact that they were both the eldest siblings of their families and heirs to their own respective thrones. Many, mostly bachelors, approached and vied for her attention as her beauty and brains were quite coveted by men even outside of Varian. To Beatrice, they were all like pitiful puppies fighting each other for attention but at least real puppies were actually adorable and tolerable.

Just then, the main guests have made their arrival upon the throne and they made sure all eyes were on them. It was a spectacle, unlike anything Beatrice had ever seen. So many exotic animals that she could only see in her textbooks, so many dancers performing as they spread flower petals everywhere, so many tough and scary-looking guards, all surrounding the sultan of Alidasht, his subjects, and his children as they made their grand entrance. She was so focused on them she could hardly notice the lone sound of someone clapping. After they finished their entrance and bowed to show their respects, Beatrice let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in, her tense shoulders relaxing. She only just realized she was witnessing a moment in history, one that would change the lives of everyone forever.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Charlotte & Lorenzo

Time: Early Evening
Location: Carriage outside the Vikena’s Sorian Estate → The Ballroom at the Castle

Lorenzo alternated between a light jog and a brisk walk as he navigated the mansion of his large estate. Running was not an option because he would likely ruin his attire and hair with unwanted sweat. “Almost therrrre… just around this cornerrr!” Lorenzo uneasily cheered to himself as he pushed through the mansion doors and caught sight of a glorious straight-away path from his front entrance to the horse-drawn carriage. The desperate middle-aged man couldn't help but smile as he pumped his arms while he speed-walked in an effort to get a significant boost. He could see Nathaniel headed towards him which only told him that Charlotte was comfortably seated inside. I pray she did not have to wait long. His desperate smile dropped at the thought.

“Duke.” Nathaniel acknowledged with a nod. It would have been appropriate to inform him that Charlotte was inside but he was sure Lorenzo was aware. He was always last after all. Lorenzo returned the nod as he whizzed by.

“Lottie, I am…” He hopped climbed into the carriage, light beads of sweat on his forehead. “...here! I made it!” he was catching his breath as he scooched into his seat across from Charlotte. “Oh my… Lottie- Charlotte…” Charlotte was not the young girl he had met about a decade ago. “You look…” He fought back the tears in his eyes as he caught the resemblance with Emina. He now displayed a rare smile showcasing his pearly whites. The man could barely contain himself. He was just so proud but also saddened she was kept from these events for so long. “Absolutely stunning! Every flower in our garden might become green with envy, Charlotte. I mean it!”

Charlotte had been seated in the carriage, her hands folded across her torso as she waited patiently, her grip on her upper arms tight. She perked up, glancing over to beam at her father as he took his place inside. She reached over to pull the door shut, then tapped her fingers on the back of the wall. The driver took the hint quite quickly, yanking the reins. The carriage started to shake with the movement as they began to traverse towards the castle. Her expression softened at Lorenzo’s words. She could feel how proud he was and it warmed her heart. Though her parents had been loving in their own ways when they had been alive, she had always felt like nothing had been enough to ever make them proud. There had always been something more she could do, something else that could be criticized. With Lorenzo, to simply exist and be who she was was enough to light up his expression with pride and happiness.

She took his hand gently in hers and squeezed it, telling him, “Thank you, Lorenzo. Your kind heart is always a comfort. I know it’s not the traditional fashion but I do feel lovely in it.” After a pause, she gave him a slight smirk, ” And look at you in this dapper attire. What a proper gentleman. You look marvelous! I do believe us Vikenas are making an entrance to remember.” She let go of his hand as a troubling thought crossed her brain. Charlotte moved her hand over to his wrist to lift his sleeve. She bent her head to get a good look, musing in a playful tone as she was half-joking with her words, “He’s not in there again, is he?” Lorenzo pulled his arm back, retaking his sleeve with a chuckle.

“Of course NOT! I don’t think I’d ever even consider allowing King Danrose to lay an eye on Kier within the confines of our estate.” Lorenzo could recall the night as if it were yesterday. Other than the night of Emina’s death, it had been the worst night with the court he’d experienced as the Duke of Veirmont. “However, you could probably use the company. He is far better company than- Nevermind… Let me not say. You may become friends with some of them after all.” Lorenzo briefly looked from one of the windows of the carriage. He hoped he and Charlotte wouldn’t be too late.

Charlotte couldn’t help but giggle at Lorenzo’s answer, “Oh but Kier is darling company. I’d so like to let him wrap himself around my neck and bat away anyone who has something to say about it. He’s such a sweet little thing.” It was easier to speak in good regard over Kier the Ferret than to comment on the matter of friends. It had been a long time since she had seen the small number of friends she did have. Certainly, they’d be at odds with her for not making enough effort besides the occasional letter she sent the Smithwoods’ way. She too averted her gaze to the window as they made their way.

Finally, after a half-hour trip, the carriage came to a halt in front of the grand castle of the Danroses. The coachman moved over to the door to escort the Vikenas down the step of the carriage. Those that were dilly-dallying outside the castle started to attempt to gossip in hushed voices over the surprise before them. Ladies cupped their hands over their mouths as they gasped and whispered. The Vikenas were actually making an appearance after all.

“I suppose we remain renowned after all this time.” Charlotte commented as she stepped out. The crickets chirped in the ambiance of the night around them and the ambitious architecture of the Danrose’s castle remained the same as she remembered. Glancing at Lorenzo, she asked with a smile that juxtaposed how she felt, “Into the jungle?”

“I suppose so.” Lorenzo commented as he stepped out of the carriage behind Charlotte. He pulled down on his jacket to straighten it out after sitting for so long. He tried to keep his eyes from those lingering outside of the castle, their attention to him and Charlotte being uncomfortable to give notice to. Come on Lorenzo, be brave. Be confident. I am the Duke of Veirmont. I AM the Duke of Veirmont! Lorenzo raised his arm for Charlotte to take. He would not be discouraged by the riffraff, “Lady Vikena?” He said with rare confidence.

Charlotte took his arm without hesitation, “Duke Vikena.” She continued to smile at him and gave him some words of encouragement as she could imagine he must have felt as nervous as she felt deep down, “They’re going to love you once they get the chance to know the you that I know. You have a good head on your shoulders. Believe in yourself.” Her pleasant words made him beam. If he had felt ready for the ball before, he now felt as if he could conquer Eromora. With Charlotte’s faith in him, he couldn’t fail. As long as he kept her words in mind. They’re going to love me. I just have to believe in myself. This is a new start. A triumphant beginning!

“You are right Charlotte. It’s time to show the world who Duke Lorenzo Vikena is.” The two entered the castle while following along the far-reaching green carpet. The vacant halls should have unsettled the duke. It was very apparent the two were late arrivals. However, Lorenzo did not let his tardiness faze him. Fashionably late. Yes! As the two eventually approached the ballroom, Lorenzo noticed something. A good sign?

“Charlotte, the grand entrance doors! They haven’t shut yet! Charlotte, do you know what this means?” Lorenzo smiled excitedly but didn’t give Charlotte a chance to answer. “We’re not late after all! We made it before the honorary guests have.” Lorenzo could almost jump and skip into the ballroom! The man would maintain his composure. He was doing so well already and a stroke of luck would only spare his image for being slightly tardy. There was a pep in his step that had been absent moments before and it was hard for Charlotte not to notice. The moment Charlotte and Lorenzo met the grand entrance doors, the smell of fragrant aromas nearly overpowered their senses but nothing could overtake the sight of the filled ballroom after an entire year away from it. To think Lorenzo used to despise this place, but now it would be his stage for a fresh start!

To the duke, it appeared that King Danrose had cleverly hired a collection of different performers. Lorenzo wondered if King Danrose had finally decided to upscale the festivities or this was just to impress the Alidasht Kingdom.

There was an unsettling silence in the ballroom as many eyes shifted attention from the Alidasht royalty to Lorenzo and Charlotte slowly walking through the grand entrance where the foreign kingdom had just made their entrance. The dancers slowed their movements in confusion as the unexpected duo interrupted their stage.

Charlotte paused and tugged at Lorenzo’s sleeve, suggesting quietly, “Umm maybe we should wait a few minutes to come in.” Anxiety built up inside her as she worried that Lorenzo wasn’t going to read the room quick enough. Clearly, they were walking where they weren’t supposed to. He shot her a pleasant smile.

“Worry not dear Charlotte.” He looked across the ballroom he would proudly navigate. He squeezed her hand gently and slowly pulled away from her. “Go and mingle with the rest. I can do this. And thank you Charlotte.” He gave her a single nod as he felt more confident than ever. He could do this! I am the Duke of Veirmont… He took a deep breath and stepped forth. He was the center of attention now. Fashionably late and the center of attention.

Charlotte watched him go forward, trying to call his name in a hushed voice to object but it was to no avail. She cupped her face in her hands in distress then wove herself through those around her to a more polite position in the ballroom.

“Greetings! Greetings! After an entire year's absence, The Duke of Veirmont, Lorenzo Vikena has arrived!” Lorenzo announced proudly as he walked past the performers and Alidasht servants flaunting valuable items. “This! This is really a step up from the usual occasions, I must say! The Alidasht Kingdom will be quite pleased with you hiring so many performers! To dress these commoners in such flashy garb is… It’s quite incredible! Haha!” Lorenzo was finally making it closer to the chevron formation of royals. The Alidasht guards tensed as they found no comfort in some strange man being so close to the royal family. Lorenzo’s eyes spotted the exotic black tiger on the right side of the group and the cobra on the left. He was truly impressed and extremely excited. “A tamer of large cats and a snake charmer! Incredible!” He thought about how Charlotte was missing out on seeing everything this close up and turned around to catch where she had gone. He continued towards King Danrose and through the chevron formation but backward as he tried to find his precious daughter. He wanted to call her over or at least introduce her to King Danrose as it seemed that there was nothing to fear.

“HEY!” One of the guards charged toward Lorenzo due to how close he was to Sultan Raif Kadir and Grand Vizier Hafiz Kadir’s palanquins. Lorenzo quickly turned and shifted his footing, accidentally tripping the guard who ran right into one of four men holding up the Grand Vizier’s palanquin.

“Excuse you!” The palanquin swayed as its holder, who was rammed into, lost his own footing and stumbled down. The Grand Vizier’s palanquin swayed left hard and fast into the Sultan’s to immediately tip to the left and topple over. Gasps were heard from all over the room. The Grand Vizier’s palanquin continued to sway with guards rushing in to save it from falling as well but they bumped and pushed each other in their desperate attempt. It was as if the palanquin swayed for minutes until the rear slammed down causing the Grand Vizier to slide backward off of it. The guards caught his seat, but the Grand Vizier tumbled over the back-rest of his seat and onto the ballroom floor.

Lorenzo recoiled, finding the sight poor and embarrassing. He was just glad that it wasn’t him in those seats. These lot will definitely not be hired for the next occasion… But perhaps for Charlotte’s next birthday. I will just do without the elevated chairs. Seems like a waste. The guests were stunned silent and all were aghast. He skipped over a few of the fallen servants so he could advance to King Danrose’s throne.

“King Danrose! Your Duke of Veirmont is present for this special occasion. As always you look wiser each time I look upon you. And my queen, you are always a pleasure to look upon! You’ve aged like the finest of wines! A true delicacy indeed!” Lorenzo performed his customary bow before his king with the greatest pride. King Edin and everyone in the room had fallen silent. The music had halted. Finally, a voice rose from the other side of the room.

“At least he didn’t bring the ferret!”

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Time: Early Evening
Location: Caesonia Castle Ball Room in Sorian

The event that had just occurred felt as if it had been a nightmare for the nobles in the room. The visitors from Alidasht Kingdom had just been humiliated before all. This was a worst-case scenario for the Danroses. King Edin looked as if steam was about to start blowing out of his ears, red in the face as he shot up from his throne. Alibeth had her mouth covered in shock, seemingly stunned. Meanwhile, while no one had been looking, Count Calbert was snickering under his breath, amused by it all.

Servants of the Alidasht party were scrambling to help both the Grand Vizier Hafiz and Sultan Raif up, making sure neither were hurt. While the Sultan was not a happy man, it was Hafiz who spoke up first once the two were back on their feet. “What is the meaning of this! In all my years I have never been so humiliated! Where is the man?! I demand his head!”He began barking orders at the guards to seize Lorenzo to bring before him, but it was the Sultan that had them pausing as he held up a hand.

“While I expect punishment of this man, let us not act so swiftly. I would like to hear what our generous hosts have to say about this matter. What say you, King Danrose? I do hope this wasn’t a plot to humiliate us.” While Raif’s voice was slightly calmer than his brother’s, it was evident that Raif was still furious as his fists trembled at his sides. His tone was stern and deadly serious as he had spoken.

King Edin was silent in his thoughts for a moment, shaking his head as he could not get over how much of a fool Lorenzo truly was. The man had thought they were performers… Secretly, King Edin had a bit of amusement bubbling up inside of him as he hated how arrogant these Alidasht people seemed to be. They thought they were better than himself? In their dreams! It had been satisfying to watch that overconfident Sultan fall to the floor where he belonged. King Edin bowed his head and said with the most earnestness he could push into his voice, ”I offer my humblest apologies, your majesty Sultan Raif. This was certainly not planned and we will see to it that Duke Lorenzo Vikena suffers for his utter ignorance and cruelty.”

The Grand Vizier was not satisfied with that reply, continuing to rant on, ”Not only has his actions led to the Sultan and I falling off our palanquins, but he has taken our spotlight away from us! This was our chance to show all the greatness of the Alidasht Kingdom and he so selfishly and carelessly stole our stage after all the hard work and effort we put into pleasing the Caesonia Kingdom!” He glared around the room and then met the eyes of King Edin, ”Is this how you treat your esteemed guests? Letting this insignificant man embarrass them?”

Before King Edin could answer, Count Calbert emerged from the crowd and moved into the center to wrap his arm around Lorenzo’s back, “Your highness. Don’t you think we are overreacting here a little, hmm? Now these enchanting people did come all the way across the sea to us and we should all be very delighted they are gracing us with their presence, but Duke Lorenzo here simply is not to a fault. I saw as many others did, that someone else stumbled and created the fiasco, not Lorenzo. He was a little tardy and misunderstood things. King Edin is also known for preparing theatrics for us guests. It’s easy to misinterpret someone entering late. No serious matter to behold here. ” He waved his hand dismissively, “But regardless, we all came here for some fun, didn’t we? Accidents happen. Let’s give the Alidasht Kingdom a round of applause for the marvelous display they prepared for us!” Many were able to read the room and take on the cue as the room erupted into applause.

“Ah yes, yes! Applause for the amazing Alidasht Kingdom and their wonderful dancers and animals!” King Edin encouraged, waving his arms to get people to clap louder as he called out. As they settled down eventually, he announced, “In our gratitude, we shall clear the way to the sustenance and drinks for them to have their first choice before the rest of us dine!” He had hoped to entice them to escort the animals out of the ballroom at some point, but he knew better than to push his luck. All he could do was hope the tiger wouldn’t eat his guests.

“We would be quite pleased to get back to festivities, however, regardless of whether or not this man misinterpreted things, something still must be done. We have been humiliated and we demand retribution.” The Sultan was not about to let this matter go, they would be compensated for the damage done. Whether that was by the removal of the head of Lorenzo or not was something they were willing to negotiate.

King Edin rubbed his temple as he fought off the urge to sigh. Despite Duke Lorenzo’s many faults, he was very good at his job. Certainly, his young daughter would not know how to govern nearly as well; women were not well suited for such things as per the example of the idiotic Alice Smithwood of the Varian Kingdom. Still, Lorenzo was a thorn in his thigh with all these mishaps… Maybe it would be better to just have him executed after all.

Queen Alibeth spoke up instead, gently suggesting, “Is there anything we can give you to compensate you for the pain you have felt today, your Majesty?”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Time: Early Evening
Location: Caesonia Kingdom Ball
Interaction: Lorenzo@FunnyGuy
Attire: Click here

Watching Lorenzo was like reading a story that incited feelings of impending doom for the beloved characters on the pages. The dark tendrils of tragedy would start to tighten their grasps on the characters more with every page, but tearing one’s gaze away from the book was impossible. It was as if the reader was tied to a runaway minecart as it went down a dark shaft.

But this was not a novel.

Charlotte felt as if her heart had stopped beating as she watched first the Sultan fall then the Grand Vizier. She gripped the skirt of her dress tight; she was certain she wasn’t breathing for that moment. It got worse as Lorenzo was not the least bit apologetic. He had not read the room as she had worried; he had no idea that those were the Alidasht royals that he had just interrupted. Every word from his mouth was like another plunge of a shovel into the ground below as he dug his grave.

As if answering her grim thought, the Grand Vizier rose up, demanding Lorenzo’s head.

He was Icarus and he had now flown too close to the sun.

Her chest began to rise and fall rapidly with rising panic. Tears blurred her vision and she staggered backward a little, but two guests behind her caught her arms and steadied her. A kind woman started to wave her fan on her as she asked if she was alright.

Not again… Please.

This was her fault. This was no runaway mine cart. Her arms had been free. Her mouth had not been taped shut. She could have stopped him, covered his mouth, pulled him aside…anything.

It’s not the first time you failed your family, Charlotte. Where were you when your mother died?

A blurred image of a silhouette of a female body, dimmed by the darkness of the night, flashed before her eyes. It faded and then she saw her father in his bed, the life slipping away from his eyes. She struggled not to let her face contort with grief and fear as she clumsily moved from the grip of those nearby her. She had been too wrapped up in her own shock to follow what had been said, which she wanted to kick herself for. This was no time to be selfish.

Charlotte had heard Count Calbert’s voice dimly as if he had been in another room. It felt like a nightmare or a strange fever dream as the room erupted into applause and King Edin encouraged it. A false sense of hope that things had taken a positive direction filled Charlotte, only for it to quickly diminish as The Sultan spoke once more:

“We would be quite pleased to get back to festivities, however, regardless of whether or not this man misinterpreted things, something still must be done. We have been humiliated and we demand retribution.”

The minecart was still racing.

Charlotte glanced Lorenzo’s way. As silly as the man’s actions had been, Charlotte knew in her heart that he did not deserve this. She wanted him to live and smile more, to see Kier once again, to smile he had done earlier which had felt like such a seldom event after Emina had died. As the grief threatened to drown her, her anger was what kept her afloat.

How could a man, with all the power and money one could dream for, have such a fragile ego that he would call for the death of another over a mere accident?

Queen Alibeth’s filled the room as she asked the Sultan, “Is there anything we can give you to compensate you for the pain you have felt today, your Majesty?”

This was not like her mother.

She was still here. She could stop this.
She had to stop this.

Charlotte’s legs were moving before she could even figure out what she planned to do as she moved to the center of the room and stood in front of Lorenzo. She kept a grip on her skirt to hide how her hands trembled. She curtsied politely before speaking.”Hello, your Majesty. My name is Charlotte Vikena. I want to first welcome you to Caesonia Kingdom.” Her voice only shook a little as she put forth effort into coming off collected. Messing this up could mean the end of Lorenzo. She took a deep breath as she relaxed her expression, then met the gaze directly of the Sultan.

“I am the one responsible for your humiliation. I apologize as this was the last thing I wanted to do.” She got down on her knees before them, “My youth and naivety betrayed me tonight. I misunderstood you all to be performers hired to welcome the Alidasht Kingdom when that’s just who you were. My kind father Lorenzo put his trust in me. He is a Duke who would outrank mere performers if that had been the case so he went forward when he should not have. If it had not been for me telling him so, I am certain he would have taken a moment to consider the situation before him. We have not attended events for the past year since my mother’s death and we are out of sorts with the proper etiquette.”

The Sultan Raif met her gaze with an unreadable one. She could feel him studying her as if she was an insect crawling about his feet. The intimidation of this man was unsettling. When he did not immediately answer, Charlotte’s nervousness prompted her to continue. Royals whether they be a Queen, a King, or Sultan, they were all the same. What they wanted was to feel above all else, to know others were beneath them. Being King was not enough to quench such a hunger, it had to be continuously satiated daily by those around them.

It was harder to keep the emotion out of her voice as she pressed on, “I-I can offer my services during your stay for the season here. Whatever you and your family need, I can personally provide.” A Lady lowering herself to servant was essentially social suicide, a price that possibly meant no one would marry her, but that no longer mattered to her. If she could save Lorenzo, her only family, then it was a small price to pay.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 24 days ago

Time: Early Evening
Location: Ballroom of Danrose Castle

Attire: Her dress
Interactions: @Infinite Cosmos Munir, @13org Mayet, @Omni5876 Amir, @Rodiak Nahir
Mentions: @princess Charlotte

Layla’s head snapped in the direction of the loud nuisance coming from behind her. ”Who the hell is that?”She questioned as the man rambled on about them being performers. Was he serious? What was this man on? Layla’s smile faltered as he came closer to them. Zilal hissed and faced the direction of this man. His words did not comfort her in the least, nor him being this close. A tiger and snake charmer? She struggled to withhold laughter as she wobbled on her guard’s shoulders.

A quick glance toward Ali told her enough. He stood in front of her now with his sword drawn. Layla scowled and drew in a gasp as the guard rushed forward. The next sequence of events unfolded quickly. The palanquin swayed as the guards tried to resolve the situation. Concern for her dear father and dearest uncle rose. She began to wiggle free, but before she could, both men fell. ”Father!” She exclaimed, both guards stumbling backward out of the way. Now it was her turn to feel the humiliation as both guards lost their grip on her legs and she tumbled to the floor. Zilal fell and let out a furious hiss and recoiled into a ball. She reached for the snake as he came to her side and booped her arm to see if she was all right. She stroked his head gently while recovered. The pain radiating through her body took her a moment to process. A memory tugged at her mind and she furiously pushed it back. Her cheeks were red and fury was in his eyes like flames.

”Shehzadi Layla! Are Zilal and you alright?” Ali was at her side, along with her other two guards. Ali pulled her up gently and held her until she came to her senses. Ringing in her ears blocked out all other noise and she watched as the room spun around her. Layla gritted her teeth and shook her head to clear it. ”Do you want to leave for a moment?” His voice was so quiet that Layla almost didn’t hear him. She shook her head and glanced toward her siblings. With a scowl, she eyed the idiotic duke next and Ali released her. She went to look for Zilal, but Ali had him in his arms and into hers next. The snake flicked its’ tongue and wrapped around her protectively and furiously. The next round of voices didn’t soother her at all as she looked in the direction. Her ears rang and she gritted her teeth once more. This moron had a ferret and was allowed a pet? Unbelievable.

Layla barely heard the conversation through the ringing. The clapping became a dim annoyance as she recovered. However, she could see the smugness in King Danrose’s eyes. His amusement only infuriated her more and she wished to wipe it over his ugly and sweaty face. She couldn’t stand hearing the angered tone in her Uncle and Father’s voices when they had spoken. However, finally, some black-haired sun-deprived woman came over to them and she only felt more annoyance. What do you want, you sickly looking vampire? The girl had a doll-face despite her nasty pale skin. What a pity.

As the new brat started her speech, she felt her attention drawn to this… sun-deprived doll. She, too, thought they were performers? Was everyone in this kingdom dense? Layla narrowed her gaze as she moved forward with Ali behind her who had sheath the sword. He was ready to pull it back in case of emergencies. Her sob story didn’t resonate with her. Layla’s expression became impassive as she studied this prey. She’d be easy and fun to toy with for the night.

Her offer to the Sultan made her smirk as she caught her father’s eye. Before the others could speak, Layla spoke up and glanced at her siblings and back to her prey. ”Father, I’d be happy to take this beautiful doll under my wing. I would hate to have her night ruined. I think we should allow her to stay with us during our visit. ” She moved over to stand in front of Charlotte and lifted her chin up with a warm, radiant smile. It read of peace and serenity, one of Layla's many talents.

”The floor is no place for a Lady, now is it? Stand up, Lady Charlotte. We can have fun now that the … situation is over. I say we let her enjoy the ball tonight.” She helped her to her feet and wrapped an arm around her firmly and asserted it to her siblings she wanted this girl without saying it aloud. One of their many talents was reading each other’s thoughts and feelings without speaking. Zilal flicked his tongue as he studied the menace and let out a dignified hiss as he wound himself back onto her shoulder and rested his head on it. As soon as Charlotte would meet her eyes, she would see a piercing glare that could kill. Layla nodded to Ali, came to her side, effectively blocking the guests from seeing. She turned to grin wickedly as fire entered her eyes and expression. ”How’s a king cobra for you tonight, love? You’re going to regret being born.” She hissed in her ear. In all of her fury and might, she still had the ringing in her ears and pain coursing through her as if she’d been shot.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Early Evening
Location: Caesonia Castle Ball Room
Interactions: Lady Charlotte@Princess, Shehzadi Layla@Potter
Mentions: Lady Thea@Tae, Prince Felix@Mole

Leo only gave a slight nod to Thea as she spoke of their mother, he didn’t discuss such things around prying ears, but his mother really ought to know better than to try and control Thea with such a strong hand. He waved and smiled as Thea left to disobey their mother, and Leo could see no harm in enjoying wine at the ball tonight. He paid no mind to her request to tell Prince Felix she had died, a strange joke he chalked up to some cold feet regarding the pair’s arrangement. Leo had paid some rather unsavory men to search for any sort of dirt on the young prince shortly after his mother had spoken of the arrangement. Nothing had been found. Felix, by all accounts, was a good and kind man, someone whose station could only improve Thea’s life, and found this to be one of his mother’s few discussions he found no fault with.

The intricate display by the Alidashti royals continued, Thea even clapping alone as the glorious tiger roared. This only made him smile with pride as many in the court looked at the tiger with fear, his sister only saw the great beast with wonder. Truly a brave and remarkable woman, it would likely be Prince Felix who would be kept on his toes. Soon his sister’s lone clapping was joined by Felix’s, quickly followed by many from Varian, including Leo, to show how marvelous the introduction to the Alidashti was. All clapping, and most conversation, stopped abruptly at the entrance of Duke Lorenzo.

Leo supposed he should be thankful for the presence of Duke Lorenzo, his absolute display of buffoonery ensured no one would have to worry about making a fool themselves now. It would now be tough for anyone to compete with the level of scandal and embarrassment that man had just put forth. In Leo’s mind, Duke Lorenzo was a perfect example of why the noble class must steer clear of those beneath them. He lacked both the bloodline and upbringing that were necessary to conduct oneself in these situations, and would only ever continue to embarrass the house he’d married into. This also happened to be one of the opinions he held that was known only by those within his own family. Despite his low opinion of Duke Lorenzo, he held only the highest respect for Lady Charlotte.

Now it appeared Charlotte was placed in a position where she would again suffer the brunt of repercussions for her guardian's mistakes. Lottie had been a dear friend of both he and Thea’s, caught up in her own family's tragedy in recent years, and was now thrown to the wolves that lurked in court without any elder siblings or even her true family to look out for her. If the fates had been crueler to his own house he would hope someone would watch over Thea, and so Leo intended to look out for Lottie as well, no one should face these wolves alone.

But buried beneath such chivalrous ideas was the interior motive, as Lottie’s proximity to the Alidashti royals provided an opportunity for an introduction. He approached with little hesitation, armed only with a charming smile amongst uneasy guards with their hands near bladed weapons. Fortune favors the bold after all, and all he’d seen of the Alidashti made him think they held a similar sentiment.

Leo presented the very same bow that was Alidashti custom; arms crossed at the wrist, thumbs facing the floor, and bowing his head low to the foreign royals. He had spent the days before practicing in front of a mirror, ensuring that his movements would be flawless and second nature. It would not do to disrespect a people known for their grace to approach them with awkward movements and flawed signs of respect.

“Your majesty, royal highness, and esteemed royal serpent, peace be upon you. Tales of your magnificence wane in comparison to the visions before me. It is an honor to be in your presence.” He spoke, addressing both the Sultan and his daughter who had a charming snake wrapped around her. He was careful to not let his eyes linger too long on any one of them.

“I must say never before have I seen such unparalleled beauty and power displayed with impeccable grace, a shame the servants have over-polished the floor. It is difficult to find competent help.” He added with a smile towards Shehzadi Layla. An attempt to worm the idea in that it was more the servant's fault than anything.

“Lady Charlotte, delighted to see you in court once more, I hope you have time this evening for an old friend.” He continued, offering a modest bow to Charlotte as well.

“Leo Smithwood, Heir of Stravy.” He added, introducing himself to the Shehzadi. And now he had cemented his place, as among the first to greet these royals, a bold introduction and far less embarrassing than Caesonian’s Duke had done. Even if they chose to dismiss his presence he hoped he had been memorable.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Munir was still staring at the lady with the fiery hair when she stared back. That sip of the wine was a wicked gesture that stirred up something vicious within him. He had to have her. After his small, absentminded bow towards the other honored guests in attendance, he stood in his spot of the formation, studying the lady that had issued him a challenge. The smirk never left his face.

Subconsciously, his right hand went to his waist, around a black leather coil with a sharp, golden spike no bigger than a man's thumb tied to its end. Munir never goes anywhere with his trusty whip. More often than not, it is worn around his waist as an accessory. Do not let the nonchalant nature in which Munir treats his weapon of choice fool you. He is precise and deadly with it should the need arise.

As fortune would, or would not, have it, the need arose.

A bumbling man came crashing through the gathering, calling him and his people tiger tamers and snake charmers. This notion wiped the previously cheery look from Munir's face and brought about a scowl that was both inquisitive and furious. Who was this man to assume the royal House of Kadir to be some street performer? Not long after, the bumbling man crashed into the palanquins carrying his father, uncle and the guards carrying his sister Layla. The trio and their guards did their best to stay upright but simply could not. Munir quietly lunged forward, hoping to at least soften the landing of any of the three royals if he could. Alas, he was just a half a step too late and all three crashed to the ground. What followed was a furious exchange of diplomatic gesturing. Munir had half a heart to listen to all these words being spoken. If this had happened in Alidasht, the person, or persons responsible would have their heads lopped off and their family fed to the dogs before the sultan and grand vizier hit the sand.

Quietly, Munir uncoiled the whip from his waist. He wanted to lash out and bring some sense to the whole situation by harshly sanctioning the guards for not being able to do their jobs of protecting the Alidasht royals. However, he surveyed the room, and in the interest of keeping at least a peaceful facade, he coiled the whip around his waist again, as it was before. The king offered him and his family the first choice of the feast. Munir shook his head as he thought the idea to be unwise. What if the food was poisoned? The very subtle smugness from the king did not go unnoticed. Being the youngest, he reserved his voice but wore his displeasure on his face and firmly address the king and his company in such manner.

These Northern royals were all such a hassle and he has literally been here less than a week. Especially the last fucker to speak sweet nothings to his sister Layla and her snake Zilal. He stepped back and approached Nala again, making sure the tigress was calm from all the commotion. How he longed to be back in his tent, or the saddles of his horse, rather than this stuffy ass ballroom with all these pompous sacks of flesh and air. He is definitely inviting the lady who challenged him back to his quarters for a discussion of tonight's events later...
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 1 day ago

Location: The pastry table -> Next to king Alixandre (wherever he is)
Interactions: Kazumin Nagasa @samreaper,Thea @Tae, King Alixandre and Queen Rosa @princess

That nostalgic feeling of his first royal party soon dissipated the moment he actually witnessed this man's table manners. Ok, his first time at parties was pretty awkward too, but never this messy. John was not exactly impressed by the sloppiness of this man's appearance as a whole. It didn't feel like he was wearing clothes, but the clothes were wearing him. His hair's a mess too, but all of that wouldn't bother the doctor so much if not for his haphazard chewing and coughing. For the love of everything that is holy, do not cough into your fist! That's where you touch everything!

Yeah, this man definitely had never attended an upper-class party before, but at least he admitted it. Frankly, after reeling in his instinctual disdain acquired from his experience as a medical doctor, John couldn't really fault the man too much if this was his first time. "No worries. I sometimes joke that chefs are wizards in disguise. They truly do some magical work." He replied with a genuine smile, hoping to dispel his previous annoyed side-glance that came before it.

The two of them spent a moment just getting to know each other, and John savoring a bit more of Caesonia pastries in the meantime. Soon, lady Thea approached both of them with almost sweet greetings that he knew were reserved just for this country doctor. Almost sweet because it wasn't exactly as lovey-dovey as a total stranger might misconstrue. Quite the opposite in fact. Out of literally every single problematic patient he had, Lady Thea is the one who created the most headache for him. And no, she didn't have anything serious.

"Hey, Thea." John replied to her conspicuously informally. "I'd love a glass, but I don't want the duchess to take this as supporting your habits..." Yes, nothing serious, but it will be soon if she doesn't change. "Drink moderately, ok?" He said softly to her, if not genuinely out of worry and kindness for her, it is to keep her from taking over his room later on with a vomit. And this came from nothing but personal experience. The trauma ran deep in his arteries.

Soon, the main guests of the party, the Alidasht sultans and his shezadies, made their way into the ballroom, in what could possibly be described as...inconsiderate pomposity. Pets are one thing, but to get them to basically rip apart everyone's eardrums like that on purpose doesn't really impress the doctor too much. Rumors about them turned out to be quite true. But well, his feelings didn't matter too much in the end but rather the monarchs and nobles. They are the ones who make the policies, who build civilization. He is just some random doctor who saves lives one at a time.

Nevertheless, the man who eventually introduced himself as Kazumin Nagasa did say something that caught John's attention. Is it a tiger that just roared? The doctor let his head lay briefly on the tip of his fingers as he studied the creature that accompanied the beautiful Shehzadi. If his memories served him right, and actually right this time, the Royal Institute did have an observation on an extremely rare quoted dark colored melanistic variant of the tigers, but that was like a hundred years ago. Never again had science sighted one of these creatures again. "I believe so..." John replied to Kazumin unassumingly. Or it could be something else, he didn't know. Now it was his turn to be lost in curiosity, at the behest of that creature and their owner's mysterious aura, temporarily brought back when the Kazumin offered him a handshake.

"Oh, uhh...John. I'm John Williamson. Glad to meet you." He nodded and graciously accepted the handshake, his eyes still held captive to that black tiger. It was only until another appearance truly tore him back down to reality. And not a good one either...

He felt pain. From the collapse of that entire parade to the overdosed amount of second-hand embarrassment. He couldn't help but wince at such a display. John would have felt bad for the duke if it hadn't been for his amazement at his feat of somehow phenomenally destroying both kingdoms' reputations in a span of a few seconds. He really thought that was physically impossible.

"Sorry Mr Nagasa and Thea, I have to head off for a bit. I'm happy to see you both and I'll talk to you two later." John excused himself as he headed off in the direction of the commotion. Regardless of how he felt about the political fiasco that happened, people did literally fall five feet down onto the ground. That kind of fall would hurt and even be fatal if in the wrong posture. John felt the instant need to be assessing the situation, but knew that egos were also severely damaged in the process. A lot of egos. He wouldn't want to touch that hot scalpel right now. So John made his way to the Varian monarchs instead. He went to one of the Varian guards at the side, away from the commotion, letting him recognize the doctor for a brief second before letting him approach the monarchs from behind almost freely. John stopped at a courteous distance from them, before giving them a bow, not exactly what you would typically use to greet a ruler, but the respect was given and likely understood.

"Your Majesty, please let me know if my expertise is needed," John said, implicitly suggesting to the Camille family that if they wanted to offer the Sultans his help, they are free to do so. If not, he would simply be around close by watching.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Tpartywithzombi
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Tpartywithzombi “Strong women are absolutely unpredictable.”

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Location: Caesonia Castle
Interactions: Ballroom - Balcony
Mentions: @ReusableSword Roman Ravenwood

Violet flipped the page in her book as she continued to ignore the antics around her. Her book pulled her in, telling the tale of a knight and his conquering of kingdoms and the heart of his love. She always found these sorts of stories very unrealistic, love was always portrayed as blissful, easy, and sweet. In reality, she knew it was messy, unpredictable, and raw. She preferred it that way, life was messy and so was love. If anything could attest to that it would be her parent's relationship.

Flipping another page she noticed someone approaching her. The large footsteps, which sounded a bit apprehensive, strode over to her. A deep voice spoke, and it took her a moment to realize that he was speaking to her.

Looking around for another person who may have snuck their way in her small little corner she looked up at the man from her book with her silver eyes scanning him. She offered him a friendly smile " I am sorry, I wasn't sure if you were speaking to me " she closed her book, keeping it tucked into her lap. She watched as he scanned her appearance, his natural curiosity looking at her scars as she shifted in her seat uncomfortably.

She was about to reply to the man when the hall irrupted into chaos. She watched the chaos with confusion as it pulled her attention from the man for the moment, making her uncomfortable as voices began to rise. She watched as people began to fall, tripping over each other followed by the Sultan and his companion. Shocked, Violet stood up on her feet as she looked over at the man. Taking her shot as an excuse to leave the chaos, she leaned into him " How about we continue this conversation on the balcony " she said gesturing to the two large double doors, that lead out to the balcony.

Assuming he follows, she heads towards the door slipping out onto the balcony. Holding the door for the man she took a step towards the railing as the commotion and sounds of loud voices began to settle. Taking a deep breath of the fresh night air she looked over at him.
" You must have been staring at my bodice for a while to notice them," she said offering a playful tease to lighten the mood between the awkward conversation. "They're my favorite bird, not sure why but I've always been so drawn to them. They're regal and beautiful. So many different cultures and beliefs have the raven baked into their symbolism and culture. They can signify both Death and Birth, but can also mean transformation and senses of wisdom. Their just ..amazing. " she paused as she looked over at the man " I am sorry I am rambling about a bird. "she let out a soft laugh " why do you ask though, seems like a rather strange observation considering the giant parade of exotic animals, all the beautiful women, and the food but yet you ask me about the design of my dress. " she smiled curiously, it was a rather strange question, but it amused her.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Fritz "Ryn" Hendrix

What separates a man from a beast? It was a question that scholars puzzled over for centuries yet failed to come to a unified answer. Some claimed that it’s the capacity to have a soul. Some said it’s intelligence. Some argued that it’s the sins of man’s forefathers. The initial two answers were absurd notions to Ryn. In his 29 years on earth, he has seen plenty of people who were best described as soulless and learned that intelligence was situational. Although he could not fully agree with the last sentiment either, it was something that he found himself mulling over time and time again. Were people no more or less than the sins of their forbears? Was there no way to absolve themselves for a crime they themselves did not commit? Or were they forever duty-bound to carry the burden, to add more to it and pass it on to their children? For the cycle to continue till the end of times? Do you, "King" Edin, feel them too?

Ryn’s pitch-dark eyes studied the two monarchs in front of him while he introduced himself as Count Fritz Hendrix. They were, for the most part, just as the rumors described them. From the ostentatious clothes he wore to the way he managed to look down at everyone while sitting on his gilded throne, King Edin exuded hubris and entitlement; the peacock of Caesonia. But underneath the vibrant feathers, Ryn thought he could see a scared man peeking through, frantically surveying the ballroom for any signs of danger. Not the kind of danger which posed physical harm, no. There were plenty of guards to protect him from that. He was scouting for the kind of harm that would tarnish his reputation as king or jeopardize his authority.

Was this something he did all the time, or was it just for this occasion? Ryn could not even begin to imagine living a life in constant paranoia. Seeing enemies and weakness that can be used against you in virtually everything. Then again… perhaps he could. King Edin just happened to be alone in the spotlight, front-and-center, while Ryn’s family remained off stage, shrouded in darkness. Ryn pitied the King in that regard.

Stories surrounding Queen Alibeth were few in number compared to the King. The ones that did circulate around circles usually amounted to how beautiful she was. Nothing about her character. She was a work of art, comparable to the palace's decorations; something to admire from afar, and a source of envy towards King Edrin, for owning such a trophy. Ryn remembered feeling dirty just hearing the comments about the Queen, but given how passive she was in person, he began to wonder whether she had a condition that rendered her catatonic on occasion. He needed to know who she was. Not as King Edin’s queen, but as Alibeth. Was she truly complacent with how the country was governed? Did she feel anything, love or hate, towards her husband?

Ryn was in the middle of describing the gifts he brought for the Danrose family when someone announced their own arrival. "Greetings! Greetings! After an entire year's absence, The Duke of Veirmont, Lorenzo Vikena has arrived!" The declaration was loud enough to catch the attention of the three. The Duke of Veirmont's next sentences forewarned Ryn that things were about to get ugly very rapidly. And, regrettably, he was correct.

Ryn, along with many of the other guests, watched the event unfold before them in stunned silence. It took a moment or so for Ryn to register that Duke Vikena unwittingly insulted and publicly humiliated the honorary guests for everyone to see.

"At least he didn’t bring the ferret!"

Obviously, the biggest mistake Duke Vikena had made so far. Ryn suspected he was going to need his emotional support animal very, very, soon.

It was an uncomfortable place to be standing where Ryn was when the squabbling erupted between the major noble houses. He had missed his opportunity to bow out. Though he believed everyone was distracted enough that they wouldn’t notice him leave now, Ryn decided to stay put. If he was going to have to watch this, he wanted to observe at a close distance. See how they might handle this situation. Evaluate them. To start making… certain decisions.

The bravery of Lady Vikena’s selfless proposition touched Ryn’s heart. How much she must love her father to offer herself up like that. He respected that. He too would do everything within, and beyond, his power if it meant saving his family. Lady Charlotte Vikena, he mentally added her to a list that only he could read.

The situation seemed to head towards diffusion as a tall Alidasht woman, who addressed the Sultan as her father, took Lady Vikena up on her offer. The woman leaned down to say something to Lady Vikena. Ryn couldn’t hear what was being said, but judging by Lady Vikena’s expression, it was nothing comforting.

The next to approach the two women was a redheaded noble. He greeted the Sultan’s daughter amicably, then said the words, "…a shame the servants have over-polished the floor. It is difficult to find competent help."

Ryn was not a servant, at least not in the way that the man was referring. Nothing he said would or should impact Count Fritz Hendrix. Yet it did. Ryn’s heart squeezed tightly against his chest as his stomach tied itself into a knot. The feeling would get worse. He knew it before it occurred. He may have been able to prevent it from getting any worse if he had resisted searching for "them". He could be wrong. It was always a possibility. They could have heard the words and dismissed them because there was no fear of retribution for doing their jobs. That the treatment of the servants in the castle were not as harsh or shuddersome as he was led to believe.

The Count’s eyes shifted away from the group towards the boundaries of the ballroom and the shadows lingering behind guests, searching for the often ignored and neglected. They were standing there quietly with skin turning paler by the second. Some, the more experienced and/or the ones unfortunate enough to be out in the open when the words passed the nobleman’s lips, stood perfectly still as if afraid of drawing any attention to themselves. Others, especially the younger servants around the nooks were visibly trembling. He saw one of the worst cases, slump to the floor after their knees buckled.

The casual statement of a Lord condemned them all. The worst part of it was that he would never know this. Even if he wasn’t oblivious to it, he and every guest in this room would never directly witness the impact of his remarks; the punishment that awaited the servants behind closed doors. Nothing but dread colored their features. All except for one.

One maid, the one Ryn had accidentally bumped into earlier, was glaring scorching daggers at the redhead from across the room. If looks could kill, no doubt the man —Leo Smithwood, he said he was— would be bleeding on the nicely polished floor by now if the wounds hadn't already cauterized. At least there seemed to be a medical practitioner conveniently at hand if the improbable were to happen.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Attire: This sans the cane
Relevant mentions: Mayet@13org, Leo Smithwood @Helo, Charlotte @princess
Interactions: Lorenzo @FunnyGuy, Count Calbert Damien, The whole Alidasht party was greeted (decided it was excessive to mention you all for something minor like this)

While waiting for the Alidasht party, Wulfric helped himself to a glass of red wine, which he sipped slowly, savoring the taste. He had noticed only wine was available at the moment. The variety of it was satisfactory, and he assumed other kinds of alcohol would be introduced to the tables later on. Which may be for the best, so that certain someones would not get blindingly drunk so quickly into these proceedings. His gaze strayed towards Thea Smithwood, who indeed seemed to be imbibing an unadvisable amount of alcohol already. At this point, she had at least separated herself from her brother. However, there was no time to approach Leo Smithwood, as the guests from Alidasht had begun making their entrance.

Out of all the creatures trampling the pristine floors of their castle, Wulfric would claim the tiger as his favorite. A clearly mighty beast of the hunt, and with an unusual coat to boot. Its roar vibrated within his breastbone, and the prince unknowingly found himself smiling. What would it be like to witness it in full motion? Not contentedly pacing and letting itself be lavished by petting the way it was now, but in pursuit of a prey? How its muscles might shift, its claws rend, its maw glisten with spilled blood…How helpless any of its targets would be, unable to do anything beyond surrendering to their death.

Wulfric still partially lingered on that pleasing picture – despite being aware that this was neither the time nor the place – when he noticed tiger’s owner perusing the populace. Allard met the woman’s gaze, small vicious smirk still in place. As he happened to some wine remaining, he raised his glass to her in a silent toast. Doing so, he unwittingly mimicked the actions of one Mina Blackwood. Though, in his case, his Alidasht counterpart was the one to look away first, as intent as she was in her mission to test the mettle of various nobles.

Nonetheless, Wulfric contentedly sipped on his wine. Upon emptying the chalice, he passed it off to a servant, continuing his observation of the foreigners. The procession from Alidasht was grand indeed, though the Royal Highnesses’ courtesy left much to be desired. Only two bowed as they should to the Caesonian royals, yet even for that pair, Wulfric doubted the gesture was sincere. As for the other three, their greetings ranged from insouciantly brazen, to halfheartedly proper – or calculatedly improper – to an openly challenging mockery.

So, they believe to be superior, do they? Their overblown levels of self-importance inspired a range of feelings in Wulfric. Injured pride and indignation. Yet, also a twisted thrill, even a hint of admiration. The fact that his father must be sore was a satisfying one, despite some of his emotions mirroring his sire’s. Adelard expected to match wit with the Alidasht nobles, a prospect which suited his competitive spirit. However, his plans to subtly meet like with like were quickly dashed by an intruder.

Technically, Duke Lorenzo Vikena had been invited. Unfortunately, the man’s talent to cause unprecedented scandals made yet another showing. Lorenzo hurried in front of the Alidasht, announced himself to the King, mistook the Alidasht guests for performers, and caused the Sultan, Grand Vizier, and one of the shezhadi to fall from their elevated positions. Wulfric was torn between dismay and amusement. The former, because this incident was terrible for Caesonia. The latter, because he felt rather vindicated that the Alidasht party had been humiliated.

However, as it would be more politic to display the former, he focused on that. Thus, Wulfric called to mind what he found to be truly regretful. I shall have to be impeccably gallant, now. Yes, it was a shame that he would have to do what he could to appease the Alidasht guests. Until this matter was laid to rest, and perhaps for a while after, there would hardly be opportunity for his formerly envisaged glorious battle of words. All in all, his scowl of scorn for Lorenzo was sincere.

What followed were assorted attempts at diplomacy. He noted Count Damien was the first to respond, protecting Lorenzo and deflecting the Grand Vizier’s ire. Despite his own previous words to the Count, Wulfric frankly could not fathom why this otherwise admirable man – who by speaking before the King had proven the extent of his influence – was so keen to protect Lorenzo. Was it possessiveness that drove Calbert to embrace him so? Was his help the result of a desire to make the Duke his lover? On the surface, it was an unlikely option, and yet…It may be likelier that it was a ploy to use Vikena’s inborn folly to subtly sabotage King Edin’s reputation.

Regardless of the Count’s motivation, Wulfric clapped when his father prompted them all to do so. Then, he calmly approached his parents and their company. He made it to his destination shortly before Lord Smithwood himself, whose interruption he had not expected. Though, there was another surprising presence there, a certain Count Hendrix, a proficient Varian merchant. It was not the occasion to contemplate why Hendrix was there at this time, however his unobtrusive positioning was in sharp contrast to Lorenzo’s recent bumbling.

While Leo made his introductions to the Alidasht royals, Wulfric whispered a compliment to Count Damien, whom he was standing next to. “Well intervened,” he nodded lightly. He may not agree with the idea of protecting Lorenzo, but Calbert had done a fine job diffusing the tension. Much was to be said for Charlotte’s selfless bravery as well. It was clear to him she was lying to protect her father. He personally considered her target unworthy of such sentiments, but her actions were commendable ones.

However, when Leo supported Lorenzo as well, Adelard raised a brow at the man’s back. If Calbert’s reasoning had been plausible, Leo’s assertion was ridiculous. Over-polished floors indeed. For one, he did not appreciate the assertion that his family’s best hand-picked servants were incompetent – if so, the blame ultimately lay with their masters, the Caesonian royals. For another, this was not so simple a matter as to be resolved by attempting to lay all fault at the servants’ feet. Who could possibly be satisfied by such a feeble evasion?

Thus, as his position dictated he may, he decided to voice his opinion. Of course, proper introductions had to be made first. So, he stepped forward, and mimicked the Alidasht greeting perfectly, crossing his arms at the wrists, thumbs to the floor, inclining his head and upper body. “Your Majesty, Your Excellency, Your Highnesses, peace be upon you.” He rose from the bow, and introduced himself, “Prince Wulfric Danrose.”

Unlike Leo, he did not offer any flattery at this time, as he did not feel that it was opportune. Though Lord Smithwood’s compliments might have been honest, they had inevitably come across as sarcastic. Instead, Adelard cut to the heart of it. “While certain other factors may have been in play, I agree with Your Majesty,” here, he nodded respectfully to the sultan. “Regardless of anything else, it was this man whose actions caused the incident in question.” Upon mentioning Lorenzo, Wulfric turned a cool glare at the Duke.

Before addressing the culprit himself, his gaze briefly cut to Count Damien. There was no hint of apology in Allard’s expression, though he did wonder how Calbert would take this. Then, his eyes bored into Lorenzo’s again. “Duke Vikena,” the address was frosty, reprimand lacing his tone. “Do you intend to merely stand aside and watch your daughter’s valiant efforts to bear responsibility herself?” Charlotte may not be biologically his, but Adelard believed the point stood regardless. “Or will you do as honor dictates, and accept your share of the consequences?” As Wulfric challenged the man, it was clear he believed Lorenzo should follow Charlotte’s example, and subject himself to the mercy of the Alidasht royals.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Early Evening
Location: Caesonia Castle Ball Room
Interactions: Wulfric @SilverPaw, Leo Smithwood @Helo, Charlotte @princess, Lorenzo @FunnyGuy, Count Calbert Damien, Munir @Infinite Cosmos, Layla @Potter, Nahir @Rodiak, Amir @Omni5876
Mentions: Felix @Mole, Thea and Mina@Tae

Mayet could feel the stares of the Caesonian nobles on the Alidasht party as they walked down the ballroom. From fear and bewilderment to amazement and admiration. Few were those who were able to even open their mouths as they made their entrance and even fewer were those who dared to keep staring towards them for too long.

"It seems like our glory and might are too radiant for some of them to handle." Mayet said with an amused expression as she looked to her siblings with a proud, satisfied expression.

While there were some among the nobles who had a more negative reactions, Mayet simply didn't give them any attention. After all, there were people who were simply incapable of understanding true glory and greatness even if it hit them in the face. Besides, Mayet was simply better than those people. Those types didn't even deserve her attention.

Still, there were some reactions that were definitely surprising. One of which was the white haired, pale noble whose cold eyes not only met Mayet's gaze without looking away, but also raised his glass in a silent toast towards her. Being one of the few who were able to meet her gaze and not falter under it, he had already caught Mayet's interest, but his cold piercing gaze made him stood out from the rest. Curious enough to make Mayet let out a discreet but amused smirk as she looked at him, marking him as someone who would definitely be more entertaining than the other nobles.

The other nobles who caught her attention, albeit in a bad way, were the nobles who first had the audacity to clap to their entrance, treating them as if they were performers that acted simply to amuse and entertain others. Mayet did take special note of the nobles who did so. Did they even know what was happening? Mayet wasn't sure if they were drunk or got so excited by their grand entrance that they ended up forgetting their place and to pay their respects to the Alidasht royals... Regardless of their reason, they would soon learn to respect and fear Alidasht, especially Mayet.

With their grand entrance nearing it's end with the Alidasht royal party paying their respects to the hosts, Mayet couldn't help but roll her eyes and let out an mischievous smirk towards both Nahir and Munir as she noticed that both of them seemed to have already found some toys to play with among the other nobles.

"You are welcome, dear brother." Mayet said in a playful, teasing tone towards Munir as he looked towards a red haired noble, which seemed to be entranced both by him and Nala.

Her sister Layla's actions also caused her to let out and amused, satisfied smile, as she ordered some of the guards to raise her in their shoulders as she looked around, being sure everyone was able to see her. Just like Mayet herself, Layla made sure to let everyone present know their glory. Zilal, which seemed to be overjoyed to be near Layla, laying his head on her shoulder, gave Layla's image a 'dangerous' charm, which only made her presence even harder to ignore.

"Layla! You know how competitive I am... I'm almost feeling left behind! Not only you are already taller than I am but Zilal is absolutely stunning today!" Mayet said to Layla in a low, discreet tone as she gave her a playful smile.

From the almost solemn silence that their entrance caused to the reactions of the nobles and even the expression of the hosts, everything was going extremely well. Such grand entrance was only fitting for the mighty kingdom of Alidasht and especially Mayet herself. She was personally satisfied with her and Nala's parts on it too. That was... until a loud, irritating voice suddenly interrupted their entrance, announcing his own entrance in an obnoxiously loud and arrogant way seemingly unaware of the terrible mistake he made by interrupting their entrance.

Mayet's satisfaction and good mood after such a perfect entrance immediately turned sour as she looked at the foolish noble as he continued his little spectacle, despite the clear warnings he was being given. What was happening was such an absurdity for Mayet that she could only look, outraged and speechless, still finding it difficult to realize that was really happening. Not only he had the gall to interrupt their grand entrance and walk where they had walked, but he also had the audacity to call them commoners, refer to them as mere performers, going as far as to say that her and her sister Layla were mere tamers!

It was the first time Mayet had been so humiliated and insulted. Someone of her standing, someone as perfect as she was, mistaken by a commoner, a performer no less? Was that a plot by the Caesonian royals to ridicule them? It was utterly unbelievable that someone could purposely be so tactless as to act like that man did. Even his loud, uncouth and foolish behavior made Mayet find it incredibly hard to even believe he was a noble. Without missing a beat, Mayet immediately looked back towards the king and the queen. Her enraged expression and her dangerous stare were more than enough to send shivers down the spine of most people and were definitely enough to tell them how insulted she felt. The moment she did so though, she realized how nervous and distressed both the king and the queen seemed to be and the idea of all that being a plot to mock and humiliate them immediately disappeared. Her anger was then directed towards the only one responsible for all that mess... Duke Vikena.

Unfortunately for everyone present, Duke Vikena's antics were far from over, almost as if he wasn't satisfied of insulting and making a mockery of the Alidasht royals and their party. As he began to approach the chevron formation where the Sultan and his children were, Nala immediately began growling towards him in an incredibly dangerous way. Mayet, with her eyes and expression clearly showing an equal amount of danger as Nala did, was simply unable to calm Nala down, as she was almost dealing with that vermin herself. It was only thanks to Munir's interference, whom approached Nala to at least make sure she wouldn't rip that sorry excuse of a man to shreds that she stood down, despite the loud and dangerous growls.

When one of the guards finally decided to act as the "Duke" Vikena got dangerously close to the Sultan, charging towards the offender, the latter shifted his footing and ended up tripping the guard, whom ran right into one of the men who were holding the Grand Vizier and the Sultan's palanquins. After an unfortunate chain of events, both the Grand Vizier, the Sultan Raif Kadir and her sister, Layla, who was standing on the shoulders of two guards ended up falling on the ground. Only to further aggravate the offenses that were already made to the Sultan and the Alidasht royal family until now. The ballroom became completely silent, no one dared to even open their mouths after what happened. No one other than the foolish Duke Vikena, of course, whom despite all that, still went towards the king and the queen to present himself.

"You! Bring me my weapon... Now." Mayet said, in a dangerously low tone towards one of the dancers, which was standing completely still, almost as if she was trying to become invisible. The woman, after seeing everything that happened was almost completely pale, her eyes open wide as she covered her mouth, unable even to breathe properly.

Immediately after hearing Mayet's orders, the dancer nervously nodded her head as she hurriedly ran outside, going towards the carriage where they came in. Not even the guards had the courage of stopping the dancer, seeing how angry Mayet was at the moment.

Unsurprisingly, Mayet wasn't the only one that was fuming with anger. The Grand Vizier was the first to let everyone know how outraged he was. While Mayet didn't really like the Grand Vizier that much, she could totally understand his anger. After all, if she was on his place, she would want to kill the one responsible for that herself...

While the Sultan Raif Kadir was able to contain his feelings a bit better than the Grand Vizier, it was clearly evident by both his tone and his hands that he was dangerously angry. Fortunately, the king himself seemed to understand that very well, even bowing down and apologizing. Such a scene once again confirmed to Mayet that King Edin was also an unfortunate victim of Duke Vikena's ignorant behavior.

With the proper apologies being given by the hosts, there was only the punishment of Duke Vikena left to discuss. Which was something Mayet was sure that not only her and her sister Layla but the Grand Vizier and the Sultan themselves would also demand. He had to pay for his behavior. He would be made an example to the other nobles. An example of what awaited those who wronged Alidasht.

When one of the nobles around suddenly started speaking, trying to defuse the situation and blame everything on a random servant, Mayet simply couldn't stay quiet. As the room started to erupt in applause, encouraged by that insignificant nobody, Mayet could only feel even more mocked and ridiculed.

"I DEMAND SILENCE!" Mayet shouted, just after the people began applauding, followed by another loud roar from Nala, who was visibly agitated and still being held by Munir, who kept trying to calm her down. Unfortunately, unlike Nala, there was no one trying to calm Mayet down.

"Do not treat us like some street performers that act for your own amusement! Applause, especially after such humiliation can only be seen as an insult!" she said, looking around to the nobles that dared to applaud with a fiery, dangerous stare.

"You... Whoever you are, you would do well to be very careful with your words... Or better, just keep your mouth shut. " Mayet said, looking towards the noble who first suggested the applause with a piercing, fiery gaze.

"Not only we were humiliated by that sorry excuse of a noble, but you now are insulting our intelligence, saying that it was 'someone else' who is to blame for all this? Or are you trying to insult our soldiers and our military force, saying they were the ones to blame?" Mayet asked, looking towards Count Calbert with a clearly insulted expression.

"The Sultan's words are Alidasht's words. We demand retribution." Mayet said, with a fierce stare as she looked at both Count Calbert and the King, whom had also entertained the Count's suggestion for the applause.

It was at this exact moment that a pale, delicate looking woman approached them, introducing herself as Charlotte Vikena, presumably Duke Vikena's daughter. Despite her shaky voice and visible nervousness, Charlotte still knelt down, trying to take the blame for her father's foolish behavior, even though she was nowhere near him when Duke Vikena started to insult them.

Looking at that girl was almost as if she was looking to a rabbit that was about to be eaten by wolves. Despite her frail appearance and evident nervousness though, she still was brave enough to step forward and take the blame for her foolish father, something that Mayet could definitely respect.

Much to Charlotte's own dismay though, the one who laid eyes on her was no one other than Layla herself and Mayet knew very well how cruel her older sister could be to those who had incurred her wrath. Her expression and her words as she approached Charlotte were certain to give the frail, porcelain-doll looking girl nightmares.

Before Mayet could intervene though, a red headed noble approached them, more specifically her sister, Layla. Despite the excessive flattery, his polite approach was appreciated, paying the proper respects Layla deserved as a Shehzadi. But just like the other noble before him, he too tried selling them a ridiculous excuse, this time blaming everything on the servants, whom according to him, over-polished the floor.

"Leo Smithwood, Heir of Stravy, do not insult our intelligence with such ridiculous excuses." Mayet said, with a piercing stare towards the red headed noble, clearly referring to what she had just said a few moments ago to Count Calbert.

Surprisingly enough, the same noble whom had piqued her interest a few moments ago, the white haired noble with cold eyes approached them, introducing himself in typical Alidasht manner, much like Leo Smithwood did. Prince Wulfric was the first Caesonian noble that gave a reasonable suggestion since all that confusion began. Much to Mayet's own surprise, not only his thoughts were similar to hers, but he was surprisingly good looking, despite his extremely pale skin. Mayet intended to let him know that she was satisfied with him as she gave him a nod of approval, despite the tense situation they were in and how on edge Mayet was at the moment.

It was at that exact moment that the poor dancer whom Mayet had sent to get her weapon finally arrived. Still sweating and extremely nervous, the girl handed the weapon, which was wrapped around a silk cloth in order to protect the blade, to Mayet which she received with a nod, before sending the girl outside with a wave of her hand. The poor girl would probably pass out if she got any more nervous than she already was.

"I make of Prince Wulfric's words my own. Your frail daughter, despite being nervous and afraid, has thrown herself to the lions in order to save your pathetic self, Duke Vikena." Mayet said, being sure her sister Layla was hearing her words and trying to redirect her anger towards the one who was truly responsible for that instead of Charlotte, which seemed to be guilty only of having someone as incompetent as Duke Vikena as her guardian.

As she approached Duke Vikena, she started to take out the silk cloth from around her weapon, revealing a big, razor sharp, ring-blade. Despite it's simple design, the exotic weapon was adorned with complex, golden patterns inside, a clear indication of Mayet's personal touch to the weapon.

Holding the ring-blade over her shoulder, she walked towards Duke Vikena, with a vicious look on her face.

"If we were on Alidasht, I would have your mouth sewn shut for your insolent behavior or have you thrown into the desert and force you to walk back with only the clothes you were wearing... But in respect to our hosts who seem to also be victims of your inexcusable behavior, I will give you a chance to redeem yourself." Mayet said in a dangerously low tone towards Duke Vikena.

"You, who seem to put so much importance on your own self, arrogant enough to interrupt and insult the Alidasht royal party on their own grand entrance..." Mayet said with a piercing stare.

"You will grovel! Kneel, put yourself where you belong and beg for our forgiveness. Accept the consequences for your own actions, whichever they might be and at least keep what remained of your own honor after letting your poor daughter take the blame for your foolish mistakes..." Mayet said, as she approached Duke Vikena,

"Or refuse to atone for your mistakes and face my wrath. Now choose, Duke Vikena." Mayet finished, both her authoritative tone and her presence exerting a pressure which was surprising to see from someone so young and petite like her.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Rodiak
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Rodiak 𝔪𝔦 𝔪𝔞ñ𝔞𝔫𝔞, 𝔪𝔦 𝔥𝔬𝔶, 𝔪𝔦 𝔞𝔶𝔢𝔯

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I N T E R A C T I O S N :
@Infinite Cosmos , @13org , @Omni5876 , @Potter

M E N T I O N S :
@princess , @SilverPaw , @Helo , @FunnyGuy

There wasn't much Nahir could do from the back of the formation. Seeing the guards and servants stumble until they lost their footing- watching her father and uncle fall to the floor made her stomach twist. An icy cold shiver ran down her spine as she rushed forward just as Layla fell too, but ignored the eldest of the Sultan's children and continued towards her father. Nahir helped the guards pick up the Sultan, brushing the front of his fabric with a worried look on her face. It was evident in her features that Nahir was concerned about her father, the way she made sure he still looked regal as he demanded the head of the idiotic Duke that had caused this.

The Duke's head would already be on the floor if they were back home. But they were not.

"Father," Nahir said low enough for only for the Sultan and Grand Vizier to hear. "please consider their offer of compensation- perhaps find a suitable punishment for the Duke, but we cannot expect them to give us his head." Nahir looked at her father, golden eyes pleading to him as she played the part of the pacifist daughter before turning to help the Grand Vizier up to his feet. Nahir hoped that they would see reason. If King Edin denied their demands, it would show that he has no respect for them- for the Sultan.

"We are better than them." Nahir's voice was still hushed as the man she had been eyeing presented himself, followed by the Prince. She knew that the Grand Vizier was level-headed and would see what she was trying to do.

Nahir bowed her head to the Sultan before turning to the eldest. Nahir walked next to Layla, reaching up to brush the curls from her shoulder to their respected place before smiling at the beautiful snake. Layla was perfection, she was the embodiment of Alidasht royalty, and she must look so. These foreigners will see her sister as nothing but that.

There was a glance towards Lady Vikena, but her attention was with the man who introduced himself as Leo Smithwood, Heir of Stravy. Golden-like eyes took in the freckles that adorned his cheeks and the way his hair curled at the nape of his neck. It was just a mere second before she turned her attention towards her younger sister.

Nahir didn't expect any less from Mayet. While Layla was meticulous and cunning, Mayet was the one with the fiery persona. The youngest of the sisters burned as bright as the fires of Genasea or Yil, the Sun Goddess herself. She was a woman of pride, a woman who was not afraid to demand what was hers- and Nahir admired Mayet for that.

"Dear sister," Nahir stood next to Mayet, eyes looking at the man who had humiliated them. Her eyes moved to Prince Wulfric, eyeing him briefly before turning her attention back to Mayet. "merciful as always, giving Duke Vikena the grand opportunity to take responsibility for his actions. A noble gesture that I am sure he will appreciate." She did not address the Duke directly, deeming him as nothing but vermin. Something that was to be quashed for the humiliation he had caused them- but Nahir knew better than to word her feelings if she was trying to push the situation towards a diplomatic route.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Time: Early Evening

Location: Caesonia Ball Room

Interaction: The Court

Mentions: Kadir Family.

wearing and weapons:

Amir finished his bow settling back into a relaxed stance. His right hand rested comfortably upon the hilt of his kapesh. A thumb caressed the gold plating. To any looking it may even look like he was nervous. Kahrem was adept at the sword but he never liked it. Old Amir was a savage. Not truly skilled but was so dangerous with a blade and his eyes filled with a killer intent that nobody wanted to spar with him.

A clap or two could be heard as the Kadir’s stood before the four other royals. Standing there waiting to be introduced by their father the Sultan was like waiting for one of the hells to freeze over. Thankfully, or perhaps unfortunately, the tension was broken in the most spectacularly way possible.

Before the twin knew what was happening, loud cries caught his attention. Almost as if in slow motion, he watched one of their guards rush forward and stop a sickly looking older man. Saw the Alidashti crash into the Vizer’s palanquin, which began a domino effect culminating in Laylay’s own makeshift porters tumble to the ground.

He would have attempted to catch his sibling but a battle instinct overpowered him to protect his father. The Kadir children had already lost a mother, he would not see his father perish in front of him. With a few quick powerful steps, Amir interposed himself between his fallen father and the Duke. His right hand grasping the hilt of his kapesh. He crouched in position, ready to strike.

His sharp eyes noticed that no further threats revealed themselves and the Duke himself projected on obvious threat. If nothing, the man seem as lost as a child in mid-market. A quick recognizance of the surroundings allowed him to see that Munir was also ready to act. A sense of pride briefly crossed his face only to disappear behind stone again. His stance relaxed but his hand stayed on the hilt for a second or two before he lifted it in the air to signal the guards who had drawn blades and were circling not only culprit but also had started advancing on the guest, forming a perimeter. Upon seeing Amir’s raised hand then reluctantly put their swords back but did not let go of them.

It was then that Hadiz started to wail. The sound was like metal grinding against metal in the second born’s ears. His bearded jaw tightened as he took a breath to calm himself. He moved to help the sultan but the palanquin bearers had quickly attended to that. So instead, he got to Layla just as Ali was helping her up and offered her his hand too. If any one had a presence of mind, they would find this behavior queer. After all, old Amir might have kicked her while she was down.

Instead, his strong hand closed against her own. Delicate it may be but the twin knew that her hands were no less deadly than his. Any of his siblings were capable and skillful enough to kill. The Vizier’s calls for death caused a few of the Alidashti guards to begin to move again, however, a look from Amir and they stood there uncomfortable again.

His father, ever the danger just below the surface, was calmer than Hadiz but his voice was much more foreceful in demanding some sort of explanation for this obvious fumble. Amir’s eyes studied the faces of the royals close. Had they planned to humiliate them from the start? Was this proclaimed Duke merely following their orders? Or was the man just a fool who had innocently walked into a nest of vipers?

King Edin’s answer did not sit well with the second born. It offered empty apologies and offered no recompense trying to brush it aside. One of his nobles seemed to second his monarch’s suggestion causing Amir to glare at him dangerously. The requested applause was like salt in the wounds.

Mayet’s strong voice was as loud as that of her tiger’s as she demanded silence and the room grew quiet. The gaze she gave the onlookers as deadly as if her claws had been bared. His younger sister then proceeded to scold the masses. Thankfully, nobody was foolish enough to object or try to argue. Despite his dislike of his uncle, Amir almost felt like obliging the Vizier’s call for blood much like the rest of his siblings. Thankfully, Queen Alibeth at the very least offered some sort of recompense.

Amir was feeling as murderous as his siblings until he witnessed something he would have never thought. A young woman ran and prostrated herself in front of the group. Such bravery, or perhaps foolishness, stunned the son of Kadir. She introduced herself as Charlotte Vikena, the daughter of the offending noble. Confused, the twin looked from her to Duke Lorenzo. He could not see any way in which the two could be related. She exuded such class, propriety and in some small measure authority which the sickly looking man did not.

Apparently, even Mayet was impressed with the girl. Being one who rejected any established norms and customs, his younger sister’s comments could be counted as high praise. Such recognition was not easily given. In fact, Amir could not remember any single time his sister had offered even a hint of that to him.

He was about to offer her his hands when the eldest of his siblings moved in to do just that. Though Layla’s words were kind and understanding, the undertone was a dangerous one. Amir almost felt pity on the girl as the older sister wrapped her arms around her. “A snake securing its prey.” He thought. Zilal, an actual snake, was drawn in by the fresh catch. A prayer for the poor girl went up to the gods. There was little he could do for her other than that. Layla would surely play with the girl but Amir knew that the girl would be relatively safe.

Two other Northern nobles came forth trying to placate the Alidasht contingent. Once seemed to be labeled a prince. Neither knew how dangerous being so close to his fuming siblings was. Despite their honey words, Amir knew that only blood would appease. Mayet issued her own demands. They were as much mercy as could be expected of that young vixen. Not at all illogical or unfair. It could actually be said that it was the best course of action. However, Amir knew in these Northern kingdoms this would not do. Glancing again at Lady Vikena he let out a sigh as if he had resigned himself to something. Taking a breath and steeling himself, he did what few had ever seen the twin do, he stepped into the spot light.

He bowed deeply in the Alidasht fashion in front of his father, the Sultan. His voice was clear and he spoke loud enough for all to hear. When addressing his father it was laced with respect. “Your Radiance, I humbly implore your forgiveness at my audacity but request your indulgence in hearing my words. I believe there was no ill intent or pre fabricated accord to bring shame to your worship. Only a fool would dare to offer up ridicule to a guest that could take offense and massacre all in attendance. Ridicule is the only weapon available to a coward. Only the craven hide behind smiles and japes no more worth drawing steel than the obnoxious monkeys we have brought with us.” He stole a side wise look at the royals behind him.

“Nor do I believe that it was the servant’s fervor in polishing the floors that is at fault either as this gentleman would like to suggest.” His hand pointed in the direction of Count Calbert still bowing. “Even if this was true, I think it hardly fair to punish those who worked so diligently in their duties to ensure that their own royals were able to present a venue worthy of your presence.”

“I completely understand the Vizier’s call for punishment but disagree that these actions have detracted from the might and power of Alidasht. It would take more than a few snickers and a bumbling fool to do that.” His eyes now gave a side ways look to Hadiz.

“No, oh exulted Sultan. The true culprit is lack of understanding. We know as little of them as they do of us. In Alidasht, this man’s blood would have already pooled besides his body where his severed head might be but I would like to remind the honorable Vizier that THIS is not Alisdasht. Who knows? Maybe in these lands, it is common practice for fools to hold high offices. If I understand correctly a Duke is a person of importance. It is not for us to judge oh most venerable father. The man would have never gotten close enough in our own land. Our guards stood transfixed not knowing if the man was a performer hired to provide comedic relief. This still does not excuse their laxness. I will see to it myself that they receive a suitable punishment.”

His eyes fell on the guards. While it was true that it was not fully their fault, this blunder could have been deadly. Lowered eyes let Amir know that they felt shame and awaited their punishment. Perhaps not gladly but they were resigned. The two that had been carrying Layla were a different matter. She might want only to tan their hides or might even go as far as tripping flesh from bone. There was nothing he could do for them either.

His voice took on an almost theatric quality. “It is not this poor man’s fault if he confused us for performers being used to nobles clad in stuffy and ruffled lace. He called us tamers only because he could not fathom that my distinguished siblings had the ability to be deadlier than their familiars so that even such animals cower and respect them.”

“No, oh most glorious one. I ask your mercy in their stead. I ask my honorable siblings their forgiveness. Let us not judge the good harvest from the chaff. As we can see.” He gestured towards Charlotte. “There are those valiant and dutiful even amongst them” he paused remembering his uncle “…and I ask the honorable Vizier to withdraw his demand of blood. We came not at their behest but due to your radiance’s grace and in solidarity. It was you who deemed it right to share our culture and the magnificence of Alidasth with the rest of the world. Yet if his worship demands it, my own blade shall separate this man’s head from his body”

Amir stayed bowing, waiting his father’s pleasure. He hoped that he had swayed his sire enough to foregoe any violence. He was not sure if all this was playing straight into Hadiz’s hand. The Vizier might proclaim to the Kadir’s shield but a sibling in Alidasht was still someone that could sabotage you for the throne.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Time: Early Evening
Location: Caesonia Ballroom
Attire: Outfit
Interaction: @13org Mayet @Rodiak Nahir @Omni5876 Amir @Potter Layla @FunnyGuy Lorenzo @princess Charlotte @samreaper Kazumin
Mentions: @Helo Leo @SilverPaw Wulfric @Infinite Cosmos Munir

Things in the ballroom took a swift turn and it was not one for the better, though perhaps in some people's minds it was. Mina had turned her attention away from the Alidashi prince, the beginnings of a fun game she hoped to enjoy later, only to see the earlier woman she'd been scanning the crowd for entering with her stepfather. Mina watched in alarm as the notoriously shamed Duke Vikena made quite an entrance. She glanced back to Charlotte and then to a woman beside her who watched in absolute horror and disgust as the man made a fool of himself. Mina's heart broke slightly for the man who was trying so desperately to be accepted, yet was failing with every attempt.

That's when disaster struck as an Alidashi guard attempted to stop the Duke and they stumbled, knocking into the men carrying the Alidashi Grand Vizier and Sultan. Things happened swiftly as both men and one of the shehzadis went crashing to the floor. Hafiz was up swiftly, demanding Lorenzo's head while others tried to diffuse the situation. Mina's attention turned back to Charlotte, concern gripping at her for the girl. The woman who had been beside her looked concerned as well as Charlotte seemed to almost collapse. Soon, though, she recovered and she was moving. The woman attempted to stop her, but to no avail as the young woman moved herself in front of the Alidashi royals.

Many excuses were being made by many people, even Lord Smithwood it seemed, but Mina knew this would not do. Another woman, dressed in Alidashi fashion to honor the royals, was now next to Mina and the look she gave the redheaded woman seemed to urge her to act. The little one with the tiger was now speaking, having drawn her weapon and had approached Duke Vikena, but Mina’s eyes were on the Sultan. There was irritation there now, but it wasn’t only towards the Duke as he looked to his children. It also seemed the Grand Vizier was trying to whisper something to him which wasn’t helping matters.On swift feet as silent as a wraith, Mina made her move to try and appease these fierce people. As she got closer, another she had never seen before offered to tell a tale. His words were well spoken and she quietly gave him applause.

”That is enough! Layla, you were not the only one humiliated! You do not get to decide to take this girl under your wing and reap the benefits of her servitude. Back to your place and remain silent until I have made my decision.” The Sultan sharply said to his eldest. He briefly glanced at Nahir, giving a nod of approval to her before speaking to his youngest daughter. ”Mayet! You step out of line! You fault this man for putting so much importance upon himself, yet you are doing the same by making demands without consulting your Sultan first. Hold your tongue, daughter, as I consider the punishments given as a mere apology is not enough.” He sternly reprimanded the young woman. His eyes then fell upon Amir as his son spoke respectfully to his father. Sultan Raif then caught sight of another as she silently entered the scene.

Mina glided up next to Amir, yet kept a respectful distance, as the eldest son finished speaking his words, crossed her arms appropriately, then dipped low to the ground, her skirts poofing out around her. "Peace be upon you, Enlightened One." She said, using a title rarely used anymore yet still showing the utmost respect. "His Royal Highness has beaten me to what I was urged forth to say on behalf of us Northern kingdoms, but I do hope I do not step too far out of line to back him up. Many here are well intentioned, but I fear a difference in culture is blinding many to the severity of the wrong done to you and your family tonight." She remained dipped low, even trying to keep herself lower than Amir out of respect, before glancing to the Sultan, seeing his attention was now fully on her.

"Duke Vikena is a grief stricken man after losing his beloved wife less than a year ago. On top of this, he desperately fights to be accepted in this court as many shame him for having earned his position rather than being born into it." Words tailored to appeal to the Sultan's own loss as well as the Alidashti custom of earning a position were also coated with venom towards those nobles in the room who looked down upon Lorenzo and would side with the Grand Vizier to spill his blood. Many of those same nobles would have hoped to gain the favor of the Alidashti royals, yet in a few simple words Mina would plunge a dagger into those hopes as the Sultan would now look down upon them for their views. Mina would make enemies tonight, this she knew, but she hoped she'd also gain allies.

"However, this, along with all other excuses made tonight for the Duke, does not justify the offense done upon you and your people. If punishment must be enacted then what greater punishment than accepting Lady Charlotte, the Heir of Viermont's offer?" She paused only briefly to make sure eyes were still on her. "For accepting this high lady as a servant is one of the greatest humiliations you could cause the Duke and his household. Besides, with both Alidasht and Varian staying here at the Caesonian castle for the season, an extra servant who knows these halls could be quite useful." Cruel words, but Mina knew it could keep Lorenzo alive for Charlotte. The girl didn't need to lose anyone else. She only hoped she could forgive Mina for the venomous behavior.

So many had spoken up, including this man who offered a story, and the Sultan was beginning to get a headache from it all. He would not be opposed to a story, but he felt now was not the time for such a thing. This mess needed to be dealt with and he now wished for it to be dealt with swiftly. Amir and this woman’s words had helped to temper him some and he looked between them briefly, eyes lingering on the woman. Her manner of speech reminded him so much of his Esrin, perhaps this helped soften him some as well. He noticed Hafiz next to him, glaring at his son and the woman, obviously not satisfied with their suggestions. Raif no longer cared, however, as his bruised ego would heal in time. ”It seems everyone has quite a lot to say on the matter.” He said with an exhausted sigh, then looked to Kazu to address him first. ”Now is not the time for your tale, however you have caught my interest and I may invite you to spin me a tale at a later date.” He then looked to Lorenzo, now wishing to hear from the man himself.

”What say you about this whole mess as you are the cause of all this drama?”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Time: Early Evening
Location: Caesonia Ballroom
Interactions: @Helo @samreaper @Conscripts @Mole
Mentions: @Helo

At John's words, Thea had made a pouty face. "Oh don't be such a stick in the mud. She wouldn't even have to know you got it from me. She's too entranced with her new wife to pay me any attention tonight." She said with a roll of her eyes before looking to Kazu, a smile spreading across her face as he took the booze. She liked this guy as he made her giggle with his imitation of the noblemen. She'd merely nodded at him as she couldn't quite contain her laugh right away to speak. When she finally did calm herself is when the Alidasht entered.

Thea had been feeling immensely foolish for her clap, but the sound of another clapping with her helped the feeling lessen. She found herself glancing around to find who clapped with her, only for her eyes to land on Prince Felix and she felt her cheeks flush. Had he done that just to keep her from being the only one? A loud voice made her jump and she looked back to the Alidasht party to see the smaller princess who seemed upset at her applause. She had to clench her jaw to keep from yelling something snarky back. She hadn't had enough alcohol to do something so daring just yet.

It was at this moment that Duke Lorenzo came in and everything went to hell in a handbasket. Her eyes widened as half the party fell to the ground and a hand flew to her mouth to stifle a gasp. She heard John's words as he departed, but she was too distracted by the scene. She slightly heard Kazu trying to contain laughter and she looked at him with wide eyes as she began shaking her head. If someone other than her heard him there was sure to be trouble for him.

Blood was being demanded now and Then began feeling mildly ill, praying no blood would be spilt right there. She shut her eyes and held her breath for a moment as a memory played in her mind. It was a memory of watching a person die when she was younger, but she quickly willed. Her eyes opened once more and she quickly downed half her bottle. It was then she noticed Charlotte in front of the Sultan and her breath caught once more. This was the first time she had seen her dear friend and her heart began to race at the dangerous situation she had just stepped into.

It wasn't until she spotted Leo, being ever gallant by stepping in trying to save Charlotte, that ice ran through Thea's veins. All color drained from her as the wine bottle slipped from her grip and shattered on the floor. It was the sound of the bottle shattering that pulled her back to reality and she soon realized she was standing there alone now. Where had Kazu gone? As if in answer, she heard his voice and her head whipped over to the man she'd just met who was now in the middle of the room. She spotted one of the Alidasht prince's distasteful glance towards her brother, then the Grand Vizier whispering to the Sultan, and immediately interpreted it as anger towards her brother. Tears stung her eyes as she feared the worst, then her eyes locked on her fiance. Before she realized it, she was moving towards him.

All proper etiquette was forgotten as she desperately grasped at Prince Felix' arm. "Please, I beg of you, keep them from turning their anger on my brother. I will do anything, I will be the good and proper little fiance everyone wants me to be. I will join you for every event you request me at, I will behave myself, just save him please." Her voice shook as a tear spilled down her face. "Please, I can't lose him too." Her voice broke as she lost her composure some and more tears began to fall. In truth, she didn't know if he even could do anything nor if he really needed to. Truth was she could be overreacting, but trauma had broken her. Deep down she was still the same old Thea, willing to do anything to protect her brother.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Time: Evening
Location: Caesonia Ball Room

“Plot to humiliate”

“Utter ignorance and cruelty”
“So selfishly and carelessly”

“Insignificant man”

“Sorry excuse”

“Inexcusable behavior”

“Letting your poor daughter take the blame”


“Poor man”
“Grief stricken”

Duke Lorenzo Vikena

All were voiced and all applied to the middle-aged man that stood silently amongst the many faces of disapproval, hidden amusement, pity, and hatred. Lorenzo thought he’d be used to being on this side of things by now, but every failure birthed a freshest deepest wound to whatever pride and dignity he attempted to grasp. Was there even anything there anymore? He was afraid to search for the answer for he feared it would aid in taking him away from this world. To Emina? No, she was high in the heavens in a paradise without his sickening and lowly existence. He did not deserve such a place. All the suffering and shame he brought forth to himself and anyone unfortunate enough to connect to him would land him in the darkest depths of hell, alone, for his presence even in the afterlife might only draw in ruin.

If the duke was exceptional at anything, it was the ability to just endure the harshness he deserved from his foolishness in the noble court. He could take it all in silence, without uttering a single retort. Not a crinkle of the nose, or even a slight rise of the eyebrow. He was strong as a mule in that guard, but…


It was difficult to look down at Charlotte as she attempted to appear lower than even himself. Why had she done such a thing? Why was she trying to protect someone so worthless? He wanted to get her up from the floor, but he kept his body stiff so he could draw all of his focus on fighting the slight sting in his eyes. Lorenzo didn’t want to cry in front of all these people, but how could he not? To have so much hopefulness slip away from him, to find Charlotte begging to take responsibility for his foolishness. The man, if he could even consider himself one, promised he would take care of his daughter. To keep Charlotte not only safe from harm, from sorrow, and more importantly from shame.

Look at her… What have I done? Why have a hurt the last person precious to me in this way?

Lorenzo’s silence was almost worrying if watched from afar after many had spoken in his stead. He was too pathetic to decide his own fate, so they attempted to do it for him. It was finally that he found himself addressed again by the Sultan of Alidasht himself. A king from afar, but a king no less.

“What say you about this whole mess as you are the cause of all this drama?”

He glanced up at the royal with a look of absolute defeat. Despite his sharp appearance, the man’s spirit was beaten down to the ground. He tried to keep his face stern, but he couldn’t help but glance down at Charlotte once more, knowing she was at stake. Lorenzo blinked rapidly as he attempted to be respectful and look Sultan Raif Kadir in the eyes. His attempt to answer was stopped by the uncontrollable quivering of his bottom lip. He clenched his teeth as his legs buckled and he fell forward on his hands and knees. There was a low groan but nothing else. His throat was constricted, struggling to swallow down a still-beating heart. He couldn’t fight it any longer.

Lorenzo sobbed, perhaps worse than during the funeral of his late wife Emina. Keeping his head down, the disgraced duke watched the tears run off his nose and splatter onto the polished marble floors.

“Emina… I-I am so s-sorry.” He voiced just above a whisper as he wept. “Your highness… p-please spare my beloved daughter. She… She is the last shred of pride I have. I will do anything to atone. Just please leave my Lottie out of this. I beg of you. I will serve you, your children, your servants, your slaves, your…” He broke out into weeping again as he could no longer think of anything else.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Roman Ravenwood

Eavening Attire

Interacting With:@Tpartywithzombi

It took her a moment to respond to him, almost like she wasn’t used to being talked too. A strange occurrence but by the way her eyes seemed to glow in the candlelight of the ball room he didn’t mind at all almost not catching her words. He was about to reply to her when the clumsy oaf came in behind the foreign delegation. Watching the spectacle unfold he could only sigh and shake his head. He truly felt for the man, he himself wasn’t the best in social situations but where he approached new things with caution and care duke Lorenzo always seemed to come in with clumsy confidence.

The raising voices and anger were enough to put off the one before him making her more uncomfortable. He didn’t blame her emotions and how to deal with people experiencing them were not his forte. Instead, Roman watched with interest for a moment scanning all those near the royals, watching where people were looking and what their hands were doing. He was sworn to protect the royals after all, technically all the nobles were.

Hearing the women’s invitation to join her out on the balcony sounded like a good idea. Still, he hesitated for a moment to make sure the delegation wouldn’t erupt into violence as the other nobles began to grovel towards the foreigners. They were doing their jobs just as they were supposed to. But Leo’s comment stressed a few of the servants more than was necessary. Sure, they were commoners, but they were people too he guessed that was one of the reasons he didn’t like these things to much.

Seeing one such servant nearly falls to the floor near him Roman moved over to him and effortlessly picked the young man up helping him back to his feet he whispered, “Don’t let them see your weakness or you will be eaten alive.” He doubted the lad didn’t know that, but it was encouragement all the same. He held him up for a moment longer before another servant moved over to assist him. Just giving them a nod, the two didn’t seem to know just how to process him helping them and went off instinct. Roman paused for a moment looking back to the royalty hearing Lorenzo begin to weep before smiling at the dark-haired young lady and finally joining her outside.

Quietly he walked to the balcony and took a deep breath as she joined him and began talking. The comment about her bodice caught him off guard and he looked as if he had offended her, but the look changed back to a small smile quickly. He wasn’t sure if she was insulted or not, so he just brushed it off as sarcasm as he listened to her talk about Ravens. He found himself likening how she talked about the birds but had to compose his words properly before answering her question. this was why he liked writing letters, he could stop and think about his next words without being awkward or having to explain himself.

“well, when you have an eye for detail and you grow up around ravens its easy to pick them out. Besides I’ve been to the kingdom of Alidasht once before and these things are not entirely new to me. I did not enjoy the heat of that place but seeing the lights of their capitol from the palace walls is spectacular with the narrow sea on one end and the sea of sands on the other it is quite beautiful.” Roman found that he was still holding the cup and took another sip of the red wine.

“Still, id rather stick to the cold mountains of home. Which is why I asked about the ravens.” Pulling a part of his jacket to the side revealing an ornate raven perched on a mountain top etched into a metal badge attached to his jacket. “It is our family crest.” It took him a minute to remember he hadn’t introduced himself. “Uhh forgive me I forgot introductions. My name is Roman Ravenwood of Emberrock city.” finishing with a polite bow and a smile.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mole
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Mole ♡

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

L O C A T I O N : C A E S O N I A C A S T L E B A L L R O O M I N S O R I A N
I N T E R A C T I O N S : L A D Y T H E A S M I T H W O O D , S U L T A N R A I F K A D I R
M E N T I O N S : @Tae

Tightening his grip on his rapier as he allowed the duchess to grab hold of him, Prince Felix reflected swiftly on the situation. A needle has pricked the Sultan’s ego, a precious monument to the nation; his own actions to the Kingdom of Varian were accountable; a war was transpiring on the banquet floor. There was much more to this than just an interrupted and mistranslated entrance. However deep the bad blood ran, he could only point to history for the best explanation for what was transpiring. The rest was was a secret kept amongst the elite.

“Of course, my dear,” his eyes, green and bright, glanced at his distressed damsel. A small smile flickered on his lips to comfort her. Perhaps, he was being a tad arrogant for showing any such emotion, but it was better, especially in her drunken stupor, to see something positive than a palace of grimacing faces. He was to be her anchor in a world of politics and malice.

He saved grace for her, in a low voice, keeping a stoic manly demeanor. He was a steady man and groomed for his noble position. Upon first examination of her pleas, he supposed she meant little sincerity in her letters, which explained quite a bit. However, he had very little time to ponder this and would make deductions when the time proved appropriately. For now, his time was re-arranging his priorities.

Prince Felix began escorting Lady Thea gently towards the Sultan. He noted the animosity flaring through the postures of the court that surrounded him. There were endless ways to approach the situation, with endless outcomes surely to render themselves from each approach. However, there were only a few proper solutions to the dilemma that was trying to scribble itself over history in the making. And, no one of notable importance was doing anything.

“Your Majesty,” he bowed as he spoke, motioning for Lady Thea to follow him. His arm caved against her side, nudging a pressure point to help her relax into a bow, “Peace be upon you,” Prince Felix continued. He thought of all who he was representing at this point. He might have been complying with Lady Thea’s extravagance, but the prince was doing this for more than just her.

His whole kingdom was resting on the shoulders of Lord Leo, and Prince Felix would not let it fall. He would keep the responsibility where it was duly respected, “Your court is too praiseworthy for a silent reception. I humbly applaud your introduction. I have been made aware of your kingdom’s ability to move not just my stature and that of my beloved Lady Thea, but the prestige of kingdoms. Your entrance not only echoes a fierce national understanding of Aldasht nobility and importance but has sounded the high privilege of her laurels, as well. Please, Your Majesty, I am Prince Felix Camilla, and upon my arm is my betrothed and precious Lady Thea Smithwood. We honor you from the Kingdom of Varian.”

The smell of the animals resonated in his nostrils, along with other such scents that were actually due worthy of the ballroom. He minded them little as strong as they may have been. It only caused a more troubling and unpredictable air to the entire event. There had been misunderstandings, but there should not be further conflict to escalate the hostilities, "Your Majesty, accept not just our own but this entire room's unworthy praise of your kingdom."

Prince Felix kept his bow, allowing his own neck to be on the line. If it was his future wife who began the initial uproar, then he would take full responsibility for it. For Duke Lorenzo, there was little the prince could do aside from assure the Sultan that his accident was merely brushed aside upon seeing the grandiose noble pomp that reigned the kingdom.
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