Time: Morning
Location: River Port
Interactions: Malachi @princess, Zion @Helo, Jun @JJ Doe, Enstille @GingerBobOh

Two weeks prior...
A beautiful blonde elven woman silently descended the steps of the in, heading into the basement area where all official business of the assassins guild was held. Adresin, the leader of the guild and the one who taught Kenia almost everything she knew, had summoned her for some sort of important mission. It had been a long time since the guild had called upon her, requesting her help, and she was quite curious as to what was happening. She'd been an independently contracted assassin for so many years, this must be very important.
"Do you really think she's up for this task?" Kenia heard on the other side of the door just before she was going to knock on it. She paused, knowing she should walk away right there until Adresin was finished with his business, but she recognized this voice that spoke and she found herself too curious to walk away now. She hadn't seen Gaelin in nearly 50 years, having heard he'd left the assassin's guild to join another faction that was "way more important", whatever that meant. So to hear his voice was quite the surprise. "This is too important of a mission, Adresin, and we need to trust that she can handle the job. Vaeril could really use some of the skill in the guild here, I just don't know if she's one that we should trust." Kenia's brows furrowed as she tried to desperately fill in the gaps, but she didn't have enough information. She honestly was surprised there wasn't any shield around the room if whatever they were speaking of was this important.
"Well why don't you ask her yourself, Gaelin? She has been listening in for the past few minutes now." And that's why there wasn't a barrier, Adresin sensed she was coming and likely dropped it. He knew she would listen in and wanted her to. Kenia let out a sigh and opened the door, walking in the room and giving Gaelin a smirk. He looked horrified and betrayed as he glanced between her and Adresin, speechless for a moment. "Pleasure to see you as well, Gaelin. I see you're still terrible about making sure a place is secure before speaking." The man began to bristle then, opening his mouth to say something, but Adresin cut him off.
"That's enough Kenia. Gaelin here actually has a job you might be interested in and before you ask, yes the barrier is back up. It's safe to speak freely." Adresin said before turning back to the other elven man who seemed to be grumbling obscenities under his breath. After a few more moments, he regained his composure and turned to address Kenia. "I have been tasked to find and provide capable fighters for a rebel faction. They need protection and Adresin believed that you were the most suited for the job, Kenia. I can't give you all of the details now as it is unsafe to do so, but I have a feeling this task may interest you as it may get you closer to the goal of finding your ex-husband." Kenia's head cocked to the side in clear interest, but her eyes also narrowed as she thought about the implications.
”And what else am I getting out of it?” Adresin knew this question was coming, but Gaelin seemed to be taken aback and annoyed. ”How about the knowledge of knowing you’re helping create a world your children can grow up safely in?” The silent rage that filled her eyes at this statement was almost enough to frighten the poor man. Of course he didn’t know all of her story, how she’d lost her children, but Adresin did and he was quick to rectify the situation.
”I will make sure you are paid handsomely, Kenia. In fact, just go and attend first and I’ll pay you for your time. Let the people convince you to help.” He said to her and she was silent for a long time before taking a deep breath. She had to calm herself before she murdered a man for being a fool. ”Fine, I’ll go. I won’t guarantee I’ll actually take the job in the long run, but I’ll attend and let them convince me.” As soon as she was given the information, she left and that was that. She would go to the summoning, keep herself pretty well hidden within the crowd, and then decide to take the selfish route.
Kenia had settled on following a group that had two other light elf males and a lion demihuman along with their sad, weak looking human. She scouted out the other groups and all of them seemed to have one issue or another about them. First, the pirate group was immediately out. It would be too hard to gain their trust and potentially steal their human out from under their noses. Second, she figured the wolf guardian would be too much of a pain to deal with and convincing two humans to trust her was a gamble. Third was a group she outright wanted to avoid as two in their group, the siblings Aurora and Rowyn Dyewynn, could very potentially recognize her and she couldn’t have that. The last group apart from the one she chose was also led by a light elven male and she wasn’t sure why, but he seemed awfully familiar to her. She couldn’t place her thumb on it, but her gut feeling told her to avoid him.
So here she was, tracking the grumpy elf’s group and watching with amusement from the shadows as he seemed to struggle with the human. She could have easily picked up the human during one of his escape attempts, but where was the fun in that? No, instead she’d decided to help out in the party stopping him. An illusion here and there that he only would see was always enough to slow him down some. It was quite a fun game to play, if she were being honest.
Now they were here in River Port and Kenia made sure to keep her distance. Thankfully she had a few contacts here and she utilized them, namely as a place to stay and learn information on the house the small party was staying in. After some poking and prodding she discovered an Alma Elowyn owned the house and often used it as some sort of summer home. So obviously they either knew she wouldn’t be there or there was some sort of relation there. She’d then spent some time learning whatever she could about the woman in order for herself to create a persona who may know this Alma when she would come to visit. Unfortunately there wasn’t a ton of info on her, but she could roll with what she did know.
Now she was headed towards the house, dressed in a purple summer dress and carrying a basket full of all sorts of goodies. The scent of baked goods and desserts wafted all around her as cinnamon hot bread and pecan fleefa cookies were visible to those passing by. She wore a friendly expression as she approached the front door, briefly taking a moment to smooth out her dress and make sure none of her daggers were visible through the fabric before lifting her hand a knocking on the door.