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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: River Port
Interactions: Malachi @princess, Zion @Helo, Jun @JJ Doe, Enstille @GingerBobOh

Two weeks prior...
A beautiful blonde elven woman silently descended the steps of the in, heading into the basement area where all official business of the assassins guild was held. Adresin, the leader of the guild and the one who taught Kenia almost everything she knew, had summoned her for some sort of important mission. It had been a long time since the guild had called upon her, requesting her help, and she was quite curious as to what was happening. She'd been an independently contracted assassin for so many years, this must be very important.
"Do you really think she's up for this task?" Kenia heard on the other side of the door just before she was going to knock on it. She paused, knowing she should walk away right there until Adresin was finished with his business, but she recognized this voice that spoke and she found herself too curious to walk away now. She hadn't seen Gaelin in nearly 50 years, having heard he'd left the assassin's guild to join another faction that was "way more important", whatever that meant. So to hear his voice was quite the surprise. "This is too important of a mission, Adresin, and we need to trust that she can handle the job. Vaeril could really use some of the skill in the guild here, I just don't know if she's one that we should trust." Kenia's brows furrowed as she tried to desperately fill in the gaps, but she didn't have enough information. She honestly was surprised there wasn't any shield around the room if whatever they were speaking of was this important.
"Well why don't you ask her yourself, Gaelin? She has been listening in for the past few minutes now." And that's why there wasn't a barrier, Adresin sensed she was coming and likely dropped it. He knew she would listen in and wanted her to. Kenia let out a sigh and opened the door, walking in the room and giving Gaelin a smirk. He looked horrified and betrayed as he glanced between her and Adresin, speechless for a moment. "Pleasure to see you as well, Gaelin. I see you're still terrible about making sure a place is secure before speaking." The man began to bristle then, opening his mouth to say something, but Adresin cut him off.
"That's enough Kenia. Gaelin here actually has a job you might be interested in and before you ask, yes the barrier is back up. It's safe to speak freely." Adresin said before turning back to the other elven man who seemed to be grumbling obscenities under his breath. After a few more moments, he regained his composure and turned to address Kenia. "I have been tasked to find and provide capable fighters for a rebel faction. They need protection and Adresin believed that you were the most suited for the job, Kenia. I can't give you all of the details now as it is unsafe to do so, but I have a feeling this task may interest you as it may get you closer to the goal of finding your ex-husband." Kenia's head cocked to the side in clear interest, but her eyes also narrowed as she thought about the implications.

”And what else am I getting out of it?” Adresin knew this question was coming, but Gaelin seemed to be taken aback and annoyed. ”How about the knowledge of knowing you’re helping create a world your children can grow up safely in?” The silent rage that filled her eyes at this statement was almost enough to frighten the poor man. Of course he didn’t know all of her story, how she’d lost her children, but Adresin did and he was quick to rectify the situation.

”I will make sure you are paid handsomely, Kenia. In fact, just go and attend first and I’ll pay you for your time. Let the people convince you to help.” He said to her and she was silent for a long time before taking a deep breath. She had to calm herself before she murdered a man for being a fool. ”Fine, I’ll go. I won’t guarantee I’ll actually take the job in the long run, but I’ll attend and let them convince me.” As soon as she was given the information, she left and that was that. She would go to the summoning, keep herself pretty well hidden within the crowd, and then decide to take the selfish route.


Kenia had settled on following a group that had two other light elf males and a lion demihuman along with their sad, weak looking human. She scouted out the other groups and all of them seemed to have one issue or another about them. First, the pirate group was immediately out. It would be too hard to gain their trust and potentially steal their human out from under their noses. Second, she figured the wolf guardian would be too much of a pain to deal with and convincing two humans to trust her was a gamble. Third was a group she outright wanted to avoid as two in their group, the siblings Aurora and Rowyn Dyewynn, could very potentially recognize her and she couldn’t have that. The last group apart from the one she chose was also led by a light elven male and she wasn’t sure why, but he seemed awfully familiar to her. She couldn’t place her thumb on it, but her gut feeling told her to avoid him.

So here she was, tracking the grumpy elf’s group and watching with amusement from the shadows as he seemed to struggle with the human. She could have easily picked up the human during one of his escape attempts, but where was the fun in that? No, instead she’d decided to help out in the party stopping him. An illusion here and there that he only would see was always enough to slow him down some. It was quite a fun game to play, if she were being honest.

Now they were here in River Port and Kenia made sure to keep her distance. Thankfully she had a few contacts here and she utilized them, namely as a place to stay and learn information on the house the small party was staying in. After some poking and prodding she discovered an Alma Elowyn owned the house and often used it as some sort of summer home. So obviously they either knew she wouldn’t be there or there was some sort of relation there. She’d then spent some time learning whatever she could about the woman in order for herself to create a persona who may know this Alma when she would come to visit. Unfortunately there wasn’t a ton of info on her, but she could roll with what she did know.

Now she was headed towards the house, dressed in a purple summer dress and carrying a basket full of all sorts of goodies. The scent of baked goods and desserts wafted all around her as cinnamon hot bread and pecan fleefa cookies were visible to those passing by. She wore a friendly expression as she approached the front door, briefly taking a moment to smooth out her dress and make sure none of her daggers were visible through the fabric before lifting her hand a knocking on the door.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by GingerBobOh


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Time: Early Morning
Location: River Port
Interactions: @princess Malachi @JJ Doe Jun @Helo Zion
Equipment: Magical grimoire.

It was early, before the dawn, in fact. Enstille sat at the table scribing notes in his grimoire as he did lately. He didn't sleep much, how could he right now? He was travelling with a Human. A real, freshly summoned Human. This is what he had been waiting for, what he dreamed about. Except, he didn't dream, insomnia and all that. But he was so tired, sooooooooo very tired. Malachi had set a grueling pace, refusing to ever let up or seek alterative transportation. Who does that? Just torture poor souls with constant assault on the body. He was starting to think Malachi was just a sadist that did not care about the Human. Maybe, in fact, he wanted the Human dead and him with him. It made sense, he was such a fancy person after all. Enstille was sure he had an agenda and he was going to figure out what it was.

Wait, that wasn't where this started. Enstille is tired, already awake and studying away. Well, not studying actually, that's the tired brain talking. So much walking..... Stop. Study. Wait, no, not study. Research. Yes that's what's happening. Enstille redoubled his focus on his notes. Malachi, as evil as he may be, entrusted Enstille with protecting the Human. He is going to make sure the Human is the safest thing in the entire world right now. The world is pretty rough, after all. Dark elves rule everything, they're super mean and always utilizing violence. Enstille's shields would prove useful, he was sure of it. He never had to defend against a Dark Elf yet but when that day comes, he would be ready. Provided that day comes some time in the future, he still needed to make sure he was prepared.

Shields. Right? Why does that seem important? Before Enstille could regather his thoughts, he heard the viciously commanding voice of Malachi calling them downstairs. Suddenly dawn had passed and there was commotion in the house. Breakfast scents wafted through the air and his stomach grumbled. Before he could react though, Zion the unbearably optimistic demihuman came barreling down, shouting about the food. For a moment, Enstille flinches and ducks his head. Too much activity all at once.

Trying to settle himself and prepare for whatever punishment Malachi had in mind for the day, he heard a creak and some motion towards the back door as the Human tried his absolute best once again to make an escape. Figuring this was the best opportunity for him to test his new shielding magic he had been working on, Enstille reached out a hand and pushed the light in the room. A sphere of light began to form around the Human, enveloping him as it began to harden. In that moment, a thought came back to Enstille's mind. That was what he had been working on this morning! He hadn't yet finished the formulae for the shield! There was an itsy bitsy problem that had slipped his mind. The large orb had an interesting side effect of over solidifying and in that moment, with a clunk, a complete sphere of near impenetrable glass hit the floor. Suspended within, sat a startled Human as the ball began to roll across the room due to the uneven floorboards.

Unable to fully process the absurd scene he had just created, Enstille watched as the ball slowly rolled across the floor. Suddenly though, there was a knock at the door that shattered his concentration of calculating what went wrong. With the pop of a bubble, the shield construct broke apart, promptly depositing the Human onto the floor once again.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Port Vanarosa, The Seagull
Interactions: Tanelia, Amisra
Mentions: Ismael
Equipment: Sword, ring, and some amas.

Drosis strode off the deck, Leaving Arlen and apparently Amisra on deck. "When you're through here, Amisra, come and find me at the Seagull. I have something for you as well, after everyone's wound down a touch." He said, on his way off the ramp. Knowing her, she'd probably be below deck or upstairs somewhere with Arlen and Solaris knows who else. Not that it mattered to the captain where his crew relaxed. They all knew they had responsibilities and he trusted them all with his life. Amisra in particular was a capable bastard in her own right, so he left her to it. Drosis strode down the docks with his hands in his pockets, headed for a tavern. It was the break of dawn when the Saltrunner arrived, but Port Vanarosa was just that- a port. This was the kind of place that never slept, given that ships were constantly anchoring and leaving at any possible hour.

He swung the door of the Seagull open and headed directly for the bar in one motion. This was a place where Drosis had spent enough amas to fund a whole dreadnought by now. Among the pirates who ate and slept here, Drosis was a well known face. Typically, a pirate could measure their own reputation by what happened when they walked into a place full of their own kind. In his case, no one even acknowledged his presence. People knew not to bother the old elf, and that the sword wasn't for show. Drosis could count on one hand the number of times he had to put some brazen pirate in his place during a barfight that lasted but ten seconds. These were his people, and it felt great to be on solid ground again. He waited for the bartender, Tanelia, to come by and place three gold amas on the counter. Enough for food and coffee, and something extra for her to keep.

"Shrimp and coffee. Black. Good to see you, Tanelia." Drosis wasn't the type to flirt with bartenders, but he respected people who fed others. As a pirate who made enemies daily, he made a point of never disrespecting someone that handled food for a living.

"Busy as ever, I see."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 1 day ago

Menzai Isanami

Time: Morning

Location: Gaurav

Interactions: Dante, Darius @Alivefalling @FunnyGuy

Equipment: White Haori, Gauravian luck charm bracelet


The seconds the words left his lips a wave of nervousness struck. A concern that was warranted with the way the brothers were speaking; talking as if this was a contest or competition. For a moment he contemplated approaching this differently but chose to refrain himself with the hope their demonstration would go smoothly.

And so, silently Menzai observed Dante and Darius with very sharp and keen eyes. Witnessing as each chose their example of showcasing what they have learned, the annoying bickering aside.

Things were going well so far and what he witnessed to be impressive though also took note of the mistakes and wasted energy. The methods and approach the two had were quickly apparent with Dante preferring power and Darius technique. Both of which were reasonable methods and through this saw the potential of teamwork where the brothers could cover each other's back and make up for what the other lacked.

Having gathered all the information needed, Menzai had begun forming a game plan on how to proceed. His thoughts, however, would be cut short as things quickly escalated from a simple demonstration to competing and talking smack to each other. An wholly unsurprising outcome, but a most headache inducing one nonetheless.

Once Darius began showing a lack of control of his emotions leading to the possibility of an actual fight breaking out, the previously silent wolf strode towards the brother, his stern, unhappy gaze and wide strides more than telling. Had Dante not gain the sense to step back, he would have jumped in immediately to put this... this farce to an end.

" That is enough!" Swiping his left arm horizontally, cutting through the air like a blade, his usual calm voice hinted with anger." Mr. Darius. Please come down and join with Mr. Dante at once." Ordered the wolf in his usual manner though the slight strain to his voice a clear indication he had plenty more to say but withheld it until they were gathered up.

Upon doing so, Darius would get to see his sharp gaze has become sharper and more intense, the red glints at the center almost seeming to glow." It seems I did not speak clearly or loudly enough. Then allow me to be absolutely and completely certain that my words sink into those empty holes you call ears." After stating this, Menzai stepped forward until he was standing right in front of the two and leaned close where he then used a clawed finger to motion them closer. His eyes shifted between each multiple times without saying a word, letting the tension linger in the air." This was to be a DEMONSTRATION!" He barked harshly into their faces, his tone a mix of frustration and disappointment.

Leaning back to stand upright before the two children." Did the words I spoke previously fall upon deaf ears? Need I reiterate how dangerous and dire the situation you humans have found yourselves in? That at any moment either of you could find yourself attacked by any one of the countless forces that are intent and determined to kill any and all humans!" He finished with a low growl before shaking his head followed by a sigh." We did not come here to play around and showboat, but to train." Turning his head to peer at the two one at a time.

" If you wish to continue acting like children then perhaps I should have both of you grouped up with the cubs. Mayhaps then the both of you will get to play with rocks to your heart's content." Menzai observed the two as he finished reprimanding them. The wolf did not wish to be this hard and condescending, but it was clear that Dante and Darius still had yet to fully grasp the seriousness of the situation... everything.

Giving them a moment to let his words sink in (and properly this time) before raising his right hand with the palm facing skyward." Is that preferable for the both of you... or are ready to take this seriously so that I may teach you how to actually fight and defend both yourselves and each other. If neither agree with my methods then you are free to leave to seek out another teacher." Moving his extended right arm in a arc motion towards the forest to show that they were free to leave.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mole
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

T I M E : One Week After Human Arrival
L O C A T I O N : Riverbloom, The Daisy
I N T E R A C T I O N S :
T A G S : @Potter , @13org , @GingerBobOh

E Q U I P M E N T :

Aurora placed her intricately styled fork on her plate as she listened to Rowan and Zora. For a moment, she contemplated allowing the two to continue conversing without her input. Their quarrels need not always be intercepted by her. They were both highly capable individuals. However, she could not help but at least make a little something clear.

"If one tries to force things to happen, there is a good chance it shall turn contrived and unnatural." A slight crinkle in Aurora's brows knit in concern, "It is something the Dark Elves seem to indulge in."

For a while, it appeared that Aurora had made her point, but suddenly she continued as if coming from a small trance. "I dare not get even close to their philosophies." Her face turned away from Rowan, feeling embarrassed that she had to say this to her beloved brother. She understood his urgency, but there was more to learning than just sparring and reading. Downtime was not a luxury but a necessity.

Her fingers gently felt for the fork and lifted it, again. She took another piece of the cake, and her facial expression cheered up, again. "Besides, my dear brother, does not the cake's delicious taste soothe your soul?"

Next, she addressed Zora. "In Avalia, we are all closer to each other, Zora. As a human, you should especially feel closer to your element, water that is. It is encouraging that you felt a special relationship with the element in your former life. It has been helping you tremendously here. You still have so much to learn, and I am delighted to see your powers come to fruition. You definitely deserve a reward for your hard work." Aurora took another bite of her cake.

She hoped Rowan would understand. It was important that he did. Zora had a strong personality, which meant they had to be careful with how they introduced her to her powers. Of course, some of it could not be helped. She was smart and capable. The best they could do was guide her accordingly.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 8 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Near Guarav Village
Interactions: Cyrus @Helo, Ophelia @princess

It was painful knowing one of her sisters forgot about her... Deep down inside, Viola couldn't help but resent her for it. For having forgotten about her while she suffered on Daka Island... But at the same time, seeing how Ophelia was still the same girl Viola had once knew made her feel mixed feelings about that entire situation.

Despite calling herself a different name, despite having forgotten Viola, there was still much of her sister Ophelia in the way 'Phia' acted and spoke... The way how it seemed to be difficult for her to be distrustful of others, how it almost felt wrong to see her without a cheerful smile and even in the way how Ophelia was always so eager to help other people... Even those being 'strangers' such as her and Cyrus...

The moment Phia hugged her, those mixed feelings clashed even more in Viola's mind. In one side, all the suffering and every negative feeling she felt in Daka Island made her feel that she wasn't wrong in resenting Phia, who had completely forgotten about her, even if only a bit. On the other side though, Phia was still her dear, youngest sister. The same Ophelia she knew when she was young.

While brief, the hug was very... awkward for Viola, who didn't know how to react, simply standing still with her body stiff and the thorny vines shifting uncomfortably in response to her feelings. After everything Viola went through, she had almost forgotten that there could be other reason for someone to touch her other than to torture and perform cruel experiments on her.

The one good thing was that, compared to the hug, the prolonged physical contact, with Ophelia touching her shoulder, didn't feel nearly as uncomfortable and awkward... Although it still caused the thorny vines to shift and nudge Ophelia's hand, trying to make her move her hand.

"Our missing siblings... Our sisters... We had very similar hair colors..." Viola said, adding to her brother Cyrus' reply after Ophelia asked them to describe their missing family. Other than what Cyrus said, there wasn't much she could add... since most physical descriptions she could give would be very outdated, just as Cypress had said.

"Yes, I... I think so." Viola said, replying to Cypress' asking her if it was a worthy detour to their path after offering to help Phia to find her way back to her village

"Do you remember the direction where you came from?" Viola asked, looking to Ophelia as she took a step back, still a bit uncomfortable with the sudden physical contact.

There was still much Viola had to think about that entire situation. About her feelings and which 'side' of her she should listen... But right now, the only thing she cared about was to keep her brother and her sister by her side. To be alone again, just like she was on Daka Island, wasn't something she would ever want for herself ever again.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Darius by@FunnyGuy and Dante by @Alivefalling

Time: Morning
Location: Gaurav Village
Interactions: Menzai @samreaper
Equipment: 2 shot glasses, 300 Amas total, Flowers from Phia, Dante’s cellphone, and Dante’s knife

Darius had been glaring at Dante until the moment Menzai cut the tension between the twins in an instant. He was on the verge of being defiant after what Dante pulled but respected Menzai’s order. Hopping off of the elevated earth, Darius approached Dante and took a place beside him, arms crossed.

And then it started. Menzai was verbally tearing into them in a way the two had never experienced before. His sheer disappointment was coupled with a stark tone, but as harsh as it was, Menzai was right. The twins couldn’t even dispute it. If not for the risk of angering Menzai further, they would have expressed it sooner. Instead, they quietly listened. For Dante, it brought him back to the days when he was a grunt in basic combat training getting grilled by some crusty old drill sergeant. While Darius could compare it to his long-retired-from-the-ring trainers that got sick of his bullshit every now and again. The two of them were a lot alike when it came to needing strident discipline. They were a couple of knuckleheads after all.

“Nah, you’re right.” Darius answered before taking a look at what he had done without even thinking. His arms dropped to his side as there was no defending his rash actions. “We were being stupid and fucking things up. Sorry,” He apologized with a bow of his head.

“I apologize as well, Menzai. We got out of hand. I will try to keep competition out of training.” Dante said finally speaking after he knew Menzai was done. He looked to his brother and placed a hand on his head “I really am sorry. I won’t pull anything like that again on you.” Dante had a hard time when Darius was upset and he had caused it this time which now tugged at his conscience.

“Um.” Darius side-stepped away from Dante to escape the hand on his head. “One. Don’t pull anything like that on me, either. What am I to you, your kid? Two. As long as the competition is healthy, I think it can actually help us improve. We just gotta listen to our trainer. Right, Mr. Menzai?” Darius took a moment to brush his head with his hand as if it could undo Dante’s gesture.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Further off from Guavav Village than before - LOST
Interactions: @Helo Cyrus @13org Viola
Equipment: Staff with unbreaking and shift enchantment(shifts into dagger), Her bag, Water Purifier, Flask, some shiny pebbles
Attire:Dress, which she decorated with flowers and hung little charms off the ropes, A small antler headdress with flowers and jewels, amulet with Millinia Crest, wooden butterfly earrings, various bracelets

Phia pondered the idea of returning to her village, absentmindedly letting the vine swat her hand. She hesitated, unsure if Menzai would welcome visitors, but then realized that they would only make a brief visit to inquire about their family. "Perhaps we check at Riverbloom too. I am the only fairy at my village after all, but maybe some of our hunters have spotted your siblings, so we can go ask around at my village first." She suggested and gave Cyrus a friendly smile.

She then considered Viola's comment about the similar hair color and then added, "Okay so in the realms of reddish violets." She tapped her chin thoughtfully as she tried to consider the last time she even saw another fairy around here, but her mind wandered to a different subject as her gaze fell on the girl who had introduced herself as Viola in particular for a moment. After some consideration, Phia suddenly took a step back away from her and gave her an apologetic smile and a respectful nod.

"I traveled from the south, which is..." Phia spun around on her heels, pointed in a direction, and exclaimed softly, "That way, I believe!" She waved her staff for them to follow as she took a step in that direction. As they walked, Phia inquired further about their siblings. Despite her somewhat innocent demeanor, she remained acutely aware of her surroundings, scanning the forest ahead of them with the sharp focus of a vigilant feline on patrol. "Could you tell me more about your siblings? ...Where did you last see them?" Just as Phia finished speaking, a piercing screech echoed through the air above them.

Reacting swiftly, Phia held out her staff to signal for Viola and the other person to stop in their tracks. With a finger pressed to her lips, she gestured for them to remain silent as she craned her neck to look up at the source of the noise.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 4 days ago

Interactions/Mentions: The other guy who’s also cosplaying as an elf @GingerBobOh; The guy cosplaying as an elf @princess; The lady in a purple dress @Tae

As Jun sat there on the floor, blinking, his brain struggled to make sense of what had just happened. But before he could fully process it, Jun vaulted up to his feet with a beaming smile. "Holy cow, Enstille!" He exclaimed, unable to contain his excitement and wonder. "How'd you do that?"

Without waiting for an answer, he grasped the magician's slender hands and flipped them over and over. Finding nothing that could've activated the magic trick, Jun nudged Enstille a few steps to the side. He tapped the floorboards with his feet, wondering if one of them was secretly a floor switch.

He raised his gaze, and his eyes darted about the space, scanning for the stage light that blinded him. But he abandoned the search in favor of finding the hidden mechanism that had encased him in a sphere. He couldn't find it, obviously. Every gimmick and gadget required for the illusion was seamlessly integrated into the environment. The sheer ingenuity of the design of it all blew Jun away.

Jun was inspecting the floors up close when a sudden sense of impending doom ran down his spine, sending shivers throughout his entire body.

It wasn't until he heard a spray bottle being refilled with fresh ammunition that he understood the source of his unease. Shoot! Jun scrambled for the entrance, never daring to look back. The doorknob rattled as he tried (and failed) to open the very locked door. C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!

"Where do you think you're going?" Malachi's voice, sharp and cold, felt like a knife pressed against Jun's back. His heart stopped beating, and a bead of sweat trickled down his forehead. The other man's footsteps jolted Jun into action. He frantically jiggled the door handle, pulling and pushing with all his might. By the time the one brain cell reminded the rest of the brain that doors don't open if they're locked, it was already too late.

As the door swung open, the first shot found its mark, striking the back of Jun's head. Ice-cold water soaked his hair and ran down his neck. He yelped in surprise and stumbled out of the house, barely registering the woman in the flowing purple dress standing in his path in time. Without thinking, Jun twisted his body to dodge her. While that achieved the desired result, he collided with the basket she held instead, sending its contents flying in all directions.

Despite his best efforts to regain balance, Jun's legs became tangled, causing him to crash to the ground under the force of gravity. The merciless onslaught of water spraying followed soon after.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 1 day ago

Menzai Isanami

Time: Morning

Location: Gaurav

Interactions: Dante, Darius @Alivefalling @FunnyGuy

Equipment: White Haori, Gauravian luck charm bracelet

His words seemed to have broke through their thick skulls to Menzai's relief. Parts of him knew he was a bit too harsh, but it was clear these brothers needed such a stern approach as they were understandably new to this realm still. Seeing how genuine their apologies were leaving the wolf no need for continuing rebuking them.

Menzai gave a bow of his head to show his acceptance and appreciation." I am grateful to see we have come to an understanding. Do not misunderstand my intent, however, as I do see the need for competition but there is a time and place. If you choose to do so on your own time you are free to do so though I recommend keeping them to small games until both of you have better understanding and contol of your magic." Nodding his head while studying the brothers as he thought over the way they acted and their personalities." Hm, perhaps a grand game to finish this in the end." Muttering his musings aloud though only a portion of it were distinguishable enough to make out.

After a few seconds more of pondering to himself, Menzai shook his head with a small dismissive wave of the right hand." A thought for the future. Now, then I believe we have wasted enough time."

Now that the tomfoolery was behind them things could finally get back onto course." To start, there are a number of issues and weaknesses that I have assessed from my observations that need to be worked on. I shall list them shortly then from there I will leave the decision on what each of you prefer to do as your growth and potential are up to you. I will guide and teach where and when I can but the mistakes and lessons learned will be through your choices." Menzai's words might have seemed as if a vein attempt to keep them at arm's length, but the true meaning was to keep them from becoming too dependent and reliant on him; the day they have to fend for themselves can and will inevitably come.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Interaction:@Helo Cyrus @13org Viola @princess Phia
In Earshot: @samreaper Menzai @FunnyGuy Darius @Alivefalling Dante

A bird unlike the others in the sky soared high above the trio of fairies. The creature was huge, its enormous wings casting a shadow over the tops of the trees as it glided high over the terrain. With a terrifying wingspan of 80 feet, she commanded the sky with her foreboding presence. Her body was mostly brown in color while having blue feathers on her head. Her yellow beak was large and hooked in a similar manner to an eagle. Avalians knew this creature as a Roc, infamous for their intimidating size and intelligence.

The Roc was an expert predator in search of sustenance for her voracious offspring. It had been tirelessly searching the wilderness after another creature had encroached on their territory in a nearby mountain.

Through the canopy of the trees, her keen eyes noticed movement down below. The sunlight danced upon vibrant stands of magenta hair, creating an enchanting glint that beckoned the Roc’s curiosity. She began her descent gracefully, her powerful wings slowly beating against the wind. Once she caught sight of the source of the brilliance, she noticed there were three travelers moving below, unaware of the danger that lurked above. Finally, she had a potential meal large enough to satisfy her babies.

Her predatory instincts took hold and the gears in her head started spinning as her eyes narrowed with focused intent. She screeched as she extended her leg forward and flapped her massive wings causing extreme winds to blow at the three fairies. The screech had echoed through the forest as a warning to all creatures that would dare to cross its path.

Some of the leaves were separated in a way that the fairies could see the Roc above, its wingspan blotting out the sun and casting an ominous shadow over the three. Its massive talons were stretched, capable of crushing bones or grabbing any smaller creature with ease at a moment’s notice. The Roc’s talons seized hold of part of the trunk and it sank into the bark, and snapped a whole top portion of the tree off. Then, it dropped the portion of tree, letting it plummet down toward its prey.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Port Vanarosa
Interactions: Arlen @SilverPaw
Mentions: Tanithil @Lava Alckon, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos, Captain Drosis @Blizz

The fact that Arlen was willing to be playful with Amisra and make her laugh was one of her favorite things about him. That and the fact that he was always up for teasing Tanithil with her, something she highly enjoyed doing. Why did she enjoy teasing her best friend so? She really wasn’t sure, perhaps it was to mask her guilt for stealing his life and making him run with her. She’d never forgive herself for that, but she tried to keep that guilt to herself anymore.

She’d laughed with Arlen before nodding in agreement with his request. ”Of course, always happy to help.” She said with a grin before getting to work. She’d always considered herself to be one of the more trustworthy ones of the crew, never even considering stealing any of their spoils. While most of their goods were stolen, one didn’t steal again from their crewmates. They were your family and everyone pulled their own weight in acquiring their treasure.

It didn’t take them too long to finish up and soon they were ready to drop off what they needed before heading to the tavern for whatever fun the day had in store. She briefly wondered how Tanithil and Ismael were doing and hoped they hadn’t run into any trouble. A small part of her had wanted to go with them, to act as their guard and protect them, but she knew it really wasn’t needed. Tanithil was more than capable, she knew this, she just always had this overwhelming urge to protect him. It was Arlen’s voice that pulled her out of her thoughts.

Amisra looked at Arlen with a raised eyebrow and a coy smile. "Why choose between the two when we could have both?" She purred, stepping closer to him and trailing a finger down his arm. "But you're right, we wouldn't want to leave Tanithil feeling left out. Maybe we can find a way to include him in our... activities." She leaned in closer, her lips brushing against his ear. "After all, the more the merrier, don't you think?" She then giggled, stepping away to give him his space back.

”In all seriousness, though, he’s probably rather distracted with Ismael and may need a drink or two depending on how smoothly the morning has gone. I also apparently have to see the Captain for some orders once we get to the tavern.” She gave a slight shrug, partially wondering what her Captain needed her to do.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Southwest of Roshmi
Interaction:Brigitte @Tae, Bardulf @Lava Alckon, Rue @Potter, Bowyn @Helo, and Zeva @Pink Khione
Equipment:Fancy Ring, Cold Ring, Oak Wood Staff!, Brown Leather Fingerless Channeling Gloves (not worn), Transmission Bracelet, 500 Amas.

“Bardulf, have you killed that- Oh...” Mister Luum looked just in time to watch Badulf courageously charge at the owlbear. Swift and deliberate. This is good. This is really good! His face lit up with excitement watching the human inflict injuries on the creature. Now it’s time for him to… Wait, what? Mister Luum disappointedly watched as Bardulf jumped away to take his place behind Rue again.

“Come on! Don’t tease the killing blow!” Mister Luum complained as the others stepped in to attack. First Zeva displayed her acrobatic combat and though Mister Luum was impressed by how it looked, the owlbear was still standing. He walked up right beside her with his smile still intact. “Don’t think that keeping it alive for Bardulf will relieve my suspicions of you.” Mister Luum spoke quietly enough for only her to hear. His attention quickly switched back to the owlbear that was now somewhat immobilized by Bowyn’s ice magic. Still, the creature pushed itself, now fighting for its survival rather than getting a convenient meal now. Mister Luum found the sight tragic as there was no possibility of the creature escaping its early death, even if it fled. Rue might have made a difference, with her abilities to speak to it and her healing magic but the fairy did not seem to have such intentions as she ensured Bardulf was safely behind her.

This all presented a problem as things weren’t playing out as he envisioned. To see Bardulf in all his glory slay his first Avalian beast. Blood trickling from his halberd. Beads of sweat glistening his rugged face. And a very dead owlbear.

“Excuuuse me!” Mister Luum stepped forward toward the owlbear roaring in both pain and aggression. “Hello, owlbear. I am Mister Luum. Now, I know you can’t see me very well but I only need you to listen… Then again, you can’t even understand me either.” Mister Luum sighed. “Sorry, I forgot I’m just an elf.” The owlbear swiped its frostbitten paw at Mister Luum, who oddly didn’t flinch at the desperate attack that failed to reach him from where he stood. The ice that was still holding was beginning to crackle, grabbing Mister Luum’s attention. “Oh… Well, as a light elf. Do as light elves do, I guess.” He shrugged nonchalantly. With his back to the others, Mister Luum’s eyes glowed amaranth as he held up his palm glowing with golden light. “Gracious Solaris, grant me the strength to smite this creature and deliver death upon he!” Mister Luum a gentle thrust of his hand, a steady concentrated blast of light magic was fired at the owlbear’s face. Despite the attack not being in their direction, the rays of light were bright enough to obscure the creature from the rest of the group. There was a brief screeching cry before a thud was heard. And just like that, the bright light was absent.

The sight of the owlbear was not a pretty one. The feathers of the entire front half of its body were severely charred with steam coming off the dead animal carcass. Its face, Mister Luum’s target was steaming profusely while blacked and disfigured to the point that it was unrecognizable.

Mister Luum crouched down with eyes returned to their previous color to take a closer look at what he had done, a warm smile on his face yet he didn’t say a word.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 17 days ago


Time: Morning
Location: Southwest of Roshmi City
Interaction: Brigitte @Tae, Mister Luum @FunnyGuy, Rue @Potter, Bowyn @Helo, and Zeva @Pink Khione

Bardulf's eyes flicked madly across the small clearing after his initial assault. Firstly, the one elf who started it all was delivering a clean combo of movements and strikes to further weaken the owlbear. Bowyn and Rue's ice magic proved to be simply too much for the bear to handle at once. The wound on the animal's neck was still jostling and twitching with electric energies as it poured blood onto its feathers. That is when Mister Luum himself walked towards the beast and began to chant a spell. Bardulf kept his halberd in his hands, ready to strike if the creature made it towards them again, but then a flash of light rendered him completely blind. He put his hand up to block his eyes from being seared from the pure energy and once it finally receeded, only a pile of burned feathers and skin remained.

Bardulf quickly holstered his weapon and looked at the corpse with a bit of a melancholy expression. A still swirling spew of emotions calmly settled within him as he truly wondered if he would ever get over the sights he saw that particular evening. He thought more of the situation surrounding him. How he would need to be able to kill and hunt like he used to in his younger days. The voice he heard was not one he had been acquianted with in some time, and would likely resurface as his "killer instincts" began to sharpen themselves in the heat of battle. He wondered if this side of him would be able to distinguish friend from foe, and if he truly would be capable of holding such power. These all were thoughts for another time however, as he would let out a sigh. "Sorry to disappoint, Mister Luum. I have a bad history with bears and still am kind of getting used to this whole magic thing."

He looked up to the group and let out a meek sounding "Can we go now?" Before pulling his hood over his head and starting to walk the other way, much less energy and passion in his stride than before. Right now he what he needed to clear his head and perhaps whatever path his mentor had in mind for him would provide that for him. Although he did just casually try to sick a wild animal on the man, surely he had his reasons.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by GingerBobOh


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Time: Mid snack break
Location: Riverbloom, Books and Cookies
Interactions: Aroura @mole Zora @13org
Mentions: Barrock @conscripts
Equipment: Shorswords, Transmission bracelet

Rowan frowned at Zora's comments about being used.

"I assure you, Lady Zora, while there is malicious use of a person to achieve personal ends. We all have a part to play in this life and if we are to make it a better one to live, there is a use for all of us. Whether you like it or not, you were brought here for a purpose. Opposition to that purpose will be far more malicious use than you fear from me."

Scooping the final bite of the cake into his mouth, he responds to her comment of the transmission bracelet.

"Yes well, such is the might of magic. Magic, mind you, that you now possess beyond the ilk of your kin. While my training may be intense, rest assured that it shall not lessen until I deem you worthy of protecting yourself." A quick glint in his eye belies his thoughts of additional exercises. He already is concocting plans to increase Zora's reaction ability with her magic, finding that lacking in the moment. A splash from a cup of water here or a bucket there, convenient loss of footing over a river, all harmless methods that will tap into the reflex areas of the mind to draw out speed in her control.

"Now dear sister, do you see a whip in my hand? A flog? While my methods may be strenuous, they are by no means ruinous." A small hint of a bite in his tone says that he does not like to be compared to the monsters the dark elves can be. "Though you do have a point about the necessity of rest....."

His voice trails off as a scene outside catches his attention. A green Dark Elf enforcer was picking a fight with an orc. Nearly preparing to stand and rush to the orc's defense, out of hatred for the dark elf more than defense of the orc, he was held in his chair for a moment as the orc paused. Never before had Rowan seen an orc not immediately fly into a rage after such disrespect. After a short staring match, the orc shouldered his way past and paid no mind to the attention of the citizens.

Attention returning to the table, he caught the last of his sisters words, something about "wonderful work" making Rowan groan somewhat. The training he had received and continued to follow had left no room for praise and back pats. Yet, Zora was not him, nor was she even an elf. Maybe they had different needs as humans and that's why his sister tagged along.

"Now that we have had our cake, and ate it too, shall we return to the river and train some more?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Riverport
Interactions: @GingerBobOh Enstille @JJ Doe Jun @Helo Zion @Tae Kenia
Equipment: Bow and quiver of arrows, Hygiene supplies, spray bottle, short sword, backpack, a few pieces of jerky, 1000 amas, transmission bracelet, Portable Solar Box, location sender
Attire: His outfit

Malachi's eyes shifted wearily to Zion, acknowledging his existence with a nod. His response came out with a lackluster tone, "Meats and eggs." With a glance back up at the stairs, his irritation became apparent, "They'll get cold unless the other two morons get down here. They're sleeping in like they're on vacation. I swear to Solaris..." He let out a tired sigh and pinched his nose, just in time to hear a loud clunk. His gaze rose reluctantly, and he watched Jun make a mad dash for the door, apparently in the mood for yet another pointless escape attempt. Only this time, Enstille captured him in a shield ball. He raised a brow at the sight of the human rolling around in the ball. I guess Enstille isn't totally worthless.

He then decided to scoop up his handy dandy spray bottle and fill it with some more water from the sink. By the time the ball had broke apart, he was already locked and loaded on the target.

Malachi narrowed his eyes and addressed Jun sharply, not expecting much of a response, "Where do you think you're going?" The idiot had no idea where he planned to run off to. There was nowhere for him to go. Malachi had told him time and time again at this point. He watched with mild disbelief as he jiggled at the door handle. Why is he like this? Seizing the opportunity, he sprayed Jun as the door swung open, asserting firmly, " No. " He followed him even as he fell to the ground outside not relenting with the spray attack nor even noticing the woman. With an authoritative tone, he commanded, "Get back inside. Now."

However, as time went on, Malachi became aware of the chaotic scene of bread and cookies scattered before them. The change in the air seemed to draw his eyes upward, where they met those of a blonde elven woman. She stood amidst the commotion, dressed in a captivating purple dress. He absorbed the details for a fleeting moment. However, his stoic expression gave no indication of the thoughts that flickered beneath the surface. Instead of greeting the random woman, he simply asked her with cold irritation, "What do you want?"

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Th3King0fChaos
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Th3King0fChaos The Weird

Member Seen 3 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Port Vanarosa
Interactions/Mentions: Tanithil @Lava Alckon & Melian @princess
Equipment: A set of sturdy clothing, a dagger, and his dog tags.

As Ismael felt Tanithil place a hand upon his back and felt a strange energy wash over him. Ismael flicked his eyes about himself and saw what seemed almost a shadow seeming to loom over him. Giving him stealth without needing to try, as he looked to Tanithil and nodded as he listened. Yet once Tanithil showed him his dagger Ismael chuckled and said, "Thank you for the warning. Good to know my guide has sticky fingers".

Once they entered the Odds and Ends shop, Ismael gave the shopkeep, Melian, a wave and a small, "Hello", before allowing Tanithil to speak. As they spoke, Tanithil seemed pretty in his element, while Melian seemed pretty interested in showing off her wares. Once she finished Ismael said with a light gesture to the disguise ring, "What do you mean by wonky?" Ismael wanted to make sure he knew what he was getting into before they spent money to get something.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Darius by@FunnyGuy and Dante by @Alivefalling

Time: Morning
Location: Gaurav Village
Interactions: Menzai @samreaper
Equipment: 2 shot glasses, 300 Amas total, Flowers from Phia, Dante’s cellphone, and Dante’s knife

The two brothers continued listening to Menzai's words of guidance. Though the idea of cheating death only to attain abilities beyond their wildest dreams was an awesome experience to indulge in, both Darius and Dante could not forget what they were brought here to do. The task that they had accepted. As exciting as it seemed, it carried the weight of many people's livelihoods. Despite being a good start, revolving stones and floating boulders weren't going to cut it.

The recommendation of small games was answered with a silent nod in agreement from Dante. Darius, however, chose to speak.

“Deal!” He replied while also giving a similar nod. Things were calmed if only for a moment before Menzai made mention of a "grand game to finish this in the end,” which piqued the interests of the twins. Their competitive natures caused each to give their own smug looks of confidence. Darius wore a large almost mischievous grin while Dante wore a slight smirk and raised an eyebrow.

It won't even be a competition.

Doesn't matter how strong he gets, he ain't getting the best of me.

While the two awaited Menzai's list of criticisms concerning the demonstrations of their grasp on earth magic, a sudden and loud screech in the distance. It caused the two brothers to look up and around at the sky, as they were both unfamiliar with the creature causing the disturbance. To them, it sounded like a bird of prey due to the distance they were from it masking how dire the situation actually was.

“Sounds like Phia threw a surprise party for an eagle or somethin',”
Darius smirked.

“Nah, bro. That doesn't sound good. Where's she at anyway?” There was a hint of concern in his voice as he'd gotten used to her appearing in the middle of Menzai's instructions. They were now looking at Menzai for answers.

“What's going on?”
“What's going on?”

They asked in unison.
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