Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 11 days ago


??? - Forest

For a while, it appeared that their exploration was looking up. They had come across an open area with a river and lake. The river wasn't just another water source (and potential food source, if any of his companions happened to be adept at fishing), Javal speculate that it might potentially lead them to civilization.

Any thought that things were measurably improving quickly dissipated, however, when the shadow appeared overhead. Looking up, Javal beheld what it was- a giant bird the size of a small airplane, and seemingly made of metal. It passed over them and landed near the lake, having either failed to notice the group or paid it no attention.

The two elves discussed this, and he had to agree with their assessments- this metallic flyer was far too dangerous for them to take on, especially only after they had just gained their new forms. They absolutely did not want to give this thing any excuse to tangle with them. Javal complied with the suggestion to sit down, not wanting to be seen by that monstrous creature.

"It definitely looks like it's plated in metal," he whispered to the elf mage.

This was, overall quite a troublesome development. If such massive avians lived out there, then every moment might need to be spent watching the skies. It certainly made the river and lake seem like a much less desirable place to be.

"I think we should be able to inch our way back to the cliff," he suggested. "I'm hoping it'll get a drink of water and be on its way, but I'd rather not leave it to chance."

@Thunder999999@Expendable@Crusader Lord
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Steven Yu
??? — Dirt Road

Luckily for Steven and his companions (well, mainly the maid that had taken charge in the application of first aid), it seemed that the woman on the carriage and her entourage had sufficient medical supplies to go about treating the injured maid. It was absolutely a hack job, and the young man surmised that even if he had sufficient experience in something like a trauma center—in other words, maybe some seven-odd years in the future—the outcome here might have only been slightly better.

Even if something like healing magic did exist within this world (and that was a big "if"), the kitsune silently reasoned to himself that trying to study things like that would be equally important to him as learning how to use his sword properly. He had gotten away with literal murder by copying the motions of mass media swordfighters, but nothing guaranteed that he wouldn't run into someone who actually knew what they were doing at some in the future.

So much for any hopes of a simple isekai life where stress didn't want to make him inject caffeine into his veins.

"Unfortunately, we don't have the tools-or expertise-to suture the wound, so it would probably be ideal to continue to apply pressure and not move too much so as to not reopen the wound," the kitsune remarked as he stood back up and brushed some of the dirt off his clothes—away from the patient and her current overseer, of course. "I don't think it needs to be said, but walking back to... Whatever town you were traveling to or from is very much out of the question."

That statement was more a reiteration of the obvious, but given how insistent the maid had been that she had been okay when she had clearly not in any condition to move, it probably wouldn't hurt to use her employer as leverage to make sure that she kept from injuring herself.

Any further discussion of the matter was promptly thrown out the proverbial window, however, when the young woman's righteous fury met his ears. With a barely-concealed grimace on his face as he listened in on the conversation, Steven glanced around at the others before scratching the back of his neck. As things were, the kitsune felt that among their group, he was probably the least qualified to speak about matters related to what seemed to be an attempted assassination attempt.

...But if he left things as they were now, there was no doubt he'd at least feel some sort of regret if things went badly.

"...My apologies for interrupting," he chimed in, eschewing the expected deference towards the young woman who very clearly had enough influence to warrant such tactics to begin with, "but I would recommend not lingering too long out here in the open. I have, admittedly, no clue as to who might have targeted your life in such a manner, but I would assume that they would expect some message after the deed has been done... And, if not, there is a non-zero possibility that there might be another group sent out to finish the job if they expect to encounter a weakened entourage if not."

Such formal dialogue coming from a man who looked like he had lived a few years on the road might have been odd, and the possibility that he was placing his life on the line sort of incidentally by speaking without being prompted, but there was no world in which fussing over the outcome in the wilderness as opposed to somewhere safer was the way to proceed.

@Raineh Daze@Sir Lurksalot

Neir — Guardhouse

With a somewhat inquisitive gaze, Meira calmly poked her head into Cassius' room. The catgirl grimaced upon noticing what had happened to him in her absence, and almost as if by instinct she moved to pick his body off the ground and, at the very least, place him back on the bed where he had awoken. But without much of a chance to ask him how he was feeling—though the answer to that question was fairly obvious—the young woman instead found herself being questioned first.

"Locked up for now. Guards have been taking turns watching over the thing, and I've been here the whole time as extra insurance," she responded, taking a deep breath before ducking out for a brief moment and returning with a rag to clean up whatever had been evacuated from the elf's stomach mere moments before her arrival. After quickly wiping off what had left itself on his face, the catgirl lobbed the cloth onto the ground and pushed it around with her boot to soak up whatever little it could.

"...Sorry for getting you wrapped up in all that," she remarked as she kicked it off to the side. "Those guys are, uh... Well, I guess calling them 'priority targets' is the best way to put it for now. It's... Complicated."

There was a brief pause as she waited for any sort of response, but Meira continued speaking soon thereafter.

"Do you want some water? I can go get some for you, if you want."

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Neir Slums — Guardhouse

《 Level 1 Liar 》

"Alright, son, here's how we're gonna do this---"

"Peter Parker; a little village up north, you probably haven't heard of it; vagrant, but I'm gonna be a Hero when I grow up, buh-leev it---"

"Whoa, whoa there!" The guard held up a hand as he looked at Connor with a raised eyebrow. The young man was clearly shaking like a leaf. "What are you talkin' about? We just want---"

"To ask me a few questions? Name? Where're you from? Occupation? What I'm doing in the city?" The blue haired man looked at the other guard who stood next to the door. The lawmen exchanged glances only known by those who have dealt with drug addicts, belligerent drunks, and stupid people far too many times. "I was squatting with the elf, he left, the guy in the hood barged in, I hit him---or, wait, I would've hit him, uh, unless you guys don't have stand your ground laws?"

"..." The first guard scribbled something with a stick of graphite in a leather bound notebook. Connor audibly gulped.

"Did you come into contact with the package?"

"What package?" Connor blinked in genuine confusion. Another scribble was added to the pad.

"Do you know the man who attacked you and your friend?"

"No---wait, Cassius got attacked too?" Again he looked towards the other guard, eyes wide. "Is, uh...is he okay?" Then he sucked air sharply through his nose. "H-how many of those guys were there?"

"Just the two, so far as we know. And this Cassius pal of yours is being treated now." the guard holding the notepad continued to scribble. He watched as Connor breathed a sigh of relief. "Is that for your friend, or because no one else is going into that shack?"

"Um, both. Yeah. But it's---I left our other friend back there, and they're...not much of a fighter, I guess?" The two guards exchanged another look, and the one in the doorway started to move, until the first shook his head. Connor gulped again---he'd almost said something like "they can't move right now," but that would've raised questions about whether the slime was hurt, or needed help, or to be moved. Or at least, he thought it would have.

"So you claim that your friend stepped out, then this hooded man entered the shack you were in. We know he was running from an adventurer---do you think he was after you, specifically?"

"Unless it was his shack, I don't suppose so." Connor shrugged, then blinked and hastily added, "Uh, it was empty when we got here and there weren't any signs of habitation. We weren't, ya know, intentionally trespassing..."

"Uh huh. So the adventurer cuts the guy up, and tells you to drag him to us? Do you know her?"


"And were those your knives?"

"They are if I can keep them. And the board too, please."

"...Why do you want them?"

"In case I get attacked by other guys in hoods and a catgirl with a claymore isn't around." The guard by the door actually snorted at that. "I mean, is beating up bandits and taking their stuff not what most adventurers do on a daily basis?"

"Mh." The first guard stood. "Okay then...Peter. You're going to stay in town for a while?"

"I guess?" Connor scratched his head. "I, uh, had planned on trying to find a decent inn and a local chapter of the Adventurer's Guild?" He looked towards the guard that had laughed at his half-intentional joke. "Would you guys know where that is? Oh, and Cassius?"

Whether they gave him the information or not, it seemed like the interrogation was over. Connor's items were returned to him, and he was given directions to the room they'd turned into a makeshift infirmary for Cassius. The two guards watched him go, like a newborn fawn with knocking knees.

"Must be some noble's kid tryin' to run away to 'live their dreams,' huh?" one muttered to the other. "You didn't ask him about his weird clothes?"

"Afraid he'd give me the damn threadcount. Seen a few like that before---they act shifty, but it's cause they ain't never been in real trouble before. He's pissin' his pants at the idea we'll tell his poncy daddy all about it." The guard with the notebook reviewed his scribbles, then snapped it shut. "I think it checks out. Noble kid and some friends or mercs or somethin' he met on the road drift into town, get picked as easy marks, end up slummin' it for a night or two. Meira happens along, they ask her for help, but then our perps show up. I'd be willin' to bet they had that particular shack eyed out as a rendezvous point or somethin'..."

They headed off to do whatever else it was they needed to do regarding the strange package and the mysterious men who wanted it so badly...

Connor walked in just as Meira was asking the elf if he wanted anything. Of course, she's got to make his stay as comfortable as possible. The younger man micro-grimaced, then blanked out his expression before drawing the other two's attention.

"H-hey." he managed, with an awkward raise of his hand. "S-so, uh...Well I started to ask "anybody hungry," but we don't have any money, do we?" He looked at Cassius, then at Meira. "Um...any chance there's something easy like...gathering herbs or mushrooms or something, that we could get paid for before sunset?"

And possibly feed to a Slime to see if it could internally disassemble or purify valuable alchemical reagents...

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 1 day ago


??? — ??? Forest

On one hand, it was great there was a lake with a river feeding into it. Meant that they could maybe find some form of civilization if they followed it, potentially at least, which was also good. Rugged plains seemed to slop gradually upward moving out from the location of the lake as well, and open plains could likewise mean maybe some plains-faring folks potentially too? Er. While she was trying to look for the 'bright side' of things, admittedly, at the same time Nyana felt that the more pressing matter in front of them. A very large, metal-plated, imposing sort of 'pressing matter', actually, that maybe either would try to make them its own lunch or potentially not be too happy about them being around as well if a nest was nearby. What was it that they said in those nature documentaries? Large predators liked to eat smaller prey? Eh, it at least kinda fit everything she remembered from her Biology classes and otherwise in the past.

Regardless, though, usually running into such a thing in a game meant someone had wandered into a higher-level zone than they had intended to be in at first. Was a good spot for newbies to die in to let them know they'd overstepped their bounds, at least unless they were some reckless speedrunner of some sort. But, well, there was also a good point to make in this too:

Since when would a literal magical fantasy world ever frankly care about 'zone balancing' at all as even just a concept, really?

"Don't make any sudden moves," Jase whispered. "Just slowly sit down here. It's probably seen us already. If we rush over there, it might attack."

"Am I crazy, or does it look like it's wearing armor?"

"I don't think it's armour, I don't think a bird could fly with the extra weight and it might mess up however feathers work. More likely this is some sort of creature with naturally metalic hide, that sort of thing pops up in fantasy. Figured it's worth mentioning since armour implies people to forge it and strap it on. Do you think we could make it back to the forest if we moved slowly?"

"It definitely looks like it's plated in metal," he whispered to the elf mage.

"I think we should be able to inch our way back to the cliff. I'm hoping it'll get a drink of water and be on its way, but I'd rather not leave it to chance."
Confused Man

"Logic about the armor or hide or whatever it has, I agree we need to be careful about this and wait it out....or slowly and carefully get out before its done getting a sip of water. Either-or."

Nyana whispered to the others at a level where they could hopefully hear her, her mind racing over a potential escape route as she tried to gently look around herself and the other members of the ad-hoc adventuring party. Likewise she humanoid slime attempted to not make a bunch of loud clattering noises and rattling if she could help it to boot. Then again, she was still rather new to this whole situation of being made of slime and wearing a bunch of identity-concealing armor or such. Etc. It certainly made her efforts have to be that much more careful, though, if nothing else. Still, it was not going to be a good day if things went south here and now.

Though....had anyone else gotten isekai'd here from the same plane crash as well? Other groups? Other people? That was something that began to come to mind as the thoughts raced through her head for the moment being as well.

@Crimson Paladin@PKMNB0Y@Expendable@Thunder999999
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 45 min ago

Witch's Household

"... If you're not drunk, then you must have taken a stroll through the Garden of False Reflections," commented Ilsa with a raised eyebrow, "Because you're talking complete nonsense."


A higher-pitched voice came from just above the house, and after a moment it became clear it originated from the sparkling lights themselves. In mere seconds, they had swarmed downwards, their true nature becoming apparent.

Their bodies resembled those of young girls, lacey insectoid wings sprouting from their backs. Their large, shining eyes regarded the three newcomers inquisitvely from every potential angle.

There must have been at least a dozen or so of them.

"Who are they?"

"Where did you find them?"

"Your names! Tell us your names!"

"Give us your secrets~"

"Come with us, come back with us! The Spiraling Trail is-"

Ilsa sighed, and waved her hand, as if to shoo them away. The small, flying figures pouted, but largely complied, now watching from a somewhat longer distance.

"I'm sure none of you mean ill, but I don't think any of us are in the mood," she said, addressing what could only be fairies, "These three just had an encounter with that one, I don't think they're fit for a walk into the fey realms."

The fairies all fell silent when they heard Ilsa mention 'that one'. No matter how childish they might have appeared, it was clear they were well aware of what she was talking about.

A few even mumbled reluctant apologies.

Ilsa gestured for her guests to follow, and approached the front door of her cottage. It was around now that Rita would be able to get a good look at the local flowering plants. Some appeared to be lilies, others roses, and still others bluebells and violets. But there was also a plant that resembled nightshade, foxglove, and other unrecognizable plants. The garden also had a shaded area, maintained by several sunshades and a rather large and expansive bush, that housed a number of brightly colored mushrooms.

Beside it sat a large tortoise, the size of a small boulder. Hanging beneath its beak was a lengthy white beard, unexpected for such a creature, and perched ahead of its eyes was a tiny, miniscule set of eyeglasses that seemed far too small for it to look through them.

Perhaps most surprising was the fact it bowed.

At least, until it spoke.

"Welcome back, Lady Ilsa," the tortoise said, in a warm, friendly voice that brought to mind images of a kindly old man, "My... what unusual guests. Greetings."

He bowed his head to each of the newcomes in turn, as the door opened on its own ahead of the Substitute Witch of the Forest.

The entrance hallway lead to a rounded interior, with a staircase on one side leading upwards, and another two hallways leading to different areas of the cottage. The first room housed a large fireplace with a cauldron, as well as a reading chair.

"I won't ask you to make yourselves at home, as I'd prefer you didn't given your shiftless appearances," commented Ilsa as she approached the fireplace, "But I will welcome you to the home of the Witch of the Forest. While you are here, you'll be under my protection. I may only be a substitute, but that should be more than enough to keep you safe until you leave the Forest of Lorkay."

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Garden of false recollections? What kinda nerdy ass name was that? Colleen frowned, but didn't say much else. There were no words she could find appropriate to this situation, really even. Only mild annoyance as the sparkling...lights? A swarm of sparkling lights? Rather, small humanoids? It was becoming increasingly clear, they were definitely not in Kansas and more.

"You know what I'm not going to ask questions." Colleen mumbled, sighing as her serpentine hair hissed and threateningly glared at any sparkling light that came close. Collen just contented herself to follow into the house. Eyes forward, taking note of anything useful or maybe dangerous. Flowers, primarily. Cauldron, stairs, fireplace and -

"Gah, the turtle talked!" Colleen pointed a finger at the talking tortoise. "...I shouldn't be surprised any more, eh...OK, OK, Colleen, just think rationally." Her gaze turned towards Ilsa. "Alright, miss 'Substitute witch'" She'd walk over to the reading chair, making herself quite at home as she spoke and turning the chair to face Ilsa. "Thanks for helping us, pretty sure I could've handled it, but thanks. I dunno where this Forest of Lorkay is or what this place of false reflections is or whatever," Colleen crossed her arms. "But I think we should be honest with ya since you helped. Me and greenie aren't from around here. Last thing I remember we were in an accident then woke up in that shrine. Dunno how, or why."

Best she could do, and as much as she didn't want to admit it, they were going to need help or at least some information about where they were before she could do anything.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by TheMushroomLord
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TheMushroomLord I am me... I hope.

Member Seen 22 days ago

Neir Slums — Dilapidated Shack
Catgirl? Leg? Guard Station? Petra was probably more confused after reading Down’s message than she had been beforehand.

From what she was able to gather, the gist of things was that someone had tried to pick a fight with Down – or at least they’d somehow gotten involved in one – and at some point in the resulting scuffle, the instigator had gotten their leg cut off by a third party that may or may not have been some kind of cat person? Petra decided that it probably made more sense to anyone that saw what happened, and that she shouldn’t think too hard about the details.

More importantly, apparently the person that’d gotten the impromptu amputation was expected to survive the wound. That was certainly interesting, since as far as Petra knew, you couldn’t just survive a wound like that – not without receiving immediate treatment at least – so either Down had greatly exaggerated the severity of the injury, the inhabitants of this world had different biology to humans back on Earth, or the guy had received some kind of magical healing. Petra suspected the latter.

Whatever the case, wasn’t cutting a guy’s leg off way too extreme a response to a fight? Petra was certain she was missing more than a little context, but even so, the outcome made her more than a little nervous. Even ignoring the fact that cutting someone's leg off should’ve been far too difficult to casually do, it seemed like far too brutal a response to any crime, which spoke to a world far more violent than Earth.

In hindsight, perhaps Petra should have already expected that kind of thing from this world – swords were weapons, and most depictions of magic back on Earth were at least somewhat violent, so of course a Sword and Sorcery world wouldn’t be soft and fluffy. Then again, maybe she was judging this world unfairly. Was Earth really all that much better? Now that she thought about it, you didn’t need to go all that far back in time for brutality to be the norm, and even in the modern day it wasn’t like war and suffering didn’t exist, she just hadn’t had to personally see it.

Petra pushed the thoughts away and instead focused back on the Down’s message, trying to pointedly ignore the suggestion that she eat a person’s leg. Admittedly, it was probably a legitimate suggestion; she had after all mentioned she could steal cells from things she ate. Not that that was much of a reason to eat the leg in this case – aside from being cannibalism(?), being composed mostly of muscle and bone, a human leg wouldn’t exactly have any particularly useful materials for her. If it’d been the attacker's eyes that’d been gouged out, on the other hand… wait no, that would have been even more violent.

Contacts: "Down"
The catgirl said her name was Meira, and if what Cassius said about her being an adventurer holds up, it's probably safe for me to do as she said. I'm gonna try and get info from the guards. But while I'm gone, you should try to hide, okay?

I dunno if you've already figured out how to move or not, but maybe imagine yourself as like...a train? Saw a video once about how Japanese metros were like slime molds, moving efficiently between food nodes/cities. Maybe make a bunch of cilia like treads underneath you?
Petra was just about to shoot off a reply, when Down’s second message came through, and a moment later she was alone.

Move like a train, huh? Petra thought Down might be confusing that study where slime moulds were able to organise themselves into a layout similar to the Tokyo metro with them somehow moving like a train, but that did still give her an idea for how to move more efficiently.

Forming a pseudopod – a task she’d gotten pretty good at by now – Petra laid out the appendage along the path she wanted to travel in a manner she imagined as being similar to a rail and then with some trial and error, managed to shift her mass along the appendage, reabsorbing it as she went. The movement wasn’t exactly fast – maybe equivalent to a slow walk for a human – but compared to her earlier attempt at locomotion, the difference was night and day. Petra still had to adjustment her program whenever she wanted to change her direction or speed, but doing so was relatively easy, and after making a couple of modifications to more easily aim her pseudopods and to start forming the next set before fully absorbing the last, Petra found herself moving about the small shack almost confidently.

After maybe a minute of enjoying her newfound mobility, Petra’s attention was drawn once again to the severed leg – its ‘scent’ tickling at her smell-touch – and she was finally forced to confront one of the many realities she’d been trying to wilfully ignore. Petra had stopped her body from single-mindedly consuming anything organic it touched, and that wasn’t a decision she had any intentions of changing any time soon – not when she neither wanted to discover whether slimes could get food poisoning nor spend all her time slowly feeding off filth – but as she’d already observed, brains were hungry organs and slimes had surprisingly developed brains.

Off the top of her head, Petra could recall that the human brain took up something like 20% of the calories a person consumed just to power itself. Obviously, what passed for a slime’s brain was nowhere near as developed as a human’s and in fact probably wouldn’t be able to think at all where it not for whatever magic that held Petra’s consciousness here, but the fact remained that slimes apparently had unreasonably developed brains for creatures that didn’t seem to be built to perform any task more complex than what a slime mould might.

While her body literally didn’t have a sense for hunger, to her biomancy that fact meant very little, and a quick peek at her biology was enough to confirm Petra’s suspicions. It probably hadn’t even been an hour since she’d stopped her body from constantly eating and yet already Petra could already see her body struggling to compensate for the halted caloric intake, various metabolic pathways switching as her body switched into starvation mode.

In other words, as far as Petra could think of, if she wanted to avoid slowly starving to death, she more or less had two options. She could give in and spend almost all of her time, passively scraping the floor for any filth she might be able to consume, risking whatever diseases that lifestyle might entail, or she could do like early humans did and turn to more energy dense sources of food to fuel her brain… put like that, and it wasn’t really much of a choice.

Apprehensively Petra approached the severed limb, discarded on the floor after its owner was taken to jail, then after several minutes of hesitating, she finally bit the bullet, or more accurately engulfed the leg, and started digesting her meal.

Almost disappointingly, as difficult as the decision to eat a part of a person had been, the actual process of doing so turned out to be very much anticlimactic. It wasn’t like Petra had eyes with which to see what she was doing, and to her ‘organic vision’ the process hardly looked different from when she’d digested the bugs or detritus. She could sort of taste it, but even then, while her touch-smell filled the role of taste, it wasn’t like she experienced the sense as anything like it. In other words, as long as Petra didn’t think too hard about what exactly she was doing, it wasn’t exactly hard for her to ignore it entirely, and it was shockingly easy for her to think about literally anything else.

Deciding that now was as good a time as any, Petra set about working on fixing her senses.

To start with, Petra checked up on the photoreceptors she’d sequestered from the insect she’d eaten, finding that it’d replicated nicely, the single cell already having divided into dozens upon dozens of copies of itself. While that was somewhat impressive, it still wasn’t nearly enough for her to do anything useful with, and in any case, even if she had an endless number of the cells she still wouldn’t be able to produce anything like a proper eye with them. That being the case, Petra turned her attention instead to her hearing.

She examined the receptors that facilitated her sense of touch and hearing – elongated things that responded to any change in their conformation. Tentatively, Petra tried moving some of the cells closer to her outer membrane, and found promising results.

It wasn’t exactly a great result, and probably wouldn’t be enough even if she moved all the cells to her outer membrane, but it certainly seemed as though the cells closer to her surface fired off more frequently than those located deeper in her body. That result wasn’t exactly surprising, considering the cells were picking up vibrations in her environment, though she discovered that moving the receptors resulted in a corresponding loss of her proprioception, which in hindsight, she probably should have also predicted. Considering proprioception was vital for her ability to control her body, that wasn’t an acceptable cost.

On the one hand, Petra could just increase the number of receptors in her body, but at the same time the increased sensory load would only serve to increase the amount of energy she’d need to spend processing it, which was one of the problems she was trying to avoid, and that wasn’t before even considering that she was already planning on massively increase that load by adding sight to the mix. She supposed she could always try compensating by reducing the number of chemoreceptors throughout her body, since she wasn’t exactly reliant on that sense, but even then, that approach would only take her so far.

Petra considered the rudimentary ‘ears’ she’d created to assist her in hearing earlier. The attempt had been clumsy and awkward at best, and in all honesty, it hadn’t worked all that well, but she still felt the basic principle had some merit. What she needed was some kind of structure to help her channel sounds towards the receptors, making the process more efficient without necessarily requiring her to add additional cells. Obviously being stuck as an amorphous blob for the foreseeable future made having any large external structures difficult, which ruled out creating a more permanent set of ears, but perhaps she could go smaller?

Focusing on her outermost membrane, Petra willed her magic into forcing it to change, painstakingly moulding tiny projections to sit atop it like microscopic hairs. Her first attempts were all failures, and it took her a while to realise that the cells that made up her membrane simply lacked the structural properties to do what she wanted them to.

Unwilling to give up so easily, Petra diverted her attention towards the pieces of human flesh slowly being dragged into her body for digestion, searching for any parts that might assist her with her current project. As it turned out, her earlier assessment that a human leg wouldn’t have anything she wanted might have been a little premature – it might not have any functional components she particularly wanted, but it was a veritable treasure trove of structural components.

Selecting several of these components – Petra suspected were mostly hair and cartilage and perhaps some other connective tissues, though she didn’t check what exactly – Petra set about her second attempt at creating the tiny hairs, tinkering with their design until she finally had one she was somewhat happy with. After that, it was just a matter of connecting the hairs to the mechanoreceptors she’d moved to her outer membrane and spreading the structures across her entire surface.

The entire process what quite time-consuming and required her to stop and rest her magic several times, but by the end, Petra was quite pleased with the result. She found her creation functioned more or less exactly as intended, the miniscule hairs amplifying and transmitting vibrations from the air to the receptors in her membrane, feeding her a constant ‘hum’ of background ‘noise’. Petra thought the final product might be somewhat analogous to the stereocilia used in vertebrate hearing, though she was pretty certain stereocilia were organelles rather than separate attached structures.

Admittedly, the result was somewhat less useful than it could have been, since the actual experience was still nothing like human hearing, and thus, Petra still couldn’t make sense of the sounds she was hearing, but with any luck she’d be able to adjust to that sooner or later, and more importantly, with this she should be able to hear well enough for the translation function to work.

Contacts: "Up, Down"
Good news! I’ve figured out hearing… sorta. Can’t really make heads or tails of the information yet, but give me time and I might be able to figure out how to parse it. At least a human brain would be able to adjust to it, so depending on what parts of me are running on human logic, I might be able to. Either way, I think this should be good enough for the translation function to work, so if you need me to eavesdrop on anyone or anything like that I should be able to now.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

??? — Ruined Inn

As the pair who had entered the cellar resurfaced from it's depths, they—and those still waiting above—would be met with the sound of something that would feel quite out-of-place for what little they had seen of the town.

The sound of a bell tolling could be heard from somewhere off in the distance, and each ring seemed to echo throughout the otherwise-empty town. A cursory glance out the window would show that the otherworlders were not the only ones to perceive the sound; it would have been difficult for anything not deaf to not, after all.

The undead that had been milling about the shattered glass earlier, however briefly, seemed to slowly be moving towards the bell and away from the entrance, leaving the path more or less clear if the group wished to explore the area outside the inn.

The cause of the event remained to be seen, of course, but that didn't change the opportunity that had been so fortuitously presented to them.

@VitaVitaAR@RolePlayerRoxas@Aku the Samurai@SilverPaw

??? — ??? Forest

Though the massive bird seemed to be content simply drinking water for a while, the continued discussions of the group took long enough for it to finish what it had initially come to the lake to do. After straightening it's body back up, the avian creature slowly turned itself towards the four that were still busy debating their options.

Whatever their choice would have been seemed to matter little as it let out a cry and flapped it's massive wings towards them. With that came a strong gale that, even from this distance, could be felt.

Doubly so, now that the bird had lifted off from where it had been standing and began to fly at the four.

There was some time before it drew close enough to do whatever it planned to do, but any opportunities to plan seemed to be very quickly running thin.

@Crusader Lord@Thunder999999@Crimson Paladin@Expendable
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 11 days ago


??? - Forest

Their attempts to stay unseen by the metal bird had failed. Perhaps it would've been wiser to scurry out of sight as the bird dipped its head down to drink, but perhaps it had already seen them from the air. It didn't really matter, though- all that mattered was that this giant metallic avian had seen them and was coming their way, presumably to kill and eat them.

He hadn't expected to find himself facing something so dangerous so soon into this world. It'd be a true shame to have this second chance at life snatched away so quickly.

He didn't think they could flee from the bird, not with its incredible mobility, and the cave was too far away to take refuge. It looked like there'd be little choice but to fight it, regardless of how durable it looked.

This was definitely not the way Javal would've chosen to test their abilities and limits for the first time. While he certainly felt stronger and more agile even with the armor he had been reborn in, he hadn't yet put it to the test beyond a bit of hopping across obstacles as they had explored.

It looked like they going to have to hit the ground running, so to speak.

"Everyone get ready to fight for your lives! I'm not keen on dying a second time!"

Javal readied his halberd and prepared to jump back as far as he could as soon as the bird came down. He needed to know just what this new form of his was capable of.

@Thunder999999@Expendable@Crusader Lord
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 1 hr ago


“Extra insurance?”

His voice rasped out, airway whistling audibly as he expelled breath. The high elf managed a grimace-like smile (or perhaps a smile-like grimace) as Meira lifted him up upon the bed once more. He dug his ankles against the hard mattress, pushing himself so he could at least prop his back against the wall, before twitching away reflexively when the catgirl adventurer returned to scrub the watery vomit off his face. Strands of hair clung to his skin in the aftermath and Cassius reached out in a habitual motion to pull them away with his left hand.

But his fingers and hand did not respond even as the arm lifted up, and he stared at the mottled skin that peeked out from the bandages, the black veins that extended further beyond. The stare turned hard. He swapped hands; his right was still mobile, at least.

“It’s fine. I chose to get involved.” Cassius frowned. It was stupid of him. Wouldn’t have been the first time he ignored a problem. Something as small as a wallet lost. Something as large as a hit-and-run he witnessed. And when he did, this happened. Why did he? “It s-”

Whatever he would have said ended as his ears caught incoming footsteps, C emerging moments later. The young man looked uninjured, which was good. The Slime wasn’t with him, but judging by the ‘notification’ that had just popped up in the corner of his vision again, it looked like they had simply been left behind. But there was the question of food, wasn’t there?

“Meira, my involvement should be worth a meal or three.” Cassius closed his eyes, trying to feel for just how much strength he had in his body. Could he even walk straight, as he was? The muscles in his legs flexed with conscious effort, and that motion alone strengthened the headache that had been throbbing in the background. He sagged further against the bed. Bound then. “I won’t be able to keep anything down right now, but I’m sure C’d have more questions than I do that you could answer. Over dinner or something.”

He slid further down, until he was flat against the bed once more, eyes closed as if to end the conversation.

“I’d appreciate it if you could come by with water later though.”

For now, Cassius would be content with just…settling back into his own thoughts.

Thoughts, such as why his awareness of that profane thing only seemed to have increased in his muddled, post-injury state. They had locked it up. It had to be further than it was when it was in a garbage pile.

And yet, there it was still, his headache a throbbing compass needle guiding him to it.
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Expendable
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Expendable The Certifiable

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Jase the Assassin (Mosslit Crew)

??? — ??? Forest

"Everyone get ready to fight for your lives! I'm not keen on dying a second time!" Javal yelled as the bird rushed them.

It was weird, the bird wasn't fighting the way it should.

"Vrelenor," Jase yelled, pulling out his knife and falling naturally into a knife figher's stance, the blade an extension of his arm. "Shoot it! Shoot it right now, and keep hitting it! I've got one, maybe two chances and then it'll be your turn."

If the outside was armored, the ice should shatter, making the best point to strike through its open mouth, driving the blade into the brain. Not something a creature like that would expect. But even with his skills, no guarantee of an instant kill, either. It was a nice arm, it would be a shame to lose it already.

@Crusader Lord@Thunder999999@Crimson Paladin
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 29 days ago

Rita was getting irritated by this witchy girl. Getting called drunk when she was quite obviously not drunk. She was much too irritated like this to be drunk but she held her lips. There was no reason to make the situation worse. She walked along with the witch when some little fairy things showed their face before being shoo'd off by Ilsa. After a raised eyebrow at that interaction, she took notice of the flowers as she closed by. They looked familiar, though she wasn't necessarily good with the names of flowers. There were roses.... lilies... Somethings she did recognize though she didn't know the technical name of. And some she just outright didn't recognize. Then there was the case of the mushroom bush. She wanted to ask if they were even safe but she didn't want to question it.

As Rita took a look around, she didn't notice the tortoise until it talked. She didn't even notice it was a tortoise until snake-head mentioned it! "What, talking tortle!" She exclaimed, getting closer to the bearded tortoise to look at him. "He's huge! Like, is he real? Is he one of those animatronics you see at theme parks or some kid's restaurant? Do I need to stay here five nights to see if he does something finicky?" She questioned as she looked. Rather than an animatronic or robot or something.... He looked rather living. Like, a living creature. She blinked a few times.

"Ah, sorry if that was a bit rude big guy. We don't have any huge tortoises with beards where I come.... Though I guess the dragons can be?" She questioned herself, thinking about the reptiles she's heard of before. This place was very much unlike earth for like, many many many reasons. It was hard for her to think this was earth at this point. Green skin, snake haired girl, weird rot creature... Magic? She could use a drink. "But yea, sorry and all that." She noticed Ilsa went inside the building at the point. "Ah!" She ran in after Colleen and the witch girl.

As they all settled inside... Rita just let Colleen talk. Everything sounded crazy to her at this point. Really, it seemed like a dream. Perhaps she was still asleep on the plane and was just thinking about a really weird story. The snake haired woman told the story that she mentioned before about the plane crash and it was hard for Rita to really believe. "Story's hard to believe... But so is the sickening creature earlier, huge tortoise, fairy-things... And whatever you did earlier with that light wall thing. From my point of view, 'least." She mentioned, not sure what to really think aside that they weren't exactly on Earth or hopefully, in a dream.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago


《 Level 1 Tamer 》
Location: Ruined Inn

The offer to hug Tiny had been weird, he had to agree. “No, it’s just that…” Sora looked down, a somberly sorrowful expression setting in. “You reminded me of my sister,” he said quietly.

There was that word again. Setting. “Maybe,” he sighed, lacking the energy to continue the argument. He still believed their best bet was getting actual information rather than making guesses.

Getting out of the city sounded good to him, assuming the zombie epidemic was contained to this one area. “There’s actually some water barrels in the kitchen. We just need to find something to carry it in,” he let her know.

The dragon-man emerged from the cellar and revealed that he’d found a journal, letting each interested party take a look. “This almost sounds like it was a planned attack or something,” Sora frowned. Meanwhile, the hammer-lady hollered about there being booze. The elf scratched at his head awkwardly, and didn’t comment.

“Let’s try finding bags or backpacks, and get ready for travel,” he suggested.

Just then, a bell tolled in the distance, and the zombies outside began following the sound. “That’s convenient.” Almost suspiciously so, but Sora preferred to see it as a positive. “Did someone sound the bell, or is it automatic?” he wondered.

Either way, he searched around the inn for something to carry stuff in, then got into the cellar to quickly stash useful goodies into it. “Let’s hurry up,” he urged the others. If they wanted to go out today, right now was the best time to do it.

@VitaVitaAR @RolePlayerRoxas @Aku the Samurai @PKMNB0Y
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 45 min ago

Ruined Inn

At least he has the sense to understand that we shouldn't stay here, though I'm not sure how to respond when hear him mention I remind him of his sister.

No matter how I look, I'm a man, right? There's no way I should be reminding anyone of anyone's sister, right?

... The fact that it already feels strange to refer to myself in such a way mentally definitely doesn't give me very hopeful vibes, but I can't dwell on that right now.

"If there's water, then we definitely need to find an easy way to transport it," I comment. "I imagine they probably would have had something in storage to make it easier to carry around rather then lugging around big heavy barrels, so we can probably use that. Given what kind of world this seems to be, I'm guessing waterskins or something like that.

It looks like the dragon-man found a journal, or something like that. I don't need to look at it too closely to get the jist. Something terrible happened here, that killed a lot of people and then used the dead as soldiers. If there's anything good about this knowledge, it's that it seems like it confirms that my guess about it not being any sort of virus is correct. It sounds more like it was some sort of attack, which is bad but at least it's not some sort of weird zombie apocalypse fantasy world.

If I have to die an be reborn in another world, being reborn in something out of an off-kilter survival horror game would definitely make my already-bad situation even worse.


It's not that I don't feel bad for the people who lived here. The sight of the fallen lady knight is plenty grim, and the innkeeper's son must have suffered horribly. But I never met them. There's a distance between us that won't be closed, now that they're gone.

"... This place must have really been bustling, before all that happened," I find myself commenting, before sighing, "... You're right, let's gather some bags and get moving. The faster we get out of this city, the faster we'll be out of immediate danger. Then we can get our bearings.

... A bell...?

There's no mistaking it. I can hear it loud and clear. It's a bell, kind of like what you'd expect to hear from a western church or something similar.

Out the window, I can see the undead suddenly turning, walking down the street, in the direction of the sound. Did someone ring it, or was it set to do that on its own? Why did the undead respond to it like that?

These are all uneasy questions, aren't they? But in the here and now, it means we can leave without getting immediately attacked.

I inhale deeply.

"Alright. I don't know how to fight, so I shouldn't go first. I think the hammer girl-" I pause for a moment.

I don't know anyone's names.

"We... we should probably introduce ourselves, shouldn't we? I'm-"


On one hand, my real name will let everyone know that I was-I am a man.

On the other, it'll let them know I'm a man, which will make my situation a thousand times more awkward then it already is.

I'd prefer to put that revelation off a little, as much as it pains me a bit.

"... C-call me Sephily, for now..."

... Hopefully no-one else here has read The Elf Mage Doesn't Approve.

@PKMNB0Y@Aku the Samurai@SilverPaw@RolePlayerRoxas

Witch's Household

"An... animatronic?" the elderly tortoise asked, "Oh, my... Is that like an automata?"

He chuckled warmly.

"I'm afraid I'm nothing so grand as that. These old bones are all natural."

He bowed his head once more as the goblin departed inside.

"... You're talking plenty of nonsense," Ilsa said, after a few moments of incredulous staring, "But the more I hear, the more it sounds like you aren't drunk or under the influence of anything else. And since you really don't seem to know anything, maybe you are from somewhere far away."

She let out a heavy sigh.

"I suppose I can't blame you for disturbing the shrine, then, but now I have to explain to you..." she complained aloud, her shoulders sagging.

"Well, Ilsa, it is your job, you're the Witch of the Forest after all~"

The silky-smooth, playful, sultry female voice seemed to come out of no-where. But, in fact, it had escaped the beak of the raven perched upon Ilsa's shoulder.

The Substitute Witch stared blankly at her for a moment.

"Now you talk, and it's just to give me trouble?" she nearly growled with a glare at the midnight-colored bird, "Aren't familiars supposed to make a witch's life easier?"

The raven simply snickered, before hopping off of Ilsa's shoulder. A flurry of black feathers surrounded it, through which the sight of its body expanding and shifting could just barely be glimpsed.

When it concluded, it had been replaced with a pale-skinned, black-haired woman with dark makeup, wearing equally dark clothing, with a rather low cut. Compared to Ilsa, she was considerably taller, and with a much more mature figure.

The only thing that marked her true nature was the feathers protruding from her wavy hair on either side of her head.

"Forgive dear Ilsa, she's been quite surly recently," the raven woman said, smiling pleasantly.

Ilsa's glare only intensified.

"And you're certainly not helping. Hmph."

Crossing her arms over her chest, the Witch inhaled deeply before continuing.

"Since you don't know anything, I'll at least tell you where you are. This is the Great Sea of Green, the Forest of Lorkay. The largest forest in these lands, and the one blessed with the most natural richness."

Despite the fact she almost certainly was not responsible for the forest, it sounded like she was proud of it all the same.

When she spoke again, her voice had taken on a darker tone.

"And that shrine was once a place of worship, for the divine spirit that dwelled in these lands. That time passed long ago, though, and now it's just a ruin. Those who approach it are likely to be hunted down and devoured by that creature without my intervention, which is why it's strictly off-limits."

Her voice was more quiet as she continued.

"Unfortunately, just staying away from the shrine isn't always enough these days... In any case,as long as you stay here, you'll be safe. Just don't leave without me, and don't follow any fairies, or else you'll get to learn first hand about the Spiraling Path and the Garden of False Reflections."

Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Neir — Guardhouse

Though she still felt a fair deal of responsibility for Cassius' current troubles, Meira couldn't help but nod her head in silent acceptance at the elf's assertion that he was the one at fault for his current situation. The catgirl didn't share those sentiments, but whether or not the injured elf truly believed that or was simply speaking pleasantries the young woman felt it as good a time as any to simply drop the topic for the moment.

It was at that moment that Cassius' odd companion, paranoid as he had been since the last time she had seen him, had chosen to enter the room. The fact that he was here meant that the guards were done questioning him, and it was at least admirable that he had chosen to check in on the elf instead of fleeing with his...

Newfound spoils of battle?

"...I guess that explain where the knives on that bastard went," she remarked, noting how odd the ensemble looked on the young man to herself before Cassius suggested that a meal was in order—though, obviously enough, not for him.

"I feel like you'd probably be owed a bit more than a meal, but that's fine by me," she replied as she glanced towards 'C'. "If you want to work on your own time, though, it might be a good idea to stop by the Adventurer's Guild..."

The catgirl trailed off before simply shrugging her shoulders.

"If you want to some of that work you were asking about for some coin, though, you'll need an adventurer plate. That would take a while, though, but I'll let you decide what you want to do."

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Neir Slums — Guardhouse

《 Level 1 Beggar 》

"Food would be good, yes." Connor said quickly, nervously eyeing the elf. He didn't appear maimed, but something was clearly wrong with the elf. "But, uh, we should probably make sure we get a...doggy bag? You know, for...S?" He looked meaningfully at Cassius, before he turned to Meira. He could only look the catwoman in the eyes for a moment before his anxiety, and his instincts, caused his eyes to drift elsewhere on her body...

Can she hear out of those ears? Does she have human ones under her hair? They have fur tufts on the inside, does she have to trim them? That seems like it'd be gross...

"Um, w-well, if it'd take a while...we, uh, we could p-probably just call it a day after eating, then." He shoved his hands in his pockets as he fidgeted on the heels of his feet. His eyes shifted back to Meira's face, but only for a moment before he glanced at the wall instead. "But, uh, can I poke your brain along the way?" He assumed they'd be walking somewhere, and probably sitting for a while wherever they went for food. "Like, you just talked about plates, which I'm assuming are ranks? Are we working with like... F through S? Copper-to-Platinum?" He stepped away from the door and gestured for her to lead the way. "And like...what power levels are we talking here? Is one S rank worth a whole army?"

While he let his brain's rambling babble take over his mouth, he noted the slime's latest message. If he could get several meals worth of food out of Meira, hopefully it would be enough to fuel the non-humanoid member of their party long enough for them to grow a full set of working faculties. Until the slime could be somewhat self-sufficient, Connor just wouldn't feel right exploring the city alone. The contact function allowed them to stay in touch with one another, but if something were to happen, he very much doubted his ability to run back to the shack before something killed, ate, or captured the slime.

"Oh, and, uh, Cassius? Are you gonna head back to...check on S?" he added just before they left, poking his head back through the doorway.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Thunder999999
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago


Metal Bird Forest

"If you insist!"
As the metal bird closes in Vrelenor does in fact shoot it, he aims his staff swifts and fires a trio of ice-javelins, towards the creature's head, time to see how well ice magic handles armour! "If you insist!"
Despite the danger he's a little excited, he'd have preferred something less dangerous looking, but what sort of fantasy adventure doesn't involve heroes gloriously slaying monsters, plus he really wants that xp.
As the projectiles close the distance he gathers more magic, cold air gathering around the tip of his staff, if the projectiles don't work, maybe he can try cold instead of ice, sap the thing's body heat, but the same way he knows how to do magic at all, he knows that that'll have to wait until it's closer.

@Crusader Lord @Expendable @Crimson Paladin
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Bianca, Ruined Inn

It seemed like a new plan of action had been decided, as Bianca emerged from the cellar after Sylva. So they were going to make their escape sooner rather than later? Sure, as roomy as this place, cleaning up all the dust and... remains would be quite the hassle, huh? Not to mention all the noisy neighbours that kept trying to find a way inside. She was surprised to hear the ringing of a bell from somewhere outside. This place had a belltower? Was someone operating it?! The unsettling scratching and clawing was dying down as the undead seemed to be attracted to the bell instead, which was certainly a welcome reprieve. Then again, with how easily that one zombie was dispatched by a little tap, perhaps facing down a horde wouldn't be that bad?

Before Bianca could ponder on that too much, Sephily's words reminded her that they hadn't properly introduced themselves to each other in full. She certainly hadn't! Given the circumstances, perhaps a little udnerstandable, but since they were in this together...

"Sephily, huh? Cute name for a cutie!" Bianca chirped brightly, patting the elf's head atop her beret, then pointing a thumb towards her grinning face, "As for me, name's Bianca! ...I guess?"

That name had come so naturally to her, even though it definitely wasn't the name she'd used her whole (previous) life. Perhaps this body was just naturally a Bianca-type? Whatever the reason, the name felt right, so might as well roll with that for now. Once introductions were finished, Bianca searched for something to carry supplies in... even if it was going to be mostly water, a lot of the food didn't seem worth bringing.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Aku the Samurai
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Aku the Samurai

Member Seen 15 hrs ago


??? — Ruined Inn(?)

The reactions the others had to the journal were mixed, though all of them had similar thoughts on it. Sora’s thoughts mostly mirrored his own, and it made a lot of sense, of course. By all indications, whatever had happened to the town was no accident. That, however, still left the problem of who—or, more likely, what—had caused it all. It sent a shiver down his spine, and he couldn’t tell whether it was excitement or apprehension. There was–

Sylva’s thoughts ground to a halt at the sound of a bell.

What the....?

Sora was the first to comment on it and Sylva was conflicted

On one hand, judging by the state of the rest of the town, and the building they were in, Sylva doubted that automatic bells were a thing here. But on the other hand, magic was, in fact, a thing here, so nothing was for certain. At least the sound had drawn the zombies’ attention.

“Yeah.... we should gather what we can before heading out.”

However, before he could get to that, the little blonde elf spoke up with a reminder that none of them had introduced themselves to each other. Except for Sora, but she wasn’t there for that.

The little blonde elf went ahead with the introductions first, and he tilted his head in confusion. Hm.... Sephily. Where had he heard that name before? Ah, well, if he couldn’t remember, then it probably wasn’t anything important.

The taller blonde woman introduced herself as Bianca next and he smiled back at her. Now, he supposed it was his turn. For a moment, though, he was quiet.

This was a fantasy world, right? New world, new life. A fresh start.

“.... I’m Sylva,” he eventually said, a slight alteration from the nickname he was used to. It had felt right in the moment, although he wasn’t sure why. Yet another mystery to figure out....

“Nice to meet you, Sephy!” Sylva said with a broad grin, mimicking the other blonde’s gesture of patting the little elf's beret-covered head, “You, too, Bianca!”

He’d think of a nickname for her later. For now, they had some supplies to find.

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Expendable
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Expendable The Certifiable

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Jase the Assassin (Mosslit Crew)

??? — ??? Forest

Jase's smile slipped as he saw the ice mage had cast his icicles at the bird's head - which it could easily bob out of the way.

"Center of mass!" he yells, "Center of mass! Aim at its torso!"

What he others were doing, he had no idea, but for now, its attention was on them. Hopefully, this wasn't a feint. If it darted around them to go for the others, it might still try to side-slash them with its wing. The knight at least had good protection, but how would it fare against the bird?

In any case, he had to be ready to jump - and hoped that he could with this strange, untrained body.

@Crusader Lord@Thunder999999@Crimson Paladin
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