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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Fading Memory
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Fading Memory The Final Flame of a Fiery Bird

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Zavakri is gnawing upon the knuckle of her left hand as if it would forever sate her hunger. Raw nerves apparent in the woman as she gingerly moved among the company of would-be-rebels. She observed Aurora with much trepidation, and, indeed, a spectral abacus appeared in the air at her side as she began to perform a swift accounting of the situation. The numbers could be modified, of course, but a raw assessment never hurt things!

Finally relinquishing her knuckle from her mouth she made a grand effort of wiping her hand clean on her trousers, before the gears in her eyes began to turn as she prepared to harness the orderly component of magic that was uniquely unlocked to her personage. When their scheme came to fruition and the rebellion was launched, she was prepared to cast.

OOC: Formally declaring a 'held' action to twin-cast 'Reduce' upon the King and the largest-seeming of all the enemy knights should a combat break out. Since this will use her Reaction, there will be no need to query her other usual shenanigans.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 15 min ago

Elemental Plane of Air

Ishaan's Palace: Courtyard

The girl visibly winces and tenses up in fear at Brutrumukk's angry words. While Jub is catching his breath, she answers him hesitantly, "That's...literally impossible. He's my familiar. The moment a familiar gets hurt, they vanish back to their original plane. So...you can't really eat him..."

She then apologizes, "Please pardon him. He insults everybody. Even me!"

Her attention is drawn to Jub as he speaks up, apologizing for Brutrumukk and asking her where they are. She answers him, "Oh! I don't mind at all,"

She clears her throat and begins a practiced speech with a bombastic and cheerful tone, gesturing around her, "You are currently standing in the Courtyard...Nay; The Palace of the Great, Powerful, Wise, Omniscient, and Benevolent Ishaan!" She stands awkwardly, after gesturing, as though realizing this should have been spoken inside of the palace.

She goes back to her normal tone of voice, "I am sorry to say that this is the Elemental Plane of Air. Unless you can fly, there really isn't anywhere else you can go if you don't want to find yourself falling forever and ever,"

She then reassures, "But! I'm sure Master Ishaan can help the two of you once he returns,"



Downfall: His Royal Majesty King Gullop XIX (D6)

The King turns his attention to Aurora, Zavakri, and Gabriel as they approach the King and Aurora begins speaking. He seems intrigued by Aurora's words as he rubs his chin with a hand. Both Aurora and Zavakri can see that Illig has moved like he went to convene with the other nobles, and after a few whispers, he is moving slowly and subtly, grabbing a glaive from under a cushion...

The King answers Aurora, "Interesting. Brought here against your will, my dear? Well...Bavlorna would have a way back. You would have to speak with her. It's a good thing you came here first. You need my permission, my blessing, to be able to speak with her...."

Illig is behind the King at this point with the glaive unsheathed.

"Now I can give you my blessing if you..."

The King doesn't even get a chance to respond. The glaive glints in what little sunlight is there in the twilight of this realm as it is brought down and beheads the King!

There is only silence from the Bullywugs as they look from the head to Illig.

Illig takes the crown and places it upon his head. He calls out, "King Gullop XIX is no more! I am now King!" The bullywugs cry out in response,

"All hail King Illig!!!"

The coup was a success.

@Lurking Krog@Dark Cloud@Fading Memory@Cao the Exiled
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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A frustrated growl rumbled free of Brutrumukk's throat as once again another bird had wronged him and then slipped through his fingers. Fortunately, the bugbear gnome was quickly able to console himself with chuckling cruelly at the girl's expense when she went through an entire dramatic introduction speech only to awkwardly realize that she had said it in the wrong place. However, the good vibes brought on by the schadenfreude were short lived. When the girl mentioned that they were in the Elemental Plane of Air, Brutrumukk tried to check his gnomish intellect for any knowledge about the place. But all he could come up with was vague memories of stories his mother used to tell at the campfire. Memories that made the strange feeling he'd felt back at that walking inn after seeing a casting of Druidcraft return.

Wanting very much for the strange feeling to stop, Brutrumukk focused on the next thing he perceived. That being the girl saying that this Master Ishaan could help once he returned. "Oh 'e can, can 'e?" Brutrumukk asked. "An' what 'elp d'you reckon a windy nob like 'im would give us? An' what'd 'e expect in return too, fer that matter?"
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

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Jub the Peculiar

"Well, if he lives here in the Plane of Air, it's likely he has some way to get around this place. Maybe another balloon or something that we can borrow," Jub quickly cut in after Brutrumukk's question, trying very hard to make sure the gnome's mannerisms didn't offend or upset anyone. "Worst come to worst, I can try and fly us out of here. But whether he can help us or not, there is something you might be able to help us with... well, specifically me. If you can summon a familiar, you wouldn't happen to have the components for doing so? I, err, lost my familiar about..." He paused, suddenly realising he didn't actually know how long had past since they had been at the Carnival. "Couple of days ago? Maybe three?" He shook his head. "Hard to keep track, but let's just say, longer than I think she'd be happy with, and I have been unable to resummon her since so... if you have any of those to spare, that would be really helpful."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


It was all over before Aurora realized it. She hadn't even caught the conversation between Illig and the other nobles. Her eyes were drawn to the head as it rolled away from the corpse of the former king of the bullywugs. Part of her wondered if this was a good idea and if Illig would honor the agreement.

Aurora approached and gave a slight bow. "Congratulations King Illig, may your rule be long. If we may, my companions and I would like to resume working on some tasks given to us. We have much to do and little time to do it in. No doubt you will remember the services we gave you to aide in your ascension to becoming king." She bowed again this time trying to get a better look at the book Gullop had in his hands.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Fading Memory
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Fading Memory The Final Flame of a Fiery Bird

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Zavakri's prepared mystical might surges-- but fizzles as the climax swiftly becomes anticlimax. She tenses, eyes bright, only to hold that tension as Illig proclaims his usurpation. Then, her tenseness slowly fades into a queer relief and awkwardness. She coughs once, then lowers her hands into a limp and energy-less state at her sides.

"...Er...Yeah! Cheers, mate, you did it. Glad to be of service. It's good to see...er...evolution and...ah...progress come to the state, cor, double good it is." She contributes with verbal gusto despite her suddenly exhausted-seeming physical state.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 15 min ago

Elemental Plane of Air

Ishaan's Palace: Courtyard

The girl does react with a slight cringe in response to the cruel laugh from Brutrumukk. But she looks surprised when Brutrumukk spoke his question. Before she can respond to his question, Jub speaks up and asks for help to summon his familiar once more.

She answers Jub, "Oh! Certainly, I can help with that!" She then looks to Brutrumukk, and she speaks to him with a small smile, "As for what Master can do to help, I'm afraid I can't speak on his behalf when it comes to agreements like what you are proposing. I am just a humble servant. That is something you would have to discuss with Master yourself, when he returns,"

She then speaks to Jub once more, "The materials I have for Find Familiar are inside. However, before we go inside, please allow me to establish some...ground rules, if you will. This is for all guests!"

She then lists off the rules, "Rule 1: Please do not touch or take any of the artifacts on display. All of them are magical, so you wouldn't want to get cursed by touching something you shouldn't have.

Rule 2: You will want to follow me and stay by my side as I lead you through the palace. The palace is well guarded against thieves, and nothing is as it seems. Not to mention, the palace is quite large. You don't want to get lost here.

Rule 3: Don't go into the other wings. The main wing is best suited for living conditions for those of the Material Plane. The other wings mimic the hostile environments of other planes, such as the Plane of Fire.

If any of these rules are broken, you will immediately be assumed to be thieves instead of guests, and forced off of the premises,

She then says, "And with that, please follow me," She then walks to the palace entrance, leading both goblin and gnome.



Downfall: His Royal Majesty King Gullop XIX (D6)

King Illig smiles at Aurora and Zavakri as they give their congratulations to the new monarch. He answers the both of them, "The revolution was possible, thanks to you!"

He looks to the fellow bullywugs and he calls to them, "Put the previous King's head with the others!" As they bow, take the beheaded head of the deposed king and head to the bridge, King Illig looks to the large book the previous King had on his lap.

King Illig picks up the book, and he looks to Aurora and Zavakri and he walks over to them with the book in hand. He speaks to them, "You are welcome to the box in the hut, and you can have this as well! Consider this as a Thank You and a form of Hospitality!"

Upon looking at the book, Aurora and Zavakri would see that this book has the title reading,

"Bavlorna's Big Book of Bad Blood,"

@Lurking Krog@Dark Cloud@Fading Memory@Cao the Exiled
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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Once the rules had been explained and the request to follow had been made, Brutrumukk followed the girl to the palace entrance. "By the way, 'ave you by any chance seen a cat the size of an ogre 'round 'ere?" The bugbear gnome asked as the group walked. "It was on our balloon when we took off, but there ain't been no sign of it since then."
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Aurora took the book while giving an appreciation head nod. "Thank you for your kind hospitality and gift king Illig. We will remember the gift you have given. If we may, I believe my companions and I would like to visit the thunder cloud as I have heard there is a merchant there. I'm sure my companions would like to resupply before we go on any other ventures as well as I do." She said as she started to stowe the book in her bag. With a quick glance to the others, Aurora turns to leave the Bullywug court. She couldn't help but wonder if she made the right deal, and if Jub and Brutrumukk had managed to get to safety in the balloon. She might have to ask one of the guards later for more details.

The elf kept her pace consistent as she walked back towards the thunder cloud, waiting till they were all away from the Bullywugs. "It appears that our two lost companions have stowed away on a balloon. That might complicate our plan in dealing with Bavlorna. I'm honestly surprised that there were not more injured Bullywugs given how prone to fighting Brutrumukk is."

Aurora looked to the sky for any signs of the balloon wondering where the pair had ended up or if they were just floating through Hither.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

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Jub the Peculiar

The whole time Aaliyah was listing off the rules, Jub was side-eying Brutrumukk to make sure the gnome was paying attention. Thankfully, the former bugbear neither seemed to interrupt or dismiss any of her warnings, and the two started following after the girl as she lead them through the palace. "Yes, it's the reason we ended up crashing," Jub added after Brutrumukk's question as he begins surveying his surroundings. "It just appeared and destroyed our balloon before promptly disappearing. It didn't appear to have wings or anything, so who knows where it got to."
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Cao the Exiled
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Cao the Exiled

Member Seen 18 days ago

Tsak Vlos

Tsak had found a tree to sit under, reflecting on everything that's happened. How has this young fey gone from barely adult circus hand, to helping... somewhat, a rebellion over throw a king. How long ago was it that these strange adventurers had come into her boring life and whisked her away to the Feywild. She's watched one of their own die, only to come back as a whole new race. She wandered the wilds alone, seen more then most circus hands her age. Tsak's sketch pad was starting to fill out more and more with the wonders she'd seen, and she was starting to ponder if she made the right choice in leaving, or better off staying with the Witchlight.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Fading Memory
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Fading Memory The Final Flame of a Fiery Bird

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Zavakri's anxieties came to a swift denouement after such apparent anti-climax as their encounter with the king and the coup. She joyfully fell into step once Aurora achieved ownership of the book, and folded her arms behind her head as she followed along. Her eyes, however, moved to the side to begin recalling the path of the balloon in the air as she had gauged its trajectory from their revel hideout.

"Hm. I'm getting a strange sensation, like the shoe is about to drop. But I've already said that I'd make an effort to address these pesky internal biases, and so here we go. Trusting Brut and Jub. I believe in them. They wouldn't...disappoint...me..." She trailed off as she spoke, before sighing. "Ahem, I'm... I'm trusting them. This shop sounds like a wonderful time. Something ordinary."
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 15 min ago

Elemental Plane of Air

Ishaan's Palace: Courtyard

Aaliyah pauses as she listens to Brutrumukk and Jub as they ask about the cat that popped their swamp gas balloon. She repeats part of the question thoughtfully, "A cat the size of an ogre...?"

She then shakes her head and answers, "I'm afraid I haven't seen any cats the size of an ogre around here, sorry," After that, she proceeds to lead the duo into the palace.

Ishaan's Palace: Main Hall

Entering inside the palace, the ceiling looms high above them, painted with beautiful, intricate fresco. Jub would realize that the fresco depicts numerous events in history, some recognizable in Faerun, and some completely unrecognizable! At the center of the fresco seems to swirling center of a whirlpool or tornado, depicting multiple words and planes! It's almost dizzying to stare into the center...

The main hall is pristine, clean, and practically shining. As Aaliyah mentioned, there are numerous artifacts lining the hall and center of the paths, like they're museum pieces! They even have information placards in front of the cases.

Jub and even Brutrumukk can tell that the artifacts are...impressive to put it mildly. It probably would take them a lifetime of adventuring, if not more, to acquire magic items like these on their own.

At the end of the hall ahead of entrance sits a golden, ornate throne in front of two stairs leading upwards. The hall itself is also has several passages on the ground floor.

Aaliyah moves to one of those passages and she tells Brutrumukk and Jub, "This way, please. I have the components for Find Familiar in my room,"



Downfall: Trinket, Bauble, and Charm's (D10)

Under Aurora's leadership, the party makes their way to the thunder cloud, and the rumored shop underneath it.

The party sees a big black balloon floating over the lake, tugging at its moorings. Beneath it hangs a basket made of black wicker and wood, which serves as a merchant's stall. A large pane of gray glass is drawn closed across an opening above the counter. A sign mounted above the window reads, "Wondrous Wares & Fair Fares!"
The balloon is not made of fabric, but rather appears to be a roiling, dark rain cloud that has been contained somehow with lines and netting.

The sign for the shop, hanging below the counter, reads

Very good thimble (fingertip not included)
Mug of Bumble Beer (has a nice sting to it)
Duskmallow pie (with decorative bite marks)
Bundle of dry wood (great for starting fires)
Ink portraits (if we have to look at you, so should you)
Moonlight monocle (no more fumbling in the dark)

At the counter stands a familiar, tall, feminine figure with grey skin, and a wide brimmed, black, pointed hat. She is waving her hand over a crystal orb with smoke swirling inside it, with an unreadable, unsmiling expression on her face.

As soon as the party is close enough for her to notice, and a crooked smile returns to her face as she straightens herself up,

"Ah! I remember you from our brief meeting in Bavlorna's Hut. Welcome to Trinket, Bauble, and Charm's," She greets the four with an eerily calm voice.

@Lurking Krog@Dark Cloud@Fading Memory@Cao the Exiled
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


"Why would you suspect there is another shoe to drop? While I suspect Charm does not have the best intentions to us I do not think that a reason to be concerned. That being said I do not think this shop with be anything ordinary either. Having been here for gods know how long, and what little bit I remember from stories, very little in this place is ordinary."

As the group approached Aurora noticed charm sitting with a smoke filled crystal orb in front of her. The eerily calm greeting from Charm did unsettled Aurora. Something about Charm bothered her all together. She knew that Charm had advised Bavlorna to leave Downfall and that they believed the group would be trapped here. Aurora did her best to bury the emotion and keep her expression on of naivety. "Yes we did meet briefly at Bavlorna's home. I remember you saying you had a shop out here under a thunder cloud. I'm not really see much of interest. Do you have thing else? " She asked looking around to see if there was anything else.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Brutrumukk tried to look around for any signs of the cat having passed by, but he quickly forgot all about the cat when he was led into the main hall of the palace.

The bugbear gnome's mouth fell open as he beheld the sight that lay before him. "So much treasure." Brutrumukk breathed in pure wonder as his avaricious gaze swept over every item in the room. Never before had he seen so many valuable things in the same place in his entire life. How did this Ishaan guy manage to get all of it? Why did the just leave lying around his house?

...Would anyone really notice if two or three of the smaller, less notable things went missing?
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jub the Peculiar

Before the doors to the palace opened, Jub had telling himself within his own mind that his only goals right now were to retrieve his Familiar and return to the rest of his companions, and that he would not be swayed or distracted by anything else. After all, Aaliyah had made it clear that there would be severe repercussions if any of her master's rules were broken.

And then the palace doors open and his focus instantly vanished as he was surrounded by more riches and splendor than he had ever seen in his life. His eyes darted, first to the fresco on the ceiling which depicted a variety of scenes - some familiar, some less so - and then to the many, many artifacts that were just out on display. He supposed that the palace being suspended in the sky made theft a little tricky for most, but still... just leaving so many valuables out, for anyone to see...

"This way, please. I have the components for Find Familiar in my room," Aaliyah called as she made her way down the hallway, seemingly unphased by all the splendor around her.

"Er, right!" Jub said, quickly snapping out his awe as his mind struggled to remember why exactly they were here. He looked over at Brutrumukk, hoping the gnome hadn't wandered off already. "Let's go, shall we?"
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Fading Memory
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Fading Memory The Final Flame of a Fiery Bird

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Zavakri stops to read the sign.

"Oh, can't go wrong with a good thimble. I'm not quite sure a beer is meant to sting, but perhaps be stinging? Duskmallow pie..."

She taps her chin. Tilts her head.

"Cor, no blimey idea on that one."

She squints.

"...Well, you know where you stand when you've got a bundle of dry wood. Can't go wrong with dry wood. Never know when you're going to wish you had dry wood. Oh, that's just darling, they do portraiture. I'm...Incomprehensibly broke by Baldur's Gate standards at the moment, but that'd be so adorable."

She finally begins entering the shop after Aurora, chuckling to herself as she continues.

"I can think of a few things that are worth fumbling in the dark for, eh Ror-"

She stops. Blinks. Looks from Aurora to Charm. She puffs her cheeks out and blows a stray hair from her face. She busies her hands at her waist, smoothing out her tunic before propping her hands up on her hips. Something about Charm bothered her all together. She failed to bury the emotion.

"Mistress Charm, was it? Has anyone ever told you that your features fit entirely within the golden ratio? I'm quite jealous, honest; If I trimmed my bangs I'd have quite the large forehead, and I've always been a little conscious that my chin is somewhat small. You, though? Positively proportional. And your skin tone-- positively regal, in... er... a manner of speaking."

She clears her throat, blushing somewhat.

"How much for the moonlight monocle and a bundle of dry wood?"
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 15 min ago

Elemental Plane of Air

Ishaan's Palace: Main Hall

In this main hall, Brutrumukk notices that there aren't any smaller treasures that he couldn't easily carry out. But maybe the smaller treasures are kept elsewhere...?

Aaliyah does lead the both of them to a smaller room that seems to be a comfortable waiting room. She tells them, "Wait here please," She quickly moves past a door, and after some sounds of rummaging, she comes back out with the materials needed for the Find Familiar ritual.

She hands the materials to him and she tells him, "Here you are; The materials needed for Find Familiar,"



Downfall: Trinket, Bauble, and Charm's (D10)

After Aurora asked her question, Charm feigned a sad sigh as she answers her,

"I do apologize for the lack of wares available. Apparently, a naked gnome and a goblin wizard saw fit to slaughter Trinket and Bauble before ransacking our shop not too long ago,"

She gestures to the orb she had been peering into before on the counter, and she offers, "You are welcome to see for yourself, if you so wish. Suffice to say, those two are no longer welcome in...my shop now,"

She then gives a smile, "But there is no need to fret. I was able to restock on some wares on my way back,"

Her smile grows wider as she mentions to Aurora, "Also...you and yours have been so helpful back in that hut. I intend to follow the Rule of Reciprocity: I have information for you that will be quite helpful for you, if you wish to pursue Bavlorna..."

She looks to Zavakri as she finishes the thought, "...And find Detara,"

Charm is immediately surprised when Zavakri started to flirt with her. Her surprised blink and look lasts only for a moment, before her smile returns. She answers Zavakri's flirt, "Why thank you, dear. I must say, your compliments are a pleasant surprise,"

She strokes her chin and studies Zavakri when she asked about the price for the dry wood and the Moonlight Monocle. As she does so, she informs Zavakri, "Oh, coin is not needed for our transactions dear. So there is no need to worry about 'how much' is needed for payment..."

After a bit longer for silence, she soon answers Zavakri,

"For the Moonlight Monocle, I would like...some of your emotional resiliency towards death. As for the dry wood, that would be other's perception of your blood,"

She gives a humored smile as she clarifies, "Others will perceive your blood as crimson,"

@Lurking Krog@Dark Cloud@Fading Memory@Cao the Exiled
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


When Charm mentioned a naked gnome and a goblin wizard Aurora knew exactly who Charm was talking about. She let out a exasperated sigh wondering if reuniting with them was a good idea or not as it seemed that Brutrumukk was still very much his reckless self.

Charm's wide grin left Rory unsettled, and she was unsure how they were helpful. It didn't help that Zavakri was rather enamored with Charm. Aurora preteneded she didn't hear Zav's commentary about a few things worth stumbling in the dark for added to the awkwardness she felt.

"How exactly were we helpful to you? I seem to recall that all we did was interrupt your conversation with Bavlorna earlier." She asked trying not to show her discomfort.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


"So much treasure." Brutrumukk repeated as he was led into another room. "So much treasure... 'Ow did it all get 'ere...? Why 'as it all just been left lyin' about?"
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