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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 26 days ago

An ancient power once existed in this universe. A small, bluish-purple orb that birthed destiny and fate itself. This power, the cause of many ancient wars. Crumbling, and shattering into a thousand pieces after one use, it has since been long forgotten in this world…


Somewhere in Hueco Mundo…

Nine figures of various races sat in white chairs across a large, black, round table. Some appeared bored, others waiting expectedly, while some just looked annoyed.

#10, green haired male: “Does anyone know what the fuck we were called here for? I mean, seriously, it feels like we’ve been here AAAAAAALLLLL FUUUUUUCKIN DAAAAAAAY!”

#3, white haired male, crossed arms, eyes closed: “I would suggest speaking with more respect.” He opened his eyes. “Don’t forget he’s the reason you live, so the least you can offer is your time.”

#8, red-haired female, giggles with her fingers to her lips: “And it probably doesn’t help that you’ve been complaining since you got here… the last of us to get here.”

#5, black-haired male: “Plus it’s only been thirty minutes… it’s not like you’ve got anything to do anyway.”

#10 slams his hands on the table: “Oh, look who wants to speak up! The literal fuckin’ baby!” #5 raises his left hand to show the number five tattooed in black ink. He then lowers all his fingers except his middle, which got chuckles out of even the most stoic of members.

“Ah, you got fuckin’ lucky!” A green disc of spiritual energy emerged from #10’s left palm as he stood. “I can take any of you, any day of the week!” #5 was more than happy to oblige. He stood up as well, and in his right hand emerged five floating orbs that look to be made of ash and soot.

“Alright my children, that’s enough out of you!” A voice emerged. A purple mass of spatial energy sprawled across the ceiling as two figures stepped out and stood upside down in the air. “Save your energy for our inevitable fight with the Gotei 13.”

The two figures took to the floor and sat in their respective chairs. #2 sat in between #1 and #3 while the other man sat at the head of the table, looking over everyone. “With those Shinigami being slaughtered,” he shoots a glance at #10, “It’s only a matter of time before they catch on. Nevertheless we still have the advantage.” He smiles a warm smile, placing half an orb covered in blood on the table. It glowed as an immense power emanated from it.

“Time to enact Step Two…”


Hikari Shinrai

An arm, severed from a body, flew into the air as Hikari dashed forward and withdrew his blade from its sheath. ‘Did I miss?’ Hikari used the same momentum to spin around. To his surprise, his enemy, with one arm, was right upon him. His remaining arm, striking in a punch with the power to rip through space and time itself. Blood splattered across his face as a figure, clad in absolute metal, jumped in front of him to shield him from the blow.

The blood would fall down his face, into his eyes, before dissolving into the face of a pink-haired woman. The same woman that would kill him if he ever dared called her hair pink, instead of Reddish-Blonde. Her bright blue eyes glared angrily at him, asking why he was staring at her instead of responding. Was that the moment he realized he loved his lieutenant? In a dainty restaurant he and Kenta grew up stealing food from in the 80th district. It was funny, being known as a romantic by everyone except the woman he fell for. She made him nervous, so nervous he bluntly professed his love and sat in shock. Her cheeks turned red as she gave him a warm smile, putting dango up to his lips and feeding him. She would bluntly tell him that he was cute but needed to work harder to earn her love.

Hikari opened his eyes, blinking a few times and shielding his eyes from the sun. “Huh?” He cleared his throat. “That’s weird…” He wiped a single, wet, substance from the left side of his cheek. “It must have been raining while I was sleeping…” Hikari raised his bottle to his lips and to his surprise, not a drop was left. He yelled angrily as he tossed the bottle off the tree he was laying in.

“Great, now I gotta meet these new brats sober…” Hikari sighed and stood up, dusting himself off before preparing to attend the ceremony.


Welcome To The Gotei 13!

In the capital of the Soul Society, a vibrant and energetic festival took place in the Seireitei to celebrate the new graduates. It was dusk, and the peak of cherry blossom season as they flew across the city. Lanterns of various designs adorned the sky, accompanied by the occasional fireworks of Kido. Shinigami performed traditional dances under the moonlight as taiko drums and flute music played. There was an area where Shinigami could display their unique Kido and Zanpakuto spells, anyone could hop on stage to try and impress the crowd. Different cultures across the world, as well as within the Soul Society, were represented in a masked parade that marched across the city. Many stories were told within this marching parade, including the regaining of the Seireitei by the Captain-Commander. Food stalls offered a variety of traditional soul-based foods, meals infused with Spiritual Energy that boosts flavors ten-fold, all for free.

A pink-haired woman, by the name of Sio, served tea to guests surrounding a pavilion. She gave a forced half-smile with every pour, just to roll her eyes once they turned their backs. “Every graduate is here to listen to this speech, and the Captain-Commander is…” She raised an eyebrow.

“Enjoying his own festivities?” The Squad-Ten Captain, Takehiro, responded as they laughed.

The new graduates were told to arrange here in order to meet the Captain-Commander, as well as representatives from different Squads. They stood within the pavilion, adorned in special cloaks that had their Division and Rank engraved. Takehiro represented Squad-Ten as Captain, although everyone knew him by now. Sio represented Squad-Four as 4th seat. Representing Squad-Eleven as its Captain, standing at six-seven, stood the Kenpachi Goten. His dark black hair fell over his purple eyes as a purple mask encapsulated his jaw. Representing Squad-Two as 3rd seat stood Aya, a woman at average height with blue hair and hazel-brown eyes. Her garb was significantly different from the rest. Seki represented Squad-Three as its Lieutenant. Her long, brown, hair swayed in the wind as her eyes pulsated yellow with a continuous glow around her. Her spiritual energy was continuously pouring out, yet had a calming effect to it. Finally, there stood the off-putting Captain of Squad-Six. An extremely pale man by the name of Umeki. He had short black hair and various piercings across his face. He wore an intense, bizarre, look as he scanned over the crowd with the occasional “Kekeke~”

When things were beginning to feel too-awkward to stand around, a voice bellowed from the sky. “WELL HELLO EVERYONE!” Hikari landed suddenly, and then made his way onto the pavilion. “I’m sorry to keep you all waiting, but when duty calls it can’t go unignore-” Takehiro cleared his throat as Hikari matched his eyes, trailing down to the bottle still in his hand.

Hikari chuckled. “Oops, well, you guys can’t have all the fun!” He shrugged. “Well let me get straight to it since I’ve kept you all waiting. I know you’re itching to get back to the festivities.” He scanned the crowd, locking eyes with each and every graduate. “I know some of you are itching to get out in the field as well, but I implore you to enjoy this night and take it all in for what it’s worth. You have dedicated yourself to becoming Shinigami, dedicated yourself to long days and long nights. This may very well be your last calm day.”

“To be a Shinigami is not to be a Hero. Our one and only goal is to maintain balance, by any means necessary. I know you have heard stories of what I’ve done to maintain this balance, to bring peace… but that’s what I’ve done. That’s the past and we’re living in the now. From this moment on I want you to make a promise to get stronger, and find your own way to maintain balance and peace. The future is in your hands, New Generation, and now you have your own story to tell.”

“I realize that probably wasn’t worth the wait to hear me say so little, but formalities and blah blah blah-” Hikari put the bottle to his lips and downed the entire thing in one go, letting out a ferocious burp. “Oh yeah, use this as an opportunity to get to know these wonderful people up here. You probably won’t have another opportunity later.” Hikari began walking off without a care in the world, waving goodbye. “I’ll be around, so catch me if you need me…” Takehiro sighed as Sio facepalmed, and to think the speech was actually getting good.

The various Squad Members would wait around and interact with all those who approached, while the festivities continued on throughout the night.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by RoseKnightJason
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RoseKnightJason Elegant Warrior

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Above the crowd of people, near the back, a figure floated in the sky. A tightly wrapped spear with red ribbons of cloth hanging off the end, supported a man sitting on top of it. He sat with one leg dangling off its side, and his arm rested up on his bent knee. Leaning his head into his hand with a bored expression, the other hand held a straw-thin pipe up to his lips. He had never smoked in life, but now the smoke wouldn't effect his cardio considering he was dead. Small puffs trailed away from him, dissipating into nothing against the night sky. Kobe wasn't exactly anti-social, but had shown up way too early. So when a bunch of other Shinagami he didn't know began filtering into the courtyard, he released his Shikai and retreated into the air. He had been quietly smoking and waiting for some familiar faces to pop up since.

Before he knew it, the crowd was too dense with black robes for him to even pick out one of his friends. Hell, he'd do with an acquaintance at this point just to feel less singled out. So, he just sat where he was atop his Zanpakuto and listened to the Captain-Commander's speech.

The words "Promise to get stronger," rang out like funeral bells in Kobe's head. He had made that promise to himself unprompted when he'd entered the academy. Since his death, he had the feeling that he hadn't lived up to his full potential in life. He refused to make that mistake again. So his academy days had been filled with extra training and studying. He had gone out of his way to find the top students and ask them for tips, or sparring matches. Asami and Nakejima had obliged him more than once, which he was grateful for. Their Illusion-type Zanpakuto had awakened him to the fact that strength was not the only thing he should strive for. Without a proper strategy, someone with more versatile abilities could easily run circles around them. This had been a valuable lesson.

His grades still weren't perfect, he had NO Kido ability to speak of, but he had graduated as one of the better power-type Shinagami and been rather proud of that fact. Still, the Captain's question left him wondering, have I gotten stronger? Really? this self doubt would not leave him, so he scanned the crowd and took another puff to distract himself from it. Then he spotted Jin, and it was as if a chain around his chest made from anxiety had loosened a bit. By this time the Captain's speech was over, and there was enough room between the groups of friends for him to lower himself down next to his friend.

"Damn, who knew the Captain-commander was a brazen alcoholic. Makes me feel not so bad about this little habit I've picked up post-mortem," he commented to the other man, tapping out the ash from his pipe against the hilt of his spear. He deposited the item into the folds of his robes, and looked at Jin with a mischievous grin. Past the other man, he spotted Nakejima standing amongst the crowd. Catching her eye, he gave her a polite waive and turned his attention back to Jin to hear his reply.

Characters mentioned: @Psyker Landshark @RevekaRed @Brink
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by RevekaRed
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Member Seen 1 day ago

After her drink had been poured while awaiting in the pavilion for the Captain-Commander to give his speech, she would idly glance around to all of the amenities going on around her, mainly the food stalls that would every so often catch her glancing in their direction. Even though she was most definitely hungry while being made to wait, she thought it would be idiotic to try and sneak off to get food before hearing the speech from the Captain-Commander. Mostly keeping her hunger back, a frown did take shape on her face as she tried to make sure that she wouldn't make a fool of herself. To keep her focus off of the sweet smells of food, she decided to look around at the representatives for other squads that were here.

She was able to quickly spot the woman from Squad Two whom she knew she wanted to speak with first as she had hoped they had taken notice of her capabilities while in the Academy and how she would very much fit in with them. They would have been mostly ideal for her but she did wonder also where she would better fit in. Asami never really had any goals past graduating the Academy so now she would be free to figure out what it is she wanted to do. As she continued to look through the other reps for the squads, her eyes seemingly couldn't be brought away from the guy who definitely had a 'weirdo' aura about him. She did wonder about his various piercings on his face but stopped thinking about it when she noticed he was seeming like he was laughing rather oddly which made her have a disgusted look on her face as she really thought he was pretty odd just from his behavior alone.

Nearly all of the others seemed rather normal compared to him, even the Kenpachi of Squad Eleven was normal in Asami's mind. Her eyes did go wide when she had heard a voice come from the skies and looked around before seeing the Captain-Commander make his way into the pavilion. While she watched him with suspicious eyes, she did in the very least, did listen diligently to him when he spoke. She did feel a bit unnerved when he glanced around at all of the others and looking them in the eyes and when it got to hers, she surprisingly didn't feel off put by his gaze like she was expecting but did feel a bit empowered by it even though it was fairly obvious to her that he didn't seem like he wanted to be there. As she continued to listen to his words, she did feel a bit motivated by his words but was pretty disappointed by the end of it when he downed his bottle and burped pretty loudly.

Asami's frown seemed to have gotten larger on her face after experiencing the burp that he provided. While disgusted by the action, she did still listen when he had said that they needed to take the opportunity to get to know the individuals here which Asami had been practically waiting for as the Captain-Commander had dismissed himself. As she moved to take a step toward the woman from Squad Two, she did pause for a moment, still fixated on the Captain from Squad Six and looked in his direction for a few moments longer than some people would have liked while having a very stonish look to her face as she stared at him. To most it would seem like she was fairly annoyed or trying to pick a fight with him but that was not the case as she seemed very wary of him and was unsure if she wanted to approach him first or not.

Her hesitation surely couldn't have been noticed among the graduates considering how short she was compared to all of them but with one step toward his direction, she made her way over to the Captain of Squad Six even though she hadn't even given Squad Six a thought when compared to her capabilities. She did notice that most of the graduates seemed to avoid him and head toward squads they would be better fit for and she even became unsure herself as to why she felt drawn to him when she should be going to try and hopefully get in the good graces of Squad Two like she did plan to at the start of the whole thing. She knew for sure that her capabilities were better suited elsewhere but didn't want to waste the opportunity to know him and trust her gut, even though her gut was very wary of him the closer she walked to him. With a very flat look on her face as she stood in front of the Captain from Squad Six, she very quickly gave a bow before saying,

"My name is Asami, sir." She said very bluntly and almost harshly as she spoke, still keeping her personality that she chose to take on still up while she was very much on guard in front of the man in front of her.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Brink
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Member Seen 6 days ago

甚 悟 郎 半 間


"I'm not of a station to comment on our captain commander." Jin said with an air of formality, the tapping pipe of his fellow Shinigami capturing his attention. "But I cannot lie, it doesn't instill confidence." Jin watched further as Kobe picked people out in the crowd, waving to who he recognised as Nakajima. But his next glance was firmly set on his captain, Takehiro, someone with whom Jin did have a modicum of confidence. As an unseated new graduate he wasn't deeply acquainted with any of the captains, only knowing them by name and reputation. But on the few gatherings he was able to observe some of them, particularly those like Umeki, he felt that they had gotten the good end of the stick.

The one person that stood out to Jin was the lieutenant of squad three, Seki, the glow surrounding her almost unavoidable. "Do you think we will get stronger?" he mused almost to himself more than Kobe, yet he still expected an answer. "It must take many years of training to reach the rank of lieutenant. It's daunting to have that much expectation placed on you, don't you find?" Jin was prone to these questions of self confidence, but each time they crossed his mind they eventually sank below the waves of his ambition.

He turned back to Kobe, one of the only class mates he could've conceivably called a friend. Not through lack of personality or opportunity but, as as a member of a noble family, Jin felt he was somewhat less approachable. But in a rare moment of relief after his probing question he smiled back with less mischievousness in his smile than in his words "I bet I get there before you."
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Psyker Landshark return to monke

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Nakajima Ageha

Sometimes, life was a bad joke. Like the idea of pushing your one and only hope of relevance so far past the breaking point that she decided to abandon all ties with you instead. Or, more pertinently, right now. When it turned out the strongest man in Soul Society and the head of the military was evidently an alcoholic buffoon. And a slob. Charming.

Ageha resisted the deep urge to react in any way, her expression stony as the speech ended and the crowd began to disperse around the festival. She could spy Abiko, from the academy, giving her a brief wave off from a distance away. A curt nod of acknowledgement was given in response, though her lip curled in slight distaste at his choice in company. Nonetheless, she continued on, her goal in mind.

There were other squads she didn't have a problem with joining. The Second and the Ninth wouldn't be objectionable. But if Ageha had a choice? She wanted the Eleventh. Frontline combat appealed to her. And so did the squad's culture. Live by the sword, die by the sword. There was a problem? You settled it through strength and skill. The cantankerous spirit of her Zanpakuto rumbled agreement at the notion, and Ageha swiftly tracked down the masked man serving as this generation's Kenpachi.

"Captain Kenpachi," Ageha snapped up into a crisp military salute. "Ageha, Squad Ten." No need to muddy the waters by bringing her noble family name into this. "I'll get to the point: what are you looking for in those who join the Eleventh?"
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Teyao
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

He munched on some meat as he listened to the Big Boss speech, a stick with different food between each finger, he was saying something about growing stronger which he appreciated. But when it reached the part about socializing he lost interest, how did one even get to know others? So far most of the people he knew he had met after he kicked their asses or they kicked his, but he had been told this area was not for that so he was confused.

That wasn't even the biggest problem, earlier when he had been tasting every stall he had overheard some punks talking about using the opportunity to meet the captain of the squad they wanted to join.

Now, Yuto knew he was not the smartest knife in the shed(?) but even he had thought about the future, somewhat, from time to time, like maybe 3 times total. And on one of those occasions his thought had landed on the squads, where would be better? Which squad would allow him to lay off and have good fights? After careful consideration he gave up and went to fulfill an errand to Division 11 grounds.

Sometimes things just work out by themselves.

Like right now, he could spy Nakajima making her way toward the guy with the mask, the senior who kicked his teeth in said that he was a good fit for the 11th squad and there was one way to check. Making his way he took a bite from some of the dango on one of his sticks, approaching he managed to hear Nakajima saying something.

"...what are you looking for in those who join the Eleventh?"

Aha! An exchange, he was familiar with those. Although it was usually weaklings trying to join his 'protection group' and not the other way around.

"Yo!" He sent her a wave before focusing on the tall man, swallowing the dango in his mouth he continued "I am also interested in joining."
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 26 days ago


Every graduation felt the same. "How many people have you killed? Why do you wear a mask? What's your Bankai?" It was like a Fanclub meeting more than actual recruitment most of the time, but Goten answered each question diligently, almost as if rehearsed. He lost count. Medical condition. He doesn't have a Bankai, a lie clear as day. Ageha would catch his attention out of everyone, due to her clear and direct question. He held up one hand. "No need for the formalities, we're here to celebrate you after all." His hand lowers as he scans the people surronding them. "As for your question, I believe everyone here could learn from Ageha how you should be looking to interact with a Captain. Look to gain information to help you."

The Captain turned his attention back to Ageha (@Psyker Landshark) fully. "Truth be told, this is the easiest Squad to join. So, what am I looking for? Strength above all else and the willingness to fight. The most basic requirement. However, all those that are Seated within my squad fight for something. Something they'll use to ultimately help them surpass me and kill me to become the next Kenpachi. That is the nature of this Squad, after all."

The Kenpachi turned his attention to Yuto (@Teyao). "So, do you have that in you? Because if not, I hope you find it. Something to separate you from the rest of the dead meat in this Squad, otherwise you're just more fodder for the front lines. That's as blunt as I can tell you."

Goten would observe the two for a reaction. Ageha, she said her name was. Headstrong and brave, it seemed. Yuto, the runt who picked a fight with a squad eleven member and didn't back down. Most Squad Eleven Captains had the reputation of brutes, but Goten was very observant, therefore nothing went unnoticed within his own barracks.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Kalas
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Kalas "Time to party!"

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sheet | Unseated | Squad Ten

TIME: Present Day - Dusk | LOCATION: Soul Society - Graduation Pavilion | INTERACTION: Seki

Jinzo had almost been late getting to the pavilion on time. Naturally, he'd been busy sampling the free cuisine as well as enjoying the festivities around the capital, of course, but mostly enjoying the food. Jinzo arrived just in time to witness the Captain-Commander land and begin speaking, his arms were held across his chest with all manner of delectable sweets, treats and savories. His mouth was full with a half-finished Grilled Shrimp Skewer, its oily garlic drizzle dripping from the end every so often. By the time the Commander had finished his speech - at least it was short and to the point - Jinzo had practically wolfed down all the food he'd brought along with him from the many stalls he'd visited beforehand. All that remained were two candied apples, still wrapped in their plastic - he'd made sure to grab one for Asami.

He was still looking down at the two remaining treats, very tempted to consume them both, when he felt it. A massive, daunting gaze upon him - like a shadow looming over his very being. The feeling sent a shiver running down his spine. His head snapped up, swiveling to each side, ready for danger. It didn't make sense to him, why would there be danger here? Then he saw her - a woman with long, flowing, brown hair and gleaming, yellow eyes. Somehow the glow seemed to envelop her. Emanate from her. His eventual realization chilled him momentarily, before a wave of calm washed over him as she met his own gaze amid the crowd of others. There was another just like him?

'Delicioussss.' Hissed Gouyokuou from within.

'Don't even think about it, Gouyo.' Jinzo instantly replied, refusing to break eye contact with the woman.

'Are you trying to irk me on purpose, Jinzo? You know I dislike that name.' He punctuated his displeasure by raising the intensity of his draining ever so slightly, causing Jinzo's eyesight to blur for a second or two.

'You may not like it, but I do. Besides, it's a pet name. A term of endearment. It means I like you!'

'It wasn't a part of the deal - her however...' Jinzo could hear a long rasp of Gouyokuou's ragged breath, signifying his need to consume.

'Fine, fine. I'll go over to her at least. But I'm not making any promises, you got that?'


Before the short conversation in his head had even finished, Jinzo had begun making his way over to the woman. By the looks of her uniform, he could easily tell that she was the Lieutenant of Squad Three. But he'd never even heard of her before, although, it was more likely that he just wasn't paying attention on that particular day at the Academy. As he stepped ever closer, Jinzo began to panic to little - what was he even going to say? He'd be entirely out of his mind to suggest a sparring match, right? No. He definitely couldn't do that, not here. Besides, he wasn't interested in Squad Three at all. It's not like he had a point to prove to the woman. Surely it would make more sense for him to go and speak to Captain Ukemi of Squad Six, strange as he was. Jinzo took a momentary glance towards his location, noticing that Asami was already talking to the man.

He just had to know, though. This woman was just like him, but why? How? None of his instructors had told him about anyone else with his condition. Maybe that's why they were so interested in him at his examination? Before he knew it, Jinzo was stood directly before her, a candied apple still held in each hand. The look she gave him was a puzzled one but he quickly managed to tuck the confectionery into his robes before the moment became too awkward. All he had to do now was ask and yet, he simply couldn't find the words. For one of the very few times in his life, Jinzo was utterly stumped. This revelation had knocked all sense from him it seemed. During the walk over, Gouyokuou had increased the strength of his draining with each step. It was only now that Jinzo had noticed the constant ringing in his ears, accompanied by the pounding his chest.

Thus, given all that was going on in Jinzo's head, it was no wonder these were his next words, "Fight me."
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by RoseKnightJason
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RoseKnightJason Elegant Warrior

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kobe laughed hard at Jingoro's taunting. He stood up off of his Zanpakuto, which morphed into an Odachi at his belt in a red glow of light. He rested his arm on it, and replied to his friend with a smile.

"Don't get cocky just because you're up in wins for now," Kobe looked away and shook his head, but his smile stayed denoting he was having fun already, "I'd tell you to step into a side street and we could settle this now if I wasn't so damn hungry. Let's go see what's on the menu," Kobe tossed his head towards the stalls and began stepping slowly to lead the way.

The aroma as they drew closer was admittedly heavenly. Kobe tried not to think too hard about how eating worked in the Soul Society. If he was dead, he should have no sensation. In fact this should all be a construct of spiritual energy. How could he have taste buds to taste it with, if he didn't have a body? How could the food interact with those taste buds if they're merely a spiritual image left behind by his original body? Spiritual energy in the shame of a taste bud. Thinking about it made his brain hurt.

Yet, as he bit into the takoyaki he ordered, he wanted to roll his eyes at the sensation. Real or not, the food here was the greatest thing he had ever eaten.

"What did you get Jin?" He said, turning back towards his friend and inspecting what he may have found amongst the rows of otherworldly eats. After Jin replied, Kobe pondered the question he had asked before they came for food.

"I don't know if we have a choice. In getting strong. Like you asked. Don't you think it's survival of the fittest? If we're going to get strong, we will be strong. If we don't, we'll die,"

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Psyker Landshark return to monke

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Nakajima Ageha

So she'd put herself ahead of the pack already, considering the inane questions the rest of this rabble were babbling. How many people he killed? What idiot kept count? Why he wore a mask? Who cared? What his Bankai was? If he actually told them, he didn't deserve to be a captain.

And then, in a moment of genuinely pleasant surprise to Ageha, she actually got a real answer and a compliment. She hadn't been expecting one. The entire intent here had been just to make herself known to the captain, at the very least. Ageha resisted the urge to display any smugness about the matter. There was no point in ruining any inroads she'd made because she somehow couldn't control her expression.

Kenpachi moved on to...ah. The meathead. Should have figured he'd be interested in the Eleventh, too. That...wasn't the worst outcome, really. He put up a real fight, and it was better to have an actual challenge to beat on than a human speedbag.

Back to what mattered, Ageha ran through Captain Kenpachi's criteria in her mind. The basics she already cleared easily. Strength? She had Shikai. That put her above the majority of the pack of cretins she'd graduated with. The will to fight? Oh, in spades and more. No, what mattered was what he was looking for in seated officers. She didn't intend to be an unseated pleb for longer than was strictly necessary.

Of course Ageha fought for something. It was what had motivated her to push through her family's training. Through the academy. Spite. And the desire to make her wreck of a childhood worth a damn. To be useful in some way. If she didn't go down this path, all the nonsense, idiocy, and borderline abuse she'd endured would have all been wasted in the end.

She narrowed her eyes, noting the alluring smell of grilled meat and fish wafting in the air and pushing past it. Later. There were more important things at hand.

"Then I'll just have to prove my worth. Now or at a later time, Captain?" She left it up to his discretion, of course. There was a fine line between displaying bravery and an insubordinate demand.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Brink
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Member Seen 6 days ago

甚 悟 郎 半 間


Unmoved by Kobes posturing, Jin quietly shuffled after him as the pair made way to the copious food stalls erected for the graduation festival. As they walked Jin noted the various interactions new graduates instigated with lieutenants and even captains. He wasn't aware the festival acted as opportunity to gain ground into the various Gotei squads.

In fact he had been so focused on his graduation and his training that he hadn't given much thought to which squad would be his preference. But in the short time it took to reach a stall and as Jin observed Kobe begin to devour his food, he felt a natural pull towards one of the more subtle squads. Be it the Onmitsukidō, reseach and development or, as he took a second glace over his shoulder at the Lieutenant, now in conversation, the third division.

His attention was quickly pulled to the vendor gesturing at the spread of treats. With a slight wave Jin picked the first thing that looked applicable and in reply to his companions question took the skewer and bit into the chewy snack. "Mitarashi Dango." the words bent and muffled by his full mouth.

Survival of the fittest? the notion unsettled Jin, as it implied intrinsic conflict. He wasn't naïve. Fighting, even for ones life, is to be expected for a Shinigami and if he wanted to rise through the ranks of the Gotei Jin realized his path would have to involve conflict. He just hoped he could rely on solitary training and combat with hollows, something less offensive to his sensibilities, to progress towards his ideals.

"I hope we get proper funerals if we do die." It took a moment for him to realise he spoke his mind out loud. "But that won't happen. We will become strong. Too strong to die."
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Teyao
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Yuto scratched his head as he thought about the Captain's words, something to fight for? wasn't he already doing that? He wanted to not be pushed around so he fought, he wanted to not go hungry so he fought, he wanted to fight so he fought. But something inside was telling him that the Captain wasn't referring to those things. So as the smart person he was, he decided to confront the part inside himself that was saying such things.

Closing his eyes he could see a burning district. In the midst of the flames sat a tall man, horns adorning his head, a mask concealing his face from the outside world.

"Hey bastard! What did he mean by 'Something to fight for'?"

The man didn't answer like he never did, even when he first went through the trials to get his Shikai the man had never uttered a word, just tossing him his Zanpakuto and assuming a stance.

To be fair that had been enough.

He kept watching the man for a few seconds but at his silence he let out a 'tsk' before turning away, what a waste.

The sound of cloth moving brought his attention back immediately, there standing at his full height was the tall man, sword still sheathed but ready to be drawn at any point. Then the flames around them grew in intensity, hotter and brighter to the point he could feel his skin almost melting, his heart racing, and a blush rush to his face. Memories rushed back, of previous fights, of hunger, of desperate moments where his life had been on the line. Then the academy flashed through his mind.

Abruptly the flames died, and the cold seeped into him, clutching his ribcage and freezing him instantly. Unpleasant, unsettling, unnatural.

He didn't like it. Bring it back, the heat, bring it back, bring it back!

Just as he was about to... to do... to do something the flames returned, lacking the previous intensity but still there, providing lukewarm heat.

The man was seated once more but with a hand extended in his direction, it wasn't an invitation but a presentation, like saying 'There you have it'. And he did, weirdly enough.

He scowled and opened his eyes to the real world, barely a second had passed and Kenpachi still answering questions. He got it now, the difference between fighting and fighting for a reason.

He just... he just didn't know his reason. The anger that was slowly rising fled his body, damnit, this is why he disliked that thinking shit, it only helped create problems he didn't have before. He remained where he was, Nakajima was asking something but he wasn't listening, instead his gaze was focused on his own hands.

What could he fight for?
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by RoseKnightJason
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RoseKnightJason Elegant Warrior

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kobe finished off his snacks, as he waited for Jin to rejoin him and reply to his counter-inquiry. Kobe once again smiled widely. Jin played the part of melancholy sometimes, but there was a fire beneath the still pool that was his mood. That's often what fueled their conversations, and fights.

"Too strong to die," repeated the younger spirit with a sense of whimsy, "now that's a goal worth sweating and bleeding for. It's a deal then," Kobe outstretched his fist for a bump towards Jin. Then, he moved onto another stall. He had his appetizer and now wanted a something filling. A grilled squid, and a basket of tempura were snatched up by him in moments. He gave a shy thankyou to the vendors, his behavior switching somewhat drastically when he wasn't talking shit to Jin.

"Do you ever wonder if you got a proper funeral the first time?" He asked Jin without looking at him. As he paused for an answer, their footsteps in tandem tapped along the cobblestone. They were getting further away from the stage, Kobe subconsciously leading them nowhere in particular.

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by The World
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The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

Member Seen 15 min ago

Shion Kana

Oh crap! Crap, crap, crap! The young Shion Kana had been so giddy the night before the festival that she hadn't gotten to sleep until well into the morning, and now she was going to be late! She dashed through the Seireitei as fast as she could, dodging between people, Shinigami and otherwise, and flew past Gin Tonbo and its selection of wonderful eye-wear. She struggled to remember the right path through the hallways, barely managed to slide through the door at the main entrance of Shin'ō Academy before it was closed and locked, now that the students weren't there for the day. She jumped over a man crouched in front of Tomorrow's Tiger Pharmacy's front door, kicking off the door in an attempt to parkour her way to her destination. Did she remember the right way to get to the site of the festivities? She turned a corner to find -

The air around Shion felt heavy, far too heavy. Something was wrong with the Reishi around her, but she couldn't figure out why. She felt herself come to a stop under the pressure, only for a hollow to appear from thin air right in front of her eyes. It breathed out, smoke and mist coming from its mask before it -

"Sup?" The hollow asked, sitting on the ground and putting on a top-hat it pulled from somewhere behind it.

What? Shion looked to her side, she didn't have her zanpakuto and- ... Wait, did that hollow just talk!?

"Uh... hi?"

The hollow breathed out smoke again, this time clearly from a cigar that it slowly moved from in front of its mask with a strange tentacle that appeared on its back. "You look stressed, want a puff?" The tentacle brought the cigar over to where Shion could reach out and take it.

"Um... No, thank you?" Shion was bewildered, she didn't know there were hollows like this! It even seemed polite!

"Suit yourself." The hollow shrugged and threw the now-cigarette towards the nearby wall.

"What- what's going on?" The young shinigami couldn't wrap her head around this, so she decided to simply ask.

"You're dead."

"Huh!? I... died!?"

"Yep. About six years ago. You're in Soul Society now, right?" Shion nodded her head to the hollow's question. "Exactly. So you're dead. No big deal."

Shaking her head didn't seem to help things, and she couldn't shake off the logic there either. She had died, she was in the afterlife, or at least somewhat the afterlife, and it wasn't a big deal. But she was still confused, what was -

"You should probably hurry to your event. You're going to miss it. You're going to miss the party, you're going to miss the party!"

Shion bolted upright with a single thought in her mind. Oh crap! Crap, crap, crap! She was going to be late! She jumped out of her futon and grabbed her zanpakuto, running out of the room as fast as she could. She would have kept running if she didn't see the clock telling her that she still had two hours to prepare and that she had been asleep for about three. Thoroughly embarrassed, she went back to her futon and began to prepare properly for the event.

It turns out that trying to stay awake on only three hours of sleep was hard. Shion found herself beginning to nod off at the event in spite of her excitement for it. But then the Captain Commander arrived, and that arrival picked up her tiredness and suplexed it. She was wide awake to hear the pinnacle of Soul Reaper-ness tell her explicitly and directly that shinigami are not heroes. But also to maintain balance and peace, which were what a hero would do, right? As the Captain Commander left the stage, Shion was only reinforced in her beliefs. She'd prove that Soul Reapers can be heroes, are heroes, will remain heroes! And now that she was finally awake, she decided to take a look around at those who were now her peers at the bottom of the shinigami ladder, totally ignoring the first impression the Commander had made on them all.

What were these people, anyway? She really hadn't paid any attention to interpersonal relationships in the Academy, but there were a few she knew from their "deeds," if you could call them that at the level that Academy students were at. The short redhead that was speaking to pierced guy? She'd seen her around but didn't know the girl's name, or really anything else about her. Next.

Next in her line of sight was... Agatha! That was her name, right? No, couldn't be, the girl was a noble and nobility of the Soul Society had japanese sounding names. Regardless, she was really talented, someone to look at for inspiration! At least that's what Shion thought before noticing the girl talking to who she recognized as the Squad Eleven Captain. Bleh, Squad Eleven. And there was another person she knew the face of going over to stand next to her too! Yuta? Eh, he wanted in Squad Eleven, who cares what his name is? Now thoroughly disheartened, Shion turned to look farther into the crowd.

Oh, there was that guy who was in a situation like hers! His name was... Koby? That didn't sound right, but it's not like she knew anyone else's name, either. Besides, she and Hagoromo had never even talked to each other, had they? Anyway, she did feel the slightest bit of comradery towards him, what with them both being recently dead from the World of the Living, and being focused on zanjutsu and hoho. That made them, like, partners in specialization, or something!

And standing next to Hagoromo was... someone she didn't recognize. Well, she recognized him as a person in the Academy, but not by name or action. Boring, next! Her gaze turned back to the Captains, and saw that now there was someone talking to the woman who had to be a high ranking shinigami but Shion couldn't put her finger on who she was. It looked like the guy standing next to her was in pain, making her want to go over and help, but... That was the foodie guy, right? Didn't he have some condition? She sympathized, having had several in life, but also knew that his was a little different than hers. Something something always hungry? Regardless, Shion took another look around. That seemed to be everyone she recognized, so she decided to focus on what she wanted to accomplish. Which was... what, exactly? Was there anything here she even wanted to do? She wasn't really the social type with those she didn't already know, which made any interactions in Soul Society difficult. That was partly the reason she didn't know any of her peers' names in the first place.

She didn't recognize anyone from the squads she wanted to join, so the young now-shinigami went over to the nearest tree and jumped up onto the lowest branch, climbing her way up until she was at the top. From there, she should at least have a good view of the fireworks!
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 26 days ago


Goten watched the young runt closely (@Teyao) as he seemed lost in a train of thought after his words. He could sense a strength coming from the boy, but something was hindering it. Doubt? Fear? Insecurity? Anger? It intrigued him, the wild runt being paralyzed by simple words but not from a fight from someone in Squad-Eleven? Goten sat a hand upon his shoulder. "Keep your head up at all times young man. I know not what you've gone through, or what you're seeing now, but always keep your head up. In this life, a man doesn't find his purpose, he lets it find him within time." He gave a singular nod before removing his hand and giving his attention to Ageha (@Psyker Landshark).

"As for you, there will be time to prove yourself soon enough. Despite the unruly showing of our Captain-Commander, he speaks true. This may very well be your final calm day, especially if you look to join my Division, so please enjoy it. You made enough of an impression anyway, so you're on the right path. Visit me once you've completed your first mission." He gestures forward. "So, unless you two have more questions, once again I do implore you to enjoy your night."
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Brink
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Member Seen 6 days ago

甚 悟 郎 半 間


With one hand still grasping the skewered Dango and an empty look of confusion strewn across his face, Jin reached out and shook Kobes closed fist before following him to the next stall. Taking one last bite of the chewy rice-flour treat he scanned around until spotting a box filled with the discarded sticks and wrappings of syrup drenched food. With two forefingers and some applied pressure Jin snapped the skewer towards its kin, embedding its tip in the soft bamboo wood.

The first time? It took a moment for him to process. He didn't give much thought to his life before the soul society, in fact he had forgotten almost everything despite his younger age. An interesting quandary that he hadn't considered.
"I'd hope so. But I suppose it doesn't matter. What matters is what we do in this life, not our last." Jin held up a hand in response to the vendor offering more food. He wasn't as big an eater as Kobe, his stomach, much like his father, not tolerating overindulgence.

Jin began to wonder where the other captains were. He didn't expect the entire Gotei to attend a graduation but he found it interesting as to which senior figures did make an appearance. No presence of squads five, seven, eight, nine, ten, twelve or thirteen. No authoritative presence at least. It wasn't a matter of concern but Jin tended to take stock of superfluous things in times of rest. And yet he was hoping to see a few more of them, if only to gauge their undertones.

"What squad do you wish to join, Kobe?"
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by RoseKnightJason
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RoseKnightJason Elegant Warrior

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kobe's look of confusion matched Jin's as the two of them exchanged the most awkward of all handshakes. Kobe laughed again, reminding himself Jin wasn't simply a couple years older like he seemed. It made Kobe wonder exactly when the fist-bump had been invented. Before Jin could start the two of them walking up the street again, Kobe set down his food and grabbed Jin's wrist.

"Alright, if we're going to be friends you gotta know how to do this," Kobe felt a little prickle of embarrassment as he said friends out loud. He hadn't exactly confirmed up until this point that he thought of Jin as such. Kobe folded Jin's fingers into a fist, and then punched his knuckles before releasing his wrist, "that's a fist bump, courtesy of the 21st century,"

The crowd was beginning to thin out now, and the end of the festival hallway of stalls was in sight.

"I don't know, I guess. The teachers all told me my abilities were best suited for Frontline combat. Squad 11. That would be fine, but I've spent a lot of time this year building strategy. Sparring you, Asami, and Ageha, I feel like my battle intellect has grown. I'm not afraid of the Frontline, but I want to be more useful than that," The last words stunned even Kobe as he said them. Useful to whom exactly? He didn't feel any strong sense of loyalty to the Gotei 13, at least not yet. So where was this desire to be seen as useful coming from?

Hazy memories of emotions filled his head. The feeling of being robbed of his potential via his death. The betrayal, and anger he'd felt at the very idea that there could be a god controlling any of this, and that that god would choose to end him before he could ever accomplish anything. What was the purpose in his death, or his life? Maybe that's what he wanted so badly for now, a purpose. After Jin replied to his statement, Kobe simply asked:

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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Brink
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Member Seen 6 days ago

甚 悟 郎 半 間


"Third, fourth, ninth or thirteenth." Jin quickly responded, finding his gaze had once more swung to the squad three lieutenant. "In that order." Indicating it was something he had thought a lot about. Early into his training he had considered the research and development division, but after learning the types of people who ended up there he felt outmatched. The Onmitsukidō was also a consideration. Similarly to the third and ninth they had a more subtle role in the Gotei, but the idea of carrying out assassinations abruptly put an end to that curiosity.

"You're a good swordsman, Kobe. I can see why they would suggest squad 11." He looked back at his contemplative comrade. "But whichever squad you join, you would be useful. The Gotei wouldn't choose a impractical place for a graduate." Jins head swiveled further to look at the pavilion the captain-commander had vacated. "I hope."

"But for now we are members of the tenth division. Fully fledged Shinigami of the Gotei 13. It is an accomplishment just to get this far." His mind turned the new barracks they would be moving into. Larger and more formal Jin felt a sense of achievement already, even though he new the tests, and in truth the danger, had only just begun.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Asami, Umeki, & Aya

An Expllo and @RevekaRed collab!

Umeki leaned against one of the four beams holding up the pavilion. His face now wore a neutral expression as he watched the new graduates flock around his peers. He remained unbothered, as this was the situation he hoped for. Not everyone deserved to be in his Squad, and he wouldn't play nice like the rest. That's why it was a shock to him when the smallest person here approached him, and so bluntly at that. His face morphed back into that intense, bizarre, stare as he bent his body forward almost unhuman-like in order to match her height. His face was mere meters away from hers, staring daggers into her eyes to gauge her reaction. "And what the fuck am I supposed to do with that information, Asami? Kekeke~" His eyes would shudder for a second. "You're a bold one coming up to me, ain't ya?"

After introducing herself with a bow and staying in the position for until he would address her is when she would raise from her position. When she had raised, she noticed just how close he had gotten but it didn't stir her like she expected it to. She assumed it was her curiosity that was keeping her from recoiling away from the man who, in her mind, was seeming almost like an insect with his behavior. Asami was annoyed by how he addressed her, however, which made her flat expression turn into one of disgust toward Umeki as she continued to look at him. She was very expectant of people not liking her in the same way that they didn't like her during the Academy but she stayed strong in her stance and would allow others to continue to paint the picture of them that they had in their head of her.

"Bug." She said in an almost faint whisper, not even realizing she had let the thought out that he reminded her of a bug but as she stood, it seemed like she didn't even acknowledge that she even said it as she stayed staring at him almost like she was doing a staredown battle with her eyes before she would inhale to compose a slightly better answer than what she could have given if she was at the Academy because she was indeed in front of a Captain and they had to be competent in their position in order to even have it to begin with. "You seem competent enough for someone to follow. And you're creepy." She said a bit more in a normal tone while still retaining her bluntness and harshness to her voice. Asami wasn't about to brag about her talents as she was sure that some of the captains had been made aware of her capabilities and if he wasn't aware, then she needed to not burden herself with dealing with him.

The back part of her mind did keep surfacing through all of this as a young girl squealing and blushing from the close proximity that Umeki was to her that she would definitely have to write about later in her journal that she kept. While outwardly she would restrain this expressiveness of hers, it was still there, just hidden until she had private moments to herself. She wasn't completely blind to romantic advancements, but this moment with Umeki would definitely provide her with plenty of inspiration for a while.

'Bug huh? Well, that was my nickname as a kid. Kekeke~' Umeki thought to himself. A genuine smile flashed across his face as she called him creepy and refused to back down from him. "And you seem annoying, but cute, in a puppy sort of way! Kekeke~" Umeki reached down and pat the girl on the head, before backing away and allowing the girl some space. "So, what's your deal pup? You really interested in this Squad or are you window shopping? You must not know what comes with joining us..."

When Asami heard him say that his nickname was bug when he was a child, she tilted her head a bit in confusion with a frown on her face as she continued to look at him. She was surprised for him to smile at her but didn't allow her face to change when she saw it which managed to bring her some smugness that she got a captain to smile at her. Asami would pout however when he called her annoying but cute like a puppy before patting her head. It took every ounce of her body to not swat away his hand because while she did enjoy head pats she did not enjoy the feeling of being patronized by the person in front of her.

Asami was a bit glad that he had backed away from her a bit as she went back to her stonish expression even though the back of her mind was going absolutely wild with ideas for writing romantic moments. Even though her mind was acting a bit erratic, she was still able to listen to the captain as he asked her what her deal was, if she was window shopping or had any actual interest in the squad. She was a bit put off by him saying that she must not know what comes with joining them which is where the weirdness came back as she went back to being on guard around him even though there was a slight hint that she felt deep inside that she could trust him because as she has learned, you can't always trust outward appearances.

"I'm not interested in the slightest. I just couldn't quit staring at you and your piercings. I like them." Asami said very promptly and bluntly after the captain had asked her. Once again, her boldness with her blunt behavior in the way she talked to people was something else, even if she was being restrained because she was talking to a captain and still wanted to provide him with enough respect that she could. "That's all, sir."

Umeki shrugged at her disinterest in the squad, however, this was the first time he had gotten his piercings complimented. And that's all she wanted to tell him? What was with this girl? He refused to let a new graduate swoon him. He cocks his head slightly to the left. But she was being nice, and the only person to approach him this night, so he wouldn't be a downright asshole. "I appreciate it pup, but I gotta say this social shit's not really my thing. I wouldn't want you wasting your night around me anyway, so, why don't you run and bark along to who you're really here for? Kekeke~"

Asami was at least honest with the captain about not having an interest in joining his squad but she at least let him know why she was even standing in front of him to begin with, albeit a fairly silly reason, he did catch her eye even if he was creepy to her. She expected to be reprimanded for her answer but only heard him thank her before trying to shoo her off to who she actually had interests with in joining their squad. Again, referring to her as a pup and told her to bark at who she would talk to next, she was annoyed yet mildly entertained that he referred to her as a dog of all things and allowed her stonish and disgusted exterior drop for a second as a smirk came across her lips as she looked at the captain.

"See ya later then, Captain Bug." It was quick, her smirk, but it was there before returning to her frown that she normally adorned before bowing to the Captain of Squad Six and then moving to walk away from him and to the line of students that stood in front of Aya from Squad Two. The only things Asami could note from the interaction from the captain of squad six was that he certainly wasn't as annoying as she thought although he could get on her nerves fairly easily and that her bluntness didn't deter him from the interaction with her. For that, she was grateful but now she was focused on trying to secure a spot or at least notice from the girl from Squad Two and then possibly get food because she was starting to get a little bit hungry.

"Kekeke~ trailed in Asami's wake as she approached Aya. Her spot would be easily secured as not too many were looking to join Division Two either, as they made their high standards well known. There wasn't as much action comparted to Division Eleven, nor did they do as many incursions in the human world as Squad Three. It created a perception of being boring, but that was good, as they needed members to intentionally want to join their squad. Still, enough interest was garnered that Aya was able to have direct conversations with everyone directly, instead of just answering a barrage of questions. Her attention would turn to Asami not too long after she approached. Aya laid one hand on her hip and waved. "Heeeeeey girl! My name is Aya, and I'm the third seat of Squad Two! Nice to meet you!"

While Asami walked over to Aya, she was a bit weirded out by the sound that followed in her wake but chose to ignore it as she got closer to the third spot of Squad Two. She did notice that not many people expressed interest in Squad Two but did join among the few that were there in front of Aya as she kept a rather flat expression on her face. She seemed a bit more watchful this time as Aya introduced herself when she walked up and Asami gave a quick nod and bow for joining the group, not really having a question yet.

The others around her, however, seemed to keep hounding Aya for why the Captain or Lieutenant wasn't there instead of her which made Asami annoyed to hear from them as they seemed to not let it drop. Why were they so focused on the fact that the captain wasn't there? She understood wanting to impress the captain but if the captain had left someone capable in charge, why would you question it? The more she thought about it, the more she became irritated by there incessant questions which she was sure that Aya was probably tired of hearing but seemed very friendly when talking to the others and trying to dismiss those kinds of questions. Asami was definitely not one to mince words, especially when she was irritated. So she said a little louder than the others, "So when can one actually start in Squad Two?" When Asami raised her voice, she could tell she irritated her former classmates by speaking over them but it did manage to get them to quit pestering the lady that was representing Squad Two. Also taking advantage of the fact that they were finally quiet, Asami did step forward and bowed to Aya more properly this time. "I'm Asami, miss." She introduced herself to make herself known to the young looking woman in front of her. Asami may have been a lot smaller than her other classmates, but she was for sure more blunt and ballsy than most of them.

"Well it's very nice to meet you Asami!" Aya smiled, "I see the academy is getting sloppier explaining things. Well, let's see. First, you have your Squad Ten evaluation missions! We all go through it. Your Captain will determine where you fit best, and you'll generally be sorted that way. However, if you work hard enough and make a name for yourself it isn't unheard of for the Captain to send personal recommendations to the main Squad of your interest. Takehiro is very nice about that."

Aya taps her chin, thinking. "What else, what else...Oh! I remember!" She giggles with a light snort, "Aw, silly me, the reason I'm here. So, while this is a chance for new graduates to meet us, this is a chance for us to spot anyone interesting. So, Asami, if you would like to be on our radar... what exactly interests you about our Squad? What can you offer us?"

Asami made sure to listen diligently to the woman in front of her so as to make sure to not miss any information she would give that would be helpful to her. She really didn't want to wait for evaluation missions to complete but was glad that she said if she made a name for herself that the Captain would send a personal recommendation for the squad she was interested in. After hearing that, Asami simply nodded before hearing some snickers of the others around her muttering that she's already made herself known as the Ice Queen in the Academy.

Asami chose to ignore them and not retaliate like she normally would, showing a lot of restraint today. As she listened to the jubilant female, and heard her question, she wondered about whether or not she should boast of her capabilities but it would most certainly be out of character as she continued with the stonish look on her face not ever wavering the entire time.

"Most of my capabilities would be an asset to your squad and would fit most perfectly to Squad two." She explained as the young woman before thinking of anything else she could say. "And I'm pretty fast."

"That's a very good start so far!" Aya smiled wider, "Buuuuut... unfortunately that's all that is. While speed is definitely a priority for us, we need people who can think just as fast. You need to be able to study your opponent in an instant, weak points and all. If not, you certainly need to be able to analyze it quickly based on knowledge that you've gathered of said target. If I could give you the best piece of advice, it'd be to work on that when you get out there in the field. Now did I remember everything?"

Aya began counting on her fingers, one, two, three, four. She clenched her fingers into a fist. "Yup! Looks like that's all! As for your personal capabilities fitting our squad, that'll be determined in time. But I sure hope you're right! Another pretty girl with bright hair working in our Squad sounds so.freaking.amazinggggggg!" She giggled again, snorting slightly harder this time around.

Asami mostly just stared at her in a way of like staring into her soul when she told her that it was a good start but that they needed more than that. Even though the woman gave her advice, Asami did get irritated by the belittlement she was feeling from how these people would speak to her. She did understand that they were at least being realistic with them and giving hopefully most of them a reality check for if they couldn't tough it out in their squad but it still irritated her to hear. She was almost thrown back to a moment she had trauma blocked out but quickly phased out of it to stay back in reality and simply sighed as if sounding she was bored of the interaction she was having but that was not the case.

As Asami kept staring at her, she did keep her gaze not only focused on her but the others around her in her peripheral and simply blinked at her like she was bored of the interaction. But that was simply just her being irritated. "Sure." She said, very restrained through her teeth before bowing to Aya before walking away. Fully knowing that if she stayed any longer, she would have blown up at her, but that's mostly from her being hangry and needing to satiate her hunger.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Teyao
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

He raised his head, the hand felt heavy on his shoulder, and unfamiliar.

The words were... they were, that was the best description he could give them, he recognized them as advice, from anyone else he would have blown them off. It was the same thing he did with others back in the Rokungai. But not the Kenpachi, this was a man who could kill him without moving a muscle and that was something that had to be respected.

He gave the man a nod.

He was still shaken, more than he had ever been but he would heed the advice, his purpose would find him. He just hoped it was soon, if a purpose was what allowed the Captain to grow to his current strength then...

But first thing first, looking back at the man he spoke.

"Thank you"

Words rarely uttered left his lips, he couldn't remember the last time he said them, maybe he never did. The man had left an impression on him, few words, yes, but the familiar feeling of burning fire beneath his skin roared with newfound vigor.

Head raised high his mind went back to stalls, maybe he would find a familiar face, maybe not. But he was going to enjoy himself.
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