Player Roster
![]() | Vincenzo “Vincent” Accardo Boss of the Thorned Roses Gyft: Aetheric Mental Manipulation Activity: Active/Alive | ![]() | Antonia Franchesca Police Commissioner Gyft: Twisted Mirror Activity: Active/Alive | ![]() | Ezra Blackheart Midnight Man Gyft: Yume Activity: Active/Alive |
![]() | Asterion Kairo Jumper Gyft: Imprint Activity: Active/Alive | ![]() | Matthias FitzClarence Lodestar Gyft: Amorpheus Activity: Active/Alive | ![]() | Isabella “Bella” Delacroix The Iron Rose Gyft: Bloody Surge Activity: Active/Alive |
![]() | Adel Dawson Silver Canary Gyft: Magic Word Activity: Active/Alive | ![]() | Webb Cursed Spider Gyft: Touch of the Black Web Activity: Active/Alive | ![]() | Harriet Talon Winged Blade Gyft: Avian Blessing Activity: Active/Alive |
![]() | Leon “Leo” MacAoidh Captain Gyft: Leonine Form Activity: Active/Alive | ![]() | T. Eren Glyde-Savion Sarge Gyft: Magic Bullet Activity: Inactive/Alive | ![]() | Emily Newport Blue Blooded Detective Gyft: Enchanting Voice Activity: Active/Alive |
![]() | Poppy “Pops” Leroux Mother Goose Gyft: Metabolica Diabolica Activity: Inactive/Alive? | ![]() | Khor Kosavić The Eel Gyft: Temporal Bubble Activity: Active/Alive |
NPC List

Cyrus Levine
28 | He/him | The Broker/Mafia
Description: Growing up as a street urchin with a bad habit of sticking his nose in business where it didn't belong, it took a couple beatings for his Gyft to manifest. Portals allowed him to eavesdrop more secretly, and he learned all kinds of dirty secrets from the gangsters and mafias on the block. As he grew older, his secrets went from a dollar a hint to $10,000.
He tried selling secrets to the Badges, but found they simply didn't see his worth. As in, they simply were unwilling to pay scum like him top dollar to get info when they would rather sacrifice a cop as a mole to do it.
So, instead, he has specialized in marketing himself to the mafias within the city. If anyone knows anything, he does, and he's the first to know. There's a reason people pay him well for his secrets; it could mean the difference between knowing your enemy is about to strike, and walking into it blind.
He doesn't always demand cash for his information. Sometimes he asks for information in return, or a favour.
Yes, he does offer a ferry service. However, he tries to make it as expensive as possible to discourage people from seeing him as nothing but a ridiculously handsome ferryman.
Gyft: Water-Sourced Portal Creation
By spilling a water bottle's worth on a flat surface, he is able to move anywhere within Nocturnia. He can jump through the reflective surface, ending up on the other side of town in a matter of seconds. The only restriction is the spill has to be big enough for a person to jump through. He merely has to visualize where he wants to go, and he'll jump into that location through a mirroring puddle of water.
Electricity disturbs it. And it just so happens that the wall surrounding Nocturnia is electrically charged on its outermost layers. So, that does mean he is just as much trapped in the city as anyone else.

Hailey Vagabond Weathersteel
23 | She/her | The Detonist/Unknown Alliance
Description: At least, that was the story she would tell people. She had to fit the lie. Nobody could know the truth, none except for close confidants within the organization. That fact that she wasn't just a devout of the organization. She was the Little Sister of its leader. She was the Little Sister of Flint Weathersteel. If word got out… they could use her against Flint.
Leaflets litter the streets of Nocturnia. ‘Meet the future,’ ‘Breathe the silver air,’ ‘M.PHEAT’, and other such nonsense sprawling all in nice little rows on the letter-like leaflet. Flipping the leaflet to the other side and taking four unique ones, the scribbles on the back would form a map, and mark the spot for an auspicious occasion!
Hailey was at such a meeting. And the next one. And the one after that. She sang with the rest, and raised her fist in the air. She could see it, the vision, the future! No longer would the pigs control them, and those snobby bureaucrats, and those criminal selfish gobbers.
One day, at these auspicious, oh-so-secret gatherings, crates upon crates arrived, all filled with little bottles. She was given bottle after bottle, as long as she promised one thing. One small, tiny thing.
Of course, she promised earnestly, nodding her head vigorously. And, sipping her bottles, she set her eyes on the other districts within Nocturnia, ready to enact ‘M.PHEAT's will.
Gyft: Bombs.
She is able to create, summon, light and throw bombs. These appear in size and shape similar to Bom-ombs in Mario, but without the life-like features. Each bomb can be made near-instantly. It has a blast radius of about 5-7 feet, and sends a wave of shrapnel out. These bombs are very deadly, with impact craters being formed and people dying if they are in the blast radius. Those outside of the blast radius can still get crushed bones and burns.

Jack Kingsley
27 | He/him | Detective of the 1st Division/Detective
Description: Jack has fought with the mafias in Nocturnia for most of his life. Even when he was too young to enter the police academy, he acted like somewhat of a vigilante, stalking known mafia members and interfering in their criminal activities.
The only reason he evaded jail time for trying to take the law into his own hands was that the previous Commissioner at that time saw potential in him. So when he did eventually graduate from the police academy, he passed with flying colors.
From that moment on, he became a menace to mafias on the street, now an embodiment of the law. His ability to put down even the strangest and most powerful Gyfts had him highly coveted. Whenever street fights broke out, he'd drop mafia members like flies. When it was his shift, the entire division would know as the holding cells would always be full.
His promotion to detective was swift and well-deserved. Now he reports directly to Commissioner Franchesca, and commands the First Division in Jeweled Bank. He knows there's still lots of work to do, but he won't rest until each criminal in this dirty city is behind bars.
Gyft: Electrical Manipulation and Creation
He is able to absorb, dish out, and generate electricity by attracting electrons in the air or from sources like car batteries. He can provide powerful electrical shocks and shoot lightning up to thirty feet away. His shock range is as low as a hum, to as strong as a shock that leaves electrical burns.
Insulating material, like rubber, can effectively block and negate any and all of his abilities. If he loses concentration, or uses his abilities in a strong magnetic field, he risks the chance of running the electricity through his heart, which can cause cardiac arrest and kill him.

Noah Poppy
12 | Ge/him | The Little Fighter/Mafia
Description: Noah is the the son of Poppy Letoux when she had an affair with her adopted brother, a police officer. He is unaware of his lineage, or his real name. Everything that is his is thanks to the Orphanage, including his name. Unbeknownst to him, he has been so close to his real mother, Poppy, his entire life. This unknown closeness has caused an ache in him. He loves Poppy, and wishes she were his real mother, but he knows it's not possible. This ache in his heart has caused him to develop a rebellious, raw attitude where he is quick to anger over any little thing.
It's this lack of cooperation and ‘nice-ness’ that has caused him to remain unadopted at the orphanage while growing up. And now, as he nears his thirteenth birthday, his only desire is to become a real member of Poppy's mafia, so he can be useful to Poppy.
Gyft: Kinetic Energy
Whenever Noah moves quickly, kinetic energy builds, creating small bursts of power. This allows his punches and kicks to have more power behind them, enough to crack ribs and concrete. A small aura of gold appears around his limbs when he's using his Gyft.
He gets tired out in a fight twice as fast as the best, most fit fighter, however. By this, his movements slow quickly, and he runs out of stamina if a fight goes on too long.

Matteo Dinero
27 | He/him | Underboss of the Thorned Roses/Mafia
Description: Whenever Vincent had a problem, Matteo was the one called in. Need a target kidnapped? Call Matteo. Need some evidence planted, and the cops tipped off? Call Matteo. Need Vincent's estranged daughter watched for the night? Call Matteo.
This dependance on Matteo, and Matteo's honest loyalty and ability to understand Vincent's minute needs, caused Matteo to rise through the ranks and be placed as a capo, and then as Underboss. Matteo has never shirked in his duties. Some say he relishes twisting a person's mind as much as Vincent, despite not having any mental-esque Gyfts.
Fun fact, Matteo is actually Vincent's younger cousin. It's due to this family tie that the two are so close. Matteo has mused in front of a fireplace with a glass of scotch that if it came down to it, he'd probably die for Vincent.
Gyft: Blade Summoning
Matteo is able to summon blades from - well, he's not entirely sure where, but he chalks it up to an alternate dimension - and he moves them telekinetically. The smaller the blade, the more he can summon. The larger the blade, the fewer. For example, he could summon up to nine small knives, or one greatsword. He, however, isn't restricted in the blades’ movements, able to move each individually and freely. It's like lifting weights, and the blades can grow heavy after prolonged use.

Reid Ledger
25 | He/him | 3D Walker/Unknown Alliance
Description: His entire life, Reid knew he was meant for something more. He had all this pent up rage at the Wall, lack of parental supervision, and fell into a bad crowd growing up.
One thing led to another, and he found an organization that thought, talked, and even breathed the same as him. This organization gave him meaning, gave him knowledge that made him feel special and singled out, and tasks that actually brought his own vision of a free Nocturnia closer to fruition.
He's certainly not in the upper echelon of this organization, but he feels he has enough power and value where he's very satisfied with his position. He sees the end goal, and although he may not necessarily want to die for it, he'll certainly break the law to further that goal.
Gyft: 3D Walker
He is able to move in three dimensions, as in, he can climb walls and ceilings. It comes to him without hesitation, and although he is sure there is some kind of science or power going on at the molecular level, the only thing he has confirmed is that he can run at a wall and scale it with his feet, hand, or general body. Blood rushes to his head when his feet are stuck to the ceiling, but besides that, he doesn't have may drawbacks except tiredness after a certain period of time of using his gyft.

Flint Weathersteel
30 | He/him | The Corrosor /???
Description: The angry, enigmatic leader of an unknown organization. Flint often uses code words in his lectures to his members and to-be
. Some upper echelon members claim the ‘Book of the New Order’ has over five hundred instances of code words, ensuring that no one outside can even remotely understand what the in-the-know members are talking about.There's a reason Flint is so conflicted in his emotions and quick to blow a fuse. Not many years ago, he was, in fact, a mafia boss with a healthy number of districts under his command. That was, at least, until an unknown opposing mafias leader kidnapped his daughter, and demanded he kill his wife or witness his daughter die. It was an impossible decision, but at the behest of his wife, she sacrificed herself. He was given back his daughter after the deed was done, and his enemies took him as a broken man.
Little did they know, as Flint escaped his districts with his daughter, and his mafia crumbled, a new man would be born of the ashes. A man whose Gyft was born out of extreme suffering, and a man who would do anything to ensure that mafias are wiped off the face of the earth.
Gyft: Unknown.

Daisy Weathersteel
6 | Shd/her | Flint's Heart/Unknown Alliance
Description: Yes, Daisy. The little girl that her father, Flint, saved at the sacrifice of her mother. Those years were tough. She was often left with Hailey Weather steel, Daisy's aunt, while her father Flint went out to make money however he could.
There was one time Daisy was woken to screaming in the house. She ran downstairs to find bodies of men strewn across the floor and puddles of blood. Her father's face was dark an unrecognizable, looming over the bodies.
”D-daddy?” She had called out softly.
Flint had turn to her, staring for a moment, before his anger and darkness melted away. He slowly approached his daughter, scooping her up from the floor. She had remembered how his dress shirt was spotless, and he smelled nice.
”I got rid of the bad men, daughter of mine. You can sleep easy now. Let daddy take care of the rest of this.” He said, tucking her back into bed.
And that morning, she got to have breakfast with her aunt Hailey and her father, realizing the truth of the world: Daddy kept the world safe, and he could do no wrong.
Gyft: Not yet.

Vale Hart
26 | She/her | The Visionary/Unknown Alliance
Description: There are no papers for Vale Hart. Instead, what would appear on her passport and license would be a ‘Dole Gray’, and alias with her photo. All her history is fabricated. Apparently she graduated from Nocturnia College with a degree in Licensed Practical Nursing. And then attended the police academy for a few years, and graduated from that. But instead of going into the field, she took time off to ‘find herself’, and never went back into the professional field. At least, not for anything on record.
In reality, she emerged from thin air, and put her time, services, and undying loyalty into Flint and his
. She immediately started working as his second-in-command, and even helped draft some of the many code words the inaudible
use.Indeed, she wears a blindfold. However, it doesn't appear to dampen her ability to see.
Gyft: ???

Ayla Sephone
29 | She/her | The Negotiator/Mafia
Description: Ayla is the right hand of Ezra and the Dark Aces. If Ezra is surrounded in mystery, she is even more mysterious. Her passport and ID are forged, with only the best detectives able to tell. Her history of working at a designer studio in Jeweled Bank was also forged, and if anyone looks her up, she would come across as someone somewhat normal that was born and grew up in Nocturnia.
The truth is a little more strange. Indeed, one day, Ayla just appeared in Nocturnia. And the next day after, she was one of the highest ranked people in the Dark Aces.
She is known for her sweetness and charisma, and her rapport. She is the sweet side of the Dark Aces when they want to make a deal, or want to appease and asway a group or person.
She is easy to identify, with her naturally sparkled skin, orbous blue eyes, and glamorous outfits.
Gyft: Curses
Curse of Sickness
Anyone within a thirty-foot radius of Ayla can suffer from sickness. If they have a gyft, both roll a 1d12. If Ayla wins, she can decide to inflict something as simple as chills, to pneumonia, to a high fever, to a migraine.
Curse of Addiction
Anyone within a thirty-foot radius of Ayla can suffer from severe addiction, caused by increased dopamine and serotonin drops when in Ayla's presence. And, when out of her presence, withdrawal, craving, and a need to be back in her presence. Anyone with a gyft, she has to roll a 1d12 for. If she rolls higher, her curse of addiction takes effect. People who are under the curse of addiction are more susceptible to her ideas and words.

William Hawkeye
36 | He/him | Command Sergeant Major / Military
Description: He is the highest ranked military official posted at the Wall surrounding Nocturnia. He is the one that overseas and ensures aid distribution into the city. To the press, this is all he does. A magnanimous presence there to keep the world safe from the ‘dangers’ of the city.
The real story, though? He overseas many other highly classified operations, such as sending covert militants to gain intelligence from the city. Another covert operation is the controlled kidnapping of children for experimental purposes, one example being Specialist Snow Frostfare.
His day-to-day is often in meetings with the other high ranks in conference rooms just beyond the Wall. His word is final, except if the Sergeant Major of the Army decides to pay the Wall a visit.
Gyft: ???

Jackson Ashford
21 | He/him | Leader of the Wolves Biker Gang/Mafia
Description: Jackson has looked over the Heavy Crossguard district of Nocturnia for years. It all started when Vincent of the Thorned Roses approached him with a ‘deal’. And Jackson uses the term ‘deal' lightly. He had a 3D-printed gun pressed against his head the entire time, after all. After some discussion, Jackson agreed that they would secure and protect Vincent's assets in Heavy Crossguard.
And thats exactly what he does. Beyond his own racketeering and extortion of the businesses in the area, he also ensures Vincent's warehouses remain untouched.
Jackson and his gang like to come in loud and heavy, using their neon-lit bikes to ride up on any scene and shoot first, ask questions later.
Gyft: Urbankenesis
He is able to freely manipulate concrete and metal in a thirty-foot range around him. A few examples of his powers is making concrete have the consistency of quicksand. He also has been known to implode buildings with a thought. He can also creates waves of concrete and metal that can smother his opponents.
He cannot create concrete or metal. If he were to, say, be trapped in a material like rubber or glass, without access to concrete or metal within thirty feet, he would essentially be rendered useless.

Eric Dinero
24 | He/him | The Pianist/Mafia
Description: He is the younger brother of Matteo Dinero, and a capo within the Thorned Roses. He enjoys a certain… finesse with his work. Always ensuring there is as little mess as possible and that he, especially his hands, remain clean.
This is remarkably easy for him given his gyft. He is the shadow of his bother, the silent grim reaper greeted only by a chorus of choked whimpers when he steps out on the scene. Due to his notoriety, he often has people who recognize him cross the street as opposed to risking a confrontation with him.
He gets his nickname from the piano wire-like appearance his gyft takes when he uses it. As a side note, he can actually play the piano. Quite well, actually. On occasion, he does play at the Latterdale Jazz Bar, to the enjoyment of his brother and his boss, Vincent Accardo.
In addition, he speaks Italian fluently, like his brother.
Gyft: The Grim Wire
Fluorescent threads that light up a neon violet manifest from his fingers, tying its end upon anything he wishes. It's strong like steel, giving it the nickname ‘piano wire’. He is able to create points of anchoring along the wire. for example, having a wire tied around someone's neck, hoisting them off the ground to an invisible point in the ceiling, then having the other end of the wire attached to his finger.
He can manipulate the wire with a thought or a flick of his hand, changing the tightness, the binding, or if he wants to drop the person entirely. His signature move is to suspend someone by the neck with his wire and choke them out.
He can manifest as many strings as he likes, though he might lose track of himself if he has too many strings manifested. It's also tiring to manifest a lot at a given time. His area of effect is about thirty feet. If his hands are encased in something solid, like metal, it renders him useless.

Valencia Nocturnal
38 | She/her | The Mayor/???
Description: Valencia has proudly served the people of Nocturnia for the past fifteen years from Town Hall in Jeweled Bank. It's an exceptionally long tenure that the majority of people don't mind seeing continue. She has done a lot of good since becoming mayor. For one, she cut out the majority of corruption in the council, dismissing all and jailing some of the previous council members. She also corrected and increased funding for the Nocturnia Police, making them more effective.
Whenever there is an election, she always seems to win by a landslide. There's no evidence of foul play, but you're always going to have conspiracy theorists cooking up crack theories like how she is being funded, and that funding goes into her love bomb campaign that makes the people vote for her. Or maybe they fudge the number in the back. Who knows?
It's a well known fact that the Mayor is good friends with the CEO of Noc Noc Burger, Soylent Green. She is also amiable with Commissioner Franchesca, always ensuring she has everything she needs to succeed. What is less known, however, is that she is also on good terms with Otto Bondar.
Gyft: ???

Alastor Dominique
28 | He/him | The Eye/Mafia
Description: Alastor grew up on the streets, brawling with the other kids and snatching purses to survive. There was a particularly bad fight he got into that involved a knife. It cut his face, and he reeled back in shock. At that moment, he was filled with a burning desire to never let something like that happen again. In the next moment, his gyft manifested, and he could see where the next attack was going to land. He dodged, landed a final blow, and was victorious.
Soon, feats of his fighting skills reached the Dark Aces, and he was recruited off the streets. Ezra gave him a proper home, a proper education, and proper training. He turned the aimless youth into a steel blade, filled with precision and direction.
Alastor proved he had a mind of his own, much to Ezra's great pleasure. Alastor was also incredibly devoted, and he earned himself higher ranks, eventually taking on the title of Underboss.
Gyft: Causality Vision
He is able to see the future trajectories like yellow filaments of light in his vision. As he watches a person, he can see where they're going to walk and how before it actually happens. He is able to see about thirty seconds into the future. This allows him to dodge bullets before they are shot, and land a blow where a person ends up, instead of falling for a feint or misdirection.
The most major weakness to his causality vision is that he cannot see in 360 degrees. He is still able to be surprised if there is an attack that catches him from behind. Also, if an attack is too large to outrun or outmaneuver, there isn't a lot he can do for that either.

Aiden Beckett
36 | He/him | Internal Affairs Officer | Mr. Scarletta/Detective
Description: Aiden started his career as a lowly officer, then served a few years as a detective. When it was found his talents were better suited to be directed back at the police force, especially with the corruption running rampant, he was enthusiastic for the task, becoming the first public IA Officer.
He is very good with information, able to hold the most random details in his head. Not only does he know each and every member of the police force, but he knows uncanny information about them. For example, he knows when it's someone's birthday and brings a cake, despite that person not telling anyone and putting the wrong birth date on their application. He also has a habit of bringing people into his office to talk privately about home life, knowing who's going through fights or struggling in some way. In a way, he also doubles as a type of freak therapist and close confidant. He also usually has impeccable timing, entering someone's office at just the right time to catch them slacking off or gossiping. So, by these ways, everyone has a certain level of fear and respect for him.
Off the record, he is also the doler out of punishments for officers found to be corrupt. It has happened oftenly where he will walk into someone's office, and then that someone will disappear for days on end. And when they finally come back, they act like they're constantly being watched, and refuse to talk about what happened. And of course, in some cases, the corrupted official gets sent to prison or… never comes back.
Gyft: ???

Kaiyo Mayazaki
28 | He/him | The Reverser/Mafia
Description: Kaiyo comes from minority of Japanese folk within the walls of Nocturnia. He was born albino, which is already a rare expression of genes. But on top of this, he was born with a weak heart.
His gyft manifested when his family got caught in the crossfire of a gang war. Vincent witnessed the first instance of his gyft being used - reversing the bullet wounds in his mother's body. Kaiyo had a nervous fit after, coughing up blood afterward and passing out.
When he awoke, he was in a sterile room in the Arakasa Tower, his body stabilized with a diluted form of Nyla. It was then Vincent offered Kaiyo a job, which he took gratefully, owning the man his life.
Gyft: Reversing Aura
By exerting his aura, which is about ten feet around him, he is able to reverse time on a specific point, person, or object. He typically does this by holding his hand out to a specific object. Then, that object glows orange as it visibly reverses back in time. He is able to reverse anything, like returning the bites of an apple to make it whole again, or reversing the body so it no longer has mortal wounds. The reversal takes as long as a few minutes, typically.
This only thing Kaiyo is unable to reverse is death.
There is another drawback to this gyft. The more Kaiyo uses his gyft, the more quickly his organs age. He was already born with a weak heart, so he has resigned himself to a short life in service to Vincent. Vincent, on the other hand, has endeavoured to give him the best treatments and therapies to slow down this process.

Jack Reddington
29 | He/him | Mr. Unhinged/Mafia
Description: Jack was initially one of Vincent's collectibles. Vincent admired the man's display of his gyft, and planned to keep it indefinitely. But, when Jack showed hunger, and a willingness, nay, a need to sow chaos, to reduce the human spirit to ash, Vincent started getting other ideas.
After much therapy, Vincent has managed to tear apart and piece back together the broken mind of this man. A man who finds humour at funerals.
Now? Now Jack is fairly functional, more than he was. His gyft stops acting like an autoimmune disorder, well, as long as he continually seeks Vincent's ‘corrections’.
With Vincent's help, Jack is a blood-thirsty capo, ready to inject fear into any who oppose The Boss. He enjoys his own mental games, dragging someone down to their own personal hell, far enough where they become hysterical, vegetable state-like, homicidal, or suicidal, depending on the person.
Gyft: The Eyes of Madness
Within Jack's aura of about thirty feet, physical and hallucinated eyes of madness begin to grow on anything - walls, furniture, even human bodies. When they open, they begin to speak directly to the mind. They know knowledge that should be impossible to know, as if the person's very demons are speaking.
If there are enough eyes focused on a person, these whispering will evolve into hallucinations, forcing a person to relive their most damning moments. The whisperings on top of it begin to fray at a person's mind.
Eventually, and this is entirely dependant on the person, but the end result is the person becomes hysterical, homicidal, suicidal, or vegetable state-like. And they will stay like this until the eyes close or are destroyed.
Jack can use these eyes of madness to see beyond his position. However, when there are eyes of madness open, Jack's own mind becomes a bit frayed. Long enough exposure, and Jack too, is at risk to go mad.
The physical eyes can be destroyed by conventional means. Though, the ones that are on the human body? They will require a person to stab or harm themselves to force the eye to close. The hallucinatory eyes can only be destroyed by shutting down Jack, or having an immunity to mental attacks.

Alex Ravilious
25 | He/him | The Ravager/Mafia
Description: Alex has been around almost as long as Matteo, and was part of the crew that was snuck into Nocturnia in the beginning days of the Thorned Roses rise to power. He likes to think his love of all things goth, the darkness and depression, helped manifest his gyft: control over voids.
Now he's a heavy hitter. To Vincent's delight, Alex is up there with Matteo, stringing along kills like popcorn. He enjoys his work, and he has the utmost faith in Vincent.
When he's particularly mad at someone, he enjoys creating a small black hole in front of them with just enough gravitational pressure to cause the person to teeter on being sucked in, which quickly causes them to shut up about whatever it was they were going on about.
Gyft: Black Holes
Alex is able to break down his gyft into different applications.
Standard Black Hole
He is able to create a black hole that begins small, gaining power and width up to one foot in diameter. As they grow, they increase in their ability to suck in objects. However, because they're unstable, and to avoid taking in huge chunks of earth in a runaway black hole, they always collapse after a few seconds.
It is in this collapse where the magic of Alex's black holes begins. As they collapse, they do so quickly, creating a powerful shockwave. This shockwave has the ability to crush bones if someone is one or two feet within the blast radius. And if someone is in the five to six foot radius, they will be flung violently.
Black holes are created and moved telekinetically, without limit on number. His creation distance is about sixty feet in diameter.
Barrier Black Holes
For a few seconds, Alex can create rows upon rows of black holes that can act like a shield, absorbing anything from bullets to energy, to light. Then these black holes collapse. So they can only be used as a quick, short defense.
Anti-gravity Black Holes
This requires a great deal of finesse, but Alex is able to, say if he were to leap from a building. He could let loose a blackhole above him to suck him up a little, slowing his fall. He would then cause the black hole to move upward, out of range as it collapsed, and he would land rather smoothly on the ground.
If he needed to get higher in the air, he could do the reverse, have a black hole suck him up into the sky, and move it out of the way as it collapsed. He could technically do this on end to move haphazardly through the air.

’Joker’ Macallan
26 | He/him | The Dynasty/Mafia
Description: ‘Joker’ was actually one of the survivors of a raid Vincent did on Laterdale in the early days when he was marking his territory. Joker worked for a small time crime family who loved him for his gyft. And it was his gyft which caused Vincent's eye to be caught.
“Capture him alive, I want him alive!” Was what Vincent had barked in the comms while his men mowed down the other lessers.
That was when Joker was given an ultimatum: submit to Vincent and become part of his gang, or lose his mind. Joker, however, was a fairly chill individual, he thought, and very quickly agreed to join the Thorned Roses.
He has served them for a few years now, and went from a solider to a capo fairly quickly. It helps when the boss is partial to your gyft.
Gyft: The Dragon Dynasty
The Dynasty lives in his mind like it's own dimension. The Dynasty is made up of dragons of all types and sizes that Joker has dreamed up over the years. It is a simple process to summon a dragon - they merely manifest in the area around Joker. If they are given a fatal blow, they merely fade out of existence and back into the Dynasty. Joker can also de-summon them at will.
Joker can summon up to ten small dragons about the size of a car each, and can summon up to one dragon the size of a one-story building. Their abilities differ in their breath. Some breath fire, others breath ice or lightning.

’Zeus’ Knoll
22 | He/him | The Black Dart/Mafia
Description: ‘Zeus’ is often found butting heads with Jackson. That's just how he is. Their arguments usually get so heated that it takes a race at top speeds through Heavy Crossguard and a winner to be decided for Zeus to finally simmer down.
Deep down, he has an extreme love for the gang of misfits. ‘Merc’ looks up to him like an older brother. ‘Akira’ invites him over for game nights all the time.
When it comes to business in the gang, Zeus is often the ‘area of effect' specialist. If there's a large crowd of people giving them trouble, he can ‘address the situation’ in a matter of seconds. He's also brilliant for scouting, and can cover a somewhat large area in a short period of time.
Gyft: ???

’Akira’ Hano
22 | He/him | The Hero/Mafia
Description: It's true, ‘Akira' is known for cheating his way to number one whenever there's a race in the gang. But most of the others forgive him. Except ‘Zeus’, but Zeus always tries to take an issue with anyone.
It's actually a funny story how Akira got his nickname. This was back in the beginning days of the Wolves, when they were attempting to claim Heavy Crossguard for their own. The mafia leader at the time had the poor idea to challenge them in the open. Two seconds later, there was a rev of an engine as Akira and his red bike sailed into the leader, leaving nothing but a smear after.
Yes, he's the little hero of the gang, usually taking bold and reckless moves simply because he can finesse his way around most mistakes that would probably kill anyone else.
Gyft: ???

’Merc’ Hamilton
19 | She/her | The Embers/Mafia
Description: ‘Merc’ gained her way to fame in the gang as the daughter of the man who fixed the gang's bikes. One night, she heard a crash in the garage, and found enemies of the gang trashing the bikes. She moved without thinking, and set them all alight.
Word got to Jackson, who made her an official member the same day. Everyone knows how precious their rides are, after all. Everyone in the gang tries to shield Merc from the harsher realities of their life, but Merc not only embraces the darker side, she gets frustrated at their attempts to shield her. She's a Nocturnian, she says, and everyone in this city has dirt and grime on them.
When there's a fight, Merc is up there with Zeus, able to take down many enemies in quick effort. However, she is more often used as a last resort, as her gyft is so devastating.
Gyft: ???

Cyril Hayes
26 | He/him | Morpheus/Mafia
Description: Cyril was found in the dungeons, or basement, of an opposing mafia that thought it would be a good idea to start uprooting and unraveling all these secrets behind the ‘Ig Notus’ name. Needless to say, this opposing mafia no longer exists. And Cyril was brought out of the darkness and into the light, little more than a husk of a man.
His story is, unfortunately, more common than one would think in Nocturnia. His gyft was extorted, and he was kept as a prize as well as ensuring he couldn’t threaten this gang. Being rescued from all of that, Cyril was incredibly grateful to the Dark Aces.
When he was told there was a job position available to him, Cyril had only one question, “I don’t scare you, right?” Of course not. And that was the truth, the Dark Aces were the one place where Cyril could be himself and express his talents and his desires to be the one in control. He can show a person anything, but he doesn’t prefer to show pleasant things. After all, it’s better to scare the one trying to hold a gun to your head than sit there quietly trying to be pleasant.
It’s true, one can never see Cyril’s eyes. He chalks it up to his vision often being in other places. And yes, he is a capo.
Gyft: ???

Lucian Vanguard
30 | He/him | The Knight/Mafia
Description: Lucian was singled out when he was just a boy, having made headlines news about his unique gyft. Many gangs wanted him, however, it was the DarkAces that were the fairest to Lucian, giving him a choice and beating down the more rowdy competition, who hoped to simply snatch the boy away.
So, for steady pay, and the opportunity to spar against the likes of the rather infamous Alastor Dominique, Lucian became a Dark Ace. He quickly became a disciple, learning the fundamental rules and teachings within the Dark Aces, and the all-around philosophy, the origins as well, like how the Beggar Prince had a chance encounter with the Midnight man that changed his course and the course of al future Dark Aces forever.
He prides himself as a guard of sorts, able to go on the offense as well as set up a fairly good defense. They gave him the nickname ‘Knight’ based on how he looks when he fights, and he’s played into that, making more complex structures and shapes that give him a bit of bravado when he enters the scene. You won’t catch him with a sword, but the guns he makes work great. So really, he should be in some kind of cyberpunk category, he figures.
Gyft: ???

Anna D'Rochelle
25 | Female | Phade | Mercenary
Description: Born and raised on the Nocturnian streets, Anna was originally from one of the more middle-class districts. However, early troubles with the Mafias displaced her and her family, leaving them to survive in a pooerer part kf the city. Growing into her own, Anna turned to petty crimes of theft and con-artistry to make ends meet. Eventually, her Gyft manifested; this only escalated her criminal activity. Soon thereafter she would add murder to her rapp sheet, and the thirst for action set deep roots. With her Gyft gaining her a degree of fame within the city, she turned attention to hiring herself out to police and mafias alike for short term contracts.
- Phasing. Can alter her body and anything in contact with it (clothing, weapons, etc.) such that she can pass through physical matter. With this she can move through walls, and evade physical harm from conventional weapons. She can extend this effect to others so long as she maintains comtact with them. Can be disrupted by electricity, causing Anna to return to her more corporeal state.
- Teleportation. Can instantaneously move through space. Limited to short ranges within her line of sight; the exception is for places that she is familiar enough with to properly visualize, such as her home and frequent places of visitation. Long-distance teleportation causes physical strain and fatigue if overdone.

Special Operative Sylvia Madore
28 | Female | Sneak/Del Guarde
Description: Formerly employed by the US Navy, and later an operative for the CIA. Her CIA tenure revealed her aptitude for stealth, wherein she excelled in espionage and reconsisance. Sylvia has a prior working relation with Sergeant T. Eren Glyde-Savion, having briefed him regarding multiple missions and operations, and cooperated in joint operations throughout their careers. She was thoroughly involved in the investigation into the Incident that killed Glyde's former team; Glyde remains unaware of this fact, and that Sylvia is privvy to the truth of what transpired. The higher ups selected Sylvia to join Del Guarde in part to monitor the Staff Sergeant's actions; stated reasoning credits the pair's history of proven results when cooperating.
Gyft: Cloaking Field.
Sylvia can create a small area of effect around herself that renders her invisible and muffles routine sounds such as footsteps.

Private Darian "Dar" Slayton
29 | Male | Title/Alliance
Description: An ex-military man, formerly of the Marine Corps. He was honorably discharged following an incident that resulted in the loss of his right hand. He was later utilized as a test subject for experimental robotic prosthetics, through which his hand was replaced with a fully-function polymer appendage. Following the success of the surgery, he was offered a return to duty to better test the efficiency of the new technology in practical situations. It was hardly a fair offer, as he would be stripped of the new hand if he refused. He was assigned to the initial infiltration by Del Guarde alongside Staff Sergeant Glyde-Savion and Agent Sylvia Madore, among at least two others. As with his two partners, Dar has since manifested a Gyft, and has gained quick competence with it.
Gyft: Barrier
Darian can generate protective energy shields. These can range from simple walls to full spheres typically measuring up to ten feet in diameter. They are robustly solid, enough so to block bullets an small artillery fire, though repeated bombardment can compromise this integrity; energy projection can also be used to break through them. They are difficult to maintain for extend time frames. Dar can expand his area of effect, though this comes at higher costs and can't be sustained as long.

Snow Frostfare
25 | She/her | Specialist Frostfare /Detective
Description: Snow was one of the people who disappeared from Nocturnia when she was young. She remembered being surrounded by many other children. All of them had gyfts. And they fought. They fought, and they fought. Often to the death.
It caused her to be quick and lethal, and she quickly stood out from the rest of the children. When she reached an old enough age, she was trained to be a soldier. Indoctrinated in the knowledge and beliefs of the military that housed and raised her, she became an icon of devotion to leadership, and a killer with a purpose.
That was when she received her first official task in the field: Assist with Staff Sergent Glyde-Savion in his mission within the corrupted city of Nocturnia.
Gyft: Psionics
The ability to use their spiritual energies to depress and overwhelm the mind, causing immense pain, hallucinations, bleeding from the nose and ears, and fatigue. In worse cases, the target(s) immediately pass out.
They must be able to see their target, and have them within their field of 60 feet in order to use their energies on them.
It takes immense concentration, and she isn't able to move while performing her psionic attack.
Both players roll a 1d20. If hers is higher, her attack is successful. If hers is five or more points higher, she causes the target to pass out for three turns. If hers is a 20, she has the option or ability to kill them.

Krish Zarina
30 | Male | Asterion's Plus One
Description: Krish met Asterion when they were in their older teenager and young twenties. It was mainly casual interactions such as going to the same bar, chatting, and running into each other. However, the more they talked, the more they liked each other, even if they bickered like siblings. Krish was an orphange from the streets of Nocturnia and a nomad to the life of living.
Then he ended up finding a place with Asterion and two other guys. Slowly, Asterion led Krish and others into businesses. With Asterion's abilities, he was able to keep Krish and him afloat or better. Krish is extremely loyal to Asterion and doesn't care to get into details why. People might find it very hard to break that loyalty.
Gyft: Rope Dart
Krish can summon a rope dart that might not do damage that appears right away though if the dart penetrates an individual, it sucks the energy out of them. Every time it hits, the individual will feel more worn, tired, or exhausted depending on how many hits they have endured. A varliable amount depending on person-to-person, most people end up having to sit down or take a nap to recover from this energy sucking power.
A 1d6 determines hit or miss.
Evens hit and a #6 outcome on a 1d6 roll means the dart attaches to them.
Every uneven number is a miss outcome.
If someone is regularly hit by his ability, they will take damage in the sense of an energy drain. This might cause an individual to feel weak, tired, etc... If his ability hits and attaches to an individual, that individual needs to roll a 1d6 (any even roll allows them to detach from the attack and not be drained anymore).
An individual upon getting struck with a outcome of 6 on the 1d6 roll can roll a 1d10 to grab the energy/spiritual string attached to Krish. A roll of 1, 5, or 10 allows that individual to yank the string in a special way that actually shocks Krish's nervous system and hurts him.

Zarek Volteran
29 | Male | Kairo Alliance | Thunderborn
Description: Zarek was once a lost soul who was consumed by poverty and drugs. His new addiction is tattoos and chewing gum shamelessly loud. His favorite thing to do is blow bubbles and hear them pop. He has a dry sense of humor and makes himself laugh the most.
Gyft: Electric field
This ability is able to come out as a sphere or a grid that is 15 ft by 15 ft. This ability when activated into a sphere surrounds the individual and has to have an odd outcome on a 1d12 to active. If an 11 rolls out, the individual inside of the sphere will become unconscious. If he activates a grid this requires an even roll on a 1d10. Landing on a 4 or 8 causes the individual to trip in the grid while being electrocuted.
- Can only use once every 5 posts.
- If he's standing in water or another conductive substance, it affects him as well.
- People can roll a 1d12 on either type of activation. Rolling a 10 or higher on a sphere activation makes it feel like they were just in a bathroom when a breaker broke. Roll a 1 or 12 on a field allows the field not to grab them and might cause their body to tingle at most.

Elara Vynn
24 | Female | Kairo Alliance | Keeper of the Eternal Grove
Description: Elara was once a stripper that played pretend for the most part in the Kairo adult club Echo Chambers. She was trying to stay under the radar and be nothing more important than any other individual yet she used her abilities to help Asterion and he's seen her more useful since. Now she is one of the higher ranked individuals that guards the Kairo Skyscrapper.
Gyft: Verdant Surge - Summon vines to ensnare foes.
She can choose to either restrain an enemy for one turn or unrestrained an ally.
Every two turns she can have her vines grow with spikes and use them as an attack versus defensive move.
- Limited Range: Must be within 25 feet of enemy or ally.

Mitzie Mathers
18 | Female | Civilian Receptionist at Kairo Skyscraper
Description: Mitzie has recently graduated high school and she is attempting go further her education in the university that is found in Nickel. She wants to become a specialized accountant and help boost the economy. She is the daughter of a guard at Kairo Skyscraper and she has been working as the main receptionist for roughly six months.
Gyft: She has no gyft or not one that is acknowledged.

Juniper "June" Shadweld
23 | Female | Healer at Kairo Skyscraper
Description: June would consider herself more neutral than anything but her loyalty does land on Kairo, his dreams for Nocturnia or at least his districts, and the possibly future. She believes that everyone needs medical care. Proper or improper methods, if it is safe, and will improve their lives.
She runs a local clinic in Nickel where she is the head doctor not only by her intelligence and experience but her gyft as well.
Gyft: Human Cure
Her gyft cannot heal anything or everything and has side effects that can harm her. Incurable diseases such as cancers cannot be healed by her touch and if she would try, she could have those transfer from the person she is healing to herself. June can heal anything from light wounds (cuts, scraps, bruises, and such things as the common cold) without and issue to life threatening wounds (gushing wounds, gun shots, complex sicknesses etc...) though she might become gravely sick depending on what she is doing or how much she is doing.
1d12 is rolled every time she heals a common wound (simple).
2d12 is rolled for every time she heals a medium wound (complex).
4d12 is rolled every time she heals a severe wound (life threatening).
She has a bar of 50, once her ability bar reaches 0 or goes past 0 when healing, she starts taking on the symptoms of what she heals. She can kill herself if she is not careful.
Description: Jax Emerson is the younger brother of Asterion and youngest sibling of the Kairo family. He grew up in a middle class family in Nocturnia with his adoptive family; his two loving and supportive parents with their three children. It was not a horrible life though he wanted to be with Asterion, Asterion declined each time, and that brought some resentment. He wanted to be a street kid like Asterion and his friends. Still being pretty young and not fully understanding the grasps of how dangerous the streets were, Jax got into street gangs in his later teen years to be rebellious. This got him into working for a man that owned a casino and night club. One thing after another, Jax made his own life difficult, choose to not chase a decent life, since he was chasing the approval of his older brother... except he's everything his older brother wouldn't approve of.
Jax and Asterion keep in contact and tend to communicate quite a bit especially over the phone. Their sister Klara went somewhere else where neither of them have seen her since the adoption processes. This has caused resentment towards Asterion even more, he believes his older brother ruined the family by calling the authorities - something their father would always say never do. Do not talk to police, CPS, etc...
Plus, Jax knows something that Asterion doesn't think his little siblings know. Klara told Jax before they were adopted out that she saw Asterion kill their mother. That their mother didn't just "die accidentally" and Jax resentful issues with his brother in that department.
Jax has somewhat of a big mouth even towards Asterion and he will say most of what is on his mind. He does tell Asterion how much of a jackass he is especially when they are arguing and Jax is one of the only people that can cause Asterion to explode emotionally.
The family relationships might be very strained, quite toxic, and a storm of emotions especially unsaid emotions however they do love each other. Jax thinks his older brother wants to keep him out of all the fun but he doesn't listen.
Gyft: Chameleon
Jax discovered a few years ago that Asterion was not the only "gyft" individual in the family and has made his own gyft a big part of himself. It helps him do whatever he wants. Jax has to touch bare skin to bare skin; be that touching someone on their hand with his finger tips or kissing them. Once he touches someone, he can morph into what they look like. This takes a d20 and doesn't come out perfect every time.
Natural 1 - He completely failed in being able to recreate any characteristics.
2 - 5 - There is a resembalance but the main attributes that he took on was the overall aesthetic instead of the actual look of the person.
6 - 10 - Something is different. Eye color. Hair length? Skin tone possibly off? Maybe a few things.
11 - 15 - People that know the person would definitely see subtle differences or notice certain mannerisms as off.
16 - 19 - People would have a very difficult time telling Jax apart from the person that he was able to take the appearance and mannerisms of from.
Natural 20 - He was successful in all characteristics, voice, and mannerisms.

Magenta Arcadia
Klara Kairo
24 | Female | None
Description: Magenta's life started out in the district of 93rd street. The amount of stress that her biological family was under, constantly, caused her to have only vivid fairytale memories of that life. Her best and final memory before the family was ruined and stripped from each other was her oldest brother, Asterion, jumping into their mother and having the woman down bottles and bottles of pills like they were candy. At the age she was at, she didn't fully understand what was happening, and she only understood mommy was gone, daddy was no where to be found, and that her brother did something gravely wrong. She fears him.
Once she was adopted, she was adopted into a very wealthy family in Highfair. Since the age of roughly eleven years old, she has been sitting pretty in a palace away from her siblings. For most of her teen years, she wanted to learn who Jax was and if he was alive, but her family forbid it. She listened.
Currently at the age of twenty-four, Magenta works under her adoptive father in a law firm. She went to university and she makes a very promising lawyer. She's still under watchful eyes not just in her career life but in her personal life as well. Still living with mommy and daddy. Doing her best to be a wonderful daughter to her parents and the best big sister one could have to her siblings.
Besides all the loveliness and easiness of her life. Her parents made sure not only her but her siblings have had hand-to-hand combat training and Magenta is licensed to carry along with being a decent shot with a pistol.
Gyft: ???

Erik Dockerson
19 | Male | Doctor - Kairo Empire
Description: The young man is still trying to figure out who he is and what his place is in the world. His personality changes from day to day with the same components that make up its foundation. One day he can be quiet, a recluse, and avoiding all social instances with a blink of an eye. Other days, he will not shut up while following you around. It depends on how everything is going but he tends to be a very ambitious young man that tries to figure out everything he can. Always asking why? what? Who? Where? When? Until he cannot ask any of those questions anymore to the thing or person he is working on.
Erik still has very childish mentalities and exposes that through his interactions especially with the things he creates or are trying to figure out.
Gyft: Erik's abilities are not defensive or offensive unless he can use it to his advantage to make something of working order. Because of these abilities, Erik is the head scientist and engineer at Kairo Skyscraper. He has been since he was 15 years old and obtained such abilities.
Learning Touch is an ability that can be used on physical components such as books, news papers, hard drives, and other things that literally carry readable and physical information. When he uses this ability on a book, he doesn't have to read the book, he just absorbs the knowledge from it. His mind is a filing cabinet for information, he can store what he absorbs away, and "look it up" for later. He cannot explain how this process goes very well. It just is.
Analyzing sight would be an ability that he explains as wearing really cool high tech glasses or a VR headset. His sight is enhanced to the point where he looks around and he can tell you that the box he is looking at 30 feet in front of him is 5.5' by 4'2" or that the bouncy ball that a kid is playing with is perfectly spherical and it weighs 10 grams. This helps him be able to explain that if that kid threw that bouncy ball at a certain angle, that it would move at such a speed and force that it could perfectly shatter a window or how a baseball wouldn't shatter a window if it was hit with such little force that it slowed down just enough before hitting the window.

John Leroux
33 | Male | Detective in Ragged Gavel
John very much takes after his father -- stubbornly set on his ideals -- even if this was a city of crimes, and even if his father met a gruesome end. His mother had been devasted by the death of her husband and hoped only for a safe mundane life for her two children. Look at how that turned out. One ran back to her street urchin friends after stealing from his family, and the other had disobeyed her only wish, entering the police force the moment she had passed.
John feels very conflicted towards Poppy. He hated her for violating his family -- his mother -- with her crimes, but he also loved her for being a good sister and daughter before that. He also felt something like a relief or gratefulness that his mother was no longer there to suffocate him. How he feels about Poppy doesn't matter anymore, since they haven't seen each other since the day she ran away and they are half a city apart. (Yes, he has heard some chatters about a red-haired mafia boss who has taken a particular liking to orphaned children) However, some of the days, the brilliant girl would visit his dreams, leaving him to wonder what made him feel so empty when he woke up.
It has been over a decade since he joined the precinct, but there is a reason he remained only a detective. His hotheaded unbending personality didn't do him any favours with both the good and the bad cops.
John feels very conflicted towards Poppy. He hated her for violating his family -- his mother -- with her crimes, but he also loved her for being a good sister and daughter before that. He also felt something like a relief or gratefulness that his mother was no longer there to suffocate him. How he feels about Poppy doesn't matter anymore, since they haven't seen each other since the day she ran away and they are half a city apart. (Yes, he has heard some chatters about a red-haired mafia boss who has taken a particular liking to orphaned children) However, some of the days, the brilliant girl would visit his dreams, leaving him to wonder what made him feel so empty when he woke up.
It has been over a decade since he joined the precinct, but there is a reason he remained only a detective. His hotheaded unbending personality didn't do him any favours with both the good and the bad cops.
Gyft: Veracious Aim
His shots are as steady as his will to shoot. In other words, if he wants to deal a lethal blow, he needs to believe that person is bad and needs to be dead; if he wants to disable someone, he needs to wholeheartedly agree that that person needs to be disabled at that moment. Otherwise, he would miss his intended target.
The shot itself still follows the laws of physics -- the target must remain within line of sight, the bullet cannot deal more damage or reach a greater distance than its effective distance, etc.
The shot itself still follows the laws of physics -- the target must remain within line of sight, the bullet cannot deal more damage or reach a greater distance than its effective distance, etc.

Talia King
18 | Female | The Rat Whisperer/Omakase
Talia's father was a scientist who had worked for a big mafia. He often kept rats around for animal testing, and so Talia made quick friends with these incredible rodents when she couldn't with her fellow humans. Talia was too young to understand what her father was working on, but she knew it had gotten him (and her mother) killed. Poppy took her in after that. Despite her initial hesitancies, Omakase turned out to be different from the mafia her dad worked for, so she willingly joined their ranks now that she was old enough.
Gyft: Rat Telepathy
Can communicate basic meanings with any rats in sight. She can also remote control her "special little rat" at the moment, meaning, she can tap into the rat's sensory systems (vision, hearing, smell) as well as to control the rat's movement. While remote-controlling the rat, her own senses will be shut off, but she can still speak and move (at her own risk). The rat cannot do anything outside what it normally can, and its own instincts may triumph over Talia's under great temptation or distress.

Damien Hurst
28 | Male | The Handy Man/Omakase
Damien is one of the original members of Omakase from its petty crime days. Like most of the children in the pack, he had to earn a living for himself early in his life. He was lucky to have found a mentor in an old mechanic. He was a quick learner and was good with his hands, so he didn't have it as hard as some of the other kids, but his abusive alcoholic dad meant he was always in need of more money. That was when he joined Poppy's little crew and was well-rewarded for his handy talents. His dad is no longer around, but his desire for money remained.
Gyft: Handy Man
His hands can become any common tool (e.g. screwdriver, drill, wrench, etc.) at will. The tip/size of the tool can be as small as a needle or as big as his hand. The tool cannot detach from his hand and works the same way as if he was holding it (except maybe with a bit different maneuverability). The tools will have the physical endurance of good quality metal, but can break if used incorrectly, which would result in Damien breaking a number of fingers depending on the tool.

22 y/o | Female | Order of Enlightenment
Description: A zealot of the Order who often supervises and partakes in their more charitable activities. Has suffered greatly in the past, but perhaps such suffering is just normal for anyone with the misfortune of being born in Nocturnia. She is the passionate, emotional sort, earnest in everything she does, and believes that it is the duty of those who have benefited from the benevolence of the Order to share their blessings with others.
Gyft: Human Infestation
Celina is able to fuse herself with inanimate objects, and then cause that 'infested' object to manifest human body parts. The larger the object, the more bio-matter can manifest from it. During this infestation, the object is treated as her body, insofar that all her senses are simultaneously mapped upon it, causing a bit of an identity crisis. The largest object she has fused with to date is a small building; often for the less savory work that the Order asks of her, Celina would limit herself to fusing only with individual rooms.

32 y/0 | Female | Order of Enlightenment
Description: An individual of questionable faith who partakes in the Order's more violent activities. Her laid-back and informal attitude towards the Lodestar has made her somewhat unpopular with other members of the cult, but her reputation as a violent barbarian, one who could barely be considered 'human', has kept such comments and remarks behind her back rather than in her face. Lenore doesn't mind all too much though. She's along for the ride, because the Order of Enlightenment provides something that's a bit of a rarity in Nocturnia.
Gyft: Carnage Induction
Lenore possesses superhuman physical attributes that ramp up in relation to the violence surrounding her. Her emotions become more erratic and aggressive in relation to that increase in physical capability, capping to a point where she becomes a nightmare too fast for the human eye to track, strong enough to lift a small building, and durable enough to shrug off gunfire. Alongside all that, her senses sharpen as well, while her body temperature spikes up to double that of a regular human under physical exertion. At her best and her worst, Lenore is a crimson blur, leaving a trail of 'rust' in her wake.

Wes Easton
47 y/o | Male | Order of Enlightenment
Description: A remnant of the Mechanical Society, a group that once pursued the advancement of human society through the fusion of Gyfts and machines, only to be crushed once they stepped upon the toes of too many competing gangs who both coveted the technology and did not wish to see their own monopolies in violence be diminished. Wes possesses only a portion of such knowledge, his own Gyft 'grafted' onto him by of the Professors of that now-extinguished circle of academics. A man of few words, if only because of his amateurish prosthetic head, he is an adherent of the Order's beliefs, having understood that it was not the flesh that made men weak, but their minds. Even if you eliminated hunger, even if there was no resource scarcity, humans, imperfect, irrational humans, would still fight.
For now, he follows the Lodestar's guiding light. But he is not so cold as his body appears.
Gyft: Prosthetic Alchemy
A vestige of the Gyft possessed by the Principal, the individual that lead the Mechanical Society.
By utilizing the equivalent bio-matter and then introducing the mechanical tool meant to be infused with it, Wes is able to craft prosthetics that cannot be created or even understood by current technology. The process involved is mentally taxing, to the point that even a slight break in focus during 'installation' would cause the entire thing to turn into waste materials instead: inert hunks of metal that possess the form, but no function. Still, when they are crafted and grafted, they become perhaps one of the few objects in Nocturnia capable of 'combining' with their wearer's Gyft, offering new advantages or removing past disadvantages.

33 y/o | Male | Order of Enlightenment
Description: An odd fellow who has attended to Matthias since the Lodestar has been wheelchair bound. He claims to be as faithful as any other, but neither concerns himself with the wet work that Lenore indulges in, nor the charity that Celina does to soothe her soul. Elijah, perhaps, engages with the Order of Enlightenment as a scholar would. He is not swept away by the desire to make Nocturnia a paradise, nor does he lust for a crusade against the ignorant. Rather, he stays with them for a front-row seat to something that may make history, or may burn as brightly as the Great Library once did.
The mark on his left hand belongs to a house that has fallen into disrepute. The mask he dons on occasion harkens to crueler, less civil times. And yet, Elijah could not have experienced either.
Gyft: ???
Unknown (Presumably over 40 years old) | Male | The Doctor - Head of Cult of the Black Web
Description: No one really knows The Doctors true identity. He is mysterious, conniving, and cruel. Always watching, always plotting.
He wants nothing other than to control all of Nocturnia from his underground operations. He wants nothing but the Cult of the Black Web to be well known across the land. He knows of the one who will bring it all being in Nocturnia, but he has yet to find them.
He has eyes everywhere.
Gyft: Shadow Manipulation
The Doctor can control the shadows around him into solid objects; most often he uses it for Blades and Daggers, but if and when he needs to, he’s able to manifest them into a set of shadow tendrils from his back.
He can’t do too much with his shadows, striking them drains his energy and control. But he can block most standard attacks to give himself time to get away.
(If Fired at by a lot of bullets, his blockage will be limited and he’ll likely be knocked back or lose control of the shadows)

Glade Brey
’Bard’ | 23 | Male | 6’2 | 209
He grew up in Nocturnia, his family was fairly wealthy and he was doing good in his life.
One day at a school-related band display, his parents got jumped and killed (Something Glade Blames himself for); leaving him along with his sister to fend for themselves as the government basically took most of their families Wealth until they were old enough.
Glade took to music to keep himself as sane as possible, and now nightly travels the districts to do shows for Detectives, Mafias and citizens alike.
His younger sister, one of the only things keeping him tied to his own sanity, happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time with a drug raid and got taken into the prison; which caused Glade to turn towards a more ‘darker’ tune.
He now goes around, especially if he has any secrets on anyone in power, and lets the population know through song; often sought after by Mafia Bosses for whatever knowledge he has in his ‘case’.
But secrets aren’t cheap, and Glade has a goal to complete.
He has another ‘side’, Known only as ‘Bard’; who came to light after a massive mental break early in their life. ‘Bard’ is the one who is feared, while Glade is actually a kind man.
Deep down, Glade just wants to get his sister back from the Nocturnia Military Prison.
Gyft: Lights! Camera!
Glade has the ability to look through any Camera’s in a camera network.
Limitations and Weaknesses:
The Cameras have to have power and be on, camera’s have to be in the same ‘circuit’ as he’s touching. His senses while looking through a camera are dampened, he can’t see the outside world and if the camera has sound, his hearing is affected too.
Von Ansco
35 | Male | Bodyguard for Blue Feather Reverers
Von (lovingly called ‘Vonny’ by Harriet in secret) is a calm headed, tall male. He and his brother Dale are the Body Guards specifically tasked with looking after Harriet when she’s out and about; not that she needs it, but it’s moreso to look after little Calem.
Von has a soft spot for children, and is often the one Harriet hands Calem to, as he is the carer while his brother is the fighter.
He is loyal to Harriet as she saved him and his brother from their abusive mother years ago; even if they were adults at that point.
Gyft: N/A
Dale Ansco
35 | Male | Bodyguard for Blue Feather Reverers
Dale, unlike his brother, is not the calm headed one; he’s quick to anger and often has to be calmed down by either Harriet or his brother. Much like his brother Von, he is a body guard specifically for Harriet.
While he’s not as big on kids as his brother is, Dale will still fight tooth and nail for the kids and Harriet.
He is loyal to Harriet as she saved him and his brother from their abusive mother years ago; even if they were adults at that point.
Gyft: N/A

Kaleb Andris
29 | Male | ’Emu’ - Blue Feather Reverers
Kaleb, better known as ‘Emu’; is one of the higher ups in Harriet’s ‘Mafia’. While he keeps out of all of the dirty, nitty gritty sort of business - he keeps the books straight, he keeps orders flowing and ensures that Nyk is able to get what he needs to in order to make the funds for the group.
Kalebs Wife, ‘Haast’, works alongside him; they both see Harriet as someone important in their lives.
Gyft: N/A

Amy Andris
26 | Female | ’Haast’ - Blue Feather Reverers
Amy, better known as ‘Haast’; much like her Husband, is one of the higher ups in Harriet’s ‘Mafia’.
Unlike her husband, she’s all in with the nitty gritty. A trained boxer, she’s often used as a security guard for the little Weed Business that Nyk runs for Harriet.
Works alongside her Husband ‘Emu’; sees Harriet as someone important to her.
Gyft: N/A

Nyk Valentyne
24 | Masc Leaning NB | The Chemist - Blue Feather Reverers
Nyk, in all essence, is treated as Harriet’s younger brother. He’s looked after mainly by Emu and Haast, as he’s known to forget to do things he’s supposed to do to keep himself alive (ADHD).
He runs the weed Operation for Harriet and the Blue Feather Reverers; however he was able to isolate the negative genes out of his plants - Removing the addictive tendencies and improving the medical abilites of the plants.
He mainly makes gummies, but also occasionally trades in dried weed.
Gyft: Plant Growth
Nyk has the ability to quicken the growth of plants, making them too big strains himself too much. He cannot control them, however.

Vivianne Scale
23 | Female | Entomologist - Webbs' Friend
Description: Vivianne (Viv to most people) is a young academic success; she became an Entomologist very young in her career, and is often looked down on it because of her age.
She's kind and caring, not one to resort to action or violence to solve a problem unless its' really needed. She often wonders how she survived being in Nocturnia with this demeanor, but she's not complaining.
She came across Webb a few days after he first woke up; starved and confused. With her instinctive affinity to creepy crawlies, she took Webb in to her little studio apartment (Filled with Terrariums and bug raising supplies) and got him on his feet.
Entomo-language; She's able to understand and talk to all walks of the invertebrate life of Insects and Arachnids; and they can understand her. However, not all Bugs really want to carry an important conversation unless it's about food.

Mia Delurge
23 | Female | Doctors Daughter - The Black Web
Not much is known about Mia, it is even unknown if she’s the Doctor’s biological daughter or not.
She appeared by his side one day, she must have been around 16 years old; and has been kept in his shadow for many years; learning, growing, believing, yearning.
She’s quiet, and loyal to the Cult of the Black Web, wanting nothing other than her fathers success; but deep down, she doesn’t believe what he’s fighting for is what will happen.
She likes flowers, even though she doesn’t get them often due to her underground living.
Now she’s at the age that she wants to get out more, the Doctor has agreed to send her on some missions; only if she knows she will be safe.
If she has a Gyft, she hasn’t shown it to the world; or her father is keeping it under wraps.
Gyft: ???

Unknown, Rumoured to be over 90 | Female | The Morrigan - Unknown Alliance
No one really knows when The Morrigan appeared; said to be from before the wall happened in Nocturnia, also said to be someone who walked alongside the Beggar Prince before the Gyfts appeared.
Her real age is a mystery, she speaks fondly of the Beggar Prince; as if they were close friends, possibly even family. She is mysterious and deadly, appearing almost out of nowhere whenever she’s needed.
Nowadays, the Morrigan is almost like a curse word; her name is not used in direct conversation, often simply referred to as ‘The Watcher’.
For she is always watching, always watching.
Crows will tell her the secrets, she will listen to the Crows. But does it just stop at crows? Do other avians’ lie under her control as well?
No one knows really what she wants from this place; maybe she’s protecting her home? Maybe she’s wanting full control.
There’s only one thing known about the Morrigan; she is everywhere.
Gyft: Crow manipulation.
The Morrigan is known for being able to talk to, communicate and see through the crows of Nocturnia.

Tyran Doliran
32 | Male | ’T-Rex’ - Blue Feathered Reverers
Tyran knew Harriet from a pretty young age, as he met her sister in Nocturnia when they were teens - Harriet being a few years younger than the two of them. Tyran ended up falling for and being engaged with Harriets’ sister - Daliah. A few months before they were set to get married, Daliah ended up falling ill and needed to go to hospital; revealing she was ill with a strange virus and also was pregnant with Calem.
Long, sad story short - Calem was born healthy, Daliah passed shortly after.
Tyrant signed his rights to Calem to Harriet and ended up disappearing from the city, managing to smuggle himself out through an aid truck after taking a uniform and stashing himself away.
It is unknown where he went, but he’s back in Nocturnia; captured upon reentry and held captive.
Harriet knows he’s back, and she’s gunning to find him.
Gyft: Sharp Tooth
Tyran possesses surprisingly strong bite force, able to bite through most hard metals. His teeth are almost completely indestructible - Bar of course, cavities like normal humans - But they won’t chip or shatter.
His lips stretch back to the entire length of his jaw line, but when his mouth is closed, he seems vaguely normal.

Maribel Coltello
30 | Female | "Griffon" | Silver Canary
Description: One of many people who have developed a gyft while living in the city and decided to make it everyone else's problem. Maribel came from a large and boisterous family, and she grew up as someone that actually thrived within Nocturnia. When her power manifested in early adulthood, she changed career paths and became a guard for hire. Technically. She's worked legitimate jobs and as extra mafia muscle. Though she may tell you she likes the excitement of the latter, the former is much preferable. Especially after a few bad jobs screwed up her personal and love lives.
Her latest position with the Silver Canary is the best she's had since... ever. She gets paid well and normally doesn't have to worry about much in her day to day. Although the money is a large part of who she chooses to work with, Maribel does have an honorable streak in her. Maybe ironic given her occupation and the nature of the city, but she gets attached easily. Her 'code name' is actually just her maiden name; she prefers it to her legal one but hasn't cared enough to go through another name change since her divorce.
Gyft: Air Force
With her gyft Maribel can form powerful currents of wind. The winds are cold and fierce, capable of cutting if condensed enough, but Maribel does not have the control needed to form anything the size of a sword or smaller. Her power is more geared toward large movements of air: billowing wind tunnels, whirling walls of wind, and cutting guillotines of air pressure. With some creativity it has a variety of uses, though she mainly uses it for both offense and defense.

Maya Orech
27 | Female | "Swift" | Silver Canary
Description: The daughter of a former detective. Or, rather, the former daughter of a former detective. Maya was emancipated in her teenage years after one too many close calls due to her father's occupation. Among other reasons. Even after leaving her old life behind, she was never safe. Muggers, kidnappers, and killers were a very real problem in the city. All just as bad as the corrupt men her old family had chosen to throw their lot in with. She lived in constant vigilance, aloof and alone in a dead end job within the walled city.
Until she got caught up in yet another hostage situation (some small time gang with ambitions way above their ability), and met Adel by chance as he was poking around the area. After being set free (technically, as all the Canary had done was open their cuffs and the door and left them to save themselves), Maya sought him out. The fact that she, a civilian, had actually managed to find him got her hired. Well, that and her useful gyft. If she was going to find herself in sticky situations no matter what she did, then she figured she might as well give up and lean into it.
Gyft: Bio-Sonar
Maya possesses an enhanced form of echolocation. Her ears are fine tuned to pick up sound vibrations like ripples in water, and she can accurately tell the positions of people and objects within her radius even in total darkness so long as nothing obscures her ability to hear. She is also capable of producing a high pitched noise so that she can listen for its echo. She effectively has both a passive and active sonar via her gyft. Though not as powerful as the submarines that may come to mind at the word sonar, her gyft can indeed be harmful at close range if used underwater.

Alex Gonzalez
29 | Male | "Eagle" | Del Guarde Silver Canary?
Description: A loving husband, and a father to a beautiful four year old girl, although thankfully both his wife and daughter remain safe outside of Nocturnia's walls. Alex enlisted with the military early into his adulthood and currently holds the rank of Private first class. He's a good soldier, but has no real ambitions of leadership. His main concern was always only to support his family and protect his country. He has been to many different areas of the world on assignment but hasn't seen an active war zone... until his most recent assignment.
As part of Del Guarde, Private Gonzalez infiltrated Warzone 13. At first he was just glad that in playing pretend cops he got to keep his facial hair instead of shaving it off like usual, but over the next three years the reality of living in Nocturnia hit him, and he learned why it was still referred to as a war zone. After seeing the brutality of Nocturnia's gang violence, police shootouts, and supernatural power plays, Alex took his assignment a lot more seriously - but he was still ready for it to be over.
Then, only one day after a chance meeting with the Silver Canary his entire platoon was slaughtered by Asterion Kairo and his crew. Seeing the fact that he was spared by pure chance a sign that he needed to stay safe and get back to his family, Alex turned to the only other person outside of Del Guarde that he knew in the city. At the moment his primary goal aligns perfectly with his new employer's: make it out of Nocturnia alive.
Gyft: N/A

Sandro Conte
30 | Male | "Darter" | Silver Canary
Description: It's a story that's a dime a dozen in Nocturnia, especially its eastern side. Kid grows up poor, gets involved with gangs for money and safety, enters adulthood as a criminal, and never makes it out alive whether they end up in a jail or a grave. So far, Sandro has only ended up in jail. And he's escaped twice.
Hedonistic, nihilistic, a bit of a bully and currently two years deep into working for the Silver Canary - although from how Sandro tells it, they've known each other for longer. At nineteen Sandro joined one of Nocturnia's notorious crime families, the one that ruled over the whole southeast, and honestly loved every minute of it. He wears the five scars on his left shoulder like a badge of honor. When the famiglia went down he managed to scuttle away free, eventually finding his way to Silverside years later to connect with a couple of old pals and badger his way into a job. And hey, he's really good at it.
Gyft: Assimilation Frame
When Darter's gyft first awakened and he was checked out by a specialist, they called it Autophysiomorph. However that name hardly rolled off the tongue, so Darter calls it something else. Darter can alter the state of his own body by 'absorbing' the raw make up of materials, whether organic or not, although its more like copying. In this way he becomes a living being made of something else, besides human cells. He could, for example, become like a moving statue of marble, or walking tree bark. He could absorb the nature of a concrete wall and give his arms or legs the same hardness. He could take sharpened steel and make every finger a knife, or a rubber ball could make his feet able to bounce up.
When Darter's physical state is changed he remains the same size, unable to grow by absorbing more. The only exception is that he can re-grow pieces of him that have been blown off by taking in more of the same material. He only needs a small amount of something to alter his physiology, which is why he normally wears accessories of various materials. Although he is able to turn himself into liquid or gas, he hates doing it because its much harder to keep his body together compared to being solid. He can't truly shapeshift either - there's little need for fur or scales, and if he 'absorbs' another human's cells he just turns back to his natural state.
When Darter's physical state is changed he remains the same size, unable to grow by absorbing more. The only exception is that he can re-grow pieces of him that have been blown off by taking in more of the same material. He only needs a small amount of something to alter his physiology, which is why he normally wears accessories of various materials. Although he is able to turn himself into liquid or gas, he hates doing it because its much harder to keep his body together compared to being solid. He can't truly shapeshift either - there's little need for fur or scales, and if he 'absorbs' another human's cells he just turns back to his natural state.

Walter Shaw
Age: 35 | Male | Independent Contractor for Nocturnia PD
Description: While Walter is now known as a bit of a private eye in the district of Grey Square, he was once the proud owner of an antiques store. Unfortunately, as the rise of Gyfts gave powers to people who really shouldn't be trusted with a water gun his store became the target of local thugs when he refused to pay protection money. When Walter's own gyft allowed him to elude the thugs planned ambush, the thugs burned his store to the ground in an act of revenge shortly before the police arrived.
Without his store to fund his life, he was briefly put to work as a private contractor for Leon's division by helping identify the origins of any objects that may have been of historical value or reference during the police officer's various busts. However, after being able to detect a cache of drugs that was sealed inside of each 'lucky cat' statue that had been uncovered during a drug bust, Leon has kept him on as a more permanent contractor for special cases in which the police need assistance.
Gyft: Vibrational Echolocation
When Walter's skin comes into contact with a solid surface, he can send out a pulse that echoes out a distance of approximately sixty feet from the point of contact which travels along all objects in physical contact with the surface he has touched. Effectively, this gives him a brief 3d image of his surroundings. The more solid an object is, the better it shows in the image he retrieves from his gyft. So while wood, metal, and stone would give him a crisp image, loose dirt, water, and gel-like substances give him a poor image. While he does use this gyft to reveal secrets about his surroundings and can even sense where people are by the contact of their bodies with a solid surface, this power would do nothing reveal a subject or details that are floating or otherwise suspended in the air through non-physical methods.

Barbara Smoak
Age: 23 | Female | Work Study(Crime Scene Investigations) for Nocturnia Police
Description: A brilliant student at the College of Gyfted Studies, Barbara excels at the technological aspect of higher education, with a particular talent for Biophysics. Secretly, she dreams of being the person to unlock the origins of the Gyfts and why some people seem to have them and others don't. She has published two papers in the local science magazines, which has earned her the attention of Nocturnia PD. In exchange for participating in what Leon refers to as an 'extended work study', she is given a healthy(funding wise) scholarship and is often collaborated with when Gyfted persons are brought in on criminal charges.
Gyft: None
Hugh Murray
26 | Male | Nocturnia PD Lieutenant / Commander of Squad Hercule
Description: Hugh was already an up and coming member of the SWAT division of Nocturnia’s Burberry branch when his gyft began to manifest in full. As gyfted individuals became more and more common within the city, Hugh stepped forward when Leon began his rise to the position of Captain and worked with him to discover how to overcome the gyfts' first limitation. As more officers were placed under Hugh’s command and they developed a bond of trust, Hugh found that he could read their surface thoughts and could act as a calming presence during the intensity of a firefight. Since then his gyft has been put to use become the calm eye in the center of the storm that is Squad Hercule.
Gyft: Mental Fortress
Hugh’s gyft allows him to connect to the minds of others in a somewhat unique manner. As long as the person is willing, Hugh can maintain a link between himself and the other person that grants some mental enhancements until the link is terminated by either party. All connected individuals receive a +2 bonus on rolls made to resist mind-altering gifts and may communicate telepathically with Hugh.

Freya Owens
22 | Female | Sergeant of Nocturnia PD / Second in Command, Squad Hercule
Description: Freya was born to a wealthy family in Burberry, her talents encouraged towards the Arts in an effort to make her a desirable match for any of a list of wealthy eligible bachelors among the elite. She attempted to defy her family’s wishes and sought out enlistment in the military, but her family connections were sufficient to have her disqualified during admission. However, when she then applied for Nocturnia PD, her family found that they were unable to bribe or coerce Leon into keeping the wayward daughter out of the department. Her arrest record is among the best in the department despite her short service, her gyft allowing her to outrun, outfight, and outthink anyone not similarly gyfted.
Gyft: Enhanced Metabolism
Freya can briefly overclock her body’s systems, allowing her to move and fight with her reflexes, strength, and dexterity enhanced to olympian athlete levels. Her body is able to withstand short bursts of up to two minutes before damage begins to occur, requiring her to rest for an equal amount of time.

Arthur Nolan
23 | Male | Sergeant of Nocturnia PD / Member of Squad Hercule
Description: Arthur was a model student at the College of Gyfted Studies until an unfortunate incident involving a criminal with an unstable gyft nearly killed his twin sister. Both of the students had been bystanders when a man with the ability to move metal with his mind lost control of the ability, causing random shards of metal to spray across the room. His twin sister had thrown herself in front of him, though neither of them knew he had a gyft that could save her until he tried to stop the bleeding himself. He saved her life, and when the event caused his sister to enlist in Burberry PD, he followed right behind her.
Gyft: Cellular Programming
Arthur’s cells respond to his mental influence, breaking down and reshaping to fill various biological functions. By touching another person he can divert some of his own cells into their body for the purposes of healing wounds or eradicating venoms and diseased cells of the host body. Constant contact with the person is required until they are restored to a stable condition or the programmed cells break down harmlessly in the body.

Roise Nolan
23 | Female | Corporal of Nocturnia PD / Member of Squad Hercule
Description: Roise Nolan signed on with Nocturnia PD after a year of college as an average student alongside her twin brother after an incident involving a man with an unstable gyft nearly cost her her life. When the man's gyft caused razor shards to explode out his control, she threw herself in front of her brother to save his life, neither of them knowing he had a gyft of his own at the time that would in turn save her. Since her recovery, she joined Nocturnia PD in an effort to work against the dangers of unstable gyft users or those who would use their gyfts to purposefully harm someone innocent. When initially offered the position on Squad Hercule due to her performance in the field, she turned it down out of a belief the department had offered it to her because of her brother. It was only when Leon called her into his office and showed her the scores on her qualification exams and told her that he believed it was critical to his teams to involved gyfted and non-gyfted personnel that she finally accepted the position.
Gyft: Not gyfted.
Eric O'Cannon
27 | Male | Corporal of Nocturnia PD / Member of Squad Hercule
Description: Eric O'Cannon joined Nocturnia PD after a handful of years in the Private Protection industry. Despite a similar skillset and equipment, Eric felt a disappointing void in his life when he was often put to work as a bodyguard for shady businessmen and corrupt city politicians. Ironically, it was on opposing sides during a raid that Leon and Eric would meet, a meeting that resulted in Eric being placed in handcuffs and being brought back to Burberry precinct for processing. When it became clear that Eric had no real association with the criminal element, Leon made him an offer: come work for Nocturnia PD by turning over what little evidence Eric had access to, or never work in anything approaching private protection again. Eric chose the first option, and has never looked back.
Gyft: Not gyfted

Emilia Castiglione
Age: 32 | Gender: Female | Title/Alliance: Lieutenant of the Red Rose Syndicate
Emilia Castiglione serves as the trusted second-in-command to Isabella Delacroix. Towering at 5 feet 9 inches, her lithe, athletic physique is complemented by striking hazel eyes. Additionally, the interplay of her sharp facial features and fastidious appearance conveys an undeniable air of quiet authority, a quality honed over years of navigating the treacherous waters of the criminal underworld.
Emilia’s responsibilities within the Red Rose Syndicate are as diverse as they are critical. She acts as Isabella’s confidante and most trusted advisor, meticulously overseeing intelligence operations, fostering loyalty among the ranks, and ensuring the seamless execution of the Syndicate's myriad undertakings. Her steadfast dedication and strategic acumen have rendered her an invaluable asset, particularly during the pivotal moments that marked Isabella's ascendancy to power within the formidable landscape of Nocturnia.
Bloodhound Sense: Emilia possesses a heightened sensory ability that allows her to track people and objects with unparalleled precision. By focusing her Gyft, she can pick up on faint traces of movement, scent, or energy signatures, enabling her to locate targets even in complex or crowded environments.
- Tracking Expertise: Emilia can follow a target’s trail long after they’ve left an area, provided there is some residual trace to work with.
- Threat Detection: Her heightened senses make her exceptionally adept at identifying hidden dangers, such as ambushes or concealed weapons.
- Interrogation Aid: Emilia’s ability to detect microchanges in voice or movement gives her an edge in spotting lies or uncovering hidden motives during conversations.
Limitations and Weaknesses:
- Environmental Interference: Strong competing stimuli, such as heavy rain or overwhelming scents, can hinder her tracking capabilities.
- Range Restriction: While effective within a reasonable distance, her Gyft requires her to be within proximity of a trace or lead.
- Mental Fatigue: Prolonged use of her Gyft can lead to exhaustion and migraines, forcing her to rely on traditional methods in extended operations.

Siena Moreau
28 | Female | The Red Rose SyndicateDescription:
Siena Moreau is eccentric, unpredictable, and utterly devoted to the colour red. A walking contradiction, she combines an almost poetic obsession with blood and beauty with a cheerful, singsong demeanour that can turn unsettling in an instant. While some might write her off as a harmless oddball, those who underestimate her don’t live long enough to regret it.
She’s fascinated by the way blood looks when it spills, but she doesn’t need to touch it to kill—she lets her voice do the work. Among the Syndicate, she’s both an assassin and an interrogator, as her methods of persuasion tend to leave very little left to clean up afterward.
She has no blood relation to the Delacroixs, but she idolizes Bella and Mathieu, considering them the “living embodiments” of everything she loves. It’s unclear whether she actually believes in Bella's cause or just enjoys the chaos that follows her, however.
Gyft: Red Rhapsody
Siena’s voice carries an insidious, hypnotic quality that slowly unravels the mind. Through humming or singing, she induces an altered mental state in her victims, causing paranoia, hallucinations, or violent hysteria. Her Gyft doesn’t kill directly—but it ensures people die bloody.
Hysteria: Victims become overwhelmed with irrational fear, turning on allies or harming themselves in fits of uncontrollable panic.
Hallucinations: Induces auditory and visual distortions, making victims see things that aren’t there—shadows, threats, or even monstrous versions of their own comrades.
Bloodlust: Heightens aggression, sending people into a berserker-like state where they attack indiscriminately.
Delirium: A milder effect that scrambles thought processes, making victims confused, disoriented, or prone to erratic behavior.
Selective Targeting: She must maintain focus on specific individuals; she can’t affect large crowds at once.
Duration Control: The effects linger but aren’t permanent—once she stops singing, the influence begins to fade.
Mental Resistance: Strong-willed individuals or those with disciplined minds (like trained soldiers or experienced tacticians) take longer to succumb.
Environmental Interference: Her power is sound-based, meaning loud noise, ear protection, or sound-dampening barriers can weaken or nullify its effects.
Combat Skills & Weaponry:
Expert in firearms, favouring a sleek pistol for quick executions if needed.
Deceptively agile, moving with the grace of a dancer—because half the fun is making a show out of it.

Dominic "Dom" Raines
32 | Male | The Red Rose SyndicateDescription:
Dom is the Syndicate’s enforcer—a towering figure of brute strength and unwavering loyalty to Bella. Unlike Siena’s theatrical flair, Dom is straightforward, brutal, and efficient. He has no interest in politics or scheming—his job is to crush whoever needs crushing.
Despite his rough, intimidating exterior, Dom is surprisingly laid-back and wry, acting as the Syndicate’s resident class clown. He cracks sarcastic jokes in the middle of fights, keeps things lighthearted (to an extent), and doesn’t take Siena’s weirdness seriously—except when she’s using her Gyft.
He’s Bella’s most trusted bruiser—if she needs something handled, she sends Dom. And when Dom arrives, there are no second chances.
Gyft: Titan’s Grip
Dom possesses superhuman strength and kinetic force absorption, making him a walking wrecking ball. His Gyft allows him to:
Catch bullets or deflect attacks by absorbing the kinetic energy upon impact.
Amplify his strikes, turning a single punch into a wall-shattering blow.
Crush objects (or people) with his bare hands by gradually compacting pressure into a singular force.
Absorbed energy has to be released—he can’t store it indefinitely. If he doesn’t expel the energy, it starts overloading his body.
Doesn’t make him invincible—while he can tank hits, he still feels pain and has human durability.
Close-range focus—he’s a brawler, not a long-range fighter.
Combat Skills & Weaponry:
Brutal hand-to-hand combatant, specializing in street-fighting and grappling techniques.
Prefers melee weapons, using a metal bat or reinforced knuckle dusters in a fight.
Carries a sidearm, but rarely uses it unless absolutely necessary.

Mathieu Delacroix
23 | Male | Former Heir to the Delacroix Family
Mathieu Delacroix was born into the same bloodstained legacy as his sister, yet he rejected it from the very start. While Bella sharpened herself into a weapon to survive, Mathieu did the opposite—he softened. Not from weakness but from defiance. He refused to be another pawn in the brutal chess game of the Delacroix syndicate, choosing knowledge over power, kindness over fear.
Where Bella embraced the cutthroat lessons of their father, Mathieu found solace in books, in philosophy, in a world that wasn’t dictated by violence. He was the Delacroix who didn’t belong—a liability, some whispered. A wasted potential, others murmured. But he didn’t care. He never wanted the crown of the underworld. He only wanted to be free of it.
That freedom, however, was always an illusion.
No matter how far he distanced himself from the family business, the blood in his veins made him a target. When Bella took control of the Red Rose Syndicate, Mathieu tried to sever himself from it entirely, but his very existence was leverage. The Delacroix name could never truly be escaped.
And then his Gyft awakened.
Unlike Bella, whose Bloody Surge allowed her to wield her own blood as a weapon, Mathieu’s ability was something far worse. Something unnatural. Something that made even the most hardened criminals recoil in horror. Bloody Rupture—a power that didn’t just manipulate blood, but detonated it.
Mathieu could make a person’s blood boil, expand, and burst within their veins, killing them in seconds. A mere touch, a simple thought, and the human body became a ticking bomb. And while he refused to use it, refused to acknowledge the horror of what he was capable of, it didn’t change the fact that others would use it against him.
Gyft: Bloody Rupture
Mathieu’s Gyft is a terrifying evolution of Bella’s own blood-based abilities. While she manipulates her own blood, he manipulates the blood of others. With a mere touch—or in some cases, mere proximity—he can boil, expand, and rupture the blood inside a person’s body, effectively making them explode from the inside out.
-Near-instantaneous lethality: Targets can die within seconds if he uses his ability at full force.
-Proximity-based activation: Unlike Bella, who must shed her own blood to attack, Mathieu’s ability is external. He does not need to harm himself.
-Multiple targets: With focus, he can affect more than one person at a time.
-Unstoppable force: There is no known way to block or resist his ability once activated.
-Extremely difficult to control: Mathieu’s refusal to use his Gyft means he lacks control, making it dangerous to those around him—including allies.
-Highly emotional trigger: Strong emotions, such as fear or anger, can cause his ability to manifest involuntarily.
-Limited range: While lethal, his power only works within close range (within a few meters).
-Exhaustion & strain: Using it for too long takes a heavy toll on his body, resulting in severe headaches, nosebleeds, or worse.
Before his capture, Mathieu was a man of quiet resilience—thoughtful, empathetic, and deeply introspective. He preferred books to blades, philosophy to power plays. Where Bella embraced the cold calculus of leadership, Mathieu sought warmth in genuine human connection. He was the kind of man who would patch up a wounded stranger before throwing a punch, even when the world around him told him that kindness was weakness.
Despite his family name, he never subscribed to the brutality that defined the Delacroix legacy. He had no interest in power, no hunger for control. Unlike his sister, he did not command rooms with authority; he melted into them, observing, understanding. His presence was never one of intimidation, but one of quiet persuasion. He could hold an entire conversation without raising his voice, disarming people not with threats, but with patience.
Mathieu was also deeply idealistic, though he never called himself such. He didn’t believe the world was good, but he believed it could be better. That people could be more than their worst instincts. That Bella could be more than the Iron Rose—more than a name that made people whisper in fear. And while he never tried to change her, he never feared reminding her that power wasn’t the only thing worth holding onto.
Unlike Bella, Mathieu was also terrible at deception. It wasn’t that he was incapable of lying—he simply hated doing it. He had no taste for manipulation, no talent for half-truths. His emotions were clear in his expressions, his thoughts worn a little too openly on his face. Those close to him could always tell when something was bothering him, when he was struggling to keep something buried. And though he might insist he was fine, his body language betrayed him—fidgeting fingers, a tightening of the jaw, a gaze that lingered too long on nothing in particular.
Still, his kindness was not naivety. Mathieu understood the world he lived in, understood what people were capable of. He simply refused to let that dictate who he was. He was principled, stubborn in his refusal to compromise himself, even when it made his life harder. It was why he refused to use his Gyft, why he rejected the name of Delacroix despite knowing it was written into his blood.
And above all, it was why Bella fought so hard to protect him.
Because Mathieu was the only thing in her life that remained untouched by the ugliness of their world. The last reminder that there was still something worth saving, something worth fighting for that wasn’t built on fear or power. And for all of Bella’s strength, for all of her ruthlessness, she knew—if she ever lost him, if she ever failed him—then whatever was left of the girl she used to be would be lost, too.
Mathieu may not be fearless, but he is brave in ways Bella will never be. Not in battle, not in bloodshed, but in his unwavering belief that the world does not have to be ruled by monsters. That people can make choices outside of violence. That even in the depths of Nocturnia, there is still light to be found—if only someone is willing to hold onto it.
And that, perhaps, is what makes him more dangerous than he even realizes.
The original owner of the Jolly Jalopy, still serving the same bar he founded more than 70 years ago. His nickname a testament to his longevity, he appears as if he’s only aged 3 years since gaining his Gyft. Resembling a hardened yet well-groomed and presentable 60-year-old, his personality is curt towards newcomers while jubilant in the company of regulars.
His bar is both his home and prison, the building barely surviving hardships of the times. With the rise of Gyfts and the chaos that followed, Antonio wished nothing more than to protect his life’s work. One morning he awoke to find himself apart of it. Rooted to the building Antonio’s body swelled with power, commanding the vegetation whose roots threatened to overtake his establishment. His bar became a living part of the community and within his doors he holds absolute power.
That power however extends no further than his door. Unable to leave he is now dependent on the same community that depended on him to shelter them from the worst of Nocturnia’s history, post and pre Gyft. Antonio drowns in wisdom, and though Gyfts might create a little more chaos, he sees things are the same as always. The powerful trying to take control while the ordinary just want to be able to call tomorrow their own.
Synaptic Monument
Antonio is physically and spiritually entwined with his bar, the Jolly Jalopy and the land it resides on. Within the premises he commands the nature, walls, and air itself effortlessly. This can protect or harm its occupants. He can also search the earth below to reclaim and share the memories that have occurred in this place with others as he sees it. Though he can cast his vision back centuries, only the time his bar has existed is vivid to him.
This comes at the cost of his immobility. Unable to exit the bar, his reach only extends as far as he might be able to throw something out the door. He depends on the Brewery community to ensure his continued service to the district.
An up and comer in the underground racing circuit and recognised champion of the High-Rise Raceways. A diehard racing fanatic whose driving style can only be described as suicidal to those unfamiliar with her. She initially struggled in the racing scene. Though brave enough to push to the absolute limit of sanity, where metal groaned under G-force and engines whined threatening to explode, she found herself constantly outclassed by those able to afford better and bigger machines.
She studied the courses, did the math, found the most optimal lines. She was making time as perfect as her vehicle would allow but it still wasn’t enough to take home a notable victory or be celebrated as a true pilot. Another disappointing race later and a night of restless sleep she dreamt of that perfect apex. The line was encompassed by a grid she raced through, then it leapt from building to building and she followed fearlessly.
That next morning, she awoke for another race. As she fell back in tune with her vehicle that same path appeared before her, and she did not hesitate when it led her off a 13-story high bridge to land further ahead in the race. Making a name for herself by willingly diving inbetween bridges as a shortcut led to her rapidly growing notoriety. Her name found its way to those requiring high risk couriers, turning her passion into a career.
Predictive trajectory
Rada developed the Gyft of foresight, albeit in a limited manner. By attuning herself with an object she found she could visualise its path. Naturally her career as a pilot was accelerated rapidly by this. This would conversely work in predicting other objects. If she could visually track it, the path it would take at the current time was clear. This allows her to pre-empt an opponent’s actions and adjust accordingly.
In focussing in on an object, tunnel vision sets in. Ontop of the focus required to maintain an objects line of movement the rest of the world seems to fall away as the path becomes more visible. In tandem with this is that only one path can be determined at a time. Focussing on another object highlights its path to Rada causing the other to fade away, leaving her Gyft highly selective in use.
Otto kept his nose out of trouble, studied hard and focussed on a legally legitimate and comfortable life within Nocturnia. It became abundantly clear very quickly however that such an ambition was almost impossible here. If he couldn’t make a such a life for himself in the city, then the next logical step was to leave it behind. The great wall containing all Nocturnia also proved this would also likely be a venture doomed to fail.
Otto then faced the dilemma of either giving up on either his morality and serving the criminal underworld or committing themselves to a life focussed on sustaining themself rather than thriving. So, he did what he did best and crunched the numbers. He attempted to quantify the uncountable; to create a formula based on his emotions and which path would lead to happiness.
This obsession found another path. Theories flying through his mind turned to numbers, solutions. Waking startled prepared to test said solutions Otto found a different world. A world of pure values, where everything had a connection to something. The world suddenly made sense. Everything he was seeking was just an equation away. The path would have to be calculated but the final value was known. He just had to find the right strings to pull. He found his comfort wrapped in a new morality where only the ends matter.
Integral harmony
Otto possesses the ability to break the world around him down into raw data and formulate a method to reach a goal. Such a Gyft has led to his ability to rapidly learn and adapt to academic challenges presented to him. This also allows him to bring cohesion and stabilise situations most would consider long lost. Be it mechanical or social, if allowed by others his insights at the very least seem to minimise loss.
In using his gift Otto becomes disconnected from reality, occasionally to the point where a person is nothing more than a value to him. This has led to occasion where he needs to be grounded by others. There is the danger of losing himself to his Gyft. Should he drift too far and let his view dissolve everything he might find his mind following suit. Not even Otto is sure what would result from that, but he knows he wouldn’t be the same.
Nep has always been the life of the party. From the moment they snuck into their first rave, they never wanted it to stop. The neon of Nocturnia turned as high as it could go, focussed into one point of energy. The parties always ended but that just meant it was time to find the better high. Drugs elevated the moment, but it was always the crowd that gave that feeling of immortality, that they’d never die so long as the music roared.
Nep eventually found the ceiling to their rush. No matter how much harder the party went, his body just couldn’t feel anything more. Not satisfied with their biological limits Nep obsessed over how to crash through the ceiling. Looking to the crowd Nep became envious. If only he could condense their emotion and feel it all at once. That moment of ecstasy was unimaginable, but it had to be better than anything anyone felt.
The opportunity came one evening waking up in time for yet another rave. Tonight felt different, walking the streets felt strange, a melting pot of emotion. As Nep approached their venue that familiar rush began. Before he was even through the doors, the feeling was like nothing he’d experienced before, and the crowd shared the feeling. When the show started, the crowd became one, the night a religious experience of ecstasy.
Emotional Amplifier
Nep can tune into the emotional state of others and allow it to reflect upon themself. While Nep uses this for hedonistic purposes, it has found use for those who have been able to convince Nep to assist them using his Gyft. Nep can also use his Gyft as a sort of feedback loop, capturing an emotion and replaying it in his own and the minds of others. Never letting a high die or wallowing until they exhaust themselves.
This sensitivity to emotion however is always running. Walking down a busy street can be overwhelming on the best of days. Such has forced Nep into a nightlife routine but given his lifestyle he finds such manageable. Another risk is that if unchecked Nep’s feedback loop can overwhelm those exposed to psychosis. There have been myths of raves turned to bloodbaths and Nep never seems to have anything to add to such conversations.
Description: Akir grew up witnessing the darker side of Gyft’s. The Gyft’s that coalesced as curses or disease rather than powers. She witnessed a parent succumb to an overload of energy as they attempted to control their power. She dedicated herself to her family after the event. Beyond that she dedicated herself to her community and studied medicine. Her medical expertise helped many and even saved lives among the Brewery District.
There were cases beyond her abilities though. She accepted that she couldn’t save everyone but couldn’t accept the helplessness she felt when trying to treat the Gyfted who couldn’t control their powers. Watching them roil in energy she couldn’t even comprehend she wished she could just do something to help them. One day she woke to find her wish granted. All her Gyfted patients seemed to stabilise in her presence.
It wasn’t immediately apparent, but the fact hit eventually hit Akir. It was her. She was now Gyfted herself. She found herself conflicted. Akir welcomed the ability to help but had become what she dreaded. Despite her conflict, she became a specialist in Gyfted medicine. She now seeks answers behind the magic and maybe an answer, a cure, behind the affliction that some people called a boon.
Inhibitor Field
Akir’s presence naturally suppresses the Gyft’s of others. The radius and power of this field can be expanded if focussed into application but requires mental and physical exertion on Akir’s part to maintain beyond natural use. This inhibition effect can also be imparted upon objects so that they may also emit the same field. This requires an item to be charged, larger items creating larger fields, the more energy expended increasing its intensity.
The inhibitor field can however be fatal for those who depend on their Gyft’s to stay alive. Akir must take care regarding those she stays in proximity with as not to cause an accidental fatality. Her ability also inherently attracts distrust and discrimination from Gyfted who are unfamiliar with Akir. Viewing her as a threat to their way of life Akir has endured threats and even outright violence as a result from such.

Akula Gun Team Clover
Varied ages/genders, Soldiers, Smugglers (Bosses)
Description: Snaptrap, Puddle and Donkey. A gaggle of wannabe soldiers trying not to get turned into soup.
What do you mean become soup? Don’t think about it. Here’s a rifle. Don’t suck and you’ll be fine. Just know that whatever you do don’t get turned into the soup. Have fun kid!
A generic group of NPCs that represents personnel, henchmen and mooks within the Akula's overall. Who knows, sometime in the limelight might be good for them. Maybe you should be nicer to your minions?
Totally not one of your personnel.

Martin Luthen
63 y/o | Male | Master Sergent, Military (corrupted)
The ranking NCO, serving from the first few years of Nocturnia's quarantine and now adviser for strategic objectives concerning Nocturnia. Growing up watching warzone 13, the walls going up and hearing the legends of the Gyft he joined the military when he was of age and dedicated himself to studying the Gyft. His dream, to use it for the betterment of all humanity. The corruption has since perverted that noble goal leading to his efforts to understand potentially exposing Nocturnia to the world at large in an uncontrolled manner.
This corruption occurred after receiving a cache of alcohol as a gift from an inside man for their shared ventures toward trying to find the source of the Gyft. After being granted sight into the Noosea, Martin has continued to consume the corrupting waters to further his mind’s entry into the domain of shared consciousness under the belief it assists his research efforts.
With his age and health reaching a stage that he might be forcefully discharged he’s become more desperate in his efforts to reach the core of what he sees. A giant glowing tree dwarfing even the wall within his augmented sight. A pillar whispering the promise that whoever reaches it will be granted a wish, no matter what it might be.

Adam & Eve Delacroix
29 | Male & Female | Blue Bloods - Patrol Supervisors
Description: Adam and Eve's original image had been lost after so many years with the force, having taken on different faces, voices and more they have lost what they originally looked like. Usually skulking in different forms the brother and sister duo fell in line with the Blue Bloods early on under Queen Clash. They have an amazing track record for under cover busts, as well as other activites the pair are hungry to expand with Clash even more than the head honcho herself. Dangerous, unadultered and in their prime.
Gyft: Shapeshifting
Adam & Eve can take the apperance, voice and likeness of any person they come in contact with. They have to be within a 20 metre radius of the person to take their persona and they can look like the person for as long as they want unless they take severe damage where their body will revert to protect the cells being destroyed.