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Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

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C H A R A C T E R S H E E T :
"Impossible? Yeah, that's what I keep hearing. A living miracle. Now seriously, someone get me some pants!"
Jack William Styx
January24th, 2002 | 26 | Indigenous Scandi, definately passes as white.
Widowed | Male | Heteroromantic
Europe | Stockholm | Sweden
House Lynx | Team 21 - Blackjack

B U I L D || Athletic
H A I R C O L O U R || Strawberry blonde
E Y E C O L O U R || Blue with slight hazel hint
H E I G H T || 186 cm
W E I G H T || 69 Kilograms
S C A R S || None anymore
T A T T O O S || None
P I E R C I N G S || None
O T H E R || There has never been a man with skin as clear, free from blemishes or scars as Jack.
Jack grew up with challenges from an early age, born to an American father and a Saami mother in Sweden. His father, Marcus, was deeply involved in climate change research near the polar circle, which often kept Jack away from his mother, Teresa, and her side of the family. The Saami community faced ongoing challenges due to historical ethnic cleansing and the current perils of climate change, which threatened their culture and way of life.

As a child, Jack was often the smallest and weakest in his class, struggling with language barriers and motor skill difficulties. Many of his teachers suspected him of being neurodivergent or intellectually impaired due to these challenges. At the age of 16, Jack was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor, marking the beginning of a severe health crisis. The tumor rapidly spread throughout his body, leading to multiple organ failures. Just days before his 18th birthday, Jack's heart stopped in a hospital bed, leaving him critically ill and frail, weighing only 34 kilograms and standing at 167 centimeters tall.

In a miraculous turn of events, Jack inexplicably revived after being pronounced dead by doctors. His skin rejuvenated, and he emerged from the brink of death with newfound strength and resilience. This event marked the beginning of Jack's extraordinary journey as a hyperhuman.

Following his recovery, Jack explored his newfound abilities, pushing himself to the limits in activities like parkour and martial arts. He found work as a stuntman, where his hyperhuman powers were not only accepted but also advantageous. During this time, he met Cassandra, a fellow hyperhuman, and they fell deeply in love, eventually getting married.

Their happiness was short-lived, however, as Cassandra experienced a severe episode of hyperpsychosis during their time at PRCU, leading to a tragic incident where she unintentionally caused harm to others before succumbing to her condition. Jack was left devastated and took a break from school to cope with his grief and loss.

Now returning to PRCU, Jack faces the haunting memories of what he's lost and must navigate the challenges of being scarred, vulnerable, and emotionally raw.

D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E & A E S T H E T I C
D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E & A E S T H E T I C
Mild-mannered, low profile, ordinary.

Warm smile, donning a dressed-up casual style. Light temper and rarely in a outwardly bad mood. Most things seem to just run off him which is clear by the shallow crowsfeet and the dimple in his cheek from all the smiling he's done. His hair is naturally short and his beard never comes in completely as there's very little he can do to groom either by himself. He dresses in trifted clothing but nothing too 'one of a kind' as his powers has made it clear clothes are not as durable as he is. Usually in some kind of denim and t-shirt combination with a jacket and well thought out shoes. He wears glasses without needing them, but brushes off any hipster-remark.

M A N N E R I S M S & P E R S O N A L I T Y
M A N N E R I S M S & P E R S O N A L I T Y
Kind, warm, humorous, sensible.

He is an active individual, often taking the lead in conversations without stirring up controversy or drama. Jack possesses a light touch and a sense of humor that allows him to disarm most people easily. Despite keeping his deeper feelings hidden, he remains enigmatic to some, much like the mysteries surrounding his powers. It's as if he carries the demeanor of someone who has experienced hardship but now appreciates life's blessings.

Jack is deeply grateful for his second chance at life, even though he carries the weight of grief. However, this grief doesn't dampen his enthusiasm or zest for life; in fact, his infectious enthusiasm often uplifts those around him. He maintains a calm demeanor even in stressful situations, rarely panicking and always keeping his cool.

With a self-sacrificial nature, Jack is willing and able to shield others from harm, whether in dire situations or in everyday tasks like helping with dishes after a dinner party. This selflessness sometimes leads to a hint of naivety, which some may attempt to exploit, although he has generally been fortunate in avoiding having his trust abused.

Due to his life experiences, Jack is not materialistic. He views possessions as temporary and insignificant, adopting a naturalistic perspective where "stuff" holds little value. Consequently, he doesn't prioritize keeping up with trends or acquiring status symbols, as these things don't define his sense of self-worth or happiness.
A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S
A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S
H Y P E R H U M A N A B I L I T Y || Auto-Invulnerability
__SECONDARY CLASSIFICATION || Impossible to confirm, but most likely somatic
__POWER SCALE || 00 or 09, depending on which analyst you ask.

Imagine a human who has never known injury, disease, sickness, or even an imbalanced diet. That's Jack. He is functionally and completely impervious to harm, with a persona that repels strikes, bites, bullets, telepathy, burns, and radiation alike. Moreover, he either has no need for sustenance, calories, sleep, water, or air, or he is significantly less dependent on these factors compared to normal humans. His muscles can be pushed to improve without experiencing lactic acid buildup or muscular fatigue. Jack never runs out of breath or shows signs of being worn out. The inner workings of Jack's powers are beyond measurement using conventional means, leaving experts to evaluate him solely based on his incredible feats. Over the past decade, Jack has demonstrated unwavering strength and endurance. His powers never once shaking in performance regardless of how many hypes are around. Thus he's showcasing one of the most efficient uses of HZE in powers ever encountered by actors like HELP, PRCU, and the Foundation.

L I M I T A T I O N S || Knife's edge, the unknown factor.

While Jack has never been harmed thus far, there's an inherent uncertainty surrounding his powers. It's hypothesized that if something were to hurt him, it would have to be of extraordinary magnitude, potentially resulting in catastrophic consequences. Despite his invulnerability, Jack is just an ordinary person in terms of physical capabilities. He's not akin to Captain America; while his strength is impressive, it's not superhuman. For instance, he might survive a nuclear warhead, but the physical force of such an explosion could still severely impact him, like a wet cloth tossed by the blast.

W E A K N E S S E S || Cancer's a bitch.

Jack doesn't have a classic Achilles' heel or a vulnerability like kryptonite, although there's a significant vulnerability inherent in the suppression of his powers. When his powers were temporarily suppressed, his body reverted to the state it was in when they first activated, which was on the brink of death. This implies that his underlying condition isn't cured but rather held at bay by his powers. Therefore, any compromise to his powers could lead to immediate mortality, especially considering his habit of consistently putting himself in harm's way.

P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
A greaving man who's lost the love of her life, with powers that would alienate one from a good chunk of what it's like being human. When your heart is aching but you cannot feel pain from hitting your toe at the coffee table - how do you cope? Jack needs to figure out how he can cope with the hole in his heart, ideally without losing who he is and the appreciate for the life he spent so long incapable of living. The man is full of hope, joy and optimism in a life that's tried it's hardest to beat that out of him.
S K I L L S & T A L E N T S
S K I L L S & T A L E N T S
S K I L L | Stunt-Coordination | Multiple years working as a stuntman, body double and stunt coordinator has given him a taste of the real thing. Nobody on the planet is able to take a punch better than he can. He possesses specialized martial art, dancing, driving, acting and general action-oriented skills as a result.
S K I L L | Music | A mean fiddle-player with an acoustic guitar in his hand and a sorrow in his heart. His self-written love songs show he's bad at lyrics but he's able to convince anyone he meant it when he rhymed 'sweet as orange' with 'my heart is in storage'.
S K I L L | First-Aid | When you cannot be hurt but you can't do much to fire-back, you learn how to get good at treating those that do get hurt.

T A L E N T | Low-Affective | When your entire life has been spent without hope, dreading death almost as much as you dread life. You come to appreciate the ups when they finally come around. He says his 'flight or fight response' is turned off, leaving him with no heightened emotional state, no stress and no fatigue in hectic situations. Able to keep a cool head and make the most rational, to himself, decision at any given time.
T A L E N T | Polyglot | Jack is capable of learning languages incredibly quickly and remakably easily compared to mundanes. A side-effect of his exclusively psycho-semantic need for sleep, which leaves him with a lot of extra time to learn.
U N I F O R M || His uniform is always worn in it's entirety when possible. However, he has gone through more uniforms than most in a school year. The hastiness of the quartermaster is the deciding factor in case he shows up in a blazer without holes in it.

I T E M ( S )
B R A C E L E T || "Fuck Cancer" in simple, plastic beads. He makes them in his sparetime as he breaks quite a few.

T I T A N I U M R I N G || "The chink in my armor and my greatest strength"

T O O L ( S )
P H O N E || Smartphone in reinforced case. 11th phone he's used this year.

E N T E R I N G I N T O Y O U R F I N A L Y E A R, W H A T A D V I C E D O Y O U H A V E T O A N E W S T U D E N T?

Advice? Well, first and foremost, don't drink the water in the lab!

Seriously though, my advice would be to make sure you enjoy your time here. It's undoubtedly one of the toughest phases of your life, but it's also incredibly enriching. These challenges will prepare you for anything. While we're in these walls, we have a sense of what to expect, but the world outside? It's a wild ride. Remember, if you're here, it's because you're exceptional. You're an asset to yourself, this school, and the world. It's easy to forget that when everyone around you seems to be extraordinary in their own way.

W H A T W E R E Y O U R A S P I R A T I O N S W H E N Y O U S T A R T E D H E R E? W H A T C H A N G E D, W H A T S T A Y E D T H E S A M E?

When I started here, I wanted to delve into understanding myself better, what makes me tick, you know? But that idea flew out the window pretty much as soon as I walked in, haha. My initial hope was to grow in an environment free from discrimination, where I could just be me without the 'hyperhuman' label defining everything. It's ironic and maybe a bit contradictory to what I said earlier, but deep down, I came here seeking a sense of 'normalcy,' I suppose. As for changes? Well, everything changed.

I F Y O U C O U L D M A K E O N E C H A N G E T O Y O U R T I M E A T P . R . C . U ., W H A T W O U L D I T B E?



I'd ensure I never missed Taco Tuesdays in the cafeteria, for sure. I'd definitely take more thorough notes during Mr. Bordeaux's classes. If I only can choose one though, I'd choose the most important. I'd make sure to cherish every moment with her, especially those precious moments like... Well, you know, kissing her just one more time..."
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Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by webboysurf
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webboysurf Live, Laugh, Love

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"You can mess with me... but I'm not gonna let you mess with them, man."
Rory Anderson Tyler
September3rd | 23 | Caucasian
Single | Male | Pansexual
Ottawa | Ontario | Canada
Canis | Team 21 - Blackjack

B U I L D || Average/Muscular
H A I R C O L O U R || brown
E Y E C O L O U R || Blue
H E I G H T || 6'0"
W E I G H T || 185 lbs
S C A R S || None
T A T T O O S || None
P I E R C I N G S || None
Rory Tyler's life hasn't been particularly remarkable. He was the oldest child of three, his younger two siblings being twins named Will and Mary. All three were born the Hype-gene, which came as little surprise when considering both parents were hyperhumans. Rory's father was a hyperhuman working for H.I.T. by the name of Cole Tyler. Cole had met Julia Morse at PRCU decades ago, as they both went through the H.E.A.T. program. Cole was placed in the Enforcement and Response Division (fitting given his Dermal Armor power), while Julia was placed in Justice Services (fitting her Passive Persuasiveness power). They kept in touch, and eventually grew to love each other. That love expanded into a loving family.

Cole served in H.I.T. for most of his prime, leaving him absent for a lot of Rory's childhood. Rory's mother was heavily involved in politics, having a heavy workload. The byproduct of this left Rory alone and to fend for himself for a lot of his childhood, and to protect and support his younger siblings. Will and Mary are 3 years younger, and are both smarter than Rory could ever hope to be. Rory spent a lot of his free time getting involved in all sorts of sports and physical activities. His younger siblings were brainiacs, and have grown up to be perhaps more intelligent than their big brother. Rory, despite loving his family and being very protective of his younger siblings, couldn't help but feel inferior to most of his family and classmates. The only thing Rory truly enjoyed more than anything was wrestling, as he enjoyed the challenge and skill of it. Even then, Rory never seemed to be particularly good at anything. He always seemed to sort of fade into the background. It's only fitting Rory's power would develop to be an ability to only copy other people briefly.

Rory opted not to attend PRCU for collegiate study, as Rory's mother's work in trying to promote equal standards of living and education for humans and hyperhumans inspired him to study at a more traditional school. Rory blended into the background, as his younger siblings attended more prestigious boarding schools. Rory kept tabs on them, but mostly just tried to fit in where he could. His powers inevitably developed while living with his parents innocuously, and took some time for the family to register the situation. Rory started wearing an inhibitor immediately, only to find himself somewhat of a social outcast. The only arena in which he seemed to be comfortable and respected in was when he was wrestling in high school. He knew he was subjected to more stringent tests and accusations of cheating due to his status as a hyperhuman, but his teammates always had his back. He competed on a national level starting his freshman year of high school. And really only his freshman year. As once the pandemic hit, Rory quit wrestling. He was alone all over again.

Shortly after high school, Rory's father and mother, both of whom were forced to work in a more public capacity, were both victims of the pandemic. This uprooted Rory and his siblings, who were graciously adopted by their maternal aunt Lillian Morse. Lillian Morse is a staff psychologist for the students of PRCU, a hyperhuman in her own right with telepathic powers. She has been trying her best to help her niece and nephews settle into their new lives in the years since, despite having raised no children before and having limited contact with the children prior. Rory and his siblings were enrolled in PRCU, where they have been for the past few years. Rory was around for the Hyperion attack his freshman year, after which he became a bit secluded for some time. It wasn’t until his Sophomore year that Rory truly began to prosper.

Now, Rory is scrambling to finish his psychology degree while making sure to make time for his friends and keep an eye on his siblings. Soon, the twins will be on their own and Rory will have to make something of himself on his own. Until then… he’s got two semesters to make lasting memories with his friends. After that, he still isn't entirely sure what the future holds.

D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E & A E S T H E T I C
D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E & A E S T H E T I C
Rory doesn't pay too much attention in maintaining his appearance, and it shows. He focuses on comfort where he can. Rory tends to keep his hair cut short so he doesn't need to worry about styling it (and it prevents anyone from grabbing his hair when wrestling). Rory’s uniform is always worn just up to code. Whenever he doesn't need to be in uniform, Rory wears comfortable athleisure clothing. He is often seen in t-shirts, muscle shirts, basketball shorts, or sweatpants when he can dress down. Rory’s idea of dressing up out of uniform is a varsity jacket, a Henley, and black jeans. Rory has several pairs of sneakers he wears for all occasions. He doesn't dress particularly modest, though that is more of a byproduct of his constant physically activity and need to cool down.

M A N N E R I S M S & P E R S O N A L I T Y
M A N N E R I S M S & P E R S O N A L I T Y
Rory is a loud, joyous, and personable golden retriever. He is loyal and protective of his friends, and strangers are just friends you haven't met yet. Rory has been the kind of guy to step in and take a punch for a friend or his brother, but tries to solve conflict without aggression or being mean. He is also very quick to notice when a friend is acting different, and makes a concerted effort to make space for them to open up if they wish. Rory does, however, have noticeable issues with focusing and staying still at the same time. He often has to drum his fingers on something or pace to focus. He is prone to get lost in thoughts or distractions when left without something to keep his body moving. An audio-book subscription combined with laps around the rec center have been instrumental in Rory's continued education at PRCU.

Rory would be the first to admit he's dumb sometimes, but it doesn't make it any less of a blow to his self-esteem when he is viewed as an idiot. His parents, siblings and aunt are some of the smartest people he's ever met, and Rory has always felt like the odd one out. While this has led to him overcompensating and trying to make tons of friends, it also leaves him feeling inferior when he doesn't get a joke or a reference or can't help friends with homework / studying. He has a hard time seeing himself as emotionally intelligent or useful outside of a sports environment. This makes Rory a great confidant, but Rory hardly ever shares his true thoughts and fears with his friends out of fear of being a burden.

Rory undergoes a significant shift in aggression when he gets competitive. If you put a trophy or accolade up for grabs in a physical or team-based challenge, he will put it all on the line for a scrap of glory. He is competitive, and will push himself to his limits to win any challenge he can. Every win helps prop up his self-esteem, and make him feel like he can stand toe to toe with his friends and siblings in some way.

The most noticeable quirk that has become evident to those close to Rory is an almost compulsive obsession with not "losing control." Despite being a frequent flyer at a number of parties on campus, he's never been seen drinking a drop of alcohol. He's also seemed particularly frustrated and iritable at the drawback of his hyperhuman ability.
A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S
A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S
H Y P E R H U M A N A B I L I T Y || P O W E R M I M I C R Y
__POWER SCALE || tbd

Rory Tyler possesses the ability to steal a charged HZE ion from a nearby hyperhuman and subconsciously alter his own body's DNA to mimic that hyperhuman's esoteric or exoteric ability. When borrowing an esoteric ability, Rory's body undergoes practically the same physical shift as the host of the "borrowed" ion for up to a few minutes. His body essentially just "activates" the HZE ions already present, which are expelled through proportional use of his powers. When mimicking an exoteric ability, Rory is able to draw and increase the HZE ions he stores as other exoteric hyperhumans. This worsens his body's reaction to using the power, and severely limits Rory's "overload" limit when mimicking exoteric abilities. Regardless of which type of power Rory mimics, he currently only seems able to stabilize the use of this new power for up to 3 minutes, can only borrow one power at a time, and suffers an "intoxication" effect after using the power.

L I M I T A T I O N S ||

Rory's two primary limits come from the range at which he can "borrow" an HZE ion from another hyperhuman, and the time through which his own body's HZE activated HZE ions are able to keep his DNA altered. In terms of range, Rory must be within 3m of an esoteric hyperhuman to absorb an expelled HZE ion. For exoteric hyperhumans, Rory needs to make near physical contact with the hyperhuman to absorb an attracted ion. Once the ion is absorbed, it takes Rory seconds for his DNA to subconsciously alter itself. Once the DNA is altered, it is incredibly unstable and almost immediately begins to decay. Rory can maintain this altered state for up to 3 minutes, and his powers are limited in scope in accordance with the limitations and weaknesses of the host Rory borrowed the power from. Rory does not gain any specialized knowledge on how to use the power, or even what it does. Usage of this ability requires significant preparation and study in order to be effective.

Notably, Rory's power differs significantly from the Intuitive Aptitude possessed by Yakob Kowalski. His ability is far more restrictive than Hyperion's was... much to Rory's relief.

W E A K N E S S E S ||

The major side effect to use of Rory's powers, and what significantly inhibits his ability, comes from a strange interaction in the rapid change to his DNA structure and body after mimicking another power. In order to help stand the shock and minimize the pain felt after such a transformation, Rory's body depresses the central nervous system. In some sense, this ends up mimicking the physical effects of intoxication. This typically does not kick in until Rory has finished mimicking another individuals powers. This "intoxication" is sudden and strong, and is amplified significantly if Rory has borrowed an exoteric power due to the need to purge activated HZE ions. This intoxication effect can last anywhere between seconds and minutes, and seems to be influenced by the complexity of the power borrowed. The only temporary means by which Rory can forgo the intoxication effect is to borrow another power, assuming he has any dormant HZE ions in his system. This does exponentially worsen the intoxication effect when the subsequent mimicry ends (which can cause it to last hours), and abuse of this could lead to serious health complications or even death.

P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
There is a nostalgia as Rory's time in university is drawing to a close that has prompted one desire above all else within him: make as many memories with those he cares for before it's all over. Part of that, obviously, involves making memories with his siblings while they are at university with him... but Team Blackjack is an eclectic bunch Rory knows he won't be able to see as much once they get their diplomas. So, for his final year, Rory has a few subgoals: Make sure his teammates graduate without any regrets, get one more trophy under his belt for either his dorm or Team Blackjack, and finally connect with his friends enough that he can be open about his fears and insecurities. Unlike his freshman year, Rory doesn't want the year to end with a single thing left unsaid or action not done.
S K I L L S & T A L E N T S
S K I L L S & T A L E N T S
E M P A T H E T I C R E A S O N I N G || Rory is much more emotionally intelligent than academically gifted. Rory doesn't win people over with reason, but instead focuses on connecting with everyone he interacts with to try and win them over to his way of thinking... and learn someone else's point of view in the process.

W E L L - R O U N D E D A T H L E T E || Rory has played nearly every sport he could sign up for since he was six. He has competed in a number of divisions and leagues over the years, and used to have a whole bookcase worth of trophies. Rory, by extension, has tremendous hand-eye coordination and a fundamental understanding of his body's limits. He was also in his high school's varsity wrestling team, where they won their championship two years in a row.

P E R S E V E R A N C E || Quit is not a word in Rory's vocabulary. He has always had to work tremendously hard to pass his classes, and has pushed himself past his limits when it comes to sports for over a decade. No matter what is thrown his way, Rory never backs down and never gives up.
O L D C A N I S S W E A T B A N D || One of the final gifts Rory's father gave him before he passed, Rory carries a well-washed and well-worn sweatband in his jacket when in uniform. When working out or competing, he proudly wears the sweatband in honor of his father.

I T E M ( S )
T H E P L A Y B O O K || A collection of index cards stored in a forearm-strapped football playbook with the names, abilities, and general notes about various individuals Rory has met at PRCU. These notes include teammates, friends, rivals, and even some faculty.

T O O L ( S )
S P O R T S B A L L S || Rory almost always has some kind of ball in his possession: football, basketball, tennis ball, baseball... you never know what Rory has accidentally left or stuffed into his backpack on any given day.

E N T E R I N G I N T O Y O U R F I N A L Y E A R, W H A T A D V I C E D O Y O U H A V E T O A N E W S T U D E N T?

Rory clicked his tongue as he stared up at the ceiling, swaying his upper body back and forth as he thought for a moment. Suddenly, the thought came to him and he stared the interviewer down intensely. "Hyperball is a marathon, not a sprint. It's not about starting strong, it's about pacing yourself until that final whistle is blown."

W H A T W E R E Y O U R A S P I R A T I O N S W H E N Y O U S T A R T E D H E R E? W H A T C H A N G E D, W H A T S T A Y E D T H E S A M E?

"I started off kind of... aimless, my first year. I didn't really have any plans or goals... just doing what seemed right. Or maybe it was more that I didn't have anything else to do?" Rory readjusted himself in his seat, his fingers drumming on his thighs as he thought for a moment. "It took me a while to figure out the kind of person I wanted to be here. I think it was my first psych class, and the professor was talking about working with hyper-human children and how lost they felt in some of the early years... that changed everything. Helped me figure out that I could be the kind of person I needed when..." Rory's voice trailed off, before he just shook his head and smiled in anticipation of the next question.

I F Y O U C O U L D M A K E O N E C H A N G E T O Y O U R T I M E A T P . R . C . U ., W H A T W O U L D I T B E?

"I wouldn't have told Banjo my gym lock combo Sophomore year... he said he lost his old one, wanted to borrow mine. Took me three months to figure out it was him stealing my clothes and leaving only a speedo." Rory chuckled, until the light left his eyes and he stared at the wall. He cleared his throat and looked down at the ground. "Actually... probably my freshman year... not shutting down after Hy... the attack, that is. I lost out on a lot of opportunities then... and I wish I spent more time with my friends then."

S U P P O R T I N G C A S T ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅

"I saw that coming, Dick."
W I L L I A M T Y L E R || B R O T H E R
W I L L I A M T Y L E R || B R O T H E R
Younger brother to Rory Tyler, Will is a Freshman at PRCU in House Strigidae. His Hyperhuman ability is Calculated Prediction, and he is a genius even without his powers. He has a particular fondness for mathematics, with aspirations to continue study in this field in the future. He is somewhat cold and pretentious when interacting with others, often getting himself into messes that Rory inevitably has to clean up. Rory and Will often butt heads, with the later tossing calculated insults at the older sibling and Rory having to just take it.


"I swear, I'm fine, Rory... yes, I did get the breakfast bars, thank you."
M A R Y T Y L E R || S I S T E R
M A R Y T Y L E R || S I S T E R
Mary Tyler is the most extroverted of the siblings, and the most popular. She doesn't slack when it comes to her studies, finding a great interest in the arts and humanities over the hard sciences. She is good at practically any skill she picks up, with it being unclear if that's due to her intuitive aptitude power or just raw talent. Mary's calendar is always overbooked, and she hardly has time to take care of her basic human needs.


"Now... how does that make you feel?"
L I L L I A N M O R S E || A U N T / G U A R D I A N
L I L L I A N M O R S E || A U N T / G U A R D I A N
Lillian Morse is one of the school psychologists at PRCU to provide the students and faculty support. She is the maternal aunt and was temporary guardian of Rory and his siblings, having taken them in following the death of her sister and her brother in law. Lillian Morse has been at PRCU for over five years, and has little time through the school year to check in with her niece and nephews. She pulled some strings to let Rory help with her intake forms and administrative work as part of his community contribution, so he can start getting some practical training in the day to day of her line of work. Lillian is incredibly welcoming to all who stop by her office, but tends to refrain from sharing many details about herself to keep things professional. She is a hyperhuman with the power of telepathy, but is only able to share/read images from one's mind through physical touch.

R E L A T I O N S H I P S H E E T ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅


T B D , T B D || T B D
T B D , T B D || T B D

Use as many or few of the above symbols as needed to balance this cell with the cell containing the image.
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Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

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amma . cahors
amma . cahors
"You're going to have a bad time."
Amma Fien Cahors.
December 2nd, 2005. | 23 | French/Caucasian.
Single | Female | Pansexual
Rouen | France | Europe
Gulo | Team 21 - Blackjack

B U I L D || Slim
H A I R C O L O U R || Black
E Y E C O L O U R || Blue
H E I G H T || 167 cm
W E I G H T || 55 kg
S C A R S || peculiar clusters located on her thighs, fingers, and lower back.
T A T T O O S || expansive murals of snakes and birds; mammal skulls, shadowed out profiles, and miscellaneous practice flashes from various artists. most noticeable is the scrawl of unique penmanship on her throat; spelling out a name.
P I E R C I N G S || lobes marked by dainty studs, and her septum pierced with a loop of gold.
O T H E R || n/a.
The powerful thrive in a world of the damned, souls begone and forlorn of struggles and differences. Amma is the advocate for the depraved and the unhinged; she is rage, she is pain, she is the unexpected and the always desired. A glutton of the insatiable and the harbinger of the unknown and misunderstood. Sensuous in her debut of pallid skin and striking eyes with a temperament that begets cruel assumptions from the herald of power quaking through her mortal countenance. Lips pouted on feral smiles of gleaming bone and manic laughter as she stands before the maker -- as she was held before her mother with fissures of silver and red tearing through bones and flesh. Weeping eyes and screams of wood splintering through the sphere of chaos that rent asunder gothic spires and forced eyes heavenward in prayer.

Charlotte Cahors adored her daughter, once, as an only child born out of wedlock, a gift from the man that came and went on whispered promises of matrimony. These would never come to pass, the man a mystery of shadow in memoriam and spoken of fondly if not wistfully from the loss of meant-to-bes. Amma worshipped her, for she was god in the eyes of her youth. Even when those eyes turned brighter, and brighter, and brighter, when serpentines coils of something broke across cherub bearings and dainty hands. Charlotte Cahors only held onto her all the more. And if she held on a little too tightly and a little too harshly, Amma never said.
She was afraid, alone, as memory and broadcasts of persecution and ruin sired the desperations to hide what Amma was undoubtedly turning into - what she was becoming.

The world is never fair for the different, for the misunderstood. For simply being not-as-we-should.

Complexity wrought hell through a mind caged, a resentment that festered for simply being what life had christened as otherworldly. A multifaceted creature that grew under critical scrutiny from forces unseen. The world was enthralled to wherever she stood, manipulated by a flicker of a lash, to the shuddering breath, to the clenched fist that scored crescent smiles into her palms. Amma struggled within and without, until the Alexandria Foundation came to collect on the tears of her mother -- "Forgive me, dove. They said you had to go; they said they could help you!" There was fear laden there, a sorrowful circumstance that saw creator turned against the beloved creation. Amma felt the sting of betrayal with stoic malice as the doors to the Institute yielded to the force that was she.

She was only ten years old.

A year ago, through a long negotiation trial courtesy of H.E.L.P, Amma was penned for a transfer from the Institute to P.R.C.U. Utterances and speculation gather that she just wasn't fitting in; a waspish woman, vain incarnate and struck with hubris. Amma heralded to the concept of the individual rather than the place as a whole -- it was just fine. Better.

Because who else could she trust, for the world was meant for such selfish creatures.
A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S
A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S
H Y P E R H U M A N A B I L I T Y || Destructive Force Manipulation

She would dub it pure chaos, the manifestation of what the world needed, for why else would it allowed to be so.

Amma can shape and manipulate HZE ions, gather them to her person liken to a selfish lover, and in result induce destructive forces: erasing the existence of anything, controlling how something might be destroyed, nullify certain materials and objects - perfect nihilism, she would say. This is achieved sometimes by accelerating HZEs surrounding a target, causing molecules to be ripped apart to the degree of an explosion. Other instances produce a slow decay, manipulating HZE ions to be corrosive, almost plague like wherein a black cloud-like plume descends onto her target. Organic materials are sometimes subject to her whims by the HZEs present within their own biology, sometimes being erased entirely into what she affectionately dubs the Void.

Through the grace of touch, HZEs gather, flaring bright and even reflecting into the depths of her eyes, humming with an esoteric tune whilst her fingers pluck and arch and dig and dig. Illuminating cracks through the gloom that tear through the opposition until nothing remains.

L I M I T A T I O N S ||

Some instances depend on an emotional state, as many powers would be. Amma's often peculiar detachment from sentiment influences how easily it might be to persuade HZEs to her or the ones existing within another. Other circumstances would spell a loss of control, for if she does not concentrate long, sometimes HZEs scatter and cause disfiguring to other objects in her range. Such range can be limited, due to the difficulty Amma has in directing and maniupulating HZEs if such is not at least harnessed through the prism of influence of at least thirty-three feet.
Smaller objects or people are far easier to destroy, whilst larger targets or opponents might be able to disrupt the HZEs long enough to flee. Creatures mortal and non with regenerative capabilities are the antithesis to her power.

W E A K N E S S E S ||

Any tool or weapon adapted to deliver Electron Beam Irradiation, Amma cannot destory, no matter how hard she tries. If she were to be immobilized by her hands being bound, and eyes blinded, she would be rendered defenseless, as she is only able to manipulate forces within direct contact or by direct ocular focus.
Thirty-three feet is the current sphere of which Amma can reach, even one inch beyond, she cannot manipulate no matter how much she expands her reserves. The reasons for such are unknown, but correct training could expand her reach.

P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
Why was Amma transferred to P.R.C.U - what occurred to influence H.E.L.P to intervene with negotiation and plying tactics that spanned for nearly half a year. Was such voluntary or involuntary. What was the deciding factor in the Institute that convinced them to let her go.

Redemption is an absolute force stricken upon the vain and wicked. For a woman suddenly told she has to work within a team, to shed the alias she has carried for so long, what will it take to convince Amma to fend for her peers and work alongside them without biting -- unless they ask, of course.

Where is Charlotte Cahors? Once the Institute doors closed, her mother disappeared, much like her father. Who is the man that remains a shadow in her dreams and where did the woman who once was her everything vanish to. Is it revenge that compels Amma's search, to return the betrayal that no child should endure.
S K I L L S & T A L E N T S
S K I L L S & T A L E N T S
Bilingual || French is her first language, English her second. She can understand bits and pieces of German, but is not fluent by any means.

Contortionist || Amma is freakishly flexible.

Clandestine || Want something done without anyone knowing, she's your girl. Have secrets to utter? She'll take them to the grave; but maybe she'll use them to her advantage first.

Perception || Perhaps she sees and notices a little more than you want her to; too bad.

Singing || A siren call beckons. Mostly wistful and forlorn lullabies once sung to her by her mother.
Fidget Rings || Amma's inked and scarred fingers are adorned with multiple rings of varying shades from gold, bronze, and silver. Each with a peculiar attachment. Often she twists and twirls them through out the day.

Uniform || She'll wear the bloody thing, sure, it's different. Doesn't mean she has to like it.

I T E M ( S )
Clove Smokes & Lighter || She finds them therapeutic.

T O O L ( S )
Essentials || What is necessary for a student's day to day.

E N T E R I N G I N T O Y O U R F I N A L Y E A R, W H A T A D V I C E D O Y O U H A V E T O A N E W S T U D E N T?

She scoffs, a muttering of breath that whistles through her teeth as her lashes flutter high in an eye-roll.
"You're joking with me, right? I'd tell them all to run for the hills."

W H A T W E R E Y O U R A S P I R A T I O N S W H E N Y O U S T A R T E D H E R E? W H A T C H A N G E D, W H A T S T A Y E D T H E S A M E?

There's a grin marked across her cheeks, all obtuse and bright and feral.
"Ask the people who put me here."

I F Y O U C O U L D M A K E O N E C H A N G E T O Y O U R T I M E A T P . R . C . U ., W H A T W O U L D I T B E?

Amma just laughs.
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Kuro ʟɪᴠᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴏɴᴏʀ / ᴅɪᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ɢʟᴏʀʏ

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withdrawn lol
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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As a reminder, the deadline for applications closes tonight at 12am EST.

I love all the sheets so far, lots of hard decisions to be made but I appreciate everyone putting their best foot forward even with the uncertainty.

Looking forward to announcing the PRCU Class of '29 tomorrow.
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

With just over an hour to the original deadline and the IC officially started, I'm just going to go ahead and unveil the roster (Roman will yell at me later). Everyone brought their best, and you all have been great chatting in the Discord and bouncing around character ideas, so I think it's high time we let you see the roster. Once again, I want to thank everyone and while there were no bad sheets put forth, the ones selected were done so based on overall compatibility, chemistry and the likelihood of the players getting along just to name a couple factors.

That all said, here is the Class of '29
T E A M 2 1 - B L A C K J A C K:
T E A M 2 1 - B L A C K J A C K:


Barnes, Haven
As portrayed by @Skai
"Most likely to get stuck in air traffic."


de Leon, Calliope
As portrayed by @PatientBean
"Most likely to insult you while complimenting you."

Kruger, Katja
As portrayed by @Zoldyck
"Most likely to always have your six."

Penada, Pallyx
As portrayed by @Bartimaeus
"Most likely to get Banjo blamed for
something he hadn't thought of yet."


Baxter, Harper
As portrayed by @Qia
"Most likely to argue with her GPS about directions"


Galahad, Gil
As portrayed by @Roman
"Most likely to be a party pooper"

Mitchell, Aurora
As portrayed by @Melissa
"Most likely to be just on time."

As portrayed by @Lord Wraith
Roth, Lorcán
"Most likely to solve world peace by
writing a heartfelt poem"


Cahors, Amma
As portrayed by @Rockette
"Most likely to burst out laughing with out warning.
But in a way that turns blood to ice."

Hisamatsu, Mei
As portrayed by @Garden Gnome
"Most likely to make a hammock in class."

Olyphant, Andrew
As portrayed by @Hound55
"Most likely to graduate and immediately get arrested."

Tyler, Rory
As portrayed by @webboysurf
"Most likely to simultaneously overthink
and underthink a problem"

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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

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Alternate Future Story Arc (for if people get bored and are looking for more to read)

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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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Twenty-nine posts in just over a week, you guys are hitting it out of the park! I'm enjoying the various character dynamics that have been established, and the seeds of many more planted. As our little scene on the beach approaches a natural conclusion, I'm just making sure there aren't any outstanding interactions or action that people are hoping to get in before I push the scene into the following day and kick off the semester properly.

Give yourselves a pat on the back and let me know either here or in the Discord!
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Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by spicykvnt
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am i too late for class?

Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

am i too late for class?

Unfortunately yes, would have loved to have you but we don't have any spots open at this time.
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Just reiterating again here in case it gets buried in the Discord chat:

Bartimaeus has been removed from the roster due to inactivity exceeding twenty-one days and non-responsiveness. Pallyx will be treated as having departed after the announcement at the Opening Ceremonies.

As we've essentially been operating at 11 characters for the past three weeks. I am not looking to add anyone new to the cast at this time and we'll just continue as we are. If in the future we lose more characters or the story branches to a point where we could reasonably add another character, we will re-evaluate then. But as it currently stands, I am happy and content both with the character's chemistry and player compatibility and don't want to do anything to compromise that.
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

As Episode 1 will now end with the start of the Homecoming Trials, we're getting very near the end of this episode. An epilogue will be posted shortly as the last couple of posts trickle in and Episode 2 'Hope in Hell' will kick off with all characters in the Trial, suited up to run the course. Episode 2 will span the Trial, and then pending on how many posts that takes, it'll either include the first week of classes or segue into a new episode for that first week. The impending Dance will be the start or either Episode 3 or 4 pending the flow of the IC.

For the time being however, as @Roman already brought forth in the Discord, we will be doing Awards at the end of each episode and we GMs will be following this template:

All players are encouraged to participate, please PM/DM us your votes for each category. You need only vote for one person, post etc per category. Players are also more than welcome to create your own version of the awards, or even your own categories if there's something you want to highlight that Roman and I have omitted in ours.

Thank you everyone for a great first episode, and I am looking forward to seeing our characters in brand new situations and circumstances moving forward.

EDIT: We will also be adding a 'Best Character Dynamic' and a'Most Memorable Moment' category.
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

E P I S O D E O N E A W A R D S:
Best Character:

GM's Choice


Player's Choice

GM's Choice: Rory Tyler - @webboysurf
Player's Choice: Rory Tyler - @webboysurf

The 'Best Character Award' is given to the character who has had a resounding impact on the IC through interactions, collaborations and general storytelling. They are a character who has seen development and leaves the reader wanting to know both about them and where their journey is going.

Rory was established as a fairly simple character upon his original introduction. A dude's bro, a simple himbo trying to make his way in the universe. But this first episode has really begun to peel the layers off of Rory, exploring his family dynamics, the pressure he lives under from his pre-deceased parents and the complications of being Pacific Royal's most eligible bachelor. A lot of fun in reading webboysurf's posts come from the situations that Rory finds himself in due to putting his mouth before his mind in most circumstances. Rory definitely came in clutch this episode and is deserving of the recognition.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: Amma Cahors - @Rockette

Amma is a fascinating character that constantly leaves the reader wanting to know more about where she comes from, who she is and what exactly she's doing at P.R.C.U. Each Amma post builds anticipation for the next one and no one ripples through the entire cast, let alone the Discord like Amma does. Rockette has done a fantastic job bringing Amma to life and with only one episode under her belt, I can't wait to see where this character's journey goes from here.
Roman's Choice: Amma Cahors - @Rockette

Probably one of our most-debated sheets when we were running through all the applications, and not for any one reason - the emotive, poetic language, the bold answers given for the prompts, the unusual and explicitly-dangerous power set, the ties to the Foundation (especially with our foreknowledge of what the IC narrative would entail, and Alexandria's involvement). Ultimately though we decided to take the gamble and boy howdy has that paid off. Not only is Amma one of the most well-received characters on the roster (winning Player's Choice for Breakout Character and missing Best Character by only a single vote), but Rockette has been a creative, engaging presence across both the game and the discord, and Amma remains the most well-wrapped mystery-box going (that you guys know about, anyway).
Breakout Character:

GM's Choice


Player's Choice

GM's Choice: Amma Cahors - @Rockette
Player's Choice: Amma Cahors - @Rockette

The 'Breakout Character Award' is given to the character who is prominent throughout the majority of posts, discussion outside of the IC and is constantly in demand whether through their own posts or being asked to collaborate. This character is notably popular when compared to the rest of the cast and their posts lead to discussion, speculation and reactions both positive and divisive.

Amma Cahors was a late entry to the game's applications. A sheet where Rockette purposefully and tactfully opted not to complete the optional sections and that strengthened the sheet. Rockette is a master of showing and not telling, she doesn't need to expel details upon details to contextualize her posts, she does a lot with a little and it shows. Amma leaves an impact in every scene, her mannerisms, her choice of words and the mystery surrounding her all add a generous amount of weight to the plot with the Foundation and it ripples into other posts with every character having a firm opinion on Amma. Never before have we seen a character where players line up for their chance at a collaboration due to the magic that Rockette brings through Amma.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: Harper Baxter - @Qia

Harper caught me by surprise, an interesting introduction to the character ultimately left an impact and Harper became more and more involved with different characters, adding to them while also playing off them to enhance her own story. The flashbacks with Sierra are often riveting and begin to explain a lot about the burden that Harper seemingly carries. It's still early in the game, but I'll definitely be watching Harper a lot more closely moving forward.
Roman's Choice: Rory Tyler - @webboysurf

A returning character and player from the original iteration, webboysurf wasted no time in clarifying and calcifying who Rory is early into this game, providing a pitch-perfect Himbo With A Heart, delivering heartfelt tragedy and comedy in equal measure - and then surprised me further by showing a deep, guarded emotional intelligence that's not just 'I have a crush on half the cast' but extends to 'I feel betrayed when my friends abandon me for some floozy in the woods', which just highlighted how Rory and his relationships are a lot deeper that the aforementioned crushes, misinterpretations, and poorly-planned attempts to help.
Best Character Development:

GM's Choice


Player's Choice

@Lord Wraith
GM's Choice: Rory Tyler - @webboysurf
Player's Choice: Lorcán Roth - @Lord Wraith

The 'Best Character Development Award' is given to the character who has been constantly improving and developing from the moment they first appeared in the IC. This doesn't mean the most improved, nor does it have to be positive changes in the slightest, this is the character journey you're enjoying the most whether it's a slippery slope or an uphill battle.

Rory has seen some rapid development across Episode 1 which has been a lot of fun to watch. From the clueless himbo who fumbled his attempt at helping Lorcán get a date, to being oblivious to Mei's obvious irritation at his flirting with other girls, a near kiss with Katja and ultimately ending up in bed with Haven. All the while battling his insecurities with his friends and his siblings. We are looking forward to seeing Rory continue to battle against the legacy of his parents while forging his path free of the expectations that come with the family name, his siblings and friends and the circumstances of his abilities.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: Harper Baxter - @Qia

While not as immediately notable as Rory's development throughout Episode 1, Qia is quite skilled at weaving flashbacks into their posts to enhance Harper's overall story and add other perspectives to her relations with the cast and her own supporting NPCs. Between her branching narratives with Sierra, Haven, Cassander and Gil, Harper is a character to watch moving forward through the rest of the RP.
Roman's Choice: Lorcán Roth - @Lord Wraith

Lorcán was introduced as the naive-but-well-meaning, heart-of-gold surfer jock, smitten with the campus' most eligible cinnamon bun, and excited to finish his academic career with a starry-eyed mid-air fist-pump before entering the big wide world and making it immediately better. To say Wraith has navigated Lorcán's crash-landing to society outside of PRCU's bubble 'well' would be like saying Stanley Kubrick was 'pretty thorough' when shooting his movies. The blossoming relationship with Amma is the icing on the cake.
Best Ship:

GM's Choice

@webboysurf & @Skai

Player's Choice

@Lord Wraith & @Melissa
GM's Choice: Raven (Rory Tyler x Haven Barnes) - @webboysurf & @Skai
Player's Choice: Lorora (Lorcán Roth x Aurora Mitchell) - @Lord Wraith & @Melissa

The 'Best Ship Award' is given to a pair of characters who display exceptional chemistry, and compatibility. They are who you genuinely sit there and cheer whenever they're on the page together. These two characters are each other's endgame, their ride or die and you can't get enough of their highs, lows and otherwise cutesy antics.

For Episode 1, the 'ship' or relationship that saw the most momentum and cheering we found to be the pairing of Rory Tyler and Haven Barnes affectionately referred to as Raven. Rory and Haven had plenty of little moments throughout this arc culminating in the pair sealing the deal intimately and putting any fears of will they or won't they to rest as both have openly communicated a desire to be together moving forward.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: Kory (Katja Kruger x Rory Tyler) - @Zoldyck & @webboysurf

Subtly hinted at through IC, Katja's attraction to Rory and Rory's understated mutual attraction is a fun ship to watch. While Raven might have firmly set sail, I am still rooting for more Kory moments as Rory and Katja continue to interact sharing a common love of athletics and competition. Plenty of time for things to yet change and develop and this is one of the more interesting pairings to watch for. Both are incredibly positive people, I love the emotionally manipulative side of Katja and how she could expertly play Rory like a fiddle if given the confidence or motivation to do so.
Roman's Choice: Lamma (Lorcán Roth x Amma Cahors) - @Lord Wraith & @Rockette

The good-guy puppy-dog jock getting his worldview handed back to him with a big helping of 'go fuck yourself', only for that to turn into pure sexual tension and the big scary troubled girl slowly realizing she maybe could use a little bit of soppy optimism in her life? Yeah, that's crack to me. I can only wonder who wins out - does Lorcán break through Amma's cynicism and soften her heart, or does Amma's vengeance-driven worldview bring Lorcán into the fold as a co-conspirator?
Best Character Dynamic:

GM's Choice

@Rockette & @Zoldyck

Player's Choice

@Rockette & @Zoldyck

@Qia & @Skai

@Lord Wraith & @webboysurf
GM's Choice: Amma Cahors & Katja Kruger - @Rockette & @Zoldyck
Player's Choice: Amma Cahors & Katja Kruger - @Rockette & @Zoldyck
Player's Choice: Harper Baxter & Haven Barnes - @Qia & @Skai
Player's Choice: Lorcán Roth & Rory Tyler - @Lord Wraith & @webboysurf

The 'Best Character Dynamic Award' is given to the characters and players who have presented a well-developed dynamic between two characters outside of romantic which is covered by the 'Best Ship Award'. This dynamic can be friendly, a rivalry or just two or more characters with really great chemistry but no romantic inclination.

That all said, despite Katja having an unrequited crush on Amma, the two have one of the best dynamics in the RP thus far. A near-perfect yin-yang with both having layers that go beyond the stereotypical light and dark casting of the dynamic. Rockette and Zoldyck have produced some of the best content using the strength of this pairing and heading into Episode 2 with the fallout of their last collab will definitely be interesting.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: Harper Baxter & Haven Barnes - @Qia & @Skai

These two have been near inseparable the entire first episode and while they haven't necessarily contributed the same level of drama as Katja and Amma, Harper and Haven have navigated a side plot which enhanced the overall narrative and gave added weight and threat to the presence of the Foundation on the P.R.C.U. Campus. Beyond that, the two are genuine friends who have each other's backs and are nothing but supportive. A very solid and wholesome friendship that I have found a breath of fresh air.
Roman's Choice: Andrew 'Banjo' Olyphant & Calliope de Léon - @Hound55 & @PatientBean

Ships aside, there was some flirting and unsteady-romance in the first iteration between this returning pair, and I've really enjoyed seeing how Hound and Bean have flipped that early potential into a solid, foundational long-term relationship, that's shown to have changed both characters, and provided the game with a proper 'Beta Couple' to compliment the multiple burgeoning couples springing up everywhere else.
Best Supporting Cast:

GM's Choice


Player's Choice

GM's Choice: Andrew 'Banjo' Olyphant - @Hound55
Player's Choice: Andrew 'Banjo' Olyphant - @Hound55

The 'Best Supporting' is given to the player and character who you feel has the most engaging supporting cast in terms of relevance to the story, their impact to the character and their narrative and in turn to influence to the broader game and other players. These are characters outside of the main POV who have appeared in the IC and need not be limited only to those listed on a character sheet.

Hound55 has fleshed out the world surrounding Banjo with a colourful cast of characters ranging from the enigmatic butler to Banjo's roommates and to the various students Banjo interacts with. These supporting characters leave the reader wanting to know more about them, who they are and where they fit into the world while simultaneously enhancing the story of the character they're supporting.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: Harper Baxter - @Qia

From the first flashback featuring Siera, Harper's sister stole the scene. I often mentally compare their dynamic to that of Koriand'r and Kormand'r from Teen Titans and I love the rivalry-laden love the pair have for each other. I don't know how or when it'll happen, but I am interested to see if Sierra shows up in the IC properly and what trouble she'll bring with her.
Roman's Choice: Lorcán Roth - @Lord Wraith

With Lorcán's life so closely tied to PRCU and Dundas Island it was inevitable that his surrounding family and friends would guest-star alongside him, but between Ripley's delightful introduction in Lorcán's very first post, to his father Aiden's sage advice, to the members of Firebird and even the surprise appearance from our very own timeline-hopping ex-Chancellor, Wraith's utilization of NPCs to flesh out Lorcán's life and the world around him have been brilliant every time.
Best Post:

GM's Choice
1 . 0 5 0


Player's Choice
1 . 0 2 2

GM's Choice: 1.050 immortal - @Rockette
Player's Choice: 1.022 within & without - @Rockette

The 'Best Post' is given to the player and post that was found to be overall the pinnacle of the current episode. Did it break the tension with its humourous antics at the right time? Did it bring the characters closer together? Was it full of insightful reflection or did it extrapolate on previously unknown elements of that character's backstory and how it ties to the greater overarching narrative?

While Rockette's posts are all standouts, 'immortal' truly introduces the dynamic between Amma and the Foundation. The box is the first instance of a mystery object being handed to a character and the post itself does an excellent job of capturing the intrigue and mystery of where Amma's loyalties really lie. Is she a Foundation spy? Or is she merely a girl running from a past that has caught up? All excellent questions we are looking forward to finding out the answers to as the story progresses.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: 1.046 Calm Before the Storm - @Melissa

'Calm Before the Storm' is a great character piece that explores the inner workings of Aurora's mind while enhancing her relationship with Lorcán. It's not a flashy post or one that relies on gimmicks or MacGuffins, but I find it to be a post with a lot of heart that reveals a lot about not only its central POV character but also, those closest to her. Melissa's writing is consistently good, and I could have chosen any of her posts, but this one sits in a special place for me.
Roman's Choice: 1.077 And You're Gone - @webboysurf

I talked about the depth of Rory's character above, but for me this was the post that really brought Rory home for me personally and probably the reason he was my honorable mention for the Breakout Character category in the first place. It's all well and good playing the resident himbo, but to take a character who for the most part is 'well-meaning but ultimately just a bit thick' and to show the inner turmoil, the constant self-doubt and double-guessing, the build-up of micro-embarrassments, painted a deeper picture of Rory than I had given him credit for. The post opened my eyes to Rory's inner vulnerabilities despite his cheery, optimistic facade, and brought him to life as a fully-realized character with emotional depth. Bravo!
Best Post Title:

GM's Choice
1 . 0 6 3


Player's Choice
1 . 0 6 3

GM's Choice: 1.063 ...Gets the Worm? - @Skai
Player's Choice: 1.063 ...Gets the Worm? - @Skai

The 'Best Post Title Award' is given to the player and post whose title elicited the best reaction. Was it a clever title? Funny? Maybe the post title was incredibly insightful or maybe it was just your favourite song. This category is to applaud those whose titles captured your attention or affection.

Skai consistently has titled her posts using bird puns, but this one took the cake due in part to following a post called 'The Early Bird' and the less-than-subtle innuendo of the titular worm given the content of the post itself. It's a clever form of humour that is effortlessly funny rather than a long post title that's trying too hard.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: 1.016 I Could Use A Drink - @Melissa

'I Could Use A Drink' is a snarky title that perfectly captures Aurora's overwhelmed state of mind given the events surrounding the post and her desire to numb and escape the situation. It's dry humour and perfectly on brand for the character making it easily my honorary vote.
Roman's Choice: 1.053 A Matter of a Pionion - @Skai

Post titles come in a range of flavours, from minimalist to referential to profound. Sometimes they're just bird puns, and I enjoyed this one as particularly clever with some homophonic wordplay to boot.
Best Flashback:

GM's Choice
1. 0 4 4


Player's Choice
1 . 0 4 4

GM's Choice: 1.044 Maybe She Likes Her Illusions - @Qia
Player's Choice: 1.044 Maybe She Likes Her Illusions - @Qia

The 'Best Flashback Award' is given to the post and player that contains an insightful or impactful flashback to a previous time outside of the current happenings of the IC. Maybe this flashback shed light on why the character has a deep-rooted fear of rejection, maybe it illuminated why that character has a verbal tic or perhaps it was the meet-cute of two budding lovers. Whatever the contents, this flashback found its way into the hearts or minds of the readers and continues to leave a lasting impact.

Qia's flashback in 'Maybe She Likes Her Illusions' is a very strong entry into the IC and was a real treat to read. The first introduction of Sierra to the narrative proper, the flashback contains both intrigue and heartwarming as the sisters reminisce about a time spent in a closet during a thunderstorm while Sierra also drops the bomb on Harper that their parents didn't die in an accident. We are very much looking forward to seeing the payoff of this flashback in the IC.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: 1.073 The Scenic Route - @Melissa

'The Scenic Route' is a great flashback that shows Aurora's life prior to P.R.C.U. and illuminates why the girl is never without her headphones. It's a terrific insight to the character and a heartbreaking look at her home life before the island that adds perspective to her current relationships and views on life and their future.
Roman's Choice: 1.094 Dreaming While Awake - @Hound55

Banjo in-universe can, has been, and delights in being, a pain in the arse at times, across both iterations of the guy, and has plenty mystery of his own, but it's always a pleasure to visit his history in his homeland and see some of the other lives he's crossed paths with, slowly piecing together his backstory and tracing his movements across the globe. 1.094 was particularly beautiful, with a wondrous aboriginal tale told alongside gorgeous imagery and showing that there are actually kindred spirits out there for Banjo, and when they connect it can be quite charming. We can only hope that Banjo aligns similarly to the rest of Blackjack eventually.
Best Collaboration:

GM's Choice
1 . 1 0 6 / 1 0 7

@Rockette & @Zoldyck

Player's Choice
1 . 1 0 6 / 1 0 7

@Rockette & @Zoldyck
GM's Choice: 1.106 & 1.107 vore - @Rockette & @Zoldyck
Player's Choice: 1.106 & 1.107 vore - @Rockette & @Zoldyck

The 'Best Collaboration Award' is given to the post and players involved in crafting a collaborative narrative that goes beyond the regular back-and-forth posting of forum RPing. A well-crafted collaborative post should read as though it has a single author but artfully capture the interaction between two player characters and enhance both of their direct narratives, developments and the long-term relationships between those involved in the collaboration.

'vore' subverted expectations when it was posted. Following a spree of romance-focused posts, 'vore' instead brought conflict to the IC with Amma's pent-up frustrations boiling over the surface and scalding Katja as the pair share a tent. I am definitely looking forward to the impact this post has on the IC moving forward as both characters walk away from the heavy conversations bearing fresh wounds.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: 1.091 The Lonely Hearts Club - @Melissa & @Qia

'The Lonely Hearts Club' is another great example of the fantastic character work done by Melissa and Qia as Aurora and Harper end up having a little heart-to-heart about their relationship woes set up against the back drop of the very eventful first day of the semester. Both characters walk away from the collaboration with new perspectives on their relationships and it is followed by some interesting interactions spurred on by the words exchanged between the two characters.
Roman's Choice: 1.075 I Want to Reconcile the Violence & 1.076 in your heart - @Lord Wraith & @Rockette

Probably not a surprise, if you take a look at the 'Best Ship' category above. The bones of the relationship were there early on, but this is truly when the fire kicks up for Lamma-stans like myself. Imagery and the debut proper of power-mingling proper aside, it's also a wonderful reflection of both writers and their characters, and while it was far from the first collaborative post in the game, it was certainly a highlight (hence my honorable mention) and since then we've had a chain of equally brilliant collabs, showing off just how much we're really capable of pushing ourselves and each other to bring our A-games.
Most Memorable Moment:

GM's Choice
1 . 0 1 8


Player's Choice
1 . 0 7 5 / 0 7 6

@Lord Wraith & @Rockette
1 . 1 0 6 / 1 0 7

@Rockette & @Zoldyck
GM's Choice: 1.018 My Own Worst Enemy. Rory tries to help, but makes things awkward instead. - @webboysurf
Player's Choice: 1.075 &1.076 Lorcán and Amma's powers mingle. - @Lord Wraith & @Rockette
Player's Choice: 1.106 & 1.107 Katja's heart is broken by Amma's attack. - @Rockette & @Zoldyck

The 'Most Memorable Moment Award' is given to the post and players who set a fire in the social server with conversation, reactions and just generally put the dominos in motion with a post that did something so well, horrific or even just meme-worthy that it inspired numerous posts after it. This is a moment that stood out, when you think of this roleplay, this is the moment you keep coming back to. When share the game with your friends, this is the post you wait eagerly for them to read.

To that end, we have chosen 1.018 'My Own Worst Enemy' where Rory in his best effort to help Lorcán spit it out, asks Aurora to the dance. This action leads to a very humorous scene that is not only enjoyable to watch unfold but establishes several character quirks, tics and other aspects of their personality that carry forward. Rory's fumble with words and not thinking ahead of his mouth cements a very large part of his character and is later repeated, though with much better success, when he asks Haven to 'sleep' with him. The scene also establishes Calliope's obligation to mother the group, Banjo's status as an apathetic outcast, Haven, Mei and Katja's feelings for Rory along with Lorcán's clumsiness and Aurora's fear of change.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: 1.060 We Get By Just Fine. Rory asks Haven to sleep with him. - @webboysurf

Arguably, this moment is just the extension of the above GM selection, but I do think it has enough merit to stand on its own and it has its own share of consequences and ripples that it caused both in the IC and OOC. The best part of this particular moment is that it ultimately led to the cementing of the 'Raven' ship and some great heart-to-hearts with other characters along with some inner and outer conflict for Rory.
Roman's Choice: 1.042 Trapped. Amma and Lorcán's powers mingle for the first time. - @Lord Wraith & @Rockette

Okay, blatant ship favoritism aside, this is my pick because it introduced and provided an early teaser on a Hype-verse concept never-before-seen - the intertwining of two separate people's powers. While a later collab would truly show-off quite what this meant, this early teaser thrilled me. I've watched Wraith work on his opus for nearly my entire Guild career, and we're always chatting about this or that, what can we tweak here, how about trying something there, etc etc; but it's still exciting when something brand new comes out of Wraith's work, especially done so organically through the IC.
Best World Building:

GM's Choice


Player's Choice

@Lord Wraith
GM's Choice: @Rockette
Player's Choice: @Lord Wraith

The 'Best World Building Award' is given to the player who has opted to build on the game's existing lore, adding their own spin and perspective to it and creating new ideas that can be adapted to the game and world as a whole.

With Amma coming from the Foundation, Rockette's contributions to the RP have allowed us to explore that angle differently than we might have without a player character in the Foundation. There has been a lot more interaction, planning and expanding to do with the Foundation that ultimately has helped craft them from more than P.R.C.U.'s Evil Twin and I'm excited continuing forward to seeing both how Rockette continues to challenge us and help grow the lore and the world of the game.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: @Roman

Frankly none of this would be possible without Roman and no one has their hands deeper in the lore of P.R.C.U. and the Hyperverse overall than Roman does. But while most of those contributions would be exempt from these awards, Roman also does a fantastic job of building the world with Gil as the focal lens. I probably never would have touched upon Hyperhumans in Hollywood let alone a Hyperhuman version of SAG, but Roman has expanded that world and found a way to also bring in some fun lore from previous attempts at this world.
Roman's Choice: @Zoldyck

With Wraith's rich tapestry (read: 95-page google-doc lore-dump) for PRCU and the world of the Hype-verse, it can be a little daunting to come in and put your own stamp on it. Trying to insert your own character into such a sprawling world is at-times intimidating, but Katja's backstory of anti-Hype riots - neatly allegorical for, if not outright parallel to, South Africa's real-life unpleasant history of Apartheid and racism - puts a unique spin on the girl, as well as embedding her deeply with troubled cultural hang-ups.
Most Valuable Player:

GM's Choice


Player's Choice

@Rockette & @Skai
GM's Choice: @Qia
Player's Choice: @Rockette & @Skai

The 'MVP Award' or the 'Most Valuable Player' award is given to player who has gone above in beyond in their role as both a player and contributor to the roleplay. This person not only regularly posts in the RPs, but incites others to posts, regularly contributes to collaborations, or helps others with their posts, graphics or just brainstorming. They're a constant in the social server and bring a lot of enthusiasm to the game.

As almost everyone here has had the chance to experience, Qia is a highly collaborative player and has been responsible for both helping drive and enhancing several narratives throughout the first episode including the investigation being conducted between Haven and Harper. In addition to their constant, consistent contributions to the IC, Qia is a friendly face in the Discord and almost always starts the day with a cheerful greeting while participating in nearly every conversation. They've been a valuable addition to this roleplay.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: @Rockette

Rockette has been an invaluable member of the P.R.C.U. community, the character of Amma has lent herself naturally to the direction of the overarching narrative while Rockette herself has provided numerous graphics and banners for players and collaborations alike. She has been a proof-reader and a sounding board for me personally and an all-around asset to have in the game.
Roman's Choice: @Skai

Delightful in the discord, highly active in the IC, and collaborative to a fault. Haven is a wonderful character, well-suited to the setting, and her activities both IC and OOC have pushed the RP forwards at quite the pace, with dynamics, relationships, and even sub-plots spawning out of her apparently-endless appetite for creativity.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by webboysurf
Avatar of webboysurf

webboysurf Live, Laugh, Love

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Welcome one and all to the electrifying, steamy, Webby Awards for P.R.C.U. Commencement Chapter 1!

I will be your host for this evening, Web.

I wanted to take this time to highlight my totally superior, 100% correct opinions and share some of the love with y'all after such a delightful first chapter of the RP. These awards are not presented in any particular order.

The First Award we have this evening is the coveted Favorite Character award. This does not mean best... because, let's be real, it's Rothschild's world and we are just living in it. When I think Favorite Character, I think of a character and a writer that when I see they've posted, I am excited to read the post and see what's happening. It has a feel good nature, in my mind, but is not without drama or suspense. This award goes to the one and only Katja Kruger written by @Zoldyck. I told Zoldy not too long ago that I have really enjoyed the way this Katja has come into her own... and I've been, admittedly, a bit jealous. While Katja has her flaws and a dark past, she feels the most like the protagonist of this story in my mind. She is kind, empathetic, and always trying to lift everyone up. The natural conclusion of the first chapter seeing this character strength leave her vulnerable and broken in that explosive final post was... well, you can catch my opinions on that post later on.

For the Most Wholesome Character award, I think of a character who is precious. A sweet, sweet summer child who it is actively hard to dislike. Someone who bumbles through life without a care in the world, doesn't understand what is going on half the time, and who can somehow pull off pulling two wildly different women into his orbit. I am, of course, talking about none other than Lorcán Roth as written by @Lord Wraith. Rory and Lorcán have a disturbing amount of similarities in the way they bumble through life, but Lorcán's posts are much more fun to read. Surfer lingo, pratfalls, and sincere wonder and compassion really tie this character together in ways that make him shine. The Lorcán and Rory dynamic is very fun when it comes into play because they are both wholesome, but I feel like Lorcán edges out even my "Himbo with a Heart" by a sizable margin.

This next award can only be explained in a single sentence. If anything happens to Aurora Mitchell, I will kill everyone in this RP and then myself. Aurora, as written by @Melissa, was a tie in my mind for Most Wholesome Character. So I cheated and essentially made a duplicate category. I desperately, whole-heartedly care for Aurora's struggles and am deeply pained every time she retreats into herself. I think Aurora somehow feels the most real of all these characters to me, and I would die for her. If Lorcán and Amma break her heart or if she gets injured/killed off, I do not know if I would emotionally recover.

Take your fucking award, @Rockette. Best Breakout Character. I was so confident I was going to hate Amma Cahors. From personal experience, anyone who walks into a collaborative storytelling project with a character that is edgy and dark and doesn't want to interact with anyone, and I write them off. 99% of the time it doesn't work. I know, because I write those characters a lot. How dare you have the absolute talent to make Amma work? It makes me sick how much every Amma post has me at the edge of my seat. Take your award, but stick around cause you're getting another by the end of this.

Ok... got a little heated. But I like this energy. I get you have a family and responsibilities and a life, but I need more Gil Galahad @Roman. Of the four boys we have, I adore the nuance and depth that we've gotten from Gil so far. Gil is the Best Boy. I straight up do not understand him, and I think that's part of his charm. He is aloof, cool, but has deep emotional connections in his backstory. And I love what you've done with the three Gils. I didn't make it an actual award, but I loved your formatting in the early Gil posts during the beach scene. Stellar work. Get back to writing.

@Hound55... This award is not for Andrew "Banjo" Olyphant. This award is for you as a writer. You, my friend, are the Best Wildcard this side of the Guild. While others gave you a run for your money, everything about every post you write and every comment you make in the Discord throws me for a loop. To some, this may be seen as a negative. But boy do I love chaos. You are a crucial member of this RP, Banjo is the Joker in the deck of Blackjack, and every time we nearly make the same joke in the Discord I feel ten times my age. I expect Banjo to start Banjoing here before too long... Me and Rockette can't be the only ones stirring the pot this whole RP.

You know what's particularly funny? I do not know if Rory and the character at the center of this next award interacted at all in Chapter 1. They've been in the same scenes, we're finally collabing in Chapter 2, and they have the same best friend. There is a whimsee and depth to Harper Baxter's entrance into the RP that blew me away. @Qia, Harper's Intro was my personal vote for Best Solo post of the entire RP. But here, at the superior Webby Awards, you win Best Opening Post. I would use that post as an example, sentence by sentence, of how to introduce a character and lay out their entire personality without wasting any space. I knew who Harper was much quicker than I even knew who Rory was, and I already wrote him in a previous RP.

I am a slut for tropes done well. I know this might not be the award you were expecting or wanting, @PatientBean, but this is a sort of stealth "Favorite Moment" award in its own way. I spent my time last night just trying to recall, by memory, moments in this RP that stood out. Calliope de Leon's reaction to the opening ceremony was perhaps the first that came to mind when I tried to think about moments earlier in this RP. Of all the reactions to that first big plot twist, Calliope had my Favorite Reaction. It's a classic scene, and a classic trope. You wrote a great scene in a way that I could visualize perfectly. You have done an excellent job of building up and showing how mature and put together Calliope is, but the moment where she really got to unload and lose control for just a moment was so exciting. But... don't leave just yet. There's more for you coming.

When I read vore, I had a visceral reaction to every sentence. It kept getting worse, and worse, and I had to stop reading for a moment to give myself space to breath and process. @Rockette and @Zoldyck co-wrote my Favorite Post. I straight up could not decide what the Best Collab was before this post dropped. When it did, it was a bomb. I changed votes in several categories, but the first thing I did was list vore as the Best Collaboration. Katja and Amma are both so real and vulnerable in that scene, and it is heartbreaking to see their dynamic go so toxic... but it wasn't out of nowhere. It felt like a build-up. The seeds were planted, the tension rose. And in a sea of heartfelt, romantic scenes between the various love-birds... vore hit like a freight train and then backed up to run us over again. It shit on the idea of making the easy choice. I hate you both a little for making my heart hurt.

To take a swing in a completely different direction... This next award is for the Best Collab Partner I've had in this RP so far. I am sorry to everyone else, but this was always going to @Skai. I felt really bad I couldn't vote for Skai in any of the Best Collab posts, because writing the Raven scenes has been so much fun. Skai and I have been messaging each other for a couple weeks now about this RP while making plans and plots for Rory and Haven, and it has been such a blast. The amount of fun I have writing with Skai is admittedly why the Raven ship has set sail. I've written with a lot of folks, and it has been an absolute pleasure getting to work with Skai in this RP.

The last award I have is less of an award for what has been written so far, but more of a prediction. I am so very much looking forward to what comes next for this character. The Character to Watch for Chapter 2 and hopefully the rest of the RP, in my opinion, is Calliope as written by @PatientBean. Calliope and Banjo are an adorable couple, and while we have seen some cracks in her armor... she's been pretty well-put together so far. But given the events of vore and the plot twist going into Chapter 2... god I am so excited to see the mask slip for Calliope. I really like Bean's style of writing with Calli, and I think things are only going to get better from here.

Now... that is all I've got for you folks. I want to thank each and every one of you who have been riding along on this journey for your hard work and creativity. I appreciate the votes I have received for Rory in Chapter 1, I am deeply appreciative of the love and support. You are all really messing with my Imposter's Syndrome. The problem with running awards like this sometimes is votes feel so close. I wanted to do my own little awards to highlight some of my favorite moments and aspects of everyone's writing. I think we have a really good crew here, and I really want to keep building this story with you all. This is my way of saying Thank You, and I will be returning to being a little gremlin in the Discord now.

I love you all, have a wonderful night/morning/afternoon.
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

For the Episode 2 Awards, we reduced the number of categories just because of the episode's speed and as it's only been a month since the last awards. Which are both great problems to have, that's a phenomenal pace! Pat yourselves on the back. As with before, please send your votes to Roman and I, either through a PM on the Guild or through a DM on Discord. The categories this time around are as follows:

E P I S O D E T W O A W A R D S:
Best Character Development:

GM's Choice


Player's Choice

GM's Choice: Character Name - @Username
Player's Choice: Character Name - @Username

The 'Best Character Development Award' is given to the character who has been constantly improving and developing from the moment they first appeared in the IC. This doesn't mean the most improved, nor does it have to be positive changes in the slightest, this is the character journey you're enjoying the most whether it's a slippery slope or an uphill battle.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: Character Name - @Username

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.
Roman's Choice: Character Name - @Username

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.
Best Character Dynamic/Ship:

GM's Choice


Player's Choice

GM's Choice: Character Name - @Username
Player's Choice: Character Name - @Username

The 'Best Character Dynamic/Ship Award' is given to a pair or group of characters who display exceptional chemistry, and compatibility. They are who you genuinely sit there and cheer whenever they're on the page together. These two characters are each other's endgame, they're ride or die and you can't get enough of their highs, lows and otherwise cutesy antics. This is not limited exclusively to romance but extends to rivalries, platonic friendships and even a sibling-like relationship.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: Character Name - @Username

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.
Roman's Choice: Character Name - @Username

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.
Best Post:

GM's Choice


Player's Choice

GM's Choice: Character Name - @Username
Player's Choice: Character Name - @Username

The 'Best Post' is given to the player and post that was found to be overall the pinnacle of the current episode. Did it break the tension with its humourous antics at the right time? Did it bring the characters closer together? Was it full of insightful reflection or did it extrapolate on previously unknown elements of that character's backstory and how it ties to the greater overarching narrative?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: Character Name - @Username

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.
Roman's Choice: Character Name - @Username

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.
Best Flashback:

GM's Choice


Player's Choice

GM's Choice: Character Name - @Username
Player's Choice: Character Name - @Username

The 'Best Flashback Award' is given to the post and player that contains an insightful or impactful flashback to a previous time outside of the current happenings of the IC. Maybe this flashback shed light on why the character has a deep-rooted fear of rejection, maybe it illuminated why that character has a verbal tic or perhaps it was the meet-cute of two budding lovers. Whatever the contents, this flashback found its way into the hearts or minds of the readers and continues to leave a lasting impact.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: Character Name - @Username

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.
Roman's Choice: Character Name - @Username

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.
Best Collaboration:

GM's Choice


Player's Choice

GM's Choice: Character Name - @Username
Player's Choice: Character Name - @Username

The 'Best Collaboration Award' is given to the post and players involved in crafting a collaborative narrative that goes beyond the regular back-and-forth posting of forum RPing. A well-crafted collaborative post should read as though it has a single author but artfully capture the interaction between two player characters and enhance both of their direct narratives, developments and the long-term relationships between those involved in the collaboration.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: Character Name - @Username

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.
Roman's Choice: Character Name - @Username

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.
Most Memorable Moment:

GM's Choice


Player's Choice

GM's Choice: Character Name - @Username
Player's Choice: Character Name - @Username

The 'Most Memorable Moment Award' is given to the post and players who set a fire in the social server with conversation, reactions and just generally put the dominos in motion with a post that did something so well, horrific or even just meme-worthy that it inspired numerous posts after it. This is a moment that stood out, when you think of this roleplay, this is the moment you keep coming back to. When share the game with your friends, this is the post you wait eagerly for them to read.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: Character Name - @Username

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.
Roman's Choice: Character Name - @Username

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by webboysurf
Avatar of webboysurf

webboysurf Live, Laugh, Love

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Alright losers, we're back again for another Webby Awards, brought to you by Tito's and Coke. What another absolute nightmare wonderful Chapter we've just finished! As a prelude to the main awards, I was peer pressured into giving you all compliments again, so here we go. I apologize in advance for the drop in quality.

To jump straight into the awards for Chapter 2, we're gonna start off with a personal favorite that touches my heart. I am a big action fan. I like explosions, fast cars, and one-liners. I am also a fan of more brutal, gritty, borderline body horror action. I like everything from Fast and the Furious franchise to the sort of gritty tension of a Green Room. So, it should come as no surprise that I loved the action that came from the posts involving Katja Kruger written by @Zoldyck. Best action, very gritty and disgusting. I love me some good brawling. Between the sort of chase sequence to Katja's beatdowns, there was plenty of straight up action this chapter to keep my little lizard brain sated. Brilliant work.

What I love almost as much as action is good, old-fashioned, horrible family dynamics. It makes my skin crawl, reminds me a little too much about my childhood, and raises my blood pressure. I can comfortably say @PatientBean batted this award out of the park, namely Favorite Family Trauma. I hate, truly and visciously hate, Calliope's family dynamic. I grew pretty desensitized to most of the trauma posting this chapter by the time we got to the end of it, but the post revolving around Calliope and her family still boils my blood to even think about. That is great writing, honestly. It takes good writing to rile me up like that. Bravo.

While we're in the neighborhood, I have to give it up to @Hound55 and @PatientBean for writing perhaps my favorite wholesome moment I've seen on RPG in ages. Calliope and Banjo reuniting in the simulation, and their little jokes and banter despite the horrific treatment they'd undergone in the Trials... chef's kiss, honestly. Candy is slept on far too much, but this single moment cemented that their relationship works well because of the complexity of the characters and just the way their individual weird shapes align perfectly. Great work, both of you.

Speaking of Wholesome, Aurora Mitchell as written by @Melissa managed to once again secure what I am now referring to as the Best Bean award. Every single Aurora post had me emotional, angry, and upset that anything bad was happening to her. Mel does a wonderful job of making Aurora's feelings so visceral and clear that I can directly empathize with her in any given scene. I think a lot of writers would struggle to hit the same emotional notes during Aurora's tumultuous journey in this Chapter. Well done.

Keeping on a positive streak, I want to commend @Lord Wraith for the Best usage of AR technology in his posts. Lorcán's arc this chapter was a bit more on the comedic side, but I really liked it. I come from a more TV/Film background when it comes to writing, and the posts in this chapter felt the most cinematic from you. I mean, I also know some of the stuff you were setting up for individual posts and for my Rory posts, and it was all brilliant camera work (so to speak). I liked the visuals you worked on this chapter.

Speeding right along, the other most cinematic/TV moment came I can think of came from @Skai. Cliffhangers are an art form. What makes a cliffhanger even better is when it leaves you speechless, you are so certain that a certain outcome is going to happen, and then the ripcord is pulled out from under you and you are delighted to discover an awful fate was not met for a beloved character. I straight up gasped at work when I skimmed the Harper and Haven collab posts to discover Haven was not, in fact, in a coma and/or dead from the simulation pulling off her neural link. My words are less coherent here... but that was definitely the Best Plot Twist of this chapter.

Now, as we near the last few awards, I want to give a brief round of applause to @Roman for coming in swinging late in the chapter. I am giving him the Best Self-Defeating Character award because it's a good pun and this is my awards show. In all seriousness, the Gil posts were absolutely bone-chilling in ways I can't quite describe. A lot of the horror and trauma in most of this chapter delved deep into character history... but there was something about the specific horror that Gil went through that really shook me in an interesting way. And I think that's mostly because of the horror of Gil's powers, but also just who he is as a character. Faceless Gil is a terrifying thought, I hate it, screw you for making me think it. I also love what little glimpse we've gotten of Gil at the start of Chapter 3 that stems from what he went through in the Trials.

Now... as much as Gil's hell was uncomfortable, there is one person who managed to write a post that made me so uncomfortable it took me four times to actually sit down and read the post. The award for Most Uncomfortable I've Been Reading a Post, of course, goes to @Qia for the shit you pulled in The Cat Gets the Tongue. It's a great post, but I think the horror revolving around body image and the specific, small body horror of having someone fuck with your hair and scar you and that person being your sister that really bothered me. Not in like an actual discomfort, or something I'm upset about. It was just very visceral and specific in a way that struck me out of nowhere. It is a very well written post, in my top 3 for this Chapter, and it shows very strong talent.

Last, and certainly far from least, comes my final award. You see, this chapter focused a lot on the darkest versions of our characters. Anti-Rory was brilliantly written by Wraith, there were some very fun dopplegangers of family, friends, and loved ones... but above all, a single doppleganger stands out for one specific reason: it was very hard to tell they were a doppleganger, and I am left with so many more questions than answers. @Rockette easily wins the award for Favorite Doppleganger, which is going to be my shadow Favorite Character award for this chapter. I think the post with Amma fighting herself in the simulation was brilliant, dramatic, and poetic. I also get more and more confused on who or what Amma is the farther we get into this RP, and I absolutely love it.

Anyways... well, that's it. I don't think I missed anyone. Please feel free to post your own superlatives/awards down in the comments, ring that bell or whatever... I'm going to get some rest.

I love you all, see you at the end of Chapter 3.
9x Thank Thank
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

E P I S O D E T W O A W A R D S:
Best Character Development:

GM's Choice


Player's Choice

GM's Choice: Haven Barnes - @Skai
Player's Choice: Amma Cahors - @Rockette

The 'Best Character Development Award' is given to the character who has been constantly improving and developing from the moment they first appeared in the IC. This doesn't mean the most improved, nor does it have to be positive changes in the slightest, this is the character journey you're enjoying the most whether it's a slippery slope or an uphill battle.

In Episode 1, we struggled to figure out who Haven was as a person. She bounced off several characters and on one, but we never really got to know a lot about her. This drastically changed in Episode 2 once Haven was isolated from the other characters, we started to learn what makes her tick, her fears and how they came to be. We got to see some of Haven's backstory play out in action and then as a bonus, we even got to see Haven develop a rather enjoyable dynamic with a character she was previously too nervous to interact with, more on that below. Overall, of all the characters we really enjoyed seeing the growth in Haven through Episode 2.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: Amma Cahors - @Rockette

Amma has been an enigma since she stepped onto the scene. Rockette made the intentional choice to forgo the optional sections of the character sheet leaving players more in the dark with Amma, her motivations and who she was than a lot of the other characters. This has worked incredibly well so that when 'Amma Lore' drops in the IC, I eat it up. Amma is a fascinating character to watch grow and develop. Throughout Episode 2 she was forced into a lot more collaborative moments and she was pivotal in several plots if only through lending her powers out. But for every step forward, we see Amma's self-destructive streak come out and pull her two back as she ends the chapter after attacking Rory. Can't wait to see the next steps in her journey.
Roman's Choice: Lorcán Roth - @Lord Wraith

Episode 2 wrapped with more revelations for Lorcán and further exploration into his feelings about PRCU, Blackjack, Aurora, even his own family; Wraith continues to push Lorcán in bold directions and isn't afraid to put the character in uncomfortable situations. The Aurora/Lorcán slow-burn remains meticulously paced and well-crafted; the way Raze shook Lorcán's principles opened up potentials I'm very keen to see; and early into Episode 3 his worldviews are being challenged yet again. It's a delight to read.
Best Character Dynamic/Ship:

GM's Choice



@Rockette & @Skai

Player's Choice



@Melissa & @Lord Wraith




@Rockette & @Skai
GM's Choice: Haven Barnes & Amma Cahors - @Skai & @Rockette
Player's Choice: Aurora Mitchell x Lorcán Roth - @Melissa & @Lord Wraith
Player's Choice: Haven Barnes & Amma Cahors - @Skai & @Rockette

The 'Best Character Dynamic/Ship Award' is given to a pair or group of characters who display exceptional chemistry, and compatibility. They are who you genuinely sit there and cheer whenever they're on the page together. These two characters are each other's endgame, they're ride or die and you can't get enough of their highs, lows and otherwise cutesy antics. This is not limited exclusively to romance but extends to rivalries, platonic friendships and even a sibling-like relationship.

Unlikely friendships are often the best to watch unfold and while the closing moments of the chapter may have left this blossoming friendship on thin ice, seeing Amma and Haven bond, if only briefly was truly a treat. You can't help but wonder who Haven reminds Amma of? And Amma warning Haven to stop asking so many questions was a great moment in and of itself. Haven may not let just anyone touch her wings, but seeing her allow for Amma to course her powers through them makes you wonder just what sort of a bond these two will continue to form. Provided of course Haven can look past the scratches left on Rory's arm.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: Amma Cahors & Rory Tyler - @Rockette & @webboysurf

Rory being his usual self while interacting with Amma was a fun read. Metaphors never go over Rory's head, they most slap him in the face and leave him dumbfounded much like when he asked Amma if she was a literal dragon. The idea of a guy dressed as one of the world's more notorious terrorists while coming to Amma's aid and promising he wasn't there to kill her only for Amma to end up attacking him instead was certainly amusing, if not unintentionally comedic leading to some of the best character dynamics this episode.
Roman's Choice: Aurora Mitchell x Lorcán Roth - @Melissa & @Lord Wraith

Honestly I've never really gotten the hang of 'will-they-won't-they' romantic see-saws, despite its staple across so much mainstream media (Sitcoms, romance novels, dramas, triple-A games). However I find Mel and Wraith's portrayal of their respective character's dance around each other so pitch-perfect that I'm hooked, even able to overlook how utterly saccharine it is. It's no small feat to break through my usual cynicism - I'm looking forward to seeing this egg finally crack.
Best Post:

GM's Choice
2 . 0 4 6


Player's Choice
2 . 0 2 7

GM's Choice: 2.046 Trainwreck - @Melissa
Player's Choice: 2.027 asunder - @Rockette

The 'Best Post' is given to the player and post that was found to be overall the pinnacle of the current episode. Did it break the tension with its humourous antics at the right time? Did it bring the characters closer together? Was it full of insightful reflection or did it extrapolate on previously unknown elements of that character's backstory and how it ties to the greater overarching narrative?

Melissa had a lot of fun writing a simpler time between Lorcán and Aurora in the flashback of this post. But then compare that fun flashback to the latter half of the post where Aurora comes face to face with her mother and then is abandoned by her friends. Emotion is expertly conveyed throughout this post that you just can't help smiling along with Aurora when she's laughing and having fun while also feeling the gut punch that comes with her abandonment and the futile attempts to move through the invisible barrier. The feeling of utter dispair by the end leaves the post on such a defeated note perfect for where it falls in the episode.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: 2.049 the offering - @Rockette

A masterful wordsmith, Rockette wonderful weaving of prose leaves one wanting more with each post and 2.049 is no exception. Following up on one of my favourite hooks in the entire episode, we jump back into Amma strapped down to a gurney, now again faced with her doppelgängers. This post ultimately ends on a sombre note with Amma being injected full of needles, harkening right back to one of her earlier posts in this chapter. Any post that gives a glimpse into how Amma views herself, and her shattered identities is always a treat and while Chapter 2 is full of them, I think this is the best of the bunch.
Roman's Choice: 2.050 Wake Me Up Before You Dodo - @Skai

Opening with a gorgeous flashback into Haven's sometimes-referenced but often-unvisited childhood was a brilliant insight into the character's history, her unique struggles with the manifestation of her hype-gene, and why she ultimately decided to abandon 'civilised' society entirely prior to her capture (and now I'm even more interested in Haven's experiences at the Foundation). Other-Haven was also delightfully vicious, and then we capped it off with the mother of all cliffhangers - even if it was ultimately a last-second-save fake out. Great stuff. Keep it up.
Best Flashback:

GM's Choice
2 . 0 5 0


Player's Choice
2 . 0 0 4

GM's Choice: 2.050 Wake Me Up Before You Dodo - @Skai
Player's Choice: 2.004 void - @Rockette

The 'Best Flashback Award' is given to the post and player that contains an insightful or impactful flashback to a previous time outside of the current happenings of the IC. Maybe this flashback shed light on why the character has a deep-rooted fear of rejection, maybe it illuminated why that character has a verbal tic or perhaps it was the meet-cute of two budding lovers. Whatever the contents, this flashback found its way into the hearts or minds of the readers and continues to leave a lasting impact.

We touched earlier on getting to know Haven in this chapter and this was the post that did it. The flashback with Haven at the foster home, the development of her wings and subsequent bullying were all beautifully written but ultimately heart-wrenching. Easily a stand-out flashback of this chapter and one that illuminated a lot about a character in such a simple way. Of course, there are still more questions about Haven and the journey that brought her to P.R.C.U., but we can all comfortably look forward to those being answered in the subsequent chapters.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: 2.003 I Want to Run and Hide - @webboysurf

It isn't often we get to see Rory's dynamic with his whole family and even just knowing how Rory sees the world through other posts and the way he interrupts words and gestures around himself make this entire flashback so interesting. On the surface, we have a look at Rory's home life before the death of his parents and what we see is not pretty. It also tracks with the treatment we're used to seeing from his siblings. But, once you realize that Rory might not be the most reliable narrator, the whole flashback starts to drift into the uncanny, making you question if this is just Rory's interpretation of how he was treated, or if his parents truly were awful. It opens a lot of interesting faucets that I'm looking forward to seeing Web explore.
Roman's Choice: 2.047 Lose Yourself - @Lord Wraith

Jonas' continued time-desynchronisation shenanigans continue to charm me and the character is an absolute highlight every time he shows up. Add on top some of Lorcán's unique Dundas Island-based childhood/adolescence, some family interaction, and some father-son bonding over blowing up scarecrows with eye lasers, and you've got a recipe for 'yeah, Roman will like this'.
Best Collaboration:

GM's Choice
2 . 0 3 3

@Rockette & @Skai

Player's Choice
2 . 0 3 8

@Melissa, @Rockette & @Skai

2 . 0 5 8 // 2 . 0 5 9

@Rockette & @webboysurf
GM's Choice: 2.033 Feathering the Storm - @Rockette & @Skai
Player's Choice: 2.038 A Name Unspoken - @Melissa, @Rockette & @Skai
Player's Choice: 2.058 Dragon // 2.059 Devour - @Rockette & @webboysurf

The 'Best Collaboration Award' is given to the post and players involved in crafting a collaborative narrative that goes beyond the regular back-and-forth posting of forum RPing. A well-crafted collaborative post should read as though it has a single author but artfully capture the interaction between two player characters and enhance both of their direct narratives, developments and the long-term relationships between those involved in the collaboration.

Rockette and Skai both had a great run of posts this Episode, both in quality and quantity, but as with the dynamic between their characters, Skai and Rockette also proved they have great chemistry as writers, knocking out multiple collaborative posts together including 2.033 Feathering the Storm. 'Feathering the Storm' gave us the Amma and Haven dynamic but so many subsequent posts into play, including the threeway post between the aforementioned writers and Melissa, and ultimately the great crossover with webboysurf. 'Feathering the Storm' is a cornerstone of Episode 2 and we are more than happy to award it Best Collaboration.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: 2.038 A Name Unspoken - @Melissa, @Rockette & @Skai

Building right off of 'Feathering the Storm', 2.038 A Name Unspoken is easily my favourite collaboration in Episode 2. The character dynamics are fantastic, you see multiple plot threads and nightmare sequences come together and you have the wonderful tension and chemistry between Amma with both Haven and Aurora. Anytime we get Amma and Aurora in the same room, there's always something interesting bound to happen and we got to see the two girls form at least a temporary alliance and Amma even lent her powers out to Aurora who subsequently was able to use her powers in a way she hadn't previously been able to. I think 'A Name Unspoken' will have a lot of plot candy carrying forward.
Roman's Choice: 2.058 Dragon // 2.059 Devour - @Rockette & @webboysurf

Amma continues to be a...difficult character, one I'm grappling with more and more. However that's not to say she by any means a bad character - far from it - and this collaboration features a pair we've not seen much (if any) of prior to this episode, delivering a unique dynamic, fresh perspective on both involved, and yet more tense scenarios fraught with danger - even better that that danger continues to come from within the team as our cast struggle with their trials. Rory/Amma wasn't a pair I was expecting much interaction between, looking at the cliques within Blackjack both characters run in, but the surprise was delightful to read when it came.
Most Memorable Moment:

GM's Choice
2 . 0 4 2


Player's Choice
2 . 0 5 0

GM's Choice: Rory putting on Hyperion's Mask from 2.042 You're No Good - @webboysurf
Player's Choice: Haven's Nightmare Sequence from 2.050 Wake Me Up Before You Dodo - @Skai

The 'Most Memorable Moment Award' is given to the post and players who set a fire in the social server with conversation, reactions and just generally put the dominos in motion with a post that did something so well, horrific or even just meme-worthy that it inspired numerous posts after it. This is a moment that stood out, when you think of this roleplay, this is the moment you keep coming back to. When share the game with your friends, this is the post you wait eagerly for them to read.

Perhaps the hardest award to choose of Episode 2, we were not short in supply of great and impactful moments that will be remembered as the RP moves forward. Numerous fakeouts, tragic memories and torturous scenarios filled the posts of Episode 2, but the moment that Rory put on Hyperion's Mask, a plot thread was born that we're going to see continue into Episode 3 and who knows how far beyond. It's for this reason that 'You're No Good' manages to stand just ever so slightly above the other stellar options.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: "Thank you for bringing Tiamat home." - 2.038 A Name Unspoken - @Melissa, @Rockette & @Skai

Personally, 'Thank you for bringing Tiamat home." from 2.038 A Name Unspoken is easily one of the most haunting lines in the entire episode. The utter despair of Amma being dragged back to a less than rosy version of where it all began, where the needles were injected, where she suffered and was experimented on, was the kind of dark and twisted I wanted to see in the Trial. That moment just was like a diminished fifth in the midst of a minor fall. It hit just right and is another great example of the gravitas that Rockette brings to her posts and her continuing threads with the Foundation.
Roman's Choice: Calli losing her leg from 2.039 Monkey Wrench - @Lord Wraith & @PatientBean

We all know Wraith loves curveballs, and also loves keeping us (yes, myself included at times) guessing in the dark about what quite is going on up in that peculiar, wonderful brain of his. So to say Calliope's attack by a simulated Butler was a dark surprise would be an understatement; however, Bean took it well in stride (teehee), and while it was ultimately revealed as another trick of the simulation, it kept us on our toes and reminded that our characters - loved as they may be - are still well at risk of actual mortal danger, and we should remember that this is the case.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

A couple of updates from our survey into the Episode Awards:

1. Do you like the current Awards format?
-The majority voted 'Yes'.

2. Would you like to see categories repeated, or new ones each episode?
-It was almost unanimous that you wanted 'A Mix of Both' new and old awards.
-Based on the submission of one player, we're going to start trialling 'Core Awards' and 'Rotating' Awards.
-The 'Core Awards' will be 'Best Post (Solo)', 'Best Post (Collab)' and 'Best Dynamic'
-Rotating Rewards will vary from episode to episode.

3. Would you like to see more specific voting Options (ie nominated posts to vote between for Best Post versus voting from the whole episode, or specific characters nominated)?
-The results were nearly split down the middle.
-We will be looking at how we could potentially introduce a nomination system before voting but we're not promising that this will be implemented for the Episode 3 Awards. As it currently stands, it takes a minimum of a week to get votes from players and put together the Awards. We're not looking to lengthen that process but we do hear your opinion and are exploring options for nominated characters, particularly for Awards that extend to all posts.

4. Should there be an award for everyone in each Episode?
-The majority ultimately voted 'No, the Awards need to be fully subjective.'
-That said, many people made comments indicating their enjoyment of the Webby's format and the desire to see @webboysurf continue to create his awards. The GMs would like to once again thank Web for the hard work he puts into producing his own awards and once again encourage those who like that format to replicate it in their own way.

5. Do you think the Awards are actually encouraging to the game overall?
-The majority voted 'Yes, I love seeing people get recognition for their work'

6. Do you think the GMs should run the Awards?
-You unanimously voted 'Yes'

7. Do you think we should continue Awards?
-You again unanimously voted 'Yes'

Thank you to everyone for taking the time to fill out the survey and we look forward to unveiling the Episode 3 Award categories for everyone and celebrating the end of another episode with the next round of Awards.
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