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8 mos ago
Current Sorry for the delay everyone. I've been absolutely swamped with work these last weeks. I'm getting my replies up slowly.
8 mos ago
Keeping track of things makes it easier to avoid bad experiences! And to not make the same mistake like an idiot... :-/


"Humanity takes great pride in three things. Their willpower, their greed and their mortality.

Their will and endless greed allows them to grow and accend past other creatures
But their mortality denies them divinity

It's a delightful purgatory between being Fallen and being Divine"

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"I don't care if it's a thief or a 'Tinker Imp'. Look at what it did with my shoes! Those ribbons were made of fine silk, you know? Not exactly something one would find in a street stall..." Maeve said as she heard Kallen comment about the tinker imp being a thief, obviously very mad at the small imp for having taken the silk ribbons.

Maeve raised her eyebrows as Kallen said that he might be able to resolve the problem, before suddenly went towards his room. Allanon, seeing that, raised his arms, seemingly as confused about the whole situation as Maeve herself was.

"Believe-me Allanon, I am as confused as you are. The only thing I know is that if I don't get my silk ribbons back, I may... 'accidentally' freeze the Tinker Imp..." she said, crossing her arms. Judging by the tone of her voice, her words right now might not be just a joke...

It took only a moment until Kallen was back, carrying a large book with him. When everyone finally arrived at the inn, he began explaining what exactly a 'Tinker Imp' was, using the book as a reference. According to him, the little thief could be a valuable ally for them, should they be able to communicate with it.

As everyone sat down, either tending to their wounds, talking with each other or, like Bizdil, amused at how confused Allanon, and Maeve, by extension, were, she simply waited to see how that situation would end. Hopefully, she would find her ribbons again and no one would have to be frozen.

"Hilde is right. Unless we desperately need someone to help us to forge cutlery or maybe belt buckles, I don't know if it will be of much help to us..." she said, agreeing with Hilde.

Just as she said that though, Kistal said something about not letting anyone harm an 'innocent', saying something about a 'fellow beastman'. Maeve already disliked Kistal's very presence, but those words only made that even more apparent.

"'Innocent'... So that is what you call thieves now? Interesting... How does 'Hypothermia' sounds for you?"
she asked, almost hissing.

"With that said, I am not an unreasonable woman. I can at least hear it's reasoning. If it wants to remain unscathed though, it better have either a very good argument or hand me my ribbons though." she finished, clearly unsatisfied.
Karina Frost

"Even though you have all been briefed about what the cultists and most importantly, the sightless can do, we don't know the exact limit of their powers, so keep your eyes open and expect the worse." Karina said with a firm voice to the soldiers she was leading as she made her way together with the group down the tunnel they were supposed to meet the Kharu-Natjer.

Meeting with their guides, the group proceeded as they guided them through series of tunnels. While Karina did notice that the two females that were guiding them didn't seem to have the common characteristics most Kharu-Natjer had, like the silver hair and the tanned skin, she didn't think much of it. She knew just how secretive the Kharu-Natjer were and the presence of the soldiers probably made them be a bit more careful with their secrets and their own identities... That was, until she noticed that the many crystal jade candles that previously dotted the tunnels weren't there anymore, saving for a few. With the arrival of the Military of Touch, the Kharu-Natjer knew how serious the situation was about to become and disappeared like smoke, taking their things with them. It seemed that these two guides were the last help they would be able to expect from them for now.

With a discreet nod and a few hand signals, Karina informed the soldiers behind her to be alert. While she didn't really expected the Kharu-Natjer to betray them, it didn't hurt to be cautious. Besides, even if they didn't have the intention of betraying them, it was clear that they could not expect any other help from the Kharu-Natjer other than guiding them. Their very guides might as well be disposable, for all she understood about them.

"They're gone, Chres. This is probably the last bit of help we can expect from them." she said in a serious tone.

"Well, at least they're smart. If I were in their position, I would be gone as soon as possible too. It would be insane for them to hang around while the Military and the Cult are in what basically is an open war..." Akai said, shrugging as she followed Karina, flying just behind her.

Karina was about to reply to Chres when he asked her about the crystal jade candle when Akai began to search for something under the folds of her kimono.

"It should be somewhere around here... Oh, here it is!" she said, producing a crystal jade candle from under her kimono.

"Next time you guys need someone to be the bait, don't count on me. I already did enough and even brought back the candle." Akai said as she handed the candle to Karina, with a rather smug expression.

"Thanks Akai." Karina said, getting the candle and handing it over to Chres.

"It is as you said. We are not exactly well equipped regarding crystal jade candles, but we will need to do the possible with what we have."
she said, sighing.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Yenworth Docks
Interactions: Vrexen and Astra @FunnyGuy

Myra couldn't help but feel happy as Astra praised her, putting her hands on her hips with a proud expression before she sat down, focusing her attention on the steak she had just stolen. She was about to take a bite when one of the demi-humans she had stolen the meat from shouted something, clearly unhappy with Myra's actions. She didn't really understand why were they mad at her. They weren't really eating the meat, so she just took it. Before Myra could do anything though, Vrexen was quick to intimidate them, taking a big bite from the pork belly while glaring at them. Knowing Vrexen and Astra most probably had everything under control and noticing that the demi-humans didn't seem to have the courage to approach them, Myra simply shrugged before she turned her attention to her dish once again.

Delighted, Myra kept eating while Vrexen and Astra dealt with the unhappy demi-humans. That was, until Astra said something and Vrexen reacted in a very extreme manner. Immediately letting go of her steak, Myra quickly got looked towards Vrexen, with a cautious posture. She still remembered what Vrexen did last time and how... 'unstable' Vrexen could be, so whenever she saw or heard such a reaction coming from him, she immediately became wary and cautious.

Strangely enough, Vrexen went back to normal as suddenly as he altered himself, with only a few words from Astra. Myra had a small impression that Astra was getting better and better at dealing with Vrexen's temper, which was good for her. That meant that as long as she was near Astra when Vrexen acted like that, she would somehow find a way to be able to calm him down. With that idea, Myra made sure to push her chair a bit to the left, so she was sitting closer to Astra before she sat down again to eat finish the last bite from her stolen meat.

Time: Dusk
Location: Carriage in the woods
Interactions: Rosaria @Potter , Jomari @baraquiel, Caelan @Alivefalling, Sophie @princess, Aurora @Mole

Nuallán couldn't help but to notice how Rosaria's expression changed after she caught herself yawning and forced herself to stay awake by making herself busy. He watched her fighting against her fatigue with a saddened expression. He knew, more than anyone, how much pressure the world was putting on Rosaria's shoulders and despite how strong and perfect she appeared to be to everyone else, he knew how much effort she made and how much she demanded from herself in order to meet the expectations that others had from her. The moment their eyes met, Nuallán made sure she knew what he was feeling by the way he looked at her. A silent plead for her to not demand too much of herself and to take care of her own health.

"As you wish, my lady." Nuallán said with a formal tone and a kind smile, hiding the dissatisfaction from hearing Rosaria once again putting others in front of her own well being.

It didn't take long until Rosaria was asleep, in fact, she fell asleep pretty much the moment she laid her head against the curtains, a clear indication of how tired she was.

Standing up, Nuallán approached Rosaria as he slowly and delicately lifted her head with one of his hands as he bunched up the excess curtain, forming a small, improvised 'pillow' for Rosaria to rest her head upon.

Before he sat down, Nuallán gave a quick glance towards the group, to those who weren't asleep, giving a small nod as he pressed his finger upon his lips, asking them to refrain from disturbing Princess Rosaria's rest.

Interactions: Ullross @ReusableSword, Morgana Faith @King Cosmos, Micheal Crane @BigPapaBelial, Xaviron @Martian, Scarlet @AWACS

Faye's was satisfied to notice not only that her attack was very effective in disorienting and creating chaos among the bikers, but most importantly, that it had interrupted the mage, who was about to attack Amanda. Xaviron, who had made two bikers fall off their bikes with two accurate shots. The first biker fell from his bike to the ground with a loud thump. The hole in his chest was a dead giveaway that not only he wouldn't be getting back up at all. The second one was shot on his shoulder, making him fall from his back and roll trough the ground, raising up smoke as he grasped his shoulder, groaning in pain.

"I was going to ask how did you hit both of them while they were still on their bikes, but I keep forgetting that I'm the only one among you guys who isn't a trained super-agent and can't really use a gun..." Faye said, rolling her eyes as Xaviron took cover near her, behind the bulletproof car.

Just as she finished saying that though, Xaviron, suddenly pointed his wand towards the ground. Faye could feel the magic gathering and then permeating into the ground and moving towards the bikers as Xaviron chanted in a strange language. Strangely enough, while Xaviron's magic was definitely interesting, she felt a very strong connection with his wand. The traces of magic emanating from Xaviron's wand was similar to the magic the Faes used regarding it's feeling and it's origin. Her thoughts were soon interrupted when the ground started rumbling under her though.

The effects of Xaviron's spell were immediately felt by the bikers, who saw, much for their despair, the ground loudly cracking beneath their feets and their bikes, before it started opening under them. Those who were on their bikes either lost control, falling to the ground or were unlucky enough to have a crack appear just under their bikes, having to jump from their bikes, lest they be sucked into the ground together with them. Fortunately, Amanda, who was among the bikers was somehow able to resist the tremors and didn't loose her footing, which gave her enough time to finish off a few bikers who fell around her.

"Hah! Serves you right!" Faye cheered, seeing the bikers' numbers slowly, but definitely dwindling down and their group slowly loosing their advantage.

Unfortunately, Faye didn't seem to be the only one who realized how dire the situation was becoming for the bikers. Having lost their bikes and a good part of their numbers, their numerical advantage was now gone, pushing the mage to do a desperate move...

For Faye, the terrible, feeling came first than the mage's shout or the pillar of fire that shot up into the air. A horrible, suffocating feeling, almost as if that very magic power was wrigling under her skin, tightening around her neck and piercing her veins. The origin of such magic became clear as the mage raised a strange knife.

"What?! Why does he have that thing with him? No... No! DON'T!" Faye said, visibly altered as her eyes opened wide, shocked as she shouted the moment the mage stabbed the knife into his own hand.

What happened next could only be described as an abomination. A total and complete perversion of magic and life itself. Faye didn't need to look to see what was happening. Even if she sat behind the bulletproof car, cowering in terror, she could clearly feel the eldritch magic. Having a strong focus of eldritch energy so close to her, added to the shock of having saw and felt the transformation made not only Faye cower down in shock, but it semeed to have affected her powers as well, becoming unstable as the small rocks and glass shards on the ground seemed to be disappearing and then appearing, blinking around her in a chaotic pattern as irregular, small portals began to form only to collapse and disappear again. While such instability seemed to be harmless for now, it might not continue like that if Faye wasn't able to calm herself down and control her own powers again soon...
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Yenworth Docks
Interactions: Vrexen and Astra @FunnyGuy

Having almost completely forgotten about what Astra had said to her about 'laying low', thanks to the mead, Myra looked at the woman who brought the meat, nodding vehemently towards the girl as Vrexen demanded more food. Oblivious to how scared the girl was she simply kept staring at her, annoyed before Astra shouted at the servant, making her quickly go back to the door where she got the food from.

Myra was about to resume her struggle against the dress as she begrudgingly waited for the meat when Vrexen suddenly stood up and walked around the table towards her as he called her name. As he got closer, he pinched the collar of her dress as he said for her to take it off and go take the meat she wanted. Myra was about to gladly do so when Astra firmly said for her to not do it. Confused, Myra looked at Vrexen and then Astra, not sure of what to do. While she wanted to take the dress off, she knew there was a reason why she didn't do so until now, despite it being very annoying. Even though she couldn't remember the reason all that well, she knew it had something to do with Astra and it was important... Was Astra saying no for the dress or the food? Myra continued thinking, not certain of what to do, until she had an idea... If she did half as Vrexen told her to do and half as Astra did, neither one of them would be mad at her, right?

Proud of her new, brilliant idea, Myra pointed towards the two big pieces of cooked meat on the table just across theirs, where a man and a woman were sitting at with a proud expression, much to the couple's despair.

No matter how much she pointed though, Vrexen's refused to let go of her dress. Annoyed she quickly understood that it would be impossible to free herself without either without taking off the dress or damaging it. Frustrated and tired of trying to make Vrexen understand her, she raised her arms, slipping out of the dress before taking it from Vrexen's hand and then walking towards Astra with a proud, almost smug expression as she handed her the dress, raising her hands just like Astra told her to do when she wore the dress for the first time.

With the dress on again, Myra proudly walked, wobbling a little bit due to the Mead, towards the next table where the couple was. The couple simply kept looking at her, frozen both in fear and shock, unable to act. Seeing how they weren't eating the meat, Myra gave them a smile before taking the two pieces of meat with her claws as she walked back to her own table, being careful to not get her dress dirty.

"Foo." she said proudly, as she put one piece of meat on her dish and the other one on Vrexen's, trying to mimic how the waitress earlier served them.

Time: Dusk
Location: Carriage in the woods
Interactions: Rosaria @Potter , Jomari @baraquiel, Caelan @Alivefalling, Sophie @princess, Aurora [@chrysocoma]

Jomari unsurprisingly didn't seem to be interested in either listening to the others or speaking about himself. While Nuallán himself had no problems with him being quiet, his attitude made it clear that Jomari would make no effort to get along with him, Princess Rosaria or even the rest of the humans. Unfazed by the hisses Jomari gave each time their arms touched due to the shake of the carriage and despite the ongoing conversation, Nuallán kept a watchful eye on Jomari, always aware of his movements and actions.

Unlike Jomari though, Sophie seemed to be interested about their words and didn't seem opposed to the idea of speaking a bit about herself.
Nuallán accepted the strange, stick-like snack Sophie handed to him and Rosaria with a kind smile and a small bow as she tried to explain what it was. One bite was all it took for Nuallán to understand why the pixie, who had introduced herself as Alette, liked it so much.

"Oh...? No wonder why our little friend liked it so much." Nuallán said after taking a bite, chuckling as he looked to the now sleeping Alette.

"It is surprisingly good." he said to Rosaria, smiling with a nod, as if encouraging her to try, before silently thanking Sophie once again.

Watching Rosaria and Sophie talking with each other, Nuallán couldn't help but let out a discreet smile as he watched Rosaria's expression. He was glad that Rosaria had found a kindred spirit among the humans. Just as they finished talking, Caelan, who was sleeping until now, opened his eyes, lighting up the same zemak-like herbs he had back in the palace, letting its pungent smell flood the carriage. While the smell certainly bothered Nuallán, it wasn't bad enough to be unbearable and since Rosaria seemed to allow him to continue smoking it, Nuallán had no reason to complain.

The hot and dry winds invaded the carriage as Rosaria opened the curtains, a clear indication that they were about to enter the desert. Trees began getting scarcer and scarcer, the vegetation around them slowly changing as only the most resistant plants were able to handle the extreme climate. While the climate was extremely different from what Nuallán was used to, he had received training on how to survive in such environment, although that didn't make it any more comfortable for a light-elf like him.

"The hot winds that herald the desert. We are about to enter the sea of sand." Nuallán said as he looked outside, before Rosaria closed the curtains.

"It will not be long until we arrive Myriamor, the jewel of the desert." he said as he looked to Rosaria and then the rest of the group.

Hopefully, after such unfortunate events in the jungle, they would be able to rest and calm down at Myriamor. A moment of respite would be welcome not only for the human's morale, but for their bodies as well.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Yenworth Docks
Interactions: Vrexen and Astra @FunnyGuy

At first, Myra kept staring at Vrexen with a wary expression, seeing if he was fine after drinking the strange liquid. After he didn't show any reaction though, Myra looked at Astra, almost as if asking why she was so shocked if Vrexen seemed to be perfectly fine. With her curiosity focusing on her own tankard again and the golden, fragrant liquid inside. She was about to take another sip with her tongue when Vrexen called her, asking why she only started speaking now.

Confused, Myra looked at Vrexen for a moment, tilting her head as she thought about that question. She had never had any reason to make any sound other than hissing or growling in order to intimidate other creatures and protect her food. For Myra and most other creatures, body language was the only thing they needed to communicate. No matter which animal or creature, they all knew what showing one's teeth or claws meant. That said, even though speaking was still a bit hard for her, she did find it a bit strange on how quickly she became able to understand Vrexen and Astra's words... or at least a few of them...

Fortunately, before Myra had to rack her brain thinking on how she would reply to Vrexen's question while under his scrutinizing gaze, Astra began saying something to Vrexen which seemed to answer to his question and distract him, making him look away from a now, relieved Myra. Just as that happened though, Astra raised her tankard towards Myra, almost as if encouraging her to drink it, before taking it to her lips.

Turning her attention towards the strange liquid, Myra leaned forward, taking another sip with her tongue. While she didn't really like the strange burning sensation, the sweet taste wasn't exactly bad. What she wasn't aware though, was of the side effects of that strange liquid. At first, it was just the weird burning sensation but after a few sips, even though Myra stopped drinking soon after, due to her fast metabolism, she had already started to feel more... unrestrained.

Angry and frustrated, Myra was about to complain once again to Astra about the food when it finally arrived. Immediately forgetting about the Mead, she immediately grabbed the meat with her claws, being careful in order to not get her hands or herself dirty and took a big bite out of it. While she knew that it was meat, it was completely different from the meat she normally ate, fresh meat from creatures and animals she hunters. Succulent and incredibly tasty due to many different spices, it was definitely a new experience for Myra. Due to the taste and how hungry she was though, the meat Astra ordered for her was over in a moment, thanks to Myra's voracious bites.

"Foo! Foo!" Myra said, looking to Astra as she licked her claws clean, asking for more meat, frustrated that it took so little time for her to finish with it.

Unfortunately for Astra, Myra was already tipsy from the Mead and was making absolutely no effort in hiding her dangerous claws or the terrifyingly sharp row of teeth inside her mouth. Not only that, but to make things even worse, she was starting to get annoyed with the dress again and seemed to have forgotten about the "deal" she made with Astra, regarding keeping it on while inside a city...

@PaulHaynek@AzureKnight@Rezod92@Stern Algorithm@Restalaan

With the possible threat of intruders being gone, Ada finally relaxed. Going back to where the rest of the guild members were, Ada watched curiously as Sir Reed and the others talked with each other. Everything seemed to be going fine, despite the many complicated words Ada didn't understand but out of nowhere, Bart suddenly made a rather disgusted expression as he looked at Sir Reed. The words he said, along with his reaction were enough to cause an immediate response from the other members. From what she understood, Bart was mad at Sir Reed for some reason and the rest of the guild members was mad at Bart for what he said.

Ada had no idea of what an 'Ortusian' was or why Bart had such a reaction to that word, but she knew that Sir Reed was definitely a good person. Bart, while sometimes a bit hard to understand, didn't seem to be a bad person either, judging on how he seemed to be perfectly fine in letting her stay on the guild and eat. Trying to defuse the situation, Ada approached Sir Reed, standing on her tail as she smiled at him and gently patted his head, doing exactly the same to Bart.


As Freyr listened to Haley's reply, he noticed that his question did sound a bit weird, almost as if he had some kind of prejudice or something.

"Oh no! I didn't mean like that. I trust Sir Reed. Even if he was from Varjo, he would be above any suspicion at this point. He is a part of the guild. Besides, if I did judge other people by where they came from instead by who they are, I wouldn't have left the Vieran Forests." Freyr said to Haley, trying to clear the misunderstanding.

"I just made this question due to the recent... political issues that we are dealing with, mainly with Varjo. Some of our actions might bring dangerous consequences not only to ourselves, but the entire guild. So in order to avoid that, it doesn't hurt to know which kingdoms we need to be careful with." he said, explaining himself.

While politics weren't exactly something Freyr was interested in, the story behind Ortus and the Order was still interesting, making him pay close attention as Sir Reed began talking about it. Surprisingly enough, Bart seemed to show quite a strange reaction after Sir Reed finished his explanation. His dislike towards Ortusians was clear in his tone of voice, even if the motives for such feelings weren't.

Seeing the situation quickly deterirate into a conflict, making even the innocent Ada, who probably didn't understand even half of what was being said act, Freyr gave a few steps forward after Nagare and Kira gave their replies.

"Please, let's calm down, everyone. We can all vouch for Sir Reed here. He spent enough time in the guild for us to know and trust him." Freyr started, moving so he was standing between Sir Reed and Bartholomew.

"I too, can't understand the reasons behind Bart's actions, but conflict is not the answer. We should all calm down, sit and talk before taking any action we might come to regret later." he finished as he tried to calm down not only Bartholomew, but the rest of the guild members as well.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Yenworth Docks
Interactions: Vrexen and Astra @FunnyGuy

Myra sniffed the strange food Astra had pushed towards her with a rather skeptical expression. A single glance was already enough for Myra to tell that there was no meat on that dish. Upon picking one up and giving a small bite, she quickly noticed that meat wasn't the only thing lacking on that dish. Not only it tasted like almost nothing to her but it also had no substance at all! It was far from nutritive or fulfilling to her. Annoyed, She put the half-bitten bread roll back on the basked, pushing it away as she looked to Astra with an annoyed expression, wondering how much more she would have to 'wait' until she could eat 'real' food.

Just as she was about to complain to Astra again, a woman suddenly put a tankard with a strange liquid inside. Knowing immediately it wasn't water due to the sweet and fragrant smell, Myra warily sniffed the liquid while looking at Vrexen and Astra.
While Vrexen did seem to be as clueless about the liquid as she was, Astra was much more enthusiastic about the liquid, appearing to be very satisfied as she drank the liquid. Curious, Myra leaned forward, opening her mouth as she used her tongue to taste a bit of the strange water.

The very moment her tongue touched the liquid, she quickly pulled her head back, surprised. While the liquid was sweet it was also a bit bitter, it left a strange, unfamiliar hot sensation in her throat as she drank it. Intrigued by the taste, Myra leaned forward again, this time, way less warily as she quickly flicked her tongue, using it to drink the mead. After a few 'sips' though, Myra suddenly heard Astra calling Vrexen with a rather shocked tone after he drank the entire strange liquid in one go. Confused, Myra looked at her own tankard, immediately stopping drinking it, fearing it might be something bad, judging by how shocked Astra was.

In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Yenworth Docks
Interactions: Vrexen and Astra @FunnyGuy

While Astra seemed to be happy, Myra was still frustrated, confused at why Astra was so happy with her being hungry. Still, she did promise her food, so she would try to be a bit patient. When Vrexen pointed to the sea, saying her food was there, referring to Traven, Myra immediately looked at him, with a shocked expression, before pouting, annoyed. She's wasn't hungry then. She is hungry now! Besides... What did Vrexen want her to do? To carry that old man's body with her for when she was hungry?

Fortunately, Astra soon led them back to the big building in order to get some food. While Myra was definitely satisfied that they were finally going to eat something, by the time they got there, Myra's eyes were already starting to focus on a few passersby as her instincts slowly started to get stronger. Luckily, for both Astra, Vrexen and pretty much anyone remotely close, the very second the group got close to the tavern, the scent of cooked food immediately distracted Myra. It was a relatively new scent to her but despite the spices and the unknown scents, it was still pleasant and in the end, she knew by the scent that it was still food, even if it was very different from the scent of meat that Myra was used to eat. Getting inside, Myra's discomfort with the dress was momentarily forgotten as well as her pouting, which she kept all the way from the docks to the inn, was gone as she sniffed the air around her.

Imitating Astra and Vrexen, Myra sat down near them, waiting for the food. Completely oblivious to the rather tense atmosphere currently going on between Astra and Vrexen as they talked with each other, Myra could only focus her stare on the dishes that passed by their table, being delivered to other people that were in the tavern. While there were a few who preferred to eat plants, the vast majority had some kind of meat on it, barely identifiable by the smell and the many spices.

"Foo?" She asked, turning to Astra and Vrexen, with a rather innocent, if not hungry expression as she pointed to the steak that one of the demi-humans was eating on the table next to them.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Dusk
Location: Carriage in the woods
Interactions: Rosaria @Potter , Jomari @baraquiel, Caelan @Alivefalling, Sophie @princess, Aurora @chrysocoma

While Nuallán kept watching over both Jomari and their surroundings, he couldn't help but be distracted for a moment as the pixie that 'found' Sophie and decided to stay with her angrily smacked Sophie's hand with the strange, stick-like snack the human girl had given her. Pixies are normally known to be very mischievous creatures and this one in particular semeed to have energy to spare and quite an intense personality. When Sophie apologized for having dragged the pixie with her, the little fairy mentioned how she was an exiled fairy and 'demanded' to stay with Sophie since she had nowhere to go and Sophie had shared food with her, just before she started flying and pointing the snack towards Nuallán and Rosaria saying she would fight them if they didn't let her eat, which made Nuallán almost lose his composure and start laughing, having actually to hold his laughter, amused by the small pixie's antics.

Just as he was about to say something though, Sophie made a very serious question, which made him immediately get serious again as he silently looked towards Rosaria, waiting for either a reply or a signal for him to aid her. Fortunately, while he did see the exhaustion hidden beneath his Rosaria's expression, she gave a brief, but confident answer, before turning towards the small pixie and smiling towards her, asking for her name and asking Sophie about the strange stick she had given to the pixie.

In order to keep the conversation going and the morale high, Rosaria proposed for everyone to talk a bit about themselves, with the arrival of a few members, such as the talkative pixie. Finishing her introduction with a sad tone as she mentioned her brother, Rosaria asked Nuallán to continue.

"As you wish, my lady." he said, with a polite bow, before he faced the little pixie and the rest of the humans.

"As most of you might know by now, my name is Nuallán Varnion and I'm Princess Rosaria's butler and personal attendant, having been so for centuries, since I was very young." he said after clearing his throat.

"The Varnion family has been directly serving and protecting the royal Light Elf family for countless generations, honoring the tradition and the oath our ancestors took when the first kings and queens took the throne and created the Light Elf Kingdom." he said as he began explaining more about him, his family and it's history.

"Every generation, the Varnion family will have at least two children. The firstborn is always the one who will take the oath to serve the Royal Family, being bound to the member of the royal family he will serve from the moment they are born, while the younger child always takes the role of managing the family's estate and continuing the lineage." he continued.

"As the eldest child, I received extensive education since I was very young, being trained and taught by the elders in the Varnion family in order to seek nothing less than perfection and excellence when serving and protecting the royal family. Be it tending to their needs, giving accurate advices and consultation in the most varied matters if requested or even fighting to protect or to eliminate threats to the royal family's safety." he finished. While it was evident that he was proud of his position and who he was, he was clearly not gloating or boasting, with his tone being calm and professional instead.
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