Avatar of Carlyle


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13 days ago
Current I'm so tired of this cold weather. I can't wait for the warmer months to come by.
14 days ago
4 more hours until I'm out of work. Closing shifts are suffering.
18 days ago
The new Captain America movie is definitely flawed, but it wasn't trash cinema IMO.
27 days ago
Oh, yeah. I forgot it's Wednesday. Time to go watch the trailer.
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1 mo ago
Cleaning out PMs and other test threads. It's amazing how much junk you can easily accumulate over time.


twenty-five x central standard time x open for roleplays

[ ] C U R R E N T R O L E P L A Y P R O J E C T S

Most Recent Posts

I think Tostada forgot about us.

They're probably just busy with the holidays, though.
With holidays over, I'm hoping to reconvene, assuming everyone is still about it.

I'll work on getting the OOC up and running. Probably just going to copy and paste this with a CS template tacked on, though. I just need to convert formatting and stuff so it shouldn't take long.
Well, with the new year coming and before I get buried under admin tasks (price changes, stock alerts, new year modular resets, prep for our upcoming remodel, etc) in the coming days:


I want to do a roll call to see who is all still here and willing to RP this. I know the holidays have been busy for everyone, but for the sake of avoiding some more radio silence, I'm tagging everyone in this.

Is this still ongoing?

I'd say yes. We're not that far in, so if anyone drops from the above list, their role shouldn't be too hard to fill.

@Little Bird Please put the sheet in a hider; otherwise, you're good to go.
Kali Nordstrom

Location: New York Streets, Outside Home
Skills: N/A

"Certainly," Kali responded to the police officer as she took the card from him and placed it in her pocket. She then glanced behind the officer, her attention focused on the teenager from before. "Is he going to be okay?" Kali asked as she watched Finley beat himself against the door of the police cruiser. Normally, she would have figured he had to be on something, but given the circumstances, she wasn't certain what to think anymore. "I'm just worried he might hurt himself."

Of course, that was saying the least. The kid was a wreck of his own, and apparently looked just as crazy as the man that had attacked her neighbor's husband. She thought back to the restaurant, thinking about what her co-worker looked like. Did he look as if he was out of his mind too? She didn't get much of a look as Isaac and another co-worker tried to temporarily restrain him. Perhaps that was the one good thing so far, saving her from being assaulted by her co-worker like Jeff.
I think we all just got overwhelmed by the holidays.

I know I did, having to work in retail.
Merry Christmas

Late Merry Christmas as well.

I should probably do a role call to see who is still kicking here or not.
Hopefully I can answer some questions, but I'm like half-awake and exhausted from work after spending the entire day trying to catch up on post-Christmas department management/updates, so I imagine my train of thought here isn't as fluid as it should be for answering questions.

I've envisioned this mainly as an open sandbox-like game; most locales I don't have anything strong in mind. If someone wants to say, I don't know, Twinleaf Town had been swept underwater and is now part of the huge, nearby lake or something, all they have to do is run it by me. I'm likely open to most concepts.

On the topic of plot, as with the prior roleplay it happens to be based on, there isn't any overarching plot save for the details listed above. The prior concept was simply "treasure divers in a post-Kyogre world", with the plot essentially boiling down to nothing more than "bad guys appear and cause problems", being the reason that the characters get forced out into the open world. What I envisioned was more akin to probably what Zeroth mentioned, though I can imagine something formulating depending on what sheets people end up making.

Regarding tone, I want to aim for a semi-serious tone, if any of that makes sense. The examples given could essentially work; I just don't want to lean hard into Mad Max Pokémon: the RP or the like. I don't want it to be full on goofy just because it's Pokémon.

[] R O L E P L A Y S Y N O P S I S
It is the grand opening of the Pokétopia island resort.

In order to celebrate the grand opening, a number of celebrity guests have been requested to attend. Champion trainers, famous actors, but most of all—you. Whatever path you walk in life, the Pokétopia Foundation has chartered passage to the island in your name on a luxury, state of the art yacht, the S.S. Avalon. Their only request is that your presence helps promote their new battle resort favorably within the public eye.

Taking the offer, you and a group of others set out to sea with expectations of swift arrival. Unbeknownst to everyone, however, there lies other powers hidden deep in the shadow of the sea that threaten your journey—and it is hunting for you.

[] O O C I N F O R M A T I O N
As many of you may know, I tend to think outside the box with my Pokémon RPs (or so I believe I do). I love the standard formula, but I often feel that the Pokémon universe can allow for so many more possibilities outside the traditional scenario of brand new trainers filling out the Pokédex. Therefore, this roleplay came into being.

So, if you're interested in something with a dash of mystery, feel free to let me know. I'll probably keep slots limited as I feel a smaller group might work best for this, but I'm not entirely certain on that yet.
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