Knight-Captain of Caesonia
Stratya Durmand, 26, Female
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 150 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Length/Texture: Long and silky
Hair Color: Light Brown
Skin Color: Fair
Facial details: A freckle here or there, particularly on her cheek bones.
Distinguishing features: Plain but pretty, Stratya can be heard from afar by her thick dialect.
Clothing Preferences: Nothing very fancy. She often finds herself in uniform, which suits her fine. It doesn't get in the way of her movement.
Likes:Peace, music, good food, mead, shellfish, weird parrying daggers
Dislikes:Competitive pressure, tension, abuse, regular fish, fine clothes
Hobbies:Baking, drinking, playing music
Life Goals/Dreams:Peace and safety for her people. She's a simple woman, content with simple things. Food in her belly, the sun on her face, people she likes and cares for. A good pint of mead. She's got a house and money and her family's taken care of. That's all she really wants, it's just too bad some people won't let things be that simple.
Personality Summary:Stratya is a simple woman with a sharp mind that thinks too much. She's fairly easy-going, and always tries to be fair. Boisterous and joyful, she loves a good drinking song at the tavern. She'd love to just lay on a hillside and play the flute or have a drink at the tavern all day, but unfortunately, there's much work to be done.
Current occupation:Knight Captain
Any past occupations?:Baker, Town Guard, Soldier
Relatives:Father deceased. Mother, younger brother and two sisters operate the bakery and brewery in the Vermillion region
Skills:Fife and vocals, cooking and baking, swordplay and brawling, thought and deductive reasoning
History Summary: A young girl in a small farming village worked in her mother's bakery, helping to make the bread and often carrying the bread throughout her village to the various shops and folks that needed it. Her father, a guard for the village and nearby trading town, taught his eldest child, Stratya, the traditional fighting methods passed down to him from his father, and to him from his mother, and so on into days they had no records for.
One day, while on her delivery rounds for lunch, the lass did witness an incident between her father and a thief. Her father was injured and, incited, a young Stratya charged forward. She disarmed the thief with her father's dropped sword and pinned him. After another guard came and arrested the offender, Stratya was made a guard at a young age.
After two years of guard service, Stratya Durmand began her service to the crown as a common soldier at the age of 18, but through persistent service to the populace beyond her duties as a soldier, she was recognized for excellence and made an officer. As a Captain, her sharp mind began sniffing things out.
The investigation that earned her knighting was the shattering of an underground sorcerer's ring, the capture of at least a dozen gathered magic-users, and the elimination of just a few violent resistors, including her father. Her father who had, seemingly without intending to, tipped her off. She used a small, well-organized squad to breach a meeting and take the ring by surprise. That was two years ago.
The question of her father's intentions has plagued her since.