Name (Former): Lilith Maria Rowell
Name (Current): Lazash
Current Stats:
Level: 1 | Form: Orc Runt | Tier: 2
Current Skills:
- Ingestion - After consuming a required amount of biomass from a particular Creature, 1 of that Creature's Skills can be copied at its lowest Rank.
- Creature Analysis - Rank I - Upon analyzing a target, information relevant to the chosen type will be displayed. Higher Ranks will grant more detailed information. (For example, using Creature Analysis on a Slime would tell you the most generic, widely known information on Slimes as a species)
- Empty Skill Slot
- Empty Skill Slot
Equipment and Inventory:
- Swaddling Pelts - Equip, Clothes - Old animal skins used to keep an Orc baby warm as they sleep. Once the Runt is old enough to start hunting, these are usually just enough to cover the parts that need the most covering.
- Wooden Stick - Equip, Weapon/Tool, Material Component - A wooden stick. From a tree. That's...that's all there is to it. Can be thrown.
- Sharp Rock - Equip, Weapon/Tool, Material Component - A rock with a slightly sharp edge. Useful as a primitive knife or chisel. Can be thrown.
True Age: 31 years, 6 months
Past Life:
An incredible photographic memory. Academic excellence and learning capabilities on the level of a genius child prodigy. Gifts of her person that many would praise , even as her academic capabilities exponentially accelerated her up in the world. Gifts from birth that many would look upon with the greenest of envy, even as they tried to isolate and diminish her. Born of a relatively ‘average’, for whatever the word was worth, middle-class suburban household in the USA, she was the third of four children and given just as much love as the rest from the start. Her gifts and the encouragement to use them propelled her to get her first master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering by the age of twelve, and saw her garner both praise and isolation from her own age group alike. She did not know great hardships for a long time in her life, but she did often find herself watching things from the sidelines. Observing. Taking mental notes.
Where did someone like her belong? It was hard to think about that, as she had little choice in it for much of her life due to being underaged. But with all her gifts her life seemed certain to become something incredible, to achieve something amazing-
And yet all the gifts in the world weren’t preparation for what came next.
What came next would be a three-year-long stint on an uninhabited island in the Pacific, her being the only survivor of a shipwreck at sea where she’d been taken on a scuba-diving trip by an uncle from Honolulu, that shook her out of the world she’d been in before. Little food, the heat of the scorching sun, the dangers of the tempting salty water, and at the age of sixteen she would manage her own survival by the will to live and skin of her teeth before discovery by a passing cargo ship (when she lit a large signal fire she’d carefully constructed for some time before to try to signal it). It was this, and her passage into adulthood, that would eventually mark her in a way that nothing else in her life had. Survival. An awoken desire to live that she had never known before, a resilience born from harsh conditions and a number of near-death instances out there, but all of which she would never forget.
She would return to her education and achieve greater heights after her recovery, though a path having been wrought clear before her more than ever before and her life in control of her own two hands. Lilith would work to become a Civil Engineer, with a supplementary education fitting for an Architect, and this would be the field she would end up in. At the same time, however, her life of survival would not simply go away after the episode of survival in her youth. She would survive two lightning strikes, being stuck underwater for two days in an air pocket of a capsized ship over deeper underwater before being rescued, and getting out alive from two horrendous car crashes. Each time she pulled herself out of the other end, pushing onward with a seemingly renewed vigor to live and thrive each time.
Ultimately, however, it would be as she was on her way to meet with a special high-profile client for the company she worked for that her life would be abruptly cut off. Walking through an airport parking lot of her own design to get to the airport inside, a fleeing suspect driving away from police would dip into the airport parking lot in some attempt to lose the police chasing him after he’d kidnapped someone. In the process, she would be struck by the criminal’s truck as the driver got distracted looking behind himself and ran her at a whopping 88 miles per hour.
Cue waking up as something else somewhere else. On one hand, she could and would never forget what had forged her in the fires of her past. But what was a new chance at life, if not using and living it to its fullest extent? Besides, having been born beautiful this time around (by some race out there's standards she would suppose) would itself be a most curious additional factor in her new life as well.
New Life:
Day 1, Orc Runt >
"So this is what I get to choose from, hmm? A curious set of choices, oh Divine Spirits of a most curious nature. I believe my choice is clear then, given my background and existing skillset. A new tool on my belt for my new life that should prove useful to supplement what I already can do by myself.
Ah. And curses did not exist where I came from, rest assured, but here I believe things will be different simply from that statement of yours.
Let's see how this new life goes, shall we?"