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The enemies were vanquished!

  • Elwet Horn (Akeno)
  • Lightly Bloodied Elwet (Lazash)
  • Damaged Elwet (Grunthor)
  • Mostly Intact Elwet (Akeno)

As the Runts lay there, some still on top of their prey and all catching their breath, the forest around them was quiet...at least for the moment.

The near silence of the forest, save for the breathing of herself and the others around her, was certainly something she felt grateful for in the aftermath of it all. A familiar sensation that felt somewhat nostalgic somehow just as it felt satisfying at the same time. Naturally it would still take some readjustment to all of this in the longer term, but for the short term it felt good to get something with her own two hands again to start things off. The lack of books or other such materials though? Ah, that could all be remedied in due time and course.

Using burnt charcoal to write on the rock of the mountain, or sticks to scratch things into the dirt and ground when she was alone, that sort of thing would be used to jot things down in the meantime. Things none of the other orcs would perhaps see any value in, outside of a certain moron back home who might just want to mess things up for giggles. Hmm. Also another problem that could be dealt with in due time.

"You two stay here and watch our kill. Stoke a fire. Rub some spit and dirt into your wounds."
In Soviet Russia, The Food Cooks You!

With a quiet nod to the female runt who spoke to her, Lazash finally deigned to let go of the dead Elwet in her arms and stretch a little. It made her glad that she'd continued to cling to the Elwet until its death throes were finished, however, avoiding further talon slashes but still getting buffeted by the wings in her case. Not a fun time. Not fun to get wounds either. But you had to risk something to get something when it came to surviving or learning some more practical things, and that much hadn't been lost on her even in this new life thus far.

The young female orc would then look over to the, admittedly much worse off looking, Grunthor before pulling her bloodied stone out of the dead Elwet's body and walking over to him.

So the two of them were staying to stoke the fire and such, eh? No problem, depending on his disposition for things. Either way she had agreed with the aged-sounding female runt's general ideas so far, all save for the dirt and spit part of it all at the very least. It made her own time of surviving a bit better to start, and she had managed to get the information she needed to hunt sleeping nighttime creatures eventually anyway...though the Head Warrior's words did bring some reasonable concern to mind with his reaction to it all. Hmm.

"If you can see well enough, could you help me gather wood and kindling? I can try to help treat those wounds of yours and mine a little bit, but not painlessly, if we can get this fire going at least."

The poor Grunthor looked like someone had started to trepan his head in a few places, but didn't finish the job in the end and walked off. Thank goodness for that, however, because she had some idea of what to do to try to help him. The operative word being 'try' and based on his willingness and so forth. Plus getting the food started cooking would be good as well, and she could maybe get to the butchering to start it before the others got back.

Eventually they could get some meat and such roasting on sticks over the fire and all, beyond whatever they could maybe eat raw. Eh. One thing at a time for now.

@Zeroth@ERode@Kazemitsu@King Cosmos

Their kills? Our kills.

Anyhow, how exactly does the loot drop system work? I’m guessing it’s based off of their ability to actually butcher/salvage parts off the Elwet? Like we’d be able to get more Elwet Horns if we broke them off the Elwets?

Also, considering their 20 pound mass, how difficult is it for the Runts to carry one of em around?

When you get kill assists in a first person shooter game.


Silliness on my part once again put aside, if they are too heavy we might have to cook and eat these things before continuing. At worst that gets us a meal and gets some biomass in us before we move onward I think.

Also I second Kaze's suggestion of turning slimes into fantasy world jello shots. Or maybe a thickener for a stew? Idk.
<Snipped quote by ERode>

I'm fine going for the final blow. I'll get a post up tomorrow, but if you guys want to react to the chicken crashing into you first that'll work too.

I'd say go for it! Esfir and Lazash have an anti-fire chicken shield Grunthor in its way I believe!

Otherwise yeah I generally agree with ERode's thoughts there. Clean this up by finishing the third bird, go off to get the last chicken at Esfir's suggestion, maybe run into someone else along the way if they want join along with us, and if the group is willing we look for some sleeping night creatures in the locations Lazash learned about.

Though to be honest I am curious if we might find some slimes along the way, if nothing else to see how edible or useful they can be. But that is more a side thing along the way than anything else right now.
Lillianna Steiner

So the lightning at least made the Alpha Male take pause, which was good. Adam and MacKensie were able to get back to where she was behind the front lines as well, which was also good. Fenna was not doing so good being yanked toward the, now momentarily distracted at least by whatever Adam had done there, Alpha Female. Not good. Well, not all bad either but only for a moment being perhaps? Something. Plus her new 'ghost buddy' had managed to save her skin somehow with his little stunt, though apparently he couldn't do it again either. Also Clive was in bad shape and Arthur hadn't been able to keep that one wolf back before it had charged her. Crap.

Zell at least had a chance to deal with his wolf, and the giant Japanese man who now had Clive's gloves seemed to be charging the momentarily stunned Alpha Male Mutant Direwolf.

Basically other than being totally outmatched by a couple of freaky Mutant Alpha Direwolves, and dealing with any remaining lesser wolves perhaps, they were doing generally ok. Generally ok? Sure, generally ok was something she'd allow herself to think about it all. How they were was at least better than the alternative of dealing with whatever was-

A Bigger Monster, New Friends, or a Creepy Fantasy World Monster-Themed Ice Cream Truck?

Make Your Guesses Now!

-...making...that noise in the south...which was also actually the same direction where the Direwolves had come from. But now the noise was louder and much closer to them. Great. Juuuuuuuust great!

Well, it had been making noise from the south at first at least. Not so much now, which was worrying based on how fast it would have had to move to be coming from the northeast now. Or maybe whatever it is was using tunnels? But with the noise moving closer it did not bode well for things either since this thing would be coming into the group's rear. If this thing was anything bad, and was worse than the Alpha Mutant Direwolves, they would be overwhelmed in an instant! She really didn't want to get eaten by a wolf and left in a maze of hills, not that any of them likely wanted to die here either. Ugh.

Hmm. Hmmmmmmmm. Ah! Aha!!!

That might help. Maybe.

Lillianna's hand as she spoke suddenly changed direction, pointing toward the Alpha Female as she unleashed a powerful Lightning Bolt spell proper toward it. Maybe it would help damage it or stun it in this case, or at least force the thing to keep an eye on the attack and then have to soak another attack in the process. Or something. Anything. But she wasn't going to sit idly and do nothing either! She couldn't, even as a trembling shiver of what felt like a mix of excitement and fear ran down her spine as her gaze remained focused on the battled ahead.

@Kazemitsu@ERode@King Cosmos

Alright Giga Expendables Squad!

...How do we want to handle this situation from this point?
Lillianna Steiner

In this case, she was glad they believed her right off of the bat. Very glad, as it turned out, as Adam tried to collapse his bridge and the pack of wolves were trying to charge right on over to their side. It would seem two of the wolves would be lost along the way, thank goodness, but the majority and the two Alphas would still get their way to the other side and attack them. Not so good. Really not good actually.

Fenna and her, apparently magically size-changing, spear would go after the Alpha Female. Joji was fighting one of the 'lesser' wolves, if that term was even applicable to them compared to anything the mage had seen back home ever, but was injured in the process. Zell was struggling against one of the 'lesser' wolves as well as it tried to push him back, not that this would be necessarily hard for them to do to any of them given the size of the things. Arthur and Clive seemed to likewise get in the thick of battles of their own against the remaining lesser wolves, and James-

"Buff's in, fuck them up!"
The Buff Master General

...was being James, based on what she'd heard of the first battle. Tossing a spell in Zell's wolf's face in this case, and casting a boon upon them it seemed, were the courses of action he took. As he did the latter thing, however, an unnatural endurance seemed to take hold over her body, which despite the mild shock of feeling it take effect on her was at least welcome. Not that it much helped a non-physical fighter, but it was surely better than nothing...right? Right. No need to be picky when they didn't exactly have a choice or many options right now for much of anything.

Otherwise, MacKensie seemed to rush in to try to pull Adam back to backlines where she was and the druid tried to cast something as everyone seemed to be in the thick of some kind of combat. Meanwhile the ghost that was still floating near her piped up again.

"Ah! Umm...ah'll be right back, miss! Maybe ah' can do somethin' to help!"

"What are you doing?"

And with that the ghost seemed to disappear down the left path, or rather just move through the scenery and such as if it wasn't even there. In the meantime the mage pointed her free hand at the Alpha Male Direwolf, channeling a flow of crackling lightning out of it like a stream toward the beast to try to do something to it aside from the few arrows MacKensie had fired at it. She would work to avoid hitting her teammates with the attack, but it wasn't the same single-bolt explosive power of her Lightning Bolt spell either. Certainly she was hoping to get something to work, though out of the corner of her eye she noticed one of the Lesser Wolves dart through and gun it toward her!





...eh? EH?!?!

An old polearm of sorts, a halberd that seemed to be in somewhat decent even if rusty and rather aged condition, soared up into the air from somewhere down the left path before shooting off in her direction. She hadn't even noticed it with her focus on the battle, but as the Lesser Direwolf charging toward her with throat-tearing intent came along the aged weapon slammed into it and through it with its point spear-style tip and pinned its back half to the ground with a solid impact as it hit the crusty earth below. A moment later the ghost from before seemed to emerge from it, albeit somewhat flickering in appearance and a hand held over his gut as he floated back over to her side.

"Heh. That took it ah'll outta' me there...but...ah...its been ah' long time since ah' tried doin' at'. Beasties took my throat out in life as I and mah' adventurin' party were headed back injured from ah' battle, seems fittin' ah' do this at least.

Erk. Takes a lot outta' me ta' do it on all my own though, miss, not feelin' too good after. So ah' can't do it again all on me own I'm afraid."

Maybe seeing dead people wasn't all bad after all.

<Snipped quote by Zool>

My name is Zapdos, not sham :P

(Actually I don't know what a sham is in this context.)

Zool thinks you're 100% "Sham-WOW!"

"Though the Elwet was much heavier than a normal chicken, it was still smaller and lighter than the Runt who came charging at it with a stone knife. Though Lazash's initial plan succeeded, and she slammed into the monster from the side, as its feet left the ground there wasn't enough resistance from its body weight to really drive her sharp stone home. She pierced a thick layer of feathers and drew blood, but somehow her instincts warned that this wouldn't be fatal. As they tumbled together, the beast's wings and feet flailed wildly at her--and its sharp talons raked her soft belly, leaving several slices that burned with pain, before she finally came up on top and managed to wrap her tiny hands around the fire breathing neck!

But now, despite weighing more than it and perhaps being stronger, the Elwet proved that it, too, was stronger than its size hinted. Clucking furiously, it began to scramble and try to run--with Lazash still on its back! Though her grip tightened every moment and the bird's eyes bulged from lack of oxygen, it simply poured every ounce of adrenaline and survival instinct into a mad charge for freedom--"
How Did You-

Ah, no that was pain she was feeling for sure. Her abdomen had been clawed at for sure, and it hurt as much as she'd expect it to. A fair punishment for what she'd just done.

But why hadn't she charged the Elwet that was in front of Akeno?

Simple. She would have been in the path of the stupid fireball-thing the other one spat out. Not that anyone else cared about that fact.

Yet attacking it freed up the others to attack the one in front of their resident martial artist. In that sense they could get one down, she kept this one busy as she continued to grip as tightly as her body could manage around its skinny neck, and then maybe their self-appointed group leader could do something to the others hopefully. Sure it wasn't a prefect execution, sure, but it was certainly not the end at least.

Hopefully it all wasn't going to get any-

"Grunthor put his whole body weight into a charge much like Lazash, but whereas her goal had been to pierce a feathered heart his, from the start, had been to get his string-bean arms around the crowing terror and bear both their weights to the earth. In this he succeeded--though most of the Elwet's body was hugged against his chest. This left its beaked head free, and even as he buried his face into its...surprisingly soft chest, he could feel the pointed appendage drawing a pattern of bloodied dots all over his bald head, seeking his eyes!

But up came Grunthor's arm, and down came his sharp rock! He missed the first shot but clipped one of the antlers, and now that he knew where its body was in space alongside him the second blow hit its mark! The Elwet cried out once more as one of its eyes was blinded forever by the chiseled stone edge! In this moment of weakness Grunthor could secure his mount and finish the creature off--but if he raised his head to do so, he'd see another twenty-something pounds of feathered fury, carrying a further weight of exactly 1 Lazash, coming straight at him in a mad charge for freedom--!"
-Think This Was-

Unclenching, clenching. A fist from within that swirled with the essence of a blizzard.

Her fist opened, two hands grasping upon the stick she had, and Esfir leapt in, interposing herself between the pinned Elwet and the charging one. One end of the stick she thrust into the ground, the other end angled towards the one that dragged the talkative one. Chicken bones broke easily, though the flesh itself may not be pierced by such a blunt instrument.
-...Going To Go?

...Oh for the love of-

Clutching even tighter and tighter for her life, Lazash sought to crush the neck of the bird with all her might now as it tried to run for freedom. She'd pull up and use her whole body to crush that neck if she had to! But she wouldn't do anythign that might cause her to fall off or get caught under its feet or such again. The goal? Kill the stupid thing as quickly as she could, and then IF she managed to kill it stop and use the stupid stone from its body to help attack another bird someone else was trying to deal with so they could gang up on at least one stupid bird. If she even got that far.

She wouldn't make excuses for this one, but she sure as hell wouldn't try to die here and now either. Again. So soon.

@Zeroth@ERode@Kazemitsu@King Cosmos

<Snipped quote>

That's a benefit, not a demerit.

Hey hey hey, frozen statuary is not edible. Not unless you like frozen kid meals of the literal sort. Kid Cuisine, anyone? XD

"She is the one foretold in the told Orc stories. The one. The great. The Chicken-Born, choker of chickens."
@Crusader Lordyou buttface was workin on post >.<


...But in reality, my apologies Kaze. Had the inspiration for one hit me fast out of the blue while I had the chance to post for once. (T_T)
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