Avatar of Danyel


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1 day ago
Current The Sword of God
14 days ago
I am a God even though I'm a man of God, so y'all better quit playing God, I am a God, get the Porsche outta the dam. Garage!
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1 mo ago
I'm free
2 mos ago
I am vengeance.
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2 mos ago
Having the right Players in your RPs and yourself at heart goes a long way, I thank everyone.


You Will Know As You Watch Me...

I recognize what I can control and cannot in a situation but that doesn't mean I'll be easily giving up.

In doing so, I determine my reaction to crises including others, so I may display objectivity and compassion.

I may ignore people, dominated by their negativity but not fully, I extend compassion to those who badly needs it, carefully at the same time.

I continuously master myself to be virtuous.

Learning to move on may be tough but it's a necessity to be the storm that approaches!

To the people I've worked with, good or bad:
I was Masaki Haruna and Floch, I'm not gonna be ashamed for who I was.

Everything will be in Keikaku.

Most Recent Posts

Multithink. To deliberately believe in lies, while knowing they're false. Reality is, as a matter of fact, subjective, as one's reality might just be an illusion to another.

So to defend ourselves, and fight against assimilating this dullness into our thought processes, we must learn to read. To stimulate our own imagination, to cultivate our own consciousness, our own belief systems. We all need skills to defend, to preserve, our own minds. I know that painfully enough as an Actress & it's a fact that remains a constant disposition as I discerned that not only me, but everyone who got Isekai'd in this world are perplexed by the past, present and the eventual future.

I sensed that the atmosphere breezed through a paradigm shift, adapting remains a wonder.

Huh? This woman... The Olympics. An athlete? I recalled the Japanese Emperor holding a ceremony in silence that day, the Olympics on the other hand... Didn't look so good. Should I tell her though? Maybe later, either she accept the harsh reality or not.

What's this? A grumbling loud man with an allegation matter at hand. This world is truly something else.

I said ara ara~.

What? Seems like Isekai-shenanigans permit me to speak the common tongue. Reminds me of that kusoge: Faith Last/Order.

"My..my. Is that how you address someone with heavenly mandate and of high-esteemed position of a Noble & what more of an Actress and a Producer? I reckon your prosecution process is a mere probing method to sniff out potential threats, yes? I have you reassured that these mongrel peasants, who are aspiring performers are given a once in a life time privilege to the project I ought to endorse to thy majesty.

Perhaps you wouldn't mind if you do us a favor and go our separate ways? I wouldn't mind giving you a handsome reward in return, my dear boy."

Ok. How can I feel embarrassed and turned-on at the same time? Did I just flirt with such a man? I feel like I went too far, and this may just raise more questions than answers. This is an Isekai right and apart from those who got Isekai'd, the townsfolk are just NPCs right? Surely there should be a King or a Queen? I said majesty...now I'm just trying to save everyone from being unlawfully arrested, I intended to ditch them and save my own hide but that would mean repeating history. Heck, we might be under a Pope or a Dictator, I dunno!

I gazed upon the presence of these people and winked.

"Every Actor has a role to play now, don't you think?"
@Dark Cloud

Where Kyouka got her sass from.
Also holy shit.

I'm guessing we got Isekai-shenanigans.

I've thought of it and realized.

If we're different nationalities and languages, I guess Mytheria makes us speak English or Mytherian, whatever the magic shit that makes us understand shit.
" We all wear masks Mister but which is the real one? The one like my makeup or the one that is your face.
@Dark Cloud "Really? For all I know the Judge aren't too kind to the looks of people, now that's a hit or miss and if we're talking judging, I think you're barking at the wrong tree, you might want to take your case into the court."
Inb4 Kyōka makes a damn fine lie-acting:

"I dunno these people, I'm just a wanderer, I came across these hoodlums" type of deal.

Not sure if there's place with oriental themes in this world for Kyōka to make an excuse.

Jk tho

That's a bit too heartless.


Clive is now our official meme.

Do we got discord tho or nah? It's ok if we don't, I can feel the classic days of RPing in my veins.
I haven't voted, I wanna see some Mackensie action tho for the Ranger peeps.
Okay dudes I need to talk with you all, my character can choose a single ability right now that can affect the whole party but I wanted to know your opinions on which will be more useful for the time being:

1.-One that lits your weapons on Fire and inflicts Holy damage
2.-One that enhances Endurance and allows underwater breathing (@Goblinguy this Is basically a sea blessing so your character could have an afinity with this one)
3.-One that enhances Strength for an undeterminated amount of time (But once It Is over It applies a debuff that does the contrary for the same amount of time)
4.-One that makes It so every proyectiles fired by the party has the probability to inflict Charm (@Zool and @Calle this one Is good for bow users)
5.-Or one that gives the party a buff to their Charisma or can be concentrated on a sole person (@Indrajita this one seemed a good fit to your character though she may consider It cheating)

Now please keep in mind that all of these have negative consecuencies to My character but the Strength one Is the only one that applies to the whole party, also I Will stick with this ability for an indetermined amount of time before being able to use one of the others or another of Equal impact

Right now, if we want to avoid a one-sided fight with NPCs, I say Kyouka would play it crafty and having charisma buff just makes her more convincing.
@xenon You got that right!
I have a theory that based on the sequence of approved CS is how our OCs died, I'm putting my Sherlock Hat because it's interesting to think of things like these. @xenon

Because I'm sure @Zool that a plane crash would have made the headlines.

Gosh, I've never been this hyped and theory enthusiastic since the old Naruto days of finding out Tobi's identity.
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