Location: Water Processing Room/Catwalk
Cal took a break from her panting to let out an annoyed groan when Luke informed her of Zarina's location. "For fuck's sake, does no one know the bloody meanin' of 'stick together'?! It's not that fuckin' hard!" she exclaimed, her exasperation ringing clear in her voice as she spoke. It took a few moments for her exhaustion from both the physical task of climbing through the pipe and the mental task of keeping her head from exploding from the disorder of their little group, so she didn't register the conversation they were having right away. She took it in bites. First the name of the tall individual offered by Vinnie, Y2K, then the general idea that Them, now being referred to as the Vendri, put creature's consciousnesses into robots, and then finally, what the robot wanted the group to do to them.
It was that last realization that had the most effect on Cal. At the mention of suicide, images of the memories that had surfaced in the Galley flashed behind her eyes, and her heart pound harder against her chest. She lowered her head, hiding the panicked expression that had crept back onto her face. Her trembling fingers dug back into her pockets, pulling out her lighter and a cigarette, not caring that she had one not long before. Bringing the latter to her mouth, she lit it, taking a deep breath in. It helped a little, but it by no means banished the thoughts. The best thing for her to do was get away before the lean machine got out of Vinnie's grasp and threw themself off the catwalk.
"Brilliant, keep up the good work, interrogate them, see what you can find out. You're one scary cunt when you wanna be mate. I'm going to bring back the others, if they haven't already gotten themselves killed," she mumbled out to Vinnie, not really thinking about the words as they came out. She just needed to focus on getting away from the suicidal automaton. She followed where Sophia and Raynor had both disappeared off to, eventually coming upon a ladder. When she looked down, though, she found that the space below was already filled up with her associates. It didn't look like there was much space for her to fit down there, so instead she stayed at the top, reaching out her cigarette and and giving it a shake, letting the ash from the tip slowly descend upon them in a rude attempt to catch their attention. "Oi, what the fuck was that all about? When we make decisions, we ought to make them together! If we're constantly seperatin', we're gonna end up either dead, or joyless slaves to something called the Vendri," she hissed in a harsh whisper, loud enough for them to hear, but hopefully quiet enough to not get any unwanted attention from possible nearby hostiles. She then looked to Zarina, who was talking into a vent. "What's she doin'? Did she find another dismembered body part to keep her company?"