Avatar of Framing A Moose


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Current i'm gonna puke
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Aaaaaand it’s back. It was gone for a while, but it’s back and it feels awful. *Singsong Voice* ♫ I have self-destructive tendencies ♫
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New Hyperfixation Unlocked: Seeds the Musical
4 yrs ago
Current Mood: Penelope Scott
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Location: Water Processing Room/Catwalk

Cal took a break from her panting to let out an annoyed groan when Luke informed her of Zarina's location. "For fuck's sake, does no one know the bloody meanin' of 'stick together'?! It's not that fuckin' hard!" she exclaimed, her exasperation ringing clear in her voice as she spoke. It took a few moments for her exhaustion from both the physical task of climbing through the pipe and the mental task of keeping her head from exploding from the disorder of their little group, so she didn't register the conversation they were having right away. She took it in bites. First the name of the tall individual offered by Vinnie, Y2K, then the general idea that Them, now being referred to as the Vendri, put creature's consciousnesses into robots, and then finally, what the robot wanted the group to do to them.

It was that last realization that had the most effect on Cal. At the mention of suicide, images of the memories that had surfaced in the Galley flashed behind her eyes, and her heart pound harder against her chest. She lowered her head, hiding the panicked expression that had crept back onto her face. Her trembling fingers dug back into her pockets, pulling out her lighter and a cigarette, not caring that she had one not long before. Bringing the latter to her mouth, she lit it, taking a deep breath in. It helped a little, but it by no means banished the thoughts. The best thing for her to do was get away before the lean machine got out of Vinnie's grasp and threw themself off the catwalk.

"Brilliant, keep up the good work, interrogate them, see what you can find out. You're one scary cunt when you wanna be mate. I'm going to bring back the others, if they haven't already gotten themselves killed," she mumbled out to Vinnie, not really thinking about the words as they came out. She just needed to focus on getting away from the suicidal automaton. She followed where Sophia and Raynor had both disappeared off to, eventually coming upon a ladder. When she looked down, though, she found that the space below was already filled up with her associates. It didn't look like there was much space for her to fit down there, so instead she stayed at the top, reaching out her cigarette and and giving it a shake, letting the ash from the tip slowly descend upon them in a rude attempt to catch their attention. "Oi, what the fuck was that all about? When we make decisions, we ought to make them together! If we're constantly seperatin', we're gonna end up either dead, or joyless slaves to something called the Vendri," she hissed in a harsh whisper, loud enough for them to hear, but hopefully quiet enough to not get any unwanted attention from possible nearby hostiles. She then looked to Zarina, who was talking into a vent. "What's she doin'? Did she find another dismembered body part to keep her company?"

Waverley Watts

Location: New Rome - The Barracks

As the travelling directions changed hands from Emily to Niah, Waverley shifted from Emily's side to behind the two of them, straining her eyes to try to get a good look at the paper. She wasn't able to catch much of it during the quick transaction, so she lingered awkwardly behind Niah, reading it over her shoulder. As she read the set of directions, she scoured her mind, flipping through her mental directory of train routes she remembered from her time as a vagabond, hoping to find one that would get them close to Mount Tam. Unfortunately, none came to mind. A frown overtook her mouth when her hopes of catching a train for this adventure were squashed. Her pouting was interrupted, however, when she heard Emily say her name. Her head popped up, and she took a step back from Niah, looking over to Em.

"No, I don't. I left home before I could get a permit, and after that it was all hitchhiking and freighthopping. Sorry," Waverley said, giving an apologetic half shrug. Her expression perked up, however, when the conversation shifted to the subject of a phone. She shoved her hand into her pocket, an act that was a bit of a struggle given it was on the side she was holding her suitcase on, and pulled out a phone. It wasn't exactly pretty, with the screen being home to an abundant amount of cracks, nor was it particularly valuable, looking to be a model released a good few years back. But despite its battered appearance, it seemed to still work, a fact demonstrated by Waverley when she hit the power button, causing the it to light up with her lock screen. "I've got one! And it's already got Uber downloaded on it!" she exclaimed, happy to be helpful. Her eyes then shot back over to her fellow fivers, and her expression dampened a bit. "Oh, but, uh, before we go, it was suggested I wear armor, but I don't have any stored inside. Would we be able to stop by the armory before we go?"

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: MU Medical Room -> Entranceway

Waverley's tears slowed when James spoke, but they didn't cease completely. It was as if his words had soothed her, but only to the point where she managed to stop her breakdown-level sobbing. The absence of a fight was a rarity when Sapphire was around, but luck seemed to be on their side when Sapphire basically dropped the subject with minimal scolding. Then Sapphire turned on her, and winced, lowering her head to hide behind her hair. The way Sapphire recounted the series of events didn't feel familiar to Waverley; the way she remembered it, she'd used her newly discovered power to protect Sapphire from being struck with half a car. But the older woman's description of what had happened caused Waverley to doubt her own memory, assuming the more experienced MU member had a better recollection of the experience.

She lifted her head back up when Sapphire took her arm, gulping in fear as she got ready to set it. The suddenness of it shouldn't have caught her off-guard, but it did. She let out a loud screech of pain as the bone was snapped back into place. It caused her mind to blank for a few moments from shock. When she eventually came to, James was holding her newly set arm, using his abilities to heal the bone. It took her a moment to register the doctor's yelling, but when she did, she looked over at him confused.

"I-It's okay...she was just setting my arm," she mumbled, quick to defend her teammate, completely unaware of her sadistic act. She sniffled, but her tears had stopped, as if the way she'd clenched her eyes shut during the medical procedure wrung her eyes dry of tears. Her eyes then shifted back to James' hands on her arm, relieving her of the pain. It took a long while for the process to be complete. Once it was, she lifted her arm up, opening and closing her fist, as if to test if it still worked. When no pain came, she gave a nod, looking back to James. "That's better. Much better. Thank you," she said, the tremor in her voice for the most part fading. Her eyes then flicked over to Sapphire. "Both of you." With that, Waverley stood up, wiping away the dampness on her cheeks until the only sign of her crying was the red in her eyes, and quickly walked passed Jack as she left the room, making her way towards the entranceway.

Her heart fell out her face when she saw Sunshine offer up Magik's body to Colossus. She looked so bare when left without it, so vulnerable. Colossus looked to be in a similar state even with his sister's body in his arms. Had Waverley been closer to him, it would've been a harder decision whether to soothe the man who'd just lost his sister or the teenage girl one tragedy away from calamity. But she wasn't. As soon as she'd descended down the stairs, she slowed her pace, walking with care towards Sunshine. She softly took a seat next to the girl. At first she didn't speak, instead placing a gentle hand on the back of her shoulder. She gave a soft squeeze, as if to warn the girl that speech was incoming. "I'm sorry I ran off like that. I needed to get patched up...how are you feeling?" she asked, her voice soft and soothing as tissue paper that wipes away tears, so very different from the desperate sobbing she'd been doing only moments prior.

Iris Rivers

Location: Danger Room -> Blackbird Hangar

"Yeah, about that; my super stuff isn't exactly diverse," she replied when Mary suggested she try something other than the fire wall. Mary seemed to be back to her normal self, which was a bit jarring. It was like someone flipped a switch. She figured that the ring of fire had probably just made her flip out, which would account for her actions, but she then there were all the things Mary had said. It's easy to do violent things on instinct, but when it comes to saying things, they've got to pass through your head before they come out your mouth. Then there was the fact that the young woman made no attempt to apologize. Iris didn't dwell on it, instead focusing on the spiders coming at them, standing ready to defend Lance. "If they're immune to fire, all I've really got to fall back on is these dope moves." As if to demonstrate, she waved her arms around in a mock martial artist manner. A few seconds in, though, she was interrupted by a powerful hit sending her into the air.

"Well isn't this just - UGH! - swell," she said surprisingly nonchalantly as she sailed through the air, grunting in the middle of it as she hit the ground. She was sure she'd end up with bruises all over: some on her back from the hit itself, and some on her front from the harsh landing. She didn't blame Lance, of course. She knew that being Hulk Jr's official chill-the-fuck-out-er had its downsides. Even worse, if the giant green dude now playing the role of Clark Pest Control was anything to go by, she didn't even manage to sooth Lance before he transformed. So, with the person she was supposed to keep calm going on a rampage, and the spiders she was supposed to keep at bay with her pyrokinesis immune to fire, it didn't seem like things could get much worse. When spiders began to swarm her, nibbling at her arms, she let out a deep sigh. "I guess this is my life now. There are worse fates than being spider food." Of course, getting herself out of the situation wouldn't be too difficult. Just a little martial arts and she'd be home free. But before she got the chance, the world was enveloped by darkness. When the darkness faded, she found herself in an entirely different room. She blinked, sitting up. There in front of her stood Bethany and Mary. Her smile quickly found its way back onto her face.

"Just peachy," she said, giving Bethany a thumbs up. She then got to her feet, dusting herself off before examining her arms, poking at the spider bites. "Man, you really saved my hiney there, Beth. You know what that means, right? Life debt. I'm your responsibility now." She then shifted her gaze to Mary. "You seem all chill again. What happened to the druid dominatrix that hopped on me like a bunny in heat?" She asked, before turning her head once again, this time letting her eyes fall on the game Bethany held in her hands. "So should I roll for Mira and I, or should I wait until the band's back together?"

Waverley Watts

Location: New Rome - The Barracks
Skills: (RR: Traveling Knowledge)

"Yeah..." she quietly said when both Marco and Emily pushed for armor. Despite the consensus, she didn't seem convinced. She contemplated in silence as her fellow fivers whisked about, discussing the idea of bringing their adorable little pet on the deadly mission. Not that she was judging of course - she always imagined the little sugar glider to have Momo-level agility and craftiness, capable of not only surviving dangerous situations, but helping to overcome them. She had no actual evidence to back this mental depiction up, but she couldn't shake it from her mind. After a few seconds of plucking absentmindedly at her strings she looked up with a decisive look in her eyes.

"Fuck it, I've got my weird magic stuff. One verse of I'm Still Standing and we'll all be practically invincible," she said, slinging her guitar back behind her back. She sounded confident, or as confident as the anxiety-riddled girl could get, but in reality she wasn't sure how much she actually trusted her 'weird magic stuff'. She'd been learning how to use her music in a fight, but even so, she was by no stretch a pro sorceress. But she also trusted herself more with a guitar covering her abdomen than a chest plate, so she decided she'd leave the armor at home. She hoisted up her suitcase, and followed Em outside, where they were greeted by Niah and Madalyne. She gave a thumbs up to Madalyne, confirming that she was ready, before her attention was stolen by Emily mentioning bus routes. At that moment, Waverley perked up, eyes widening as an oddly pure, puppy-like grin spread across her face. It was weird the kinds of things you miss when you join a cult. Waverley missed public transportation. If she was being honest, she didn't miss buses as much as she missed trains and subways, but she missed them nonetheless. With that thought, though, she got an idea. "Can I see the bus routes? There might be a train we can hop onto that'll get us closer than a bus could," she offered. In all honesty, she just really missed freighthopping, and was hoping to work it into their little quest.

Location: Atrium -> Water Processing Room/Catwalk

"Shit," Cal hissed when Manny informed them of where the others had gone off to. Part of her wanted to start barking at the bigger man about how he shouldn't have let them go in alone without discussing it as a group first, but she quickly came to the conclusion that trying to follow the group would be more productive. Still, she made sure to keep 'scold Manny for not stopping them' as a plan B, especially when she caught sight of the small opening which she was positive she wouldn't be able to fit through. Still, she forced herself to try. She climbed in after Raynor, pulling herself in, and to say it was a tight fit would be an understatement. Even when she sucked her belly in - which was actually a belly and not some six pack stolen from the gods - she was still too big to be in the pipe. She could feel every inch of her body pushing against the cool metal as she slowly inched forward.

If she was being honest, she probably spent more time stuck than she spent moving. But eventually her inchworm strategy worked, and she finally pulled herself out, finding herself in a strange new area. Not even stopping to catch her breath, she began scaling the ladder with the spirit of an Olympic level athlete saving a baby from a fire. Her body didn't match such a spirit, however, so as soon as she got up to the catwalk and saw a cluster of familiar faces doing all well and good, she bent over, hands on her knees, out of breath. She took a few seconds rest, before raising her head, taking a second look at the group. She quickly noticed something worrying.

"Where's the kid?" she asked, the concern in her voice only slightly masked by the annoyance that accompanied it. It was then that she looked down at the figure slumped at their feet, tall and androgynous. She didn't recognize them from their own batch, and quickly figured that it was them who the scuffle had been against. "And who's the lanky fuck on the floor?"

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: MU Medical Room

Waverley flinched, partially because of the suddenness of James' freakout, and partially because the way she shifted uncomfortably when she became the center of attention sent a sharp pain through her arm. She lowered her head as James came towards her, gently guiding her into the room. Once she was inside, she awkwardly stood in front of Max's bed. When he spoke, she shot a look of distaste his way. She'd been hoping that he could've stayed quiet, and that she wouldn't have to hear his voice, but she had no such luck. She didn't bother finding herself a seat, as she didn't really label her case as one urgent enough to take up a medical bed. In all honesty, she was hoping to be in and out as quickly as possible, so she could get back to Sunshine. So when Sapphire busted in, more focused on yelling at James than getting straight to work, Waverley frowned. She didn't have time to stick around for the fight Sapphire was clearly picking. So, perhaps in attempt to gain sympathy from the ice-cold woman, or perhaps simply because she couldn't hold back anymore, the tears she'd been suppressing rose to her eyes, coating them in a glossy sheen.

"Can you guys please not fight right now?" she pleaded, her doe-like eyes wide as she looked between them. Unfortunately, as soon as she let the tears surface, she lost control of her emotion. Like a cracked dam, as soon as a crack formed, her whole semi-stoic exterior fell apart. Her tears began to fall down her face and her breath quickened, coming out in short gasps. With every word, her speaking got faster, simultaneously stuttering over them and allowing them to slur together into one long run on sentence. "O-one of my best friends just died, a-and my other best friend is on the edge o-of something I don't know i-if I can save her from, a-and I need to be there for her, and I should be downstairs w-with her right now, but I'm not, and-and I should be, I-I should be helping her through this, b-but I can't do that when I'm n-not in one piece, so-so-so c-could you guys wait to jump at each other's throats and p-please just fix me, please?" Once her mouth ran dry of words to say, her eyes stayed on Sapphire, hoping that the woman would listen and that she and James would work to fix her before they started fighting.

Iris Rivers

Location: Danger Room
Skills: Pyrokinesis, Meditation, (Roll Request: Tai Chi)

Iris stood from her attack on the second hyena, ready to take on another one, when she was caught off-guard by a not-hyena-like but rather very human-like foot colliding into her back. It hit dead on, sending her forward face-first onto the ground. She was on the floor before she even registered the pain of the blow. She was unsure what was happening as someone pinned her to the ground, until the familiar voice of Mary rang out on top of her. That did not make matters better for the bubbling rage seething inside her. She prepared herself to use her training to flip the woman onto her own back and turn the tables, all while explaining the idiocy of antagonizing a pyrokinetic when you're afraid of fire, but something stopped her: when she turned her head to try to get a look at Mary, she was instead met with the sight of leathery dress shoes, undoubtedly belonging to Upsilon. She could feel the heat he aimed at her soul, agitating the tinder that was already beginning to smolder within. All the thoughts of what Upsilon wanted to do bounced around her head in her voice, and none of them were pleasant. So Iris closed her eyes. She closed her eyes, and she breathed. A few seconds was enough to smother the sparks in her chest, and when she opened her eyes, Upsilon was on the other side of the room. Her snarl gave way to her usual impish grin.

"Oooh, kinky. If I'd known this was all it took to get you hot and bothered, I would've let you have the horny rhino game piece. What are you going to do now? Whip me with a thorny vine?" Iris joked, audibly on the edge of laughter. Then, just as suddenly as Mary was on her, she was off. Iris slowly got to her feet, stretching out her arms, rubbing her sore joints. She saw Pietro holding Mary back, and gave him a grateful nod. When Guin asked if Iris was okay, she gave a lazy thumbs up. "I'm alright. But I think Mary and I should probably figure out a safe word so your hubby doesn't have to step in next time." Turning her head, she looked back over to the constrained plant-wielder. "How about Raisin Brand? No one talks about Raisin Brand, so I thinks it's a pretty good safe word."

Iris jumped when Neil tackled Lance to the ground. Boy did that seem awfully familiar. The sudden influx of infighting concerned Iris. Was it a ploy put in by the trickster god? They hadn't had this intense of an issue with X-Man on X-Man combat in the past. She didn't voice the thought, though, for as soon as Neil got off Lance, the tackled boy had her full attention. She could see the emerald hue spread across and intensify on his skin as he laid there. She quickly paced to him, not bothering to look at the newest riddle, instead putting a tender hand on his shoulder.

"Shhhh, shhh, it's okay, you're okay. Remember, we don't need the green. Deep breaths, Lance. In through the nose, out through the mouth." Her words were hushed and calm, even as enormous spiders began to crawl into the room. She took her own breaths in and out, as if for him to follow suit. But her attempts looked to be unsuccessful, with Lance letting out quick, panicky breaths. She looked up to see where his eyes were looking, and she found that he was staring with horror at the horde of arachnids. Then everything snapped into place. In a split attempt to calm him and protect the group, her gaze shifted to Upsilon. "Upsilon, lets try that wall of fire again, yeah?" she called. He didn't resist, instead raising his hand of melted skin up and causing a wall of fire to spring forth between the group and the spiders. Her attention immediately went back to Lance. "Lance, why don't you do your light teleportation thing to get out of here? Take a breather, calm down, nobody will judge you. We can reconvene at the greenhouse." With that, she stood up from his body, taking up position in front of her, dropping into a stance she'd learned in her tai chi training, ready to deflect any spider that was intent on coming after Lance.

Location: Galley -> On Her Way to the Atrium

Cal watched with an intense gaze as the Space Roomba rolled back into its little cubby, before shifting her gaze to look down at the monitor that depicted what the camera saw. It moved through a narrow passageway for what felt to Cal like an eternity, and as she watched its movements, her finger absentmindedly rubbed her lighter, as if it might bring them luck. She didn't believe in luck, she realized as soon as the thought crossed her mind; she was of the belief that the universe was chaotic and uncaring, without fortune, karma, or any sort of deity. The rubbing of her lighter was more a nervous twitch than superstition. As their little Roomba finally turned right, quickly finding itself in an open room, a small smile found itself on her lips.

"Alright, lovely, a second option. It's a tight fit, but it's got to be safer than potentially drowning in a pipe. Let's go get some of the smaller people and see if we can figure out a plan," she said, standing up straight from her position leaning on the table. But as soon as she turned towards the door, Manny stepped through, followed by Raynor. Cal's eyes widened, and her smile quickly disappeared. "WHAT?! Where, in the Atrium?! You two've got the most muscle, why didn't you send Vinnie or someone to send the message while you roughed up the aliens?!" she exclaimed, the panic and anger evident in her voice. She quickly shoved passed the pair of them, quickly walking towards the Atrium.

Waverley Watts

Location: New Rome - The Augery -> Cohort 5 Barracks

Waverley gave Niah a thumbs up when she told them where they'd be meeting, but didn't say anything, instead following her co-fivers back to their barracks. Once there, she walked immediately to her sliver of room, with the small collection of items she'd brought to Camp Jupiter. She slid her open suitcase out from under her bed, which was already filled with all her clothes. She was so used to living out of a suitcase from her years on the road that she never really got around to unpacking, even after a number of months staying at Camp Jupiter. So all she really had to do to get ready was zip it up and she was good to go. She was unsure why she'd even asked how long she should pack for, since all the clothes she owned fit inside the bag.

As she waited for the others to finish their packing, she chose to discard her guitar case, instead opting to use its strap to sling it across her back, making it easier to access in case of a fight. Afterwards, she made quick note in pencil on the map that decorated her section of wall saying 'Off to Mount Tam to talk to Atlas, holder of the heavens?!?!?! He's real I guess.' With that, she dropped her pencil into her bag, and walked to the middle of the barracks, between the two rows of beds, waiting for the others.

"...Do you guys think we need armor? I really don't like how it feels, but I also don't think I'll like how getting stabbed feels," she said into the quiet, before adjusting her guitar to be resting on her thighs. She began to tune it by ear, a process much akin, for her, to sharpening a blade before a fight.
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