Avatar of Hillan


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4 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
4 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
4 mos ago
4 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.
10 mos ago
Imagine not knowing about the schenanigans that coding-wizard got into on Iwaku... There's no post formatting that man can't harness for his unholy machinations.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Hillan>

ohhh, not much XD just comin out of a dental infection that followed my finals nearly a month ago, seeking things to entertain myself with >3>

I shall get one in soon ;3

Teeth, man. They'll betray you when you least expect it.

I recognize that name! It's been a long time, But I've run into you once in a while in the past hillan ;3 Interesting idea, and I've got a load of free-time this summer, So I think I'll see what I can come up with for a CS to send in :D

Sup, you old' So-and-so!

We still got spots left, submissions are open till Wednesday.



06 - 21

I am extending the deadline for sheet submission till Friday, 23rd June. ETA on In Character opening is Sunday. Midsummer festivities in Sweden is slowing down Hillan's progress.

06 - 18

Character Submissions are open till early next week, probably Wednesday. No sheets will be accepted till then. The In Character thread will follow shortly there after.

06 - 17
We are up and running!


@Pacifista As Vice-Admiral Freyja
@Hillan As Commodore Ax Colt
@Spanner As Lieutenant Edward Woodall
@BCTheEntity As Lieutenant Yuushuu Yuudaina
@Ornatur As Lieutenant Junior Grade Dedric Olari
@Prewiga As Ensign Wonka Williams
@Pleek As Warrant Officer Irwin Kendrick

My wealth and treasures? If you want it, I'll let you have it.
Look for it, I left all of it at that place!

Twenty years ago, those were the words that changed the world forever. The greatest pirate in all of history met his end, and what was intended as a day of celebration and the beginning of the end for Piracy, would instead usher in a new age of villainy and warfare on the sea. With Roger’s last words, he set the world ablaze. Hundreds of thousands of people took to the seas, to try and find where Roger’s great treasure was hidden. And over the years, the next generation followed in their footsteps, the Grand Line became a battlefield once more, 360 degrees combat everywhere you looked, nations being toppled and governments destroyed. Some did it out of greed, others out of pure lust for chaos and destruction, and some set out to see the world, looking to find the truest freedom in the world.

With the ushering of the Great Age Of Piracy, forces rose up to resist them. The World Government and their Navy would protect their interests at every turn, protecting civilians and stopping anyone who tried to find Roger’s treasure. The New World is the most important front in the battle between Villainy and Justice.

And you are put dead center in the chaos, on board a Vessel belonging to the Navy, a member of the unorthodox G5 unit. A Marine who plays fast and loose with the rulebook, a cowboy who's shooting from the hip in this Brave New World, soon to realize you are in over your head.

Added a sheet to the OP. PM me your sheets instead of posting them here, I will however hold off on accepting anyone till I'm about to start the IC, so, sometime early next week.


Since we're gonna a be in the G5, will we be men of questionable moral's? Or was that only a thing with Smoker's men?

Questionable morals. Really the only difference between us and the Pirates we will be facing is that we have uniforms.
Of course, there's still room for more 'traditional' Marines in the crew.
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