Avatar of Lucius Cypher


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3 yrs ago
Current Ethical? No. Illegal? Also no.
3 yrs ago
Some people need to make a hard choice when deciding which two karaoke streams they want to listen to. I have no such weakness: I have two ears for a reason.
4 yrs ago
The hard part about trying to play some politically savvy mastermind is the assumption that the world operates off real world politics and not your DM’s politics.
5 yrs ago
Don't put too much stock in prophesies. At best they're full of shit, but more often than not they're one of those self-fullilling kinds. Plan for what happens afterwards instead.
5 yrs ago
A character isn't deep or compelling just because you let them get hurt a lot, are always depressed, or do morally questionable things.


If you're here either you're wondering what I'm doing cause I need to post in your RP (In which case, calm yo tits, I'll get around to it), or you want to know who I am. So let's begin.

I'm a college age asian kid who has more heart than he has senses. I'm still working out this whole "adulthood" thing, so until then I just do what I feel I must. As far as personality and traits go, I'm not one for boasting. So if there's anything redeeming about myself you'd have to figure it out in person or by word-of-mouth. Generally however I'm rather perverted, in the best and worst ways. nothing is too much until I've crossed the line, and that just means I've started.

As far as Roleplays I like, I have a thing for fantasy, though I'm also good for some types of sci-fi, supernatural, Modern, and slice-of-life. If it's open and sandbox, I'll probably join it. Never really been a romantic, I often chose to sexualize any notion of romantic encounters I come across. I generally write at Casual quality, though I have no issues with Free-Level Rp/Players and I can hold my own in Advance.

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This is going to sound stupid, but I'm willing to give it a try:

Could Gren reasonably chew through the coilbone by using his Breakthrough via his teeth, grinding the cracked coil bone into something he can ingest?
Finally posted. Gren will distribute weapons to whoever asks for it first, but Lola gets his spear thrower regardless. And he's keeping his axe.

@Zeroth Correct me if I'm wrong, but is there enough of the Tazelwurm let after Lola eats for Gren to eat and try to see what the third ability is? Gren would even be willing to chew on that coilbone since he already cracked it.

Location: Forests
Quest: Hunt for Food!
Current Activity: Traveling with Vola @Unkown58 and another group of orc runts @King Cosmos@Kazemitsu@Crusader Lord.

Gren managed to get a good collection of weapons going, though he failed to do much with that tazelwurm spine. Maybe he ought to use a proper piece of rope or something. What he got left is rather... Questionable now, so he'll just stow it for later. He was especially proud of his spear thrower, he's seen this in a TV show once and he's always wanted to use one himself. But that would have to take a back seat for now, as he ran to catch up with the other group.

But what made Gren more curious was some sort of... Video Game prompt. He could get some new abilities, or something? Two our of three of them were shown, one called Slash and another called Poison Attack. If he had to guess, it must've been abilities that the tatzelwurm had. But what was the third ability? Curious, Gren decides that he'll wait until he saw all three options, selecting "Continue Biomass Accumulation". Maybe he'll be lucky and find more Tatzelwurm to eat.

Going up to the northern cave was fortunately uneventful. Even if they were all runts, Gren was sure that most monsters wouldn't want to risk taking on all of them. They did run into a few more orc runts, but they seemed more interested in their own thing than working together. No skin off Gren's nose, their group was getting pretty big anyways. When they arrived to the north cave Gren was going to get ready to fight when suddenly he received another game prompt. Apparently he leveled up, and can now gain some new stats. He wasn't really sure what to choose but picked "Increase HP". He considered himself a tough guy, and tough guys can take a hit.

Shortly after, the assumed leader of the group who Gren doesn't quite recall her name, said they should split up. Gren wasn't sure if that was a good idea, but at the same time, he supposed that as long as they aren't alone this shouldn't be too big of an issue. That being said, some of the other orcs in the first group had some tactical plans to make. Gren listened and took their thoughts into account.

The idea is basically to lure the monster out here, where they'll all dogpile em. Right now Vola and the other orc girl, who Gren wasn't sure if she introduced herself yet either, would go inside. "Oi now, if you're going in, you better go geared up! Here Lola, take my spear thrower. Practice with it for a moment, if you gotta pester whatever's in there, just chuck a spear at em. That ought to piss it off and get it to chase ya. If any of y'all need a weapon, I got this spiky club you can use. Better than trying to bash em in the head with a regular stick at any rate. I got me axe, so I'll be ready to hack em down as soon as I see em."

Looking at the cave, Gren wonders if he could somehow position himself above the entrance. "If we're going to draw em out, we ought to rig the entrance as a trap. A trip wire like what Lola says could be good, but even some big, heavy rocks to drop on em could work too. Plus, if we're going to kill it out here, we gotta make sure it don't run back inside when things look bad. So I'll volunteer to block the cave when we draw it out, that way it can't run away without going through me. And if it's paying attention to me, it ain't paying attention to you all, so you can go crazy on it."

Man my rolls are potato. Well I got an 8.
I got this hot 7.
丂卄丨 ㄥㄖ几Ꮆ

This was a disaster.

What was suppose to be a simple boat ride ended up into a big mess that left Shi Long stranded from home, in an unknown land, with little more than what he could've cobbled together from the wreck. Since leaving China, he took a boat eating eastward, but a storm had forced the ship off course. He thought he would be safe inside with the protection of his heavy stone armor, but it was that same armor that nearly spelled his doom when he fell off the boat. Turns out stone sinks, and thus Shi Long was forced to abandon his armor and cling onto some driftwood. He had no idea how long he had been out, but by the time he reached land he was starving. But where he found himself was nowhere like China. Everyone dressed and looked differently, and the local language was very different from what he was familiar with.

However Shi Long was no stranger to living off the land. Despite having spent most of his recent life catered by the Fa Family, his origins had taught him how to survive in nature. Even if these plants and beasts were different from the ones at home, he adapted quickly enough. And first thing's first, he would need to get a new set of skin. So cobbling together a suit of armor from wood and making a wig from darken strips of vine, Shi Long created a rudimentary disguise of a wandering warrior, complete with tough looking hair and a vicious looking mask disguising his very inhuman face. Granted he was also quite short. He would've tried to rig a more complex leg system to look more imposing, but lacking the resources and tools he had to make his Stone Dragon armor, he would just have to settle for being a particularly short warrior.

But his skills in crafts were largely limited to weapons and armor, and he couldn't eat it. He had subsided on wild berries and river water for a while, but he could feel knots in his gut yearning for something with more sustenance. He wanted to improve his disguise more, but alas his hunger won out. Shi Long visited a nearby town to test his disguise and for the most part folks didn't seem to pay him too much mind. Granted he got a lot of looks, but no one stopped him, so he assumed everything was okay. Looking for a place to eat, one of the more popular places based off what people were talking about seemed to be some sort of Mead and Meat hut. Shi Long has heard of mead before, it was a sort of honey alcohol. He certainly could use a strong drink and a warm meal, so Shi Long made his way to this hut.

Unsurprisingly, the place was busy. Lots of people eating and drinking, and the waitress was droll and bored as usual, but that was good for Shi Long. She probably won't ask too many questions as long as Shi Long was a paying customer. But ever wanting a good deal, Shi Long noticed a large table full of strange and colorful characters. Now granted being a stranger in these strange lands, Shi Long was unfamiliar with anyone. But he's been through town and has a general idea of what locals looked like, and this group looked far from local. If anything one of them looked almost familiar, or at least his style of dress was very similar to his home country of China. Another lost foreigner? Or someone connected to the strange happenings that lead Shi Long on this journey in the first place? Either way, it was something worth investigating.

Confidently striding up to the table, Shi Long ran into his first issue: He was too short to actually stand over the table. So Shi Long raised his hand, the only thing that could go over the table, to make his presence known. "Greetings! I take it that you all are travelers as well. May I take this seat?"
I exist. I'm largely waiting for @Dark Cloud and @Vertigo to post. Ngl, being in Hong Kong and busy trying to do adult things have dramatically cut down my free time, but I'm still in the game.
I'll try to get a post soon, ya'll are moving fast!
I'm down for old faces showing up. I'm also going to work on a post ASAP, been busy for a long while.
@rush99999@Crimson Flame@LuckyLudor@InnerFlame@Lucius Cypher

The locations are finally complete! Sorry for the wait, everyone. ^^"
It's time for me to start on the beginning IC post!

But before that...after much mulling and thinking, I think it might be best to let you guys have a say: Where you would you like your characters to first meet and begin your adventures?

I wanted to check in with you. Are you still interested? ^^"

I vote we get the Alice in Wonderland treatment and end up in in whack ass dream land.

@Lucius Cypher
By the way, can I just say I love the delicious irony of the Great Stone Dragon you came up with? Especially with the context of Mushu's actions and motivations.

Happy ya like it! yeah, I def designed the stone dragon in a sorta compare/contrast with Mushu, as both are deceivers, but different in how and why they help the Fa family. Example, the stone dragon would've made Mulan leave as soon as Shang kicked "Ping" out from the military camp. As much as he wants to help Mulan as a person, his priority would be to get her back home asap, not save China. Hindsight's 20/20 of course, it's not like Shi Long (my Stone Dragon) would've known the full threat of the Huns. So ultimately Shi Long wouldn't pass judgement on Mushu, appreciating his bravery and willingness to take responsibility, the very reason why he started helping the Fa family.
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