Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

@PatientBean@Ogobrogo: Nothing else unusual seemed to be happening with the sword, and no memories were offering any clarity to Mai as to why it seemed so familiar. Last they had heard, the group was headed to go check out the Kree spaceship. It should be pretty easy to find at the carnival, as it was incredibly large, and well attended. They'd probably be able to find Danni and the others still there, though there was a chance of course that they could've moved on, but Sabine and Mai had been pretty quick at the mailroom and... let's face it... Danni and co weren't known for being efficient.

April Flynn

Location: the Field (School Carnival) - Kree Spaceship
Skills: N/A
~First Day Fit~

April rolled her eyes slightly as Dorian pointed out her father's strict no-boy policy. She had pointed out to him before that she wasn't interested in men, and she was fairly confident no one at Danni and Dori's place were interested in girls, but it didn't matter. He was incredibly overprotective and stubborn. April also suspected at times that he didn't have the best opinion of Dorian's dad, and maybe that was the real reason she hadn't been allowed to go have a sleepover with the boys any of the times she had begged this summer or summers past.

"No!" April giggled, at Dorian's suggested name. "...That might be better than the one I was thinking of, honestly. I was thinking... Space Sluts..." her eyes darted in the direction of the nearest faculty member, the synthezoid Vision, but if he had heard her, he didn't let on. He looked somewhat uncomfortable as he stood in the exposed guts of the military spork, but April didn't think it was because of her.

Unless, her anxiety whispered, maybe it was.... NOPE! Nope nope nope. April shoved that thought out of her brain as hard as she could. And for once, she was successful. Mostly because her sister, the dollar store emo herself, was shrinking away from Danni like he had just turned into a Hulk. But April agreed with Danni, there was no way they were leaving now, it was probably only going to get busier as the day went on anyways. "Zelds, come onnnnn," April groaned slightly. "They aren't gonna hurt you."

For other people, April would've been gracious, recognizing that they needed to step away from the situation. But Zelda was her sister. This made April simultaneously annoyed and empathetic for her. Sure, she got that her sister didn't like crowds, but she was always being ridiculous like this. April didn't understand how Zelda could run around conventions and deal with that, but one of her sibling's best friends talks to her and it's the end of the world??

"Your application..." Mel murmured, her nose scrunching up slightly as she thought, before her eyes widened in realization. "Oh! You mean the interest webform," she said, even though Vicky already knew that. "Sorry, no one's called it an application before - it's really just to get you on our list, so we can send you the newsletter and tell Vis how much pizza he needs to get. The club isn't competitive or anything, so if you're in, you're in!"

Mel's eyes lit up as Vicky mentioned that she had her own place in a basement. "Oh, I'd love to check that out! Are you free tonight? Maybe after the concert?" Before she could get an answer though, another girl had walked up, barging into the conversation. "Oh, hey! I'm Mel and yes, we def have room for another! We're the spaceship and engineering club, we meet Thursday from 7 to 8 in the Robotics lab, and afterwards Vis gets us pizza and we watch like old sci-fi shit!"

Vision was not having as much fun as Mel was. "It is fine - you did not know," Vision tried to reassure Diana. "Sometimes, people grow apart. Love does not always last forever." He then paused, realizing that was somewhat melancholic. "If you will excuse me, my sensors are indicating someone is trying to steal a component of the ship," Vision said, before heading down one of the hallways and disappearing from sight.

Percy Novikov

Location: the Field (School Carnival) - In line for Agatha's Tent
Skills: N/A
~New Outfit~

"They commute here, from time to time - our parents worked together as part of SHIELD. Before they all got old and gross, that is," Percy mused to Andy. His mothers were exiting their late 30s, but he considered them old all the same. He kept on sending his mothers links to retinol, as well as articles about how it was never too late to start, and he was hopeful that he was making progress on their skincare routines. At the very least, he kept buying them sunscreen as part of their birthday gifts - not the entire gift, but definitely some of it. There was a Korean sunscreen brand he was rather fond of, it didn't clog up his pores or drip into his eyes throughout the day. In fact, it was probably time to apply another coat... but stupidly, Percy had left it in his dorm room.

"For being very 2000s?" Percy raised an eyebrow. "Y2K nostalgia is due for a renaissance any day now. It's like how when our parents were our age and everyone was obsessed with the 80s." He didn't comment on how her outfit was somewhat plain and could be elevated, deciding to keep that to himself. Had she not been Zarina's girlfriend, he would have said something. Percy cared a lot about his personal appearance. Andy, in his opinion, seemed to prioritize more being comfortable - which was fine. There was nothing wrong with that. Nothing at all.

Mads was asking Andy about how her fortune had gone - something that Percy was intrigued by. As someone who loved Greek Mythology, Percy couldn't help but adore an oracle. Zari came zooming out of the tent, cutting off his train of thought, screaming about the Valkyrie crown she had on her head. "You'll have to accessorize it," Percy suggested to Zari. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a seer to consult," he said, nodding at each person, before bowing his head slightly as he entered Agatha's tent.

April gagged a little bit at the thought of eating Titan meat substitute. Of all of the things in the galaxy, it somehow managed to be less appetizing than none pizza with left beef. But still, they didn't have time to get Dorian some sort of luxurious meal. And if he had really wanted one, then maybe he shouldn't have wasted time trying to double dip with the Ravagers. He could eat the weird meat gogurt and be content with that. Plus, with Danni mentioning that they had to go by Sandix's place to sell off the NavComputer, that was another Dorian related delay.

"If we don't get this score, I'm officially blaming Dory," April said over the comms. "Just want it on the record." They hadn't undone their seatbelt, so when Danni told them all to buckle up, April stayed in place in the gunnery chair.
April wrinkled their nose, looking out into the gross egg-yolk colored atmosphere of Titan. The moon was somewhat symbolic of everything that had happened to Terra - of the death of its beautiful natural environment, replaced with heaps upon heaps of steel and death. Only the extremophiles still lived in the depths of Terra, and the last time April had been there, oxygen bars were now the hangout of the rich and wealthy. Places like Titan just underlined everything Terra had lost - the natural resources that it now had to steal from other places just to live, like a vampiric planet.

They used to fantasize about commanding what remained of the oceans and wiping away everything from the face of Terra, of destroying everything the Empire had built there. And if they were perfectly honest with themselves... they still did. They didn't talk about it, but there were moments where they wished they had their grandfather's powers. He could have wiped all of it away with the flick of a hand.

That was probably why the Emperor had to murder him.

April didn't pay much attention to Danni's conversation with what was most likely a droid on the other end - only noticing that they had been pushed to a different docking hangar than normal. One that, if they had to guess, was probably more expensive. Another strike against Dorian's side quest. Ordinarily, April wouldn't have been this annoyed, but 15 million credits were on the line and they had their eyes fixated on that prize.

They undid the safety straps and hopped out of the gunnery chair, before making their way up quickly to the holodeck where Danni and Dori already were. "Yes, let's def make this quick, in and out, no getting side tracked, excellent point, Dory," April agreed, before sticking their tongue out slightly at Dorian. "Let's go get this fucking bag!!!"
Capture the Flag...

Blue Team: Athena, Apollo, and Hermes
Red Team: Ares, Dionysus, Demeter, Aphrodite, Ares, Hephaestus, and Poseidon

Clarisse and the others showed Percy no mercy, but he attempted to hold his own. They managed to put a deep aching wound into his arm, blood flowing from his hand onto his sword. The subsequent pain - as well as the fact that they continued to press him - caused Percy to stumble backwards, his feet landing in the shallow creek that formed the boundary between the sides of the woods. Anyone who witnessed it would not have believed their eyes. The wound healed. And Percy Jackson, a kid who hadn't even been there a full summer, managed to beat back Clarisse and the others with ease.

And thanks to Fable's quick and able bow, the group rushing back to the Blue Team lines - led by Luke, who had the flag clutched in his hand - rushed on through with ease. Lorna's eyes lit up as she saw the red team flag come rushing on up, flying in the wind as Luke clutched it in one hand. "Hooray!!!!!" she cheered, abandoning her post and rushing forward. The Blue Team were in the midst of celebrations, cheering and hollering.

Whereas by the creek, a deadly growl sounded... Out of nowhere, a hellhound had manifested itself. It rushed at the young unclaimed demigod, intent on maiming Percy Jackson - but as suddenly as it appeared, Chiron's quick bow had skewered it with arrows, reducing it to monster dust.

But that was not the most surprising thing to occur.

No, that was the fact that young Percy Jackson, standing in the creek again in order to heal, had the glowing symbol of Poseidon above him.

The Blue Team's cheers died down, as most of them had made it to the creek by now, staring at Percy with transfixed horror and awe.

"Hail, Percy Jackson. Son of Poseidon," Chiron said ominously.

Commander Firtick

28 pts (Light-Side)

"The Jedi will want something of the General's. I don't think you can carry her and Commander Blake. But maybe her lightsaber," Firtick suggested. They knew that destroying the facility like this would most likely obliterate the bodies within. It would become a mass grave. They would get to sleep with their brothers. General Mozh would, according to the Jedi, become one with the Force. They all would. Clones didn't have the same burial customs, but they knew that the Jedi had a special ceremony - something of the General would be nice for that. And probably nice for Commander Blake too.

Firtick then removed their helmet, and placed it on Commander Blake's unconscious body. "For the clones," they told Emzie. That one helmet could represent them all. They memorized the codes that Emzie was displaying. They approached the desk. None of the droids moved to stop them. Firtick typed in the code to arm the system. "It's been an honor, trooper. Now go. I know what to do." Firtick began to type in the second code, but they didn't finish it - and they wouldn't, not until they saw Emzie leave.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Mount Rushmore, South Dakota
Skills: N/A

Braden seemed fairly nice. Most former members of the Legion Nancy had met tended to be pretty helpful. It was one of the things she loved about Camp Jupiter - that everyone, no matter how insufferable, did try to pitch in when needed. There was a community, a support network that extended out of California, all the way here into South Dakota. No matter where they went, a member of the Legion was never really alone. It was like a socially constructed security net.

He had given his name, and answered that he was part of the Fifth Cohort. They were seen as somewhat losers around Camp Jupiter, requiring no letters of rec or anything from the gods to get in. Anyone could be there. And while some people were probably convinced Nancy had inter-cohort prejudice, she honestly didn't care. The only reason she had gotten a letter from Apollo was because he felt somewhat bad or guilty about not noticing she had been trapped in the Lotus Hotel, and it had been his attempts to pay her off more or less. She would've rather been placed in the Fifth Cohort and never spent a minute in the Lotus Hotel. She would've changed the timeline to be like that in a heartbeat.

"What are the machines for?" Nancy asked as they got out and headed on inside - she didn't recognize the sleek looking silver thing that was thinner than some books, or the other bulkier thing with it.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

How have you been? It was a simple question, but one that Megan was at first not certain how to answer. She was staring at the man who had helped to raise her, and while biologically had not been her father, had at least been an uncle of sorts. This was the man who had trained her to be a knight. This was the man who, according to the stories, would win over the heart of her mother and help to destroy the marriage of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere. It was somewhat fascinating, knowing the tales, yet looking at Lancelot and just seeing the good knight, the kind uncle, a member of her family rather than the means of its destruction.

"I'm fine," Megan settled on. "I... am a healer who studies the dead, in the land I come from," Megan offered, translating medical examiner into terms Lancelot - and indeed the others - may understand. "I studied fencing and I now possess excalibur. I... I fancy women. I have a brother, who uncovers secrets to help the innocent. And I do not intend to return to that other land again." Her words felt awkward, but it was important to her now that these people know her - that her mother and father and honorary uncle knew her.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Burger King
Skills: N/A

Nancy raised an eyebrow as the young god explained - or rather, just said a vague explanation, without more to it. "I didn't know the gods were still betrothing teen demigods these days," she said bluntly. There was a pinprick of fear that danced on the back of her neck at the thought. She had honestly assumed the practice was outdated, banished to ancient times. The notion that Apollo could marry her off, like cattle to be traded and sold... It made Nancy want to run screaming to her aunt's hunt all the more quickly. And gave her a rare moment of pity for Demi. Her eyes trailed off after him as he went to go and fetch the food.

Cassian seemed really irritated with the speed that they were traveling at. Nancy, to be honest, was not too concerned with the pace. Cross country travel was always going to be slow. But if she were to truly examine her own feelings, it was because she did not mind delaying the journey to the Lotus Hotel. Moving at the train's pace meant that she wasn't hurtling towards it as fast as could possibly be. One option did pop into her head though. They wouldn't be able to take advantage of it until the next morning, but perhaps Apollo might give them a lift in the Sun Chariot.

But Nancy did not want to see her father.

Instead, she fixed her gaze on the minor god. "I don't suppose you have a winged chariot hidden away somewhere?" she prompted.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: N/A

A horn cried out and the invading force began to retreat, what remained of it at least. Some of the merpeople were cheering, celebrating the victory. But Leda was unconvinced. This had been too easy, too fast, too quick. She liked things that were fast - she preferred things to be that way - but she didn't trust this. There had to be something more. If this had been everything Camp Fishblood was up against, then they didn't need three heroes on a quest to come here. This was probably just the beginning.

"I feel like they were probs just testing us, seeing where we're strong - and where we aren't," Leda answered Kiera honestly. "Or maybe I'm just being a pessimist. But either way, I don't trust this. I feel like that was just the first wave." One of the merpeople then approached, asking if they wouldn't mind scouting, so clearly Leda's thoughts were echoed. Sera quickly agreed to it, stipulating that Kiera and Leda would have to come. "Sure, sounds like a smashing time."

@Ever Faithful@Natsu@Ogobrogo@Nallore@Forsythe@BlueSky44: The synthezoid looked incredibly uncomfortable as Diana inquired about his relationship with his ex-wife. It had been some time since he and Wanda had gotten divorced, due to a minor mishap - he had lost the ability to have emotions and to maintain connections. Wanda had been awarded custody of the children and when Vision managed to have his emotional capacities restored, too much had changed. Wanda had moved on. They were friends now, co-parents... but nothing romantic. And he felt they would never be again.

"Wanda is... she is well," Vision answered Diana. He was very thankful that another student had walked on up - Leah - asking questions. "Ah, yes. This ship has been at this specific location for approximately five hours. I am here serving as the faculty member monitoring this ship, in case any accidents should arise."

"Are you all prepared for auditions tomorrow? I will be overseeing the seniors and sophomore groups, with Lady Nimue," Vision added, attempting to keep up the small talk - and to keep his thoughts away from his ex-wife.

Vicky would receive another secure, encrypted message: 14:40:37 34.052235, -118.243683. STATEMENT: You should attempt to initiate a friendship with your roommate. It is good for your emotional development and social standing. END OF STATEMENT.

Vision didn't comment on the tension that rapidly built up between Zelda and Diana - he knew that experiencing conflict like this was important for a young person's emotional development. He hoped that Vicky would find herself similarly in a place of conflict and tension soon. He sensed that perhaps that might develop with Teddy. One could only hope.

Not too far away, the people in the Star Trek like costumes - fellow students - greeted Vicky excitedly. "Hey!! Are you interested in joining the spacecraft and engineering club? We meet weekly on Thursday nights from 7 to 8 in the robotics lab. Vis always gets us pizza afterwards and sometimes we watch old sci-fi stuff, if you're into that!" a perky girl with her natural hair put up into space buns said. "I'm Mel, by the way - what's your name?"

@PatientBean@Ogobrogo: The person running the mailroom didn't return - and even if they had, a sword in Sabine's hands probably wouldn't have made them blink an eye. There were at least a handful of kids on campus running around with magical medieval weaponry - and if it wasn't the students, then it was the faculty. The sword Sabine received was elegant in its craftsmanship, and grasping its hilt, she would feel a bit of warmth spread through her body, as if this was just right. The sword would look familiar to Chi Mai - and not because it looks like She Ra's sword - no, she'll have a vague feeling that she had seen that sword somewhere long, long ago and that it had been important.

Probably just the weed hitting her a little hard, right?

The package did come with a sheath for the sword, as well as a strap/loop of sorts, so that way Sabine could choose to either have the sword dangle off her hip or be securely tucked against her back for ease of transportation.

April Flynn

Location: the Field (School Carnival) - Kree Spaceship
Skills: N/A
~First Day Fit~

April had a feeling that - even as Dorian asked if no one would bring up Percy again today, so he could take his mind off of things - that this would not be the last they heard of him. They had already had horrible encounters with him twice in two hours - at this rate, they'd have at least five more horrible encounters before they had even lit the candles on Dorian's cake! And plus, the words that Dorian had said after his session with Agatha returned to her. There was some gay shit going on here.

"Huh. You know, we usually just call the tech from, like, aliens and all the Alien Tech. Like this is Kree tech and that's Skrull tech and here's some Shi'ar tech. But no one calls what we have human tech or Earth tech or whatever? Like what if you rolled up into some space bar, and showed off your cool human tech, and it was a spoon? That's technically human tech, right, but it's not like a StarkPad or anything cool - it's not a hovercraft. But maybe then spoons are what people start to think of when it comes to Earth tech. Like, what's the spoon of Kree tech - is this ship here a spoon???" April rambled, her mind tumbling over itself as she thought aloud.

In short, she had no idea what sort of technology the Kree ship would have, beyond of course Kree technology... which could just be a spoon.

And then suddenly, Danni was going on about how fun it would be to live a Star Wars space hero sort of lifestyle. As one of Danni's best friends and a rambling bitch herself, April was completely able to just jump into his train of thought. Mostly. It involved being heroes with a ship in space and zooming around an asteroid belt - what more of a prompt did she need to let her mind run wild? "Ooo, we'd need to have some sort of a cool and tough name! Something cute and sassy, but also that would strike fear into the hearts of villains! We could be the... honestly the Hex Girls would be really cute, but it wouldn't make sense for the theme. Or we could be the... wait, nope, can't say that one in polite company aka with the teachers around, I'll tell you all later," April finished, giggling. The name that she couldn't say? the Space Sluts. Stupid, but she loved it. Plus it had good alliteration!

The smaller group came into view of the Kree ship - and April gasped, not because the ship was cool or magnificent or anything (which it was!) but because HER SISTER was there. It had been inevitable that she would run into Zelda. The school wasn't very big. And while she had not been intentionally avoiding her sister, she had just spent all summer with Zelda, and she knew her sister was probably not going to be super popular or anything... and April didn't wanna deal with it. She wanted to have fun, not have her kid sister glom onto her.

"Mayday, my sister is over there - she's the sad dollar store emo looking one!" April stage whispered to Danni and Dorian.

Percy Novikov

Location: the Field (School Carnival) - In line for Agatha's Tent
Skills: N/A
~New Outfit~

"No kidding," Percy said gruffly, in response to Mads' apology. "They set me on fire and possessed me without consent earlier. I thought they were assholes, but I'm realizing they're just a bunch of idiots." Even now, Percy's tone was somewhat sharp. He again did not mention that he had been the one to bump into Dorian in the first place, instead just listing off the wrongs that had been committed against him. "I thought the people at this academy were supposed to be at least somewhat competent," Percy added.

Zari filled in Madalyne rather quickly as to how the two of them knew each other. It was relatively straightforward. His mother, Dominika, was best friends with Zari's mother, Sparky. This friendship stretched across reality and space-time, defying the odds and almost causing the apocalypse at one point. It was very and they were roommates, except for the fact that his mother married his other mother, Maria, her actual true love.

Zari then made introductions with the person that Percy was now incredibly interested to meet - her GIRLFRIEND. He wanted the story behind all of that immediately. Up until the moment when Zari had blushed at his question, he had honestly assumed she was aroace. "It's good to meet you, Andy. I'm Percy Novikov," Percy said, as Zari ran off into the tent, her robotic eyeball trailing behind her. "So. You're dating Zarina. I want details. Start from the beginning, please."

Guin Stark

Location: the Mansion
Skills: Telepathy
~Fit Check~

Guin raised an eyebrow as Max mentioned his special relationship with Pyro. As a bi gal herself, Guin was pretty proud of her gaydar, and it was SCREAMING when she looked at Pyro and Max. "Got it, the two of you are fucking, so you trust him and can get information out of him. I love that for us." She wasn't too sure what to make of Max yet. She wasn't too sure what to make of most of the new people, to be fair - for better or worse, the rest of them had risked their lives together time and time again. It formed a tight bond that could not be defined by words. She didn't have that with Max and Perry and Jaclyn yet... especially given that Max seemed to turn up just about everywhere the Brotherhood was. Guin didn't judge him for that as harshly as she might have, given that she didn't want to be a hypocrite re her relationship with Pietro, but it was enough for her to label him somewhat sus.

Plus, Pietro had reminded her earlier that they had beef - even if Guin had already forgotten again what it had been about. Something from the House of M reality. It didn't matter.

Case in point, here was Miranda - another Brotherhood associate. She gave a sad story about the fall of Genosha, the end of her relationship with Magneto, and attempting to reconnect with her kids. Very depressing, but Guin wasn't particularly shaken. Her mind was more focused on crunching their current problem - of trying to maintain the staticky telepathic connection with Mary. She could barely make out the message from Mary, as every other word seemed to be missing, but Guin was smart and she got the gist - just as Miranda proposed something similar. The kidnapped X-Men were on an asteroid station Magneto was trying to build a new mutant nation on.

Miranda Fay is here, she said basically the same thing - that this is Genosha 2.0. We'll be on our way soon for a pick-up.

Jaclyn - that was her name, right, Jaclyn? - had an interesting thought. "Mare just confirmed - they're on a space station of sorts in Earth's orbit. Telepathic connection is weak, but it's there. I think I can guide us there in the Blackbird as we get closer, hopefully pinpoint them down more exactly." If the asteroid had limited space, maybe Magneto would want only the strongest mutants present. Maybe that was his proposal for how to deal with Genosha's fall - an event that Guin only knew what had been reported in the news.

"Wait, magnet brain's private island? Were you fucking him too?" Guin asked Max, an eyebrow raised. "Anyways, the Blackbird can detect cosmic energy and strong energy fields, nothing more specific than that. But like I said, I think I can use my telepathy to guide us to them, and spirit them away in the ship. If Magneto's just building a mutant nation, and nothing more nefarious is going on, he shouldn't have an issue with us taking our teammates home."

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Neil couldn't help but smile slightly as Peregrine woke up while blurting corn dogs! She was quirky and he liked that. He could already see that she'd maybe fit in well with Carolina, Annie, and himself. For the record, he was happy to see that Annie was there. And Bethany. And their fearless leader, Mary. And as much as he felt weird around him at times, Edus. "If this is a competition... then was that just round one?" Neil asked, jumping off of Annie's suggestion.

Maybe this was just the arena for the next round of fights - that they were going to be in some sort of weird space tournament? He gulped slightly at that idea. If they were doing a space tournament, he didn't want to have to fight Mary. He knew he could technically come back from the dead, but his aunties had warned him he could only do it three times. And he had already used that gift at least once before. If Mary killed him, Neil had a feeling that he would just stay dead.

But then maybe Ed was right - maybe this was supposed to be some sort of paradise... But paradise for what? And why? Neil didn't understand what was going on. He wished that there would be a helpful NPC or someone around for an info drop, like what would happen in a video game. They were going in blind and it was making him sweat. Mary mentioned that something was blocking her telepathy - and given that she was the Phoenix, it must have been something BIG.

Neil got up and followed Bethany as she tried one of the doors, opening it up into a similar room to the one they had been in - and revealed a dark haired man, a SHIELD agent that Mary seemed to be super familiar with. If Mary was cool with him, then he was cool with Neil. "Let's keep going, I don't like the idea of just... waiting for something to happen to us," Neil murmured.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Burger King
Skills: N/A

Nancy rolled her eyes as Kristin returned the question to her. "If I did, I wouldn't have asked," Nancy muttered. There wasn't much use in muttering of course - she was fairly certain that any minor god would be able to hear them this close, no matter what volume they spoke at. But still, habits died hard. Her irritation with Kristin was short lived though, as the minor god ended up coming on up to the table with Demi not too long after placing an order.

Nancy took a sip of her drink during the introductions, and almost very nearly sprayed Kristin, quickly covering her hand with her mouth as Demi dropped a bomb. "Your... your betrothed?!" Nancy repeated, her eyes wide with shock. She had to resist the urge to laugh. She didn't want this minor god to incinerate her. Maybe Janelle was lucky that Zeke wasn't into her anymore - this entire situation seemed to breed mess and chaos. Though Nancy wasn't really sure who was messier - Zeke or Demi. For Zeke's sake though, Nancy hoped that he and Demi would break up. Mortal rivals to gods never ended up surviving long in the stories.

"I'm sorry, I think I must have misheard you. You said betrothed? If you knew about this before you started dating my brother, I'll hunt you. I swear it."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: N/A

Suddenly, a cyclops crashed into the remaining siege weapon - and Leda couldn't help but let out a low whistle of astonishment. She had seen the way the water had wrapped around the monster as it soared, and she knew that odds were, Kiera had been the one behind it. Sure, there were other demigods present who could control water, but Leda recognized her girlfriend's handiwork with pride. She started to run back to the others, since the siege weaponry was all taken care of now, only to be taken by surprise - a cyclops had snuck up behind her!

Its club connected with her back, sending Leda onto the ocean floor hard. The monster roared, raising its club to smash again, only to be tackled by... Hercules! Leda squinted her eyes, annoyed and thankful as Hercules destroyed the cyclops in defense of his mommy. Ugh. Leda really did NOT like being called his mother. She'd rather be called a slur. "Thanks, Herc," Leda said, picking herself up and rising to her feet. "And again, I'm not your mum. If you insist, I'll accept sis. But not mum. I'm much too young and beautiful to be a mother. And not interested in being a mother either."
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