Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds I’m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad I’m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Block Party!
Interacting With:@Lady Amalthea DJ Lawson @Morose Cecily Ashworth & @Charnobylisk Lorna Dun

Riley groaned slightly, though she was used to the paparazzi now at this point and even embraced it she truly wasn't in the mood for it, her head was pounding slightly from the hit on the head but she wasn't going to go to the hospital unless it got worse some aspirin and rest would be better. Riley looked towards the crowd once more as she spotted a familiar face approaching her and it was Lorna and asked if she was alright. "Yeah just a little cut on my arm and head from the table breaking but i'll be fine." Riley said softly wincing slightly when the EMT cleaned the wounds some more to prevent infection.

Then Riley saw some flashing and looked towards a guy with a camera taking shots at her and grumbled to herself, she couldn't help but smirk when Lorna approached the man with the camera and tried to block his shots of her. Then things started to get physical with Lorna shoving the camera into the man's face and then yanking it watching the camera break once it hit the ground. Then she manhandled him towards the barricade further away from her, Riley was grateful for that it would most likely be posted online in the next few hours with the confrontation and some other media and celeb gossip sites.

"Thanks DJ and Lorna.." Riley said while the EMT continued to do his work on cleaning up the wounds and bandaging them. Once he had finished Riley smiled at the man and shook his hand she was thankful, her attention went back towards DJ once more offering to escorting her back towards her apartment after witnessing what happened and the constant cameras in her face she wouldn't mind the help.

"If you wouldn't mind escorting this princess to her castle then I wouldn't mind that at all." Riley said with a slight smile as she stood up watching the EMT who was treating her running off towards the barricade to help out whoever else that needed it. Riley stood close to DJ as she started to make her way back towards the barricade and looked at some of the cameras still on her trying to get some shots at her and sighed. "I should hire you to be my bodyguard or something." Riley said as she walked past the neighbors staying far away from the scene of Danica's body as the coroner started to move the body.

Riley saw Cecily and then looked towards DJ and smiled. "Thanks, I think I can make it back to my place for now and feel free to swing by my room if you want to hangout sometime." Riley said and quickly approached Cecily. "Hey, how are you doing?" Riley asked rubbing the back of her neck slightly. "And sorry for disappearing on you, I was getting myself patched up."
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm High School Gym.
Interacting With: @Lady Amalthea Cynthia McMillan & Tim the Cop, @jakeb1993 Jacob Blackwell

Riley smiled slightly and nodded towards Tim, she was relived to not be a suspect she just wanted to make sure he knew where she had been for the last couple of hours which have been just in the gym. "I know, I was just letting you know where I have been and that I have an alibi for you." Riley said softly as she walked over and sat down on a chair letting out a soft sigh still trying to wrap her mind around everything two of her classmates have been murdered the same way Simone was, she looked towards Tim. "So do you have any other info other then the pictures and the way that they have been murdered, or are you keeping this under wraps for now?" Riley asked Tim looking over towards Cynthia as she continued to do her usual crazy talk and muttering to herself, at least the crazy girl Cynthia was on her side and started to believe that she didn't do the murder ten years ago.

Then she heard the door to the gym open and then turned her head to look over to see who it was and saw that it was Jacob Blackwell, one of the kids in his class that pissed her off quiet a few times and even got into physical fights quiet a lot. Riley just glared at him. "Hi Jackie Boy." Riley said sarcastically it was a name she usually gave him and knew that it got under his skin a lot. She stood up and made her way towards the refreshment table and grabbed herself another drink letting out a sigh and turned back towards Tim. "So whats the plan now?" Riley asked.
I'll be posting later today.
Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake Clinic
Interacting With: @Damo021 Miranda & Cleo @Meiyuki Alyssa @Zhaliora Patricia @smarty0114 Charlie & Avalon @BlackPanther Aron & Gage @Caits Cassandra @Anima Kimberly & @BeautifulSnow Vanessa


Riley looked towards Alyssa and looked down for a moment maybe she was losing her mind or something, but the healing was pretty much real and they all should have been dead that wolf that Vanessa had called Victoria she shuddered seeing that white wolf pouncing onto her she was terrified. Then Vanessa said it wasn't her fault but Vanessa's though Vanessa maybe right or not Riley still truly deep down felt that it had actually been her fault because she didn't cancel the trip. "It is still my fault regardless still." Riley said softly and then looked towards her friends and smiled slightly for a moment and then sat back down on the bed letting out a soft sigh.

Riley looked over towards Patricia for a moment and smiled slightly until she turned her attention towards the door seeing a woman she didn't recognize before just as Vanessa had closed the door. She could easily smell the blood coming off of her and shivered she didn't believe in this stuff before but now she did after seeing things that had happened tonight. Riley turned her attention back towards Vanessa as she started to explain what they would soon be going through.

She wasn't going to be looking forward to experiencing the changes especially experiencing changing every month, and the first change she was terrified of dying she looked towards Vanessa she was the closest person that she trusted with this and knew what she was actually talking about and knew more then she did.

Anastasia Beaumont

Location: Red Lake Clinic
Interacting With: No One

Anastasia looked into the room full of werewolf pups her senses getting overwhelmed with their dog scent when Vanessa the one talking to all of them glared at her and pointed out she was a vampire she glared at the wolf but didn't say anything. She turned around and would let out a rather loud sigh she wanted to talk to Cassandra some more, but felt like she was not even welcome in the room. She felt her stomach grumble and started to head further down the hallway and looked around as she found the blood bank in the small clinic.

Anastasia looked around no one was in the area and started to pick the lock slowly until finally she managed to open it and quickly grabbed a few bags of blood. She was one of those vampires that rarely ever fed off of a living being and preferred to take them from blood banks such as these it wasn't fresh or warm, it was enough to keep her satisfied. Anastasia stuffed the blood bags into her purse and quickly headed out of the room and left the clinic.
Erie, Pennsylvania
Maria & Jessica Smith Residents
June 25th 2046

Maria walked into her closet as she started to pack up her things, she looked over her shoulder seeing her girlfriend laying on the bed slowly waking up seeing Maria was packing her things. "Do you remember the last time you were at Mars?" Jessica had asked referring to Maria's mechanical right arm that was now attached to her shoulder, she had lost it when there was an equipment malfunction luckily the UAC had managed to give her a replacement state of the art arm which worked just as well if not better. She froze for a moment remembering what had happened five years ago before moving back to Earth. "I know, but my sister is still there and I haven't heard from her in weeks."

Jessica slowly got up and wrapped her arms around Maria's waist and sighed as she gently kissed her on the back of the neck. "I know you worry about her and I completely understand." Jessica said with a soft sigh as Maria turned around and kissed her girlfriend once more and smiled. "I'll be back don't worry." She said as she grabbed some more clothes and started to stuff them into her backpack. "Besides its only a few days and then i'll be back home, and continue what we have been doing." Maria smiled as she slipped her backpack over her shoulder and hugged Jessica once more.

"Alright but just come back in one piece for me alright?" Jessica asked Maria smiled and hugged and kissed her once more. "I don't plan on losing anymore limbs while i'm up there they just need me to fix somethings." She said jokingly as she started to head out of their bedroom and headed down the stairs to the front door where a UAC car had already been waiting for her. Jessica waved goodbye to Maria as she got into the car and went to take her to the closest airport and be taken to the meeting area.

Maria got into a private jet where another UAC executive she had met at the meeting a few days ago held with him a small device and attached it to Maria's mechanical arm. "This is to help you get into any lock doors that your access card may or may not help you break through and whatever coding there is." He said as he took out a small cord attached to it. "Just plug it into any computer, door or any mechanism and the pad there should do all the rest." He said as the private jet took off.

Delta Airstrip
UAC Corporation
California, Reno
June 25th 2046

Maria brought up an older video of her younger sister five years younger then she is giving her a small little report on how she has been doing up in Mars. She smiled ever so slightly as she watched the video she seemed she was doing really well and she wanted to get up there and see how she is and hopefully catch up but from what she heard at the meeting she hasn't given any sort of medical report from the staff which was worrying her and the main reason why she took the job.

Maria looked out the window seeing the transport and once it came to a stop Maria opened the door and looked at the other UAC executive that she met during the meeting. "It's good to see you again Miss Smith, we already have things prepared for you, and state of the art equipment for you as you can already see." He said Maria smiled slightly as she shook the man's hand with her left arm. "I'm just here to see my sister and see if she is alright and fix whatever issue you have up there then i'm going home with my sister okay?" Maria said, he simply nodded as he escorted her towards the transport.

Once she was inside Maria looked towards the other man that she assumed would be her partner. Maria smiled softly and gave him a nod as she went over and sat down on a chair and strapped herself and her personal belongings into the seat.

@Lady Amalthea Edited now bosslady. :)
@Lady Amalthea Okies removed one of em.
@asanono@aeuternus Identical twins are like the cutest ever I want to smother you both with cuddles and cute avis by the way! *Tackle hugs and cuddles* Anyway! If either of you want to RP or chat feel free to ask! :)
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