Avatar of Nallore


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7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

@Cait Hi there and welcome to RPG! :D If you want to ever RP or chat feel free to ask at any time! :)
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building 3C - Top Floor

Riley watched as her sister and Ronnie both headed out of her apartment sighing slightly she probably had an idea what they were actually going to be doing. Once they had left she turned her attention towards Felix and gestured towards the fridge, inside was beer, coke and bottled water. "Help yourself with what you want." Riley said with a soft smile as she looked over at Marc and slowly shook her head slightly.

"Last I talked to him was the night of the Block Party, after Danica's fall from grace if you will, he and another resident here in Boston Heights named Lorna escorted me to a nearby ambulance. The two of them sort of watched over me while the medic was patching up my head anyway that's the last time I had contact with Lawson sadly I was in the hospital when that stuff happened and been in here the last three days. Sorry if it doesn't help."

Riley moved towards the door and opened it for a second to make sure that Ronnie and Tuesday weren't by the door, she didn't feel the need to hide what she knew so far. "I know I keep the weirdest group of friends." Riley said jokingly as she leaned up against the counter looking down for a moment before turning her attention towards Marc. "Anyway, the guy not Roy. Ronnie, he is a friend he knew Danica personally I bumped into the guy after my recording session. We think that Danica was murdered, I didn't know Danica personally but she didn't seem like the girl to commit suicide like that. Anyway we talked for a bit, then we headed over towards the Roller Derby over at the Docks. Danica found something there, Ronnie showed me a picture Danica took of a multisided object with the Juno Roller Derby game flyer. Then we got there everything seemed fine, then the lights went out and some shooting just started. That's about all that I can remember, the next day was when I had my accident."

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Sophia looked up at Niesha and smiled at her and nodded towards her. "I'll be here." Sophia said as she watched Niesha walk back out of the kitchen. She stood up and stretched slightly as she started to search around the kitchen to look for some kind of scoop or large cup, she found a large liquid measuring cup. It was the best way for now to get out all of the old grease, she would need help taking off the piping to try and clean out the clog. As she scooped some of it out she dumped it into the bucket next to her that Niesha had grabbed for, she would gag slightly at the scent of it. For some reason the smell was worse then a decaying walking corpse that were outside of the walls, but then again spending three years out in the open fighting off walkers on a daily basis she sort of got used to it.

After awhile she could finally see the bottom of the grease trap and grabbed the scraper that she found earlier and started scraping it off of the bottom of the trap and dumping it into the bucket. She wiped her right arm over her forehead from the sweat getting a small bit of the old grease onto her forehead and leaned up against the wall looking down at the somewhat clean grease trap before her. She would have to wait for Niesha to get back and help her with getting the clog out so it work properly.

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Kris watched as Ms. Sally took a seat next to her eyeing the older woman as she spoke about the new person that Ash and Astrid were speaking to. Right now she wasn't sure what to think of the stranger, the guy in here could just simply spying looking at the inner layout of Newnan in disguise as a simple trade deal. But no shots have been fired as of yet, so things seemed peaceful for now. "Well I guess as long as they don't start opening fire on us, I guess they seem like good people." Kris said as she looked up to see Niesha coming out of the kitchen, asking for something to hold a seal.

Kristina would adjust the icepack on her ankle when it got to cold, sighing softly as the pain started to stop once more she had sprained ankles before she came to Newnan, she of course would find a place to lay low and heal. Without painkillers or ice it was very painful, she was glad that she was safe though.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Meg smiled and nodded slightly towards Jack it was understandable that he may not know of a way to entertain a crowd. "Don't sweat it, was just an idea I can't force ya to do something that you don't to or something that makes you feel uncomfortable." She looked towards their armed escort, he hadn't left their side since the shooting happened, and he was most likely starving. "Why don't you go ahead and get something to eat, I don't think he is a threat at least to us that is anyway." Meg said as she waved the man off, if Ashton got pissed she would take the blame for it. "If Ash asks why you aren't with us tell him to come and talk to me." Meg said as their escort finally left the Rec Center. Meg took out her radio decided to let Ashton know that anyway as she looked at the two men in the room. "Its Meghna, i'm letting our escort get some food. Bazhooli seems fine enough to me." Meg said as she clipped the radio back onto her belt.

Meg turned her head slightly when Tatiana came up and whispered into her ear to speak to her about something privately. "Sure thing." Meghna said as she looked at Jack and Baz. "Going to step off to the side with Tatiana here, just don't leave yet." Meg said mainly towards Bazhooli as she wrapped an arm over Tati's shoulder and started to step off to the far side of the room, out of earshot of Bazhooli and Jack. She looked over towards Tatiana and smiled at the woman. "So what can I help you out with Tatiana?" Meg asked with a smile as she would occasionally glance over at the two men.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary

Raymond closed his eyes tightly as he would get out a loud yell in pain as main shot up through his entire lower body, Tiffany came over and gently pushed him back down to a laying position as he started to sweat. He remained very still as he could feel the bandage starting to soak up in his blood. Ray reached out to hold Tiffany's hand as he tried to calm himself down and for comfort. Knowing if he panicked right now it would just get worse. "I guess I am a bad patient huh?" Ray said jokingly as he tried hard not to look at the stump seeing the blood soaking it

When Tiffany asked Sana to stay and watch him, Ray held Tiffany's hand a bit tighter, it's not that he didn't trust anyone else here, he just felt a bit safer with Tiffany next to him if anything happened. Ray would look up at Tiffany with the look asking her to not go, and hoped that someone else came in.
Post coming soon once I am home, shower and eat.
I'll have a post up later on today.
Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake
Interacting With: @rivaan Valencia.

Riley would gently take the knife from Valencia's hand as she held it to the fire as the fish started to cook, she would wait to gut the fish once it was done cooking. Her eyes would look over towards her friend as she started to actually open up where she had actually gotten all of those scars from. Which she actually wasn't expecting an author like Valencia to actually get into the wrong crowd, or the weird family business that she had. It seemed a bit personal so she decided to go against asking more about it, the young girl ran a hand through her hair as she leaned forward until the fish started to blacken somewhat. She then took the knife and started to slowly gut and cut the scales off of the fish. "I'd like that a lot actually." Riley said with a soft smile as she finished gutting it and then cut the fish in half to share.

Riley's eyes would then wander over towards the sun setting as she saw the sun shining off of the lake which was always beautiful to see as she looked over at her friend. "We should head back home before it gets dark." Riley said as she quickly finished up eating her fish and handed the knife back towards Val and started to head for the RV to make the drive back towards town.

It is the day of the trip for the young teens as they wake up, gathering up their things that they had packed from the night before. However there was yet another news story that had happened during the night while everyone was sleeping, there was another wolf attack several actually. Three different farms near the sleepy town of Red Lake where the cattle had been killed by the wolf, the people of the town are more alert now in fear of the wolf getting bolder and started attacking those in town.

All of the arrangements for the trip have already been made as the group of friends were starting to gather up at the Bed and Breakfast where the annual meet up was at. It is about 10 o'clock in the morning, everyone in town is either waking up or simply just enjoying their cup of coffee and going on about their day the meet up at the Bed and Breakfast is in thirty minutes.

Riley Walker

Location: Riley's Bed and Breakfast.
Interacting With: Riley's Parents.

Riley slowly opened up her eyes and started to let out a rather loud yawn as she looked out of the window seeing that the sun was already shining through her room. She was already excited as she quickly got up from her bed and started to get changed, Riley stumbled slightly over her suitcase and camping supplies that were laid in her room. Riley sighed softly to herself as she tried to relax she was excited to see her friends even though she saw them regularly. Riley was mainly excited for the trip and not have to deal with their parents at all for three whole days.

Of course there was always someone who would smuggle some booze onto the trip, which did make things a little bit more excited and interesting. Once she had changed into a simple tshirt and a pair of shorts, Riley grabbed her bags and camping supplies and started making her way down the stairs. She could already smell her dad's cooking as she went into the kitchen seeing him cooking some breakfast for her, she approached him and gave her father a loving hug. "Hey dad, how are you?" Riley asked as she went over and sat down on the table, it was a pretty slow day no customers yet which she was glad she didn't have to deal with.

"I'm good, and you?" He asked as he laid the plate in front of her, and Riley quickly started to dig into her breakfast as she looked up at him and smiled. "I'm good thanks." Riley said with a soft smile as she finished up eating her breakfast, she moved over and gave him a loving hug. "I'll be outside." Riley said as she made her way towards the front door, she took out her phone and decided to send out a mass text to her friends.

"Hope to see all of you guys very soon meet at my place like usual! <3 RiRi."
I shall have a post up tomorrow after work.
Inner Colonies
- Space Station Colistis
- Year 2557
- Universal Time: 11:26

Riley sat in the back of the pelican as it flew through space towards Station Colistis, her steel colored helmet laid on the seat next to her the visor was a dark red mainly for the intimidation factor with small areas of red with the same detail on the rest of her RAIDER armor. "Lieutenant Parish, ETA to Colistis five minutes." Riley looked towards the pilot and gave him a quick smile and nod as she stood up and made her way towards the end of the pelican. Since the team was disbanded Riley had been assigned to covert missions in former control Covenant space gathering intel for ONI. About five minutes later the Pelican entered one of the many hangar bays on the station, she put on her helmet briefly getting a layout of the station finding the quickest route to the hangar that she was ordered to meet at.

Once the bay to the pelican opened up Riley stepped off of the ramp and into the brightly lit hangar, she looked at several of the soldiers remembering her former days as a UNSC grunt. She tied her long brown hair into a pony tail as she started making her way through the hallways until she was at Docking Bay AA3, she saw a couple of civilians that worked on the station they had the in awe look at her. The Spartan gave a smile towards the people as she made her way towards the docking bay, once she was inside Riley noticed the Charon Light-Frigate that was docked there.

"Good day Lieutenant Parish, I am Nesalla, Colonel Icarus's personal AI assistant aboard the ship, Wulf, Koda and Andromedai are all ready in just follow the illuminated lights." The AI said before disappearing Riley already knew where to actually go as she grew up sometimes traveling with her parents. She made her way towards the deck of the ship, the Spartan smiled brightly at the three former squad mates of Rogue Seven. She moved over and gave Koda and Wulf quick friendly hugs and then saluted Andromedai. "It's good to see all of you again."
*Gently pokes @Feisty-Pants* My character is in the woods in my last post.
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