Avatar of NoriWasHere


Recent Statuses

11 mos ago
Current That was the worst three months of my life. Health is close to normal again. Here's to making the insurance company cry!
1 like
1 yr ago
"Your copay today is $20,000" How about no.
3 yrs ago
Well, the "I am but an ally" to "queer af" pipeline is real.


I have gone by many names over my life, and the one I go by here is Nori.

I am a non-binary individual who has a love of participating in these stories and creating my own. I am incredibly chronically ill. If my illness flares up too much I may be pulled away.

Most Recent Posts


@AchronumSent a reply!
@Achronum We are indeed!
Re-open. Need 1, maybe 2, new characters!

Where are they,” S’venia asked nobody in particular as she stood at the entrance to the now deserted village. The village itself was simple, as the buildings themselves were made out of wood and even resembled your humble cottage with most buildings being no taller than a single floor; exception being the mayor's office which had a second floor. The village also had a large square in the middle for peddling goods to the travelers. As acting commander for the Council of Seven’s search for the Goddess, she was granted certain powers to make their force a successful one. With her arrival three days prior she commanded the citizens of this village to vacate, take whatever valuables they could carry, and make their way to the city Vun’ral, a two days journey. She of course provided them with passes that would allow them to have free lodging in city for that night. She had planned to let the group rest here for a day or two, get some stamina back in both the soldiers and the horses, as well as coordinate among the other commanders before heading out. That was now in jeopardy as they were now a few days late

Our scouts have reported in,” a gruff sounding bearded man responded, “they will arrive today,” he finished.

They better,” S’venia responded as she drew the Sword of Roffella and pointed it towards the west. At first it did nothing more than strain the arm of S’venia, a long sword pointed straight outward is heavy after-all. She held it there for a second before moving it to her right, and hit the sword’s sweet spot. The sword began vibrating as the runic inscriptions along the face of the sword began to glow a dull blue color all-the-while a dim hum filmed the air. She again held it there for a second before she returned the sword to the sheath, “the Goddess gets farther by the day,” S’venia paused as she turned her attention back towards the bearded man, “have the cooks prepare a warm meal, our travelling companions will be surely be the better for it,” she finished. The cooks were to create a “divine” meal consisting of a lot of broth, a lot of potato's, and a little bit of other meat; all the food “given” to the cause by the villagers themselves.

In her mind S’venia knew that the other commanders would not be on time, travelling vast distances after receiving the location was no easy feat as it were. Instead, she focused on the task at hand here. She had already sent a rider to extend the villagers stay, by order of the Council as she put it, by a few more days so the group had time to rest and learn of their plans. She knew that they might not have been made aware of just how dire the time ahead would be. The Council had already mobilized the combined armies in the east to combat the major breach, this much was known to the other commanders. The other commanders were also made aware of the general purpose of their mission, which was to find the missing Goddess, return her to her temple, and restore the protective barrier once more and force out the horrid creatures. The information that was withheld would test their strength as the end etches closer to their realm.

Still, it couldn’t hurt that she had a monster of her own fighting alongside her.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As the last days of autumn started to fade away, and the cruel whispers of winter seep downward from the north, a war for the fate of our realm was already ravaging the countryside. More cities have been added to the list as vast armies of monstrous foes swept through the streets; slaughtering any and all who stand before them. The combined armies had already assembled, adopting the age-old tactic of encircle, defend, and wait out the winter before forcing the fight in the spring. The scribes have warned of a very wet winter already, and logistics and maneuvers would be hard if not impossible in the snowy battlefield. Instead, they were to build fortifications and hold the demons at bay. S’venia and her forces would not have that luxury. Each day, the Goddess gains distance on her, and the clouds on the horizon promised snow and cold; and grew darker ever still.

Outside the village, as the representative of the Kingdom’s approached, they would notice a single rider emerge from the tree-line along the side of the road. The sentry would stop, and stare for a second, before riding towards your formation. In his hand he would be holding a pole with the banner of the Kingdom of Aurr flying high above, the silhouette of a snow leopard on a black backdrop. "Hello commanders," the scouts would say, "I have come to lead you the rest of the way in," they would finish.
@Mistress DizzyYou're good! I am still working on the IC post so you should be fine!
As stated before, I am awaiting a response for my collab. If I don't get a response withen a few days, I will cut bait and finish the collab myself and then get a post up afterwards. I still want to see this RP completed, so I am dedicated to it in that regard!
I’m still waiting on my collab. If I don’t get a response soon I’ll do my best to finish in character as best as possible.
Alright folks, that's enough in and confirmed for me to start putting the finishing touches on the IC post. I hope to have it finished by Friday but I work a heavy load this week.

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