“Thank you, your Majesty,” Steph replied, slightly amused by having been called a ‘fair maiden’.
Following Sir Gravy to the Archives, Steph waited with Sarah and Peter, while the knight set off to retrieve the journal. “Yeah, I guess you could say that,” Steph agreed after Sarah inquired about her mother. “She was certainly brilliant, and she worked very hard to ensure that her research would be preserved for future generations. She was also very kind,” she added in a softer tone. “She was always trying to make the world a better place, and she wanted to use technology to achieve that goal. That’s why she became a scientist. To see the world now, in this state… It would probably break her heart…”
At this point, Sir Gravy returned and apologized for having come back empty handed. He had just begun to search one more shelf, when a small crystal fell to the ground. Picking it up, the knight seemed puzzled by its presence in the Archives, wondering if perhaps it belonged in the Royal Treasury instead.
“Actually, I think that might be what we’re looking for,” Steph spoke up. “Yeah, this is definitely a data crystal,” she confirmed after taking a closer look. “We’re gonna need a device to be able to access it, but that shouldn’t be a problem.”
With a single thought, Steph sent her nanite swarm into motion. Disassembling an unused pouch on her backpack, they reformed it into a palm-sized data crystal reader.
“Just stick the crystal into this opening here,” Steph instructed. “Then we should be able to access whatever information it contains.”
“Another Ars Magi?!” Dana echoed incredulously after Astrelle made her observation about Victoria’s opponent. “B-But… Ars Magi are all on the same side!”
Aren’t they…?
Perhaps what she had always been told, what she had always believed, had been wrong. Perhaps there were Ars Magi that had been corrupted by the Void and now served them, or maybe even controlled them… It was a disquieting thought, to be sure, and something Dana didn’t particularly want to dwell on. Thankfully, something more pressing soon drew her attention, as Nicole volunteered to go back for Penny and Vanna.
“I’ll come with ya!” Dana started to say, before she found herself being forcibly restrained by two of the soldiers. Thanks to her impressive speed and agility, Nicole was able to deftly avoid them, but the worn out Dana was simply no match. “H-Hey!” she yelped. “What’s the big idea?! I’m just tryin’ to help my friends!”
“You can do that best by staying here.” The soldier told her firmly. “Besides, you look completely exhausted. Just rest a bit,” he added in a slightly more friendly tone, while glancing at the wounded man the girls had brought with them. “You’ve already done more than enough.”
“O-Okay,” Dana relented. “I guess you’re right…”
She hated to admit it, but she was feeling incredibly tired, like her body had been utterly drained of energy. Sitting down next to Astrelle, she leaned her head back and closed her eyes for a moment.
“Wow… This really does feel… good…”
“…is clear and back on route,” the voice of Victoria Glass was saying. Slowly opening her eyes, Dana was greeted with the sight of the Ars Magi herself standing over them. She seemed to be a bit beaten up from her duel.
Huh… Guess I fell asleep…
Victoria went on to inform them that they would be landing in less than an hour, after which they would all be examined and treated for potential Nox poisoning, although the Ars Magi was doubtful that there was anything to worry about. That’s when Penny spoke up, asking about the cause of Victoria’s injuries.
“Y-Yeah,” Dana added, still a little groggy from her unplanned nap. “I-It looked like you were fightin’ another Ars Magi… W-Was it some kinda Void that could shape shift?”
“Yeah, I suppose I have,” Steph agreed with a sigh, feeling a slight despondency at the thought of the world’s current, primitive state. “The harpy?” Steph asked after the king had inquired about the creature. “Well, it appeared to be leading the attack on the village, and it could also fire some kind of blue energy beam from its mouth. To answer your question about Sarah’s lack of memory,” she continued, “I think I might have an idea. Back in my time, there was talk of a project to create several genetically enhanced beings, capable of manipulating something called ‘biogenic energy’. It was all very cutting edge stuff,” she added, while turning to face the pink-haired girl, “and I don’t really know much more about it than that, but from what you’ve said, I think it’s very likely that you were one of the prototypes. Speaking of the old world,” Steph said after a moment, her voice containing more than a hint of trepidation. “There was something else I was meaning to ask you, your Majesty. Master Minoc told me that my mother’s journal had been brought here. If that’s the case, may I be permitted to see it?”
“Its nice to meet you, Sarah,” Steph said with a smile. “You too, Pip,” she added, giggling as she gently pet the dog’s head. “And I don’t mind the attention. I’ve always loved dogs.”
“Thank you, your Majesty,” she said after the king bid her enter. “Master Minoc was fine when we left him, although Tinkertown did suffer a monster attack a short while ago… Yeah, I suppose I should start at the beginning,” she sighed after the king had inquired about her tale. “I’m originally from what I guess you would call the ‘Old World’, that is, the world before the cataclysm. My parents and I were scientists working at an underground complex. When the world started coming apart at the seams, they placed me in a cryostasis chamber, and, well, I just woke up about a day ago. Obviously, I was shocked by how long I had slept and by how much the world had changed, but with the town I found myself in under attack, I knew I had to figure out some way to help them. Long story short, I was able to come up with a plan and get rid of most of the monsters, including this really creepy harpy. I then met Master Minoc. He told me about Draygon, introduced me to Peter, and instructed me to take this sword to Master Tornel, here at the Castle of Solace. But for some reason,” she added, casting a fierce glare at the wizard, “Tornel locked us in a chamber, claiming we were servants of Draygon.”
Dana returned Nicole’s smile as the redhead stepped over to help her carry the wounded soldier. “Gotcha,” she confirmed with a nod after Nicole explained her plan. “And don’t worry about me,” she added. “I’ll be right behind ya!”
Although passing by the Void was certainly dangerous, it was also the best chance they had to get the soldier somewhere his wounds could be tended to, and that was the important thing. Or maybe not, if Astrelle’s opinion was anything to go by… Dana was unable to hide her shock when the other girl so casually suggested they leave the wounded man behind. That was simply unacceptable. There was simply no way that Dana would ever abandon someone in need, and, in her opinion, it was a horrible attitude for any Ars Magi candidate to have. She was about to tell Astrelle as much, when the other girl suddenly dissolved into the shadows.
Fine, if that’s how she’s gonna be…
“Okay, Nicole! Ready when you are!”
Not wasting another moment, the redhead leapt past the Void, while carrying the soldier with her. Dana was right behind her, once again taking her place on the opposite side of the wounded man the moment they had returned to the corridor floor. With that accomplished, they proceeded on their way to the control room. Even with the added burden of the wounded soldier, they still managed to arrive at their destination shortly after Astrelle. It should be noted that before departing, Dana had conjured a second, smaller sphere of light for Penny and Vanna to make use of. It wouldn’t last long without Dana around to maintain it, but it would hopefully provide enough illumination for the two girls to finish off the Void.
Upon arriving at the control room, they were greeted by a rather chaotic scene, with soldiers and crewmembers rushing to and fro. A flash of light drew Dana’s attention to the forward view port, through which she could vaguely make out the forms of two figures dueling in the darkness.
“Woah…” Dana whispered as she observed the combat with a look of awe. “That looks like Miss Victoria, but… who’s she fighting?”
The answer to that question would have to wait, as they were soon approached by some crewmen, who took the wounded soldier off their hands, while demanding to know where Penny and Vanna were.
“T-They stayed behind to keep the Void distracted so we could escape,” Dana explained, somewhat taken aback by the crewman’s intensity. “They should be here shortly.”
“Greetings, your Majesty,” Steph said as she entered and bowed before the king. Her eyes hardened as she took note that Tornel was also present, along with a pink-haired girl. Presumably this was the “Sarah” the fairy had mentioned. “My name is Stephanie, and this is Peter,” she informed, gesturing to the young apprentice who was currently cowering behind her.
“H-Hello…” the apprentice said meekly, rather overwhelmed by his current situation. First an oracle, then the leader of the wizards, and now the king himself! This was certainly the most remarkable day of his young life, and it was getting to be a bit much for the poor young man.
“We came here at the request of Master Minoc,” Steph continued. “He told us that we would be met by the wise wizard Tornel, but when we arrived, Tornel locked us in a chamber and called us servants of Draygon! Minoc even told us to present this weapon to him,” she explained, while retrieving the sword from her backpack. “But he carelessly dismissed it without even looking at it! There’s one other thing,” she added in a more reserved tone. “I’m not an apprentice of Minoc. I’m actually what you people would call an oracle. I’m sorry, Sir Gravy,” she told the knight, trying not to laugh as she said his ridiculous name. “I didn’t want to lie to you, but we needed to see the king and explain the situation to him.”
“Gadzooks!” the paladin exclaimed. “Are you to tell me that I have been in the presence of one of the legendary oracles this entire time?! Truly extraordinary! It was my honor to be of service to you, my lady!” he declared, bowing to her in deference. Then, sobering, he added, “And though I bristle at your deception, I can see that it was for a worthy cause. Thus, it shall be my great pleasure to accept your apology!”
“Thank you,” Steph said while treating the paladin to a warm smile. “That really means a lot. Oh, and you don’t need to do the whole ‘my lady’ thing. Just call me Steph.”
“Very well, young Steph,” Sir Gravy acquiesced. “I shall respect your wish for modesty. And what of you young Peter,” the paladin inquired. “Are you also an oracle of legend?”
“N-No, sir,” Peter stammered. “I-I’m just an ordinary apprentice. I-In fact, I p-probably shouldn’t even be here…”
Moving through the castle halls, Steph and Peter were careful to avoid attracting undue attention. Thankfully, there didn’t seem to be many people around, probably due to the siege Tornel had mentioned. This did pose something of a problem, however, as neither Steph nor Peter had any idea of where the king’s chambers were located. They needed directions, and for that, they needed someone to provide them. After ascending a few flights of stairs, they came to a large central chamber, at the far end of which, a figure in fancy armor was giving instructions to a group of several men-at-arms.
Sir Gravy
“Pardon us, sir,” Steph said as she and Peter approached the group. “But would you be so kind as to tell us the way to the king’s chambers? We’re apprentices of Master Minoc of Tinkertown, and we have an urgent message for the king.”
“Do you now?” the knight who had been giving orders responded as he turned to face them. “In that case, it shall be my honor to take you to his majesty myself. I am Sir Gravy, a paladin in the king’s service, and you can rest assured that you shall be safe in my care, even in the midst of this deplorable siege! Sir Snack!” he called, and a knight in substantially less elaborate armor jumped to attention. “Continue overseeing the preparations in my stead.”
With that, the paladin began leading the way to the king’s chambers.
“I must say, I find myself somewhat perplexed as to how you made your way here with the dark forces of Draygon having thoroughly surrounded us,” Sir Gravy noted as they walked.
“We used a secret underground passage,” Steph explained. “It’s only known to a select few. In fact,” she added, “we didn’t even know of it until Master Minoc showed us.”
“Ah yes, wizards and their secrets,” Sir Gravy said with a chuckle.
“I know, right? Anyway, Master Tornel was supposed to meet us when we arrived, but we haven’t seen him anywhere.”
“That’s most likely due to the siege,” the paladin noted. “A wizard of his power is undoubtedly quite busy at a time like this, preparing mighty spells and crafting grand strategies.”
“Oh, of course,” Steph replied, while doing her best not to roll her eyes at the paladin’s high praise of Tornel. “We figured as much ourselves. That’s why we were looking for someone else who could show us the way to the king.”
“Speaking of his majesty, we have now arrived!” Sir Gravy declared as they stopped before an ornate gilded door. “Your Majesty,” he announced. “It is I, Sir Gravy! I have with me two envoys from Tinkertown, apprentices of Master Minoc! They say they carry an urgent message for you!”
With Sonia’s help, Tenebra was able to create a rather crude, but nonetheless effective, portal. Unfortunately, before anyone standing on Ronin’s barrier platform could make their way through it, a gargantuan tentacle emerged from a portal directly below the barrier and shattered it with a single, mighty blow. Connie yelped in alarm as she and the others fell towards the portal below them. Things were looking exceedingly grim, but then she heard a cheerful voice call out.
“Don’t worry, girls~! Magical Dream Princess is here to save the day~! (giggle!)”
Enlarging her cloud to more than quadruple its normal size, MDP raced over to catch her falling friends and carry them over to where Tenebra and Sonia had made their portal. No small number of writhing hands and tentacles sought to bar their path, but MDP was having none of it.
“You icky wicky tentacle wentacles and handsy wandsies are, like, total wotal meanie weainie heads! Magical Dream Princess thinks you need to go bye bye~! Bye bye~!” she called, while sweeping her wand across the writhing mass. This sent out a mighty wave of rainbow energy, which disintegrated every last one of the twisted appendages in a shower of prismatic sparkles.
After racing through the portal, Sonia quickly closed the spatial tear, but not before a few tentacles managed to poke their way through. Having been severed by the portal’s dissolution, the tendrils squirmed on the floor for a moment, before MDP blasted them with a few glittery beams from her wand.
“Magical Dream Princess said it’s time to go bye bye, you nasty wasty thingie wingies!” She pouted as she finished off the last of The Collector’s severed appendages.
They found themselves in a gothic-style corridor, which branched off at a 90-degree turn to one side of them. For now, they all took a moment to catch their collective breath, before planning their next course of action.
“My sincere thanks, Tenebra,” Gaia said with a smile after they had made it safely through the silver-haired girl’s portal. “I, for one, did not wish to remain in that chamber of horrors a moment longer than I had to.”
“S-S-Same h-here,” a trembling Connie agreed, while clinging tightly to Gaia.
“And my thanks to you as well, your Highness,” the verdant magical girl added, while turning to face MDP. “If not for your timely rescue, I fear that very few of us would be standing here. I am truly in your debt.”
“Like, Magical Dream Princess was super duper happy wappy to helpsie welpsie~! (giggle!)” the childish magical girl replied with a big smile. “If her friendsie wendsies are in trouble wouble, she’ll, like, always be there for them~! That’s, like, her super duper pinky winky promise~! (giggle!)”
Before anything more could be said, bolts of energy started flying their way. The source of the attack was soon revealed as a series of gun turrets emplaced in the corridor walls. Ronin was quick to put up barriers to deflect the shots that might have struck Connie, Gaia, or MDP, but she couldn’t block them all, and her barrier couldn’t hold out for long… Thankfully, Alicia skillfully dispatched most of the turrets with several precise shots from her bow, while Ronin managed to slice another apart with her sword. As soon that had been dealt with, another threat made itself known: the sound of an approaching monster patrol. While the others prepared to engage them the moment they rounded the corner ahead, Gaia raised an elegant hand, calling for attention.
“If I may be so bold,” the verdant magical girl began, “Perhaps my dearest Connie would be best suited to seeing off these adversaries?”
“I-I’ve, uh, b-been g-getting b-better w-with my n-nightmare m-magic,” the masked girl explained. “S-So, um, m-maybe I c-can s-scare t-them off, s-so we w-won’t h-have t-to f-fight t-them…”
If everyone is in agreement, Connie will send a medium strength nightmare pulse in the direction of the approaching patrol, causing the monsters to experience their deepest fears/nightmares and hopefully run off.
“So it is a sword…” Steph said softly as she examined the weapon.
She had only held it for a few seconds, before the fairy that had appeared to her just after she’d awoken winked into existence. The tiny creature talked at a rapid pace as it excitedly fluttered around her. Steph tried her best to make sense of what it was saying. Something about finding a girl named Sarah who was currently with the king. She supposed she could do that. After all, she was already planning on paying the king a visit. But who was this girl anyway? And who, or what, was this fairy? Before she could ask, the fairy winked out of existence as swiftly as it had arrived.
She mentioned running out of power… Steph thought to herself. Maybe she’s an AI of some sort?
Peter’s voice dissolved her musings. He was asking if she was okay.
He went on to tell her how Minoc had used the sword to move stone, and suggested that she might be able to do the same.
“Move stone, huh?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. “Well, let’s give it a shot.”
Pointing the sword at the wall next to the door, Steph closed her eyes and concentrated, focusing on linking her mind to the weapon and visualizing the wall opening to create a passage for them to walk through, before sealing back up again.
“O-Oh my goodness!” she heard Peter exclaim after a moment. “Y-You’re actually doing it!”
Opening her eyes, Steph saw that the apprentice was right. The sword had caused an opening to form in the wall just as she had envisioned.
“Come on, Peter,” she instructed, while slinging her backpack over her shoulder. “Let’s get out of here!”
After the two had passed through the opening, it swiftly sealed itself, so that no one would realize they had escaped, unless they checked inside the room itself. Wishing to avoid suspicion, Steph retuned the sword to her backpack.
Steph was utterly stunned as Tornel locked them inside the chamber and made his accusations.
Servants of Draygon?! What the hell?! I thought this guy was supposed to help us, not imprison us!
“W-Wait!” Peter cried franticly. “We don’t serve Draygon! There’s been a terrible mistake!”
“Don’t waste your breath, Peter,” Steph advised. “I doubt he can hear you.”
“B-But he has to let us out!” the apprentice protested. “With the castle under attack, he needs our help! Well, your help,” he added after a moment. “A-And why does he think we work for Draygon, anyway?! Master Minoc always talked of how wise and powerful Master Tornel was. How could he not know who we really are?!”
“You know how I said I wasn’t anything supernatural, just a normal person? Well, I kinda think that applies double to him.”
“S-So, what are we going to do?” Peter asked.
“Escape, obviously,” Steph replied.
“B-But the door is booby trapped!”
“Somehow, I doubt that will be much of a problem for my nanites,” Steph noted with a small grin, before focusing her attention on the package Tornel had so carelessly dismissed. “But first, I’d like to see if my suspicions are right about this thing.”
Picking it up from where Peter had dropped it on the floor, Steph held it in her hands for a moment, feeling its weight.
“Huh. I don’t see what Tornel was complaining about. I mean, it doesn’t feel all that heavy…” she observed, before smiling and shaking her head. “That’s right… I keep forgetting that I’m a lot stronger than I used to be…”
Carefully unfastening the wrapping, she allowed it to fall to the ground, revealing what Minoc had tasked her with delivering…