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Time:Afternoon ~ 4pm
Location:Ember Grove Mall

Millie looked up and smiled wide when her old friend from earlier appeared yet again. "Not at all!" She scooted over to give him even extra room. She heard him speak a spell, not even moving to conceal it from her much this time. "Well, I just had a feeling you might be one of us. Did you move into a coven in town or are you unaffiliated?" She inquired. Millie hoped Maeve hadn't sent him after her. She wasn't so sure she could go back to them. Surely they'd be able to tell she had been dabbling in darker magics and their rules wouldn't excuse the circumstance.

Time:Afternoon ~ 4pm
Location:Operation Humanity HQ

Angel was surprised when Sean voiced he'd be taking her on a hunt. They had clearly not gotten along much today, so the news was almost funny. He ended up irking her when he downplayed Remy's absence, but she supposed he barely knew Remy and had no reason to care. She did not have a reason to convince him to or fight with him over it, so she let it go. "This is news to me. When is this going down?"

Trotter's parting words against Nikolaus were harsh, but he had always been harder on the two of them and especially Niko. He was probably as used to him as she was. Angel sighed and hopped up to shut the door when Niko had gestured to do so. She leaned against the nearby wall as he started telling them his news. "Billiards?" Angel repeated in disbelief but didn't add anything until he was done talking. The crazed vampire, who caged families and harvested their blood, decided to play some pool in the middle of the day. That story did not add up to her; he had to be up to something bad. The way Nikolaus then referred to the girl Alexander was dallying with as this human made her feel like he did not see himself as one of them. Angel frowned but she had considered it a lot over time. Whatever had been done to change them, had it made them less human?

When he was done with his story, the constant beeping of the heart monitor became more noticeable. She glanced toward it, wondering why he was still nervous. "Do you want us to unplug that?" Angel asked and then nodded to his question."Yeah I'm good. You're the one we should be asking."She replied. She studied his face a moment, deciding to fish for more information. "So. You're usually well-behaved. You go out today, run into Drake, and get ambushed immediately. What did you do to piss him off or was it because you told Drake he has stupid hair? Heard he's sensitive about that." It was probably all of course due to being the son of Trotter that Nikolaus had gotten ambushed. Angel once in a while had gotten ambushed at night since she was pretty good at getting vampires vengeful, but she had yet to directly anger Drake himself, which was her ultimate goal.

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location: Cave a mile from Roshmi

"No, no."Risa had replied in regard to Artemis's inquisition. "We're just not too far from Roshmi yet, I think it's best we keep moving and maybe stop in the River Kingdom tonight a moment before going to that port town. We could probably make quick haste if you take to the river and I take to the sky?" Risa wanted to change out of the gown and perhaps check on the state of the River Kingdom. Being that she could fly quicker than on foot and Artemis could swim, they could make it to the River Kingdom by tonight and still make it to the port town by the end of the following day.

Time: Evening --> Morning
Location: Roshmi Hall

"Paid for them?"Malachi repeated to Belladonna and shook his head. "They're from a birds' nest. They seemed to be in just the right development for consumption." He was wary of all of the other two and ad been up quite early. He nodded back to the male and watched as he and the white creature had left. He consumed his eggs and gave some to Belladonna in the meantime. Once they had returned with rabbits, "Names?"He asked them. They wouldn't have much time to reply, however, for the sound of scuttling made him grab his bow and get to his feet. Giant spiders were emerging from the woods. "Oh disgusting."He grumbled and immediately strung an arrow to his bow. Imbuing it with light, he sent one straight for the closest one. The light briefly lit up the cave. He went to work immediately preparing his next.

Posting interest. Would a pious young woman who is constantly haunted be an appropriate entry? She would probably be a witch, but somewhat unwilling and unaware of her role in the workings. She just wants to have peace and feel clean again, but at this point the hauntings are so bad that she is forced to face them head on just in an attempt to get her life back.

That’s the pitch. I’ll write a full app if you like it. :)

That would be fine!
Cooking up an app... Could I get a fresh discord invite, perhaps? Even the one from a few days ago now says expired for me.

Bump :)

Location:Operation Humanity

Angel had been focused on hearing what was being said between the father and son when Sean crept up on her, so she had jumped in reaction, startled. She glanced at him as she regained her composure, answering, "I don't know what even happened to be honest. Trying to get the four-one-one now." After stepping to the side, she gestured for him to join in on eavesdropping. "I know you are pretty straight-edge and all, but you're welcome to listen for yourself."

However, it did not seem to even be necessary for Sean to press his ear to the door as the conversation became loud in volume quite fast. She caught on to that Nikolaus had also gone off-grounds today and had run into Drake. Angel made a face at that idea. She had snuck off so much in the last year and the art gallery had been the only time she had ever run into that thing. Nikolaus snuck out finally for whatever reason and easily came across him in a personal setting.

She focused more intently as she heard her name get mumbled. Nikolaus was luckily nice and clear for her to understand. Trotter was blaming her and Remy, which was no surprise. They had become the go-to scapegoats of the HQ. At every school, when a fire alarm would go off, one kid's name always would arise to mind as the culprit in everyone's head. Angel and Remy were those kids here. What was surprising was Nikolaus's defense of them and that he apparently wasn't even allowed near her. It got better the more Nikolaus went on, especially when he finally told him to go screw himself.

It's about time someone said it.

Trotter replied predictably, the point of Nikolaus's words flying above his head like a game of monkey-in-the-middle. The subject at hand didn't matter: this was just a frustrated son wanting his father to be his father and a father who wanted his son to be his perfect soldier regardless of what the son actually wanted. Angel wished she could knock sense into Trotter. She would have given anything to keep her father alive and in her life, and he hadn't been perfect either. Her father had put similarly too much expectations on Noah and the two often butted heads, but she knew from Noah's expression as they had sat in that cage that he would have done anything to hear their dad's voice again. If either of the two knew what it was like to lose each other for good, this conversation would had never happened.

Angel let go of her thoughts before it became too much of a trip down memory lane. She listened as the man tried to give up on the conversation and cut it off on the point that Niko was covering for Angel, which she did not understand why he thought Nikolaus would put that much effort into her. The two barely talked anymore and she figured he wouldn't care whether or not she got in trouble.

”Blame Angel one more time...and I will make sure that the trip to Alexei’s look like a fucking field trip.”

"Yow... Wow. Okay." Angel reacted in shock and looked at Sean as the situation got worse, escalating to Nikolaus comparing Trotter to Drake. "He's a dead man." She said, only exaggerating a little. Trotter always got heated when it came to Drake, the two being as sworn enemies as Batman and Joker. Angel had to wonder if Nikolaus was suicidal making this type of move. She clenched her fists and said to Sean, "Okay. I'm doing it. You can have my laptop if I die."

Angel pushed open the door and moved over to the bedside to sit on it. Her first impulse was to meddle and give Trotter an earful, but the sound of Nikolaus's rising blood pressure convinced her to just change the topic. She also decided at that moment to not reveal she had been eavesdropping."Remy's missing." She proclaimed. This was important and an emergency anyhow.

Apparently, the statement was a conversation killer. The room got real quiet. She wondered if Sean was going to barge in too; it would definitely make things less awkward for her. Nikolaus finally spoke up and she glanced at him. He was badly bruised and looked like he had most definitely bruised up his rib. Her gaze traveled to the blood on the floor and then back up at him. Her expression softened, but she couldn't find the words to express what she felt. Nikolaus was arguably a better fighter than she was; he had to have been ambushed badly.

Trotter cleared his throat to get their attention and asked, "When was the last time you saw her?"

She glanced backward at him, "This morning. She went to the dump and I went to go pick her up and she wasn't there. Came back here this afternoon and haven't seen her here since. I know you chipped us so go track her." Her tone got rather intense without her necessarily meaning for it to. The idea of Remy being gone put her on edge and as had listening to that argument.

"Don't take that tone with me, Angel. You two are not to leave the headquarters. I will look into Remy's location immediately. I need to have a meeting with you two later regarding what your privileges here are. Let this be a lesson that you cannot just go about the town as others can. You are gifted, like it or not and they will target you. "He stated, turning away from them as he spoke. Angel had rolled her eyes at his first statement, but she picked up on pretty quickly that Trotter himself seemed even more on edge after hearing that Remy was missing. She glanced toward the door, and perhaps that was her mistake as he followed her gaze and noticed Sean.

"Mr. Stone. Care to join us? Impeccable timing. You will watch that these two remain put tonight. Notify me immediately otherwise." Trotter addressed Sean, turning to face the doorway.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location: Cave a mile from Roshmi

Risa awoke with a jolt, to which the bear she was laying against also jolted, causing her to fall back on the cave floor with a groan. The female bear grunted and nudged her. "I'm okay sweetheart." She said and gently petted her. She felt a nostalgic deja-vu and felt a new wave of sadness crash over her. The events of last night surfaced in her mind and she glanced at Artemis briefly before scrambling to her feet. She walked outside hesitantly to glance up at the sun's position. It was still early thankfully.

Everything felt like a bad dream.

The chirping birds and sunny atmosphere just didn't mix with the night before.

The pretty princess from before was unrecognizable with messy hair and a dirty gown. But most of all was her hopeful expression was replaced with a depressed one and her clenched fists were now shaking with fear. Just as the sadness seemed to be getting too much to bear, the memory that had given her nostalgia resurfaced.

Her brother's face looking down at her from above as he tried to fetch her from the clutches of bears. She smiled a little and looked backward at the bear that was staring at her from behind. "I can't give up so soon." She said softly.

She glanced around until she spotted a bird and cooed it over to ask for an update on her friends. The little hummingbird told her that Kyran and Elsea were both safe with others. Dionaea not being a name to brought up with the other two hurt her heart but it was so relieving to hear the other two were okay. She knew she'd see them again. The bird filled her in that the plan had worked and others were moving toward the port. However, the bad news was that Roshmi was in martial law and the people were being terrorized. Risa swallowed hard. She knew that might be a consequence and that was a heavy feeling. Was she doing the right thing? She wasn't sure she even recognized herself.

Just over a week ago, she was part of a playful duo of female fairies that just wanted to help the new incoming heroes make the world a better place. This last day not being attached to the hip with Dionaea felt foreign to her. She couldn't believe this would be the rest of her life.

She shut her eyes and took a deep breath. Risa could not go down this track of sadness in her mind. She needed to unearth herself from the melancholy; there was no time for it. "I just wish you were here with me, Dio." Risa whispered.

"But I am with you, Risa!"

Risa's eyes snapped open with shock as a little spider hanging down on a string of web spoke up. She stared down at it with surprise.
She had never been good at conversation with bugs. That had been level only Dionaea could reach.

"I'll always be with you... Even if you can't see me!"

Tears filled her eyes as she realized what was happening and gently kissed her finger, then just barely brushed it on the spider.
Dionaea, knowing her impending doom, would take the time to pass a message to soothe Risa knowing her kindness. But there was a truth in it that brought Risa much-needed comfort. Those she had lost were really with her all along, in spirit and in her heart.

Risa moved back into the cave, "Artemis, please wake up. I'm sorry, but we need to move as early as possible."

Time: Evening --> Morning
Location: Roshmi Hall

Malachi shook his head in reply to the man. "I haven't seen the sort." He had given more help than he had been willing and wasn't sure he could trust the duo. Dark elves would be swarming the area, arresting anyone associated with the situation at any moment now. "Roshmi is no longer safe." He told them all then glanced at Belle, who he had exchanged names with in passing, while the fairy had been healing the creature. "I am going to take my daughter away from her and go into the woods for tonight. I suggest you do the same." He took Belladonna's hand and began moving into the woods. If the other two followed, be as it may. He just wanted to find safety for the young woman. Hopefully, Kenia had gotten Rei and Corvina out of here already.

He escorted Belladonna, and perhaps the other two, into the woods, sneaking them through an exit point in the gates a few rebels had taken over. He had them walk a good five miles out for the next few hours before finding a safe area to make camp and sleep.

Malachi had only slept a few hours with his uneasiness and had been up earliest. The day was ironically kinda lovely. He had let Belladonna sleep in and spent some time collecting eggs for breakfast. She'd need her energy for today. He leaned up against the tree as he awaited eggs to be cooked over a small campfire, figuring the smell and crackling fire would be a gentle awakening.

@FunnyGuy Says the Discord link is invalid. Would you be able to get me, another link? :O

Leave for work in an hour and a half, but will be back a little late tonight. XD

Hello we are looking for more supernatural creatures to join our roleplay c: A new morning has just started and we currently have ten players. Many players have gone inactive. Witches are highly recommended.

GM:Princess CO-GM: FunnyGuy

Time:Noon --> 4pm
Location:Operation Humanity HQ

Shay had not been keen to give up much information, but Angel saw through her act. She knew there was something she could get out of her, but being that Angel was not sure what the witch was capable of and also empathized with her spot, she'd let it go for now. It was only so long ago that people had tried to badger her for information after she was fresh from a traumatic situation. Trotter would display her head on a stick outside the HQ if she did not get back before noon. She ended up dropping Shay off at Holiday Inn with some money and told her to call her if she needed help. Angel also called her a bitch for not telling her anything but that's besides the point.

Angel had driven by the dump with intent to pick up Remy, but did not see her anywhere. She knew it was very possible Remy got a ride home, yet she felt her stomach sink. Texting and calling Remy had no result. She texted Sean asking if Remy was at the HQ before continuing her journey back. Angel immediately moved to Remy's bedroom, peaking inside. Still, no Remy. Angel chewed her lip but figured she could take care of herself wherever she was off to. She was more resourceful than anyone she had ever seen. She knew they'd question her on it and wrestled with the idea of covering for her as the two had always done for each other. It had only been noon anyway.

For the hour after that, Angel threw herself into running on the track. She felt like hurling afterward, but immediately threw herself into weight training to keep avoiding growing apprehension. Then she practiced her swordskills. Others in the room noticed she was a bit more vicious today and had cleared out the space nearby her. After a shower and change of clothes, she was then running out of distractions. It was 4pm.

She found herself pacing in the hallway, dressed in a tank top and black sweatpants. Trotter suddenly bolted out of his office as she was idly procrastinating going in to talk to him. Angel froze up in surprise, expecting to be yelled at for going off the premises, but he did not even notice her. The man started moving with a vengeance in the other direction.

He was pissed off at someone other than her? It was a miracle.

Angel let him go a bit ahead before following him curiously. He was heading to the infirmary. The guy was going to go yell at sick people. He never ceased to keep surprising her with new and fun ways to become more of an asshole. She leaned against the wall once he went inside a room.


Yup. Trotter was going to tear him a new one by the judge of his tone.

Nikolaus was one of the other few experiments. He was a bit older than her but closer in age to her than most of the hunters. They had got on well as kids but he had gotten more serious and weird over the years and she had isolated herself for her own reasons. They talked and trained still but it was all business between them now. Still, the thought of him being hurt brought back a nostalgic feeling, and she could not help but need to know what was going on. She moved herself closer to the room to eavesdrop. Besides, whether she liked it or not, she needed to talk to Trotter and tell him Remy was missing possibly.

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