Avatar of Qia


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2 days ago
Current What a blessing in disguise honestly.
22 days ago
Baby blue toes....na dat boi weird.
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28 days ago
Can't say I relate to that experience.
28 days ago
Not gonna lie. Drop kick has to be one of my favourite words. Top 3. xD
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1 mo ago
The least you can do is pm me the link to this rp. Come on now. =/


Hi, Qia here <3. I'm a gamer and RP fan just looking to have a good time.

Most Recent Posts

Hi new, nice to meet you :P
This looks interesting....if anyone is free to join?
Interacts with @Pezz570@Ponn

Orion found himself enchanted by Lunella's description of moon flowers. Her gentle and soothing voice painted a vivid picture of these delicate, silvery-blue blossoms that thrived under the light of the three moons. The notion of moonlight absorption, leading to a soft, ethereal silvery-blue radiance, had a mesmerizing quality that transported him to a world of natural wonders. The mention of lunar butterflies and their ethereal aura, especially during the fullness of Luminara, The Lunacy Moon, added to the enchantment. It felt like he was there, watching the moon flowers and lunar butterflies create a symphony of light and nature, a blessing from Luminara herself.

When the conversation shifted to the looming elemental threat, Orion's admiration for Lunella grew even more. Her deep understanding of celestial forces and their connection to elemental balance was evident in her astute observations. Her readiness to stand by his side was a source of reassurance and a testament to her commitment to maintaining the elemental balance. Her serene presence definitely served as a calming influence amidst the growing tension.

As for Quincy, Orion observed the unfolding drama with fascination and concern. Quincy's whimsical reactions to the situation and his eccentric behaviour cast doubt on the gravity of the accusations against him. However, the fire tamer took a moment to contemplate the complex dynamics at play. It was clear that Quincy's reputation had preceded him, and the consequences of his previous actions still lingered in the minds of those who recognized him.

Quincy's disconnection from the seriousness of the situation became even more evident when he extended his Oneiric Gauge in an attempt to measure Elara's dreamscape. This peculiar gesture only seemed to add to the confusion and frustration of those around them.

As Orion continued to observe the unfolding scene, the silence from Marshal Elara, though tinged with skepticism, gave an impression of tacit acceptance regarding Quincy's unorthodox approach. It became evident that in this surreal and bewildering scenario, Quincy's peculiar abilities, combined with Ennui's grounding influence, had inadvertently provided an unusual yet effective solution to the current predicament.

Even though Quincy's whimsical antics had provided a brief respite, the weight of the impending Abyssal threat bore down on the group, unwavering in its severity. The unease that had gripped the townsfolk persisted, evident in the hushed conversations and nervous glances exchanged among the crowd. Orion's gaze gravitated back to the looming presence of the Abyssal creatures, his demeanour growing graver by the moment. "Let us not be distracted by momentary levity," he emphasized, his words infused with a sense of urgency. "We have a grave task before us, my friends. The arrival of these Abyssal creatures is surely no mere coincidence."
@Click This, @Crusader Lord, @Hammerman, @Qia

Well... It's been over two weeks now, and no new IC posts at all. I realize that having Laynea leave you guys in the forest was a bad idea, but the benefit of hindsight is only available after a mistake sadly. But more importantly, I think I'll be closing this story down - unless you guys yourselves wanna keep running it. I'll leave that decision up to you all, but for my part, I feel unmotivaed and unenthused about keeping this going.

Apologies for not being a better GM and giving you all more direction and guidance in matters.

As I said, if any of you want to keep going with this, please just let me know in a PM or VM or something, and I'll make one/some/all of you Co-GM so you can keep running this RP on your own.

For what its worth, I had fun with you all so long as it lasted, and I hope you all have fun in whichever future RPs you decide to join. :)

You did your best, and hope you're not too down on yourself as rping tends to be two way street anyway :). thank you for your time and for sharing your creativity with us with this story! On my end, I'd be totally down to join another one of your rps!
Interacts with @Pezz570@Ponn

Orion appreciated Lunella's gracious and polite demeanour. Her words, spoken with sincerity, resonated with him as he felt the weight of his quest and the prophecy upon his shoulders.

"Thank you, Lunella," Orion replied with a nod and a warm smile. "Your kind words and well-wishes mean a lot to me. I hope the moon's light guides us all in our endeavours."

He observed the interaction between Quincy and Lunella with curiosity, noting their peculiar tea-drinking habits. When Lunella offered her gentle suggestion regarding the tea's temperature, Orion couldn't help but admire her considerate nature. It revealed a kind-hearted disposition that resonated with him and reminded him of the importance of thoughtfulness and empathy, qualities that were often tested on his perilous quest.

When the girl shared her love for moon flowers and the enchanting glow of lunar butterflies, Orion's fiery eyes seemed to light up with interest. "Moonflowers and their luminescent visitors sound fascinating," he remarked. "I'd love to hear more about them and perhaps even see them one day."

As Ennui guided the conversation toward the matter of their quest for a new home and the loss they'd experienced, Orion's expression shifted from interest to empathy. The mention of their old home and the sorrow that clouded Ennui's voice struck a chord with him. It was a feeling he knew well, the weight of duty and loss, but it also gave him a sense of purpose.

"The elemental threat we face is the return of a great fire elemental, a force of cataclysmic power that has been dormant for centuries. Legends foretell that its resurgence will not be contained within the Elemental Enclave alone, but will cascade into the world, unleashing untold chaos and destruction."

He paused, allowing the gravity of the situation to sink in. "This elemental entity, known as the 'Inferno Tyrant,' yearns for dominion over all elemental planes, seeking to disrupt the delicate balance that keeps our worlds in harmony. It is an embodiment of unrestrained fire, capable of incinerating entire realms with its fury."

Orion's voice took on a sombre tone as he continued, "As an Elemental Savant, it is my duty to thwart the Inferno Tyrant's return and prevent the elemental upheaval it would bring. That's why I journey beyond the Elemental Enclave now."

Before he could add more, however, the once-festive square suddenly thrummed with tension under the Dreamer's Moon. Orion took notice of some approaching Abyssal creatures, their ominous presence causing the crowd around them to grow increasingly unsettled. Orion himself felt a palpable sense of dread in the air, a feeling that gnawed at the edges of his consciousness and raised the hairs on his skin.

And, in the midst of this ominous setting, Marshal Elara appeared just as suddenly, her no-nonsense demeanour asserting authority and control.

As she focused her attention on Quincy and his company, Orion remained calm and composed, observing the unfolding situation with keen interest. When Marshal Elara recognized Quincy, her demeanour shifted from urgency to exasperation. Orion sensed a history between them, a complex relationship marked by caution and suspicion.

Elara's warning about Quincy's untrustworthiness was met with silence from Orion. He wasn't quick to judge, preferring to let events and actions speak for themselves. However, as Elara delved into stories of Quincy's past and the turmoil he had caused, Orion's curiosity deepened. The tale of driving King Arion mad and the repercussions it had on the Harmonious Archipelago intrigued him, but he remained composed and watchful.

When Elara turned her stern gaze toward Quincy and demanded an explanation for his actions, Orion focused his attention on him. He understood that this was a critical moment, and Quincy would need to account for the chaos he had inadvertently sown in Nexustead, especially in the face of the impending Abyssal threat. Orion was ready to listen and gauge Quincy's response as the Dreamweaver began to explain himself...
If any of you would like to brainstorm anything together let me know :) back from my vacay and feeling refreshed!

Aria's agreement with Cecelia's sentiment was silently expressed through a nod. However, the prospect of lugging around severed rat parts was far from appealing, and the sensation of their macabre nature sent shivers down her spine. The moon sailor warrior hesitated to voice her reluctance, hoping that one of her companions would offer to shoulder the unsettling task instead. It wasn't just the gruesome nature of the items that gave her pause really; it was the reminder of the perilous situation they now found themselves in, forced to consider how these gruesome trophies might be their only means of survival in this unfamiliar realm.

"We should try to get the gems or something like the tails as well before we go. Less stuff that way.

So instead of hauling all of this crap, I'll do the dirty work."

"Thank you, Charlotte," Aria said with genuine gratitude in her voice. The moon sailor warrior then offered to assist in the process. While she had no desire to carry the nasty thing, she could at least make things easier for the other girl.

"I can help you search for these 'gems.' Let's try to make this as efficient as possible," she said as she began to examine the ratmen's remains, delicately probing for any valuable items that might have survived the skirmish.

“Not necessarily. It’s possible there are smaller towns, establishments, or even a market outside the city walls,” Cecilia pointed out, drawing on her historical knowledge. “I’m sure there will be ample opportunities to get some kind of money or accommodation before the gates…”

In contrast to her unnerved feeling from before, Aria couldn't help but sigh in relief at the prospect of smaller towns or markets being outside the city walls. It was a reminder that, in unknown lands, possibilities were endless, and if one path was blocked, another might yet lead them to their answers.

There was absolutely nothing to panic about, right?
Interacts with @Pezz570@Ponn@Crimson Flame

As Orion's analytical mind assessed the situation, he couldn't help but appreciate the eccentricity of it all. The elemental realms had always been a place of mysticism and wonder, and this encounter seemed no exception. He nodded in acknowledgment as Lunella offered her greetings, and with a hint of intrigue, he joined in Quincy's imaginative toast. It was not often that he found himself in such a unique company after all, and he recognized the value in embracing the unexpected despite the rough introduction.

With his fiery temper momentarily suppressed, Orion decided to introduce himself to their newfound friends. "I am Orion, a fire Elementalist from the Emberflare enclave," he said, his voice carrying the weight of his responsibilities and the gravitas of his mission. "I have ventured beyond our Elemental Enclave in search of answers and allies to prevent a looming elemental threat."

Orion's gaze shifted to the rubber duck for a moment, a rare hint of amusement dancing in his ember-like eyes. "It seems the elemental planes are full of surprises, even the most whimsical ones," he remarked, acknowledging the absurdity with a wry smile. This encounter was a stark departure from his solemn quest that was for sure, and he couldn't help but relish the moment of levity it offered. though temporary.

Quincy's question about potted plants drew Orion's attention then, even though it wasn't directed at him. The fiery elementalist raised an eyebrow, considering the query. "Potted plants can be quite fascinating, I suppose," he replied with a hint of curiosity. "Though I've always been more drawn to the elemental spirits of fire and the vast expanses of molten lava. But I appreciate the beauty of all aspects of the elemental realms." His response conveyed his deep connection to the elemental forces he wielded and his unwavering loyalty to the Emberflare enclave.
must have been some week xD unless you're Canadian and have a long weekend like myself :P Today feels like the Sunday

As Laynea vanished into the dense forest, Aria exchanged glances with her companions. The feeling of being left to fend for themselves in this unfamiliar realm was unsettling. She couldn't help but wonder what they had gotten themselves into. Sayu's proposition to hand over the mana gems in exchange for guidance had seemed like a reasonable idea, a way to secure their passage into the city, but now it felt like an opportunity missed- at least for now. The moon sailor warrior glanced in the direction that their newfound guide had pointed, gulping at the idea of getting lost in these woods.

Hopefully, it really is a straight path to get out of here...

Sayu sighed, looking at the others. "I suppose we should take her advice…"

"I don't think we have much of a choice," Aria replied," at least once we're in the city we can learn more about this place and how to get back home, hopefully."

The girl paused then, her eyes widening in realization.

"W-wait a second. If we need money to get into the city but need to be in the city to get money then how the hell do we get into the city!" Aria rambled, grabbing her head in frustration. Her mind whirred with frustration as the paradox of their situation sank in. She felt like a rat in a maze, trapped in an endless loop of impossibilities. It was maddening, the way the conundrum had them trapped in a seemingly unbreakable cycle.

"Do you think she'd be nice enough to...pay for us?"

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