Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

@Sep I know people have driven you crazy with this question but...

Is the OOC going up soon?

I may or may not be working on it right now.

Midgard was once a world with Pantheons upon Pantheons, more Gods than many other worlds combined. The small, seemingly insignificant rock adrift in space a nexus point for various realms to come together. Over time some faded into obscurity, others left the realm altogether. While others continued to play with their influence on the world, subtly interacting with the world according to their grand design. This is not the tale of one such God. This is the tale of…

Previously: Thors new boy band


The grassy hill of Stonehenge was the home of several miracles that day. Mere minutes after the sky had erupted in an array of rainbow coloured light, two more blips of energy flashed around the ancient stone circle. The two costumed teenagers, Wiccan and Changeling stepped out amongst the gathered crowd of tourists.

I guess this is one place off the bucket list.” Changeling smiled, giving an awkward wave towards the flash of cellphones and gawking eyes around them. Unfortunately, out of the two of them, most of the attention around them seemed to be directed towards him, largely due to the fact his skin currently matched the vibrant green of the grass beneath them. Hushed voices hung in the air around, questioning if this being was someone like the Hulk, or Martian Manhunter.

Just wish we were visiting the UK under very different circumstances.” Wiccan mumbled to himself, running his hand through his hair as he took in the scenery around him. His eyes stopped ahead of them, where a red cloak billowed out dramatically from an imposing figure. He gulped, his hand beginning to shake slightly.

Changeling had caught sight of him too now, his green face forming a smile. He hadn’t noticed how Wiccan was reacting yet. “D’you think he’ll let me take a selfie?

Wiccan managed a smile at the thought.

Maybe he’ll do one better and make you an Avenger.” Wiccan teased, before pulling his boyfriend ahead with him into the centre of the circle.

Thor was stood among the tourists and the tour guide. He turned to look at outside the circle of admirers as he heard a soft noise and he noticed that the hushed tones were changing, two figures breaking through the crowd. One nearly as tall as him and as green as a troll, however, his features were much softer like that of a teenage boy. Beside him a figure wearing a red billowing cloak. Thor stepped towards them. “Greetings Noble ones! Are you here to lead me to Avalon?”

The two jumped ever so slightly as he spoke, star-struck by the Avenger’s godly presence. He was even more imposing in person than they had imagined, despite the jovial expression beautifully carved into his face.

Their throats grew dry as they looked between themselves, pondering what he had asked.

What’s… er…” Changeling’s voice cracked as he spoke. He hoped Thor was kind enough not to notice. “What’s Avalon?

The King Arthur place?” Wiccan offered, questioningly. The confidence in his answer wavered after his boyfriend raised an eyebrow in confusion at this seemingly new knowledge. “It was in a PC game, okay?

Thor looked between them as they talked among themselves, a confused look crossing his face before a look of realisation. “PC Game- AH! One of the mortals digicomputer devices. Tony Stark talks often about such things. I myself am fond of the electronic letter. Although I never seem to receive them.” He cleared his throat slightly. “Alas, noble ones you must come before me for another reason. Speak now, what may I do for you?”

Wiccan gulped slightly. It was now or never. He glanced up at his partner’s smiling face, who gestured him forwards, encouragingly. Nodding, he spoke.

They call me uh.. I go by Wiccan.” He was stammering now; overthinking his words. Somehow he thought this would’ve been easier. “Me and Changeling here, we’ve been trying to fight crime”.

Teddy chimed in, pointing towards Thor. “Like you and the Avengers

Er right, Yeah. We thought we were mutants. I can like... wish for things to happen. Warp reality i guess.” Glancing around, he quickly bent to pluck a small trodden daisy from the grass below. He held his hand open before him, the dying flower laying in his palm, before repeatedly mumbling one of the before mentioned wishes under his breath. As he willed it to grow, it followed, with the green of its stem growing more vibrant, and the petals blooming until they looked as good as new. He gave the god an awkward smile. “See?

Letting out a small awkward laugh, he continued. “Anyway, yesterday something really weird happened. This, like, big golden man appeared and told me I was some kind of god. He called me… the Demiurge. I know this is probably really stupid and not worth your time, but-

Changeling stepped forward in support, placing a hand on Wiccan’s shoulder. “We thought you might be able to help. Given your uh… godness.

Thor smiled at Wiccan as he stepped forward, lowering one of his hands and lifting the daisy out of Wiccans hands as it recovered. Only half paying attention to what the boy was saying. “Power of the Green-” He looked up as Wiccan started to talk about a Big Golden Man. There were many beings of power who could fit this description however more importantly there was the big namedrop. Demiurge. His focus solely on the magic one now he twirled the flower in his hands before placing it gently on the ground, the rejuvenated flower grasping the ground and growing roots as the magic still flowed through it.

“I heard stories that the Demiurge would one day return to Midgard however I had not believed it.” Thor nodded to himself as he stood up from monitoring the daisy. “Our fates are intertwined it would seem”

Wiccan inhaled, the nails of his now clenched fists pressing dangerously into his palms. Hearing confirmation from Thor just made it all seem real. His heart was pounding now, yet all he could do was nod. He knew he must’ve looked stupid, yet he couldn’t find the willpower to do anything more. After what felt like an eternity in his head, he finally spoke.

What… what does that mean?” His voice was shaky now. “Is this bad?

Thor walked forward and gave Wiccan a clap on the back, which was likely too forceful before turning his back to him and looking back at the circle of stones. “It is only bad if you wish it to be.” He shrugged before turning back around.[color=#a4c2f4] [b]“Truly friend Wiccan, if this is true then you have a difficult path ahead of you. Tell me, what do you know of the Demiurge?”[/color][/b]

Struggling slightly to regain his footing, Wiccan continued. “Not much… He said the Demiurge was the life force of the Universe. Wikipedia kind of said the same thing.” He laughed nervously as he spoke. Thor’s words had eased him somewhat, yet he could still hear his heart thundering against his ribs. “The gold guy said he had to train me until i was ready for something.

“I know not if the Demiurge is the Life Force of the universe however it is for a fact the Life Force that gave birth to the Elder Gods of Earth, such as Gaia. If you lead me to Avalon I shall take you to her, she may have some answers for you.”

The response raised an even greater amount of questions for Wiccan. It seemed the Demiurge was more than just a god. And on top of that there was the newfound worry that he potentially had a horde of children out there. Despite his worries of his potential fatherhood, he was glad to finally have some kind of direction at least. If the god of thunder didn’t have the answers, then maybe Mother Nature herself would.

Thank you.. Uh.. Mr Thor. I genuinely really appreciate this.” He smiled, his body shaking a lot less now, before glancing around at the stone arches around them. “But I don’t really know much at all about this Avalon place. Especially how to get there.

Thor cast a sincere smile towards the boy in red. It was one thing to grow up knowing of one's destiny and godliness, but to have it thrust upon you was a great undertaking. There was still a chance that the boy was not the Demiurge, but it was not his place to say one way or the other. “It is simply Thor. As for Avalon-”

Is there, like, a big stone door somewhere here for us to burst open?” Changeling chimed in, trying to be helpful.

Thor chuckled at the green boy's suggestion. “If it were but a test of strength, I would be capable. Nay-” He turned to walk back into stonehenge. “-the door used to be here. It was easy to break through, now it seems that they don’t wish to have visitors. It would take a powerful mage to break through.” Thor looked at Wiccan with a raised eyebrow. “There should be magical energies all around here, if you can tune into them it should be a simple case of following them to the door.”

Wiccan followed his gaze around the stone circle as he spoke, nodding understandably, yet it was clear from his expression that he had doubts. It sounded so easy when Thor said it. But how would he even start to do that? And even if he did, what if it didn’t work? What if everyone had been wrong about him.

He jumped slightly as Changeling leaned in closer, moving his hand into Wiccan’s, before squeezing it affectionately.

You can do this Billy.” The sound coming from his green lips was barely a whisper, yet it was all Wiccan could hear right now.

Nodding affirmingly now, he moved forward, stepping amongst the pillars around them all. His hand passed slowly over the cold stone. Outwardly, there didn’t seem to be anything particular about them. They were just huge chunks of rock. But they couldn’t be. They had to be more.

Breathing in slowly, he closed his eyes, reaching out with his open hand once more. Pushing his anxieties aside temporarily, he tried to concentrate, willing every brain cell he could into action. He thought about what Thor had said. About the life force the Demiurge potentially wielded. And then, just before he decided to give up, he finally felt someone other than stone. It was merely just a twinkle of a feeling at first, yet as he delved closer, it began to feel more familiar. It was like a feeling of comfort. A feeling of love and warmth. A feeling of life.

Pushing deeper, he found that feeling take shape. Sprawling forests of luscious green sprouted before him in his mind. Fantastical structures peaked through the treelines, as colossal castles and palaces came into place. Plains of flowers and grass stretched along the land, filled with all sorts of creatures and life. Wiccan knew in a heartbeat what this was. The Kingdom of Avalon.

Yet despite the electrifying atmosphere of adventure and magic that Wiccan could feel in this image, he found something blocking it. A thin veil of energy, like a pane of glass, stopping him from going any further. He frowned for a moment, before the realization hit him. He stood firm before the shimmering wall of light, before placing the palm of his hand against it.

Opening his eyes, he found himself back within the stone circle, standing directly in front of one of the empty stone arches. Despite not being able to see it, he could still feel the barrier of energy against his outstretched hand. Ignoring the questioning looks of those around him, he began to make a wish.


A loud hum rang in the air around Stongehenge as the wind began to rage. Then, as quickly as it began, the grassy hill fell silent once more. The archway before Wiccan was empty no more, the space now taken up by a wall of blackness that seemed to stretch back into eternity.

As a feeling of pride swelled within him, Wiccan turned toward his two companions, gesturing towards the gateway. “The Kingdom of Avalon awaits.

Thor gave Wiccan a slap on the back as the portal opened. “Huzzah! Good job young mage. Even if you are not the Demiurge you have great power and I would be honoured to stand by your side one day in battle.” Thor walked towards the portal, unclipping Mjolnir from his belt and holding it out he pushed it slowly into the portal. Satisfied that the portal was actually open he turned back to Wiccan and Changeling smiling before stepping through the portal. Unlike the Bifrost where you merely stood enjoying the ride through the cosmos, meanwhile in this portal Thor felt himself twist and turn lurching as he fell head over heel again and again.

Disorientated but not deterred, as he saw the other side of the portal rapidly approaching he twisted his torso to ensure that as he left the portal he was still left standing on his feet. Finding himself in a meadow, very similar to the one Stonehenge had occupied but instead of the entire site there was only the doorway. The countryside however was more or less identical, if anything it was merely a bit greener than the one they left behind, and the sun was shining a lot more. Thor inhaled deeply, the air had a sweetness and a freshness that didn’t exist on Asgard. Now all he had to do was wait for the two young heroes.

He didn’t have to wait long however, with the portal surging into life moments later as the red-cloaked Wiccan stumbled into the meadow after him. He hung onto the stone doorway feebly, obviously dizzied by the teleportation, as he tried to regain his footing. Rubbing his forehead, he finally moved his eyes up towards his surroundings, taking the world around him in, a dazed expression of awe plastered over his face.

That was until he froze, his mouth ajar in a state of shock.

I was the last one to go through...” He uttered, focussing on Thor. “Where the hell is Teddy?!
@Yam I Am TCW is canon and that episode was released quite recently. Rex only managed to give Ahsoka the clues she needed to remove the chips due to information very few people possessed.

The very few instances I've seen were not long after the order was first given, notably when the clones found a jedi survivor so had a second too think. If its done well I'm not above it.
How many people are you taking? I appear to be very late to this party.

Honestly haven't decided yet. More than I usually do since people are going to start wherever they want at different variations of isolation.

Look at me playing force sensitive characters, what growth amiright? @Sep

Would have thought you woulda went a friend of the Jedi 😉

Question, since it says you can play as a friend to the Order. Could I play as a clone commando that defied Order 66?

I'm gonna have to say no to this since there's no evidence of a clone receiving order 66 and disobeying it. It made sense in legends where it was just an order but the control chip adds new depth too it. There are cases of Clones hunting Jedi after who managed to defy the order. So down the line there could be possibility for clones. If you can find a canonical (not legends) example other than legends feel free to prove me wrong.

I didn't get a lot of time yesterday, I was supposed to be off but got called into work so I got a couple of real life things to do today before work but if I were yall I'd expect the Ooc within 48 hours.
Keeping an eye out

Oh hai you. Good too see you
I'll start working on the OOC though it likely won't be much more than what is up above. I'm keeping it simple.

Oh, important question I forgot to ask: Are we gonna be using Legends or Disney lore?

I'm going to follow the Filoni method. Disney Canon but when there's stuff from legends that we want to use that fits you bet we're gonna.

The Clone Wars continue to rage across the Galaxy, the Battle of Coruscant repelled. The Separatists are on the defensive as the Grand Army of the Republic surges with renewed vigour out into the Galaxy. A dark cloud gathers over Coruscant as Grevious is killed by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, a general air of unease spreads throughout the temple as a group of the strongest Jedi Masters in the history of the Republic go to the senate to confront Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. This night will always be remembered in the Galaxy, as the night the Jedi Fell.

A group of Jedi, with no connection to one another, will survive a night unlike any other. Will they survive to meet again? Or are they doomed to wander the galaxy forever?

You the player are a Jedi Knight, Padawan or friend to the Order. Order 66 has been enacted and you have to escape with your life. You must flee, but where will you go, and what will you do? This is for you to decide. One thing is for certain, the Galaxy will never be the same again...

This is a short IntChk, but is there really more to say? If you have a question don't hesitate too ask.

The Clone Wars continue to rage across the Galaxy, the Battle of Coruscant repelled. The Separatists are on the defensive as the Grand Army of the Republic surges with renewed vigour out into the Galaxy. A dark cloud gathers over Coruscant as Grevious is killed by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, a general air of unease spreads throughout the temple as a group of the strongest Jedi Masters in the history of the Republic go to the senate to confront Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. This night will always be remembered in the Galaxy, as the night the Jedi Fell.

A group of Jedi, with no connection to one another, will survive a night unlike any other. Will they survive to meet again? Or are they doomed to wander the galaxy forever?

You the player are a Jedi Knight, Padawan or friend to the Order. Order 66 has been enacted and you have to escape with your life. You must flee, but where will you go, and what will you do? This is for you to decide. One thing is for certain, the Galaxy will never be the same again...

This is a short IntChk, but is there really more to say? If you have a question don't hesitate too ask.

The Clone Wars continue to rage across the Galaxy, the Battle of Coruscant repelled. The Separatists are on the defensive as the Grand Army of the Republic surges with renewed vigour out into the Galaxy. A dark cloud gathers over Coruscant as Grevious is killed by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, a general air of unease spreads throughout the temple as a group of the strongest Jedi Masters in the history of the Republic go to the senate to confront Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. This night will always be remembered in the Galaxy, as the night the Jedi Fell.

A group of Jedi, with no connection to one another, will survive a night unlike any other. Will they survive to meet again? Or are they doomed to wander the galaxy forever?

You the player are a Jedi Knight, Padawan or friend to the Order. Order 66 has been enacted and you have to escape with your life. You must flee, but where will you go, and what will you do? This is for you to decide. One thing is for certain, the Galaxy will never be the same again...

The PURGE of Mandalore

Lady Bo-Katan with help from allies within the Rebel Alliance has reclaimed the Dark-Saber. A weapon that holds significance to the Mandalorian People, for whoever holds the Dark-Saber holds the title of Mandalore. Now together, the great Clans of Mandalore must unite and fight together in order too free their world from the tyranny and oppression of the Empire. Although there is no doubt that the Empire won't give up without a fight...

Really there isn't much more to say about this. Empire is in control of Mandalore. Mandalorians no likey (for the most part). Mandalorians fight back, shenanigans ensue. This will take part in Disney-Continuity with ties to both the Mandalorian TV show, Rebels and Clone Wars. However if any conflicting information is released at a later date we will not go along with it. We will go with what we know at this point.

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