@Silver Carrot @Universorum collab
Featuring: Charity Spencer and Henry Green
Location: The hallway between science and history class.
Time: 10:30 am
Science was not Charity’s subject. She wasn’t even that bad at it. She just disagreed with it on a personal level. She couldn’t argue with what she’d been taught about genes, but the concept of evolution? Unlike most Evangelicals, she was prepared to meet it halfway. Species did mutate and useful mutations did have an advantage against others, but she could not bring herself to believe that all species evolved from single-celled life forms. The bible stated that all the different species were created by god. The bible didn’t state that they can’t have changed or evolved since, but men, fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles and mammals were created separately.
And chemistry and physics were no better. They were human attempts to understand acts of God, and the fact they fundamentally changed their core principles so often in mere hundreds of years just showed in itself how successful these attempts had been. Humans were never meant to understand everything, but they were a proud and greedy race. They drove themselves out of Paradise, so great was their thirst for forbidden knowledge.
Luckily, her next subject was history, one of her best. She was fascinated by it. She considered this to be different than science. You could not discover or uncover history. At worst, you could rediscover it. There was no sin in the thirst for historical knowledge. It made you wiser, and more learned. But first, she had business to attend to. She knew that the juniors had science next from a few times she’d had to stay late and finish an experiment off, so Henry would be making his way in this direction. Charity looked out for him as she slowed down to let other sophomores pass her.
Henry was, pretty much, in a good mood. Sure, shit was going poorly overall, but there was one bright light. One shining star in the distance. Becca was back! Henry could get laid, and he wouldn’t have to stress about going to bed alone — this was an immense positive. Plus, Hana may have sided with the devil, but she’d still made true on her delivery! Butler had give him the stuff, and Henry had drugs. He had drugs, he could have booze if he wanted, and a blowjob was just a text message away.
Life was good.
And then there was only the sweet, sweet cherry of science being his next class. Henry loved science, it
owned. He could make cool explosions, or even cooler glowing shit. Henry loved glowy shit. Would the Helmsleys have plenty of glowy shit at the party tonight? Probably. He trusted them. As he rolled up to the science room, he saw a lone kid standing there. He couldn’t remember her name, but he could remember it was a noun.
Henry chose not to try and say her name, and instead looked down at the girl.
“Hey. You waitin’ for somethin’? Cuz if not you better run on to your next class cuz it's about to get real fuckin’ weird up in this bitch. Your boy’s about to attempt some science.””I was waiting for you, actually,” answered the girl, trying to be fairly discrete.
”I’m Charity Spencer with the school newspaper. I’m supposed to cover the party and I wanted to know, just off the books, how much of the Weekend Warrior’s blog is a lie, and anything she may have missed out.” If Henry put two and two together, he’d see this an opportunity. Every news article had to go through Trixie, it was true, but unexpectedly getting handed platforms like this didn’t happen every day.
“Huh? All of it is a lie, basically. Look, I don’t wanna talk about it with nobody really. Besides, you know what’s gonna happen when you sit down with ol’ Trixie and you say ‘yo, I got this paper, this paper here that I wrote up about Henry and Damian’s party,’” Henry made some motions with his hands to simulate handing something Charity, before he carried on with his rambling,
“then she’s gonna say ‘aight, dope. Who are your sources?’ and you say ‘the man himself, the king, the lord, the GUY, Henry Green and also maybe Damian,’ then Trix is gonna take that paper from you and she’s gonna crumple it up and, KOBE!” Henry pretended to shoot a basketball.
“Right into the fuckin’ trash, my friend. No chance. No read over, no editing, no chance in hell. Bitch hates me. You know I been writin’ these movie reviews since I was a freshman and she’s been stonewallin’ ‘em for just as long? I’ll tell you what. You take my most recent movie review, and you get Trixie to publish it in the next edition of the paper, and I’ll get you everything you want. Me, Damian, Trevor, Owen. The whole fuckin’ shebang. Maybe even Brian. Brian Helmsley, you know the dude? He’s a good dude. Smart dude. Powerful dude. Knows more than I do about shit I done gone and did.” Henry explained, shrugging his shoulders. He wasn’t about to waste his time just to watch that shit get TOSSED. But, he could make a deal.
Charity smiled in gratitude, and held out her hand to shake on it.
”It’s a deal,” she replied,
”I am very thankful to you for this offer. I’ll try my best to get Trixie to come around and start printing your movie reviews, if it means getting your help to write this difficult article.”And with that said, she walked away, to history, but in her head, the gears were already turning. She would try her absolute best to get Trixie to start publishing Henry’s reviews, as she’d made a promise, but she wasn’t very hopeful. Still, Henry had given her a safety net, probably without realising he’d done so, in uttering Brian Helmsley’s name. If her attempts to get Henry’s help fail, she could just go straight for the head of the beast and plead directly to the boy that even Henry Green speaks about like some kind of authority figure.
She also had another option; Damian. She wouldn’t dare try to interview him herself, but she didn’t need to. She knew that Savannah was working on a story about the new football season. Knowing her, she’d have unabashedly interviewed Damian by now. Charity wished she was as good at this journalism thing as her peers instead of being the designated ‘gossip cleaner’ of the school newspaper. Charity could collaborate with Savannah, which may help both of their articles. She made the priority list in her head as she neared History class; ‘1: Try to honor the deal with Henry. 2: Attempt to collaborate with Savannah. 3: Go behind Henry’s back and talk to Brian directly.’ Only use that one in a worst case scenario. It shouldn’t come to that. Charity felt slightly guilty even thinking about it.