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@TheNoCoKid Everyone likes dragons, heh. Also...now I have to make her fall over at least once :p
Dalton: *opens his eyes, looks into a river, clutches his face* "NOOOOO, anything but a FURRY!" *hiccups and "UwUs" on reflex* "AAAAHHHHH!"

My noodle, complaining: "At least you have legs!"

Annoyed muttering: "Ugh! So inconvenient. Taking away one of my best assests, making me crawl?! I'll strangle you when I find you, 'God'!"
I just happened to be checking through to see who's made final decisions on which deity they were picked up by, and happened to notice Dalton's current predicament.

*He grabs Drasil by the collar and shakes him, while pointing at Minami, Sakai, and Samantha with one trembling, sweaty hand*

Dalton: "I don't WANNA be a HAREM PROTAGONIST! I can't handle interpersonal conflicts!" *drops Drasil and backs away from the girls with crazy eyes* "I'm too introverted to live with multiple roommates! DON'T MAKE ME SHARE MY BATHROOM!"

Hah, don't worry...dilfs need apply only XD
So many similiarites, but such a world apart... PErhaps in another life, they could've been friends...

Well, probably not. Kyou-chan was pretty and had talents and was an extrovert, after all. xD

Oh, yeah, when I read that app, I was like, 'huh, pretty similar beginnings!' But, hey, isekai is like the most out-of-there experience, so since it's a literal another life...Who knows? XD (Though it does seem like Kyouka might sooner befriend Minami's mother based on shared activities haha)

I love this character and I think it'd be cool if Kyouka and Ryoko went to the same school and Ryoko, her sickeningly talented kohai, was one of the girls Kyouka was frequently compared to. It'd make a possible reuinion very fun.

Why, thank you. Ryoko's field is something else entirely (tech vs music), but yeah, that sounds good, since Ryoko was also stellar in gen ed too. Just if that's the case, Kyouka definitely would have done all in her power to pick on Ryoko (with a group of cronies, but ofc). :P

Attire: Outfit
Date and Time: Sola 23rd, Late Morning
Location: The Castle Gardens -> The Castle (interior)
Interaction(s): @Tpartywithzombi Violet
At Violet's joke that he had caught her on a bad day, Wulfric’s lips quirked into a smile. “I suppose I did, at that,” he agreed, gentle amusement colouring his tone. “Perhaps on a better day, we can revisit the banter,” he suggested.

“Understandable,” he pitched in to her apology.

Not without its costs, he mused silently. Was it only because he’d recently learned about magic that the word costs reminded him of it? Though he’d ignored the strangeness of it as he conversed with Violet, when he’d first seen her, he had been struck by a terribly eerie possibility. Her changed appearance, demeanour, even her memories…He certainly noticed her mounting anger, her suddenly menacing tone, and the spike in bloodlust.

He could read the implication.

So, she wanted revenge. Like father, like daughter. If she did act on her own, as Calbert already had, that would be problematic. Hate and irrationality led to complications, and any resulting messes would be his to clear – as per the usual.

Then again, Violet had nothing to go off of at the moment. For now, whatever her intentions and desires, he didn’t expect her actions to be troublesome. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be proven wrong.

“Indeed, rest is paramount, especially after an injury.” It was still surprising to him she had managed as much as she had. By all rights, she should be bedbound at best. “I will attend the masquerade,” he affirmed. “Take care, Lady Violet. Until this evening.” He said his goodbye, and accompanied her to the carriage while her servant arranged what was needed for her departure.

Then, he made his rounds, and took the time to greet any nobles he had not yet, exchanging a few words with most guests.

His siblings were faring well from what he could see, though each was in the company of somewhat questionable individuals. He assured they would be watched by trusted guards, which he deemed a sufficient precaution.

He collected his weapons from the entry check point, and took an early leave from the Tea Party. The event was at its tail end, and he did not wish to engage anyone else in a longer conversation.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Port Vanarosa
Mention(s): Tanithil @Lava Alckon, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos, Amisra @Tae
Interaction(s): Fairy thug @princess
Arlen's pupils widened with the adrenaline, a combative eagerness colouring his expression as he realized he’d badly wounded the fairy. However, the desire to finish his enemy off quickly made him impatient; too fast, and reckless.

Meanwhile, the blonde’s determination focused his frenzied energy. The fairy struck swiftly; once, twice. The first strike, Arlen blocked, if only partially; it earned him a gash on his upper arm. His right drooped due to the sudden sharp pain, and the fairy took advantage, quickly slicing at his wrist and making him drop one dagger.

He still had the other dagger however, and even though his opponent was now aiming for his neck, Arlen was faster. He utilized his injured right arm to smack the blonde in his injured stomach. The fairly let out a sharp cry, and in that second, Arlen brought his left dagger up into a horizontal slash right across the blonde’s neck. The fairy’s grimace of pain transformed into surprise – then remained frozen that way forever as his life was taken away from him.

Neck sliced, blood gushing out, the fairy’s body dropped to the ground, head mercifully not fully detached. Arlen breathed harshly, chest heaving up and down, snarl stretching his lips. It took him a moment to calm down. Then, he sheathed his dagger, crouched down to grab the one which had fallen, and stashed that one too.

While he was resting on his knee, he turned to the dead fairy. Though he was yet inflamed from the encounter, and the injuries he had been dealt, Arlen offered the unknown man the respect to close his lids. “If ya wasn’t such a fuckin’ idiot we could’a had other kinds of fun…” he ground out in a low, angry growl.

Exhaling sharply, he stood up, and went to the edge of the roof to check how his allies were doing. If they needed help, he could still lend them aid by shooting at any of the remaining opponents.

Attire: Outfit
Date and Time: Sola 23rd, Late Morning
Location: The Castle Gardens: Tea Party
Mention(s): @Helo Callum, @FunnyGuy Alexander
Interaction(s): @Tpartywithzombi Violet
Wulfric rose a brow at Violet’s outburst, but was unaffected by her acridness. “Surely, your parents would prefer that you recuperate at home for the time being?” he queried, surprised. He sincerely doubted she had been made to attend this very event, and assumed she was generalizing.

As she went on to explain her current predicament in detail, his eyebrows climbed up slowly until they reached their summit. “I see…” he said. He smoothed out his expression and reassessed their conversation. If she genuinely remembered nothing, then her secretiveness was largely caused by her amnesia. While she had been capable of recognizing him, it did not seem that she could recall anything about her attack. Unfortunately.

He blinked when she accused him of laughing at her. When had he done that? His eyebrow twitched in annoyance, insulted that she presumed he was willfully mocking her. Was he supposed to walk on eggshells around her then, even as she wielded her caustic tongue as both a shield and a weapon?

However, a part of him knew the irritation was unwarranted. So, Wulfric took a deep breath, and reigned back the offense. It was true he had been pushing her with the questioning, all while she was a survivor of a harrowing attack. Even though it got him exactly what he wanted – information – that had been indelicate of him, and was deserving of an apology.

“It was not my intention to deride you nor the situation you find yourself in. I apologize for having distressed you,” he said earnestly. “As you say, I was focused on the investigation – so much so that I neglected your needs and concerns. For that, I am truly, deeply sorry,” he restated.

Since she had been relatively sincere with him, he decided to be frank in return. “I spoke with you because I believed you possessed some hint as to your attack, perhaps something that seemed innocuous to you, or perhaps which frightened you.” He paused for a moment, just in case she could or would pitch in with additional information.

“I assumed your memories were intact, and, well, since you were holding up rather well given the circumstances, I thought we were both enjoying a subtle exchange of clever, barbed comments…” He did not know how else to explain his dark sense of humour, but he supposed Violet wasn’t in want of excuses. “Clearly, I was mistaken. I hope you will be able to forgive me. Either way, I shall be more mindful in the future.”

Their conversation was interrupted by another person loudly announcing something. This tea party was turning into quite the forum, wasn’t it?

Wulfric’s impassive gaze moved over to a certain Alexander Deacon. So, Black Rose had had an agent of theirs infiltrate even here. A man ranking high enough within their organization that he could speak on its behalf. A man to be watched. Wulfric hadn’t been expecting one of Delronzo’s men to be here, but it surprised him none that Deacon took advantage of this situation. It was a good move, useful to his company in several ways.

Of course, Callum didn’t notice how easily he was letting himself be taken advantage of. He was apparently downright giddy to be consorting with Alexander’s ilk. After the younger prince’s brilliant opening move, he was exhibiting a woeful lack of cunning. One of Marek’s men said some pretty words, and because it wasn’t coming from Edin, his brother could easily believe all of it. How tragically naïve.

Keeping the sigh to himself, his expression giving away none of his thoughts, he turned back to Violet. Her request was heartfelt, and he did not mind indulging it. He couldn't guarantee that she would find out before her parents did, but he could do her the courtesy of letting her know before the general public learned of it.

“When I discover who attacked you, I will ensure you are among the first I tell. In fact – I am unsure if you are aware of this, but there is one suspect we had a bounty put on. Your father is certain it was some commoner woman who caused you harm, but the evidence is lacking. Besides, whoever injured you must hold a deep grudge either against you or against your father, and I do not see why a random peasant would have such a strong motive,” he confided. Wulfric was curious if her parents had told her anything at all, so he hoped his words would prompt a useful response.

He nodded at her assertion. “I believe you,” he replied easily. Truthfully, he suspected she was keeping some cards to herself, but that was to be expected. “If you happen to find out something on your own, or if your memories return to you, do recall I am available. Also, it may be wise for you to make your parents’ business yours,” he suggested. The prince would certainly be speaking to them, but as overprotective as the Damiens were of their children, Violet was possibly in a better position to learn what they knew.
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