Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



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Hellhound = best dog monster girl


Back on topic.

What type of pokemon are you going for Garland?

Shamelessly interested.

Act 1: New Beginnings

9/4/08 9:10am

She let out a deep sigh, she had to do this if she liked it or not it was part of the job description after all and she never quit after taking a job. That was the motto she stood by when she was at school and it paid helped her stay on a good course til now so why fret completely. She had to make sure that she was the best representative of the school at all times like she was when she started. Quickly neatening up the papers in her hand she stepped out from behind the curtain her glasses reflecting a slight shimmer as she stepped forwards, her heels clicking on the elevated wooden stage.

Standing on the centre of the stage. She took a moment to clear her throught audibly to make sure that everyone was paying attention. She felt rude doing it, it wasn't really her style to be so rude to other-. She stopped herself before she had too much of an urge to run off stage making sure to look back at the other students. "H-Hello there, sorry for being so late." she said quickly as she did a very formal bow before standing up straight again. She took a deep breath (she was always like this when she started presenting) as she started to pace left and right on the stage to address everyone. "Welcome to Chihaiten academy and for those of that that are returning." The woman says as she glanced at the second and third year seats. "Welcome back for another round." She said with a her lips curled up in a slight smile as she paced back to the centre as if giving some sort of presentation.

"Now to remind everyone what this school strives for. You might think we accepted anyone and that sadly would be false, instead we accepted those that we believed had the greatest potential to grow as people and as heroes. Those that with proper training would be able to become strong pillars of society. Therefore I only ask of you during your stay here to become the best you can possibly be." She said as she finished up her formal speech. It wasn't the same as last year because she kept thinking up such things on the spot.

She tapped the bridge of her nose as she looked down at the papers in her hands. "Now time for the admin related things. Firstly be careful in the dormitories some of the halls may still be wet, so please don't try to run around the halls though that is likely something y'all know not to do already I hope." She said with a small grin her accent slightly bleeding into her speech. "Now for the first years that don't know your classes..." She began as she began listing off names. "Asclepius Alekos, Okabe Hisano..." This continued for a good few minutes or so before she neared the end of the list. "...Sanzo Yoshio, Kobashigawa Zentaro" She said as she finished off the entire list of names. "Y'all will hence forth be grouped as Class A. Your homeroom teacher being Mr Kemikeru and while hes not currently up on stage unlike the other homeroom teacher I can guarantee you that he'll meet your expectations of a hero" She said addressing the class she said before she went back to addressing the other classes.

~A good few minutes later~

Soon enough the assembly neared its end and the headmistress began to signal people to go out. Of course the first years were dismissed first. "This way. Be orderly and remain in single file and don't be late for your first class." The silver haired woman from the gate said as she was directing the first years leaving the doors. She was accompained by another teacher whom wasn't saying a word, said teacher was dressed from head to toe in an old fashioned scuba outfit. To the point where they looked extremely out of place. Their face obscured by some opaque visage so that all one could make from them was the fact that they too were making hand gestures towards the door in a similar manner to the silver haired woman from earlier.

Mr Kemikaru let out a heavy sigh as he stood back to look over his work. He had been working on this formula for a while but even with his own vast knowledge of chemical structure it really was coming down to trial and error and just analysing the possible chains and sequences that one could produce. He was building this formula from the top down after all. Frowning he lifted up the eraser and cleaned off the entire chalkboard. What he had wouldn't work, not for what he needed.

Sitting down at his desk he pulled out the small sheet in front of him. It was his first year taking up this job so he hoped to at the very least give a decent enough first impression to his students. He lifted his arms behind his head as he let out a yawn and waited for his students to arrive. After all he wanted to get to know what batch of quirks he was dealing with so he could offer the best aid with his experience...


I... am a little confused with your message. Are you permanently leaving or just taking a break?

The former sorry.

For all intentional purposes count me as having left. This is so I can slim down my rp participations in order to better gm my one large one.

Accepted cause she can't dodge a simple firearm-

Act 1: New Beginnings

9/4/2XXX 9:00am

It was the early morning, the cherry blossoms were now in full bloom signalling the start of something new for everyone, the start of the new school year. For the regular students this would just be another year of the same but for the new students coming to Chihaiten and the city of Sakai where the academy was located. It was the day that they would begin their training to become heroes. For those students arriving at the front gate of Chihaiten they would notice a tall pale haired woman looking to be around her late twenties early thirties marking off a small registry as people entered through the main gate. The way she composed herself gave off a very secretary like vibe. She spoke to the new arrivals with short but explicit orders on where they must go in order to get to the assembly hall for the first assembly of the academic year never the less even with the way she spoke, her words seemed inherently upbeat as if she was excited to be teaching again though her body composure was doing a good job of hiding such joy though you'd only be able to pick up on such things if you watched her for longer then a few moments.

After you had finished receiving your instructions and began making your way towards the main school grounds, you'd be able to see the dorm building on the left. Its body resting on the cliff side firmly drilled into the ground with its support struts to the point that it could survive even the worst weather without fault which was could be seen as pretty good idea considering Japan's rate of earthquakes and tsunamis. Likely you were carrying on you a few spare changes of clothes for the first day in order to put it in your assigned room. Next to this spectacle was the practical area though you could just only just about make out from the entrance and even then you'd need some pretty sharp eyes to see it.

When you opened the school door in order to step inside a few things would instantly hit you. Firstly the school was completely clean for the opening day, as if the janitor had somehow managed to completely clean every single corner, bend and floor. Secondly the floor of the school hallways was vinyl in order to be easier to clean with the constant influx of students and teachers moving around. This hallway besides having the entrance to the main hall. Your main destination also had two classrooms one of which had its lights off and wasn't in use but the other one had a well dressed old man working on what appeared to be some extremely complex chemical formula, given by what he appeared to be writing on the blackboard and the fact he was ignoring whatever else was going on around him including the fact that students were looking through his window. He just seemed dead set on finishing whatever it was he had started.

Either way people were still filing into the hall, mostly the latter years whom were interested in seeing the new arrivals for themselves. Perhaps it would for now be the best bet to file yourself into the hall and sit by other kids in your year group or perhaps you would prefer to loiter outside in the hall until the very last minute but either way that doesn't change the fact you have a few moments while the headmistress prepares herself to present.

Finished my character finally, let me know if there's anything I need to change in regards to my character or his quirk.

Also yea this guy is pretty good. Accepted

Now for those last two people who reserved slots to come through and the floodgates can open.
I Don't want to step on anyone's toes. But in the manga wasn't there more than one class? There were two separate hero classes plus a sidekick class right? Can't remember if it was sidekick or support, in just remember the tinkering girl

I only say this because I hate turning people down personally

Problem is Weed, is 20 people is already got quite alot of work ahead in terms of stuff, any more and I'd declare over-inflation. there has to be a limit to how many I can take otherwise I'll burn myself out.
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